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Shen HT,Hung CS,Davis C,Su CM,Liao LM,Shih HM, Lee KD, Ansar M, Lin RU.
Hypermethylation of the Gene Body in SRCIN1 Is Involved in Breast Cancer Cell Proliferation and Is a Potential Blood-Based Biomarker for Early Detection and a Poor Prognosis
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Quynh Thi Nhu Nguyen,Phung Anh Nguyen,Chun-Jung Wang,Phan Thanh Phuc,Ruo-Kai Lin,Chin Sheng Hung, Nei Hui Kuo, Yu Wen Cheng, Shwu Jiuan Lin, Zong You Hsieh, Chi Tsun Cheng, Min Huei Hsu, Jason C. Hsu.
Machine learning approaches for predicting 5-year breast cancer survival: A multicenter study
. Cancer Science
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Ruo-Kai Lin,Chih-Ming Su,Shih-Yun Lin,Le Thi Anh Thu,Phui-Ly Liew,Jian-Yu Chen, Huey-En Tzeng, Yun-Ru Liu, Tzu-Hao Chang, Cheng-Yang Lee, Chin-Sheng Hung.
Hypermethylation of TMEM240 predicts poor hormone therapy response and disease progression in breast cancer
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Muhamad Ansar,Le Thi Anh Thu,Chin Sheng Hung,Chih Ming Su,Man Hsu Huang,Li Min Liao, Lin Ruo-Kai.
Promoter hypomethylation and overexpression of TSTD1 mediate poor treatment response in breast cancer
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Wang SC,Liao LM,Muhamad Ansar,Lin SY,Hsu WW,Su CM, Chung YM, Liu CC, Hung CS, Lin RK.
Automatic Detection of the Circulating Cell-Free Methylated DNA Pattern of GCM2, ITPRIPL1 and CCDC181 for Detection of Early Breast Cancer and Surgical Treatment Response
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Yu-Han Wang,Shih-Ching Chang,Muhamad Ansar,Chin-Sheng Hung,Ruo-Kai Lin.
Eps15 Homology Domain-Containing Protein 3 Hypermethylation as a Prognostic and Predictive Marker for Colorectal Cancer
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Chang SC,Liew PL,Ansar M,Lin SY,Wang SC,Hung CS, Chen JY, Jain S, Lin RK.
Hypermethylation and decreased expression of TMEM240 are potential early-onset biomarkers for colorectal cancer detection, poor prognosis, and early recurrence prediction.
. Clin Epigenetics
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Muhamad Ansar,Chun-Jung Wang,Yu-Han Wang,Tsung-Hua Shen,Chin-Sheng Hung,Shih-Ching Chang, Ruo-Kai Lin .
SMAD3 Hypomethylation as a Biomarker for Early Prediction of Colorectal Cancer
. International Journal of Molecular Sciences
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Polysaccharides obtained from mycelia of Cordyceps militaris attenuated doxorubicin-induced cytotoxic effects in chemotherapy
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Hung CS,Wang SC,Yen YT,Lee TH,Wen WC,Lin RK.
Hypermethylation of CCND2 in Lung and Breast Cancer Is a Potential Biomarker and Drug Target
. International Journal of Molecular Sciences
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Ruo-Kai Lin,Wan-Yu Hung,Yu-Fang Huang,Yu-Jia Chang,Chien-Hsing Lin,Wei-Yu Chen, Shih-Feng Chiu, Shih-Ching Chang, Shih-Feng Tsai.
Hypermethylation of BEND5 contributes to cell proliferation and is a prognostic marker of colorectal cancer
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Chang JC,Hsiao G,Lin RK,Kuo YH,Ju YM,Lee TH.
Bioactive Constituents from the Termite Nest-Derived Medicinal Fungus Xylaria nigripes
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Chang-Lin Hsieh,Hon-Ping Ma,Chih-Ming Su,Yu-Jia Chang,Yuan-Soon Ho,Wei-Jan Huang, Ruo-Kai Lin.
Alterations in Histone Deacetylase 8 Lead to Cell Migration and Poor Prognosis in Breast Cancer
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Chang YJ, Lin RK,Cheng YW,Huang CC,Chen WT,Ke TW,Wei PL.
Thrombomodulin Influences the Survival of Patients with Non-Metastatic Colorectal Cancer through Epithelial-To-Mesenchymal Transition (EMT)
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Ming-Shian Lee,Che-Jen Hsiao,Yu-Ming Juc,Yueh-Hsiung Kuo,Ruo-Kai Lin,Tzong-Huei Lee.
Terpenoids from the Fermented Broths of Coprinellus radians
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Lin RK,Yuh-Feng Lin,Ming-Jen Hsu,Chang-Lin Hsieh,Chen-Yu Wang,Chih-Chiang Huang, Wei-Jan Huang.
