1. |
Wu LH,Cheng YW,Lin FL,Hsu KC,Wang MH,「Yen JL, Wang TJ, Lin TE, Liu YC, Huang WJ, Hsiao G」.
A novel HDAC8 inhibitor H7E exerts retinoprotective effects against glaucomatous injury via ameliorating aberrant Müller glia activation and oxidative stress
. Biomed Pharmacother
2. |
Li CH,Yang TM,Fitriana I,Fang TC,Wu LH,Hsiao G, Cheng YW.
Maintaining KEAP1 levels in retinal pigment epithelial cells preserves their viability during prolonged exposure to artificial blue light
. J Photochem Photobiol B.
3. |
Sekar P,Hsiao G,Hsu SH,Huang DY,Lin WW,Chan CM.
Metformin inhibits methylglyoxal-induced retinal pigment epithelial cell death and retinopathy via AMPK-dependent mechanisms: Reversing mitochondrial dysfunction and upregulating glyoxalase 1
. Redox Biology
4. |
Lin FL,Cheng YW,Chen LH,Ho JD,Yen JL,「Wang MH, Lee TH, Hsiao G」.
Retinal protection by fungal product theissenolactone B in a sodium iodate-induced AMD model through targeting retinal pigment epithelial matrix metalloproteinase-9 and microglia activity
. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy
5. |
Sekar P,Hsiao G,Chen YS,Lin WW,Chan CM.
P2X7 Is Involved in the Mouse Retinal Degeneration via the Coordinated Actions in Different Retinal Cell Types
. Antioxidants
6. |
Chan YJ,Hsiao G,Wan WN,Yang TM,Tsai CH,「Kang JJ, Lee YC, Fang TC, Cheng YW, Li CH」.
Blue light exposure collapses the inner blood‑retinal barrier by accelerating endothelial CLDN5 degradation through the disturbance of GNAZ and the activation of ADAM17
. Fluids and Barriers of the CNS
7. |
Fitriana I,Wu CH,Hsu TJ,Chan YJ,Li CH,「Lee CC, Hsiao G, Cheng YW」.
Activation of aryl hydrocarbon receptor by azatyrosine-phenylbutyric hydroxamide inhibits progression of diabetic retinopathy mice
. Biochem Pharmacol.
8. |
Hsiao G,Chi WC,Chang CH,Chiang YR,Fu YJ,Lee TH.
Bioactive pulvinones from a marine algicolous fungus Aspergillus terreus NTU243
. Phytochemistry
9. |
Hsueh PJ,Wang MH,Hsiao CJ,Chen CK,Lin FL,「Huang SH,Yen JL, Tsai PH, Kuo YH, Hsiao G」.
Ergosta-7,9(11),22-trien-3-ol Alleviates Intracerebral Hemorrhage-Induced Brain Injury and BV-2 Microglial Activation
. Molecules
10. |
Hsiao SW,Wu YC,Mei HC,Chen YH,Hsiao G,Lee CK.
Constituents of Aquilaria sinensis Leaves Upregulate the Expression of Matrix Metalloproteases 2 and 9
. Molecules
11. |
Safwan S,Hsiao G,Lee TH,Lee CK.
Bioactive compounds from an endophytic fungi Nigrospora aurantiaca
. Botanical Studies
12. |
Hsieh MH,Hsiao G,Chang CH,Yang YL,Ju YM,「Kuo YH, Lee TH」.
Polyketides with Anti-neuroinflammatory Activity from Theissenia cinerea
. Journal of Natural Products
13. |
Hsu TJ,Nepali K,Tsai CH,Imtiyaz Z,Lin FL,「Hsiao G, Lai MJ, Cheng YW」.
The HDAC/HSP90 Inhibitor G570 Attenuated Blue Light-Induced Cell Migration in RPE Cells and Neovascularization in Mice through Decreased VEGF Production
. Molecules
14. |
Hsiao G,Wang SW,Chiang YR,Chi WC,Kuo YH,「Phong DA, Chen CY, Lee TH」.
