高治圻(Kao, Chih-Chin) 副教授

現   職
內科學科 副教授


學 歷

臺北醫學大學臨床醫學研究所 博士
國立陽明大學醫學系 學士








Renal Physiology & Nephrology,Urology and Endocrinology



1. 2024 Ho SY*,Kao CC*,Chang CM*,Chou YC,Luo WT,Chou WH, Tsai IL, Wu MS#, Chang WC#. Characterization of T-Cell receptor repertoire in immunoglobulin a nephropathy . Biomark Res .2024

2. 2024 Wang TH,Kao CC*,Chang TH*. Ensemble Machine Learning for Predicting 90-Day Outcomes and Analyzing Risk Factors in Acute Kidney Injury Requiring Dialysis . Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare .2024 ;(17):1589-1602

3. 2023 Shiau CH*,Tsau LY*,Kao CC*,Peng YC,Bai CH,Wu JC#, Hou WH#. Efficacy and safety of sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitors in patients with chronic kidney disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis . Int Urol Nephrol .2023

4. 2023 Chen CW,Su FY,Wang PP,Chuang MT,Lin YC,Kao CC*, Huang CY*. Renal outcomes after contrast exposure in patients with diabetes who use sodium–glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitors . Postgrad Med J .2023

5. 2023 Hsiao SH,Sue YM,Kao CC,Chang HW,Lin YC,Hung CS, Hsieh YC, Hong SY, Chung CL, Chang JH, Su YS, Liu MC, Lai KSL, Chien KL, Wang JCC, Cheng CY, Fang TC. Comparison of Humoral Antibody Responses and Seroconversion Rates between Two Homologous ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 and mRNA-1273 Vaccination in Patients Undergoing Maintenance Hemodialysis . Vaccines (Basel) .2023 ;(11(7)):1161

6. 2023 Cheng YH,Lee CH,Wang SY,Chou CY,Yang YJ,Kao CC, Wu HY, Dong Yushi, Hung WY, Su CY, Tseng ST, Tsai IL. Multiplexed Antibody Glycosylation Profiling Using Dual Enzyme Digestion and Liquid Chromatography-Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry Method . Molecular & Cellular Proteomics .2023

7. 2022 Chen YC,Wong HS,Wu MY,Chou WH,Kao CC,Chao CH,Chang WC,Wu MS. Genome-Wide Association Study for Estimated GFR in a Taiwanese Population . Clin J Am Soc Nephrol .2022 ;(17):1598-1608

8. 2022 Su PC,Zheng CM,Chen CC,Chiu LY,Chang HY,Tsai MH,Liao CT,Kao CC,Hsu YH,Shen CC,Hsu CC,Wu MS,Lin YC. Effect of Dialysis Modalities on All-Cause Mortality and Cardiovascular Mortality in End-Stage Kidney Disease: A Taiwan Renal Registry Data System (TWRDS) 2005–2012 Study . J Pers Med .2022 ;(12):1715

9. 2022 Chen HF*,Kao CC*,Ka SM,Wang SY,Chen MX,Chen GY,Weng TI,Lai RY,Yeh SC,Lin YC,Chen HH,Chang WC,Wu MS,Tsai IL. Development of an enrichment-free one-pot sample preparation and ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry method to identify Immunoglobulin A1 hinge region O-glycoforms for Immunoglobulin A nephropathy . J Chromatogr A .2022

10. 2022 Kao CC,Wu PC,Chuang MT,Yeh SC,Lin YC,Chen HH,Fang TC,Chang WC,Wu MS,Chang TH. Effects of osteoporosis medications on bone fracture in patients with chronic kidney disease . Postgrad Med J .2022

11. 2022 Weng CT,Huang SL,Yang HW,Kao CC,Wei CC,Huang YF. Oral microbiota in xerostomia patients - A preliminary study . J Dent Sci .2022

12. 2022 Chang KY,Chen YC,Yeh SC,Kao CC,Cheng CY,Kang YN,Huang CW. A Consistency Model for Identifying the Effects of n-3 and n-6 Fatty Acids on Lipoproteins in Dialysis Patients . Nutrients .2022

13. 2022 Cheng CY,Fang TC,Liao HW,Chen TH,Chang JH,Lin YC,Kao CC,Liu MC,Chang HW,Hung CS,Wang JC,Hsiao SH,Sue YM. The Humoral Immune Response of the ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 Vaccine in Maintenance Dialysis Patients without Prior COVID-19 Infection . Vaccines .2022

14. 2022 Chung WC*,Kao CC*,Huang CF,Lee CY,Lu HK,Wu MS. Effects of Periodontal Treatment in Patients with Periodontitis and Kidney Failure: A Pilot Study . Int J Environ Res Public Health .2022 ;(19(3)):1-13

