吳忠哲(Wu, Chung-Che) 副教授

現   職
外科學科 副教授


學 歷

國防醫學院醫科所 博士
Keck Graduate Institute of Claremont應用生命科學 碩士
加州大學柏克萊分校Computer Science 學士
國防醫學院醫學系 學士




2022/08/01 ~







1. 2023 Xuan DTM,Wu CC,Wang WJ,Hsu HP,Ta HDK,Anuraga G, Chiao CC, Wang CY. Glutamine synthetase regulates the immune microenvironment and cancer development through the inflammatory pathway . Int. J. Med. Sci. .2023 ;(20):35-49

2. 2023 Ou JC,Feng YH,Chen KY,Chiang YH,Hsu TI,Wu CC. Correlation of Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1 With Cognitive Functions in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Patients . Neurotrauma Rep .2023 ;(4):751-760

3. 2023 Lin TC,Tsai YC,Chen YA,Young TH,Wu CC,Chiang YH, Kao CH, Huang AP, Hsu YH, Chen KY, Tsai LK. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor contributes to neurogenesis after intracerebral hemorrhage: a rodent model and human study . Front Cell Neurosci .2023 ;(17)

4. 2023 Do PT ,Chuang DM,Wu CC,Huang CZ,Chen YH,Kang SJ, Chiang YH, Hu CJ, Chen KY. Mesenchymal Stem Cells Overexpressing FGF21 Preserve Blood Brain Barrier Integrity in Experimental Ischemic Stroke . Translational Stroke Research .2023

5. 2022 Tsai YR,Kim DS,Hsueh SC,Chen KY,Wu CC,Wang JY, Tsou YS, Hwang I , Kim Y, Gil D, Jo EJ, Han BS, Tweedie D, Lecca D, Scerba MT, Selman WR, Hoffer BJ, *Greig NH,*Chiang YH. 3,6'- and 1,6'-Dithiopomalidomide Mitigate Ischemic Stroke in Rats and Blunt Inflammation . Pharmaceutics .2022 ;(14)

6. 2022 Xuan DTM,Yeh IJ,Wu CC,Su CY,Liu HL,Chiao CC, Ku SC, Jiang JZ, Sun Z, Ta HDK, Anuraga G, Wang CY, Yen MC. Comparison of Transcriptomic Signatures between Monkeypox-Infected Monkey and Human Cell Lines . J Immunol Res .2022 ;(22)

7. 2021 Do Thi Minh Xuan,Chung-Che Wu,Tzu-Jen Kao,Hoang Dang Khoa Ta,Gangga Anuraga,Vivin Andriani, Muhammad Athoillah, Chung-Chieh Chiao, Yung-Fu Wu, Kuen-Haur Lee, Chih-Yang Wang, Jian-Ying Chuang. Prognostic and immune infiltration signatures of proteasome 26S subunit, non-ATPase (PSMD) family genes in breast cancer patient . AGING .2021 ;(13):24882-24913

8. 2021 Tsai YT,Wu CC,Ko CY,Hsu TI,Chang WC,Lo WL, Chuang JY. Correlation between the expression of cancer stem cell marker BMI1 and glioma prognosis . Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications .2021 ;(550):113-119

9. 2021 Do Phuong Thao,Wu Chung Che,Chiang Yung Hsiao,Hu Chaur Jong,Chen Kai Yun. Mesenchymal stem/stromal cell therapy in blood-brain barrier preservation following ischemia: Molecular mechanisms and prospects . International Journal of Molecular Sciences .2021 ;(22)

10. 2021 Ma HP,Ou JC,Chen KY,Liao KH,Kang SJ,Wang JY, Chiang YH, Wu CC. Screening for Poor Self-Reported Sleep Quality at 12 Weeks in Post-Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Patients Using the HF–Age–Gender (HAG) Index . Brain Sciences .2021

11. 2021 Kao TJ,Wu CC,Phan NN,Liu YH,Ta HDK,Anuraga G, Wu YF, Lee KH, Chuang JY, Wang CY. Prognoses and genomic analyses of proteasome 26S subunit, ATPase (PSMC) family genes in clinical breast cancer . Aging (Albany NY) .2021 ;(13):17970-17970

12. 2021 Chen KY ,Tsai TY ,Chang CF ,Tsai YR ,Ou JC . Worsening of dizziness impairment is associated with BMX level in patients after mild traumatic brain injury . Journal of Neurotrauma .2021 ;(-):---

13. 2020 Shahror RA,Wu CC,Chiang YH,Chen KY. Genetically Modified Mesenchymal Stem Cells: The Next Generation of Stem Cell-Based Therapy for TBI . Int J Mol Sci .2020 ;(21)

14. 2020 Stephen Wan Leung,Lai JH,Wu CC,Tsai YR,Chen YH,Kang SJ, Chiang YH, Chang CF, Chen KY. Neuroprotective Effects of Emodin against Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury through Activating ERK-1/2 Signaling Pathway . Int. J. Mol. Sci. .2020

