張鳳航(Chang, Feng-Hang) 教授

現   職
傷害防治學研究所 教授


學 歷

波士頓大學復健科學研究所 博士
臺灣大學健康政策與管理研究所 碩士
臺灣大學職能治療學系 學士




2016/08/01 ~ 2017/07/31




Psychological Measurement and Statistics



1. 2024 Lin YN,Hung TH,Rodakowski, JL,Kang, JH,Han, DS,Liou, TH, Wu, YH, Chang FH. Development of a dyad-focused strategy training intervention for stroke survivors and their family caregivers: A feasibility study. . The American journal of occupational therapy: official publication of the American Occupational Therapy Association .2024

2. 2023 Mauludina Y,Kustanti C,Field B,Chang FH. A descriptive qualitative study of foreign caregivers of older adult stroke survivors . The Gerontologist .2023 ;(63):82-95

3. 2023 Linda Barclay, Jennifer Coker. Editorial: Promoting participation following neurotrauma . Front Rehabil Sci .2023 ;(3)

4. 2023 Chiu V,Fields BE,Lin YN,Kang JH,Han DS, Wu YH, Su Y, Skidmore ER, Chang FH. Implementing strategy training in Taiwan: perspectives of individuals with acquired brain injury . Disability and Rehabilitation .2023

5. 2023 Lin YN,Sang PV,Chiu V,Kang JH,Liou TH,Ni P, Chang FH. Prediction of Changes in Functional Outcomes During the First Year After Inpatient Stroke Rehabilitation: A Longitudinal Study . Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation .2023

6. 2023 Chang FH,Lin YN,Liou TH,Ni P. Predicting trends of community participation after hospital discharge for younger adults after stroke . Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine .2023 ;(66)

7. 2022 Chang FH,Lin YH,Liou TH. Recovery after stroke: perspectives of young stroke survivors in Taiwan . Disability and Rehabilitation .2022 ;(44):1976-1983

8. 2022 Pei-Chun Chen,Li Wei,Chung-Yu Huang,Feng-Hang Chang,Yen-Nung Lin. The Effect of Massage Force on Relieving Nonspecific Low Back Pain: A Randomized Controlled Trial. . International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health .2022 ;(19):13191

9. 2022 Chang FH,Fields BE,Kersey JM,Wu CY,Shih M,Skidmore ER. How does culture influence the implementation of strategy training in stroke rehabilitation? A rapid ethnographic study of therapist perspectives in Taiwan and the United States. . Disability and Rehabilitation .2022 ;(44):5612-5622

10. 2021 Moeka Mong Jia Teo, Feng-Hang Chang , Yen-Nung Lin. Sports injuries and risk factors for table tennis among nonprofessional collegiate athletes: A cross-sectional study . Medicine .2021 ;(100):e28221

11. 2021 Chang YJ,Chang FH,Hou PH,Tseng KH,Lin YN. Effects of hyperosmolar dextrose injection in patients with rotator cuff disease and bursitis: a randomized controlled trial . Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation .2021 ;(102):245-250

12. 2020 Tseng ZL,Su Y,Chen LC,Chang FH. Development and evaluation of a tablet-based participation measure for older adults in rehabilitation settings . Disability and Rehabilitation .2020 ;(42):3377-3382

13. 2020 Chang FH,Chiu Valeria,Ni P,Lin YN,Kang JH,Liou TH, Lu L, Han DS, Elizabeth R. Skidmore. Enhancing community participation for stroke survivors with cognitive impairment: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial in Taiwan . BMJ Open .2020 ;(10):e040241-e040241

14. 2020 Lee YW,Hsieh YS,Chang FH,Wu YL,Huang SJ,Lee YH, Chen YC. Experiences with making difficult decisions of the family caregivers of patients on prolonged mechanical ventilation: a qualitative study . Annals of Palliative Medicine .2020 ;(9):1742-1751

