邱惠雯(Chiu, Hui-Wen) 教授

現   職
臨床醫學研究所 教授


學 歷

成功大學環境醫學研究所 博士
成功大學環境醫學研究所 碩士
中國醫藥大學營養學系 學士




2023/07/01 ~
2018/02/01 ~
2018/02/01 ~







1. 2024 Chiu HW,Lee HL ,Lee HH ,Lu HW ,Lin YHK ,Lin YF, Lin CH. AIM2 promotes irradiation resistance, migration ability and PD-L1 expression through STAT1/NF-κB activation in oral squamous cell carcinoma . Journal of Translational Medicine .2024 ;(22):13

2. 2024 Chiu HW,Lin CH ,Lee HH ,Lu HW ,Lin YHK ,Lin YF, Lee HL. Guanylate binding protein 5 triggers NF-κB activation to foster radioresistance, metastatic progression and PD-L1 expression in oral squamous cell carcinoma . Clinical Immunology .2024 ;(259):109892

3. 2024 Wang YL,Huang CCY ,Zheng CM,Liu WC,Lee YH,Chiu HW. Polystyrene microplastic-induced extracellular vesicles cause kidney-related effects in the crosstalk between tubular cells and fibroblasts . Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety .2024 ;(273):116098

4. 2024 Wang YL,Lee YH,Chou CL ,Chang YS,Liu WC,Chiu HW. Oxidative stress and potential effects of metal nanoparticles: a review of biocompatibility and toxicity concerns . Environmental Pollution .2024 ;(346):123617

5. 2024 Chiu HW,Chou CL,Lee KT,Shih CC,Huang TH,Sung LC. Nattokinase attenuates endothelial inflammation through the activation of SRF and THBS1 . International Journal of Biological Macromolecules .2024 ;(268):131779

6. 2024 Chou CL,Chiu HW,Hsu YH,Yu S M-W,Liou TH ,Sung LC. Impact of chronic kidney disease and end-stage renal disease on the mid-term adverse outcomes in diabetic patients with cardiovascular diseases . Scientific Reports .2024 ;(14):15770

7. 2023 Wu YH,Chen RJ,Chiu HW,Yang LX,Wang YL,Chen YY, Yeh YL, Liao MY, Wang YJ. Nanoparticles augment the therapeutic window of RT and immunotherapy for treating cancers: pivotal role of autophagy . Theranostics .2023 ;(13):40-58

8. 2023 Liu WC ,Chiu HW ,Chou CL ,Chiu YJ,Lee YH. Lactoferrin attenuated urban particulate matter-induced nephrotoxicity by regulating the CSF2/CENPE axis . Environmental Pollution .2023 ;(318):120871

9. 2023 Yuan TZ ,Lin HY ,Kuei CH ,Lin CH ,Lee HH ,Lee HL , Lu HW, Su CY, Chiu HW and Lin YF. NEDD8 promotes radioresistance via triggering autophagy formation and serves as a novel prognostic marker in oral squamous cell carcinoma . Cancer Cell International .2023 ;(23):41

10. 2023 Huang HJ ,Lee YH ,Sung LC ,Chen YJ ,Chiu YJ ,Chiu HW , Zheng CM . Drug repurposing screens to identify potential drugs for chronic kidney disease by targeting prostaglandin E2 receptor . Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal .2023 ;(21):3490-3502

11. 2023 Huang HJ,Chou CL,Sandar T T,Liu WC,Yang HC,Lin YC, Zheng CM, Chiu HW. Currently used methods to evaluate the efficacy of therapeutic drugs and kidney safety . Biomolecules .2023 ;(13):1581

12. 2023 Hou YC,Liao MT,Tsai KW,Zheng CM,Chiu HW,Lu KC. Indoxyl sulfate induced frailty in patients with end-stage renal disease by disrupting the PGC-1α-FNDC5 axis . Aging .2023 ;(15):11532-11545

