郭聰榮(Kuo, Tsung-Rong) 教授

現   職
奈米醫學工程研究所 所長
奈米醫學工程研究所 教授
國際生醫工程博士學位學程 主任


學 歷

國立臺灣師範大學化學研究所 博士
國立臺灣師範大學化學研究所 碩士
東吳大學化學系 學士




2022/11/16 ~
2022/08/01 ~







1. 2024 Kuo TR,Huang JM,You XY,Subbiramaniyan K,Kongvarhodom C,Saukani M, Yougbaré S, Chen HM, Lin LY. Facile synthesis of cobalt, nickel and manganese-based metal organic framework derived layered double hydroxides on Ni foam as effective binder-free electrodes of energy storage devices . Journal of Energy Storage .2024 ;(78):110031

2. 2024 Lee PY,Chiou YR,Cheng YC,Chen YC,Kongvarhodom C,Chen HM, Yougbaré S, Husain S, Ho KC, Kuo TR, Lin LY. Incorporating self-assembled MXene to improve electrical conductivity of novel ZIF67 derivatives induced by NH4BF4 and NH4HF2 for energy storage . Journal of Energy Storage .2024 ;(82):110589

3. 2024 Mutalik C,Nivedita,Sneka C,Krisnawati DI,Yougbaré S,Hsu CC, Kuo TR. Zebrafish Insights into Nanomaterial Toxicity: A Focused Exploration on Metallic, Metal Oxide, Semiconductor, and Mixed-Metal Nanoparticles . International Journal of Molecular Sciences .2024

4. 2024 Husain S,Mutalik C,Yougbaré S,Chen CY,Kuo TR. Plasmonic Au@Ag Core–Shell Nanoisland Film for Photothermal Inactivation and Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Detection of Bacteria . Nanomaterials .2024

5. 2024 Chu YC,Chen KH,Tung CW,Chen HC,Wang JL,Kuo TR, Hsu CS, Lin KH, Tsai LD, Chen HM. Dynamic (Sub)surface-Oxygen Enables Highly Efficient Carbonyl-Coupling for Electrochemical Carbon Dioxide Reduction . Advanced Materials .2024

6. 2024 Kuo TR,Saukani M,Kubendhiran S,Wang YM,Tai PC,Wu CF, Kongvarhodom C, Husain S, Yougbaré S, Chen HM, Lin LY. In-situ growth of novel iron oxide/iron organic framework composites as efficient electroactive materials of battery supercapacitor hybrids . Journal of Energy Storage .2024 ;(97):112891

7. 2024 Wang JL,Lai TY,Lin HT,Kuo TR,Chen HC,Tseng CS, Tung CW, Chien CY, Chen HM. Angewandte Chemie International Edition . Light-Induced Dynamic Activation of Copper/Silicon Interface for Highly Selective Carbon Dioxide Reduction .2024 ;(63):e202403333

8. 2024 Kadarwati LV,Lin IH,Huang YS,Lee YY,Chen SC,Chung CL, Chen IJ, Wang JY, Yougbaré S, Cheng TM, Kuo TR. Exploring Label-Free Imaging Techniques with Copper Sulfide Microspheres for Observing Breast Cancer Cells . ACS Omega .2024 ;(9):37882-37890

9. 2023 Mutalik C,Lin IH,Krisnawati DI,Khaerunnisa S,Khafid M,Widodo, Hsiao YC, Kuo TR. Antibacterial Pathways in Transition Metal-Based Nanocomposites: A Mechanistic Overview . International Journal of Nanomedicine .2023 ;(17):6821-6842

10. 2023 Kuo TR,Fitriannisa I,Chung RJ,Lin KH,Yougbaré S,Lin LY, Wu YF. Facile synthesis of copper cobalt sulfide and nickel hydroxide tube-like composites as battery-type active material of energy storage devices . Journal of Energy Storage .2023

11. 2023 Kuo TR,Lin KH,Chen MW,Sibidou Y,Lin LY,Wu YF. Tailing copper cobalt sulfide particle-decorated tube-like structure as efficient active material of battery supercapacitor hybrid . Journal of Energy Storage .2023