15. 2020 Chang FH,Lin YH,Liou TH,Lin JC,Yang CH,Cheng HL. Predicting admission to post-acute inpatient rehabilitation in patients with acute stroke . Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine .2020 ;(52)

16. 2020 Lin YN,Wu CY,Yeh PC,Wu YH,Lin WC,Skidmore ER, Chang FH. Adapting strategy training for adults with acquired brain injury : a feasibility study in a Chinese population . American Journal of Occupational Therapy .2020 ;(74):1-10

17. 2020 Hou WH,Chiou HY,Chang FH. Validation of the Mandarin version Activity Measure Post-Acute Care (AM-PAC) "6-Clicks" in acute rehabilitation patients . American Journal of Occupational Therapy .2020 ;(74):1-9

18. 2019 Lu SJ,Liou TH,Yen CF,Chang FH,Chen YL,Escorpizo R, Strauser DR, Pan AW. Determinants of employment outcome for the people with schizophrenia using the WHODAS 2.0 . Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation .2019 ;(29):375-383

19. 2019 Huang SW,Chang KH,Escorpizo R,Chang FH,Liou TH. WHODAS 2.0 Can Predict Institutionalization among patients with traumatic brain injury. . International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. .2019 ;(16)

20. 2019 Chang KH,Chi WC,Huang SW,Chang FH, Liao HF, Escorpizo R, Liou TH. Perceptions and attitudes towards the implementation of a disability evaluation system based on the international classification of functioning, disability, and health among people with disabilities in Taiwan, in press . Disability and Rehabilitation .2019 ;(41):1552-1560

21. 2019 Chang FH,Ni P,Chiou, HY,Hou, WH,Jette AM. Cultural and semantic equivalence of the Activity Measure Post-Acute Care (AM-PAC) after its translation into Mandarin Chinese . Disability and Rehabilitation .2019 ;(41):1937-1942

22. 2019 Chang FH,Ni P. Responsiveness and predictive validity of the participation measure-3 domains, 4 dimensions in survivors of stroke. . Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation .2019 ;(100):2283-2292

23. 2018 Chang FH,Jette AM,Slavin MD,Baker K, Ni P,Keysor JJ. Detecting functional change in response to exercise in knee osteoarthritis: a comparison of two computerized adaptive tests . BMC Musculoskelet Disord .2018 ;(19):29-29

24. 2018 Chang FH,Liou TH ,Brodersen J,Comins JD. Adaptation of the Activity Measure Post-Acute Care (AM-PAC) from English to Mandarin using the dual-panel translation approach . Disability and Rehabilitation .2018 ;(40):2571-2576

25. 2018 Chang FH,Liu CH ,Hung HP. An in-depth understanding of the impact of the environment on participation among people with spinal cord injury . Disability and Rehabilitation .2018 ;(40):2192-2199

26. 2017 Huang SW,Chi WC,Yen CF,Chang KH,Liao HF, Escorpizo R, Chang FH, Liou TH . Does more education mean less disability in people with dementia? A large cross-sectional study in Taiwan . BMJ Open .2017 ;(7):e013841-e013841

27. 2017 Chang FH,Chen CY,Liang WM,Lin MR. Validating the quality of life after brain injury through Rasch analysis . Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation .2017 ;(32):E11-E18

28. 2017 Chang FH. Measuring participation of rehabilitation patients: test-retest reliability and mode of administration concordance of the Participation Measure--3 Domains, 4 Dimensions (PM-3D4D) . Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation .2017 ;(98):1622-1627

29. 2017 Chang FH,Chang KH,Liou TH,Whiteneck GG. Validation of the Participation Measure-3 Domains, 4 Dimensions (PM-3D4D) . Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation .2017 ;(98):2498-2506

30. 2017 Tseng SH,Chang FH. Transitioning from hospitals to the community: perspectives of rehabilitation patients with neurological disorders and their service providers . Disability and Rehabilitation .2017 ;(39):2420-2427