13. 2022 Chiu HW,Hou YC,Lu CL,Lu KC,Liu WC,Shyu JF, Chang JF, Zheng CM . Cinacalcet improves bone parameters through regulation of osteoclast endoplasmic reticulum stress, autophagy, and apoptotic pathways in chronic kidney disease-mineral and bone disorder. . Journal of Bone and Mineral Research .2022 ;(37):215-225

14. 2022 Lin JH,Peng KY,Kuo YP,Liu H,Tan B CM ,Lin YF, Chiu HW, Lin YH, Chen YM, Chueh JS , Wu VC. Aldosterone-producing nodules and CYP11B1 signaling correlate in primary aldosteronism. . Endocrine-Related Cancer .2022 ;(29):59-69

15. 2022 Lee CW,Hsu LF ,Wu I.-L,Wang YL,Chen WC,Liu YJ, Yang LT, Tan CL, Luo YH, Wang CC, Chiu HW, Yang T CK, Lin YY, Chang HA, Chiang YC, Chen CH, Lee MH, Peng KT, Huang C CY. Exposure to polystyrene microplastics impairs hippocampus-dependent learning and memory in mice. . Journal of Hazardous Materials .2022 ;(430):128431

16. 2022 Liu WC,Chuang HC,Chou CL,Lee YH,Chiu YJ,Wang YL, Chiu HW . Cigarette smoke exposure increases glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, autophagy, fibrosis and senescence in kidney cells in vitro and in vivo . Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity .2022 ;(2022):5696686

17. 2022 Huang HJ,Lee YH,Chou CL ,Zheng CM,Chiu HW. Investigation of potential descriptors of chemical compounds on prevention of nephrotoxicity via QSAR approach . Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal .2022 ;(20):1876-1884

18. 2022 Hou YC,Zheng CM,Chiu HW,Lu CL,Liu WC,Lu KC, Lu CL. Role of calcimimetics in treating bone and mineral disorders related to chronic kidney disease . Pharmaceuticals .2022 ;(15):952

19. 2022 Zheng CM ,Lu KC,Chen YJ,Li CY,Lee YH,Chiu HW. Matrix metalloproteinase-7 promotes chronic kidney disease progression via the induction of inflammasomes and the suppression of autophagy. . Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy .2022 ;(154):113565

20. 2022 Chou CL,Chuang NC ,Chiu HW ,Liao CT ,Hsu YH ,Chang TH. Aminoglycosides use has a risk of acute kidney injury in patients without prior chronic kidney disease . Scientific Reports .2022 ;(12):17212

21. 2022 Zheng JQ,Lin CH ,Lee HH ,Chang WM ,Li LJ ,Su CY, Lee KY, Chiu HW, Lin YF. AIM2 upregulation promotes the metastatic progression and PD-L1 expression in lung adenocarcinoma . Cancer Science .2022 ;(114):306-320

22. 2021 Cheng YF,Chan CH,Wang BJ,Yeh YL,Wang YJ,Chiu HW. The oxygen-generating calcium peroxide-modified magnetic nanoparticles attenuate hypoxia-induced chemoresistance in triple-negative breast cancer. . Cancers .2021 ;(13):606

23. 2021 Cheng SW ,Chen PC,Ger TR,Chiu HW,Lin YF. GBP5 serves as a potential marker to predict a favorable response in triple-negative breast cancer patients receiving a taxane-based chemotherapy. . Journal of Personalized Medicine .2021 ;(11):197

24. 2021 Cheng SW ,Chen PC,Lin MH,Ger TR,Chiu HW ,Lin YF. GBP5 repression suppresses the metastatic potential and PD-L1 expression in triple-negative breast cancer. . Biomedicines .2021 ;(9):371

25. 2021 Sun MS,Yuan LT,Kuei CH,Lin HY,Chen YL ,Chiu HW, Lin YF. RGL2 drives the metastatic progression of colorectal cancer via preventing the protein degradation of b-catenin and KRAS. . Cancers .2021 ;(13):1763

