蔡佩珊(Tsai, Pei-Shan) 教授

現   職
護理學系 教授
護理學院 院長


學 歷

University of Florida護理學院 博士
University of Florida護理學院 碩士
私立臺北醫學院護理學系 學士




2023/03/14 ~
2020/04/01 ~ 2020/06/30
2016/08/16 ~ 2023/03/13
2012/10/05 ~ 2017/07/31


University of Florida護理學院助理教授


Ambulatory Blood Pressure
Skin Conductance Biofeedback
Sphygmacocardiography (Pulse Wave Analysis)
Stress Reactivity Protocol
Temperature Biofeedback
Blood Pressure Biofeedback
EMG Biofeedback
Heart Rate Variability
HRV Biofeedback
Impedance Cardiography
RSA Biofeedback



1. 2024 Wicaksana, A. L.,Apriliyasari, R. W.,Tsai, P. S.. Effect of self-help interventions on psychological, glycemic, and behavioral outcomes in patients with diabetes: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. . International Journal of Nursing Studies .2024 ;(149):104626

2. 2024 Lin MY,Kang YN,Apriliyasari RW,Tsai PS. Association Between Social Jetlag and Components of Metabolic Syndrome: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis . Journal of Nursing Research .2024

3. 2024 Lu HY,Lin MY,Tsai PS,Chiu HY,Fang SC. Effectiveness of Cold Therapy for Pain and Anxiety Associated with Chest Tube Removal: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials . Pain Management Nursing .2024 ;(25):34-45

4. 2024 Tsai PS. Shaping the Future of Nursing . Journal of Nursing Research .2024 ;(32):E317-E317

5. 2023 Apriliyasari, R. W.,Chou, C. W.,Tsai, P. S.. Pain Catastrophizing as a Mediator Between Pain Self-Efficacy and Disease Severity in Patients with Fibromyalgia . Pain Management Nursing .2023 ;(Advance online publication.)

6. 2023 Chen, Y. C.,Cherng, Y. G.,Romadlon, D. S.,Chang, K. M.,Huang, C. J.,Tsai, P. S., Chen, C. Y., Chiu, H. Y.. Comparative effects of warming systems applied to different parts of the body on hypothermia in adults undergoing abdominal surgery: A systematic review and network meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. . Journal of Clinical Anesthesia .2023 ;(89):111190

7. 2023 Hasan F,Vidyanti AN,Tsai PS,Wu D,Lee HC,Yuliana LT, Romadlon DS, Marta OFD, Chiu HY.. Psychometric properties of Indonesian version of sleep condition indicator for screening poststroke insomnia . Sleep & Breathing .2023 ;(27):2013-2020

8. 2023 Chen PY,Su IC,Shih CY,Liu YC,Su YK,Wei L, Luh HT, Huang HC, Tsai PS, Fan YC, Chiu HY. Effects of Neurofeedback on Cognitive Function, Productive Activity, and Quality of Life in Patients With Traumatic Brain Injury: A Randomized Controlled Trial . Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair .2023 ;(37):277-287

9. 2023 Apriliyasari RW,Budi IS,Tan MP,Tsai PS. Physical activity and depression in Indonesian adults with stroke: A nationwide survey . Journal of Nursing Scholarship .2023 ;(55):356-364

10. 2022 Tsai PS,Wang CC,Lan YH,Tsai HW,Hsiao CY,Wu JC, Sheen-Chen SM, Hou WH. Effectiveness of question prompt lists in patients with breast cancer: A randomized controlled trial . Patient Education and Counseling .2022 ;(105):2984-2994

11. 2022 Ko LH,Hsieh YJ,Wang MY,Hou WH,Tsai PS. Effects of health qigong on sleep quality: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials . Complementary Therapies in Medicine .2022 ;(71):102876--

12. 2022 Shih CY,Gordon CJ,Chen TJ,Phuc NT,Tu MC,Tsai PS, Chiu HY. Comparative efficacy of nonpharmacological interventions on sleep quality in people who are critically ill: A systematic review and network meta-analysis . International Journal of Nursing Studies .2022 ;(130)

13. 2022 Apriliyasari RW,Van Truong P,Tsai PS. Effects of proprioceptive training for people with stroke: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials . Clinical rehabilitation .2022 ;(36):431-448

14. 2022 Chen PY,Hsieh SH,Lin CK,Wei L,Su YK,Tsai PS, Chiu HY. Mental fatigue mediates the relationship between cognitive functions and return to productive activity following traumatic brain injury: a mediation analysis . Brain injury .2022

15. 2021 Shih HJ,Lin KH,Wen YC,Fan YC,Tsai PS,Huang CJ. Increased risk of bladder cancer in young adult men with hyperlipidemia: A population-based cohort study . Medicine .2021 ;(100):e28125

16. 2021 Lai WY,Chiu YC,Lu KC,Huang IT,Tsai PS,Huang CJ. Beneficial effects of preoperative oral nutrition supplements on postoperative outcomes in geriatric hip fracture patients: A PRISMA-compliant systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled studies . Medicine .2021 ;(100):e27755

17. 2021 Shih HJ,Lin KH,Wen YC,Fan YC,Tsai PS,Huang CJ. Increased risk of bladder cancer in young adult men with hyperlipidemia: A population-based cohort study . Medicine .2021 ;(100):e28125

18. 2021 Shih HJ,Chang CY,Huang IT,Tsai PS,Han CL,Huang CJ. Testicular torsion-detorsion causes dysfunction of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation . Andrology .2021 ;(9):1902-1910

19. 2021 Chiu HY,Lee HC,Liu JW,Hua SJ,Chen PY,Tsai PS, Tu YK. Comparative Efficacy and Safety of Hypnotics for Insomnia in Older Adults: A Systematic Review and Network Metaanalysis . Sleep .2021 ;(44):zsaa260

20. 2021 Huang PJ,Kang YN,Tsai PS,Tai YT,Huang CS,Huang CJ. Noninferior of desflurane to sevoflurane in the occurrence of adverse respiratory events during laryngeal mask airway anesthesia in pediatrics: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled studies . Minerva anestesiologica .2021 ;(87):241-242

21. 2021 Van Truong P,Lin MY,Chiu HY,Hou WH,Tsai PS. Psychometric Properties and Factorial Structure of Vietnamese Version of the Hypertension Self-Care Profile Behavior Scale . Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing .2021 ;(36):446-453

22. 2021 Lin MY,Cheng SF,Hou WH,Lin PC,Chen CM,Tsai PS. Mechanisms and Effects of Health Coaching in Patients with Early-stage Chronic Kidney Disease: A Randomized Controlled Trial . Journal of Nursing Scholarship .2021 ;(53):154-160

23. 2021 Van Truong P,Wulan Apriliyasari R,Lin MY,Chiu HY,Tsai PS. Effects of self-management programs on blood pressure, self-efficacy, medication adherence and body mass index in older adults with hypertension: Meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. . International journal of nursing practice .2021 ;(27):e12920

24. 2021 Ridwan ES,Wiratama BS,Lin MY,Hou WH,Liu MF,Chen CM, Hadi H, Tan MP, Tsai PS*. Peak expiratory flow rate and sarcopenia risk in older Indonesian people: A nationwide survey . PloS one .2021 ;(16):e0246179

25. 2021 Wu YL,Fang SC,Chen SC,Tai CJ,Tsai PS. Effects of Neurofeedback on Fibromyalgia: A Randomized Controlled Trial. [Advance online publication] . Pain management nursing .2021 ;(22):755-763

26. 2020 Shih HJ,Tsai PS,Wen YC,Kao MC,Fan YC,Huang CJ. Hyperlipidemia patients with long-term statin treatment are associated with a reduced risk of progression of benign prostatic enlargement. . Aging Male .2020 ;(23):354-361

