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護理學系 教授
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臺北醫學大學護理學研究所 博士
陽明大學臨床護理研究所 碩士
陽明大學護理學系 學士




2023/03/14 ~
2019/08/01 ~ 2023/03/13




Critical care nursing
Critical care nursing



1. 2024 Effects of simulation-based education module on delirium care in undergraduate nursing students: A quasi-experimental study. . Nurse Education in Practice .2024

2. 2024 Effectiveness of Acupressure for Fatigue Alleviation in Patients Receiving Hemodialysis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. . Journal of Nursing Research .2024

3. 2024 Web-based artificial intelligence to predict cognitive impairment following stroke: A multicenter study. . Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases .2024

4. 2024 Effects of nurse-led brief behavioral treatment for insomnia in adults: a randomized controlled trial. . Journal clinical sleep medicine .2024

5. 2024 Global prevalence and risk factors of emergence delirium in pediatric patients undergoing general anesthesia: A systemic review and metaanalysis. . Journal of Pediatric Nursing .2024

6. 2023 Diagnostic accuracy of the pCAM-ICU, psCAM-ICU, PAED, and CAPD for detecting delirium in the pediatric intensive care unit: A systematic review and meta-analvsis. . Intensive and Critical Care Nursing .2023

7. 2023 Comparative effects of warming systems applied to different parts of the body on hypothermia in adults undergoing abdominal surgery: A systematic review and network meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. . Journal of Clinical Anesthesia .2023 ;(89):111190-111190

8. 2023 Insomnia Complaint Correlated with Higher Risk of Cognitive Impairment in Older Adults Following Stroke: A National Representative Comparison Study . Sleep and Biological Rhythms .2023

9. 2023 Comparative efficacy of digitally assisted interventions for glycated haemoglobin levels among patients with type 2 diabetes: A systematic review and component network metaanalysis. . Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism .2023 ;(25):3279-3289

10. 2023 Delirium assessment tools among hospitalized older adults: A systematic review and metaanalysis of diagnostic accuracy. . Ageing Research Review .2023 ;(90):102025-102025

11. 2023 Exercise regimens for improved sleep quality in adult breast cancer survivors: systematic review and network meta-analysis. . BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care .2023

12. 2023 Virtual reality exercise programs ameliorate frailty and fall risks in older adults: A meta-analysis. . Journal of the American Geriatrics Society .2023 ;(71):2946-2955

13. 2023 The impact of sleep toward executive functions among rapidly rotating shift nurses of emergency departments in Indonesia. . Healthcare in Low-resource Settings .2023

14. 2023 Dynamic Prevalence of and Factors Associated With Fatigue Following Traumatic Brain Injury: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Observational Studies. . Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation .2023

15. 2023 Effects of simulation-based education module on delirium care in undergraduate nursing students: A quasi-experimental study. . Nurse Education in Practice .2023

16. 2023 社區整合量表修訂版於腦中風病人之心理計量測試 . 護理雜誌 .2023 ;(70):37-45

17. 2023 Chen SM,Chen WL,Tai CJ,Hsieh SH,Lin CK,Chen PY, Huang HC, Fan YC, Chiu HY. Effects of Self-Administered Acupressure on Fatigue Following Traumatic Brain Injury: A Randomized Controlled Trial. . Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation .2023

18. 2023 John Tai Chun Fung,Chan S.L.,Naomi Takemura,Chiu H.Y.,Huang H.C.,Jong-Eun Lee, Sunida Preechawong, Mi Yuel Hyun, Mei Sun, Wei Xia, Jinnan Xiao, Lin C.C. . Virtual simulation and problem-based learning enhance perceived clinical and cultural competence of nursing students in Asia: a randomized controlled cross-over study. . Nurse Education Today .2023

19. 2023 Chiu H.Y., Su I.W.,Yu Y.W.,Chen Y.C.,Chen C.C.,Lin J.H. . Soreness or sng: a common symptom with differential clinical impact from pain in degenerative lumbar spine diseases. . BMJ Open Quality .2023

20. 2023 Faizul Hasan,Muhammad Solihuddin Muhtar,Dean Wu,Lee H.C.,Fan Y.C.,Chen T.J., Chiu H.Y.. Post-Stroke Insomnia Increased the Risk of Cognitive Impairments: A Hospital-Based Retrospective Cohort Study. . Behavioral Sleep Medicine .2023

