呂隆昇(Lu, Long-Sheng) 副教授

現   職
生醫材料暨組織工程研究所 副教授
癌症轉譯研究中心 副主任


學 歷

臺灣大學藥理學研究所 博士
臺灣大學醫學系 學士




2023/04/01 ~
2018/02/01 ~







1. 2023 Jia-Hui Huang,Shu-Huey Chen, Yu-Mei Liao,Yu-Chien Kao,Wan-Ling Ho,Hsi Chang, Min-Lan Tsai, Hsin-Lun Lee, Chia-Chun Kuo, Sung-Hui Tseng, Chia-Yau Chang, Kevin Li-Chun Hsieh, Long-Sheng Lu, Yin-Ju Chen, Jeng-Fong Chiou, Tsung-Han Hsieh, Yun-Ru Liu, Wayne Hsu, Wei-Tang Li, Yu-Chung Wu, Wei-Ciao Wu, Jinn-Li Wang, Jia-Jia Tsai, Keita Terashima, Chikako Kiyotani, Tai-Tong Wong, James S Miser, Yen-Lin Liu. Feasibility and Toxicity of Interval-Compressed Chemotherapy in Asian Children and Young Adults with Round Cell Sarcoma . Journal of Personalized Medicine .2023 ;(13):668

2. 2023 Yuan-Hung Wu,Heng-Sheng Chao,Chi-Lu Chiang,Yung-Hung Luo,Chao-Hua Chiu,Sang-Hue Yen, Chun-Yu Liu, Jeng-Fong Chiou, Thierry Burnouf, Yin-Ju Chen, Peng-Yuan Wang, Tsu-Yi Chao, Shih-Ming Hsu, Long-Sheng Lu. Personalized cancer avatars for patients with thymic malignancies: A pilot study with circulating tumor cell-derived organoids . Thoracic cancer .2023 ;(14):2591-2600

3. 2023 Yu-Wen Wu,Deng-Yao Lee,Yeh-Lin Lu,Liling Delila,Ouada Nebie,Lassina Barro, Chun Austin Changou, Long-Sheng Lu, Hadi Goubran, Thierry Burnouf . Platelet extracellular vesicles are efficient delivery vehicles of doxorubicin, an anti-cancer drug: preparation and in vitro characterization . Platelets .2023 ;(34):2237134

4. 2022 Wu Yuan-Hung ,Hung Yi-Ping ,Chiu Nai-Chi ,Lee Rheun-Chuan,Li Chung-Pin ,Chao Yee, Shyr Yi-Ming, Wang Shin-E, Chen Shih-Chin, Lin Sheng-Hsuan, Chen Yi-Hsuan, Kang Yu-Mei, Hsu Shih-Ming, Yen Sang-Hue, Wu Jeng-You, Lee Kuan-Der, Tseng Huey-En, Tsai Jia-Ruey, Tang Ruey-Hsiang, Chiou Jeng-Fong, Thierry Burnouf, Chen Yin-Ju, Wang Peng-Yuan, Lu Long-Sheng . Correlation Between Drug Sensitivity Profiles of Circulating Tumor Cell-Derived Organoids and Clinical Treatment Response in Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma Patients . European Journal of Cancer .2022 ;(166):208-218

5. 2022 Hsu Fang-Chi,Lee Hsin-Lun ,Chen Yin-Ju ,Shen Yao-An,Tsai Yi-Chieh ,Wu Meng-Huang, Kuo Chia-Chun, Lu Long-Sheng, Yeh Shauh-Der, Huang Wen-Sheng, Shen Chia-Ning, Chiou Jeng-Fong . A Few-Shots Learning Approach Assists Prognosis Prediction of Magnetic Resonance-guided Focused Ultrasound for Bone Metastatic Lesions Local Control . Cancers .2022

6. 2022 Myagmartsend Enkhbat,Boya Zhong,Ray Chang ,Jin Geng,Lu Long-Sheng , Chen Yin-Ju, Wang Peng-Yuan. Harnessing Focal Adhesions to Accelerate p53 Accumulation and Anoikis of A549 Cells Using Colloidal Self-Assembled Patterns (cSAPs) . ACS Appl. Bio Mater. .2022

