崔克宏(Tsui, Ke-Hung) 教授

現   職
泌尿學科 教授


學 歷

臺北醫學院醫學系 學士








Renal Physiology & Nephrology,Urology and Endocrinology
Gynecology and Urology



1. 2024 Tsui KH,Liu CL,Liu MK,Li CH,Chen WH,Jiang KC. WNT1-inducible signaling pathway protein 1 activation through C-X-C motif chemokine ligand 5/C-X-C chemokine receptor type 2/leukemia inhibitory factor/leukemia inhibitory factor receptor signaling promotes immunosuppression and neuroendocrine differentiation in prostate cancer . iScience .2024 ;(27):110562

2. 2023 Yu‑Hsiang Lin, Shin‑Yuan Chang, Shu‑Han Tsao, Chen‑Pang Hou,Horng‑Heng Juang,Ke‑Hung Tsui. Anterior fbromuscular stroma‑preserved endoscopic enucleation of the prostate: a precision anatomical approach . World Journal of Urology .2023

3. 2023 Chang, K.-S,Chen, S.-T,Sung, H.-C,Hsu, S.-Y,Juang, H.-H,Tsui, K.-H.. Androgen Receptor Upregulates Mucosa-Associated Lymphoid Tissue 1 to Induce NF-κB Activity via Androgen-Dependent and -Independent Pathways in Prostate Carcinoma Cells . International Journal of Molecular Sciences .2023 ;(24):6245

4. 2023 Yu-Hsiang Lin ,Ke-Hung Tsui,Horng-Heng Juang. Anterior fibromuscular stroma: The possible role for transient incontinence after endoscopic enucleation of prostate . Investigative and clinical urology .2023

5. 2023 YT Chiang,SM Chen ,HM Tsui,HH Juang,CW Lin,KH Tsui. Ultrasound-guided extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy with minimal x-ray exposure prevented genitourinary tract injury patients with urolithiasis in Taiwan . Science Progress .2023 ;(106)

6. 2022 Tsui Kh,: Hou, C.-P.; Tsui, K.-H.; Chen, S.-T.; Chang, K.-S.; Sung, H.-C.; Hsu, S.-Y.; Lin, Y.-H.; Feng, T.-H.; Juang, H.-H. The Upregulation of Caffeic Acid Phenethyl Ester on Growth Differentiation Factor 15 Inhibits Transforming Growth Factor /Smad Signaling in Bladder Carcinoma Cells . biomedicines .2022 ;(10):1625

7. 2022 Hsin-Ching Sung ,Kang-Shuo Chang ,Syue-Ting Chen ,Shu-Yuan Hsu ,Ke-Hung Tsui ,Horng-Heng Juang. Metallothionein 2A with Antioxidant and Antitumor Activity Is Upregulated by Caffeic Acid Phenethyl Ester in Human Bladder Carcinoma Cells . Antioxidants .2022 ;(11):1509

8. 2022 Kang-Shuo Chang ,Syue-Ting Chen ,Hsin-Ching Sung , Shu-Yuan Hsu ,HH Juang,Ke Hung Tsui. WNT1 Inducible Signaling Pathway Protein 1 Is a Stroma-Specific Secreting Protein Inducing a Fibroblast Contraction and Carcinoma Cell Growth in the Human Prostate . Int. J. Mol. Sci. .2022 ;(23):11437

9. 2022 Yun-Ren Li,Shu-Han Tsao,Chien-Lun Chen,Chen-Pang Hou,Ke-Hung Tsui,Yu-Hsiang Lin. Endoscopic Enucleation of Prostate Could Increase TestosteroneLevels in Hypotestosteronemic Patients with BladderOutlet Obstruction . J. Clin. Med. .2022 ;( 11):6808

10. 2022 Chen PY,Chen SM, Juang HH, Hou CP, Lin YH,Yang PS, Chen CL, Chang PL, Lin KY, Tsui KH.. Prostate-Specific Antigen Velocity Predicts Surgical Outcome of Thulium Laser Enucleation of the Prostate . Front Med (Lausanne). .2022 ;(3):783221