15. 2020 Wu CC,Titus Ime Ekanem,Nam Nhut Phan,Do Thi Thuy Loan,Hou SY,Lee KH, Chih-Yang Wang. Gene signatures and prognostic analyses of the Tob/BTG pituitary tumor-transforming gene (PTTG) family in clinical breast cancer patients . International Journal of Medical Sciences .2020 ;(17):3112-3124

16. 2019 Lee Hsun Hua,Ma Hon Ping,Ou Ju Chi,Ong Jiann Ruey,Chen Kai Yun,Wu Chung Che,Chiu Wen Ta,Liao Kuo Hsing,Lin Chien Min,Lin Shu Yu,Wu Dean,Huang Yao Hsien,Wang Yuan Hung,Hu Chaur Jong,Hong Chien Tai. Association between acid-sensing ion channel 3 gene variants and balance impairment in people with mild traumatic brain injury . Frontiers in Neurology .2019 ;(10)

17. 2019 Shahror Rami Ahmad,Ali Ahmed Atef Ahmed,Wu CC,Chiang YH,Chen KY. Enhanced homing of mesenchymal stem cells overexpressing fibroblast growth factor 21 to injury site in a mouse model of traumatic brain injury . International Journal of Molecular Sciences .2019 ;(20):2624-2656

18. 2019 Wang YJ,Chang WC,Wu CC,Chiang YH,Chiu WT,Chen KY,Chang WP. Increased short- and long-term risk of sleep disorders in people with traumatic brain injury . Neuropsychological Rehabilitation .2019

19. 2019 Wang YJ,Wong Henry Sung Ching,Wu CC,Chiang YH,Chiu WT,Chen KY,Chang WC. The functional roles of IGF-1 variants in the susceptibility and clinical outcomes of mild traumatic brain injury . Journal of Biomedical Science .2019 ;(26)

20. 2019 Lai JH,Chen KY,Wu CC,Olson Lars,Brené Stefan,Huang CZ,Chen YH,Kang SJ,Ma Kuo H,Hoffer Barry J.,Hsieh TH,Chiang YH. Voluntary exercise delays progressive deterioration of markers of metabolism and behavior in a mouse model of Parkinson's disease . Brain Research .2019 ;(1720)

21. 2019 Tsai YR,Tweedie David,Navas-Enamorado Ignacio,Scerba Michael T.,Chang CF,Lai JH,Wu CC,Chen YH,Kang SJ,Hoffer Barry J.,de Cabo Rafael,Greig Nigel H.,Chiang YH,Chen KY. Pomalidomide Reduces Ischemic Brain Injury in Rodents . Cell Transplantation .2019 ;(28):439-450

22. 2019 Shahror RA,Linares GR,Wang Y,Hsueh SC,Wu CC,Chuang DM, Chiang YH, Chen KY. Transplantation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells Overexpressing Fibroblast Growth Factor 21 Facilitates Cognitive Recovery and Enhances Neurogenesis in a Mouse Model of Traumatic Brain Injury . JOURNAL OF NEUROTRAUMA .2019

23. 2019 Shahror RA,Wu CC,Chiang YH,Chen KY. Tracking Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide-labeled Mesenchymal Stem Cells using MRI after Intranasal Delivery in a Traumatic Brain Injury Murine Model . Journal of Visualized Experiments .2019 ;(153):1-8

24. 2019 Ma HP,Chen PS,Wong CS,Chang CF,Ou JC,Tsai YR, Chiu WT, Tsai SH, Liao KH, Chiang YH, Wang JY, Chen KY, Wu CC. Psychometric Evaluation of Anxiety, Depression, and Sleep Quality after a Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: A Longitudinal Study. . Behavioural Neurology .2019 ;(2019):1-9

25. 2018 Chang CJ ,Chang MY ,Chou SY ,Huang CC ,Chuang JY,Hsu T, Chang HF, Wu YH, Wu CC,Morales D, Kania A, Kao TJ. Ephexin1 is required for Eph-Mediated limb trajectory of spinal motor axons . Journal of Neuroscience .2018 ;(38):2043-2056

26. 2018 Tsai YR,Chang CF,Lai JH ,Wu CC ,Chen YH ,Kang SJ , Barry J. Hoffer, David Tweedie, Weiming Luo, Nigel H. Greig, Chiang YH and Chen KY. Pomalidomide ameliorates H2O2-induced oxidative stress injury and cell death in rat primary cortical neuronal cultures by inducing anti-oxidative and anti-apoptosis effects . International Journal of Molecular Sciences .2018 ;(19):3252-3280

27. 2018 Lai JH ,Karlsson Tobias E ,Wu CC ,Huang CZ ,Chen YH ,Kang SJ, Alvin T.S. Brodin, Barry J. Hoffer,Lars Olson, Chiang YH and Chen KY. Role of Nogo Receptor-1 for Recovery of Balance, Cognition, and Emotion after Mild Traumatic Brain Injury in Mice . Journal of Neurotrauma .2018 ;(36):1054-1059

