Niall William Duncan(Niall William Duncan) 副教授

現   職
心智意識與腦科學研究所 副教授


學 歷

卡爾頓大學生物學及神經科學 博士




2020/01/01 ~


University of OttawaPostdoctoral fellow





1. 2024 Amit Rawal,Vuong Truong,Yu-Hui Lo,Lin-Yuan Tseng,Niall W Duncan. A survey of experimental stimulus presentation code sharing in major areas of psychology . Behaviour Research Methods .2024

2. 2024 Niall W Duncan,Charlotte Rae. Geographical and economic influences on neuroimaging modality choice . Royal Society Open Science .2024

3. 2023 Niall W. Duncan,Russell Shean. Analysing the effectiveness of Twitter as an equitable community communication tool for international conferences . PeerJ .2023

4. 2023 EA Parfenov,NW Duncan. Increasing Familiarity With the Heartbeat Counting Task Does Not Affect Performance . Biological Psychology .2023

5. 2023 McManus, E,Muhlert, N,Duncan, NW. InSpectro-Gadget: A tool for estimating neurotransmitter and neuromodulator receptor distributions for MRS voxels . Neuroinformatics .2023

6. 2022 The effects of stress across the lifespan on the brain, cognition and mental health: A UK Biobank study . Neurobiology of Stress .2022

7. 2022 H.-D. Park,T. Piton,O. A. Kannape,N. W. Duncan,K.-Y. Lee,T. J. Lane, O. Blanke. Breathing is coupled with voluntary initiation of mental imagery . NeuroImage .2022

8. 2021 Frequency drift in MR spectroscopy at 3T . NeuroImage .2021

9. 2021 Depressive rumination is correlated with brain responses during self-related processing . Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience .2021

10. 2020 Považan M,Mikkelsen M,Berrington A,Bhattacharyya, P.K.,Brix, M.K.,Buur, P.F., Cecil, K.M., Chan, K.L., Chen, D.Y.T., Craven, A.R., Cuypers, K., Dacko, M., Duncan, N.W., Dydak, U., Edmondson, D.A., Ende, G., Ersland, L., Forbes, M.A., Gao, F., Greenhouse, I.. Comparison of Multivendor Single-Voxel MR Spectroscopy Data Acquired in Healthy Brain at 26 Sites . Radiology .2020

11. 2020 Suggestions for improving the visualization of magnetic resonance spectroscopy voxels and spectra . Royal Society Open Science .2020

12. 2020 Intrinsic activity temporal structure reactivity to behavioural state change is correlated with depressive symptoms . The European Journal of Neuroscience .2020

13. 2020 Variability in the analysis of a single neuroimaging dataset by many teams . Nature .2020

14. 2020 Comparison of Multivendor Single-Voxel MR Spectroscopy Data Acquired in Healthy Brain at 26 Sites . Radiology .2020

15. 2020 Truong, V,Cheng, PZ,Lee, HC,Lane, TJ,Hsu, TY,Duncan, NW. Occipital gamma-aminobutyric acid and glutamate-glutamine alterations in major depressive disorder: An MRS study and meta-analysis . Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging .2020

16. 2019 Niall W Duncan,Jianfeng Zhang,Georg Northoff,Xuchu Weng. Investigating GABA concentrations measured with macromolecule suppressed and unsuppressed MEGA-PRESS MR spectroscopy and their relationship with BOLD responses in the occipital cortex . Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging .2019

17. 2019 Mark Mikkelsen. Big GABA II: Water-referenced edited MR spectroscopy at 25 research sites . Neuroimage .2019

18. 2018 Pengmin Qin,Niall W Duncan,David Yen-Ting Chen,Chi-Jen Chen,Li-Kai Huang,Zirui Huang, Chien-Yuan E Lin, Christine Wiebking, Che-Ming Yang, Georg Northoff, Timothy J Lane. Vascular-metabolic and GABAergic Inhibitory Correlates of Neural Variability Modulation. A Combined fMRI and PET Study . Neuroscience .2018

19. 2018 Diana C Ghinda, Jin-Song Wu,Niall W Duncan,Georg Northoff. How much is enough—Can resting state fMRI provide a demarcation for neurosurgical resection in glioma? . Neuroscience & Biobehavioural Reviews .2018

20. 2018 Jianfeng Zhang,Zirui Huang,Yali Chen,Jun Zhang,Diana Ghinda,Yuliya Nikolova, Jinsong Wu, Jianghui Xu, Wenjie Bai, Ying Mao, Zhong Yang, Niall Duncan, Pengmin Qin, Hao Wang, Bing Chen, Xuchu Weng, Georg Northoff. Breakdown in the temporal and spatial organization of spontaneous brain activity during general anesthesia . Human Brain Mapping .2018

