林明錦(Lin, Ming-Chin) 副教授

現   職
醫學資訊研究所 副教授


學 歷

猶他大學生物暨醫學資訊學系 博士
臺北醫學大學醫學資訊研究所 碩士
臺北醫學大學醫學系 學士




2019/08/01 ~







1. 2024 Application of AI in Sepsis: Citation Network Analysis and Evidence Synthesis . Interact J Med Res. .2024 ;(Vol 13 (2024))

2. 2024 陸惠宗,郭律廷,羅偉倫,劉恆維,「蘇鈺凱,蘇亦昌,林乾閔, 賴達明,謝松蒼,林明錦,黃博浩」. Application of Robotic Stereotactic Assistance (ROSA) for spontaneous intracerebral hematoma aspiration and thrombolytic catheter placement . J Formos Med Assoc .2024

3. 2024 Mei-Jung Wu,Sari R K Dewi ,Wan-Ting Hsu ,Tien-Yu Hsu,Shu-Fen Liao,「Lung Chan,Ming-Chin Lin 」. Exploring Relationships of Heart Rate Variability, Neurological Function, and Clinical Factors with Mortality and Behavioral Functional Outcome in Patients with Ischemic Stroke . MDPI .2024 ;(14)

4. 2024 Ting-Yun Huang, Chee-Fah Chong ,Heng-Yu Lin,Tzu-Ying Chen,Yung-Chun Chang,Ming-Chin Lin. A pre-trained language model for emergency department intervention prediction using routine physiological data and clinical narratives . Int J Med Inform . .2024 ;(191)

5. 2023 Tahmina Nasrin Poly ,Md Mohaimenul Islam,Bruno Andreas Walther ,Ming Chin Lin ,Yu-Chuan Jack Li . Artificial intelligence in diabetic retinopathy: Bibliometric analysis . Comput Methods Programs Biomed .2023 ;(231)

6. 2023 Cheng Ta Han,Ming-Chin Lin,Abeer Alsadoon,Md Mohaimenul Islam. Editorial: Artificial intelligence and big data for value-based care . Front Med .2023

7. 2023 Cheng Ta Han,Md Mohaimenul Islam ,Tahmina Nasrin Poly ,Yu-Chun Lu ,Ming-Chin Lin . A Meta-Analysis of Proton Pump Inhibitor Use and the Risk of Acute Kidney Injury: Geographical Differences and Associated Factors . JCM .2023

8. 2023 Nhi Thi Hong Nguyen ,Phung-Anh Nguyen ,Chih-Wei Huang,Ching-Huan Wang,Ming-Chin Lin,「Min-Huei Hsu ,Hoang Bui Bao,Shuo-Chen Chien, Hsuan-Chia Yang 」. Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System Inhibitors and Development of Gynecologic Cancers: A 23 Million Individual Population-Based Study . Int J Mol Sci .2023

9. 2023 Shu-Chun Lee,Huei-Ling Chiu,Hsiao-Wen Lai ,Jie Feng,Tzu-Ying Chen,「Ming-Chin Lin,Chiou-Fen Lin」. Development and validation of a new tool: The sarcopenia knowledge questionnaire . Geriatr Nurs .2023 ;(53):93-95

10. 2023 Jakir Hossain Bhuiyan Masud,Chen-Cheng Kuo,Chih-Yang Yeh,Hsuan-Chia Yang,Ming-Chin Lin. Applying Deep Learning Model to Predict Diagnosis Code of Medical Records . Diagnostics (Basel) .2023 ;(13)

11. 2023 ,黃立楷,胡朝榮,葉智陽. Heterogeneity of Alzheimer's disease identified by neuropsychological test profiling . PLoS ONE .2023 ;(18)

12. 2023 Development and validation of a new tool: The sarcopenia knowledge quesrionnaire . Geriatr Nurs .2023

13. 2023 Chieh-Chen Wu,Chieh-Chen Wu,Chun-Hsien Su,Tahmina Nasrin Poly,Ming-Chin Lin. Benzodiazepine Use and Risk of Dementia in the Elderly Population: An Umbrella Review of Meta-Analyses . JPM .2023 ;(13):1485

14. 2022 Nhi Thi Hong Nguyen,Chih-Wei Huang,Ching-Huan Wang,Ming-Chin Lin,Jason C Hsu,「Min-Huei Hsu,Usman Iqbal , Phung-Anh Nguyen, Hsuan-Chia Yang」. Association between Proton Pump Inhibitor Use and the Risk of Female Cancers: A Nested Case-Control Study of 23 Million Individuals . cancers .2022 ;(10)

15. 2022 Lin MC,Liu HW,Su YK,Lo WL,Lin CM. Robot-guided versus freehand fluoroscopy-guided minimally invasive transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion: a single-institution, observational, case-control study . Neurosurgical Focus .2022 ;(52):1-7