21. 2023 Chen PY,Su IC,Shih CY,Liu YC,Su YK,Wei L, Luh HT, Huang HC, Tsai PS, Fan YC, Chiu HY. Effects of Neurofeedback on Cognitive Function, Productive Activity, and Quality of Life in Patients With Traumatic Brain Injury: A Randomized Controlled Trial. . Neurorehabilitation & Neural Repair .2023

22. 2023 Hasan F,Lee HC,Chen PY,Wang YH,Yuliana LT,Romadlon DS, Tu YK, Chiu HY. Comparative efficacy of hypnotics in young and middle‑aged adults with insomnia: a systematic review and network meta‑analysis. . Sleep and Breathing .2023

23. 2023 Psychometric properties of Indonesian version of sleep condition indicator for screening poststroke insomnia. . Sleep and Breathing .2023 ;(27):2013-2020

24. 2023 Effectiveness of Cold Therapy for Pain and Anxiety Associated with Chest Tube Removal: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. . Pain Management Nursing .2023

25. 2023 Effects of an interactive handgrip game on surgical patients requiring intensive care: An assessor-blinded randomized controlled trial. . Intensive and Critical Care Nursing .2023 ;(78):103474-103474

26. 2022 Vo T.H.,Chiu H.Y.,Chuang Y.H.,Huang H.C.. Prevalence of Stress and Anxiety Among Nursing Students: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. . Nurse Educator .2022

27. 2022 Lin P.C.,Chen P.Y.,Wei K.C.,Lin J.H.,Lin M.R.,Wang H.C., Chiu H.Y. Sleep disturbance in adults with untreated primary brain tumors: prevalence and impact on quality of life. . Sleep and Biological Rhythms .2022

28. 2022 Shih CY,Gordon C.J.,Chen TJ,Phuc N.T.,Tu MC,Tsai PS, Chiu HY. Comparative efficacy of nonpharmacological interventions on sleep quality in people who are critically ill: A systematic review and network meta-analysis. . International Journal of Nursing Studies .2022

29. 2022 Shih CY,Wang AY,Chang KM,Yang CC,Tsai YC,Fan CC, Chuang HJ, Nguyen Thi Phuc, Chiu HY. Dynamic prevalence of sleep disturbance among critically ill patients in intensive care units and after hospitalisation: A systematic review and metaanalysis. . Intensive and Critical Care Nursing. .2022

30. 2022 Cai XY,Lin JH,Huang WC,Wu JC,Chen PY,Chiu HY. Sensory Symptoms and effects on Health-related Quality of Life of Patients Undergoing Lumbar Spine Surgery. . Pain Management Nursing. .2022

31. 2022 Josephine Matthew,Lerinda Mike,Huang HC,Wang CH,Shih CY,Chen YC, Chiu HY. Effects of personalized music intervention on nurse burnout: A feasibility randomized controlled trial. . Nursing & Health Sciences .2022

32. 2022 Faizul Hasan,Tu YK,Lin CM,Chuang LP,Chen C,Lia Taurussia Yuliana, Chen TJ, Chiu HY . Comparative efficacy of exercise regimens on sleep quality in older adults: A systematic review and network meta-analysis. . Sleep Medicine Reviews .2022

33. 2022 Wang BC,Chiu HY,Luh HT,Lin CJ,Hsieh SH,Chen TJ, Wu CR, Chen PY. Comparative efficacy of prophylactic anticonvulsant drugs following traumatic brain injury: A systematic review and network meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. . PLoS One .2022

34. 2022 Chen TJ,Victoria Traynor,Wang AY,Shih CY,Tu MC,Chuang CH, Chiu HY. Comparative effectiveness of non-pharmacological interventions for preventing delirium in critically ill adults: A systematic review and network meta-analysis. . International Journal of Nursing Studies .2022

35. 2022 Debby Syahru Romadlon,Huang H.C.,ChenY.C.,Hu Sophia H.,Faizul Hasan,Milton D Chiang Morales, Ollyvia Freeska Dwi Marta, Safiruddin Al Baqi, Chiu H.Y.. Fatigue following type 2 diabetes: Psychometric testing of the Indonesian version of the multidimensional fatigue Inventory-20 and unmet fatigue-related needs . PLoS One .2022 ;(17):e0278165-e0278165

36. 2022 Wang CP,Hung FM,Ling MS,Chiu HY,Sophia Hu. Factors associated with critical care nurses’ acute stress disorder after patient death. . Australian Critical Care .2022