12. 2023 Kuo TR,Draviana HT,Hsu CS,Chung RJ,Chen MW,Wang SC, Lee PY, Yougbaré S, Lin LY, Wu YF. Novel synthesis of ZIF67 derived cobalt and nickel oxides induced by ammonium tetrafluoroborate as electroactive material of battery supercapacitor hybrids . Journal of Energy Storage .2023 ;(68):107831

13. 2023 Mutalik C,Saukani M,Khafid M,Krisnawati DI,Widodo,Darmayanti R, Puspitasari B, Cheng TM, Kuo TR . Gold-Based Nanostructures for Antibacterial Application . International Journal of Molecular Sciences .2023 ;(24):10006

14. 2023 Kuo TR,Yu YZ,Wu CH,Lee PY,Kongvarhodom C,Chen HM, Husain S, Yougbaré S, Lin LY. Systematic designs of single metal compounds synthesized using ammonia fluoride-based complex as structure directing agents for energy storage . Journal of Colloid And Interface Science .2023 ;(652):294-304

15. 2023 Draviana HT,Fitriannisa I,Khafid M,Krisnawati DI, Widodo,Lai CH, Fan YJ, Kuo TR. Size and charge effects of metal nanoclusters on antibacterial mechanisms . Journal of Nanobiotechnology .2023 ;(21):428

16. 2023 Kuo TR,Yu YZ,Lee PY,Wu CH,Chen HM,Husain S, Kongvarhodom C, Ho CK, Lin LY. Novel synthesis of nickel-based bimetallic compounds using ammonium tetrafluoroborate and ammonium bifluoride as structure directing agents for energy storage application . Journal of Energy Storage .2023 ;(75):109602

17. 2023 Kuo TR,Huang HW,Kongvarhodom C,Saukani M,Yougbaré S,Chen HM, Lin LY. Efficiently catalyzing photo-oxidation of water by surface engineering of bismuth vanadate with nickel molybdenum oxide coverages . International Journal of Hydrogen Energy .2023

18. 2023 Kuo TR,Chiou YT,Huang HW,Kongvarhodom C,Saukani M,Yougbar´e S, Chen HM, Lin LY. Heterojunction and co-catalyst engineering of bismuth vanadate by nickel molybdenum oxide and carbon quantum dot decorations for photoelectrochemical water splitting . International Journal of Hydrogen Energy .2023

19. 2022 Kuo JC,Tan SH,Hsiao YC,Mutalik C,Chen HM,Yougbaré S, Kuo TR. Unveiling the Antibacterial Mechanism of Gold Nanoclusters via In Situ Transmission Electron Microscopy . ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering .2022 ;(10):464-471

20. 2022 Krisnawati DI,Alimansur M,Atmojo DS,Rahmawati EQ,Rahayu D,Susilowati E, Kuo TR. Food Allergies: Immunosensors and Management . Applied Sciences .2022 ;(12):2393-2393

21. 2022 Kuo JC,Kuo TR,Rinawati F,Susilowati E,Sucipto,Krisnawati DI. Inhibition of cancer cells using target-specific 2A3 antibody-conjugated gold nanoclusters . Acta Biochimica Indonesiana .2022 ;(4):69-69

22. 2022 Kuo TR,Lin LY,Lin KY,Sibidou Y. Effects of size and phase of TiO2 in poly (vinyl alcohol)-based gel electrolyte on energy storage ability of flexible capacitive supercapacitors . Journal of Energy Storage .2022

23. 2022 Sheen HJ,Panigrahi B,Kuo TR,Hsu WC,Chung PS,Xie QZ, Lin CY, Chang YS, Lin CT, Fan YJ. Electrochemical biosensor with electrokinetics-assisted molecular trapping for enhancing C-reactive protein detection . Biosensors and Bioelectronics .2022 ;(210):114338