21. 2017 Martino M,Magioncalda P,Yu H,Li X,Wang Q,Meng Y, Deng W, Li Y, Li M, Ma X, Lane T, Duncan NW, Northoff G, Li T. Abnormal Resting-State Connectivity in a Substantia Nigra-Related Striato-Thalamo-Cortical Network in a Large Sample of First-Episode Drug-Naïve Patients With Schizophrenia . Schizophrenia Bulletin .2017

22. 2017 Mikkelsen M,Barker PB,Bhattacharyya PK,Brix MK,Buur PF,Cecil KM, Chan KL, Chen DY, Craven AR, Cuypers K, Dacko M, Duncan NW, Dydak U, Edmondson DA, Ende G, Ersland L, Gao F, Greenhouse I, Harris AD, He N, Heba S, Hoggard N, Hsu TW, Jansen JFA, Kangarlu A, Lange T, Lebel RM, Li Y, Lin CE, (以下省略). Big GABA: Edited MR spectroscopy at 24 research sites . NeuroImage .2017 ;(159):32-45

23. 2017 Huang Z,Zhang J,Longtin A,Dumont G,Duncan NW ,Pokorny J, Qin P, Dai R, Ferri F, Weng X, Northoff G. Is There a Nonadditive Interaction Between Spontaneous and Evoked Activity?: Phase-Dependence and Its Relation to the Temporal Structure of Scale-Free Brain Activity . Cerebral Cortex .2017 ;(27):1037-1059

24. 2016 Northoff G,Duncan NW. How do abnormalities in the brain's spontaneous activity translate into symptoms inschizophrenia? From an overview of resting state activity findings to a proposed spatiotemporal psychopathology . Progress in Neurobiology .2016 ;(146):26-45

25. 2016 Qin P,Grimm S,Duncan NW. Spontaneous activity in the default-mode predicts ascription of self-relatedness to stimuli . SCAN .2016 ;(11):693-702

26. 2016 Lane T,Duncan NW. The trajectory of self . Trends in Cognitive Science .2016 ;(20):481-482

27. 2016 Martino M,Magioncalda P,Huang Z,Conio B,Piaggio N,Duncan NW. Contrasting variability patterns in the default mode:Sensorimotor networks balance in bipolar depression and mania . PNAS .2016 ;(113):4824-4829

28. 2016 Bai Y,Nakao T,Xu J,Qin P,Chaves P,Heinzel A, Duncan DW. Resting state glutamate predicts elevated pre-stimulus alpha during self-relatedness - A combined EEG-MRS study on 'rest-self overlap' . Social Neuroscience .2016 ;(11):249-263

29. 2015 Huang Z,Zhang J,Longtin A,Dumont G,Duncan NW. Is there a non-additive interaction between spontaneous and evoked activity? Phase-dependence and its relation to the temporal structure of scale-free brain activity . Cerebral Cortex .2015

30. 2015 Qin P,Wu X,Huang Z,Duncan NW. How are different neural networks related to consciousness? . Annals of Neurology .2015 ;(78):594-605

31. 2015 Qin P,Wu X,Duncan NW. GABAA receptor deficits predict recovery in patients with disorders of consciousness: A preliminary multimodal [11C]Flumazenil PET and fMRI study . Human Brain Mapping .2015 ;(36):3867-3877

32. 2015 Huang Z,Davis H,Yue Q,Wiebking C,Duncan NW. Increase in glutamate/glutamine concentration in the medial prefrontal cortex during mental imagery – A combined functional MRS and fMRI study. . Human Brain Mapping .2015 ;(36):3204-3212

33. 2015 Wiebking C,Greck M de,Duncan NW. Interoception in insula subregions as a possible state marker for depression – An exploratory fMRI study investigating healthy, depressed and remitted participants. . Frontiers in Behavioural Neuroscience .2015 ;(9):82

34. 2015 Negative childhood experiences alter a prefrontal-insular-motor cortical network in healthy adults: A preliminary multimodal rsfMRI-fMRI-MRS-dMRI study . Human Brain Mapping .2015 ;(36):4522-4637

35. 2014 Duncan NW,Wiebking C,Northoff G. Associations of regional GABA and glutamate with intrinsic and extrinsic neural activity in humans – A review of multimodal imaging studies . Neuroscience and Biobehavioural Reviews .2014 ;(47):36-52