31. 2017 Chang FH,Liou TH,Ni P,Chang KH,Lai CH. Development of the Participation Measure-3 Domains, 4 Dimensions (PM-3D4D): a new outcome measure for rehabilitation . Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation .2017 ;(98):286-294

32. 2016 Chang FH,Ni P,Coster WJ,Whiteneck GG,Jette AM. Measurement properties of a modified measure of participation for persons with spinal cord injury . The Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine .2016 ;(39):476-483

33. 2016 Chang FH,Coster WJ,Salzer MS,Brusilovskiy E,Ni P,Jette AM. A multidimensional measure of participation for adults with serious mental illnesses . Disability and Rehabilitation .2016 ;(38):695-703

34. 2015 Huang SW,Chang KH,Escorpizo R,Chi WC,Yen CF,Liao HF, Chang FH , Chiu WT, Lin JW, Liou TH. Functioning and disability analysis by using WHO Disability Assessment Schedule 2.0 in older adults Taiwanese patients with dementia . Disability and Rehabilitation .2015 ;(38):1652-1663

35. 2015 Chang FH,Latham NK,Friedman RH,Jette AM. Interactive voice response version of the late-life function and disability instrument . Journal of the American Geriatrics Society .2015 ;(63):770-775

36. 2015 Chang FH. What are individuals with serious mental illness (SMI) dealing with in a competitive labor market? Two case studies . Work .2015 ;(51):301-305

37. 2015 Chang FH. Does self-efficacy mediate functional change in older adults participating in an exercise program after hip fracture? A randomized control trial . Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation .2015 ;(96):1014-1020

38. 2015 Chang FH,Helfrich CA,Coster WJ,Rogers ES. Factors associated with community participation among individuals who have experienced homelessness . International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health .2015 ;(12):11364-11378

39. 2014 Chang FH,Ni P,Jette AM. Does activity limitation predict discharge destination for post-acute patients? . American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation .2014 ;(93):782-790

40. 2014 Chang FH,Coster WJ. Conceptualizing the construct of participation in adults with disabilities . Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation .2014 ;(95):1791-1798

41. 2014 Chi WC,Chang KH,Escorpizo R,Yen CF,Liao HF,Chang FH, Chiou HY, Teng SW, Chiu WT, Liou TH. Measuring disability and its predicting factors in a large database in Taiwan using the World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule 2.0 . International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health .2014 ;(11):12148-12161

42. 2013 Chang FH,Helfrich CA,Coster WJ. Psychometric properties of the Practical Skills Test (PST) . American Journal of Occupational Therapy .2013 ;(67):246-253

43. 2013 Chang FH,Coster WJ,Helfrich CA . Community participation measures for people with disabilities: a systematic review of content from an international classification of functioning, disability and health perspective. . Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation .2013 ;(94):771-781

44. 2012 Chang FH,Wang Y,Jang Y,Wang C. Factors associated with quality of life among people with spinal cord injury: application of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health model . Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation .2012 ;(93):2264-2270

45. 2011 Chang FH,Chang C,Cheng Y. Factors influencing employers' willingness to hire people with mental illness: Based on planned behavior theory . Formosa Journal of Mental Health .2011 ;(25):73-104

46. 2011 Chang FH,Chang C,Cheng Y. Attitudes of employers toward people with mental illness: conditions and problems with the employment policy for the disabled in Taiwan . Taiwan Journal of Public Health .2011 ;(30):5-18

47. 2011 Chang FH,Chang C,Cheng Y. Re: Attitudes of employers toward people with mental illness: conditions and problems with the employment policy for the disabled in Taiwan. . Taiwan Journal of Public Health. .2011 ;(30):18-18

1. 2024 Hung TH,Hsu SP,Chang FH. Utilizing the Modified Rankin Scale as a Prognostic Tool for Community Participation in Stroke Survivors After Hospital Discharge. . The 10th European Stroke Organization Conference (ESOC 2024) .2024