15. 2022 Brahmadhi A,Chuang YK,Wang SY,Kao CC*,Tsai IL*. Exosomal proteomics in kidney disease: From technical approaches to clinical applications . J Food Drug Anal. .2022

16. 2022 Chou CL,Juan SH,Li CH,Chen HH,Kao CC,Chen LY, Chien LN, Fang TC. Association between DPP-4 Inhibitors and Events of Colorectal and Liver Cancers in Patients with Diabetes Receiving Second-line Agents: A Nested Case-control Study . Front Oncol .2022

17. 2022 Tsai MH,Su FY,Chang HY,Su PC,Chiu LY,Nowicki M,Kao CC,Lin YC. The Effect of Statin on Anemia in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease and End-Stage Kidney Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis . J Pers Med .2022 ;(12):1175

18. 2021 Chiang TH,Lee YW,Tan JH,Kao CC,Chang CC,Fang KC. Mucormycosis causing massive lower gastrointestinal bleeding: a case report . BMC Gastroenterol .2021

19. 2021 Yang SR,Hung SC,Chu LJ,Hua KF,Wei CW,Tsai IL,Kao CC,Sung CC,Chu P,Wu CY,Chen A,Wu AT,Liu FC,Huang HS,Ka SM. NSC828779 Alleviates Renal Tubulointerstitial Lesions Involving Interleukin-36 Signaling in Mice . Cells .2021

20. 2021 Chen MX,Su HH,Shiao CY,Chang YT,Chang MC,Kao CC,Wang SY,Shih HC,Tsai IL. Affinity Purification Coupled to Stable Isotope Dilution LC-MS/MS Analysis to Discover IgG4 Glycosylation Profiles for Autoimmune Pancreatitis . Int J Mol Sci .2021

21. 2021 Chen KT,Kang YN,Lin YC,Tsai IL,Chang WC,Fang TC,Wu MS,Kao CC*. Efficacy and Safety of Mineralocorticoid Receptor Antagonists in Kidney Failure Patients Treated with Dialysis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis . Clin J Am Soc Nephrol .2021 ;(16):916-925

22. 2021 Kao CC,Wong HS,Wang YJ,Chou WH,Perwitasari DA,Wu MS,Chang WC. The role of genetic polymorphisms in STIM1 and ORAI1 for erythropoietin resistance in patients with renal failure . Medicine .2021 ;(100)

23. 2021 Chang CY,Wu MS,Chang CH,Lin CC,Lin HL,Kao CC,Chen HH,Li Albert,Hsu CC,Lin YC. Effect of Dialyzer Membranes on Mortality in Uremic Patients Undergoing Long-term Hemodialysis: A Nationwide Population-based Study using the Taiwan Dialysis Registry Data System 2005-2012 . Ther Apher Dial .2021

24. 2021 Huang TW,Chen JY,Wu YL,Kao CC,Yeh SC,Lin YC. Alterations of bone markers in obese patients with type 2 diabetes after bariatric surgery: A meta-analysis and systemic review of randomized controlled trials and cohorts . Medicine .2021

25. 2021 Kao CC,Wang SY,Chuang YK,Lee WY,Chang WC,Wu MS,Kuo TC,Tsai IL. Clinical mass spectrometry discovered human IgG sialylation as a potential biosignature for kidney function . J Pers Med .2021

26. 2021 Kao CC,Wu MS,Chuang MT,Lin YC,Huang CY,Chang WC,Chen CW,Chang TH. Investigation of dual antiplatelet therapy after coronary stenting in patients with chronic kidney disease . Plos One .2021

27. 2020 Chen HF,Shiao CY,Wu MY,Lin YC,Chen HH,Chang WC,Wu MS,Kao CC*,Tsai IL*. Quantitative determination of human IgA subclasses and their Fc-glycosylation patterns in plasma by using peptide analogue internal standard and ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography-triple quadrupole mass spectrometry . Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom .2020

28. 2020 Lin YK,Kao CC,Tseng CH,Hsu CE,Lin YJ,Chen YC,Lin C,Huang CY. Noninvasive Hemodynamic Profiles during Hemodialysis in Patients with and without Heart Failure . Cardiorenal Med .2020

29. 2020 Chen YC,Wu MY,Yu ZL,Chou WH,Lai YT,Kao CC,Faridah IN,Wu MS,Chang WC. Association of UBE3C Variants with Reduced Kidney Function in Patients with Diabetic Kidney Disease . J Pers Med .2020 ;(10):210