27. 2020 Lee HL,Lu KC,Foo J,Huang IT,Fan YC,Tsai PS, Huang CJ. Different impacts of various tocolytic agents on increased risk of postoperative hemorrhage in preterm labor women undergoing Cesarean delivery: A population-based cohort study . Medicine .2020 ;(99):e23651

28. 2020 Fang SC,Wu YL,Tsai PS. Heart Rate Variability and Risk of All-Cause Death and Cardiovascular Events in Patients With Cardiovascular Disease: A Meta-Analysis of Cohort Studies. . Biological Research for Nursing .2020 ;(22):45-56

29. 2020 Chen CT,Chang LY,Chuang CW,Wang SC,Kao MC,Tzeng IS, Kuo KL, Wu CC, Tsai PS, Huang CJ. Optimal measuring timing of cystatin C for early detection of contrast-induced acute kidney injury: A systematic review and meta-analysis. . Toxicology letter .2020 ;(318):65-73

30. 2020 Huang SC,Kuo SF,Tsai PS,Tsai CY,Chen SS,Lin CY, Lin PC, Hou WH. Effectiveness of Tailored Rehabilitation Education in Improving the Health Literacy and Health Status of Postoperative Patients With Breast Cancer: A Randomized Controlled Trial. . Cancer Nursing .2020 ;(43):e38-e46

31. 2020 Chen CL,Lin MY,Huda MH,Tsai PS. Effects of cognitive behavioral therapy for adults with post-concussion syndrome: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials . Journal of Psychosomatic Research .2020 ;(136):110190

32. 2020 Lin MY,Weng WS,Apriliyasari RW,VAN Truong P,Tsai PS. Effects of Patient Activation Intervention on Chronic Diseases: A Meta-Analysis . Journal of Nursing Research .2020 ;(28):e116

33. 2020 Wang CN,Foo J,Huang IT,Fan YC,Tsai PS,Huang CJ. Identifying more risk factors for surgical site infection following cesarean section . European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Biology .2020 ;(251):282-284

34. 2020 Wu PY,Lin MY,Tsai PS. Alternate healthy eating index and risk of depression: A meta-analysis and systemematic review. . Nutritional Neuroscience .2020 ;(23):101-109

35. 2020 Fang SC,Tsai PS. Response to Commentary on "Heart Rate Variability and Risk of All-Cause Death and Cardiovascular Events in Patients With Cardiovascular Disease: A Meta-Analysis of Cohort Studies" . Biological Research for Nursing .2020 ;(22):421-422

36. 2019 Liu JW,Tu YK,Lai YF,Lee HC,Tsai PS,Chen TJ, Huang HC, Chen YT, Chiu HY. Associations between sleep disturbances and suicidal ideation, plans, and attempts in adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analysis . Sleep .2019 ;(42):zsz054-zsz054

37. 2019 Fang SC,Wu YL,Chen SC,Teng HW,Tsai PS. Subjective sleep quality as a mediator in the relationship between pain severity and sustained attention performance in patients with fibromyalgia . Journal of Sleep Research .2019 ;(28):e12843-e12843

38. 2019 Huang CJ,Huang CL,Fan YC,Chen TY,Tsai PS. Insomnia Increases Symptom Severity and Health Care Utilization in Patients with Fibromyalgia: A Population-based Study . The Clinical Journal of Pain .2019 ;(35):780-785

39. 2019 Ridwan ES,Hadi H,Wu YL,Tsai PS. Effects of Transitional Care on Hospital Readmission and Mortality Rate in Subjects With COPD: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis . Respiratory Care .2019 ;(64):1146-1156

40. 2019 Chang CY,Shih HJ,Huang IT,Tsai PS,Chen KY,Huang CJ. Magnesium Sulfate Mitigates the Progression of Monocrotaline Pulmonary Hypertension in Rats . International Journal of Molecular Sciences .2019 ;(20):pii: E4622-pii: E4622

41. 2019 Fang SC ,Huang CJ,Wu YL,Wu PY ,Tsai PS. Effects of napping on cognitive function modulation in elderly adults with a morning chronotype: A nationwide survey . Journal of Sleep Research .2019 ;(28):e12724-e12724

42. 2019 Chuang CW,Tsai PS,Lin JA,Meganathan N,Fan YC,Yuan HB, Kao MC, Huang CJ. Increased Subsequent Risk of Coronary Heart Disease in Primary Cesarean Delivery Women: A Population-Based Cohort Study. . Journal of Women’s Health .2019 ;(28):323-330

43. 2018 Lin EY,Chen PY,Tsai PS,Lo WC,Chiu HY. Trajectory of health-related quality of life and its determinants in patients who underwent lumbar spine surgery: a 1-year longitudinal study . Quality of Life Research .2018 ;(27):2251-2259

44. 2018 Chiu HY,Huang CJ,Tsai PS. Insomnia but not hypnotics use associates with the risk of breast cancer: a population-based matched cohort study. . Journal of Women’s Health .2018 ;(27):1250-1256

45. 2018 Chiu HY,Li W,Lin JH,Su YK,Lin EY,Tsai PS. Measurement properties of the Chinese version of the Mental Fatigue Scale for patients with traumatic brain injury. . Brain Injury .2018 ;(32):652-654

46. 2018 Wu YL ,Huang CJ ,Fang SC ,Ko LH ,Tsai PS . Cognitive impairment in fibromyalgia: A meta-analysis of case-control studies . Psychosomatic Medicine .2018 ;(80):432-438

47. 2018 Hsu LF,Chang LY,Liao YM,Yeh SD,Tsai PS. Trends in urodynamic procedures, surgical procedures, and overall health resource utilization in the adult Taiwanese population with urinary incontinence: a secondary data analysis . The Journal of Nursing Research .2018 ;(26):438-445

48. 2018 Shih HJ,Huang CJ,Lin JA,Kao MC,Fan YC,Tsai PS. Hyperlipidemia is associated with an increased risk of clinical benign prostatic hyperplasia . Prostate .2018 ;(78):113-120

49. 2018 Tsai CF,Tsai PS,Liu CL,Lin YK,Tseng IJ,Liao YM. Psychometric Evaluation of the Chinese Breast Cancer Prevention Trial Symptom Scale . Cancer Nursing .2018 ;(41):E18-E30

50. 2017 Chang LY,Wu SY,Chiang CE,Tsai PS. Depression and self-care maintenance in patients with heart failure: A moderated mediation model of self-care confidence and resilience . European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing .2017 ;(16):435-443

51. 2017 Lin MY,Liu MF,Hsu LF,Tsai PS. Effects of self-management on chronic kidney disease: A meta-analysis . International Journal of Nursing Studies .2017 ;(74):128-137

52. 2017 Shih HJ,Kao MC,Tsai PS,Fan YC,Huang CJ. Long-term allopurinol use decreases the risk of prostate cancer in patients with gout: a population-based study . Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Disease .2017 ;(20):328-333

53. 2017 Wu YL,Chang LY,Lee HC,Fang SC,Tsai PS. Sleep disturbances in fibromyalgiaA meta-analysis of case-control studies . Journal of Psychosomatic Research .2017 ;(96):89-97

54. 2017 Chiu HY,Hsieh YJ,Tsai PS. Systematic review and meta-analysis of acupuncture to reduce cancer-related pain . European Journal of Cancer Care .2017 ;(26):e12457

55. 2017 Hsu LF,Hung CL,Kuo LJ,Tsai PS. An abbreviated Faecal Incontinence Quality of Life Scale for Chinese-speaking population with colorectal cancer after surgery: Cultural adaptation and item reduction . European Journal of Cancer Care .2017 ;(26):e12547

56. 2017 Wang HC,Tsai PS,Li KY,Fan YC,Huang CJ. Perioperative risk factors for postpartum pulmonary embolism in Taiwanese Cesarean section women . Asian Journal of Anesthesiology .2017 ;(55):35-40