Anti-inflammatory effects of peptides from a marine algicolous fungus Acremonium sp. NTU492 in BV-2 microglial cells
15. |
Wang MH,Hsiao G,Al-Shabrawey M.
Eicosanoids and oxidative stress in diabetic retinopathy
. Antioxidants
16. |
Wang MH,Ibrahim AS,Hsiao G,Tawfik A,Al-Shabrawey M.
A novel interaction between soluble epoxide hydrolase and the AT1 receptor in retinal microvascular damage
. Prostaglandins Other Lipid Mediat.
17. |
Fan-Li Lin,Yu-Wen Cheng,Min Yu,Jau-Der Ho,Yu-Cheng Kuo,「George C.Y. Chiou, Hung-Ming Change, Tzong-Huei Lee, George Hsiao」.
The fungus-derived retinoprotectant theissenolactone C improves glaucoma-like injury mediated by MMP-9 inhibition
. Phytomedicine
18. |
Lin CH,Wu MR,Huang WJ,Chow DS,Hsiao G,Cheng YW.
Low-Luminance Blue Light-Enhanced Phototoxicity in A2E-Laden RPE Cell Cultures and Rats.
. Int J Mol Sci
19. |
Lin FL,Yen JL,Kuo YC,Kang JJ,Cheng YW ,「Huang WJ,Hsiao G」.
HADC8 Inhibitor WK2-16 Therapeutically Targets Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Mouse Model of Neuroinflammation and Microglial Activation
. Int J Mol Sci
20. |
Jan JS,Yang CH,Wang MH,Lin FL,Yen JL,「Hsieh I, Khotimchenko M, Lee TH, Hsiao G」.
Hirsutanol A Attenuates Lipopolysaccharide-Mediated Matrix Metalloproteinase 9 Expression and Cytokines Production and Improves Endotoxemia-Induced Acute Sickness Behavior and Acute Lung Injury
. Mar Drugs
21. |
「Lin FL」,「Ho JD」,「Cheng YW」,「Chiou GCY」,「Yen JL」,「Chang HM,Lee TH,Hsiao G」.
Theissenolactone C exhibited ocular protection of endotoxin-induced uveitis by attenuating ocular inflammatory responses and glial activation
. Fronteirs in Pharmacology
22. |
Lee YL,Hsiao CJ,Lin FL,Jan JS,Chou YC,「Lin YY,Chen CK,Lam KK,Hsiao G」.
Haloperidol Abrogates Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 Expression by Inhibition of NF-κB Activation in Stimulated Human Monocytic Cells
. Mediators of Inflammation
23. |
「Hsiao G」,「Chi WC」,「Pang KL」,「Chen JJ」,「Kuo YH」,「Wang YK, Cha HJ, Chou SC, Lee TH」.
Hirsutane-Type Sesquiterpenes with Inhibitory Activity of Microglial Nitric Oxide Production from the Red Alga-Derived Fungus Chondrostereum sp. NTOU4196.
. J Nat Prod.
24. |
Jan JS,Chou YC,Cheng YW,Chen CK,Huang WJ,Hsiao G.
The Novel HDAC8 Inhibitor WK2-16 Attenuates Lipopolysaccharide-Activated Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 Expression in Human Monocytic Cells and Improves Hypercytokinemia In Vivo.
. Int J Mol Sci.
25. |
Chen LY,Renn TY,Liao WC,Mai FD,Ho YJ,「Hsiao G, Lee AW, Chang HM」.
Melatonin successfully rescues hippocampal bioenergetics and improves cognitive function following drug intoxication by promoting Nrf2-ARE signaling activity
. J Pineal Res
26. |
Lin FL,Lin CH,Ho JD,Yen JL,Chang HM,「Chiou GC, Cheng YW, Hsiao G」.