7. 2022 Rethi L,Mutalik C,Rethi L,Chiang WH,Lee HL,Pan WY, Yang TS, Chiou JF, Chen YJ, Chuang EY & Lu LS. Molecularly Targeted Photothermal Ablation of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor-Expressing Cancer Cells with a Polypyrrole–Iron Oxide–Afatinib Nanocomposite . Cancers .2022

8. 2022 Gbetuwa M,Lu LS,Wang TJ,Chen YJ,Chiou JF,Su TY & Yang TS. Nucleus Near-Infrared (nNIR) Irradiation of Single A549 Cells Induces DNA Damage and Activates EGFR Leading to Mitochondrial Fission . Cells .2022

9. 2022 Chen CP,Chen TH,Chiou JF,Chen YJ,Kuo CC,Tseng KH, Chung MY, Chen CY, Wu JY, Lu LS, Hsu SM. Retrospective Analysis for Dose Reduction to Organs at Risk with New Personalized Breast Holder (PERSBRA) in Left Breast IMRT . Journal of Personalized Medicine .2022

10. 2022 Rethi L,Mutalik C,Anurogo D,Lu LS,Chu HY,Yougbaré S, Kuo TR, Cheng TM, Chen FL. Lipid-Based Nanomaterials for Drug Delivery Systems in Breast Cancer Therapy . Nanomaterials .2022

11. 2022 Pan LC,Hang NL,Colley MMS,Chang J,Hsiao YC,Lu LS, Li BS, Chang CJ, Yang TS. Single Cell Effects of Photobiomodulation on Mitochondrial Membrane Potential and Reactive Oxygen Species Production in Human Adipose Mesenchymal Stem Cells. . Cells .2022

12. 2022 Burnouf, Thierry,Jheng, Pei-Ru ,Chen, Yun-Hsuan,Rethi, Lekshmi,Rethi, Lekha ,Lu, Long-Sheng,Ho, Yi-Cheng,Chuang, Er-Yuan . Near-infrared-driven photoablation of lung cancer tumors utilizing biomimetic platelet-polyethyleneimine-polypyrrole drug-free nanoparticles . International Journal of Materials in Engineering Applications .2022 ;(215)

13. 2022 Chiu-Ping Chen,Chi-Yeh Lin,Chia-Chun Kuo,Tung-Ho Chen,Shao-Chen Lin,Kuo-Hsiung Tseng,Hao-Wen Cheng , Hsing-Lung Chao,Sang-Hue Yen , Ruo-Yu Lin , Chen-Ju Feng 2, Long-Sheng Lu , Jeng-Fong Chiou, Shih-Ming Hsu. Skin Surface Dose for Whole Breast Radiotherapy Using Personalized Breast Holder: Comparison with Various Radiotherapy Techniques and Clinical Experiences . Cancers .2022 ;(14)

14. 2022 Rethi Lekshmi,Mutalik Chinmaya,Anurogo Dito,Lu Long Sheng,Chu Hsiu Yi,Yougbaré Sibidou,Kuo Tsung Rong,Cheng Tsai Mu,Chen Fu Lun,Rethi Lekshmi,Mutalik Chinmaya,Anurogo Dito,Lu Long Sheng,Chu Hsiu Yi,Yougbaré Sibidou,Kuo Tsung Rong,Cheng Tsai Mu,Chen Fu Lun. Lipid-Based Nanomaterials for Drug Delivery Systems in Breast Cancer Therapy . Nanomaterials .2022 ;(12)

15. 2021 Liu CS,Tsai JR,Kao YT,Lu LS,Chen YJ,Burnouf T, Wang PY, Chiou JF, Ting LL. Chemoradiotherapy for Inoperable Carotid Body Leiomyosarcoma: A case Report and Review of Literature . Frontiers in Oncology .2021

16. 2021 Wang WJ,Lee KD,Lu LS,Chiou JF,Ting LL. Treating leptomeningeal metastases from primary hepatic neuroendocrine carcinoma with combined radiotherapy and immunotherapy: a case report . Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology .2021

17. 2021 Wang WJ,Lee KD,Lu LS,Chiou JF,Ting LL. Treating leptomeningeal metastases from primary hepatic neuroendocrine carcinoma with combined radiotherapy and immunotherapy: a case report . Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology .2021