24. 2022 Pai H,Kuo TR,Chung RJ,Kubendhiran S,Sibidou Y,Lin LY. Enhanced photocurrent density for photoelectrochemical catalyzing water oxidation using novel W-doped BiVO4 and metal organic framework composites . Journal of Colloid and Interface Science .2022 ;(624):515-526

25. 2022 Wang CH,Mutalik C,Yougbaré S,Teng NC,Kuo TR. Calcium Phosphate Nanoclusters for the Repair of Tooth Enamel Erosion . Nanomaterials .2022 ;(12):1997-1997

26. 2022 Mutalik C,Okoro G,Chou HL,Lin IH,Sibidou Y,Chang CC, Kuo TR. Phase-Dependent 1T/2H-MoS2 Nanosheets for Effective Photothermal Killing of Bacteria . ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering .2022 ;(10):8949-8957

27. 2022 Kuo TR,Lin LY,Subbiramaniyan K,Li YC,Chung RJ,Yougbaré S. Novel incorporation of redox active organic molecule with activated carbon as efficient active material of supercapacitors . Journal of Energy Storage .2022 ;(53):105085-105085

28. 2022 Tung CW,Kuo TR,Huang YP,Chu YC,Hou CH,Li Y, Suen NT, Han J, Chen HM. Dynamic Co(µ-O)2Ru Moiety Endowed Efficiently Catalytic Hydrogen Evolution . Advanced Energy Materials .2022 ;(12):2200079

29. 2022 Wu YF,Kuo TR,Lin LY,Kubendhiran S,Lai KC,Chen TY, Sibidou Y. Investigating energy storage ability of MIL101-(Fe) derivatives prepared using successive carbonization and oxidation for supercapacitors . Journal of Energy Storage .2022 ;(55):105420

30. 2022 Kuo JC,Tan SH,Hsiao YC,Mutalik C,Chen HM,Sibidou Y, Kuo TR. Response to Comment on “Unveiling the Antibacterial Mechanism of Gold Nanoclusters via In Situ Transmission Electron Microscopy” . ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering .2022 ;(10):10442-10443

31. 2022 Rethi L,Mutalik C,Anurogo D,Lu LS,Chu HY,Sibidou Y, Kuo TR, Cheng TM, Chen FL. Lipid-Based Nanomaterials for Drug Delivery Systems in Breast Cancer Therapy . Nanomaterials .2022 ;(12):2948

32. 2022 Chen YC,Wu CK,Chen HA,Chu WH,Gowdru SM,Lin JC, Lin BH, Tang MT, Chang CC, Lai YH, Kuo TR, Wen CY, Wang DY. Studies of high-membered two-dimensional Ruddlesden–Popper Cs7Pb6I19 perovskite nanosheets via kinetically controlled reactions . Materials Horizons .2022 ;(9):2433-2442

33. 2022 Chu HI,Chen LC,Kuo TR,Shih CC,Sibidou Y,Chen YH, Cheng TM. Haptoglobin-Conjugated Gold Nanoclusters as a Nanoantibiotic to Combat Bacteremia . Nanomaterials .2022 ;(12):3596-3596

34. 2022 Kuo TR,Yen SC,Kubendhiran S,Sibidou Y,Lin LY,Wu YF. Tailoring morphology of pure terephthalic acid induced beta nickel hydroxide using ultrasonication and alkalization for efficient energy storage . Journal of Energy Storage .2022 ;(56):106117

35. 2022 Okoro G,Husain S,Saukani M,Mutalik C,Yougbaré S,HsKuo TRKuo TR. Emerging Trends in Nanomaterials for Photosynthetic Biohybrid Systems . ACS Materials Letters .2022 ;(5):95-115

36. 2021 Yougbare S,Chou HL,Yang CH,Krisnawati DI,Jazidie A,Nuh M, Kuo TR. Facet-dependent gold nanocrystals for effective photothermal killing of bacteria . Journal of Hazardous Materials .2021 ;(407):1-8

37. 2021 Zhu YP,Kuo TR,Li YH,Qi MY,Chen G,Wang JL, Xu YJ, Chen HM . Emerging dynamic structure of electrocatalysts unveiled by in situ X-ray diffraction/absorption spectroscopy . Energy & Environmental Science .2021 ;(14):1298-1258