37. 2022 Chen TJ,Chung YW,Chen PY,Hu SH,Chang CC,Hsieh SH, WangBC, Chiu HY. Effects of daily sedation interruption in intensive care unit patients undergoing mechanical ventilation: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. . International Journal of Nursing Practice .2022

38. 2022 Nam Nhat Nguyen ,Dung Si Ho,Hung Song Nguyen,Dang Khanh Ngan Ho,Li HY ,Lin CY, Chiu HY , Chen YC. Preadmission use of antidiabetic medications and mortality among patients with COVID-19 having type 2 diabetes: A meta-analysis . Metabolism .2022

39. 2022 Ho MH,Choi EPH,Chiu HY,Shen Hsiao ST,Traynor V. Using the nursing delirium screening scale in assessing postoperative delirium: A meta-regression. . Research in Nursing and Health .2022

40. 2022 Debby Syahru Romadlon,Faizul Hasan,Bayu Satria Wiratama,Chiu HY. Prevalence and risk factors of fatigue in type 1 and type 2 diabetes: A systematic review and meta-analysis. . Journal of Nursing Scholarship .2022

41. 2022 Chen PY,Hsieh SH,Lin CK,Wei L,Su YK,Tsai PS, Chiu HY. Mental Fatigue Mediates the Relationship Between Cognitive Functions and Return to Productive Activity Following Traumatic Brain Injury. . Brain Injury .2022

42. 2021 Liu, C. J.,Chiu, H. Y.,Chuang, Y.H. ,Lin, K. C.,Huang, H. C. . Effects of mobile health interventions on improving glycemic stability and quality of life in patients with type 1 diabetes: A meta-analysis. . Research in Nursing and Health .2021 ;(44):187-200

43. 2021 Liu JW,Lin SH ,Wang LC ,Chiu HY ,Lee JA. Comparison of Antiviral Agents for Seasonal Influenza Outcomes in Healthy Adults and Children: A Systematic Review and Network Meta-analysis. . JAMA network open .2021

44. 2021 Su YK ,Oluwaseun Adebayo Bamodu ,Su IC,Narpati Wesa Pikatan ,Fong IH ,Lee WH, Yeh CT, Chiu HY, Lin CM. Combined Treatment with Acalabrutinib and Rapamycin Inhibits Glioma Stem Cells and Promotes Vascular Normalization by Downregulating BTK/mTOR/VEGF Signaling. . Pharmaceuticals .2021 ;(14):876-876

45. 2021 Faizul Hasan,Tu YK,Yang CM,Christopher Gordon,Wu Dean,Lee HC, Lia Taurussia Yuliana, Lucky Herawati, Chen TJ, Chiu HY. Comparative efficacy of digital cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia: A systematic review and network meta-analysis . Sleep Medicine Reviews .2021

46. 2021 Pham Van Truong,Lin MY,Chiu HY,Hou WH,Tsai PS. Psychometric properties and factorial structure of Vietnamese version of the hypertension self-care profile behavior scale . Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing .2021 ;(36):446-453

47. 2021 Li YC,Chiu HY ,Lin YJ ,Chen KT ,Hsu PW ,Huang YC, Chen PY, Wei KC. The Merits of Awake Craniotomy for Glioblastoma in the Left Hemispheric Eloquent Area: One Institution Experience . Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery .2021

48. 2021 Tsai YC,Liu CJ,Huang HC,Lin JH,Chen PY,Su YK, Chen CT, Chiu HY. A Meta-Analysis of Dynamic Prevalence of Cognitive Deficits in the Acute, Subacute, and Chronic Phases Following Traumatic Brain Injury . Journal of Neuroscience Nursing .2021 ;(53):63-68

49. 2021 Chiu HY,Lee HC,Liu JW ,Hua SJ ,Chen PY,Tsai PS, Tu YK. Comparative Efficacy and Safety of Hypnotics for Insomnia in older adults: A Systematic Review and Network Metaanalysis . SLEEP .2021 ;(44)

50. 2021 Faizul Hasan,Christopher Gordon,Wu Dean,Huang HC,Lia Taurussia Yuliana,Budi Susatya,Ollyvia Freeska Dwi Marta,Chiu HY. Dynamic Prevalence of Sleep Disorders Following Stroke or Transient Ischemic Attack: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis . Stroke .2021 ;(52):655-663

51. 2021 Niu SF,Lin CJ,Chen PY,Fan YC,Huang HC,Chiu HY. Immediate and lasting effects of aerobic exercise on the actigraphic sleep parameters of female nurses: A randomized controlled trial. . Research in Nursing & Health. .2021 ;(44):449-457