26. 2021 Hsu YH ,Zheng CM ,Chou CL ,Chen YJ ,Lee YH ,Lin YF, Chiu HW. Therapeutic effect of endothelin-converting enzyme inhibitor on chronic kidney disease through the inhibition of endoplasmic reticulum stress and the NLRP3 inflammasome. . Biomedicines .2021 ;(9):398

27. 2021 Wang YL,Lee YH,Hsu YH,Chiu IJ,Huang CCY ,Huang CC, Chia ZC, Lee CP, Lin YF, Chiu HW. The kidney-related effects of polystyrene microplastics on human kidney proximal tubular epithelial cells HK-2 and male C57BL/6 mice. . Environmental Health Perspectives .2021 ;(129):57003

28. 2021 Huang HJ,Lee YH ,Hsu YH,Liao CT,Lin YF,Chiu HW. Current strategies in assessment of nanotoxicity: Alternatives to in vivo animal testing . International Journal of Molecular Sciences .2021 ;(22):4216

29. 2021 Wang YL ,Zheng CM ,Lee YH ,Cheng YY ,Lin YF ,Chiu HW. Micro- and nanosized substances cause different autophagy-related responses . International Journal of Molecular Sciences .2021 ;(22)

30. 2021 Chou CL,Chung CH,Chiu HW,Liao CT,Wu CC,Hsu YH, Chien WC. Association of pre-ESRD care education with patient outcomes in a 10-year longitudinal study of patients with CKD stages 3–5 in Taiwan . Scientific Reports .2021 ;(11):22602

31. 2020 Wang YL,Lee YH,Chiu IJ,Lin YF,Chiu HW . Potent impact of plastic nanomaterials and micromaterials on the food chain and human health. . International Journal of Molecular Sciences .2020 ;(21):1727

32. 2020 Chiu IJ,Hsu YH,Chang JS,Yang JC,Chiu HW,Lin YF. Lactotransferrin downregulation drives the metastatic progression in clear cell renal cell carcinoma. . Cancers .2020 ;(12):847

33. 2020 Hsu YH,Chiu IJ,Lin YF,Chen YJ,Lee YH ,Chiu HW. Lactoferrin contributes a renoprotective effect in acute kidney injury and early renal fibrosis. . Pharmaceutics .2020 ;(12):434

34. 2020 Lin HY,Kuei CH,Lee HH ,Lin CH ,Zheng JQ ,Chiu HW, Chen CL and Lin YF. The Gαh/phospholipase C-δ1 interaction promotes autophagosome degradation by activating the Akt/mTORC1 pathway in metastatic triple-negative breast cancer. . Aging .2020 ;(12):13023-13037

35. 2020 Kuei CH,Lin HY,Lin MH,Lee HH,Lin CH,Lee WJ, Chen YL, Lu LS, Zheng JQ, Hung RC, Chiu HW, Chen KC, Lin YF. DNA polymerase theta repression enhances the docetaxel responsiveness in metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer. . BBA - Molecular Basis of Disease .2020 ;(1866):165954

36. 2020 Liu WC,Shyu JF,Lin YF,Chiu HW,Lim PS,Lu CL, Zheng CM, Hou YC, Chen PH and Lu KC. Resveratrol rescue indoxyl sulfate-induced deterioration of osteoblastogenesis via the aryl hydrocarbon receptor/MAPK Pathway. . International Journal of Molecular Sciences .2020 ;(21):7483

37. 2020 Zheng CM,Lee YH,Chiu IJ,Chiu YJ,Sung LC,Hsu YH and Chiu HW . Nicotine causes nephrotoxicity through the induction of NLRP6 inflammasome and alpha7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor. . Toxics .2020 ;(8):92

38. 2019 Hsu YH,Chuang HC,Lee YH,Lin YF,Chen YJ,Hsiao TC, Wu MY, Chiu HW. Traffic-related particulate matter exposure induces nephrotoxicity in vitro and in vivo. . Free Radical Biology & Medicine .2019 ;(135):235-244

