汪勁安(Wang, Josh Chin-An) 副教授

現   職
麻醉學科 副教授


學 歷

國立陽明大學生命科學院神經科學研究所 博士
國立陽明大學生命科學院神經科學研究所 碩士
輔仁大學理工學院應用心理學系 學士








Cognitive Neuropsychology
Attention and Consciousness



1. 2024 Yao‑Tung Lee,Yi‑Hsuan Chang,Hsu‑Jung Tsai,Shu‑Ping Chao,David Yen‑Ting Chen,Jui‑Tai Chen, Yih‐Giun Cherng, Chin‑An Wang. Altered pupil light and darkness reflex and eye-blink responses in late-life depression . BMC Geriatrics .2024

2. 2023 Barquero Cesar,Chen Jui Tai,Munoz Douglas P.,Wang Chin An. Human microsaccade cueing modulation in visual- and memory-delay saccade tasks after theta burst transcranial magnetic stimulation over the frontal eye field . Neuropsychologia .2023 ;(187)

3. 2023 Yi-Hsuan Chang,He-Jun Chen,Cesar Barquero,Hsu Jung Tsai,Wei-Kuang Liang,Chun-Hsien Hsu, Neil G. Muggleton, Chin-An Wang. Linking tonic and phasic pupil responses to P300 amplitude in an emotional face-word Stroop task . Psychophysiology .2023

4. 2023 Chin-An Wang,Neil G. Muggleton,Yi-Hsuan Chang,Cesar Barquero,Ying-Chun Kuo. Time-on-task effects on human pupillary and saccadic metrics after theta burst transcranial magnetic stimulation over the frontal eye field . IBRO Neuroscience Reports .2023

5. 2022 Chen Jui Tai,Kuo Ying Chun,Hsu Tzu Yu,Wang Chin An. Fatigue and Arousal Modulations Revealed by Saccade and Pupil Dynamics . International journal of environmental research and public health .2022 ;(19)

6. 2022 Hsu Tzu Yu,Wang Hsin Yi,Chen Jui Tai,Wang Chin An. Investigating the role of human frontal eye field in the pupil light reflex modulation by saccade planning and working memory . Frontiers in Human Neuroscience .2022 ;(16)

7. 2022 Wang Chin An,White Brian,Munoz Douglas P.. Pupil-linked Arousal Signals in the Midbrain Superior Colliculus . Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience .2022 ;(34):1340-1354

8. 2022 Strauch Christoph,Wang Chin An,Einhäuser Wolfgang,Van der Stigchel Stefan,Naber Marnix. Pupillometry as an integrated readout of distinct attentional networks . Trends in Neurosciences .2022 ;(45):635-647

9. 2022 Nguyen Kien Trong,Liang Wei Kuang,Juan Chi Hung,Wang Chin An. Time-frequency analysis of pupil size modulated by global luminance, arousal, and saccade preparation signals using Hilbert-Huang transform . International Journal of Psychophysiology .2022 ;(176):89-99

10. 2022 Oster Julia,Huang Jeff,White Brian J.,Radach Ralph,Itti Laurent,Munoz DP, Wang CA. Pupillary responses to differences in luminance, color and set size . Experimental Brain Research .2022 ;(240):1873-1885

11. 2021 Wang Chin An,Munoz Douglas P.. Differentiating global luminance, arousal and cognitive signals on pupil size and microsaccades . European Journal of Neuroscience .2021 ;(54):7560-7574

12. 2021 Wang Chin An,Nguyen Kien Trong,Juan Chi Hung. Linking Pupil Size Modulated by Global Luminance and Motor Preparation to Saccade Behavior . Neuroscience .2021 ;(476):90-101

13. 2021 Cherng Yih Giun,Crevecoeur Frédéric,Wang Chin An. Effects of pupillary light and darkness reflex on the generation of pro- And anti-saccades . European Journal of Neuroscience .2021 ;(53):1769-1782

14. 2021 Hsu Tzu Yu,Hsu Yu Fan,Wang Hsin Yi,Wang Chin An. Role of the frontal eye field in human pupil and saccade orienting responses . European Journal of Neuroscience .2021 ;(54):4283-4294

15. 2021 Hsu Tzu Yu,Chen Jui Tai,Tseng Philip,Wang Chin An. Role of the frontal eye field in human microsaccade responses: A TMS study . Biological Psychology .2021 ;(165)

16. 2021 Wang Chin An,Munoz Douglas P.. Coordination of pupil and saccade responses by the superior colliculus . Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience .2021 ;(33):919-932

17. 2020 Cherng Yih Giun,Baird Talia,Chen Jui Tai,Wang Chin An. Background luminance effects on pupil size associated with emotion and saccade preparation . Scientific Reports .2020 ;(10)