Synthesis and biological evaluation of lovastatin-derived aliphatic hydroxamates that induce reactive oxygen species
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Lee Ming Shian ,Wang Shih Wei ,Wang Guei Jane ,Pang Ka Lai ,Lee Ching Kuo ,Kuo YH, Cha HJ, Lin RK, Lee TH.
Angiogenesis Inhibitors and Anti-Inflammatory Agents from Phoma sp. NTOU4195
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Ho-Chang Kuo,Yu-Wen Hsu,Mei-Shin Wu,Peng Yeong Woon,Henry Sung-Ching Won,Ruo-Kai Lin, Sukhontip Klahan, Wei-Chiao Chang.
FCGR2A Promoter Methylation and Risks for Intravenous
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Sheng-Chao Wang,Tzong-Huei Lee,Chun-Hua Hsu,Yu-Jia Chang,Man-Shan Chang,Yi-Ching Wang,Yuan-Soon Ho,Wu-Che Wen, Ruo-Kai Lin.
Antroquinonol D, isolated from Antrodia camphorate, with DNA demethylation and anti-cancer potential
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Ruo-Kai Lin,Yi-Ching Wang.
Dysregulated transcriptional and post-translational control of DNA methyltrasferases in cancer
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Yi-Chieh Yang,Yen-An Tang,Jiunn-Min Shieh,Ruo-Kai Lin,Han-Shui Hsu,Yi-Ching Wang.
DNMT3B Overexpression by Deregulation of FOXO3a-Mediated Transcription Repression and MDM2 Overexpression in Lung Cancer
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Tang YA,Lin RK,Tsai YT,Hsu HS,Yang YC,Chen CY, Wang YC.
MDM2 overexpression deregulates the transcriptional control of RB/E2F leading to DNA methyltransferase 3A overexpression in lung cancer
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Hsu CH and Peng KL,Kang ML,Chen YR,Yang YC,Tsai CH,Chu CS, Jeng YM, Chen YT, Lin FM, Huang HD, Lu YY, Teng YC, Lin ST, Lin RK, Yu JC, Hsiao PW, Juan LJ.
TET1 Suppresses Cancer Invasion by Activating the Tissue Inhibitors of Metalloproteinases
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Ruo-Kai Lin,Y.-H. Hsieh,P.-P. Lin,H.-S. Hsu,C.-Y. Chen,Y.-A. Tang, C.-F. Lee, Yi-Ching Wang.
The tobacco-specific carcinogen NNK induces DNA methyltransferase 1 accumulation and tumor suppressor gene hypermethylation in mice and lung cancer patients.
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Ruo-Kai Lin,Chiu-Yi Wu,Jer-Wei Chang,Li-Jung Juan,Han-Shui Hsu,Chih-Yi Chen, Yun-Yueh Lu, Yen-An Tang, Yi-Chieh Yang, Pan-Chyr Yang and Yi-Ching Wang.
Dysregulation of p53/Sp1 control leads to DNA methyltransferase 1 overexpression in lung cancer
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Chung-Fan Lee,Derick S.-C. Ou,Sung-Bau Lee,Liang-Hao Chang,Ruo-Kai Lin,Ying-Shiuan Li, Anup K. Upadhyay, Xiaodong Cheng, Yi-Ching Wang, Han-Shui Hsu, Li-Jung Juan.
hNaa10p/Human arrest-defective 1 contributes to tumorigenesis by facilitating DNMT1-mediated tumor suppressor gene silencing
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R.-C. Tseng,Ruo.-Kai. Lin,C.-K Wen,C. Tseng,H.-S. Hsu,W.-H. Hsu, Yi-Ching Wang.
Epigenetic silencing of AXIN2/betaTrCP and deregulation of p53-mediated control lead to wild-type β-catenin nuclear accumulation in lung tumorigenesis
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C.-T. Chen,Y. S. Munot,S. B. Salunke,Yi-Ching Wang,Ruo.-Kai. Lin,C. C Lin, C.-C. Chen.
Triantennary dendritic galactoside-capped nanohybrid with ZnS/CdSe nanoparticle core as a hydrophilic, fluorescent, multivalent probe for metastatic lung cancer cells
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Ruo.-Kai. Lin,H.-S. Hsu,C.-Y. Chen,J.-T. Chen,Yi-Ching Wang.
Alteration of DNA methyltransferases contributes to 5’CpG methylation and poor prognosis in lung cancer
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Ruo.-Kai. Lin,C.-H. Hsu,Yi-ChingWang.
Mithramycin A inhibits DNA methyltransferase and metastasis potential of lung cancer cells
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H.-S. Hsu,T.-P. Chen,C.-H. Hung,C.,-K. Wen,Ruo-Kai Lin,H.-C. Lee, Yi-Ching Wang.
Characterization of a multiple epigenetic marker panel for lung cancer detection and risk assessment in plasma
. Cancer