39. 2019 Lin YF,Chou JL,Chang JS,Chiu IJ,Chiu HW,Lin YF. Dysregulation of the miR-25-IMPA2 axis promotes metastatic progression in clear cell renal cell carcinoma. . EBioMedicine .2019 ;(45):220-230

40. 2019 Zheng CM,Hsu YH,Wu CC,Lu CL,Liu WC,Zheng JQ, Lin YF, Chiu HW, Chang TJ, Shyu JF, Lu KC. Osteoclast-released Wnt-10b underlies cinacalcet related bone improvement in chronic kidney disease. . International Journal of Molecular Sciences .2019 ;(20):2800

41. 2019 Hsu YH,Chuang HC,Lee YH,Lin YF,Chiu YJ,Wang YL, Wu MS, Chiu HW. Induction of fibrosis and autophagy in kidney cells by vinyl chloride. . Cells .2019 ;(8):601

42. 2019 Ho SY,Wu WS,Lin LC,Wu YH,Chiu HW,Yeh YL, Huang BM, Wang YJ. Cordycepin enhances radiosensitivity in oral squamous carcinoma cells by inducing autophagy and apoptosis through cell cycle arrest. . International Journal of Molecular Sciences .2019 ;(20):5366

43. 2019 Chiu HW,Yeh YL,Ho SY,Wu YH,Wang BJ,Huang WJ , Ho YS, Wang YJ, Chen LC, Tu SH. A new histone deacetylase inhibitor enhances radiation sensitivity through the induction of misfolded protein aggregation and autophagy in triple-negative breast cancer. . Cancers .2019 ;(11):1703

44. 2019 Cheng FY,Lee YH,Hsu YH,Chiu IJ,Chiu YJ,Lin YF, HW Chiu. Promising therapeutic effect of thapsigargin nanoparticles on chronic kidney disease through the activation of Nrf2 and FoxO1. . Aging .2019 ;(11):9875--9892

45. 2018 Lin YF,Tseng IJ,Kuo CJ,Lin HY,Chiu IJ,Chiu HW. High-level expression of ARID1A predicts a favorable outcome in triple-negative breast cancer patients receiving paclitaxel-based chemotherapy. . Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine .2018 ;(22):2458-2468

46. 2018 Wu YH,Wu WS,Lin LC,Liu CS,Ho SY ,Wang BJ, Huang BM, Yeh YL, Chiu HW, Yang WL, Wang YJ. Bortezomib enhances radiosensitivity in oral cancer through inducing autophagy-mediated TRAF6 oncoprotein degradation. . Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research .2018 ;(37):91

47. 2018 Chiu HW,Chang JS ,Lin HY ,Lee HH,Kuei CH,Lin CH, Huang HM, Lin YF. FBXL7 Upregulation Predicts a Poor Prognosis and Associates with a Possible Mechanism for Paclitaxel Resistance in Ovarian Cancer. . Journal of Clinical Medicine .2018 ;(7):330-343

48. 2018 Wang BJ,Chiu HW,Lee YL,Li CY,Wang YJ,Lee YH. Pterostilbene attenuates hexavalent chromium-induced allergic contact dermatitis by preventing cell apoptosis and inhibiting IL-1β-related NLRP3 inflammasome activation. . Journal of Clinical Medicine .2018 ;(7):489

49. 2017 Chiu HW,Chen CH,Chen YJ,Hsu YH. Far-infrared suppresses skin photoaging in ultraviolet B-exposed fibroblasts and hairless mice. . PLoS ONE .2017 ;(12):e01740

50. 2017 Wu YH,Hong CW,Wang YC,Huang WJ,Yeh YL,Wang BJ, Wang YJ, Chiu HW. A novel histone deacetylase inhibitor TMU-35435 enhances etoposide cytotoxicity through the proteasomal degradation of DNA-PKcs in triple-negative breast cancer. . Cancer letters .2017 ;(400):79-88