57. 2016 Chiu HY,Chang LY,Hsieh YJ,Tsai PS. A meta-analysis of diagnostic accuracy of three screening tools for insomnia . Journal of Psychosomatic Research .2016 ;(87):85-92

58. 2016 Hou WH,Lai CH,Jeng C,Hsu CC,Shih CM,Tsai PS. Cardiac Rehabilitation Prevents Recurrent Revascularization in Patients With Coronary Heart Disease: A POPULATION-BASED COHORT STUDY IN TAIWAN . Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention .2016 ;(36):250-257

59. 2016 Pan CH,Chang CC,Su CT,Tsai PS. Trends in irritable bowel syndrome incidence among Taiwanese adults during 2003-2013: A population-based study of sex and age differences . PLoS One .2016 ;(11):e0166922

60. 2016 Chiu HY,Shyu YK,Chang PC,Tsai PS. Effects of acupuncture on menopause-related symptoms in breast cancer survivors: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials . Cancer Nursing .2016 ;(39):228-237

61. 2016 Wang MY,Liu IC,Chiu CH,Tsai PS. Cultural adaptation and validation of the Chinese version of the Fatigue Severity Scale in patients with major depressive disorder and nondepressive people . Quality of Life Research .2016 ;(25):89-99

62. 2016 Wang MY,Chiu CH,Lee HC,Su CT,Tsai PS. Cardiovascular reactivity in patients with major depressive disorder with high- or low-level depressive symptoms: a cross-sectional comparison of cardiovascular reactivity to laboratory-induced mental stress . Biological Research for Nursing .2016 ;(18):221-229

63. 2016 Chang LY,Wang MY,Tsai PS. Neighborhood disadvantage and physical aggression in children and adolescents: A systematic review and meta-analysis of multilevel studies . Aggressive Behavior .2016 ;(42):441-454

64. 2016 Chang LY,Wang MY,Tsai PS. Diagnostic accuracy of Rating Scales for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: A meta-analysis . Pediatrics .2016 ;(137):e20152749

65. 2016 Chiu HY,Hsieh YJ,Tsai PS. Acupuncture to Reduce Sleep Disturbances in Perimenopausal and Postmenopausal Women: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis . Obstetrics and Gynecology .2016 ;(127):507-515

66. 2016 Hsu LF,Laio YM,Lai FC,Tsai PS. Beneficial effects of biofeedback-assisted pelvic floor muscle training in patients with urinary incontinence after radical prostatectomy: A systematic review and metaanalysis . International Journal of Nursing Studies .2016 ;(60):99-111

67. 2016 Chiu HY,Lai FC,Chen PY,Tsai PS. Differences between men and women aged 65 and older in the relationship between self-reported sleep and cognitive impairment: a nationwide survey in Taiwan . Journal of the American Geriatrics Society .2016 ;(64):2051-2058

68. 2016 Wang MY,Chang NC,Hsieh MH,Su CT,Liu JC,Shyu YK, Tsai PS. Effect of feedback signal on blood pressure self-regulation capability in individuals with prehypertension or stage i hypertension a randomized controlled study . Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing .2016 ;(31):166-172

69. 2016 Liao IC,Chen SL,Wang MY,Tsai PS. Effects of massage on blood pressure in patients with hypertension and prehypertension: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials . Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing .2016 ;(31):73-83

70. 2016 Tsai PS,Liu IC,CHiu CH,Huang CJ,Wang MY. Effect of valproic acid on dementia onset in patients with bipolar disorder . Journal of Affective Disorders .2016 ;(201):131-136

71. 2015 Chiu HY,Pan CH,Shyu YK,Han BC,Tsai PS. Effects of acupuncture on menopause-related symptoms and quality of life in women in natural menopause: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials . Menopause .2015 ;(22):234-244

72. 2015 Van Giang N,Chiu HY,Thai DH,Kuo SY,Tsai PS. Validity, sensitivity, and responsiveness of the 11-face Faces Pain Scale to postoperative pain in adult orthopedic surgery patients . Pain Management Nursing .2015 ;(16):678-684

73. 2015 Chiu HY,Huang HC,Chen PY,Hou WH,Tsai PS. Walking improves sleep in individuals with cancer: a meta-analysis of randomized, controlled trials . Oncology Nursing Forum .2015 ;(42):E54-62

74. 2015 Hou WH,Ni CH,Tsai PS,Lin LF,Shen HN. Stroke Rehabilitation and Risk of Mortality: A Population-Based Cohort Study Stratified by Age and Gender . Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Disease .2015 ;(24):1414-1422

75. 2015 Huang CJ,Fan YC,Tsai PS. Fibromyalgia Is Associated with Coronary Heart Disease: A Population-Based Cohort Study . Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine .2015 ;(40):37-42

76. 2015 Yang CH,Kao MC,Shih PC,Li KY,Tsai PS,Huang CJ. Simvastatin attenuates sepsis-induced blood-brain barrier integrity loss . Journal of Surgical Research .2015 ;(194):591-598

77. 2015 Lee PY,Yang CH,Kao MC,Su NY,Tsai PS,Huang CJ. Phosphoinositide 3-kinase β, phosphoinositide 3-kinase δ, and phosphoinositide 3-kinase γ mediate the anti-inflammatory effects of magnesium sulfate . Journal of Surgical Research .2015 ;(197):390-397

78. 2015 Chang YY,Yang CH,Wang SC,Kao MC,Tsai PS,Huang CJ. Vasopressin inhibits endotoxin binding in activated macrophages . Journal of Surgical Research .2015 ;(197):412-418

79. 2015 Chen PY,Tsai PS,Chen NH,Chaung LP,Lee CC,Chen CC, Chiu HT, Lu YJ, Wei KC, Chiu HY. Trajectories of sleep and its predictors in the first year following traumatic brain injury . Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation .2015 ;(30):E50-E55

80. 2015 Chou WC,Kao MC,Yue CT,Tsai PS,Huang CJ. Caffeine mitigates lung inflammation induced by ischemia-reperfusion of lower limbs in rats . Mediators of Inflammation .2015 ;(2015):361638-361638

81. 2015 Liu JC,Chang LY,Wu SY,Tsai PS. Resilience Mediates the Relationship between Depression and Psychological Health Status in Patients with Heart Failure: A cross-sectional study . International Journal of Nursing Studies .2015 ;(52):1846-1853

82. 2015 Chiu HY,Lin EY,Wei L,Lin JH,Lee HC,Fan YC, Tsai PS. Hypnotics use but not insomnia increased the risk of dementia in traumatic brain injury patients . European Neuropsychopharmacology .2015 ;(25):2271-2277

83. 2015 Tsai SH,Wang MY,Miao NF,Chiang PC,Chen TH,Tsai PS. The efficacy of a nurse-led breathing training program in reducing depressive symptoms in patients on hemodialysis: A randomized controlled trial . American Journal of Nursing .2015 ;(115):24-32

84. 2015 Lee YH,Meganathan N,Kao MC,Huang SC,Tsai PS,Huang CJ. Risk factors of post-surgical neuropathic pain in cesarean section patients a population-based study . Chinese Journal of Pain .2015 ;(25):61-69

85. 2015 Yuan HB,Kao MC,Yang CH,Tsai PS,Huang CJ. Trigeminal neuralgia patients are not associated with an increased risk of coronary heart disease: a population-based cohort study . Chinese Journal of Pain .2015 ;(25):1-10

86. 2014 運用國際健康功能與身心障礙分類模式於乳癌個案之復建治療 . 榮總護理 .2014 ;(31):27-33

87. 2014 Tsai PS,Chang HC,Huang CJ. Postherpetic neuralgia is associated with an increased risk of coronary heart disease: A population-based cohort study . International Journal of Cardiology .2014