28. 2018 Wu CC ,Lee PT ,Kao TJ ,Chou SY ,Su RY ,Lee YC, Yeh SH, Liou JP, Hsu TI, Su TP,Chuang CK, Chang WC, Chuang JY. Upregulation of Znf179 acetylation by SAHA protects cells against oxidative stress . Redox Biology .2018 ;(19):74-80

29. 2018 Hsueh SC, ,Chen KY ,Lai JH ,Wu CC ,Yu YW ,Luo Y, Hsieh TH, Chiang YH. Voluntary physical exercise improves subsequent motor and cognitive impairments in a rat model of parkinson’s disease . International Journal of Molecular Sciences .2018 ;(19)

30. 2017 Ma HP ,Chen PS ,Ou JC ,Chiang YH,Tsai SH,Liao KH, Wu CC, Chen KY. Significance of Balance Test in Assessing Emotional Aspect of Dizziness in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Patients . Journal of Neurology and Neuroscience .2017 ;(08)

31. 2017 Lam Frank ,Lu HW ,Wu CC ,Aliyazicioglu Zekeriya ,Kang James S. . Use of the Kalman Filter for Aortic Pressure Waveform Noise Reduction . Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine .2017 ;(2017)

32. 2017 Chuang JY ,Kao TJ ,Lin SH ,Wu AC ,Lee PT ,Su TP, Yeh SH, Lee YC, Wu CC, Chang WC. Specificity protein 1-zinc finger protein 179 pathway is involved in the attenuation of oxidative stress following brain injury . Redox Biology .2017 ;(11):135-143

33. 2017 Chang CF ,Lai JH ,Wu CC ,Greig Nigel H. ,Becker Robert E. ,Luo Y, Chen YH, Kang SJ, Chiang YH, Chen KY. (−)-Phenserine inhibits neuronal apoptosis following ischemia/reperfusion injury . Brain Research .2017 ;(1677):118-128

34. 2016 Yu YW,Hsieh TH,Chen KY,Wu CC,Hoffer Barry J. ,Nigel H Greig, Li Y, Lai JH, Chang CF, Lin JW, Chen YH, Yang LY, Chiang YH. Glucose-Dependent Insulinotropic Polypeptide Ameliorates Mild Traumatic Brain Injury-Induced Cognitive and Sensorimotor Deficits and Neuroinflammation in Rats . Journal of Neurotrauma .2016

35. 2016 Wong YH ,Wu CC ,Wu JC ,Lai HY ,Chen KY ,Jheng BR, Chen MC, Chang TH, Chen BR. Temporal genetic modifications after controlled cortical impact—understanding traumatic brain injury through a systematic network approach . International Journal of Molecular Sciences .2016 ;(17)

36. 2015 Lin Chien Min ,Lin Ming Chin ,Huang Sheng Jean ,Chang Cheng Kuei ,Chao Dan Ping . A prospective randomized study of brain tissue oxygen pressure-guided management in moderate and severe traumatic brain injury patients . BioMed Research International .2015 ;(2015)

37. 2015 Hung Chien-Tai ,Wong Chung Shun ,Ma Hon Ping ,Wu Dean ,Huang Yao Hsien . PERIOD3 polymorphism is associated with sleep quality recovery after a mild traumatic brain injury . Journal of the Neurological Sciences .2015 ;(358):385-389

38. 2014 Wang Yu Jia ,Hsu Yu Wen ,Chang Che Mai ,Wu Chung-Che ,Ou Ju Chi . The influence of BMX gene polymorphisms on clinical symptoms after mild traumatic brain injury . BioMed Research International .2014 ;(2014)

39. 2013 Wu John ,Chen Kai Yun ,Yo Yo Wen ,Huang Song Wei ,Shih Hsiu Ming . Different sham procedures for rats in traumatic brain injury experiments induce corresponding increases in levels of trauma markers . Journal of Surgical Research .2013 ;(179):138-144

40. 2012 Wu John Chung Che ,Chen Kai Yun ,Yu Yu Wen ,Huang Song Wei ,Shih Hsiu Ming . Location and level of Etk expression in neurons are associated with varied severity of traumatic brain injury . PLoS One .2012 ;(7)

41. 2012 Chen Kai Yun ,Wu John Chung Che ,Chang Cheng Fu ,Chen Yuan Hao ,Chiu Wen Ta . Suppression of Etk/Bmx protects against ischemic brain injury . Cell Transplantation .2012 ;(21):345-354


113 MSC-FGF21 在腦外傷動物模型中促進髓鞘再生的分子細胞機制探討及治療效應的研究

109 腦外傷動物經鼻腔注射FGF-21間質幹細胞之治療效果與機制探究

104 研究神經生長因子誘導Znf179表達對氧化損傷的保護作用