18. 2020 Hsu Yu Fan,Baird Talia,Wang Chin An. Investigating cognitive load modulation of distractor processing using pupillary luminance responses in the anti-saccade paradigm . European Journal of Neuroscience .2020 ;(52):3061-3073

19. 2020 Wang Chin An,Huang Jeff,Brien Donald C.,Munoz Douglas P.. Saliency and priority modulation in a pop-out paradigm: Pupil size and microsaccades . Biological Psychology .2020 ;(153)

20. 2018 Wang Chin An,Baird Talia,Huang Jeff,Coutinho Jonathan D.,Brien Donald C.,Munoz Douglas P.. Arousal Effects on Pupil Size, Heart Rate, and Skin Conductance in an Emotional Face Task . Frontiers in Neurology .2018 ;(9)

21. 2018 Wang Chin An,Munoz Douglas P.. Neural basis of location-specific pupil luminance modulation . Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America .2018 ;(115):10446-10451

22. 2018 Wang Chin An,Tworzyanski Leanne,Huang Jeff,Munoz Douglas P.. Response anisocoria in the pupillary light and darkness reflex . European Journal of Neuroscience .2018 ;(48):3379-3388

23. 2018 Wang Chin-An,Huang Jeff,Yep Rachel,Munoz Douglas P.. Comparing Pupil Light Response Modulation between Saccade Planning and Working Memory . Journal of Cognition .2018 ;(1)

24. 2017 Wang Chin An,Blohm Gunnar,Huang Jeff,Boehnke Susan E.,Munoz Douglas P.. Multisensory integration in orienting behavior: Pupil size, microsaccades, and saccades . Biological Psychology .2017 ;(129):36-44

25. 2016 Wang Chin An,McInnis Hailey,Brien Donald C.,Pari Giovanna,Munoz Douglas P.. Disruption of pupil size modulation correlates with voluntary motor preparation deficits in Parkinson's disease . Neuropsychologia .2016 ;(80):176-184

26. 2015 Wang Chin An,Munoz Douglas P.. A circuit for pupil orienting responses: Implications for cognitive modulation of pupil size . Current Opinion in Neurobiology .2015 ;(33):134-140

27. 2015 Wang Chin An,Brien Donald C.,Munoz Douglas P.. Pupil size reveals preparatory processes in the generation of pro-saccades and anti-saccades . European Journal of Neuroscience .2015 ;(41):1102-1110

28. 2015 Ikeda Takuro,Boehnke Susan E.,Marino Robert A.,White Brian J.,Wang Chin An,Levy Ron,Munoz Douglas P.. Spatio-temporal response properties of local field potentials in the primate superior colliculus . European Journal of Neuroscience .2015 ;(41):856-865

29. 2014 Wang Chin An,Munoz Douglas P.. Modulation of stimulus contrast on the human pupil orienting response . European Journal of Neuroscience .2014 ;(40):2822-2832

30. 2014 Wang Chin An,Boehnke Susan E.,Itti Laurent,Munoz Douglas P.. Transient pupil response is modulated by contrast-based saliency . Journal of Neuroscience .2014 ;(34):408-417

31. 2013 Wang Chin An,Inhoff Albrecht W.. Extraction of linguistic information from successive words during reading: Evidence for spatially distributed lexical processing . Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance .2013 ;(39):662-677

32. 2012 Wang Chin An,Boehnke Susan E.,White Brian J.,Munoz Douglas P.. Microstimulation of the monkey superior colliculus induces pupil dilation without evoking saccades . Journal of Neuroscience .2012 ;(32):3629-3636

33. 2010 Wang Chin An,Inhoff Albrecht W.. The influence of visual contrast and case changes on parafoveal preview benefits during reading . Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology .2010 ;(63):805-817

34. 2009 Wang Chin An,Tsai Jie Li,Inhoff Albrecht W.,Tzeng Ovid J.L.. Acquisition of linguistic information to the left of fixation during the reading of Chinese text . Language and Cognitive Processes .2009 ;(24):1097-1123

35. 2009 Wang Chin A.,Radach Ralph,Inhoff A. W.. Is attention confined to one word at a time? The spatial distribution of parafoveal preview benefits during reading . Attention, Perception, and Psychophysics .2009 ;(71):1487-1494

36. 2009 Word Integration and Regression Programming During Reading: A Test of the E-Z Reader 10 Model . Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance .2009 ;(35):1571-1584


113 以希爾伯特–黃和非侵入性腦刺激探討瞳孔大小中視覺,認知與情緒醒度反應的時間頻率特性與相關神經機制

112 新聘教師研究補助

112 研究瞳孔大小在視覺,知覺醒度,認知歷程的功能與調控:使用眼動與自律神經反應,大腦電刺激,計算與機器學習模型(5/5)

111 研究瞳孔大小在視覺,知覺醒度,認知歷程的功能與調控:使用眼動與自律神經反應,大腦電刺激,計算與機器學習模型(4/5)