The natural retinoprotectant chrysophanol attenuated photoreceptor cell apoptosis in an N-methyl-N-nitrosourea-induced mouse model of retinal degenaration
. Scientifif Report
27. |
Lin CH,Wu MR,Li CH,Cheng HW,Huang SH,「Tsai CH, Lin FL, Ho JD, Kang JJ, Hsiao G, Cheng YW」.
Periodic exposure to smatphone-mimic low-luminance blue light induces retina damage through Bcl-2/BAX-dependent apoptosis
. Toxicol Sci.
28. |
Chang JC,Hsiao G,Lin RK,Kuo YH,Ju YM,Lee TH.
Bioactive constituents from the termite nest-derived medicinal fungus Xylaria nigripes
. J Nat Prod
29. |
HuangFu WC,Chao MW,Cheng CC,Wei YC,Wu YW,「Liou JP, Hsiao G, Lee YC, Yang CR」.
Anti-leukemia effects of the novel synthetic 1-benzylindole derivative 21-900 in vitro and in vivo
. Scientifif Report
30. |
Hsu W,Mercado AT,Hsiao G,Yeh JM,Chen CY.
Detection and discrimination of maintenance and de novo CpG methylation events using methylbreak
. Biosens Bioelectron
31. |
Lee CH,Hsu CC,Hsiao G,Fang JY,Liu WM,Lee CK.
Anti-MMP-2 activity and skin-penetrating capability of the chemical constituents from Rhodiola rosea
. Planta Med.
32. |
Lin CL,Hsiao G,Wang CC,Lee YL.
Imperatorin exerts antiallergic effects in Th2-mediated allergic asthma via induction of IL-10-producing regulatory T cells by modulating the function of dendritic cells
. Pharmacol Res
33. |
Chen WL,Sheu JR,Chen RJ,Hsiao SH,Hsiao CJ,「Chou YC, Chung CL, Hsiao G」.
Mycobacterium tuberculosis Upregulates TNF-α Expression via TLR2/ERK Signaling and Induces MMP-1 and MMP-9 Production in Human Pleural Mesothelial Cells.
. PLOSone
34. |
Lin CH,Liao PL,Hsiao G,Li CH,Huang SH,「Tsai CH,Wu MR, Lin FL, Ho JD, Cheng HW, Cheng YW」.
Long-term fluorometholone topical use induces ganglion cell damage in rats analyzed with optical coherence tomography
. Toxicol Sci
35. |
Wang CH,Hsiao CJ,Lin YN,Wu JW,Kuo YC,「Lee CK,Hsiao G」.
Carbamazepine attenuates inducible nitric oxide synthase expression through Akt inhibition in activated microglial cells
. Pharm Biol
36. |
Wang CL,Lee O,Hsiao G,Lian JF,Cheng YW.
Novel piperazinediones as antitumor agents.
. Anticancer Res
37. |
Jian WS,Huang CL,Iqbal U,Nguyen PA,Hsiao G,「Li HC」.
How did national life expectation related to school years in developing countries - an approach using panel data mining.
. Comput Methods Programs Biomed
38. |
Chen WL,Sheu JR,Hsiao CJ,Hsiao SH,Chung CL,「Hsiao G」.
Histone Deacetylase Inhibitor Impairs Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1 Expression via Inhibiting TNF- α -Activated MAPK/AP-1 Signaling Cascade.
. Biomed Res Int
39. |
Hsiao CJ,Hsiao G,Chen WL,Wang SW,Chiang CP,「Liu LY, Guh JH, Lee TH, Chung CL」.
Cephalochromin induces g0/g1 cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in a549 human non-small-cell lung cancer cells by inflicting mitochondrial disruption.
. J Nat Prod
40. |
Hsieh CY,Hsiao G,Hsu MJ,Wang YH,Sheu JR.
PMC, a potent hydrophilic α-tocopherol derivative, inhibits NF-κB activation via PP2A but not IκBα-dependent signals in vascular smooth muscle cells.
. J Cell Mol Med
41. |
Huang HM,Hsiao G,Fan CK,Lin CL,Leu SJ,「Chiang BL,Lee YL」.