52. 2021 Chen TJ,Chung YW,Chang HC,Chen PY ,Wu CJ ,Hsieh SH, Chiu HY*. Diagnostic accuracy of the CAM-ICU and ICDSC in detecting intensive care unit delirium: a bivariate meta-analysis. . International Journal of Nursing Studies .2021

53. 2021 Chao YC ,Hu Sophia H ,Chiu HY ,Huang PH ,Tsai HT ,Chuang YH. The effects of an immersive 3D interactive video program on improving student nurses’ nursing skill competence: A randomized controlled trial study . Nurse Education Today .2021 ;(103)

54. 2021 Hsieh SH,Wu CR,Debby Syahru Romadlon,Faizul Hasan,Chen PY,Chiu HY . The effect of acupressure on relieving cancer-related fatigue: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials . Cancer Nursing .2021 ;(44):E578-E588

55. 2021 Pham Van Truong,Renny Wulan Apriliyasari,Lin MY ,Chiu HY,Hou WH,Tsai PS. Effects of self-management programs on blood pressure, self-efficacy, medication adherence and body mass index in older adults with hypertension: Meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. . International Journal of Nursing Practice .2021 ;(27)

56. 2021 Lin MR,Chen PY,Wang HC,Lin PC ,Lee HC,Chiu HY. Prevalence of sleep disturbances and their effects on quality of life in adults with untreated pituitary tumor and meningioma . Journal of Neuro-Oncology .2021 ;(154):179-186

57. 2021 Chung JW,Liu Doresses,Wei L,Wen YT,Lin HY,Chen HC, Chiu HY. Postconcussion symptoms after an uncomplicated mild traumatic brain injury in older adults: frequency, risk factors, and impact on quality of life . Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation .2021

58. 2021 Huang HC,Tseng YM,Chen YC,Chen PY,Chiu HY. Diagnostic accuracy of the Clinical Dementia Rating Scale for detecting mild cognitive impairment and dementia: A bivariate meta‐analysis. . International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry .2021 ;(36):239-251

59. 2020 Wu CR,Tu YK,Chuang LP,Gordon C,Chen NH,Chen PY, Hasan F Kurniasari, Kurniasari MD, Susanty S, Chiu HY . Diagnostic meta-analysis of the Pediatric Sleep Questionnaire, OSA-18, and pulse oximetry in detecting pediatric obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. . Sleep Medicine Reviews .2020

60. 2020 Lia YC,Chiu HY ,Wei KC ,Lin YJ,Chen KT ,Hsu PW, Huang YC, Chen PY. Using cortical function mapping by awake craniotomy dealing with the patient with recurrent glioma in the eloquent cortex. . Biomedical Journal .2020

61. 2020 Ho MH,Che KH,J Montayre,Liu MF,Chang CC,V Traynor, Chang HC, Chiu HY. Diagnostic test accuracy meta-analysis of PRE-DELIRIC (PREdiction of DELIRium in ICu patients): A delirium prediction model in intensive care practice. . Intensive & Critical Care Nursing .2020

62. 2020 Chi NF,Huang YC,Chiu HY,Chang HJ,Huang HC. Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Home-Based Rehabilitation on Improving Physical Function Among Home-Dwelling Patients With a Stroke. . Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation .2020 ;(101):359-373

63. 2020 Roselyn Chipojola,Chiu HY,Mega Hasanul Huda,Lin YM,Kuo SY. Effectiveness of theory-based educational interventions on breastfeeding self-efficacy and exclusive breastfeeding: A systematic review and meta-analysis. . International Journal of Nursing Studies .2020 ;(109)

64. 2020 Banda KJ,Chiu HY,Hu HL,Yeh HC,Lin KC,Huang HC. Associations of dietary carbohydrate and salt consumption with the esophageal cancer risk: a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies. . Nutrition Reviews .2020

65. 2020 Marta O,Kuo SY,Bloomfield J,Lee HC,Hasan F,Chiu HY. Gender Differences in the Relationships between Sleep disturbances and Academic Performance among Nursing Students: A Cross-sectional Study . Nurse Education Today .2020 ;(85):104270-104270

66. 2020 Wei L,Wen YT,Thompson HJ,Liu CY,Su YK ,Chen PY, Chen C, Chuang YH, Lin YJ, Chen CT, Chen CC, Chiu HT, Chiu HY . Sleep disturbances following traumatic brain injury in older adults: a comparison study . Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation .2020 ;(35):288-295