16. 2022 Wang CH,Huang CW,Nguyen PA,Lin MC,Yeh CY,Islam MM, Rahmanti AR, Yang HC. Chemopreventive effects of concomitant or individual use of statins, aspirin, metformin, and angiotensin drugs: A study using claims data of 23 million individuals . Cancers .2022 ;(14)

17. 2022 JMasud JHB,Shun C,Kuo CC,Islam MM,Yeh CY,Yang HC, Lin MC. Deep-ADCA: Development and Validation of Deep Learning Model for Automated Diagnosis Code Assignment Using Clinical Notes in Electronic Medical Records . Journal of Personalized Medicine .2022 ;(12)

18. 2022 Wu CC,Islam MM,Lee AJ,Su CH,Weng YC,「Yeh CY, Lee HH, Lin MC」. Association between Statin Use and Risk of Parkinson's Disease: Evidence from 18 Observational Studies Comprising 3.7 Million Individuals . Journal of Personalized Medicine .2022 ;(12)

19. 2022 Poly TN,Lin MC,Shabbir SA,Huang CW,Yang HC,Jack Li YC. Proton Pump Inhibitor Use and Risk of Gastric Cancer: Current Evidence from Epidemiological Studies and Critical Appraisal . Cancers .2022 ;(14)

20. 2022 Tahmina Nasrin Poly ,Md. Mohaimenul Islam,Bruno Andreas Walther ,Ming-Chin Lin,Yu-Chuan (Jack) Li . Proton Pump Inhibitors Use and the Risk of Pancreatic Cancer: Evidence from Eleven Epidemiological Studies, Comprising 1.5 Million Individuals . CANCERS .2022 ;(14)

21. 2022 Md Mohaimenul Islam,Tahmina Nasrin Poly ,Bruno Andreas Walther,Chih-Yang Yeh,Shabbir Seyed-Abdul,「Yu-Chuan Jack Li ,Ming-Chin Lin 」. Deep Learning for the Diagnosis of Esophageal Cancer in Endoscopic Images: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis . Cancers (Basel) . .2022 ;(14)

22. 2022 Ming-Chin Lin,Chih-Yang Yeh ,Hsun-Hua Lee,Md Mohaimenul Islam ,Chiu-Hui Chien , 「Lung Chan, Suleman Atique」. Development and Validation of Machine Learning Models to Classify Artery Stenosis for Automated Generating Ultrasound Report . Diagnostics (Basel) .2022 ;(12):3047

23. 2021 Yeh CY,Peng SJ,Yang HC,Islam M,Poly TN,Hsu CY, Huff SM, Chen HC, Lin MC. Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC®) Applied to Microbiology: A National Laboratory Mapping Experience in Taiwan . Diagnostics .2021 ;(11):1564-1582

24. 2021 Lin PC,Chen KT,Chen HC,Islam MM,Lin MC. Machine Learning Model to Identify Sepsis Patients in the Emergency Department: Algorithm Development and Validation . Journal of Personalized Medicine .2021 ;(11):1055-1067

25. 2021 Islam MM,Poly TN,Alsinglawi B,Lin MC,Hsu MH,Li YJ. A State-of-the-Art Survey on Artificial Intelligence to Fight COVID-19 . Journal of Clinical Medicine .2021 ;(10):1961-1078

26. 2021 Poly TN,Islam MM,Yang HC,Lin MC,Jian WS,Hsu MH, Jack Li YC. Obesity and Mortality Among Patients Diagnosed With COVID-19: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis . Frontiers in Medicine .2021 ;(8):620044-620055

27. 2021 Islam MM,Poly TN,Walther BA,Lin MC,Li YJ. Artificial Intelligence in Gastric Cancer: Identifying Gastric Cancer Using Endoscopic Images with Convolutional Neural Network . Cancers .2021 ;(13):5253-5267

28. 2020 Rachmani E,Lin MC,Hsu CY,Jumanto J,Iqbal U,Shidik GF, Noersasongko E.. The implementation of an integrated e-leprosy framework in a leprosy control program at primary health care centers in Indonesia. . INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INFORMATICS .2020 ;(140):1-9

29. 2020 Rachmani E,Hsu CY,Chang PW,Fuad A,Nurjanah N,Shidik GF, Ningrum DNA, Lin MC. Development and validation of an instrument for measuring competencies on public health informatics of primary health care worker (PHIC4PHC) in Indonesia. . Primary Health Care Research and Development .2020 ;(21):1-16

30. 2020 Hsu TY,Kuo TBJ,Lin MC. Implementation of Wireless Biosensor for Continuous EEG Monitoring in Neurological Intensive Care. . Studies in Health Technology and Informatics .2020 ;(270):1317-1318