2. 2023 Chang FH,Hung TH,Lin YN,Liou TH,Rodakowski J. Development of a dyad-focused intervention for stroke survivors and their family caregivers: a feasibility study . The 100th American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine (ACRM) Annual Conference. , October 30-November 2, Atlanta, GA, U.S.A. .2023

3. 2023 Perepezko K,Muntefering C ,Chang FH,Mauludina Y,Fields B. Blurred Boundaries for Foreign Caregivers: For Better or For Worse? Oral presentation at the Asian Conference on Aging & Gerontology 2023 (AGen2023), March 31- April 3 Tokyo, Japan. . others .2023

4. 2022 Chang FH,Su Y,Chien JJ,Chen SS. The Older Stroke Survivors' Perspective and Experience of Hiring Indonesian Caregivers in Taiwan: A Phenomenological Study. Oral presented at the Asian Conference on Aging & Gerontology (AGen2022), March 29-March 31. Tokyo, Japan. . others .2022

5. 2022 Chang FH,Lin YN,Liou TH,Ni P. Predicting Trends of Community Participation in Younger Adult Stroke Survivors Following Discharge. Poster presented at the 99th American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine (ACRM) Annual Conference, November 6-November 11, Chicago, IL, U.S.A. . others .2022

6. 2021 Chiu Valeria,Su Y,Skidmore ER,Chang FH. Perspectives of stroke survivors and their therapists on effective implementation of strategy training in Taiwan. Oral presented at the 98th American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine (ACRM) Annual Conference, September 26-September 29, Atlanta, GA. U.S.A. . others .2021

7. 2021 Chang FH,Mauludina Y,Kustanti C, Field B. The lived experiences of Indonesian caregivers in caring for older adult stroke survivors in Taiwan: a phenomenological study. Oral presented at the Asian Conference on Aging & Gerontology (AGen2021), March 29-March 31. Tokyo, Japan. . others .2021

8. 2020 Chang FH,Lin YN,Liou TH. Recovery after stroke: perspectives of young stroke survivors in Taiwan. Poster presented at the 97th American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine (ACRM) Annual Conference, October 19-October 24. Atlanta, GA, U.S.A. . others .2020

9. 2020 Chang FH,Lin YN,Liou TH . Predicting the need for post-acute inpatient rehabilitation of acute stroke patients in Taiwan. Oral presented at the 97th American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine (ACRM) Annual Conference, October 23. Atlanta, GA, U.S.A. . others .2020

10. 2020 Chang FH,Wu CY,Lin WC,Wu YH,Yeh PC,Lin YN, Skidmore ER . Strategy training for adults with chronic stroke and brain injury in Taiwan: perspectives of clients and therapists. Poster presented at the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) 2020 Annual Conference & Exposition, March 26-29. Boston, MA, U.S. . others .2020

11. 2020 Chang FH,Su Y,Tseng ZL. Development of a tablet-based participation measure for older adults in outpatient rehabilitation settings. Poster presented at the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) 2020 Annual Conference & Exposition, March 26-29. Boston, MA, U.S.A. . others .2020

12. 2019 Chang FH,Lin YN,Wu CY,Wu YH, Elizabeth Skidmore. Adapting strategy training for adults with acquired brain injury (ABI) in Taiwan: a feasibility study. Poster presented at the 96th American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine (ACRM) Annual Conference, November 3- November 8. Chicago, IL, U.S.A . others .2019

13. 2019 Chang FH,Hou WH . Validation of the Mandarin Version Activity Measure Post-Acute Care (AM-PAC) "6-Clicks" in Acute Rehabilitation Patients. Poster presented at the 56th International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (ISPRM) Annual Meeting, Jun3- Jun13. Kobe, Japan. . others .2019

14. 2019 Chang FH,Su Y. Correlation between changes of depressive symptoms and functions in stroke patients during acute care inpatient rehabilitation. Poster presented at the 56th International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (ISPRM) Annual Meeting, Jun3- Jun13. Kobe, Japan. . others .2019