Notch ligand delta-like 4-pretreated dendritic cells alleviate allergic airway responses by enhancing IL-10 production.
. PLoS One
42. |
Yung-Chang Lu,George Hsiao,Kuan-Hung Lin,Ming-Shium Hsieh,Thanasekaran Jayakum,「Tian-Shung Wu1,Joen-Rong Sheu」.
Cinnamophilin Isolated from Cinnamomum philippinense Protects against Collagen Degradation in Human Chondrocytes
43. |
Wang JJ,Huan SK,Hsieh KH,Chou HC,Hsiao G,「Jayakumar T, Sheu JR」.
Inhibitory effect of midazolam on MMP-9, MMP-1 and MMP-13 expression in PMA-stimulated human chondrocytes via recovery of NF-κB signaling.
. Arch Med Sci
44. |
Jayakumar T,Chen WF,Lu WJ,Chou DS,Hsiao G,「Hsu CY, Sheu JR, Hsieh CY」.
A novel antithrombotic effect of sulforaphane via activation of platelet adenylate cyclase: ex vivo and in vivo studies.
. J Nutr Biochem
45. |
Lee YL,Lee LW,Su CY,Hsiao G,Yang YY,「Leu SJ, Shieh YH, Burnouf T」.
Virally inactivated human platelet concentrate lysate induces regulatory T cells and immunosuppressive effect in a murine asthma model.
. Transfusion
46. |
Chung CL,Hsiao SH,Hsiao G,Sheu JR,Chen WL,「Chang SC」.
Clinical importance of angiogenic cytokines, fibrinolytic activity and effusion size in parapneumonic effusions.
. PLoS One
47. |
Lu WJ,Lin KH,Hsu MJ,Chou DS,Hsiao G,「Sheu JR」.
Suppression of NF-kB signaling by andrographolide with a novel mechanism in human platelets: regulatory roles of the p38 MAPK-hydroxyl radical-ERK2 cascade
. Biochem Pharmacol.
48. |
Su TR,Zei WS,Su CC,Hsiao G,Lin MJ.
The Effects of the KCNQ Openers Retigabine and Flupirtine on Myotonia in Mammalian Skeletal Muscle Induced by a Chloride Channel Blocker
. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med.
49. |
Hsiao CJ,Hsiao SH,Chen WL,Guh JH,Hsiao G,「Chan YJ, Lee TH, Chung CL」.
Pycnidione, a fungus-derived agent, induces cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in A549 human lung cancer cells
. Chem Biol Interact.
50. |
Chung CL,Sheu JR,Chen WL,Chou YC,Hsiao CJ,Hsiao SH, Hsu MJ, Cheng YW, Hsiao G.
Histone Deacetylase Inhibitor CBHA Attenuates PAI-1 Expression in Human Pleural Mesothelial Cells.
. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol.
51. |
Lee WR,Chung CL,Hsiao CJ,Chou YC,Hsueh PJ,「Yang PC,Jan JS,Cheng YW,Hsiao G」.
Suppression of matrix metalloproteinase-9 expression by andrographolide in human monocytic THP-1 cells via inhibition of NF-κB activation
. Phytomedicine
52. |
Lu YC,Hsiao G,Lin KH,Hsieh MS,Jayakumar T,「Wu TS, Sheu JR」.
Cinnamophilin Isolated from Cinnamomum philippinense Protects against Collagen Degradation in Human Chondrocytes
. Phytother Res.2012
53. |
Hsieh CY,Hsu MJ,Hsiao G,Wang YH,Huang CW,「Chen SW, Jayakumar T, Chiu PT, Chiu TH, Sheu JR」.
Andrographolide enhances NF-kB subunit p65 ser536 dephosphorylation through activation of protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) in vascular smooth muscle cells
. J Biol Chem
54. |
Chou YC,Sheu JR,Chung CL,Hsiao CJ,Hsueh PJ,Hsiao G.