38. 2021 Krisnawati DI,Hsu PH,Lin YH,Alimansur M,Atmojo DS,Rahmawati EQ, Rahayu D, Khafid M, Lu SC, Kuo TR. The Use of the ROS Scavenger Cysteine as a Surface Ligand of Metal Nanoclusters and Its Bactericidal Elimination Effect . Applied Sciences .2021 ;(11):1-12

39. 2021 Mutalik C,Krisnawati DI,Patil SB,Khafid M,Atmojo SD,Santoso P, Lu SC, Wand DY, Kuo TR. Phase-Dependent MoS2 Nanoflowers for Light-Driven Antibacterial Application . ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. .2021 ;(9):7409-7412

40. 2021 Yougbaré S,Mutalik C,Okoro G,Lin IH,Krisnawati DI,Jazidie A, Nuh M, Chang CC, Kuo TR. Emerging Trends in Nanomaterials for Antibacterial Applications . International Journal of Nanomedicine .2021 ;(16):5831-5867

41. 2021 Huang CY,Kuo TR,Yougbaré S,Lin LY. Design of LiFePO4 and porous carbon composites with excellent High-Rate charging performance for Lithium-Ion secondary battery . Journal of Colloid and Interface Science .2021 ;(607):1457-1465

42. 2021 Chen TY,Kuo TR,Yougbaré S,Lin LY,Xiao CY. Novel direct growth of ZIF-67 derived Co3O4andN-doped carboncomposites on carbon cloth as supercapacitor electrodes . Journal of Colloid and Interface Science .2021 ;(608):493-503

43. 2021 Mutalik C,Okoro G,Krisnawati DI,Jazidie A,Rahmawati EQ, Rahayu D, Hsu WT, Kuo TR. Copper sulfide with morphology-dependent photodynamic and photothermal antibacterial activities . Journal of Colloid and Interface Science .2021 ;(607):1825-1835

44. 2021 Yougbaré S,Mutalik C,Chung PF,Krisnawati DI,Rinawati F,Irawan H, Kristanto H, Kuo TR. Gold Nanorod-Decorated Metallic MoS2 Nanosheets for Synergistic Photothermal and Photodynamic Antibacterial Therapy . Nanomaterials .2021 ;(11)

45. 2021 Tan SH,Yougbaré S,Tao HY,Chang CC,Kuo TR. Plasmonic Gold Nanoisland Film for Bacterial Theranostics . Nanomaterials .2021 ;(11)

46. 2020 Yen HC,Kuo TR,Wang CT,Lin JD,Chen CC,Hsiao YC. Optical Properties of Electrically Active Gold Nanoisland Films Enabled with Interfaced Liquid Crystals . Nanomaterials .2020 ;(10)

47. 2020 Mutalik C,Wang DY,Krisnawati DI,Jazidie A,Yougbare S,Kuo TR. Light-Activated Heterostructured Nanomaterials for Antibacterial Applications . Nanomaterials .2020 ;(10):643

48. 2020 Yougbare S,Mutalik C,Krisnawati DI,Kristanto H,Jazidie A,Nuh M, Cheng TM, Kuo TR. Nanomaterials for the Photothermal Killing of Bacteria . Nanomaterials .2020 ;(10)

49. 2020 Yen HC,Kuo TR,Huang MH,Huang HK,Chen CC. Design of Fluorescence-Enhanced Silver Nanoisland Chips for High-Throughput and Rapid Arsenite Assay . ACS Omega .2020 ;(5):19771-19777

50. 2020 Hsu PH,Yougbare S,Kuo JC,Krisnawati DI,Jazidie A,Nuh M, Chou PT, Hsiao YC, Kuo TR. One-Pot Synthesis of Thiol-Modified Liquid Crystals Conjugated Fluorescent Gold Nanoclusters . Nanomaterials .2020 ;(10):1755