88. 2014 Chiu, HY,Wang, MY,Chang, CK,Chen, CM,Chou, KR,Tsai, JC, Tsai PS. Early morning awakening and nonrestorative sleep are associated with increased non-fatal accidents during work or leisure time . Accident Analysis and Prevention .2014 ;(71):10-14

89. 2014 Lai, HY,Tsai, PS,Fan, YC,Huang, CJ. Anesthetic practice for Caesarean section and factors influencing anesthesiologist's choice of anesthesia: A population-based study . Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica .2014 ;(58):843-850

90. 2014 Hsu LF,Kao CC,Wang MY,Chang CJ,Tsai PS. Psychometric Testing of a Mandarin Chinese Version of the Clinically Useful Depression Outcome Scale for Patients Diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus . International Journal of Nursing Studies .2014 ;(51):1595-1604

91. 2014 Wang TY,Su NY,Shih PC,Tsai PS,Huang CJ. Anti-inflammation effects of naloxone involve phosphoinositide 3-kinase delta and gamma . Journal of Surgical Research .2014 ;(192):599-606

92. 2014 Chiu HY,Chiang PC,Miao NF,Tsai PS. The effects of mind-body interventions on sleep in cancer patients: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials . Journal of Clinical Psychiatry .2014 ;(75):1215-1223

93. 2014 Chiu HY,Tsai PS,Lee CC,Liu YT,Huang HC,Chen PY. The Association Between Use of Dietary Supplements and Headache or Migraine Complaints . Headache .2014 ;(54):355-363

94. 2014 Chiu HY,Lo WC,Chiang YH,Tsai PS. The effects of sleep on the relationship between brain injury severity and recovery of cognitive function: A prospective study . International Journal of Nursing Studies .2014 ;(51):892-899

95. 2013 Wu BG,Peng TC,Tsai PS,Wang TY,Jeng MJ,Huang CJ. High-lipid enteral nutrition could partially mitigate inflammation but not lung injury in hemorrhagic shock rats . Journal of Surgical Research .2013 ;(184):997-1005

96. 2013 Su NY,Peng TC,Tsai PS,Huang CJ. Phosphoinositide 3-kinase/Akt pathway is involved in mediating the anti-inflammation effects of magnesium sulfate . Journal of Surgical Research .2013 ;(185):726-732

97. 2013 Hung HM,Tsai PS,Ko SH,Chen CH. Patterns and predictors of sleep quality in Taiwanese pregnant women. . MCN. The American journal of maternal child nursing .2013 ;(38):95-101

98. 2013 Huang CJ,Hsieh MH,Hou WH,Liu JC,Jeng C,Tsai PS. Depression, antidepressants, and the risk of coronary heart disease: A population-based cohort study. . International Journal of Cardiology .2013 ;(168):4711-4716

99. 2013 Chiu HY,Tsai PS. The impact of various work schedules on sleep complaints and minor accidents during work or leisure time: evidence from a national survey . Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine .2013 ;(55):325-330

100. 2013 Lao HC,Tsai PS,Su JY,Kwok TG,Huang CJ. Dexmedetomidine attenuates tourniquet-induced hyperdynamic response in patients undergoing lower limb surgeries: A randomized controlled study . Journal of Surgical Research .2013 ;(179):e99-e106

101. 2013 Chen CH,Tsai PS,Huang CJ. Minocycline ameliorates lung and liver dysfunction in a rodent model of hemorrhagic shock/resuscitation plus abdominal compartment syndrome . Journal of Surgical Research .2013 ;(180):301-309

102. 2013 Wang MY,Chan SF,Chang LI,Chen TH,Tsai PS. Better sleep quality in chronic haemodialyzed patients is associated with morning-shift dialysis: A cross-sectional observational study . International Journal of Nursing Studies .2013 ;(50):1468-1473

103. 2013 Chiu HY,Chen PY,Chuang LP,Tsai PS. Trajectories of sleep changes during the acute phase of traumatic brain injury: a 7-day actigraphy study. . Journal of the Formosan Medical Association .2013 ;(112):545-553

104. 2013 Hsu CS,Huang CJ,Kao JH,Lin HH,Chao YC,Fan YC, Tsai PS. Interferon-based Therapy Decreases Risks of Hepatocellular Carcinoma and Complications of Cirrhosis in Chronic Hepatitis C Patients . PLoS One .2013 ;(8):e70458

105. 2013 Hsu CS,Kao JH,Chao YC,Lin HH,Fan YC,Huang CJ, Tsai PS. Interferon-based therapy reduces risk of stroke in chronic hepatitis C patients: a population-based cohort study in Taiwan . Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics .2013 ;(38):415-423

106. 2012 Chan SF,Chen TH,Liao YM,Chou KR,Tsai PS. Development and preliminary validation of the Chinese version of the Sleep-Associated Monitoring Index . International Journal of Nursing Studies .2012 ;(49):54-64

107. 2012 Chen KB,Lee CY,Lee JJ,Tsai PS,Huang CJ. Platonin mitigates lung injury in a two-hit model of hemorrhage/resuscitation and endotoxemia in rats . Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery .2012 ;(72):660-670

108. 2012 Chen CP,Tsai PS,Huang CJ. Antiinflammation Effect of Human Placental Multipotent Mesenchymal Stromal Cells Is Mediated by Prostaglandin E2 via a Myeloid Differentiation Primary Response Gene 88-dependent Pathway . Anesthesiology .2012 ;(117):568-579

109. 2012 Shyu YK,Pan CH,Liu WM,Hsueh JY,Hsu CS,Tsai PS. Health-Related Quality of Life and Healthcare Resource Utilization in Taiwanese Women With Menopausal Symptoms: A Nation-Wide Survey . Journal of Nursing Research .2012 ;(20):208-218

110. 2011 Yang CL,Chen CH,Tsai PS,Wang TY,Huang CJ. Protective effects of dexmedetomidine-ketamine combination against ventilator-induced lung injury in endotoxemia rats . Journal of Surgical Research .2011 ;(167):e273-e281

111. 2011 Wang MY,Chang NC,Liu JC,Tsai PS. Aortic Augmentation Index is not a Useful Index of Cardiovascular Risk in Type 2 Diabetes . Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine .2011 ;(3):70-73

112. 2011 Peng TC,Jan WC,Tsai PS,Huang CJ. Heme Oxygenase-1 Mediates the Protective Effects of Ischemic Preconditioning on Mitigating Lung Injury Induced by Lower Limb Ischemia-Reperfusion in Rats . Journal of Surgical Research .2011 ;(167):e245-e253

113. 2011 Hsu KY,Tsai PS,Lee JJ,Wang TY,Huang CJ. Platonin Mitigates Acute Lung Injury Induced by Bilateral Lower Limb Ischemia-Reperfusion in Rats . Journal of Surgical Research .2011 ;(167):e255-e262

114. 2011 Chen LF,Liu JC,Wang MY,Hwang SL,Tsai PS. Extreme dipping is associated with increased arterial stiffness in individuals with components of the metabolic syndrome . Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine .2011 ;(3):132-136

115. 2011 Tsai, PS,Hsu, CS,Fan, YC,Huang, CJ. General anaesthesia is associated with increased risk of surgical site infection following Caesarean delivery compared with neuraxial anaesthesia: a population-based study . British Journal of Anaesthesia .2011 ;(107):757-761

116. 2011 Wang MY,Hung HL,Tsai PS. The Sleep Log and Actigraphy: Congruency of Measurement Results for Heart Failure Patients . The Journal of Nursing Research .2011 ;(19):173-180

117. 2011 Lin HH,Tsai PS,Fang SC,Liu JC. Effect of kiwifruit consumption on sleep quality in adults with sleep problems . Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition .2011 ;(20):169-174

