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Giang LH,Wu KS,Lee WC,Chu SS,Do AD,Huang MH, Lin YL, Hsieh CL, Sung SY, Yen Y, *Wong TT, and *Chang CC.
RRM2 inhibition alters cell cycle through ATM/Rb/E2F1 pathway in atypical teratoid rhabdoid tumor
. Neoplasia
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Do, AD,Wu, KS,Chu, SS,Giang, LH, Lin, YL,Chang, CC, Wong, TT, Hsieh, CL and Sung, SY.
LOXL1-AS1 contributes to metastasis in sonic-hedgehog medulloblastoma by promoting cancer stem-like phenotypes
. Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research
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Yang TT,Chiang MF,Chang CC,Yang SY,Huang SW,Liao NS, Shih HM, Hsu W, Lin KI.
SENP2 restrains the generation of pathogenic Th17 cells in mouse models of colitis
. Communications Biology
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Hien Giang L,Wu KS ,Lee WC ,Chu SS, Do AD,Changou CA, Tran HM, Hsieh TH, Chen HH, Hsieh CL, Sung SY, Yu AL, Yen Y, Wong TT, Chang CC.
Targeting of RRM2 suppresses DNA damage response and activates apoptosis in atypical teratoid rhabdoid tumor
. Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research
5. |
Chi HY,Hong W,Lai H,Hsu SH,Chang CC.
Silicon Ribbon-Based Dual-Beam Optical Phased Array with Low Crosstalk and Large FoV
. Applied Sciences
6. |
Lin SJ,Huang JY,Le PT,Lee CT,Chang CC,Yang YY, Su Emily CY, Lo CF, Wang HC.
Expression of the AHPND Toxins PirAvp and PirBvp Is Regulated by Components of the Vibrio parahaemolyticus Quorum Sensing (QS) System
. International Journal of Molecular Sciences
7. |
Tsai YT,Li CY,Huang YH,Chang TS,Lin CY,Chuang CH, Wang CY, Anuraga G, Chang TH, Shih TC, Lin ZY, Chen YL, Chung I, Lee KH, Chang CC, Sung SY, Yang KH, Tsui WL, Yap CV, Wu MH.
Galectin-1 orchestrates an inflammatory tumor-stroma crosstalk in hepatoma by enhancing TNFR1 protein stability and signaling in carcinoma-associated fibroblasts
. Oncogene
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Mutalik C,Okoro G,Chou Hl,Lin IH,Yougbaré S,Chang CC, Kuo TR.
Phase-Dependent 1T/2H-MoS2Nanosheets for Effective Photothermal Killing of Bacteria
. ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering
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Huang YS,Wu CC,Chang CC,Huang SF,Kuo HY,Shih HM.
Reciprocal regulation of Daxx and PIK3CA promotes colorectal cancer cell growth
. Cell Mol Life Sci
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Wu KS,Sung SY,Huang MH,Lin YL,Chang CC,Fang CL, Wong TT, Chen HH, Tsai ML.
Clinical and Molecular Features in Medulloblastomas Subtypes in Children in a Cohort in Taiwan
. Cancers
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Chu CY,Lee YC,Hsieh CH,Yeh CT,Chao TY,Chen PH, Lin IH, Hsieh TH, Shih JW, Cheng CH, Chang CC, Lin PS, Huang YL, Chen TM, Yen Y, Ann DK, Kung HJ.
Genome-wide CRISPR/Cas9 knockout screening uncovers a novel inflammatory pathway critical for resistance to arginine-deprivation therapy
. Theranostics
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Kuo, WL,Tseng, LL,Chang, CC,Chen, CJ,Cheng, ML,Cheng, HH, Wu, MJ, Chen, YL, Chang, RT, Tang, HY, Hsu, YC, Lin, WJ, Kao, CY, Hsieh, WP, Kung, HJ & Wang, WC.
Prognostic significance of o-glcnac and pkm2 in hormone receptor-positive and her2-nonenriched breast cancer
. Diagnostics
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Yougbaré, S,Mutalik, C,Okoro, G,Lin, IH,Krisnawati, DI,Jazidie, A, Nuh, M, Chang, CC & Kuo, TR.
Emerging trends in nanomaterials for antibacterial applications
. International Journal of Nanomedicine
14. |
Tan SH ,Yougbaré S,Tao HY,Chang CC,Kuo TR.
Plasmonic gold nanoisland film for bacterial theranostics
. Nanomaterials
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Liang KH,Chang CC,Wu KS,Yu Alice L,Sung SY,Lee YY, Liang ML, Chen HH, Fen JJ, Chao ME, Liao YT, Wong TT.
Notch signaling and natural killer cell infiltration in tumor tissues underlie medulloblastoma prognosis
. Scientific Reports
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Lee YH,Tsai YS,Chang CC,Ho CC,Shih HM,Chen HM, Lai HL, Lee CW, Lee YC, Liao YC, Yang UC, Cheng TH, Chern Y, Soong BW.