18. 2021 Hsiao YC,Jheng PR,Nguyen HT,Chen YH,Manga YB,Lu LS, Rethi L, Chen CH, Huang TW, Lin JD, Chang TK, Ho YC, Chuang EY. Photothermal-Irradiated Polyetherimide-Polypyrrole Nano-Pigments Film-Coated Polyethylene Fabrics for Infrared-Inspired with Pathogenic Evaluation . ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces .2021

19. 2021 Kuo SP,Chang HC,Lu LS,Liu DZ,Wang TJ. Activation of Keap1/Nrf2/ARE Pathway by Curcumin Enhanced the Anti-oxidative Capacity of Corneal Endothelial Cells . Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy .2021

20. 2021 Li TJ,Lin TW,Wu SP, Chu HT,Kuo YH,Chiou JF, Lu LS, Chen CC. Patient-Derived Tumor Chemosensitization of GKB202, an Antrodia Cinnamomea Mycelium-Derived Bioactive Compound . Molecules .2021

21. 2021 Goudar VS,Koduri MP,Ngoc Ta YN,Chen YC,Chu LA, Lu LS, Tseng FG. The Impact of Desmoplastic Tumor Microenvironment for Colon Cancer Drug Sensitivity: A Study with 3D Chimeric Tumor Spheroids . ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces .2021

22. 2021 Wong PC,Wang RY,Lu LS,Wang WR,Jang JSC,Wu JL, Su TY, Chang LH. Two-Step Approach Using Degradable Magnesium to Inhibit Surface Biofilm and Subsequently Kill Planktonic Bacteria . Biomedicines .2021

23. 2021 Yang TY,Kuo PY,Huang Y,Lin HW,Malwade S,Lu LS, Tsai LW, Shabbir SA, Sun CW, Chiou JF. Deep-Learning Approach to Predict Survival Outcomes using Wearable Actigraphy among End-Stage Cancer Patients . Frontiers in Public Health .2021

24. 2021 Li TJ,Lin TW,Wu SP,Chu HT,Kuo YH,Chiou JF, Lu LS, Chen CC. Safety, Stability and Patient-Derived Tumor Chemosensitization of GKB202, An Antrodia Cinnamomea Mycelium-Derived Bioactive Compound . Molecules .2021

25. 2021 Lu LS,Wu YW,Chang JT,Chang WT,Chao TH,Chen HH, Chen YJ, Cheng KH, Sheung PW, Hsu WL, Hung CL, Kuo SH, Liang CA, Lin HJ, Liu PY, Liu WS, Liu YW, Wang CY, Ho CJ, Chiou JF, TASTRO-TSOC Cardio-oncology Task Force. Risk Management for Radiation-Induced Cardiovascular Disease (RICVD): The 2022 Consensus Statement of the Taiwan Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology (TASTRO) and Taiwan Society of Cardiology (TSOC) . Acta Cardiol Sin .2021

26. 2020 Lee Hsun Hua,Lin Che Hsuan,Lin Hui Yu,Kuei Chia Hao,Zheng Jing Quan,Wang Yuan Hung,Lu Long Sheng,Lee Fei Peng,Hu Chaur Jong,Wu Dean,Lin Yuan Feng. Histone 2A family member j drives mesenchymal transition and temozolomide resistance in glioblastoma multiforme . Cancers .2020 ;(12):1-19

27. 2020 Chu HY,Chen YJ,Hsu CJ,Liu YW,Chiou JF,Lu LS*, Tseng FG*. Physical Cues in the Microenvironment Regulate Stemness-Dependent Homing of Breast Cancer Cells. . Cancers .2020

28. 2020 Liu CS,Tsai JR,Kao YT,Lu LS,Chen YJ,Burnouf T, Wang PY, Chiou JF, Ting LL. Chemoradiotherapy for Inoperable Carotid Body Leiomyosarcoma: A case Report and Review of Literature. . Frontiers in Oncology .2020

29. 2020 Chen YJ,You GR,Lai MY,Lu LS,Chen CY,Ting LL, Lee HL, Kanno Y, Chiou JF, Cheng AJ. A Combined Systemic Strategy for Overcoming Cisplatin Resistance in Head and Neck Cancer: From Target Identification to Drug Discovery. . Cancers .2020

30. 2020 Lee HL,Chiou JF,Wang PY,Lu LS,Shen CN,Hsu HL, Burnouf T, Ting LL, Chou PC, Chung CL, Lee KL, Shiah HS, Liu YL, Chen YJ. Ex Vivo Expansion and Drug Sensitivity Profiling of Circulating Tumor Cells from Patients with Small Cell Lung Cancer. . Cancers .2020