118. 2011 Jan WC,Chen CH,Hsu K,Tsai PS,Huang CJ. L-type calcium channels and μ-opioid receptors are involved in mediating the anti-inflammatory effects of naloxone . Journal of Surgical Research .2011 ;(167):e263-272

119. 2011 Lee JJ,Liu CL,Tsai PS,Yang CL,Lao HC,Huang CJ. Platonin Inhibits Endotoxin-Induced MAPK and AP-1 Up-Regulation . Journal of Surgical Research .2011 ;(167):e299-e305

120. 2011 Lin CJ,Shiah IS,Chu H,Tsai PS,Chen CH,Chang YC, Chou KR. Reliability and Validity of the Chinese Version of the Mood Disorder Questionnaire . Archives of Psychiatric Nursing .2011 ;(25):53-62

121. 2011 Liu JC,Hung HL,Shyu YK,Tsai PS. The impact of sleep quality and daytime sleepiness on global quality of life in community-dwelling partients with heart failure . Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing .2011 ;(26):99-105

122. 2011 Chen HL,Liu PF,Liu PW,Tsai PS. Awareness of Hypertension Guideline in Taiwanese Nurses: A questionnaire survey . Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing .2011 ;(26):129-136

123. 2011 Huang CJ,Fang YC,Liu JF,Tsai PS. Characteristics and nutrient intake of Taiwanese elderly vegetarians: evidence from a national survey . British Journal of Nutrition .2011 ;(106):451-460

124. 2011 Lai YC,Tsai PS,Huang CJ. Effects of Dexmedetomidine on Regulating Endotoxin-Induced Up-Regulation of Inflammatory Molecules in Murine Macrophages . Journal of Surgical Research .2011 ;(154):212-219

125. 2011 Jan WC,Chen CH,Tsai PS,Huang CJ. Limb ischemic preconditioning mitigates lung injury induced by haemorrhagic shock/resuscitation in rats . Resuscitation .2011 ;(82):760-766

126. 2011 Lee CY,Jan WC,Tsai PS,Huang CJ. Magnesium sulfate mitigates acute lung injury in endotoxemia rats . Journal of Trauma-Injury infection and critical care .2011 ;(70):1177-1185

127. 2010 Chung LJ,Tsai PS,Liu BY,Chou KR,Lin WH,Shyu YK, Wang MY. Home-based deep breathing for depression in patients with coronary heart disease: a randomized controlled trial . International Journal of Nursing Studies .2010 ;(47):1346-1353

128. 2010 Lin CY,Tsai PS,Hung YC,Huang CJ. L-type calcium channels are involved in mediating the anti-inflammatory effects of magnesium sulphate . British Journal of Anaesthesia .2010 ;(104):44-51

129. 2010 Huang CJ,Hu HT,Fan YC,Liao YM,Tsai PS. Associations of breakfast skipping with obesity and health-related quality of life: evidence from a national survey in Taiwan . International Journal of Obesity .2010 ;(34):720-725

130. 2010 Chen CH,Tsai PS,Huang CJ. Magnesium Sulfate Inhibits Activator Protein-1 Upregulation in Endotoxin-activated Murine Macrophages . Tzu Chi Medical Journal .2010 ;(22):177-183

131. 2010 Huang SJ,Tsai PS,Huang CJ. Dexmedetomidine-ketamine combination mitigates pulmonary type-2 cationic amino acid transporter isozymes upregulation in hemorrhagic shock rats . Acta Anaesthesiol Taiwan .2010 ;(48):110-116

132. 2010 Huang CJ,Fan YC,Tsai PS. Differential Impacts of Modes of Anaesthesia on the Risk of Stroke Among Preeclampsia Women Who Undergo Caesarean Delivery: a Population-based Study . British Journal of Anaesthesia .2010 ;(105):818-826

133. 2010 Chen YY,Lai YH,Shun SC,Chi NH,Tsai PS,Liao YM. The Chinese Behavior Pain Scale for critically ill patients: Translation and psychometric testing . International Journal of Nursing Studies .2010

134. 2010 Lin MC,Huang JY,Lao HC,Tsai PS,Huang CJ. Epidural analgesia with low concentration levobupivacaine combined with fentanyl provides satisfactory postoperative analgesia for colorectal surgery patients . Acta Anaesthesiol Taiwan .2010 ;(48):68-74

135. 2010 Wamg MY,Huang CJ,Wu YL,Liu JC,Tsai PS. The influence of baroreflex sensitivity on ambulatory arterial stiffness index in individuals with cardiovascular risk . Blood Pressure Monitoring .2010 ;(15):262-267

136. 2010 Chu HN,Tsai PS,Wang TY,Huanh CJ. Platonin mitigates acute lung injury in haemorrhagic shock rats . Resuscitation .2010 ;(82):97-104

137. 2010 Yang S,Shih HJ,Chow YC,Wang TY,Tsai PS,Huang CJ. Simvastatin attenuates testicular injury induced by testicular torsion-detorsion . Journal of Urology .2010 ;(184):750-756

138. 2009 Yang CH,Tsai PS,Wang TY,Huang CJ. Dexmedetomidine–ketamine combination mitigates acute lung injury inhaemorrhagic shock rats. . Resuscitation .2009 ;(80):1204-1210

139. 2009 Ku CM,Tsai PS,Lee ST,Huang CJ. 運用腦室外引流管測量顱內壓之準確性與再測信度評估 . 台灣醫學 .2009 ;(13):341-348

140. 2009 Wu YL,Wang MY,Tsai PS. Noninvasive Measurement of Cardiovascular Functions: Blood Pressure Reactivity to Stress. . The Journal of Nursing .2009 ;(56):5-9

141. 2009 Lai YC,Tsai PS,Huang CJ. Effects of Dexmedetomidine on Regulating Endotoxin-Induced Up-Regulation of Inflammatory Molecules in Murine Macrophages . Journal of Surgical Research .2009 ;(154):212-219

142. 2008 Huang CJ,Liu HF,Su NY,Hsu YW,Yang CH,Chen CC, Tsai PS. Association between human opioid receptor genes polymorphisms and pressure pain sensitivity in females . Anaesthesia .2008 ;(63):1288-1295

143. 2008 Fang SC,Huang CJ,Yang TT,Tsai PS. Heart rate variability and daytime functioning in insomniacs and normal sleepers: preliminary results . Journal of Psychosomatic Research .2008 ;(65):23-30

144. 2008 Kao CC,Huang CJ,Wang MY,Tsai PS. Insomnia: prevalence and its impact on excessive daytime sleepiness and psychological wellbeing . Quality of Life Research .2008 ;(17):1073-1080


146. 2008 Tsai PS,Lee PH,Wang MY. Demographics, training and practice patterns of practitioners of folk medicine in Taiwan: A survey of the Taipei metropolitan area . Journal of Aternative and Complementary Medicine .2008 ;(14):1243-1248

147. 2008 Lai YC,Tsai PS,Huang CJ. Clonidine enhances type 2 cationic amino acid transporter transcription in endotoxin activated murine macrophage . Acta Anaethesiol Taiwan .2008 ;(46):118-123

148. 2008 Hung PY,Yen M,Chang YJ,Tsai PS. 不同呼吸法操作誘導型肺計量器對心臟手術後病患肺功能及心率變異之影響 . 實證護理 .2008 ;(4):222-232

149. 2008 Sun JL,Lin CC,Tsai PS,Chou KR. 失眠之概念分析 . 護理雜誌 .2008 ;(55):79-84

150. 2008 Huang TY,Tsai PS,Huang CJ. HO-1 overexpression attenuates endotoxin effects on CAT-2 isozymes expression . Journal of Surgical Research .2008 ;(148):172-180