51. 2020 Tan SH,Yougbare S,Chu HL,Kuo TR,Cheng TM. Hemoglobin-Conjugated Gold Nanoclusters for Qualitative Analysis of Haptoglobin Phenotypes . Polymers .2020 ;(12):2242

52. 2020 Mutalik C,Hsiao YC,Chang YH,Krisnawati DI,Alimansur M,Jazidie A, Nuh M, Chang CC, Wang DY, Kuo TR. High UV-Vis-NIR Light-Induced Antibacterial Activity by Heterostructured TiO2-FeS2 Nanocomposites . International Journal of Nanomedicine .2020 ;(15):8911-8920

53. 2020 Wang JL,Tan HY,Kuo TR,Lin SC,Hsu CS,Zhu YP, Chu YC, Chen TL, Lee JF, Chen HM. In Situ Identifying the Dynamic Structure behind Activity of Atomically Dispersed Platinum Catalyst toward Hydrogen Evolution Reaction . Small .2020

54. 2019 Chen YC,Chou HL,Lin JC,Lee YC,Pao CW,Chen JL, Chang CC, Chi RU, Kuo TR, Lu CW, Wang DY. Enhanced Luminescence and Stability of Cesium Lead Halide Perovskite CsPbX3 Nanocrystals by Cu2+-Assisted Anion Exchange Reactions . Journal of Physical Chemistry C .2019 ;(123):2353-2360

55. 2019 Pan XY,Chen CH,Chang YH,Wang DY,Lee YC,Liou CC, Wang YX, Hu CC, Kuo TR. Osteoporosis risk assessment using multilayered gold-nanoparticle thin film via SALDI-MS measurement . Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry .2019 ;(411):2793-2802

56. 2019 Kuo TR,Lee YC,Chou HL,Swathi MG,Wei CU,Wen CY, Chang YH, Pan XY, Wang DY . Plasmon-Enhanced Hydrogen Evolution on Specific Facet of Silver Nanocrystals . Chemistry of Materials .2019 ;(31):3722-3728

57. 2019 Yougbare S,Chang TK,Tan SH,Kuo JC,Hsu PH,Su CY, Kuo TR. Antimicrobial Gold Nanoclusters: Recent Developments and Future Perspectives . International Journal of Molecular Sciences .2019 ;(20):2924

58. 2019 Liu YC,Chang YH,Lin YH,Liou CC,Kuo TR. High-Performance Sample Substrate of Gold Nanoparticle Multilayers for Surface-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Mass Spectrometry . Nanomaterials .2019 ;(9)

59. 2019 Tung CW,Kuo TR,Hsu CS,Chuang Y,Chen HC,Chang CK, Chien CY, Lu YJ, Chan TS, Lee JF, Li JY, Chen HM. Light-Induced Activation of Adaptive Junction for Efficient Solar-Driven Oxygen Evolution: In Situ Unraveling the Interfacial Metal-Silicon Junction . Advanced Energy Mateirals .2019 ;(9):1-12

60. 2019 Chang TK,Cheng TM,Chu HL,Tan SH,Kuo JC,Hsu PH, Su CY, Chen HM, Lee CM, Kuo TR. Metabolic Mechanism Investigation of Antibacterial Active Cysteine-Conjugated Gold Nanoclusters in Escherichia coli . ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering .2019 ;(7):15479-15486

61. 2018 Cheng TM,Chu HL,Lee YC,Wang DY,Chang CC,Chung KL, Yen HC, Hsiao CW, Pan XY, Kuo TR, Chen CC. Quantitative Analysis of Glucose Metabolic Cleavage in Glucose Transporters Overexpressed Cancer Cells by Target-Specific Fluorescent Gold Nanoclusters . Analytical Chemistry .2018 ;(90):3974-3980

62. 2018 Kuo TR,Liao HJ,Chen YT,Wei CY,Chang CC,Chen YC, Chang YH, Lin JC, Lee YC, Wen CY, Li SS, Lin KH, Wang DY. Extended visible to near-infrared harvesting of earth-abundant FeS2–TiO2 heterostructures for highly active photocatalytic hydrogen evolution . Green Chemistry .2018 ;(20):1640-1647