31. 2020 Masud JHB,Lin MC. Predicting Diagnosis Code from Medication List of an Electronic Medical Record Using Convolutional Neural Network . Studies in Health Technology and Informatics .2020 ;(270):1355-1356

32. 2020 Islam MM,Poly TN,Walther BA,Yang HC,Wang CW,Hsieh WS, Atique S, Salmani H, Alsinglawi B, Lin MC, Jian WS, Jack Li YC. Clinical Characteristics and Neonatal Outcomes of Pregnant Patients With COVID-19: A Systematic Review . Frontiers in Medicine .2020 ;(7):573468-573468

33. 2020 Chien SC,Islam MM,Yeh CA,Chien PH,Chen CY,Chin YP, Lin MC. Mutual-Aid Mobile App for Emergency Care: Feasibility Study . JMIR Formative Research .2020 ;(4):e15494-e15494

34. 2019 Rachmani E,Hsu CY,Chang PWS,Jumanto J,Fuad A,Ningrum DNA, Yeh CY, Lin MC. Encouraging On-Time Completion of Leprosy Patients Treatment: Implementing E-Leprosy Framework to Primary Health Care in Indonesia. . Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health .2019

35. 2019 Lin PC,Huang HC,Komorowski M,Lin WK,Chang CM,Chen KT, Li YC, Lin MC. A machine learning approach for predicting urine output after fluid administration. . Comput Methods Programs Biomed .2019 ;(177):155-159

36. 2019 Rachmani E,Hsu CY,Nurjanah N,Chang PW,Shidik GF,Noersasongko E, Jumanto J, Fuad A, Ningrum DNA, Kurniadi A, Lin MC. Developing an Indonesia's health literacy short-form survey questionnaire (HLS-EU-SQ10-IDN) using the feature selection and genetic algorithm. . Comput Methods Programs Biomed .2019 ;(182)

37. 2019 Islam MM,Poly TN,Walther BA,Yang HC,Wu CC,Lin MC, Chien SC, Li YC. Association Between Atrial Fibrillation and Dementia: A Meta-Analysis. . Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience .2019 ;(11):305-305

38. 2019 Poly TN,Islam MM,Walther BA,Yang HC,Wu CC,Lin MC, Li YC. Association between Use of Statin and Risk of Dementia: A Meta-Analysis of Observational Studies. . Neuroepidemiology .2019 ;(1):1-13

39. 2019 Lin MC,Li YJ. More patient data, greater opportunities and higher quality. . Int J Qual Health Care .2019 ;(31):403-403

40. 2019 Lin JN, Yeh CY,Pan YN,Lin MC,Fan FY. Effect of carbon nanotubes on in vitro cellular responses for bioglass . Materials Letters .2019 ;(235):141-143

41. 2018 Liao HT,Lin MC,Tsai CY,Hsu CY,Wu TH. Renal transplantation delays major adverse cardiac events (MACEs) in patients with end-stage renal disease: A nationwide population-based study . Journal of the Chinese Medical Association .2018 ;(81):766-771

42. 2018 Islam MM,Poly TN,Walther BA,Yang HC,Lin MC,Li YC. Risk of Hemorrhagic Stroke in Patients Exposed to Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs: A Meta-Analysis of Observational Studies. . Neuroepidemiology .2018 ;(51):166-176

43. 2018 Lin MC,Li YJ. Developing a Framework for Adopting the Latest Health Information Technology Standards for a Next-generation Electronic Health Record . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2018 ;(160):A1-A1

44. 2018 Lin MC,Iqbal U,Li YC. AI in Medicine: Big Data Remains a Challenge . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2018 ;(164):A1-A1

45. 2017 Lin MC,Iqbal U,Li YJ. Deciphering the human brain: How health information technology can help in diagnosis, evaluation, and treatment . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2017 ;(143):A1-A2

46. 2017 Turner AM,Facelli JC ,Jaspers M,Wetter T,Pfeifer D,Gatewood LC, Adam T, Li YC, Lin MC, Evans RS, Beukenhorst A, van Mens HJT, Tensen E, Bock C, Fendrich L, Seitz P, Suleder J, Aldelkhyyel R, Bridgeman K, Hu Z, Sattler A, Guo SY, Mohaimenul IMM, Anggraini Ningrum DN, Tung HR, Bian J, Plasek JM, Rommel C, Burke J, Sohih H. Solving Interoperability in Translational Health. Perspectives of Students from the International Partnership in Health Informatics Education (IPHIE) 2016 Master Class . Applied Clinical Informatics .2017 ;(8):651-659

47. 2017 Lin MC,Iqbal U,Jack Li YC. The new mindset for embracing precision medicine: Developing new approaches for exploring diseases . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2017 ;(140):A1-A1