67. 2019 Tang MF,Chiu HY,Xu X,Kwok JY,Cheung DST,Chen CY , Lin CC. Walking is more effective than yoga at reducing sleep disturbance in cancer patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials . Sleep Medicine Reviews .2019 ;(47):1-8

68. 2019 Chipojola R,Lee GT,Chiu HY,Chang PC,Kuo SY. Determinants of breastfeeding practices among mothers in Malawi: a population-based survey. . International Health .2019 ;(12):132-141

69. 2019 Chiu HY,Tu YK. Reply to Berrouiguet et al. Suicide prevention strategies: A need for ecological sleep monitoring. . Sleep Medicine Reviews .2019 ;(47):127-127

70. 2019 Liu JW,Tu YK,Lai YF,Lee HC,Tsai PS,Chen TJ, Huang HC, Chen YT, Chiu HY. Associations between sleep disturbances and suicidal ideation, plans, and attempts in adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analysis. . SLEEP .2019 ;(42):119-126

71. 2019 Wu CR,Chen PY,Hsieh SH,Huang HC,Chen YT,Chen TJ, Chiu HY . Sleep Mediates the Relationship Between Depression and Cognitive Impairment in Older Men . American Journal of Men's Health .2019 ;(13)

72. 2019 Chen TJ,Chiu HY. 統合分析於護理研究之應用 . 源遠護理 .2019 ;(13):13-17

73. 2018 Huang HC,Chen MY,Hsieh LW,Chiu HY,Maio NF,Wu CS, Lin KC. Validation of a Symptoms distress Scale in a Cirrhotic Population Using item Response Theory . Nursing Research .2018 ;(67(5)):359-368

74. 2018 Chiu HY,Lee HC,Chen PY,Lai YF,Tu YK. Associations between sleep duration and suicidality in adolescents: A systematic review and doseeresponse meta-analysis . Sleep Medicine Reviews .2018 ;(42):119-126

75. 2018 Thakur SS,Abdul SS,Chiu HS,Roy RB,Huang PY,Malwade S, Nursetyo AA, Li YJ. Artificial-Intelligence-Based Prediction of Clinical Events among Hemodialysis Patients Using Non-Contact Sensor Data. . Sensors (Basel) .2018 ;(18):2833

76. 2018 Chiu HY,Huang CJ,Fan YC,Tsai PS. Insomnia but Not Hypnotics Use Associates with the Risk of Breast Cancer: A Population-Based Matched Cohort Study. . Journal of Womens Health .2018 ;(10):1250-1256

77. 2018 Chiu HY,Li W,Lin JH,Sui YK ,Lin EY,Tsai PS. Measurement properties of the Chinese version of the Mental Fatigue Scale for patients with traumatic brain injury. . Brain Injury .2018 ;(32):652-664

78. 2018 Chiu HY,Chen PY,Chen YT,Huang HC. Reality orientation therapy benefits cognition in older people with dementia: A meta-analysis . International Journal of Nursing Studies .2018 ;(86):20-28

79. 2018 Lin EY,Chen PY,Tsai PS,Lo WC,Chiu HY. Trajectory of health-related quality of life and its determinants in patients who underwent lumbar spine surgery: a 1-year longitudinal study . Quality of Life Research .2018 ;(27):2251-2259

80. 2017 Wang SC,Pan PT,Chiu HY,Huang CJ. Neuraxial magnesium sulfate improves postoperative analgesia in Cesarean section delivery women: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials . Asian Journal of Anesthesiology .2017 ;(55):56-67

81. 2017 Huang HC,Huang YC,Lin MF,Hou WH,Shu ML,Chiu HY, Chang HJ. Effects of Home-Based Supportive Care on Improvements in Physical Function and Depressive Symptoms in Patients With Stroke: A Meta-Analysis . Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation .2017 ;(98):1666-1677

82. 2017 Wang SC,Pan PT,Chiu HY,Huang CJ. Cesarean section delivery women: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials . Asian Journal of Anesthesiology .2017

83. 2017 Lin YJ,Chiu HY,Chiou MJ,Huang YC,Wei KC,Kuo CF, Hsu JT, Hsu JT, Chen PY. Trends in the incidence of primary malignant brain tumors in Taiwan and correlation with comorbidities: A population-based study . Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery .2017 ;(159):72-82