30. 2020 Yu ZL,Wong CS,Lai YT,Chou WH,Faridah IN,Kao CC,Lin YF,Chang WC. Gender Differences in Genetic Associations of RAB38 with Urinary Protein-to-Creatinine Ratio (UPCR) Levels in Diabetic Nephropathy Patients . J Pers Med .2020 ;(10):184

31. 2019 Kao CC,Tseng CH,Lo MT,Lin YK,Hsu CY,Wu YL,Chen HH,Lin FY,Lin C*,Huang CY*. Alteration autonomic control of cardiac function during hemodialysis predict cardiovascular outcomes in end stage renal disease patients . Sci Rep .2019 ;(9):18783

32. 2019 Kao CC,Cheng SY,Wang YJ,Chien SC,Hsu YW,Wu MY,Lu HF,Nam S,Sun T,Wu MS,Chang WC. Association of endothelin genetic variants and hospitalized infection complications in end-stage renal disease (ESRD) patients. . BMC Nephrol .2019 ;(20):203-211

33. 2019 Kang YN,Chang CH,Kao CC,Chen CY,Wu CC. Development of a short and universal learning self-efficacy scale for clinical skills . PLoS ONE .2019 ;(14):1-11

34. 2019 Kao CC,Yang WS,Fang JT,Liu KD,Wu VC. Remote organ failure in acute kidney injury . J Formos Med Assoc. .2019 ;(118):859-866

35. 2018 Kao CC,Liu JS,Chang YK,Lin MH,Lin YC,Chen HH,Chang WC,Hsu CC,Wu MS. Cancer and mTOR inhibitors in kidney transplantation recipients . PeerJ .2018 ;(6):1-19

36. 2018 Kao CC*,Lin YS*,Chu HC,Fang TC,Wu MS,Kang YN. Association of Renal Function and Direct-Acting Antiviral Agents for HCV: A Network Meta-analysis . J Clin Med .2018 ;(7):314-327

37. 2017 Kao CC,Cheng SY,Wu MY,Chien SC,Lu HF,Hsu YW,Zhang YF,Wu MS,Chang WC. Associations of genetic variants of endothelin with cardiovascular complications in patients with renal failure . BMC Nephrol .2017 ;(18):291-299

38. 2017 Kao CC*,Yang JY*,Chen LK,Chao CT,Peng YS,Chiang CK,Huang JW,Hung KY. Factors associated with poor outcomes of continuous renal replacement therapy . PLoS One .2017 ;(12):1-11

39. 2017 Su HH,Kao CM,Lin YC,Lin YC,Kao CC,Chen HH,Hsu CC,Chen KC,Peng CC,Wu MS. Relationship between serum total bilirubin levels and mortality in uremia patients undergoing long-term hemodialysis: A nationwide cohort study . Atherosclerosis .2017 ;(265):155-161

40. 2017 Kao CC,Wu CH,Lai CF,Huang TM,Chen HH,Wu VC,Chen L,Wu MS,Wu KD,NSARF Group. Long-term risk of dementia following acute kidney injury: A population-based study . Ci Ji Yi Xue Za Zhi .2017 ;(29):201-207

41. 2017 Wong HS,Chang CM,Kao CC,Hsu YW,Liu X,Chang WC,Wu MS,Chang WC. V-J combinations of T-cell receptor predict responses to erythropoietin in end-stage renal disease patients . J Biomed Sci .2017 ;(24):43-52

42. 2017 Lin YC,Lin YC,Kao CC,Chen HH,Hsu CC,Wu MS. Health policies on dialysis modality selection: a nationwide population cohort study . BMJ Open .2017 ;(7):1-7

43. 2017 Chien LN,Chou CL,Chen HH,Kao CC,Lin YC,Wu YL,Chen JS,Chen LY,Fang TC. Association Between Stroke Risk and Metformin Use in Hemodialysis Patients With Diabetes Mellitus: A Nested Case-Control Study . J Am Heart Assoc .2017 ;(6):1-12

44. 2017 Liu CT,Lin YC,Lin YC,Kao CC,Chen HH,Hsu CC,Wu MS. Roles of Serum Calcium, Phosphorus, PTH and ALP on Mortality in Peritoneal Dialysis Patients: A Nationwide, Population-based Longitudinal Study Using TWRDS 2005-2012 . Sci Rep .2017 ;(7):33

45. 2017 Chen CW,Chu JS,Hsieh LC,Kao CC,Lin YC,Chen HH. Intestinal goblet cell carcinoid presenting with recurrent sterile peritonitis in a patient on peritoneal dialysis: a case report . BMC Nephrol .2017 ;(18):62