11. 2022 Tsui KH,Chang KS, Hsu SY,Sung HC, Lin YH, Hou CP, Yang PS, Chen CL, Feng TH, Juang HH.. The Antitumor Effect of Caffeic Acid Phenethyl Ester by Downregulating Mucosa-Associated Lymphoid Tissue 1 via AR/p53/NF-κB Signaling in Prostate Carcinoma Cells . cancers .2022 ;(14):274

12. 2022 Chen YT, Hou CP, Juang HH,Lin YH, Yang PS, Chang PL, Chen CL, Weng SC, Tsui KH.. Comparison of Outcome and Quality of Life Between Thulium Laser (VelaTM XL) Enucleation of Prostate and Bipolar Transurethral Enucleation of the Prostate (B-TUEP). . Ther Clin Risk Manag. .2022 ;(18):145-154

13. 2021 Juang HH,Chen SM,Lin G, Chiang MH,Hou CP,, Lin YH, Yang PS, Chang PL, Chen CL, Lin KY, Tsui KH.. The Clinical Experiences of Urine Metabolomics of Genitourinary Urothelial Cancer in a Tertiary Hospital in Taiwan . Front Oncol .2021 ;(11):680910

14. 2021 Hou CP,Tsui KH,Chang KS, Sung HC,Hsu SY, Lin YH, Yang PS, Chen CL, Feng TH, Juang HH.. Caffeic acid phenethyl ester inhibits the growth of bladder carcinoma cells by upregulating growth differentiation factor 15 . Biomed J .2021 ;(S2319-4170):00141-4

15. 2021 Tsui KH,Chang KS,Sung HC,Hsu SY,Lin YH, Hou CP, Yang PS, Chen CL, Feng TH, Juang HH.. Mucosa-Associated Lymphoid Tissue 1 Is an Oncogene Inducing Cell Proliferation, Invasion, and Tumor Growth via the Upregulation of NF-κB Activity in Human Prostate Carcinoma Cells. . Biomedicines .2021 ;(9):250

16. 2021 Hou CP,Lin YH,Yang PS, Chang PL, Chen CL, Lin KY, Juang HH, Weng SC, Tsui KH. Clinical Outcome of Endoscopic Enucleation of the Prostate Compared With Robotic-Assisted Simple Prostatectomy for Prostates Larger Than 80 cm3 in Aging Male. . Am J Mens Health .2021 ;(15):15579883211064128

17. 2021 Feng-Yuan Liu†,Ting-Wen Shen,Jing-Ren Tseng,Kai-Jie Yu,Ke-Hung Tsui ,Se-Tong Pang, Li- 7 Jen Wang and Gigin Lin. Prostate-Specific Membrane Antigen (PSMA) Fusion Imaging in Prostate Cancer: 3 PET/CT vs PET/MRI . BJR .2021 ;(94):20210728

18. 2021 Chuang YC, Lin CC, Chow PM,Lien CS, Tsui KH, Chou CL, Lee HY, Meng E, Kuo HC.. A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, parallel study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of imidafenacin in patients with overactive bladder in Taiwan. . Low Urin Tract Symptoms .2021 ;(13):108-117

19. 2020 Chiang KC, Tsui KH, Lin YH, Hou CP,Chang KS, Tsai HH, Shin YS, Chen CC, Feng TH, Juang HH.. Antioxidation and Antiapoptosis Characteristics of Heme Oxygenase-1 Enhance Tumorigenesis of Human Prostate Carcinoma Cells . Transl Oncol .2020 ;(13):102-112

20. 2020 Hou CP, Lin YH,Juang HH, Chang PL,Chen CL, Yang PS, Tsui KH.. Clinical outcome of transurethral enucleation of the prostate using the 120-W thulium Laser (Vela™ XL) compared to bipolar transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) in aging male. . Aging (Albany NY) .2020 ;(12):1888-1898

21. 2020 Hou CP, Lin YH, Juang HH, Chang PL, Chen CL, Yang PS, Lee CC, Tsui KH.. Effect of ureteral calculus in outpatients receiving semirigid ureteroscope laser lithotripsy. . Medicine (Baltimore). .2020 ;(99):e19324.