51. 2017 Lee YH,Fang CY,Chiu HW,Cheng FY,Tsai JC,Chen CW, Wang YJ. Endoplasmic reticulum stress-triggered autophagy and lysosomal dysfunction contribute to the cytotoxicity of amine-modified silver nanoparticles in NIH 3T3 cells. . Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology .2017 ;(13):778-794

52. 2017 Hsu YH,Lin YF,Chen CH,Chiu YJ,Chiu HW. Far infrared promotes wound healing through activation of Notch1 signaling. . Journal of Molecular Medicine .2017 ;(95):1203-1213

53. 2017 Lin YF,Lee YH,Hsu YH,Chen YJ,Lin YF,Cheng FY, Chiu HW. Resveratrol-loaded nanoparticles conjugated with kidney injury molecule-1 as a drug delivery system for potential use in chronic kidney disease. . Nanomedicine .2017 ;(12):2741-2756

54. 2017 Chiu HW,Lin YH,Tseng IJ,Lin YF. OTUD7B upregulation predicts a poor response to paclitaxel in patients with triple-negative breast cancer. . Oncotarget .2017 ;(9):553-565

55. 2016 Chiu HW,Chen CH,Chang JN,Chen CH,Hsu YH. Far-infrared promotes burn wound healing by suppressing NLRP3 inflammasome caused by enhanced autophagy . Journal of Molecular Medicine .2016 ;(94):809-819

56. 2016 Chiu HW,Yeh YL,Wang YC,Huang WJ,Ho SY,Lin PP, Wang YJ. Combination of the novel histone deacetylase inhibitor YCW1 and radiation induces autophagic cell death through the downregulation of BNIP3 in triple-negative breast cancer cells in vitro and in an orthotopic mouse model . Molecular Cancer .2016 ;(15):46

57. 2016 Lin YF,Chiu IJ,Cheng FY,Lee YH,Wang YJ,Hsu YH, Chiu HW. The role of hypoxia-inducible factor-1α in zinc oxide nanoparticle-induced nephrotoxicity in vitro and in vivo . Particle and Fibre Toxicology .2016 ;(13):52

58. 2015 Chiu HW,Lin SW,Lin LC,Hsu YH,Lin YF,Ho SY, Wu YH, Wang YJ. Synergistic antitumor effects of radiation and proteasome inhibitor treatment in pancreatic cancer through the induction of autophagy and the downregulation of TRAF6 . Cancer letters .2015 ;(365):229-239

59. 2015 Chiu HW,Xia T,Lee YH,Chen CW,Tsai JC,Wang YJ. Cationic polystyrene nanospheres induce autophagic cell death through the induction of endoplasmic reticulum stress . Nanoscale .2015 ;(7):736-746

60. 2015 Chiu HW,Tseng YC,Hsu YH,Lin YF,Foo NP,Guo HR, Wang YJ. Arsenic trioxide induces programmed cell death through stimulation of ER stress and inhibition of ubiquitin-proteasome system in human sarcoma cells . Cancer letters .2015 ;(356):762-772

61. 2014 Lee YH,Cheng FY,Chiu HW,Tsai JC,Fang CY,Chen CW, Wang YJ. Cytotoxicity, oxidative stress, apoptosis and the autophagic effects of silver nanoparticles in mouse embryonic fibroblasts. . Biomaterials .2014 ;(35):4706-4715

62. 2014 Huang WJ,Tang YA,Chen MY,Wang YJ,Hu FH,Wang TW, Chao SW, Chiu HW, Yeh YL, Chang HY, Juan FH, Lin P, Wang YC. A histone deacetylase inhibitor YCW1 with antitumor and antimetastasis properties enhances cisplatin activity against non-small cell lung cancer in preclinical studies . Cancer letters .2014 ;(346):84-93