84. 2017 Chiu HY,Lin EY,Chiu HT,Chen PY. A Feasibility Randomized Controlled Crossover Trial of Home-Based Warm Footbath to Improve Sleep in the Chronic Phase of Traumatic Brain Injury . Journal of Neuroscience Nursing .2017 ;(49):1-5

85. 2017 Chiu HY,Chen PY,Chuang LP,Chen NH,Tu YK,Hsieh YJ, Wang YC, Cuilleminault C.. Diagnostic Accuracy of the Berlin Questionnaire, STOP-Bang, STOP, and Epworth Sleepiness Scale in Detecting Obstructive Sleep Apnea: A Bivariate Meta-analysis . Sleep Medicine Reviews .2017 ;(36):57-70

86. 2016 Chiu HY,Yeh TH,Haung YC,Chen PY. Effects of intravenous and oral magnesium on reducing migraine: a metaanalysis of randomized controlled trials. . Pain Physician .2016 ;(19):E97-112

87. 2016 Chiu HY,Lai FJ,Chen PY,Tsai PS. Differences Between Men and Women Aged 65 and Older in the Relationship Between Self-Reported Sleep and Cognitive Impairment: A Nationwide Survey in Taiwan . Journal of the American Geriatrics Society .2016 ;(64):2051-2058

88. 2016 Chiu HY,Hsieh YJ,Tsai PS. Systematic review and metaanalysis of acupuncture to reduce cancer-related pain. . European Journal of Cancer Care .2016 ;(26)

89. 2016 Chiu HY,Hsieh YJ,Tsai PS. Acupuncture to Reduce Sleep Disturbances in Perimenopausal and Postmenopausal Women: A Systematic review and Meta-analysis. . American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology .2016 ;(127):507-515

90. 2016 Guilleminault C,Abad VC,Chiu HY,Peters B,Quo S. Missing teeth and pediatric obstructive sleep apnea . Sleep and Breathing .2016 ;(20):561-568

91. 2016 Chiu HY,Chang LY,Chen PY,Tsai PS. A meta-analysis of diagnostic accuracy of three screening tools for insomnia . Journal of Psychosomatic Research .2016 ;(87):85-92

92. 2015 Chiu HY,Huang HC,Chen PY,Tsai PS. Walking improves sleep in individuals with cancer:A meta-analysis of randomized,controlled trials.Oncology Nursing Forum. . Oncology Nursing Forum (accepted) .2015 ;(42):E54-62

93. 2015 Giang NV,Chiu HY,Thai DH,Kuo SY,Tsai PS. Validity, sensitivity and responsiveness of the 11-face faces Pain scale to postoperative pain in adult orthopedic surgery patients. Pain Management Nursing. . Pain Management Nursing .2015

94. 2015 Huang HC,Chen YT,Chen PY,Hu S,Liu F,Kuo YL, Chiu HY. Reminiscence therapy improves cognitive functions and reduces depressive symptoms in elderly people with dementia: a metaanalysis of randomized controlled trials. . Journal of the American Medical Directors Association .2015 ;(16):1087-1094

95. 2015 Chiu HY,Lin EY,Wei L,Lin JH,Lee HC,Fan YC, Tsai PS. Hypnotics use but not insomnia increased the risk of dementia in traumatic brain injury patients . European Neuropsychopharmacology .2015

96. 2015 Chen PY,Chiu HT,Chiu HY. Daytime sleepiness is independently associated with falls in elderly people with dementia. Geriatric & Gerontology International. . Geriatrics & Gerontology International .2015 ;(16):850-855

97. 2015 Chiu HY,Shyu YK,Chang PC,Tsai PS. Effects of acupuncture on menopause-related symptoms in breast cancer survivors: a metaanalysis of randomized controlled trials.Cancer Nursing. . .2015

98. 2015 Guilleminault C,Lee SY,Chiu HY,Sullivan S. Mouth breathing, "nasal dis-use" and pediatric sleep-disordered-breathing. . Sleep and Breathing. .2015

99. 2015 Chen PY,Tsai PS,Chen NH,Chaung LP,Lee CC,Chen CC, Chiu HT, LU YJ, Wei KC, Chiu HY. Trajectories of sleep and its predictors in the first year following traumatic brain injury. . Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation .2015 ;(30):E50-E55

100. 2015 Chiu HY,Pan CH,Shyu YK,Han BC,Tsai PS. The effects of acupuncture on menopause-related symptoms and quality of life in women with natural menopause: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials . Menopause .2015 ;(22):234-244