22. 2020 Chen YT,Ou Yang WT,Juang HH,Chen CL,Chen HW,Tsui KH, Chang YH, Tsai CH, Hsueh C, Liao WC.. Proteomic characterization of arsenic and cadmium exposure in bladder cells . Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom .2020 ;(34):e8578

23. 2019 Lin YH, Tsui KH,Chang KS, Hou CP, Feng TH,Juang HH.. Maspin is a PTEN-Upregulated and p53-Upregulated Tumor Suppressor Gene and Acts as an HDAC1 Inhibitor in Human Bladder Cancer. . Cancers (Basel). .2019 ;(12):10

24. 2019 Tsui KH, Hou CP,Chang KS,Lin YH, Feng TH, Chen CC, Shin YS, Juang HH.. Metallothionein 3 Is a Hypoxia-Upregulated Oncogene Enhancing Cell Invasion and Tumorigenesis in Human Bladder Carcinoma Cells. . Int J Mol Sci .2019 ;(20):980

25. 2019 Lin YH, Hou CP, Juang HH,, Chang PL, Chen TH,Chen CL, Tsui KH.. Association between Bladder Outlet Obstruction and Bladder Cancer in Patients with Aging Male . J Clin Med .2019 ;(8):1550

26. 2019 Chang KS, Tsui KH,Lin YH,Hou CP, Feng TH,Juang HH.. Migration and Invasion Enhancer 1 Is an NF-ĸB-Inducing Gene Enhancing the Cell Proliferation and Invasion Ability of Human Prostate Carcinoma Cells In Vitro and In Vivo. . Cancers (Basel). .2019 ;(11):1486

27. 2019 Tsui KH,Lin YH,Chang KS, Hou CP, Chen PJ,Feng TH, Juang HH.. Transgelin, a p53 and PTEN-Upregulated Gene, Inhibits the Cell Proliferation and Invasion of Human Bladder Carcinoma Cells in Vitro and in Vivo. . Int J Mol Sci .2019 ;(20):4946

28. 2019 Hu S,Chen CW, Chen ST,Tsui KH,Tang TK, Cheng HT, Hwang GS, Yu JW, Li YC, Wang PS, Wang SW.. Inhibitory effect of berberine on interleukin-2 secretion from PHA-treated lymphocytic Jurkat cells . Int Immunopharmacol. .2019 ;(66):267-273

29. 2018 Liao TY, Liaw CC,Tsui KH, Juan YH.. Pre-therapy CT scan showing peritoneal thickening from metastatic renal pelvis carcinoma patients . Med Oncol .2018 ;(35):128

30. 2018 ,Tsui KH,Chen CW, Hu S, Tsui KH, Hwang GS, Chen ST, Tang TK, Cheng HT, Yu JW, Wang HC, Juang HH, Wang PS, Wang SW. Anti-inflammatory Effects of Gossypol on Human Lymphocytic Jurkat Cells via Regulation of MAPK Signaling and Cell Cycle. . Inflammation .2018 ;(41):2265-2274

31. 2018 Chiang KC,Yang SW,Chang KP,Feng TH, Chang KS,Tsui KH, Shin YS, Chen CC, Chao M, Juang HH.. Caffeic Acid Phenethyl Ester Induces N-myc Downstream Regulated Gene 1 to Inhibit Cell Proliferation and Invasion of Human Nasopharyngeal Cancer Cells. . Int J Mol Sci. .2018 ;(19):19(5):1397

32. 2018 Tsui KH,Chang YL,Feng TH,Hou CP, Lin YH, Yang PS, Lee BW, Juang HH.. Capillarisin blocks prostate-specific antigen expression on activation of androgen receptor in prostate carcinoma cells . Prostate .2018 ;(78):242-249

33. 2018 Tsui KH, Chiang KC,Lin YH, Chang KS,Feng TH, Juang HH.. BTG2 is a tumor suppressor gene upregulated by p53 and PTEN in human bladder carcinoma cells . Cancer Med .2018 ;(7):184-195

34. 2018 Tsui KH,Lin YH, Chung LC,Chuang ST, Feng TH, Chiang KC, Chang PL, Yeh CJ, Juang HH.. Transurethral resection of the prostate achieves favorable outcomes in stroke patients with symptomatic benign prostate hyperplasia . Aging Male .2018 ;(21):9-16