Hypertonicity-enhanced TNF-a release from activated human monocytic THP-1 cells requires ERK activation
55. |
Wu CJ,Chou YC,Cheng YW,Hsiao CJ,Wang CH,「Wang HY,Sheu JR, Hsiao G」.
Aristolochic acid downregulates monocytic matrix metalloproteinase-9 by inhibiting nuclear factor-κB activation.
. Chem Biol Interact. 2011 Mar 29; 192:209-219
56. |
Lu YC,Jayakumar T,DuannYF,Chou YC,Hsieh CY,「Yu SY, Sheu JR, Hsiao G」.
Chondroprotective Role of Sesamol by Inhibiting MMPs Expression via Retaining NF-κB Signaling in Activated SW1353 Cells.
. J Agric Food Chem.
57. |
Chou YC,Sheu JR,Chung CL,Chen CY,Lin FL,Hsu MJ, Kuo YH, Hsiao G.
Nuclear-Targeted Inhibition of NF-κB on MMP-9 Production by N-2-(4-Bromophenyl) Ethyl Caffeamide in Human Monocytic Cells
. Chemico-Biological Interactions
58. |
Lin KH,Hsiao G,Shih CM,Chou DS,Sheu JR.
Mechanisms of resveratrol-induced platelet apoptosis.
. Cardiovasc Res.
59. |
Chung CL,Sheu JR,Liu HE,Chang SC,Chou YC,「Chen WL, Chou DS, Hsiao G」.
Dynasore, a dynamin inhibitor, induces PAI-1 expression in Met-5A human pleural mesothelial cells
. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol
60. |
Chou DS,Hsiao G,Lai YA,Tsai YJ,Sheu JR.
Baicalein induces proliferation inhibition in B16F10 melanoma cells by generating reactive oxygen species via 12-lipoxygenase
. Free Radical Biology and Medicine
61. |
Shen MY,Hsiao G,Fong TH,Chou DS,Sheu JR.
Expression of amyloid beta peptide in human plateletys: pivotal role of the phospholipase Cgamma2 protein kinase C pathway in platelet activation
. Pharmacol Res
62. |
Shen MY,Hsiao G,Fong TH,Chen HM,Chou DS,「Lin CH, Sheu JR, Hsu CY」.
Amyloid beta peptide-activated signal pathways in human platelets
. Eur J Pharmacol
63. |
Shen MY,Liu CL,Hsiao G,LiuCY,Lin KH,「Chou DS, Sheu JR」.
Involvement of p38 MAPK phosphorylation and nitrate formation in aristolochic acid-mediated antiplatelet activity
. Planta Med
64. |
Hsiao G,Lee JJ,Lin KH,Shen CH,Fong TH,「Chou DS, Sheu JR」.
Characterization of a novel and potent collagen antagonist, caffeic acid phenethyl ester, in vitro and in vivo studies
. Cardiovasc Res
65. |
Shen MY,Hsiao G,Liu CL,Fong TH,Lin KH,「Chou DS, Sheu JR」.
Inhibitory mechanisms of resveratrol in platelet activation: pivotal roles of p38 MAPK and NO/cGMP
. Br J Haematol
66. |
Chang Y,Hsiao G,Chen SH,Chen YC,Lin JH,「Lin KH, Chou DS, Sheu JR」.
Tetramethylpyrazine suppresses HIF-1 alpha, TNF-alpha, and activated caspase-3 expression in middle cerebral artery occlusion-induced brain ischemia in rats
. Acta Pharmacol Sin
67. |
Hsiao G,Lee JJ,Chen YC,Lin JH,Shen MY,「Lin KH,Chou DS, Sheu JR」.
Neuroprotective effects of PMC, a potent alpha-tocopherol derivative, in brain ischemia-reperfusion: reduced neutrophil activation and anti-oxidant actions
. Biochem Pharmacol
68. |
Hsiao G,Chen YC,Lin JH,Lin KH,Chou DS,「Lin CH,Sheu JR」.