15. 2017 Chang FH,Liou TH,Brodersen J,Comins JD. Application of the dual panel translation approach to adapt a patient-reported outcome measure. Poster presented at the 94th American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine (ACRM) Annual Conference, October 23-October 28. Atlanta, GA, U.S.A. . others .2017

16. 2017 Chang FH,Liou TH,Ni P . How to measure participation: introducing a newly-developed rehabilitation outcome measure. Oral presented at the 1st Asia-Pacific Occupational Therapy Symposium, October 20-October 22. Taipei, Taiwan. . others .2017

17. 2017 Chang FH,Liou TH,Chang KH. The ultimate goal of rehabilitation: the measurement and clinical application of participation. Oral presented at 2017 Academic Conference of National Federation of the Republic of China Occupational Therapists Association, June 25. Taipei, Taiwan. . others .2017

18. 2016 Chang FH,Liou TH,Ni P. Development of the Participation Measure --3 Domains, 4 Dimensions (PM-3D4D). Poster presented at the 93rd American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine (ACRM) Annual Conference, October 30-November 4. Chicago, IL, U.S.A. . others .2016

19. 2016 Chang FH. Transitioning from hospitals to the community: perspectives of rehabilitation patients and their service providers. Poster presented at the 93rd American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine (ACRM) Annual Conference, October 30-November 4. Chicago, IL, U.S.A. . others .2016

20. 2015 Chang FH,Ni P,Coster WJ,Whiteneck GG,Jette AM. Measurement properties of a modified measure of participation for persons with spinal cord Injury. Oral presented at the 92nd American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine (ACRM) Annual Conference, October 25-30. Dallas, TX, U.S.A. . others .2015

21. 2015 Chang FH,Latham NK,Ni P,Jette AM. HIP Rehab: A randomized trial of a home-based exercise program after hip fracture rehabilitation. Symposium presented at 2014 The Gerontological Society of America Annual Meeting, November 5-9. Washington, DC, U.S.A. . others .2015

22. 2014 Chang FH. Novel ways to improve mobility and physical function in older adults: a targeted intervention approach. Symposium presented at the 91st American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine (ACRM) Annual Conference, October 7-11. Toronto, ON, Canada. . others .2014

23. 2014 Chang FH,Helfrich C. Identifying factors of community participation in people who are homeless. Oral presented at the 16th International Congress of the World Federation of Occupational Therapists, June 18-21. Yokohama, Japan. . others .2014

24. 2014 Chang FH, Coster WJ. Conceptualizing the construct of participation in adults with disabilities. Poster presented at the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) 94st Annual Conference & Exposition, April 3-6. Baltimore, MD, U.S.A. . others .2014

25. 2013 Chang FH,Coster WJ. Community participation measures for people with disabilities: a systematic review of content from an ICF perspective. Poster presented at the 90th American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine (ACRM) Annual Conference, November 12-16. Orlando, FL, U.S.A. . others .2013

26. 2013 Chang FH, Helfrich C. Community participation, health and quality of life of homeless people. Oral presented at the American Public Health Association (APHA) 141th Annual Meeting and Exposition, November 2-6. Boston, MA, U.S.A. . others .2013

27. 2012 Chang FH,Helfrich C. The Development and validation of the Practical Skills Test for the homeless population. Poster presented at the American Public Health Association (APHA) 140th Annual Meeting and Exposition, October 27-31. San Francisco, CA, U.S.A . others .2012

28. 2012 Chang FH,Jang Y. Factors associated with quality of life among people with spinal cord injury: The application of the ICF model. Poster presented at the 89th American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine (ACRM) Annual Conference, . others .2012

29. 2012 Chang FH,Helfrich C. Psychometric properties of the Practical Skills Test: a preliminary study in a homeless population with mental health issues. Poster presented at Academy Health’s 2012 Annual Research Meeting (ARM), June 24-26. Orlando, FL, U.S.A. . others .2012