35. 2018 Lin YH, Hou CP,Chen TH,Juang HH, Chang PL,Yang PS, Chen CL, Tsui KH.. Transurethral resection of the prostate provides more favorable clinical outcomes compared with conservative medical treatment in patients with urinary retention caused by benign prostatic obstruction. . BMC Geriatr .2018 ;(18):15

36. 2018 Chen CW,Hu S, Tsui KH, Hwang GS,Chen ST, Tang TK, Cheng HT, Yu JW, Wang HC, Juang HH, Wang PS, Wang SW.. Anti-inflammatory Effects of Gossypol on Human Lymphocytic Jurkat Cells via Regulation of MAPK Signaling and Cell Cycle. . Inflammation .2018 ;(41):2265-2274

37. 2018 Tsui KH,Chang YL,Yang PS,Hou CP,Lin YH,Lin BW, Feng TH, Juang HH. The inhibitory effects of capillarisin on cell proliferation and invasion of prostate carcinoma cells . Cell Proliferation .2018 ;(51):e12429

38. 2017 ,Tsui KH,Hsu KH, Tsui KH, Hsu LI, Chiou HY, Chen CJ.. Dose-Response Relationship between Inorganic Arsenic Exposure and Lung Cancer among Arseniasis Residents with Low Methylation Capacity . Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev .2017 ;(26):756-761

39. 2017 Chung LC, Chiang KC, Feng TH, Chang KS, Chuang ST, Chen YJ, Tsui KH, Lee JC, Juang HH.. Caffeic acid phenethyl ester upregulates N-myc downstream regulated gene 1 via ERK pathway to inhibit human oral cancer cell growth in vitro and in vivo. . Mol Nutr Food Res. .2017 ;(61)

40. 2017 ,Tsui KH,Shao CH, Chen CL, Lin JY, Chen CJ, Fu SH, Chen YT, Chang YS, Yu JS, Tsui KH, Juo CG, Wu KP.. Metabolite marker discovery for the detection of bladder cancer by comparative metabolomics . Oncotarget .2017 ;(8):38802-38810

41. 2017 ,Tsui KH,Kan HC, Hou CP, Lin YH, Tsui KH, Chang PL, Chen CL.. Prognosis of prostate cancer with initial prostate-specific antigen >1,000 ng/mL at diagnosis . Onco Targets Ther .2017 ;(12):2943-2949

42. 2016 ,Lee JC, Chiang KC, Feng TH, Chen YJ, Chuang ST, Tsui KH, Chung LC, Juang HH.. The Iron Chelator, Dp44mT, Effectively Inhibits Human Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Cell Growth in Vitro and in Vivo . Int J Mol Sci. .2016 ;(17):1435

43. 2016 Hsu YC, Lin YH, Chou CY,Hou CP,, Chen CL, Chang PL, ,Tsui KH.. Economic Evaluation Study (Cheer Compliant) Laser Prostatectomy for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia: Outcomes and Cost-effectiveness. . Medicine (Baltimore) .2016 ;(95):e2644

44. 2016 Hou CP, Lin YH, Hsu YC, Chen CL, Chang PL, ,Tsui KH. Using a Harmonic Scalpel "Drilling and Clamping" Method to Implement Zero Ischemic Robotic-assisted Partial Nephrectomy: An Observation Case Report Study . Medicine (Baltimore). .2016 ;(95):2349

45. 2016 Tsui KH,Lin YH, Chung LC, Chuang ST,Feng TH, Chiang KC, Chang PL, Yeh CJ, Juang HH.. Prostate-derived ets factor represses tumorigenesis and modulates epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition in bladder carcinoma cells . Cancer Lett. .2016 ;(375):142-151

46. 2016 Lin YH, Hou CP,Chen TH,Juang HH, Chang PL,Yang PS, Lin YS, Chen CL, Tsui KH.. Is diabetes mellitus associated with clinical outcomes in aging males treated with transurethral resection of prostate for bladder outlet obstruction: implications from Taiwan Nationwide Population-Based Cohort Study . Clin Interv Aging. .2016 ;(12 ):535-541

47. 2015 Tsui KH, Hsu SY,Chung LC, Lin YH, Feng TH, Lee TY, Chang PL, Juang HH.. Growth differentiation factor-15: a p53- and demethylation-upregulating gene represses cell proliferation, invasion, and tumorigenesis in bladder carcinoma cells. . Sci Rep. .2015 ;(7):12870