46. 2016 Shiao CC,Wu PC,Wu VC,Lin JH,Pan HC,Yang YF,Lai TS,Huang TM,Wu CH,Yang WS,Wu CJ,Kao CC,Sun CY,Huang CT,Lee KH,Lin CY,Chen TC,Hu FC,Liou HH,Lu KC,Chien KL,Wang JJ,Kan WC,Kuo FC,Lin HY,Chen CM,You ZH,Tsai JP,Weng CJ,Chen HY,Chang CF,Hsu WD,Wu MS,Huang CC,Wu KD. Nationwide epidemiology and prognosis of dialysis-requiring acute kidney injury (NEP-AKI-D) study: Design and methods . Nephrology .2016 ;(21):758-764

47. 2016 Kao CC,Liu JS,Lin MH,Hsu CY,Chang FC,Lin YC,Chen HH,Chen TW,Hsu CC,Wu MS. Impact of mTOR Inhibitors on Cancer Development in Kidney Transplantation Recipients: A Population-Based Study . Transplant Proc .2016 ;(48):900-904

48. 2016 Kao CC,Wu PC,Wu CH,Chen LK,Chen HH,Wu MS,Wu VC. Risk of liver injury after α-glucosidase inhibitor therapy in advanced chronic kidney disease patients . Sci Rep .2016 ;(6):18996

49. 2015 Kao CC,Wu MS. Renoprotective effect of pentoxifylline in advanced chronic kidney disease . J Formos Med Assoc .2015 ;(114):94

50. 2015 Kao CC,Tsai YC,Chiang WC,Mao TL,Kao TW. Ileum and colon perforation following peritoneal dialysis-related peritonitis and high-dose calcium polystyrene sulfonate . J Formos Med Assoc .2015 ;(114):1008-1010

51. 2015 Kao CC,Hung JY,Yeh SC,Hsu CY,Lin YC,Chen TW,Chen HH. Tacrolimus-induced acute demyelinating sensorimotor polyneuropathy with axonal damage after kidney transplantation . Acta Nephrologica .2015 ;(29):176-180

52. 2015 Lin YC,Lin YC,Hsu CY,Kao CC,Chang FC,Chen TW,Chen HH,Hsu CC,Wu MS. Effect Modifying Role of Serum Calcium on Mortality-Predictability of PTH and Alkaline Phosphatase in Hemodialysis Patients: An Investigation Using Data from the Taiwan Renal Registry Data System from 2005 to 2012 . PLoS One .2015 ;(10):e0129737

53. 2015 Kao CC,Wu CH,Lin YH,Chang CC,Chen HH,Wu MS,Wu VC,Wu KD,TAIPAI Study Group. Risk of ischemic stroke in primary aldosteronism patients . Clin Chim Acta .2015 ;(438):86-89

54. 2014 Kao CC,Chiang CK,Huang JW. Micrococcus species-related peritonitis in patients receiving peritoneal dialysis . Int Urol Nephrol .2014 ;(46):261-264

55. 2014 Wu VC,Hu YH,Wu CH,Kao CC,Wang CY,Yang WS,Lee HH,Chang YS,Lin YH,Wang SM,Chen L,Wu KD,TAIPAI Study Group. Administrative data on diagnosis and mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist prescription identified patients with primary aldosteronism in Taiwan . J Clin Epidemiol .2014 ;(67):1139-1149

56. 2014 Hwang DY,Chien SC,Hsu YW,Kao CC,Cheng SY,Lu HC,Wu MS,Chang JM. Genetic polymorphisms of ORAI1 and chronic kidney disease in Taiwanese population . Biomed Res Int .2014 ;(290863)

57. 2013 Kao CC,Wu VC,Kuo CC,Lin YH,Hu YH,Tsai YC,Wu CH,Wu KD. Delayed diagnosis of primary aldosteronism in patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney diseases . J Renin Angiotensin Aldosterone Syst .2013 ;(14):167-173

58. 2013 Kao CC,Wu VC,Sun HY,Wu CH,The NSARF Group. Paradoxical cryptococcal immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome in advanced chronic kidney disease . Int Urol Nephrol .2013 ;(45):1505-1509

59. 2012 Chou YH,Lien YC,Hu FC,Lin WC,Kao CC,Lai CF,Chiang WC,Lin SL,Tsai TJ,Wu KD,Chen YM. Clinical Outcomes and Predictors for ESRD and Mortality in Primary GN . Clin J Am Soc Nephrol .2012 ;(7):1401-1408

60. 2012 Chao CT,Kao CC,Lee SY,Ho SJ,Jhuang YJ,Li LH,Kao TW. Renal cell carcinoma with secondary hemophagocytic syndrome: A case report . Can Urol Assoc J .2012 ;(6):E64-66

61. 2007 Yang CC,Kao CC. Cardiovascular diseases and the risk of venous thromboembolism: a hospital-based case-control study . J Chin Med Assoc .2007 ;(70):103-109


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