63. 2018 Chen WL,Huang YH,Cheng HY,Kuo TR,Chang YM. Statistical analysis of cuboctahedral silver nanocrystals Langmuir-Blodgett film SERS substrate . Journal of Raman Spectroscopy .2018 ;(49):792-799

64. 2018 Chang YH,Lin JC,Chen YC,Kuo TR,Wang DY. Facile synthesis of two-dimensionalRuddlesden-Popper perovskite quantumdots with fine-tunable optical properties . Nanoscale Research Letters .2018 ;(13):247

65. 2018 Kaur N,Nur Aditya R,Singh A,Kuo TR. Biomedical Applications for Gold Nanoclusters: Recent Developments and Future Perspectives . Nanoscale Research Letters .2018 ;(13)

66. 2017 Kuo TR,Chen WT,Liao HJ,Yang YH,Yen HC,Liao TW, Wen CY, Lee YC, Chen CC, Wang DY. Improving Hydrogen Evolution Activity of Earth-Abundant Cobalt-Doped Iron Pyrite Catalysts by Surface Modification with Phosphide . Small .2017 ;(13):1603356-1603356

67. 2017 Kuo TR,Chen YC,Wang CI,Shen TH,Wang HY,Pan XY, Wang DY, Liou CC, Change YH, Chen YC, Wu YH, Liu YR, Lin YH, Hu CC, Chen CC. Highly oriented Langmuir-Blodgett film of silver cuboctahedra as an effective matrix-free sample plate for surface-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry . Nanoscale .2017 ;(9):11119-11125

68. 2017 Kuo TR,Hung ST,Lin YT,Chou TL,Kuo MC,Kuo YP, Chen CC. Green Synthesis of InP/ZnS Core/Shell Quantum Dots for Application in Heavy-Metal-Free Light-Emitting Diodes . Nanoscale Research Letters .2017 ;(12):1-7

69. 2017 Kuo TR,Chen CH. Bone biomarker for the clinical assessment of osteoporosis: recent developments and future perspectives . Biomarker Research .2017 ;(5)

70. 2016 Kuo TR,Sung SY,Chen CH,Chang CJ,Chiu TC,Hu CC. One-Pot Green Hydrothermal Synthesis of Highly Fluorescent Nitrogen-Doped Carbon Nanodots for in vivo Bioimaging . Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry .2016 ;(408):77-82

71. 2016 Wang DY,Li Ch,Li SS,Kuo TR,Tsai CM,Chen TR, Wang YC, Chen CW, Chen CC. Iron Pyrite/Titanium Dioxide Photoanode for Extended Near Infrared Light Harvesting in a Photoelectrochemical Cell . Scientific Reports .2016

72. 2015 Wang DY,Wang WW,Chen HA,Chen TR,Li SS,Yeh YC, Kuo TR, Liao JH, Chang YC, Chen WT, Wu SH, Hu CC, Chen CW, Chen CC. Carbon . Photoluminescence Quenching of Graphene Oxide by Metal Ions in Aqueous Media .2015 ;(82):24-30

73. 2015 Li CH,Kuo TR,Su HJ,Lai WY,Yang PC,Chen JS, Wang DY, Wu YC, Chen CC. Fluorescence-Guided Probes of Aptamer-Targeted Gold Nanoparticles with Computed Tomography Imaging Accesses for in Vivo Tumor Resection . Scientific Reports .2015 ;(5):15675

1. 2021 Kuo TR. Nanomaterials for Antibacterial Applications . The 3rd SURABAYA INTERNATIONAL HEALTH CONFERENCE (SIHC) 2021 .2021

2. 2021 Kuo TR. Plasmonic Gold Nanoisland Film as a Substrate for Bacterial Theranostics . The 15th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Molecular Medicine & Engineering (IEEE-NANOMED 2021) .2021

3. 2020 Kuo TR. Facet-Dependent Silver Nanocrystals for Plasmon-Enhanced Hydrogen Production . The 2020 International Conference on Green Electrochemical Technologies .2020