31. 2020 LuKY,Jheng PR,Lu LS,Rethi L,Mi F,Chuang EY. Enhanced anticancer effect of ROS-boosted photothermal therapy by using fucoidan-coated polypyrrole nanoparticles. . Int J Biol Macromol. .2020

32. 2020 Lin CH,Lee HH,Lee FP,Chen LC,Lu LS,Lin YF. FOXD1 repression potentiates radiation effectiveness by downregulating G3BP2 expression and promoting the activation of TXNIP-related pathways in oral cancer. . Cancers .2020

33. 2020 Kuei CH,Lin HY,Lin MH,Lee HH,Lin CH,Lee WJ, Chen YL, Lu LS, Zheng JQ, Hung RC, Chiu HW, Chen KC, Lin YF. DNA polymerase theta repression enhances the docetaxel responsiveness in metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer. . BBA - Molecular Basis of Disease 2020 .2020

34. 2020 Liu CS,Chen YJ,Liu YR,Yeh SD,Jeng SC,Lu LS, Chiou JF. Complete Response After Radiation-Assisted Immunotherapy For Metastatic Urothelial Carcinoma: A Case Report and Literature Review. . Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology .2020

35. 2020 Goudar VS,Yeh PH,Wu SY,Chu CH,Lu LS,Yang CH, Chiou TJ, Tseng FG. Live Circulating Tumour Cells Selection on Digitized Self-Assembled Cell Array (Digi-SACA) Chip by In-Parallel/ In-Situ Image Analysis, Cell Capture and Cultivation . Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical .2020

36. 2020 Wu YW,Huang CC,Changou CA,Lu LS,Goubran H,Burnouf TH. Clinical-grade cryopreserved doxorubicin-loaded platelets: role of cancer cells and platelets extracellular vesicles activation loop. . J Biomed Sci .2020

37. 2019 Chu HY*,Lu LS*,Cho W,Wu SY,Chang YC,Lin CP, Yang CY, Lin CH, Jiang JK, Tseng FG. Enumerating circulating tumor cells with self-assembled cell array (SACA) chip: a feasibility study in patients with colorectal cancer . Cancers .2019 ;(11):56-67

38. 2019 Wang WJ,Lee KD,Chen WY,Chiou JF,Lu LS. Combining hypofractionated radiation therapy with immunotherapy for anorectal malignant melanoma: a case report . Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology .2019 ;(3):1-7

39. 2019 Lin Che-Hsuan ,Lee Hsun-Hua ,Kuei Chia-Hao ,Lin Hui-Yu ,Lu Long-Sheng ,Lee Fei-Peng, Chang Jungshan, Wang Jia-Yi, Hsu Kai-Cheng, Lin Yuan-Feng. Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor Subunit Alpha-5 Promotes Radioresistance via Recruiting E2F Activity in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma . Journal of Clinical Medicine .2019 ;(8):1-14

40. 2019 Huang Chiung Fang,Colley Mamadi M.S.,Lu Long Sheng,Chang Chia Yu,Peng Pei Wen,Yang Tzu Sen. Performance characterization of continuous-wave laser-induced forward transfer of liquid bioink . Applied Physics Express .2019 ;(12)

41. 2018 Burnouf T,Burnouf PA,Wu YW,Chuang EY,Lu LS,Goubran H. Circulatory cells-mediated nanotherapeutic approaches in disease targeting. . Drug Discovery Today .2018 ;(23):934-943

42. 2018 Wang YC,Lee AS,Lu LS,Ke LY,Chen WY,Dong JW, Lu J, Chen Z, Chu CS, Chan HC, Kuzan TY, Tsai MH, Hsu WL, Dixon RAF, Sawamura T, Chang KC, Chen CH. Human electronegative LDL induces mitochondrial dysfunction and premature senescence of vascular cells in vivo. . Aging Cell .2018

43. 2018 Wu CJ,Tsai YT,Lee IJ,Wu PY,Lu LS,Tsao WS, Huang YJ, Chang CC, Ka SM, Tao MH. Combination of radiation and interleukin 12 eradicates large orthotopic hepatocellular carcinoma through immunomodulation of tumor microenvironment. . Oncoimmunology .2018