151. 2008 Tsai PS. White-coat effect and blood pressure reactivity . International Journal of Cardiology .2008 ;(126):273-273

152. 2008 Wang MY,Tsai PS,Chou KR,Chen CM. A systemic review of the efficacy of non-pharmacological treatments for depression on glycemic control in type 2 diabetics . Journal of Clinical Nursing .2008 ;(17):2524-2530

153. 2008 Wang MY,Tsai PS,Lee PH,Chang WY,Yang CM. A systematic review and meta-analysis of the efficacy of tuina for cervical spondylosis . Journal of Clinical Nursing .2008 ;(17):2531-2538

154. 2008 Wang MY,Tsai PS,Lee PH,Chang WY,Yang CM. The efficacy of reflexology : A systematic review . Journal of Advanced Nursing .2008 ;(62):512-520

155. 2008 Yang S,Shih HJ,Chow YC,,Tsai PS,Huang CJ. Hemin-induced HO-1 overexpression involves Nrf2, NF-κB, and ERK: an experimental study in testicular torsion-detorsion rodent model . Journal of Urology .2008 ;(179):2456-2463

156. 2008 Su NY,Tsai PS,Huang CJ. Clonidine-induced enhancement of iNOS expression involves NF-κB . Journal of Surgical Research .2008 ;(149):131-137

157. 2008 Huang YH,,Tsai PS,Huang CJ. Bupivacaine inhibits COX-2 expression, PGE2 and cytokine production in endotoxin-activated macrophages . Acta Anaesthesiol Scand .2008 ;(52):530-535

158. 2007 Tsai PS,Chang NC,Chang WY,Lee PH,Wang MY. Blood pressure biofeedback exerts intermediate-term effects on BP and pressor reactivity in individuals with mild hypertension: a randomized controlled study . Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine .2007 ;(13):547-554

159. 2007 Wang MY,Huang CJ,Chang NC,Tsai PS. Reproducibility of morning blood pressure surge and its relation to blood pressure reactivity . Clinical and Experimental Hypertension .2007 ;(29):357-368

160. 2007 Yang S,Shih HJ,CHow YC,Tsai PS,Wang TY,Wang PS, Huang CJ. The protective role of heme oxygenase-1 induction on testicular tissues after testicular torsion and detorsion . Journal of Urology .2007 ;(177):1928-1933

161. 2007 Huang CL,Tsai PS,Wang TY,Yang LP,Xu HZ,Huang CJ. Acupuncture stimulation of ST36 (Zusanli) attenuates acute renal but not hepatic injury in lipopolysaccharide-stimulated rats. . Anesth Analg. .2007 ;(104):646-654

162. 2007 Tsai PS,Huang CJ. Heme as a playmaker in the regulation of the nitric oxide system: In Reply. . Anesthesiology .2007 ;(107):356-356

163. 2007 Tsai PS,Chen PL,Lai YL,Lee MB,Lin CC. Effects of electromyography biofeedback-assisted relaxation on pain in patients with advanced cancer in a palliative unit. . Cancer Nursing .2007 ;(30):347-353

164. 2006 Liu MC,Tsai PS,Yang CH,Liu CH,Chen CC,Huang CJ. Propofol significantly attenuates iNOS, CAT-2, and CAT-2B transcription in lipopolysaccharide-stimulated murine macrophages. . Acta Anaesthesiol Taiwan .2006 ;(44):73-81

165. 2006 Lao HC,Huang CL,Tsai PS,Yan LP,Xu HZ,Huang CJ. Pre-treatment of acupuncture stimulation of ST36 (Zusanli) significantly attenuates CAT-2, CAT-2B and GTPCH transcription in septic rat lungs. . Acta Anaesthesiol Taiwan. .2006 ;(44):83-91

166. 2006 Tsai PS,Huang CJ. Pre-operative measurement of heart rate variability and incidence of hypotension: authors' reply. . Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica .2006 ;(50):1171-1171

167. 2006 Karavidas MK,Tsai PS,Yucha C,McGrady A,,Lehrer PM. Thermal Biofeedback for Primary Raynaud's Phenomenon: A Review of the Literature (in press). . Appl Psychophysiol Biofeedback .2006

168. 2006 Tsai PS(1),Chen CC (1),Tsai PS(2),Yang LC(3),Huang WY(4),Huang CJ(5). Heme oxygenase-1, nuclear factor-E2-related factor 2, and nuclear factor-κB are involved in hemin inhibition of type-2 cationic amino acid transporter expression and L-arginine transport in stimulated macrophages. . Anesthesiology .2006 ;(105):1201-1210

169. 2006 Chen CC,Lee JJ,Tsai PS,Lu YT,Huang CL,Huang CJ. Platonin attenuates LPS-induced CAT-2 and CAT-2B induction in stimulated murine macrophages. . Acta Anesthesiol Scand. .2006 ;(50):604-612

170. 2006 Huang CJ,Kuok CH,Kuo TBJ,HSU YW,Tsai PS. Preoperative measurement of heart rate variability predicts hypotension during general anesthesia. . Acata Anaesthsioligca Scandinavica .2006 ;(50):542-548

171. 2006 Tsai PS,Ke TL,Huang CJ,Hsio FH,Wang MY,Cheng YH. Demographic characteristics and perceived health status of users of folk therapies in Taiwan . Journal of Alternative and Complimentary Medicine .2006 ;(12):549-554

172. 2006 Huang YH,Tsai PS,Kai YF,Yang CH,Huang CJ. Lidocaine inhibition of inducible nitric oxide synthase and cationic amino acid transporter-2 transcription in activated murine macrophages may involve voltage-sensitive Na+ channel. . Anesth Analg. .2006 ;(102):1739-1744

173. 2006 Chang KY,Tsai PS,Huang TY,Yang S,Guang CJ. HO-1 mediates the effects of HBO pretreatment against sepsis. . Journal of Surgical Research .2006 ;(136):143-153

174. 2006 Huang CL,Huang CJ,Tsai PS,Yan LP,Xu HZ. Acupuncture stimulationof ST-36 (Zusanli) significantly mitigates acute lung injury in lipopolysaccharide-stimulated rats. . Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. .2006 ;(50):722-730

175. 2005 Yang CH,Tsai PS,Lee JJ,Huang CH,Huang CJ. NF-κB inhibitors stabilize the mRNA of high-affinity type-2 cationic amino acid transporter in LPS-stimulated rat liver. . Acta Anaesthesiol Scand .2005 ;(49):468-476

176. 2005 Hsu YW,Somma J,Hung YC,Tsai PS,Yang CH,Chen CC. Predicting Postoperative Pain by Preoperative Pressure pain assessment. . Anesthesiology .2005 ;(103):613-618

177. 2005 Huang, T.Y.,Tsai, P.S.,Wang, T.Y.,Huang, C. L.,Huang, C. J.. Hyperbaric oxygen attenuation of lipopolysaccharide-induced acute lung injury involves heme oxygenase-1. . Acta Anesthesiol Scand. .2005 ;(49):1293-1301

178. 2005 Yucha CB,Tsai PS,Calderon KS,Tian L. Biofeedback Assisted Relaxation Training for Essential Hypertension: Who is Most Likely to Benefit? . Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing. .2005 ;(20):198-205

179. 2005 Tsai PS,Wang SY,wang MY,Su CT,Yang TT,Huang CJ, Fang SC. Psychometric evaluation of the Chinese version of the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (CPSQI) in primary insomnia and control subjects . . Quality of Life Research .2005 ;(14):1943-1952

180. 2005 Tsai PS,Ke TL,Huang CJ,Chen PL,Wang SY,Shyu YK. Prevalence and determinants of prehypertension status in the Taiwanese general population. . Journal of Hypertension .2005 ;(23):1355-1360