4. 2019 Mechanisms of Cysteine Conjugated Gold Nanoclusters in Escherichia Coli . IEEE-NANOMED 2019 .2019

5. 2019 Tan SH,Kuo TR. Application of hemoglobin-capped fluorescent gold nanoclusters for cancer cell targeting and inhibition of cancer cell proliferation . ACS Fall 2019 National Meeting & Exposition .2019

6. 2019 Chang YH,Kuo TR. Multilayered gold-nanoparticle thin film as a sample substrate in SALDI-MS for osteoporosis risk assessment . ACS Fall 2019 National Meeting & Exposition .2019

7. 2019 Yang CH,Kuo TR. Gold nanobipyramids for noninvasive photothermal killing of bacteria . ACS Fall 2019 National Meeting & Exposition .2019

8. 2019 Kuo TR,Wang DY. Shape-controlled silver nanocrystals with specific facets as the light-harvesting catalysts for plasmon-enhanced hydrogen production . ACS Fall 2019 National Meeting & Exposition .2019

9. 2019 Kuo JC,Kuo TR. Evaluation of cancer progression and inhibition of cancer cell proliferation by using target-specific 2A3 antibody-conjugated gold nanoclusters . ACS Fall 2019 National Meeting & Exposition .2019

10. 2019 Metabolic mechanism of cysteine conjugated fluorescent gold nanoclusters in Escherichia coli . ACS Fall 2019 National Meeting & Exposition .2019

11. 2019 Synthesis of cysteine-conjugated silver-gold alloy nanoclusters and their application in antimicrobial . ACS Fall 2019 National Meeting & Exposition .2019

12. 2019 Cysteine conjugated silver nanoclusters for the detection and inhibition of Escherichia coli . ACS Fall 2019 National Meeting & Exposition .2019

13. 2019 Kuo TR. Glucose Metabolic Kinetics in Glucose Transporters Overexpressed Cancer Cells by Target-specific Fluorescent Gold Nanoclusters . The 14th Asian Congress on Biotechnology .2019

14. 2018 Pan XY,Chang TK,Chen K,Kuo JC,Tan SH,Kuo TR. Target-specific glucose-conjugated gold nanoclusters as fluorescent probes for quantitative analysis of glucose metabolic cleavage in glucose transporters overexpressed cancer cells . 256th ACS National Meeting & Exposition .2018

15. 2018 Chang TK,Chen K,Tan SH,Kuo JC,Pan XY,Kuo TR. Metabolic mechanism of cysteine-protected fluorescent gold nanoclusters in Escherichia coli . 256th ACS National Meeting & Exposition .2018

16. 2018 Pan XY,Chang TK,Chen K,Tan SH,Kuo JC,Kuo TR. Effective matrix-free sample plate of highly ordered gold nanoparticle thin film in surface-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry for quantitative analysis of bone biomarkers in osteoporosis . 256th ACS National Meeting & Exposition .2018

17. 2018 Tan SH,Pan XY,Kuo JC,Chang TK,Chen K,Kuo TR. Measurement of Escherichia coli using hemoglobin-capped fluorescent gold nanoclusters . 256th ACS National Meeting & Exposition .2018

18. 2018 Kuo JC,Tan SH,Pan XY,Chen K,Chang TK,Kuo TR. Development of target-specific 2A3 antibody-conjugated gold nanoclusters for assessment of cancer progression and inhibition of cancer cell proliferation . 256th ACS National Meeting & Exposition .2018

19. 2018 Chen K,Tan SH,Chang TK,Kuo JC,Pan XY,Kuo TR. Target-specific fluorescent gold nanoclusters for inhibition of bacterial growth . 256th ACS National Meeting & Exposition .2018

20. 2018 Kuo TR,Li SS,Wang DY. Earth-abundant FeS2-TiO2 heterostructures for highly active photocatalytic hydrogen evolution from UV, visible to near infrared light . 256th ACS National Meeting & Exposition .2018

21. 2018 Kuo TR. Nanomaterials for disease detections . 3rd International BioMedical Interface Symposium .2018