A PIAS1 Protective Variant S510G Delays polyQ Disease Onset by Modifying Protein Homeostasis
. Movement Disorders
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Tsai KL,Chang CC,Chang YS,Lu YY,Tsai IJ,Chen JH, Lin SH, Tai CC, Lin YF, Chang HW, Lin CY, Su ECY.
Isotypes of Autoantibodies Against Novel Differential 4-Hydroxy-2-nonenal-modified Peptide Adducts in Serum Is Associated with Rheumatoid Arthritis in Taiwanese Women
. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making
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Cheng TM,Li R,Kao YCJ,Hsu CH,Chu HL,Lu KY, Changou CA, Chang CC, Chang LH, Tsai ML, Mig FL.
Synthesis and characterization of Gd-DTPA/fucoidan/peptide complex nanoparticle and in vitro magnetic resonance imaging of inflamed endothelial cells
. Materials Science & Engineering C
19. |
Lu YT,Bagus BY,Hsu SH,Chang CC.
Tandem Mach Zehnder Directional Coupler Design and Simulation on Silicon Platform for Optical Coherence Tomography Applications
. Sensors
20. |
Zhang RA,Lin TS,Liu WT,Hsu SH,Chang CC.
Grating Lobe-Free Beam Steering through Optical Phase Array Using Phase-Compensated Two Index-Mismatched SiliconWires-Based Emitters
. Applied sciences
21. |
Wu KS,Ho D MT,Jou ST,Yu AL,Tran HM,Liang ML, Chen HH, Lee YY, Chen YW, Lin SC, Chang FC, Tsai ML, Liu YL, Lee, HL, Hsieh K LC, Huang WC, Sung SY, Chang CC, Changou CA, Liang KH, Hsieh TH, Liu YR, Chao ME, Chen W, Chu SS, Cho EC, Wong TT..
Molecular-Clinical Correlation in Pediatric Medulloblastoma: A Cohort Series Study of 52 Cases in Taiwan
. Cancers
22. |
Tran HM,Wu KS,Sung SY,Changou C A,Hsieh TH,Liu YR, Liu YL, Tsai ML, Lee HL, Hsieh K LC, Huang WC, Liang ML, Chen HH, Lee YY, Lin SC, Ho D MK, Chang FC, Chao ME, Chen W, Chu SS, Yu A L, Yen Y, Chang CC*, and Wong TT*.
Upregulation of Protein Synthesis and Proteasome Degradation Confers Sensitivity to Proteasome Inhibitor Bortezomib in Myc-Atypical Teratoid/Rhabdoid Tumors
. Cancers
23. |
Hung PF,Hong TM,Chang CC,Hung CL,Hsu YL,Chang YL, Wu CT, Chang GC, Chan NL, Yu SL, Yang PC, Pan SH.
Hypoxia-induced Slug SUMOylation enhances lung cancer metastasis
. J Exp Clin Cancer Res.
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Cheng, C.F.,Ku, H.C.,Cheng, J.J.,Chao, S.W.,Li, H.F.,Lai, P.F., Chang, C.C., Don, M.J., Chen, H.H. and Lin, H..
Adipocyte browning and resistance to obesity in mice is induced by expression of ATF3
. Communications Biology
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Chiang WF,Cheng TM,Chang CC,Pan SH,Changou CA,Chang TH, Lee KH, Wu SY, Shieh DB, Chen YL, Tu CC, Tsui WL and Wu MH.
Carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 6 (CEACAM6) promotes EGF receptor signaling of oral squamous cell carcinoma metastasis via the complex N-glycosylation
. Oncogene
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Cheng CW,Chang CC,Patria YN,Chang RT,Liu YR,Li FA, Shih HM, Lin CY.
Sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) is a potential early diagnostic biomarker for gastric cancer
. Cancer Medicine
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Cheng TM,Chu HL,Lee YC,Wang DY,Chang CC,Chung KL, Yen HC, Hsiao CW, Pan XY, Kuo TR and Chen CC.
Quantitative Analysis of Glucose Metabolic Cleavage in Glucose Transporters Overexpressed Cancer Cells by Target-Specific Fluorescent Gold Nanoclusters
. Analytical Chemistry
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Lin CY,Yang ST,Shen SC,Hsieh YC,Hsu FT,Chen CY, Chiang YH, Chuang JY, Chen KY, Hsu TI, Leong WC, Su YK, Lo WL, Yeh YS, Patria YN, Shih HM, Chang CC, Chou SY.
Serum amyloid A1 (SAA1) in combination with integrin αVβ3 increases glioblastoma cells mobility and progression.
. Molecular Oncology
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Hu LY,Chang CC,Huang YS,Chou WC,Lin YM,Ho CC, Chen WT, Shih HM, Hsiung CN, Wu PE, Shen CY.
SUMOylation of XRCC1 activated by poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation regulates DNA repair
. Human Molecular Genetics
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Cheng CW,Chang CC,Chen HW,Lin CY,Chen JS.