36. 2014 Hayes DJ,Duncan NW,Xu J,Northoff G. A comparison of neural responses to appetitive and aversive stimuli in humans and other mammals. . Neuroscience and Biobehavioural .2014 ;(45):350-368

37. 2014 Lang S,Duncan NW,Northoff G. Resting state fMRI: Review of neurosurgical applications. . Neurosurgery .2014 ;(74):464-465

38. 2014 Wiebking C,Duncan NW,Tiret B. GABA in the insula — a predictor of the neural response to interoceptive awareness . Neuroimage .2014 ;(86):10-18

39. 2014 Duncan NW,Wiebking C,Muňoz-Torres Z. How to investigate neuro-biochemical relationships on a regional level in humans? Methodological considerations for combining functional with biochemical imaging . Journal of Neuroscience Methods .2014 ;(221):183-188

40. 2014 Balthazar MLF,Pereira FRS,Lopes TM,Silva EL da,Coan AC,Campos BM, Duncan NW. Neuropsychiatric symptoms in Alzheimer's disease are related to functional connectivity alterations in the salience network . Human Brain Mapping .2014 ;(35):1237-1246

41. 2013 P Qin,Duncan NW,Northoff G. Why and how is the self related to the brain midline regions? . Frontiers in Human Neuroscience .2013 ;(7):909

42. 2013 Qin P,Grimm S,Duncan NW. Self-specific stimuli interact differently than non-self-specific stimuli with eyes-open versus eyes-closed spontaneous activity in auditory cortex . Frontiers in Human Neuroscience .2013 ;(7):437

43. 2013 Duncan NW,Wiebking C,Tiret B. Glutamate concentration in the medial prefrontal cortex predicts resting-state cortical-subcortical functional connectivity . PLoS ONE .2013 ;(8):60312

44. 2013 Hayes DJ,Duncan NW,Wiebking C. GABA receptors predict aversion-related brain responses: An fMRI-PET investigation in healthy humans . Neuropsychopharmacology .2013 ;(38):1438-1450

45. 2013 Duncan NW,Gravel P,Wiebking C. Grey matter density and GABAA binding potential show a positive linear relationship across cortical regions. . Neuroscience .2013 ;(235):226-231

46. 2012 Qin P,Duncan NW,Wiebking C. GABA receptors in visual and auditory cortex and neural activity changes during basic visual stimulation . Frontiers in Human Neuroscience .2012 ;(6):337

47. 2012 Wiebking C,Duncan NW,Qin P. External awareness and GABA - A multimodal imaging study combining fMRI and [18F] flumazenil‐PET . Human Brain Mapping .2012 ;(35):173-184

48. 2012 Enzi B,Duncan NW,Kaufmann J. Glutamate modulates resting state activity in the perigenual anterior cingulate cortex - A combined fMRI-MRS study . Neuroscience .2012 ;(227):102-109

49. 2012 Duncan NW,Northoff G. Overview of potential procedural and participant-related confounds for neuroimaging of the resting state . Journal of Psychiatry & Neuroscience .2012 ;(37):120059

50. 2012 Qin P,Liu Y,Shi J,Wang Y,Duncan NW. Dissociation between anterior and posterior cortical regions during self‐specificity and familiarity: A combined fMRI–meta‐analytic study . Human Brain Mapping .2012 ;(33):154-164

51. 2011 Duncan NW,Enzi B,Wiebking C. Involvement of glutamate in rest‐stimulus interaction between perigenual and supragenual anterior cingulate cortex: A combined fMRI‐MRS study . Human Brain Mapping .2011 ;(32):2172-2182

52. 2011 Fan Y,Duncan NW,Greck M de. Is there a core neural network in empathy? An fMRI based quantitative meta‐analysis . Neuroscience and Biobehavioural Reviews .2011 ;(35):903-911

53. 2011 Wiebking C,Greck M de,Duncan NW. Are emotions associated with activity during rest or interoception? An exploratory fMRI study in healthy subjects . Neuroscience Letters .2011 ;(491):87-92

54. 2010 Northoff G,Duncan NW,Hayes DJ. The brain and its resting state activity ‐ Experimental and methodological implications . Progress in Neurobiology .2010 ;(92):593-600

55. 2010 Qin P,Di H,Liu Y,Yu S,Gong Q,Duncan NW. Anterior cingulate activity and the self in disorders of consciousness . Human Brain Mapping .2010 ;(31):1993-2002

56. 2010 Wiebking C,Bauer A,Greck M de,Duncan NW. Abnormal body perception and neural activity in the insula in depression: An fMRI study of the depressed “material me” . World Journal of Biological Psychiatry .2010 ;(11):538-549