63. 2013 Chen HM,Lee YH,Chen RJ,Chiu HW,Wang BJ,Wang YJ. The immunotoxic effects of dual exposure to PCP and TCDD . Chem-Biol Interact .2013 ;(206):166-174

64. 2013 Chiu HW,Yeh YL,Wang YC,Huang WJ,Chen YA,Y-S Chiou, Ho SY, Lin P, Wang YJ. Suberoylanilide hydroxamic acid, an inhibitor of histone deacetylase, enhances radiosensitivity and suppresses lung metastasis in breast cancer in vitro and in vivo . PLoS ONE .2013 ;(8):e76340-e76340

65. 2013 Chiu HW,Chen MH,Fang WH,Huang CM,Chen YL,Wu MD, Yuan GF, Wu MJ, Wang YJ. Preventive effects of Monascus on androgen-related diseases: androgenetic alopecia, benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostate cancer . J. Agric. Food Chem .2013 ;(61):4379-4386

66. 2012 Chiu HW,Fang WH,Chen YL,Wu MD,Yuan GF,Ho SY, Wang YJ. Monascuspiloin enhances the radiation sensitivity of human prostate cancer cells by stimulating endoplasmic reticulum stress and inducing autophagy . PLoS ONE .2012 ;(7):e40462-e40462

67. 2012 Chiu HW,Chen YA,Ho SY,Wang YJ. Arsenic trioxide enhances the radiation sensitivity of androgen-dependent and -independent human prostate cancer cells . PLoS ONE .2012 ;(7):e31579-e31579

68. 2011 Ho SY,Wu WJ,Chiu HW,Chen YA,Ho YS,Guo HR, Wang YJ. Arsenic trioxide and radiation enhance apoptotic effects in HL-60 cells through increased ROS generation and regulation of JNK and p38 MAPK signaling pathways . Chem-Biol Interact .2011 ;(193):162-171

69. 2011 Chiu HW,Ho YS,Wang YJ. Arsenic trioxide induces autophagy and apoptosis in human glioma cells in vitro and in vivo through down-regulation of survivin . Journal of Molecular Medicine .2011 ;(89):927-941

70. 2011 Chiu HW,Lin W,Ho SY,Wang YJ. Synergistic effects of arsenic trioxide and radiation in osteosarcoma cells through the induction of both autophagy and apoptosis . Radiation research .2011 ;(175):547-560

71. 2010 Chiu HW,Lin JH,Chen YA,Ho SY,Wang YJ. Combination treatment with arsenic trioxide and irradiation enhances cell-killing effects in human fibrosarcoma cells in vitro and in vivo through induction of both autophagy and apoptosis . Autophagy .2010 ;(6):353-365

72. 2009 Chiu HW,Ho SY,Guo HR,Wang YJ. Combination treatment with arsenic trioxide and irradiation enhances autophagic effects in U118-MG cells through increased mitotic arrest and regulation of PI3K/Akt and ERK1/2 signaling pathways . Autophagy .2009 ;(5):472-483

73. 2009 Ho SY,Chen WC,Chiu HW,Lai CS,Guo HR,Wang YJ. Combination treatment with arsenic trioxide and irradiation enhances apoptotic effects in U937 cells through increased mitotic arrest and ROS generation . Chem-Biol Interact .2009 ;(179):304-313

1. 2023 Su RY,Lee YH,Chen YJ,Chiu HW. Urban particulate matter induces nephrotoxicity by increasing the CSF2 pathway and extracellular vesicles production . 2023 Asia Pacific Societies for Extracellular Vesicles Conference .2023

2. 2023 Huang HJ,Zheng CM,Chiu HW. The alternative methods to animal experimentation in the identification of non-hazardous drugs for chronic kidney disease by targeting prostaglandin E2 receptor . 10th International Congress of Asian Society of Toxicology .2023