Inhibitory mechanisms of tetramethylpyrazine in middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO)-induced focal cerebral ischemia in rats
. Planta Med
69. |
Lam KK,Lee YM,Hsiao G,Chen SY,Yen MH.
Estrogen therapy replenishes vascular tetrahydrobiopterin and reduces oxidative stress in ovariectomized rats.
. Menopause
70. |
Chen SP,Sheu JR,Lai CY,Lin TY,Hsiao G,Fong TH.
Detection of myofibrillar proteins using a step gradient minigel with an ambiguous interface.
. Anal Biochem.
71. |
Chou DS,Hsiao G,Shen MY,Tsai YJ,Chen TF,Sheu JR.
ESR spin trapping of a carbon-centered free radical from agonist-stimulated human platelets.
. Free Radic Biol Med.
72. |
Hsiao G,Chang CY,Shen MY,Chou DS,Tzeng SH,Chen TF, Sheu JR.
alpha-Naphthoflavone, a potent antiplatelet flavonoid, is mediated through inhibition of phospholipase C activity and stimulation of cyclic GMP formation.
. J Agric Food Chem
73. |
Hsiao G,Lin KH,Chang Y,Chen TL,Tzu NH,Chou DS, Sheu JR.
Protective mechanisms of inosine in platelet activation and cerebral ischemic damage.
. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol
74. |
Chen SP,Sheu JR,Lin AC,Hsiao G,Fong TH.
Decline in titin content in rat skeletal muscle after denervation.
. Muscle Nerve
75. |
Hsiao G,Chou PH,Shen MY,Chou DS,Lin CH,Sheu JR.
C-phycocyanin, a very potent and novel platelet aggregation inhibitor from Spirulina platensis.
. J Agric Food Chem
76. |
Hsiao G,Wang Y,Tzu NH,Fong TH,Shen MY,Lin KH, Chou DS, Sheu JR.
Inhibitory effects of lycopene on in vitro platelet activation and in vivo prevention of thrombus formation.
. J Lab Clin Med
77. |
Chou DS,Chan CH,Hsiao G,Shen MY,Tsai YJ,Chen TF, Sheu JR.
Inhibitory mechanisms of low concentration of oxidized low-density lipoprotein on platelet aggregation.
. J Biomed Sci
78. |
Hsiao G,Chen YC,Lin JH,Lin KH,Chou DS,Lin CH, Sheu JR.
Inhibitory mechanisms of tetramethylpyrazine in middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO)-induced focal cerebral ischemia in rats
. Planta Medica
79. |
Chen JH,Hsiao G,Lee AR,Wu CC,Yen MH.
Andrographolide suppresses endothelial cell apoptosis via activation of phosphatidyl inositol-3-kinase/Akt pathway
. Biochem Pharmacol
80. |
Hsiao G,Shen MY,Chou DS,Chang Y,Lee LW,Sheu JR.
Mechanisms of antiplatelet and antithrombotic activity of midazolam in in vitro and in vivo studies
. Eur J Pharmacol.
81. |
Hsiao G,Shen MY,Chou DS,Lin CH,Chen TF,Sheu JR.
Involvement of the antiplatelet activity of magnesium sulfate in suppression of protein kinase C and the Na+/H+ exchanger.
. J Biomed Sci
82. |
Sheu JR,,Hsiao G,,Chou PH,Shen MY,Chou DS.
Mechanisms involved in the antiplatelet activity of rutin, a glycoside of the flavonol quercetin, in human platelets.
. J Agric Food Chem.
83. |
Hsiao G,,Fong TH,,Tzu NH,Lin KH,Chou DS,Sheu JR.
A potent antioxidant, lycopene, affords neuroprotection against microglia activation and focal cerebral ischemia in rats.
. In Vivo
84. |
Chou DS,,Hsiao G,,Shen MY,Fong TH,Lin CH,Chen TF, Sheu JR..