181. 2005 Chu LC,Tsai PS,Lee JJ,Yen CH,Huang CJ. NF-kB inhibitors significantly attenuate the transcription of high affinity type-2 cationic amino acid transporter in stimulated rat kidney . Acta Anaesthesiol Taiwanica .2005 ;(43):23-32

182. 2005 Wang MY,Wang SY,Tsai PS. Cognitive-behavioral therapy for primary insomnia: a systematic review . Journal of Advanced Nursing .2005 ;(50):553-564

183. 2005 Lin WC,Tsai PS,Huang CJ. Catecholamines enhancement of iNOS-induced NO biosynthesis involves CAT-1 and CAT-2A. . Anesth Analg .2005 ;(101):226-232

184. 2005 Huang CJ,Tsai PS,Pan WHT,Skimming JW. Microdialysis for Measurement of Hepatic and Systemic Nitric Oxide Biosynthesis in Septic Rats . Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. .2005 ;(49):28-34

185. 2005 Yucha, C. B.,Tsai, P. S.,Calderon, K. S.,Tian, L.. Biofeedback Assisted Relaxation Training for Essential Hypertension: Who is Most Likely to Benefit? . Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing .2005 ;(20):198-205

186. 2004 Huang CJ,Tsai PS,Yang CH,Su TH,Stevens BR,Skimming JW, Pan WHT. Pulmonary transcription of CAT-2 and CAT-2B but not CAT-1 and CAT-2A were upregulated in hemorrhagic shock rats . Resuscitation .2004 ;(63):203-212

187. 2004 Yang S,Huang CJ,Tsai PS,Cheng CR,Stevens BR,Skimming JW. Renal transcription of high affinity type-2 cationic amino acid transporter is upregulated in LPS-stimulated rodents. . Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica .2004 ;(48):308-316

188. 2004 Hung YC,Tsai PS,Huang CJ,Yang S,Skimming JW,Hesieh MC. Changes in expression of the guanosine triphosphate cyclohydrolase I in LPS-stimulated rats is tissue specific. In press. . Acta Anesthesiol Taiwan .2004 ;(42):23-31

189. 2004 Huang CJ,Tsai PS,Lu YT,CHeng CR,Stevens BR,Skimming JW, PAn WHT. NF-kappaB involvement in the induction of high affinity CAT-2 in lipopolysaccharide-stimulated rat lungs. in press . Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica .2004 ;(48):992-1002

190. 2003 Tsai PS. Determinants of the white-coat effect in normotensive and never-treated mild hypertensives . Clinical and Experimental Hypertension .2003 ;(25):443-454

191. 2003 Yucha CB,Yang MCK,Tsai P,Calderon KS. Comparison of blood pressure measurement consistency using tonometric and automated oscillometric instrumentsin . Journal of Nursing Measurement .2003 ;(11):73-86

192. 2003 Tsai P,Yucha CB,Nichols WW,Yarandi H. Hemodynamics and arterial properties in response to mental stress in individuals with mild hypertension . Psychosomatic Medicine .2003 ;(65):613-619

193. 2003 Tsai P,Yucha CB,Sheffield D,Yang M. Effects of daily activities on ambulatory blood pressure during normal menstrual cycle in normotensive women . Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback .2003 ;(28):25-36

194. 2002 Yoon SJ, Wolfe S, Yucha CB, & Tsai P. Research support by doctoral-granting colleges/schools of nursing . Journal of Professional Nursing .2002 ;(18):16-21

195. 2002 Su NY, Huang CJ, Tsai P, Hsu YW, & Cheng CR. Cardiac output measurement during cardiac surgery: esophageal Doppler versus pulmonary artery catheter . Acta Anaesthesiology Sinica .2002 ;(40):127-133

196. 2002 Cheng CR, Huang CJ, Lu YT, Hsu YW, Tsai P, Su NY, & Skimming JW. GTPCH is not a rate-limiting factor for hemorrhagic shock-induced hepatic nitric oxide biosynthesis . Acta Anaesthesiology Sinica .2002 ;(40):109-116

197. 2002 Tsai P. White-coat hypertension: understanding the concept and examining the significance . Journal of Clinical Nursing .2002 ;(11):715-722

198. 2001 Tsai PS,Yucha CB. Noninvasive measurements of central arterial pressure and distensibility by arterial applanation tonometry with a generalized transfer function : implication for nursing . Heart & Lung .2001 ;(30):437-444

199. 1998 蔡佩珊 胡琪蓉. 接受冠狀動脈手術病人出院後之身體恢復及心理社會調適 . 長庚護理雜誌 .1998 ;(8):1-12

1. 2019 Tsai PS,Huang CJ. Post-surgical neuropathic pain associates with the risk of coronary heart disease: A population-based matched cohort study . International Anesthesia Research Society, IARS 2019 .2019

2. 2018 Tsai PS. Diabetes mellitus is a strong predictor for post-surgical neuropathic pain: A population-based study. . 30th International Conference “Medical Medicine and Health Study” (MMHS-2018) .2018

3. 2016 Tsai PS. Insomnia increases pharmacotherapy and ambulatory care use in patients with fibromyalgia: a population-base study. . 10th Congress of the European Federation of Pain, Copenhagen, Denmark, Sep. 6-9, 2017. .2016

4. 2015 Tsai PS,Wu SY,Chang LY. Mediating role of resilience in the relationship between depression and perceived psychological health in patients with heart failure . 43rd Biennial Convention, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, Nov. 7-11, 2015. .2015

5. 2015 Tsai PS,Huang CJ. Impact of anesthetic modes on venous thromboembolism in women receiving caesarean section: a population-based study . 2015 Annual Meeting of the International Anesthesia Research Society, Honolulu, Hawaii, Mar. 21-24, 2015. .2015

6. 2007 Tsai PS,Wang MY. Reproducibility of morning blood pressure surge and its relation to blood pressure reactivity . The 18th International Nursing Congress Focusing on Evidence-Based Practice. Viena, Austria July 11 -14, 2007 .2007

7. 2007 Kao CC,Tsai PS. Correlates of sleep difficulties and excessive daytime sleepiness in Taiwanese general population . STTI 18th International Nursing Research congress Focusing on Evidence-Based Practice. Viena, Austria. July 11 - 14, 2007 .2007

8. 2006 Tsai PS,Wang MY. Efficacy of Direct Blood Pressure Biofeedback for Individuals with Mild Hypertension.17th International Nursing Research Congress. Montreal, Canada, July 19-22. . .2006

9. 2005 Tsai PS. Effects and mechanisms of blood pressure biofeedback on hypertension . 23rd Quadrennial ICN Congress 2005. Taipei, Taiwan. May 21-27, 2005. .2005

10. 2005 Tsai PS. Psychometric evaluation of the Chinese version of the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index in primary insomnia and cotrol subjects. . 23rd Quadrennial ICN Congress 2005. Taipei, Taiwan May 21-27, 2005 .2005

11. 2005 Tsai PS. Effects and Mechanisms of Direct Blood Pressure Biofeedback . Association fo Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback 36th Amnnual Meeting. Austin, TX. March 29 - April 3, 2005 .2005

12. 2004 Tsai PS,Huang CJ,Fang SC,Yang HJ,Chang NC. Effects and Mechanisms of Blood Pressure Self-Regulation on Hypertension . 13th World Congress of Anaesthesiologists. Paris, France, April 17-23. .2004

13. 2004 Huang CL,Tsai PS,Yang S,Stevens B,Skimming J. Renal Transcription of High Affinity Type-2 Cationic Amino Acid Transporter is Upregulated in LPS-Stimulated Rodents, 13th World Congress of Anaesthesiologists, Paris, France, April 17-23 . .2004

14. 2003 Yucha CB, Calderon KS, Tsai PS, & Tian L.. Effect of biofeedback-assisted relaxation training on clinic and amublatory blood pressure in hypertension. . The 17th Annual Conference of the Sourthern Nursing Research Society, Orlando, FL. .2003