3. 2023 聚苯乙烯塑膠微粒造成腎臟傷害之研究 . 中國毒理學會第九次全國青年科技大會暨第二届生物技術藥物毒理與安全評價委員會學術會議 .2023

4. 2018 Chiu HW ,Wang YJ. Proteasome inhibitor enhances radiosensitivity through inducing autophagy-mediated TRAF6 degradation . The 43rd FEBS 2018 Congress .2018

5. 2016 Chiu HW,Yeh YL,Wang YJ. Combination treatment with histone deacetylase inhibitor and radiation affects unfolded protein response and ubiquitin-proteasome system in triple-negative breast cancer . EMBO conference-Structure and function of the endoplasmic reticulum .2016

6. 2015 Chiu HW,Lin YF. Effect of zinc oxide nanoparticles in kidney cells . The 9th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Molecular Medicine and Engineering .2015


113 探討塑膠微粒經由胞外體和腸道微生物菌相變化影響腸腎軸的器官間通訊調控

113 延攬王勇力君參與「探討塑膠微粒經由胞外體和腸道微生物菌相變化影響腸腎軸的器官間通訊調控」研究計畫案,申請本會補助,業經核定以「博士級研究人員」資格補助 (NSTC 113-2811-B-038-046)

112 探討塑膠顆粒影響腎臟細胞的微環境:聚焦胞外體、虛擬篩選天然物平台和塑膠顆粒生物分解方法

111 探討腎臟細胞暴露於塑膠微粒和塑膠奈米中誘發自體吞噬作用和增加SREBPs並引起血管內皮細胞滲漏作用之機制(3/3)

111 探討在慢性腎臟疾病中經由抑制內皮素轉化酶調節前列腺素E2受體和自體吞噬作用的治療潛力之機轉(3/3)

111 延攬王勇力君參與「探討 在慢性腎臟疾病中經由抑制內皮素轉化酶調節前列腺素E2受體 和自體吞噬作用的治療潛力之機轉(3/3)」研究計畫案,申請本會補助,業經核定以「博士級研究人員」資格補助(NSTC 111-2811-B-038-036)

110 探討腎臟細胞暴露於塑膠微粒和塑膠奈米中誘發自體吞噬作用和增加SREBPs並引起血管內皮細胞滲漏作用之機制(2/3)

110 探討在慢性腎臟疾病中經由抑制內皮素轉化?調節前列腺素E2受體和自體吞噬作用的治療潛力之機轉(2/3)

110 延攬科技人才王勇力君參與「探討在慢性腎臟疾病中經由抑制內皮素轉化酶調節前列腺素E2受體和自體吞噬作用的治療潛力之機轉(2/3)」

109 探討腎臟細胞暴露於塑膠微粒和塑膠奈米中誘發自體吞噬作用和增加SREBPs並引起血管內皮細胞滲漏作用之機制(1/3)

109 「探討腎臟細胞暴露於塑膠微粒和塑膠奈米中誘發自體吞噬作用和增加SREBPs並引起血管內皮細胞滲漏作用之機制」

107 探討未折疊蛋白質和泛素-蛋白?體系統於放射線合併奈米載體藥物治療三重陰性乳癌之機轉(3/3)

106 探討未折疊蛋白質和泛素-蛋白?體系統於放射線合併奈米載體藥物治療三重陰性乳癌之機轉(2/3)

105 探討未折疊蛋白質和泛素-蛋白?體系統於放射線合併奈米載體藥物治療三重陰性乳癌之機轉(1/3)

105 探討未折疊蛋白質和泛素-蛋白?體系統於放射線合併奈米載體藥物治療三重陰性乳癌之機轉(1/3)

104 奈米藥物傳遞系統於治療慢性腎臟疾病之研究

104 於細胞和原部位三重陰性乳癌小鼠模式中探討組織蛋白去乙醯酚抑制劑合併放射線治療所誘發自體吞噬與BNIP3調控抑制之關係

104 (103)新聘教師專題研究計劃-邱惠雯教師

103 探討奈米氧化鋅對腎臟細胞的影響

103 TMU103-AE1-B28