48. 2017 Hong CT,Chan L,Hu CJ,Lin CM,Hsu CY,Lin MC. Tamoxifen and the Risk of Parkinson's Disease in Female Patients with Breast Cancer in Asian People: A Nationwide Population-Based Study . Journal of Breast Cancer .2017 ;(20):356-360

49. 2017 Lin MC,Iqbal U,Jack Li YC. Solving the adoption bottleneck to streamline application of medical informatics . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2017 ;(149):A1-A2

50. 2017 Lin MC,Iqbal U,Jack Li YC. The road ahead: embracing big data for clinical decision support . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2017 ;(139):A1-A2

51. 2016 Chen JH,Yen YC,Liu SH,Yuan SP,Wu LL,Lee FP, Lin KC, Lai MT, Wu CC, Chen TM, Chang CL, Chow JM, Ding YF, Lin MC, Wu SY. Outcomes of Induction Chemotherapy for Head and Neck Cancer Patients: A Combined Study of Two National Cohorts in Taiwan . Medicine (Baltimore) .2016 ;(95):1-8

52. 2016 Su CY,Lin MC,Wu CC,Li YC. Emerging landscape of intelligent computing in e-health systems for personalized healthcare: from basic research to clinical applications . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2016 ;(133)

53. 2016 Lin MC,Wu CC,Li YC. Exploring new landscapes on precision medicine that take individual variability into account . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2016 ;(134)

54. 2015 Lin CM,Lin MC,Huang SJ,Chang CK,Chao DP,Lui TN, Ma HI, Liu MY, Chung WY, Shih YH, Tsai SH, Chiou HY, Lin MR, Jen SL, Wei L, Wu CC, Lin EY, Liao KH, Chiang YH, Chiu WT, Lin JW. A Prospective Randomized Study of Brain Tissue Oxygen Pressure-Guided Management in Moderate and Severe Traumatic Brain Injury Patients . BioMed Research International .2015 ;(2015):1-8

55. 2012 Lin MC,Vreeman DJ,McDonald CJ,Huff SM. Auditing consistency and usefulness of LOINC use among three large institutions - Using version spaces for grouping LOINC codes . J BIOMED INFORM .2012 ;(45):658-666

56. 2010 Lin MC,Vreeman DJ,McDonald CJ,Huff SM. A characterization of local LOINC mapping for laboratory tests in three large institutions . METHOD INFORM MED .2010 ;(50):105-114

57. 2009 Kunz I,Lin MC,Frey L. Metadata mapping and reuse in caBIG . BMC Bioinformatics .2009 ;(10):1-11

1. 2018 Kuo CC,Li (Jack) YC,Wu MS,Lin MC. Using Medications to predict diagnosis codes by multi-label classification . Asia-Pacific Association for Medical Informatics (APAMI) .2018

2. 2018 Masud JHB,Kuo CC,Li (Jack) YC,Wu MS,Hsu (Rock) CK,Suk FM, Lin MC. Using Text Mining to Multiple Classification of SOAP Data: Experience from a Hospital of Taiwan . Asia-Pacific Association for Medical Informatics (APAMI) .2018

3. 2017 Lin MC,Lo WL,Hsu CY,Lin CM. Using the Taiwan National Health Insurance Research Database for Malignant Brain Tumor Research: Identifying the Optimal Treatment for High-Grade Glioma . The Journal of Taiwan Association for Medical Informatics .2017

4. 2016 Chih-Yang Yeh,Ming-Chin Lin,Suleman Atique,Chien-Yeh Hsu. 利用LONIC建立高品質實驗室傳染病自動通報系統-以三家醫院為例 . 醫療資訊雜誌 .2016 ;(25):45-54

5. 2016 Kuo-Hsuan Lin,Ming-Chin Lin,Chih-Yang Yeh,Chien-Yeh Hsu. Charlson Cormorbidity index and Triage and Acuity Scale can early predict mortality in emergency room . The Journal of Taiwan Association for Medical Informatics .2016


112 利用多維度機器學習來預測腦傷患者的預後

110 建立智慧神經加護病房資料庫(MiNiC)(3/3)

109 建立智慧神經加護病房資料庫(MiNiC)(2/3)

108 建立智慧神經加護病房資料庫(MiNiC)(1/3)

107 分析累積性腦震盪對橄欖球選手發生腦部病變之風險評估

107 醫學資訊研究所博士生Jakir君擬於107年10月9日至10月12日赴斯里蘭卡可倫坡參加亞太醫學信息學協會(APAMI)2018

107 醫學資訊研究所碩士班研究生郭偵丈君擬於107年10月9日至10月12日赴斯里蘭卡可倫坡參加以健康醫療數位化之革新翻轉醫療照護

104 基於數位遊戲設計知識建構策略的醫學資訊課程創新模式與成效分析

103 TMU103-AE1-B26

103 (103)新聘教師研究補助-林明錦教師