57. 2008 Lucas ML,Duncan NW,O'Reilly NF. Lack of evidence in vivo for a remote effect of Escherichia coli heat stable enterotoxin on jejunal fluid absorption . Neurogastroenterology & Motility .2008 ;(20):532-538

1. 2014 Duncan NW,Wiebking C,Gravel P. Network characteristics of cortical GABA receptor distribution . Human Brain Mapping conference .2014

2. 2014 Wiebking C,Greck M de,Duncan NW. Interoceptive awareness as MDD state marker – fMRI in healthy, depressed and remitted participants . Human Brain Mapping conference .2014

3. 2013 Duncan NW,Wiebking C,Gravel P. Network characteristics of cortical GABA receptor distribution . Brain .2013

4. 2012 Duncan NW,Wang D,Wiebking C. Glx related pgACC entropy alters between eyes open and eyes closed rest . Human Brain Mapping Conference .2012

5. 2012 Wiebking C,Duncan NW,Qin P. External awareness and GABA receptors–A combined fMRI and [18F] flumazenil-PET study . Human Brain .2012

6. 2012 P Qin,Grimm S,Duncan NW. GABA-A receptors and the transition from resting-state to stimulus induced activity . Human Brain Mapping Conference .2012

7. 2011 Wiebking C,Greck M de,Duncan NW. Are emotions associated with rest activity or interoception? an fMRI study in healthy subjects . Human Brain Mapping Conference .2011

8. 2011 Lyttelton O,Bellec P,Duncan NW. Can DWI-based eigenvector centrality maps improve the functional alignment of cortices? . Human Brain Mapping Conference .2011

9. 2009 Duncan NW,Enzi B,Wiebking C. Resting state glutamate modulates connectivity between anterior cingulate and insula during the anticipation of punishment.A combined fMRI‐MRS study of rest‐stimulus interaction . University of Ottawa Academic & Research Day .2009

10. 2009 Wiebking C,Enzi B,Duncan NW. Increased body perception and abnormal neural activity in the insula in depression – An fMRI study during interoceptive awareness . University of Ottawa Academic & Research Day .2009


113 探討由神經調節驅動之神經動態活動對於人類行為的影響(4/4)

113 探討成人生命週期大腦皮質活動之內在動態結構(1/3)

112 112年度獎勵人文與社會領堿博士候選人撰寫博士論文獲獎人

112 探討由神經調節驅動之神經動態活動對於人類行為的影響(3/4)

111 探討由神經調節驅動之神經動態活動對於人類行為的影響(2/4)

111 思覺失調症者的聽覺異常與腦中神經傳導物質的關聯(2/2)

111 補助國內研究生出席國際學術會議-會議名稱:the 26th annual meeting of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness研究生:心智意識與腦科學研究博士學位學程博士班Evgeny Parfenov君

111 補助國內研究生出席國際學術會議」申請費用補助案(研究生:心智意識與腦科學研究博士學位學程博士班駱建銘君)會議名稱:人腦功能定位協會 (OHBM) 2023 年度會議。

111 補助國內研究生出席國際學術會議」申請費用補助案(研究生:心智意識與腦科學研究博士學位學程博士班Smriti Mavar君)會議名稱:29fh annual meeting of the organization for human brain mapping(OHBM)

111 補助國內研究生出席國際學術會議」申請費用補助案(研究生:心智意識與腦科學研究博士學位學程博士班Paul Zen Cheng君

110 探討由神經調節驅動之神經動態活動對於人類行為的影響(1/4)

109 探討多巴胺對於大腦狀態的轉換與人類行為調控之轉譯影像研究(2/2)

109 心智意識與腦科學研究博士學位學程博士班研究生Evgeny Parfenov君擬於110年7月18日至110年7月23日赴捷克布拉格參加國際心理學大會,依本部補助國內研究生出席國際學術會議作業要點申請補助費用一案

108 探討多巴胺對於大腦狀態的轉換與人類行為調控之轉譯影像研究(1/2)

107 神經動態活動結構的生化相關物 - 一項多模態研究(3/3)

106 神經動態活動結構的生化相關物 - 一項多模態研究(2/3)

105 自我的不同方面:利用多模態成像技術研究內在腦活動,軀體,以及自我歸屬(2/2)

105 神經動態活動結構的生化相關物 - 一項多模態研究(1/3)

105 神經動態活動結構的生化相關物 - 一項多模態研究(1/3)

104 自我的不同方面:利用多模態成像技術研究內在腦活動,軀體,以及自我歸屬(1/2)

104 自我的不同方面:利用多模態成像技術研究內在腦活動,軀體,以及自我歸屬(1/2)