30. 2011 Chang FH,Chang C,Cheng Y. Factors influencing employers’ willingness to hire people with mental illness: a mixed-method Study. Poster presented at the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) 91st Annual Conference & Exposition, April 13-17. Philadelphia, PA, U.S.A. . others .2011

31. 2010 Chang FH,Chang C,Cheng Y. The impact of the employment Quota Policy on people with mental illnesses. Poster presented at the Sixth World Conference on the Promotion of Mental Health and Prevention of Mental and Behavioral Disorders, November 17-19. Washington, DC, U.S.A. . others .2010

32. 2009 Chang FH,Cheng Y,Chang C. Attitudes of employers toward people with mental illness: conditions and problems of the employment policy for the disabled in Taiwan. Poster presented at the American Public Health Association (APHA) 137th Annual Meeting and Exposition, November 7-11. Philadelphia, PA, U.S.A. . others .2009

33. 2009 Chang FH,Chang C,Cheng Y. Employers’ willingness of hiring individuals with psychiatric disabilities: the barriers of returning to labor market. Oral presented at the International Academic Committee Meeting of Social Welfare Association of Taiwan, May 23. Taipei, Taiwan. . others .2009

34. 2008 Chang FH. Make a proper vocational assessment for clients with psychiatric disabilities. Poster presented at the third International Commission on Occupational Health (ICOH) International Conference on psychosocial factors in the workplace, September 1-4. Montreal, Canada. . others .2008

35. 2007 Chang FH,Pan A . The use of focus groups to identify the perceived barriers in vocational assessment by professionals for clients with psychiatric disabilities in Taiwan. Poster presented at the 4th Asia Pacific Occupational Therapy Congress (APOTC), June 23-26. Hong Kong, China. . others .2007


113 提升中風患者及其照顧者雙人結果之新式復健方案:雙人策略訓練(3/3)

113 貴機構延攬許世賓君參與「提升中風患者及其照顧者雙人結果之新式復健方案:雙人策略訓練」研究計畫案,申請本會補助,業經核定以「博士級研究人員」資格補助(NSTC 113-2811-B-038-025),補助項目為研究費、年終獎金、離職儲金、保險費等,請查照。

113 強化中風患者生活功能之照顧者輔助策略訓練復健:多中心三臂隨機試驗(1/3)

112 提升中風患者及其照顧者雙人結果之新式復健方案:雙人策略訓練(2/3)

112 貴校延攬許世賓君參與「提升中風患者及其照顧者雙人結果之新式復健方案:雙人策略訓練」研究計畫案,申請本會補助,業經核定以「博士級研究人員」資格補助(NSTC 112-2811-B-038-063),補助項目為研究費、年終獎金、離職儲金、保險費等,請查照。

112 貴機構依本會「補助國內研究生出席國際學術會議」申請費用補助案(研究生:傷害防治學研究所碩士班洪德熏君),業經核定,請查照辦理。

111 提升中風患者及其照顧者雙人結果之新式復健方案:雙人策略訓練(1/3)

110 策略訓練對於提升獲得性腦傷患者執行功能的成效(3/3)

110 提升中風後認知功能損傷患者之社會參與

109 策略訓練對於提升獲得性腦傷患者執行功能的成效(2/3)

109 提升中風後認知功能損傷患者之社會參與

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107 從醫院到社區:年輕中風患者社會參與之縱貫性研究(3/3)

107 提升中風後認知功能損傷患者之社會參與

106 從醫院到社區:年輕中風患者社會參與之縱貫性研究(2/3)

105 從醫院到社區:年輕中風患者社會參與之縱貫性研究(1/3)

105 從醫院到社區:年輕中風患者社會參與之縱貫性研究(1/3)

105 應用行動科技於復健評估工具:社會參與量表行動應用介面之發展

103 計畫名稱: 復健病人的社會參與:以ICF為基礎之量表發展

103 復健病人的社會參與:以ICF為基礎之量表發展及影響因素探討

103 TMU103-AE1-B17

103 (103)新聘教師研究補助-張鳳航教師