15. 2003 Yucha CB, Tsai P, Calderon KS, & Tian L. Biofeedback-assisted relaxation training to reduce blood pressure: Do effects generalize outside teh clinic? . The 14th International Research Congress, St. Thomas, U. S. Vergin Islands .2003

16. 2003 Yucha C, Calderon KS, Tsai P, & Tian L.. Models for prescribing biofeedback-assisted relaxation training for persons with hypertension. . The 34th Annual Meeting of the Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, Jacksonville, FL. .2003

17. 2002 Yucha C, Tsai P, Calderon KS, & Yang M.. Comparison of blood pressure measurement consistency using tonometric and automated oscillometric instruments. . Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback .2002 ;(27):306-306

18. 2002 Nichols WM, Tsai PS, Kerensky RA, & Hill A. Arterial vasodilators have more beneficial effects on left ventricular afterload than apparent from measurements of cuff blood pressure. . Journal of the American College of Cardiology .2002 ;(39):219-219

19. 2002 Tsai P. Biological mechanisms mediate reactivity and hypertension: a critical analysis and new insights. . State of The Science Congress: Advancing Nursing Practice Excellence, Washington, D. C. .2002

20. 2001 Tsai, P Yucha CB, & Stouffer K. Laboratory stress measurement and ambulatory blood pressure variability . Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback .2001 ;(26):233-234

1. 2013 Tsai PS. The Management of Insomnia-Biofeedback . Introduction to Modern Sleep Technology (pp. 165-182). .2013

2. 2009 Tsai PS. 護理人員病房工作指引. (A nurse's survival guide to the ward) . Elsevier Taiwan LLC .2009

3. 2003 Yucha CB, Tsai P, & Calderon KS. Ambulatory applications. In J. Moore & G. Zouridakis (EDs). Biomedical techonolgy and devices handbook. . Boca Ration, FL: CRC Press LLC. .2003


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113 疼痛神經科學教育對改善纖維肌痛症患者的疼痛嚴重度、疾病嚴重度、疼痛災難化及認知功能之成效與機轉:隨機臨床試驗(2/3)

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112 貴校延攬印尼籍 Renny Wulan Apriliyasari君參與「疼痛神經科學教育對改善纖維肌痛症患者的疼痛嚴重度、疾病嚴重度、疼痛災難化及認知功能之成效與機轉:隨機臨床試驗」研究計畫案,申請本會補助,業經核定以「博士級研究人員」資格補助(NSTC 112-2811-B-038-060),補助項目為研究費、年終獎金、離職儲金、機票費、保險費等

112 疼痛神經科學教育對改善纖維肌痛症患者的疼痛嚴重度、疾病嚴重度、疼痛災難化及認知功能之成效與機轉:隨機臨床試驗(1/3)

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110 大學臨床實習生的睡眠時型與睡眠品質:睡眠應激反應與心理韌性的調節作用

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108 纖維肌痛症:不同症狀表現型對生活品質之影響及科技輔助適性健康教練方案之成效(2/3)

108 纖維肌痛症:不同症狀表現型對生活品質之影響及科技輔助適性健康教練方案之成效

108 纖維肌痛症:不同症狀表現型對生活品質之影響及科技輔助適性健康教練方案之成效

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106 纖維肌痛症病患之睡眠障礙、睡眠障礙對症狀嚴重度與醫療利用的影響及神經回饋對症狀的改善成效

105 以身心關聯的角度探討腸躁症:心理困擾的角色及正念訓練的成效與機轉(2/3)

105 以身心關聯的角度探討腸躁症:心理困擾的角色及正念訓練的成效與機轉(2/3)

105 纖維肌痛症病患之睡眠障礙、睡眠障礙對症狀嚴重度與醫療利用的影響及神經回饋對症狀的改善成效(1/3)

105 纖維肌痛症病患之睡眠障礙、睡眠障礙對症狀嚴重度與醫療利用的影響及神經回饋對症狀的改善成效(1/3)

105 纖維肌痛症病患之睡眠障礙、睡眠障礙對症狀嚴重度與醫療利用的影響及神經回饋對症狀的改善成效

104 以身心關聯的角度探討腸躁症:心理困擾的角色及正念訓練的成效與機轉(1/3)

104 以身心關聯的角度探討腸躁症:心理困擾的角色及正念訓練的成效與機轉(1/3)

104 神經回饋與生物回饋改善慢性頭部外傷病人睡眠品質之成效

104 護理學系博士班研究生吳宥霖君擬於105年3月7日至105年3月8日赴日本東京(Tokyo)參加護理學者東亞論壇

104 神經回饋與生物回饋改善慢性頭部外傷病人睡眠品質之成效(3/3)

104 神經回饋與生物回饋改善慢性頭部外傷病人睡眠品質之成效(3/3)

103 神經回饋與生物回饋改善慢性頭部外傷病人睡眠品質之成效-博士後研究員-張齡尹

103 身心療癒措施對改善心理韌性、迷走神經活性、情緒狀態及心衰竭預後之成效(3/3)

103 身心療癒措施對改善心理韌性、迷走神經活性、情緒狀態及心衰竭預後之成效(3/3)

103 神經回饋與生物回饋改善慢性頭部外傷病人睡眠品質之成效(2/3)

102 身心療癒措施對改善心理韌性、迷走神經活性、情緒狀態及心衰竭預後之成效(2/3)

102 神經回饋與生物回饋改善慢性頭部外傷病人睡眠品質之成效(1/3)

102 身心療癒措施對改善心理韌性、迷走神經活性、情緒狀態及心衰竭預後之成效(2/3)

102 神經回饋與生物回饋改善慢性頭部外傷病人睡眠品質之成效(1/3)

102 神經回饋與生物回饋改善慢性頭部外傷病人睡眠品質之成效(2/3)

102 神經回饋與生物回饋改善慢性頭部外傷病人睡眠品質之成效神經回饋與生物回饋改善慢性頭部外傷病人睡眠品質之成效-博士後研究-邱曉彥

101 身心療癒措施對改善心理韌性、迷走神經活性、情緒狀態及心衰竭預後之成效

101 居家深呼吸訓練於改善冠心症病人憂鬱症狀的成效:隨機臨床試驗

100 心衰竭病人情緒狀態、心理韌性、心率變異性與生活品質之關係初探

100 呼吸訓練對併有憂鬱症狀之停經婦女之成效探討

100 居家深呼吸訓練於改善冠心症病人憂鬱症狀的成效:隨機臨床試驗

99 呼吸訓練對併有憂鬱症狀之停經婦女之成效探討

99 居家深呼吸訓練於改善冠心症病人憂鬱症狀的成效:隨機臨床試驗

98 建構糖尿病患者之臨床憂鬱症狀評估量表

98 糖尿病與憂鬱症:亞臨床心血管危險指標及問題解決療法之成效探討

98 呼吸訓練對併有憂鬱症狀之停經婦女之成效探討

97 血壓生物回饋之成效及機轉

97 血壓生物回饋之成效及機轉

97 糖尿病與憂鬱症:亞臨床心血管危險指標及問題解決療法之成效探討

96 我國輔助與替代醫療之現況探討、效能與安全性評估及管理模式與準則建立:以傳統民俗療法為例

96 糖尿病與憂鬱症:亞臨床心血管危險指標及問題解決療法之成效探討(1-3)

96 生物行為研究於護理之發展與應用研討會暨護理研究人員主導之生物行為研究忠心之設立

95 台灣民眾的睡眠品質及日間嗜睡探討

95 血壓生物回饋之成效及機轉

94 人體μ-類鴉片受體 (OPRM1) 基因單核甘酸多重變異(SNPs)與病患術後嗎啡需求量之關連性探討