113 基於吸光奈米材料和細菌的光合生物混合系統的設計及其作用機制之研究(3/3)

113 延攬印度籍CHINMAYA MUTALIK CHINMAYA MUTALIK君參與「基於吸光奈米材料和細菌的光合生物混合系統的設計及其作用機制之研究(3/3)」研究計畫案,申請本會補助,業經核定以「博士級研究人員」資格補助(NSTC 113-2811-M-038-003)

112 研發具備二硫化鉬奈米材料摻雜的超疏 水導尿管,並深入調查其在光熱殺菌方 面的效能。

112 「補助國內專家學者出席國際學術會議」申請費用補助案(出席人員:國際生醫工程博士學位學程CHINMAYA MUTALIK研究助理(博士級))

112 基於吸光奈米材料和細菌的光合生物混合系統的設計及其作用機制之研究(2/3)

112 基於吸光奈米材料和細菌的光合生物混合系統的設計及其作用機制之研究(2/3)

112 貴機構依本會「補助國內研究生出席國際學術會議」申請費用補助案-2023 IEEE 第 16 屆奈米∕分子醫學與工程國際會議

112 貴機構依本會「補助國內研究生出席國際學術會議」申請費用補助案(研究生:國際生醫工程博士學位學程博士班Muhammad Saukani君)

112 利用原位生長鎳鐵雙金屬有機框架於活性發泡鎳應用於高效能儲能裝置和電催化水分解系統

111 延攬印度籍CHINMAYA MUTALIK CHINMAYA MUTALIK君參與「基於吸光奈米材料和細菌的光合生物混合系統的設計及其作用機制之研究(1/3)」研究計畫案,申請本部補助,業經核定以「博士級研究人員」資格補助

111 基於吸光奈米材料和細菌的光合生物混合系統的設計及其作用機制之研究(1/3)

111 新穎金屬有機框架衍生物作為高效能助催化劑應用於提升異原子摻雜釩酸鉍光陽極之光電化學催化水分解能力

110 薄膜型液晶光電元件於心臟衰竭之疾病快篩應用

110 開發高效能人工光合作用系統(2/2)

110 以氟化銨修飾新穎金屬有機框架衍伸物應用於超級電容器

109 運用以細菌及金奈米團簇作為新穎太陽能驅動生物催化反應進行硝酸鹽還原成亞硝酸鹽、一氧化氮和氨之效能評估

109 相位相依二硫化鉬奈米花於光增強產氫之應用

109 開發高效能人工光合作用系統(1/2)

108 貴機構奈米醫學工程研究所郭聰榮助理教授擬於108年8月赴美國聖地牙哥參加ACS Fall 2019 National Meeting & Exposition,申請補助所需費用一案

108 金奈米團簇在細菌中代謝機制的探討與太陽能燃料的生產

107 奈米醫學工程研究所郭聰榮助理教授擬於107年8月赴美國波士頓參加256th ACS National Meeting

107 金奈米棒與金奈米雙錐體間光熱轉換的定量比較

107 開發具專一性的金奈米團簇於癌症進程評估與抑制癌細胞增生之應用

107 奈米醫學工程研究所碩士班研究生張怡瑄君擬於108年8月25日至8月29日赴美國聖地牙哥參加2019年美國化學會秋季國際會議

106 表面電漿共振銀奈米晶體於不同晶面下照光電催化分解水產氫之機制研究

106 發展表面增強拉曼散射快篩平台來檢測阿茲海默症的生物標記物(2/2)

106 超解析雷射掃描螢光校正尺規之開發(2/2)

106 超解析雷射掃描螢光校正尺規之開發(2/2)

105 發展表面增強拉曼散射快篩平台來檢測阿茲海默症的生物標記物(1/2)

105 發展表面增強拉曼散射快篩平台來檢測阿茲海默症的生物標記物(1/2)

105 超解析雷射掃描螢光校正尺規之開發(1/2)

105 超解析雷射掃描螢光校正尺規之開發(1/2)

104 新聘教師研究補助