101. 2014 Chiu HY,Chiang PC,Miao NF,Lin EY,Tsai PS. The effects of mind-body interventions on sleep in cancer patients: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials . Journal of Clinical Psychiatry .2014 ;(75):1215-1223

102. 2014 Chiu HY,Lo WC,Chiang YH,Tsai PS. The effects of sleep on the relationship between brain injury severity and recovery of cognitive function: A prospective study . International Journal of Nursing Studies .2014 ;(51):892-899

103. 2014 Chiu HY,Tsai PS,Lee CC,Liu YT,Huang HC,Chen PY. The association between use of dietary supplements and headache or migraine complaints. . Headache .2014 ;(54):355-363

104. 2014 Tsai HC,Huang HC,Chang HJ,Lin KC,Chiu HY,Huang JH. A Closer Examination of the Interaction among Risk Factors for Low Back Pain . American Journal of Health Promotion .2014 ;(28):372-379

105. 2014 Lin CM,Chiu HY,Guilleminault C. Melatonin and REM Behavior Disorder. . Journal of Sleep Disorders & Therapy .2014 ;(2)

106. 2014 Chiu HY,Wang, MY,Chang CK,Chen CM,Chou KR,Tsai JC, Tsai PS. Early morning awakening and nonrestorative sleep are associated with increased minor non-fatal accidents during work and leisure time. . Accident Analysis & Prevention .2014 ;(7):10-14

107. 2013 Guilleminault C,Primeau M,Chiu HY,Yuen K,Metlaine LD. Sleep- disordered- breathing in Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (a genetic model of obstructive sleep apnea) . Chest .2013 ;(144):1503-1511

108. 2013 Chiu HY,Chen PY,Chen NH,Chaung LP,Tsai PS. Trajectories of sleep changes during the acute phase of traumatic brain injury: a 7-day actigraphy study. . Journal of the Formosan Medical Association. .2013 ;(112):545-553

109. 2013 Chiu HY,Tsai PS. The Impact of Various Work Schedules on Sleep Complaints and Minor Accidents During Work or Leisure Time: Evidence From a National Survey. . Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine .2013 ;(55):325-330

110. 2010 Chiu HY,Chen CM. 資訊科技與社區護理之結合:遠距護理的興起 . 源遠護理 .2010 ;(4):5-10

111. 2010 Chiy HY,Chen LC,Chao YF. E化五級檢傷分類系統教育訓練對檢傷護理人員之影響. . 長庚護理 .2010 ;(21):430-441

112. 2010 Chiu HY,Chao YF. 睡眠品質之概念分析. . 護理雜誌 .2010 ;(57):106-111

113. 2009 邱曉彥. 照顧一位格林-巴瑞症候群患者之護理經驗. . 源遠護理 .2009 ;(3):65-71

1. 2017 Chiu HY,Chen PY. Associations of sleep duration with suicidal ideation, plans, and attempts in adolescents: dose-response metaanalysis of observational studies . World Sleep 2017 Congress in Prague, Czech Republic .2017

2. 2017 Chen PY,Chiu HY. Impacts of Operative Time on Sleep Following Spinal Stenosis Surgery . World Sleep 2017 Congress .2017

3. 2016 Chiu HY,Chen PY,Guilleminault C. A Diagnostic Meta-analysis of Screening Questionnaires for Obstructive Sleep Apnea . 4th International Pediatric Sleep Association Congress, Taipei, Taiwan. .2016

4. 2015 Chiu HY,Tsai PS. Diagnostic accuracy of insomnia screening tools: a meta-analysis. . Sigma Theta Tau International's 27th International Nursing Research Congress .2015

5. 2015 Chiu HY,Chen PY. Daytime sleepiness is independently associated with increased falls in dementia : A population-based study. The 18th East Asia Forum of Nursing Scholars(EAFONS),Taipei . .2015

6. 2015 Chiu HY,Tsai PS. Sex difference in the association of sleep disturbances with cognitive impairment in elderly. . Sigma Theta Tau International's 43rd Biennial Convention, Las Vegas, U.S.A. .2015

7. 2015 Chiu HY,Hsieh YJ,Tsai PS. Acupuncture improves menopause-related sleep disturbances: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. . Taiwan Evidence-Based Medical Association, Taipei. .2015

8. 2014 Chiu HY. The effect of Mind-Body Interventions on Sleep in Cancer Patients: A Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials(Symposium). Asia Pacific Nursing Research Conference,Taipei . .2014