44. 2018 Lu LS,Chen YJ,Lin YT,Lee JT,Chiou JF. Ionizing radiation-induced cancer stemness gene expression is regulated by matrix nanotopography. . 放射治療與腫瘤學 .2018 ;(25):13-20

45. 2018 Chen Yin Ju,Kuo Chia Chun,Ting Lai Lei,Lu Long Sheng,Lu Ya Ching,Cheng Ann Joy,Lin Yun Tien,Chen Chien Ho,Tsai Jo Ting,Chiou Jeng Fong. Piperlongumine inhibits cancer stem cell properties and regulates multiple malignant phenotypes in oral cancer . Oncology Letters .2018 ;(15):1789-1798

46. 2017 Lu LS,Pan CH,Lin YH,Lai HY,Tai CJ,Hsu CY, Chiou JF, Ting LL,. Salvage Concurrent Chemoradiation Therapy Stabilizes Progression of Recurrent Intimal Sarcoma of the Left Atrium: A Case Report . Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology .2017

47. 2013 Chu CS,Wang YC,Lu LS,Walton B,Yilmaz HR,Huang RY, Sawamura T, Dixon RA, Lai WT, Chen CH, Lu J. Electronegative low-density lipoprotein increases C-reactive protein expression in vascular endothelial cells through the LOX-1 receptor. . PLoS One .2013 ;(8):e70533:1-11

48. 2012 Zhang S,Liu X,Bawa-Khalfe T,Lu LS,Lyu YL,Liu LF, Yeh ET. Identification of the molecular basis of doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity. . Nature Medicine .2012 ;(18):1639-1642

49. 2012 Van Nguyen T,Angkasekwinai P,Dou H,Lin FM,Lu LS,Cheng J, Chin YE, Dong C, Yeh ET. SUMO-Specific Protease 1 Is Critical for Early Lymphoid Development through Regulation of STAT5 . Molecular Cell .2012 ;(45):210-221

50. 2012 Bawa-Khalfe T,Lu LS,Zuo Y,Huang C,Yeh ET. Differential expression of SUMO-specific protease 7 variants regulates epithelial-mesenchymal transition . Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A .2012 ;(109):17466-17471

1. 2024 Wu SP,Chen Y,Huang CC,Shao YHJ,Chen YJ,Lu LS. Pan-cancer Analysis of Circulating Tumor Organoid Drug Sensitivity Reveals Differential Distribution of Viability Dependence Among Cancer Hallmark Modules . Cancer research .2024

2. 2023 Yen-Lin Liu,Yin-Ju Chen,Shu-Huey Chen,Yu-Mei Liao,Wu Shih-Pei,Yi-Hsuan Chen, Wan-Ling Ho, Liang-Yi Juo, Chia-Yau Chang, Jinn-Li Wang, Min-Yu Su, Pei-Chin Lin, Shih-Chung Wang, James S. Miser, Tai-Tong Wong, Yuan-Hung Wu, Peng Yuan Wang, Thierry Burnouf, Jeng-Fong Chiou, Long-Sheng Lu. Application of in vitro Drug Screening of Circulating Tumor Cells in Pediatric Glioma Therapy . Cancer Research .2023

3. 2018 Wu JY,Kuo CC,Ting LL,Kuo LJ,Lee HL,Huang Y, Cheng CJ, Chiou JF, Lu LS. Sarcopenia is Associated with Inferior Response toNeoadjuvant Chemoradiation in Patients with LocallyAdvanced Rectal Cancer . 2018 ASTRO Annual Meeting-American Society for Radiation Oncology .2018 ;(102):E23-E24


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113 臺歐盟國合計畫-放射治療活化免疫刺激劑之臨床測試與開發(3/3)

113 以液態切片進行腫瘤細胞建立與預測藥物治療反應(1/3)

112 探討細胞歸巢現象在腫瘤腹膜轉移的角色(2/3)

112 臺歐盟國合計畫-放射治療活化免疫刺激劑之臨床測試與開發(2/3)

112 會議名稱:2023 年美國放射腫瘤學會年會

111 探討細胞歸巢現象在腫瘤腹膜轉移的角色(1/3)

111 臺歐盟國合計畫-放射治療活化免疫刺激劑之臨床測試與開發(1/3)

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108 產學合作計畫-以體外擴增循環腫瘤細胞系統預測腫瘤治療反應(1/2)

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