Serum ApoA4 levels predicted the progression of renal impairment in T2DM
. Eur J Clin Invest.
31. |
Chang CC,Huang YS,Lin YM,Lin CJ,Jeng JC,Liu SM, Ho TL, Chang RT, Changou CA, Ho CC and Shih HM.
The role of sentrin-specific protease 2 substrate recognition in TGF-β-induced tumorigenesis
. Scientific Reports
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Hsu SH,Chuang KW,Chen CS,Lin CY,Chang CC.
Two Interrogated FBG Spectral Linewidth for Strain Sensing through Correlation
. Sensors
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Chang YS,Pan CH,Chang CC,Tsai KL,Chou HW,Chen JH, Lin SH, Lu YY, Tai CC, Lin YF and Lin CY.
Low Levels of IgG Recognizing the α-1-Antitrypsin Peptide and Its Association with Taiwanese Women with Primary Sjögren’s Syndrome
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Wu MH,Chen YL,Lee KH,Chang CCC,Cheng TM,Wu SY, Tu CC, and Tsui WL.
Glycosylation-dependent galectin-1/neuropilin-1 interactions promote liver fibrosis through activation of TGF-β-and PDGF-like signals in hepatic stellate cells
. Scientific Reports
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Huang YS,Chang CC,Lee SS,Jou YS,Shih HM.
Xist reduction in breast cancer upregulates AKT phosphorylation via HDAC3-mediated repression of PHLPP1 expression
. Oncotarget
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Hsu SH,Lin CY,Tua CT,Chang CC.
MicroRNA biosensing through spectral interferometry-based surface plasmon resonance using telecommunication wavelength
. Electronics Letters
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Kung Camy CH,Naik MT,Wang SH,Shih HM,Chang CC,Lin LY, Chen CL, Ma C, Chang CF, Huang TH.
Structural analysis of poly-SUMO chain recognition by RNF4-SIMs domain
. Biochemical Journal
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Kuo CY,Li X,Kong XQ,Luo C,Chang CC,Chung Y., Shih HM, Li KK., Ann DK.
An arginine-rich motif of Ring Finger Protein 4 (RNF4) oversees the recruitment and degradation of the phosphorylated and SUMOylated KAP1/TRIM28 during genotoxic stress
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Hsieh YL,Kuo HY,Chang CC,Naik MT,Liao PH,Ho CC, Huang TC, Jeng JC, Hsu PH, Tsai MD, Huang TH, Shih HM..
Ubc9 acetylation modulates distinct SUMO target modification and hypoxia response.
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Chen CH,Chang CC,Lee TH,Luo M,Huang P,Liao PH, Wei S, Li FA, Chen RH, Zhou XZ, Shih HM, Lu KP.
SENP1 deSUMOylates and Regulates Pin1 Protein Activity and Cellular Function
. Cancer Research
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Huang YS,Chang CC,Huang TC,Hsieh YL,Shih HM.
Daxx interacts with and modulates the activity of CREB
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Ying HY,Su ST,Hsu PH,Chang CC,Lin IY,Tseng YH, Tsai MD, Shih HM, Lin KI.
SUMOylation of Blimp1 is critical for plasma cell differentiation
. EMBO Reports
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Naik MT,Chang CC,Naik NM,Kung CC,Shih HM,Huang TH.
NMR chemical shift assignments of a complex between SUMO1 and SIM peptide derived from the C-terminal of Daxx
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Chang CC,Naik MT,Huang YS,Jeng JC,Liao PH,Kuo HY,Ho CC,Hsieh YL,Lin CH,Huang NJ,Naik NM,Kung CC,Lin SY,Chen RH,Chang KS,Huang TH,Shih HM.
Structural and functional role of Daxx SIM phosphorylation in SUMO paralogueselective binding and apoptosis modulation
. Mol. Cell
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Chao TT,Chang CC,Shih HM.
SUMO modification modulates the transrepression activity of PLZF
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Shih HM,Chang CC,Kuo HY,Lin DY.
Daxx mediates SUMOdependent transcriptional control and subnuclear compartmentalization
. Biochemical Society
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Lin DY,Huang YS,Jeng JC,Kuo HY,Chang CC,Chao TT, Ho CC, Chen YC, Lin TP, Fang HI, Hung, CC, Suen CS, Hwang MJ, Chang KS, Maul GG, Shih HM.
Role of SUMOinteracting motif in Daxx sumoylation, subnuclear localization and repression of sumoylated transcription factors
. Mol. Cell
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Chang CC,Lin DY,Fang HI,Chen RH,Shih HM.
Daxx mediates the SUMOdependent transcriptional repression of Smad4
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Kuo HY,Chang CC,Jeng JC,Hu HM,Lin DY,Maul GG, Kwok RP, Shih HM.
SUMO modification negatively modulates the transcriptional activity of CREBBinding Protein via the recruitment of Daxx
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