9. 2014 Chiu HY,Tsai PS,Chen PY. The Efficacy of Home-Based Walking Exercise on Sleep in Cancer Survivors: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials . Sigma Theta Tau International's 25th International Nursing Research Congress, Hong Kong .2014

10. 2014 Chiu HY,Chen PY. A randomized, controlled pilot study of warm footbath for improving sleep complaints in patients with traumatic brain injury. . The 12nd Taiwan Society of Sleep Medicine, Taipei. .2014

11. 2013 Nichols DA,Miller RA,Jadrnicek R,Chiu HY,Desalvo SV,Griffin KS, Hyde PR, Jonsson D, Walsh JK, Kushida CA. Data Storage and Processing Procedures of a Sleep Research Data Management System. . 27th Annual Meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies, Baltimore. .2013

12. 2012 Chiu HY,Grassi A,Chen NH,Chen PY,Kushida CA. Macrostructure and Microstructure of Sleep in Acute Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Patients. . Asian Sleep Research Society, Taipei. .2012

13. 2012 Kushida CA,Cardell CY,Chiu HY. Comparison of new level 3 and 4 portable monitors for home sleep testing vs. in-lab polysomnography. 26th Annual Meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies,Boston,MA . .2012


113 促進重症病人睡眠質與量之策略建置:虛擬實境導入多元化照護措施之成效驗證(3/3)

113 重症照護新模式: 護理主導之科技整合跨團隊早期活動計畫的建置與應用(1/3)

113 貴機構依本會「補助國內研究生出席國際學術會議」申請費用補助案(研究生:護理學研究所博士班Iftitakhurr Rohmah君)

112 科技化互動式加護病房日記改善加護病 房病人心理困擾之成效:隨機控制試驗

112 113年度「補助博士生赴國外研究」計畫(千里馬)-林家柔

112 促進重症病人睡眠質與量之策略建置:虛擬實境導入多元化照護措施之成效驗證(2/3)

112 護理引導簡短失眠行為療法對睡眠、情緒與認知功能之成效: 以恢復期頭部外傷病患進行模式建立與應用(3/3)

112 貴機構依本會「補助國內研究生出席國際學術會議」申請費用補助案(研究生:護理學研究所博士班陳怡甄君)

112 簡易失眠行為療法APP合併互動遊戲與情緒紀錄改善失眠: 系統開發與成效測試

111 大學生之失眠:繁體中文版睡眠狀況指標量表之測量特性

111 促進重症病人睡眠質與量之策略建置:虛擬實境導入多元化照護措施之成效驗證(1/3)

111 護理引導簡短失眠行為療法對睡眠、情緒與認知功能之成效: 以恢復期頭部外傷病患進行模式建立與應用(2/3)

111 會議名稱:EAFONS 2023

110 混合式音樂介入改善帕金森氏症病人睡眠障礙之成效:可行性隨機控制試驗

110 護理引導簡短失眠行為療法對睡眠、情緒與認知功能之成效: 以恢復期頭部外傷病患進行模式建立與應用(1/3)

109 視覺與聽覺回饋式遊戲改善長期呼吸器依賴病人心理困擾之成效:可行性隨機控制試驗

109 互動式握力遊戲於重症病患之成效: 隨機控制試驗

108 老年人輕度頭部外傷後身體活動與腦震盪症候群變化之相關性

108 中文版理察斯-坎貝爾睡眠量表於重症病人之測量特性:以古典測試理論與試題反應理論驗證

108 頭部外傷病患復原期認知功能改變:神經回饋療法之成效與機轉(3/3)

107 退化性腰椎疾病症狀改變軌跡與對健康相關生活品質之影響

107 頭部外傷病患復原期認知功能改變:神經回饋療法之成效與機轉(2/3)

106 老年人頭部外傷後睡眠障礙之盛行率、危險因子與預後之探討

106 頭部外傷病患復原期認知功能改變:神經回饋療法之成效與機轉(1/3)

105 失眠與青少年自殺之相關性:統合分析

104 頭部外傷病患心理疲憊、認知功能與恢復生產活動之關係模式建立(2/2)

104 頭部外傷病患心理疲憊、認知功能與恢復生產活動之關係模式建立(2/2)

103 腰椎退化性疾病病患手術前後生活品質之變化軌跡與預測因子

103 頭部外傷病患心理疲憊、認知功能與恢復生產活動之關係模式建立(1/2)

103 頭部外傷病患心理疲憊、認知功能與恢復生產活動之關係模式建立(1/2)

103 TMU103-AE1-B11

103 (103)新聘教師研究補助-邱曉彥教師