Low concentration of oxidized low density lipoprotein suppresses platelet reactivity in vitro: an intracellular study
. Lipids
85. |
Sheu JR,Fong TH,Liu CM,,Shen MY,Chen TL,,Chang Y, Lu MS, Hsiao G..
Expression of matrix metalloproteinase-9 in human platelets: regulation of platelet activation in in vitro and in vivo studies.
. Br J Pharmacol.
86. |
Chang Y,Chen TL,Wu GJ,Hsiao G,Shen MY,Lin KH, Chou DS, Lin CH, Sheu JR.
Mechanisms involved in the antiplatelet activity of ketamine in human platelets
. J Biomed Sci.
87. |
Hsiao G,Huang HY,Fong TH,Shen MY,Lin CH,Teng CM, Sheu JR.
Inhibitory mechanisms of YC-1 and PMC in the induction of iNOS expression by lipoteichoic acid in RAW 264.7 macrophages
. Biochemical Pharmacology
88. |
Chuang WJ, Wu CH, Huang HN, Chen SH, Hsiao G, Lin CH, Sheu JR.
Comparison of the binding character of triflavin on resting and activated alpha(IIb)beta(3) integrin in human platelets by electron microscopy.
. Thromb Res.
89. |
Hsiao G, Shen MY, Chang WC, Cheng YW, Pan SL, Kuo YH, Chen TF, Sheu JR..
A novel antioxidant, octyl caffeate, suppression of LPS/IFN-gamma-induced inducible nitric oxide synthase gene expression in rat aortic smooth muscle cells.
. Biochem Pharmacol.
90. |
Hsiao G, Shen MY, Lin KH, Chou CY, Tzu NH, Lin CH, Chou DS, Chen TF, Sheu JR..
Inhibitory activity of kinetin on free radical formation of activated platelets in vitro and on thrombus formation in vivo.
. Eur J Pharmacol.
91. |
Hsiao G, Shen MY, Fang CL, Chou DS, Lin CH, Chen TF, Sheu JR.
Morphine-potentiated platelet aggregation in in vitro and platelet plug formation in in vivo experiments.
. J Biomed Sci.
92. |
Hsiao G, Shen MY, Lin KH, Lan MH, Wu LY, Chou DS, Lin CH, Su CH, Sheu JR..
Antioxidative and hepatoprotective effects of Antrodia camphorata extract.
. J Agric Food Chem.
93. |
Sheu JR, Hsiao G, Shen MY, Lee YM, Yen MH..
Antithrombotic effects of magnesium sulfate in in vivo experiments.
. Int J Hematol.
94. |
Sheu JR, Hsiao G, Shen MY, Chou CY, Lin CH, Chen TF, Chou DS..
Inhibitory mechanisms of kinetin, a plant growth-promoting hormone, in platelet aggregation.
. Platelets.
95. |
Chen JH, Wu CC, Hsiao G, Yen MH..
Magnolol induces apoptosis in vascular smooth muscle.
. Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch Pharmacol.
96. |
Lee YM, Hsiao G, Chang JW, Sheu JR, Yen MH..
Scoparone inhibits tissue factor expression in lipopolysaccharide-activated human umbilical vein endothelial cells.
. J Biomed Sci.
97. |
Sheu JR,,Hsiao G,Shen MY,,Wang Y,Lin KH,,Lin CH, Sheu JR.
Inhibitory mechanisms of metallothionein on platelet aggregation in in vitro and platelet plug formation in in vivo experiments.
. Exp Biol Med (Maywood).
98. |
Hsiao G, Yen MH, Lee YM and Sheu JR.
Antithrombotic effect of PMC, a potent a-tocopherol analogue on platelet plug formation
. Br. J. Haemotol.
99. |
Lee YM, Chen HR, Hsiao G, Sheu JR, Wang JJ and Yen MH.
Protective effects of melatonin on myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury in vivo
. J. Pineal Res.
100. |
Sheu JR, Hsiao G, Luk HN, Chen YW, Chen TL, Lee LW, Lin CH and Chou DS.