48. 2015 Tsui KH,Chung LC,Feng TH, Lee TY, Chang PL, Chen WT, Juang HH.. Divergent effect of liver X receptor agonists on prostate-specific antigen expression is dependent on androgen receptor in prostate carcinoma cells . Prostate .2015 ;(75):603-615

49. 2014 Hou CP, Chen CL, Lin YH, Tsai YL, Chang PL,Juang HH, Tsui KH.. Prostatic urethral angle might be a predictor of treatment efficacy of α-blockers in men with lower urinary tract symptoms . Drug Des Devel Ther. .2014 ;(15):937-943

50. 2014 Yang PS, Hsu YC,Lin YH,Hou CP,Chen CL,Chang PL, Juang HH, Tsui KH.. The expression sequence tag is an effective method for screening DNA segments that predict urinary bladder transitional cell carcinoma prognosis. . Onco Targets Ther. .2014 ;(30):1771-1781

51. 2014 Tsui KH,Chiang kC, , Chung LC,Yeh CN, Feng TH,Chen WT, Chang PL, Chiang HY, Juang HH.. Cisplatin modulates B-cell translocation gene 2 to attenuate cell proliferation of prostate carcinoma cells in both p53-dependent and p53-independent pathways . Sci Rep. .2014 ;(1):5511

52. 2014 Shao IH, Lin YH,Hou CP, Juang HH,Chen CL, Chang PL, Tsui KH.. Risk factors associated with ineligibility of adjuvant cisplatin-based chemotherapy after nephroureterectomy. . Drug Des Devel Ther .2014 ;(21):1985-1990

53. 2014 Tsui KH,Chiang KC, Chung LC, Yeh CN, Chang PL, Chen WT, ,Juang HH.. Topoisomerase inhibitors modulate gene expression of B-cell translocation gene 2 and prostate specific antigen in prostate carcinoma cells . PLoS One .2014 ;(9):89117

54. 2013 Hou CP, Chen TY, Chang CC, Lin YH, Chang PL, Chen CL, Hsu YC, ,Tsui KH. Use of the SF-36 quality of life scale to assess the effect of pelvic floor muscle exercise on aging males who received transurethral prostate surgery . Clin Interv Aging .2013

55. 2013 Tsui KH, Chang YL, Feng TH, Chung LC, Lee TY,Chang PL, Juang HH.. Hypoxia upregulates the gene expression of mitochondrial aconitase in prostate carcinoma cells . J Mol Endocrinol .2013 ;(51):131-141

56. 2013 Tsui KH,Wang SW,Chung LC, Feng TH, Lee TY,Chang PL, Juang HH.. Mechanisms by which interleukin-6 attenuates cell invasion and tumorigenesis in human bladder carcinoma cells. . Biomed Res Int .2013 ;(2013):791212

57. 2012 Tsui KH,Chung LC, Feng TH, Chang PL, Juang HH.. Upregulation of prostate-derived Ets factor by luteolin causes inhibition of cell proliferation and cell invasion in prostate carcinoma cells . Int J Cancer .2012 ;(130):2812-2823

58. 2012 Tsui KH,Chang YL,Feng TH,Chung LC, Lee TY,Chang PL, Juang HH.. Growth differentiation factor-15 upregulates interleukin-6 to promote tumorigenesis of prostate carcinoma PC-3 cells. . J Mol Endocrinol .2012 ;(49):153-163

59. 2012 Tsui KH,Chung LC, Feng TH, Lee SL, Chang PL, Juang HH.. L-Mimosine blocks cell proliferation via upregulation of B-cell translocation gene 2 and N-myc downstream regulated gene 1 in prostate carcinoma cells . Am J Physiol Cell Physiol .2012 ;(302):676-685

60. 2012 Tsui KH,Chung LC, Feng TH, Chang PL, Juang HH.. Upregulation of prostate-derived Ets factor by luteolin causes inhibition of cell proliferation and cell invasion in prostate carcinoma cells . Int J Cancer .2012 ;(130):2812-2823


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111 新聘教師研究補助

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