Mechanisms involved in the antiplatelet activity of midazolam in human platelet
. Anesthesiology
101. |
Duen-Suey Chou, George Hsiao, Tzeng-Fu Chen, Joen-Rong Sheu.
Mechanism involved in methylene blue-induced tension changes in isolated guinea pig trachea
. New Taipei Journal of Medicine
102. |
G Hsiao, CM Teng, JR Sheu, YW Cheng, KK Lam, YM Lee, TS Wu and MH Yen.
Cinnamophilin as a novel antiperoxidative cytoprotectant and free redical scavenger
. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta
103. |
George Hsiao, Yun-Ho Lin, Chien-Huang Lin, Duen-Suey Chou and Joen-Rong Sheu.
The protective effects of PMC against chronic carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatotoxicity in vivo ( 2001, in press )
. Biological Pharmaceutical Bulletin
104. |
Hong HJ, Hsiao G, Cheng TH and Yen MH.
Supplementation with tetrahydrobiopterin suppresses the development of hypertension in spontaneously hypertensive rats
. Hypertension
105. |
Hsiao G, Chou DS, Wu TC, Shen MY and Sheu JR.
Role of metallothionein in free radical-scavenging and cytoprotective activities
. New Taipei Journal of Medicine
106. |
Yen-Mei Lee, George Hsiao, Huey-Rue Chen, Yao-Chang Chen, Joen-Rong Sheu, Mao-Hsiung Yen.
Magnolol reduces myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury via neutrophil inhibition in rats
. European Journal of Pharmacology
107. |
Joen R. Sheu, George Hsiao, Yen M. Lee, Mao H. Yen.
Antithrombotic effects of tetramethylpyrazine in in vivo experiments
. International Journal of Hematology
108. |
Ching-Hsiang Wu, Yi-Chun Chen, George Hsiao, Chien-Huang Lin, Cheng-Ming Liu and Joen-Rong Sheu.
Mechanisms involved in the inhibition of neointimal hyperplasia by abciximab in a rat model of balloon angioplasty
. Thrombosis Research
109. |
Wu CC, Chiao CW, Hsiao G, Chen A, Yen MH.
Melatonin prevents endotoxin-induced circulatory failure in rats
. Journal of Pineal Research
110. |
Joen-Rong Sheu, George Hsiao, Cheng-Rong Lee, Wen-Chiung Chang, Ling-Wen Lee, Ching-Hua Su and Chien-Huang Lin.
Antiplatelet activity of Staphylococcus aureus lipoteichoic acid is mediated through a cyclic AMP pathway
. Thrombosis Research
111. |
Joen-Rong Sheu, Cheng-Rong Lee, Chein-Huang Lin, George Hsiao, Wun-Chang Ko, Yao-Chang Chen, Mao-Hsiung Yen.
Mechanism Involved in the Antiplatelet Activity of Staphylococcus aureus Lipoteichoic Acid in Human Platelet
. Thrombosis and Haemostasis
112. |
Sheu JR, Lee CR, Hsiao G, Hung WC, Lee YM, Chen YC and Yen MH.
Comparison of the relative activities of a-tocopherol and PMC on platelet aggregation and antioxidative activity.
. Life Sciences
113. |
Hsiao G, Ko FN, Jong TT and Teng CM.
Antiplatelet action of 3' ,4' -diisovalerylkhellactone diester purified from Peucedanum japonicum Thunb.
. Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin
114. |
Ko FN, Hsiao LG and Kuo YH.
Protection of oxidative hemolysis by demethyldiisoeugenol in normal and β-thalassemic red blood cells.
. Free Radical Biology and Medicine
115. |
Hsiao G, Ko FN, Lin CN and Teng CM.
Antioxidant properties of isotorachrysone isolated from Rhamnus nakaharai.
. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta
116. |
Hsiao G, Teng CM, Wu CL and Ko FN.
Marchantin H as a natural antioxidant and free radical scavenger.
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