邱彥碩(Chiu, Yen-Shuo) 副教授

現   職
骨科學科 副教授


學 歷

國立體育大學運動科學研究所博士班 博士
臺北醫學大學保健營養學系碩士在職專班 碩士
國立陽明大學醫學系 學士











1. 2023 Huang PX ,Yeh CL,Yang SC,Shirakawa H,Chang CL,Chen LH, YS, Chiu WC. Rice Bran Supplementation Ameliorates Gut Dysbiosis and Muscle Atrophy in Ovariectomized Mice Fed with a High-Fat Diet . Nutrients .2023

2. 2023 Lin CY,Tai TH,Tu TY,Liaw CK,Chiu YS. Modified Hackethal’s Technique with Bone Grafting and Plate Fixation: A Case Report of Treatment for Pathological Humeral Shaft Fracture . Clinical Case Reports International .2023

3. 2022 Chen YM,Chiu WC,Chiu YS. Effect of Inonotus obliquus Extract Supplementation on Endurance Exercise and Energy-Consuming Processes Through Lipid Transport in Mice . Nutrients .2022

4. 2022 Cheng WC,Wen Y,,Chiu YS,Chou CH,Lim CJ,,Lin SH, Chang JM, Lin CC. Pendulone induces apoptosis via the ROS-mediated ER-stress pathway in human non-small cell lung cancer cells . Toxicology in Vitro .2022 ;(81)

5. 2021 Chen YM,Wang IL,Zhu XY,Chiu WC,Chiu YS. Red Clover Isoflavones Influence Estradiol Concentration, Exercise Performance, and Gut Microbiota in Female Mice . Frontiers in Nutrition .2021

6. 2021 Chiu YS,Bamodu OA,Fong IH,Lee WH,Lin CC, Lu CH, Yeh CT. The JAK inhibitor Tofacitinib inhibits structural damage in osteoarthritis by modulating JAK1/TNF-alpha/IL-6 signaling through Mir-149-5p . Bone .2021

7. 2021 Lin SC,Zhang X,Chen SY,Lin CC,Chiu YS. Microencapsulated Recombinant Human Epidermal Growth Factor Ameliorates Osteoarthritis in a Murine Model . Evid Based Complement Alternat Med .2021

8. 2021 Chen YM,Wang IL,Zhou S,Tsai TY,Chiu YS,Chiu WC. Six weeks of Jilin ginseng root supplementation attenuates drop jump-related muscle injury markers in healthy female college students . Food & Function .2021

9. 2020 γ-Mangostin isolated from Garcinia mangostana L. suppresses inflammation and alleviates symptoms of osteoarthritis via modulating miR-124-3p/IL-6/NF-κB signaling . Aging-US .2020

10. 2020 Effects of Elastic Resistance Exercise on Postoperative Outcomes Linked to the ICF Core Sets for Osteoarthritis after Total Knee Replacement in Overweight and Obese Older Women with Sarcopenia Risk: A Randomized Controlled Trial . Journal of Clinical Medicine .2020

11. 2020 Lee MC,Chiu YS,Tung YT. Accelerated Muscle Recovery After In Vivo Curcumin Supplementation . Natural Product Communication .2020

12. 2020 Immediate Effect of Acupuncture on Performance in the Drop Jump Task: A Single-Group Pretest–Posttest Experimental Study . European Journal of Integrative Medicine .2020

13. 2020 Chen YM,Liao CC, Huang YC,Chen MY,Huang CC,Chen WC, Chiu YS. Proteome and microbiota analysis highlight Lactobacillus plantarum TWK10 supplementation improves energy metabolism and exercise performance in mic . Food Science and Nutrition .2020

14. 2019 Lee MC,Hsu YJ,Chuang HL,Hsieh PS,Ho HH,Chen WL, Chiu YS*, Huang CC*. In Vivo Ergogenic Properties of the Bifidobacterium longum OLP-01 Isolated from a Weightlifting Gold Medalist . Nutrients .2019

15. 2019 Liao CD ,Tsauo JY,Huang SW,Chen HC,Chiu YS,Liou TH. Preoperative range of motion and applications of continuous passive motion predict outcomes after knee arthroplasty in patients with arthritis . Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy .2019

16. 2016 Huang WC,Lin CL,Hsu YJ,Chiu YS,Chen YM,Wu MF, Huang CC, Wang MF. Inulin and Fibersol-2 Combined Have Hypolipidemic Effects on High Cholesterol Diet-Induced Hyperlipidemia in Hamsters . Molecules .2016 ;(21):313-1-313-12

17. 2016 Chen YM,Wei L,Chiu YS,Hsu YJ,Tsai TY,Wang MF, Huang CC. Lactobacillus plantarum TWK10 Supplementation Improves Exercise Performance and Increases Muscle Mass in Mice . Nutrients .2016 ;(8):205-1-205-15

18. 2016 Kan NW,Ho CS,Chiu YS,Huang WC,Chen PY,Tung YT, Huang CC. Effects of Resveratrol Supplementation and Exercise Training on Exercise Performance in Middle-Aged Mice . Molecules .2016 ;(21):E661

19. 2016 Hsu YJ,Huang WC,Chiu CC,Lin YL,Chiu WC,Chiu, CH, Chiu YS, Huang CC. Capsaicin Supplementation Reduces Physical Fatigue and Improves Exercise Performance in Mice . Nutrients .2016 ;(8):E648

20. 2016 Liao CD,Huang YC,Chiu YS,Chiu YS,Tsai JC,Chen CL, Liou TH. Continuous passive motion and its effects on knee flexion after total knee arthroplasty in patients with knee osteoarthritis . Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc .2016 ;(24):2578-2586

21. 2015 Liao CC,Chiu YS,Chiu WC,Tung YT,Chuang HL,Wu JH, Huang CC. Proteomics Analysis to Identify and Characterize the Molecular Signatures of Hepatic Steatosis in Ovariectomized Rats as a Model of Postmenopausal Status . Nutrients .2015 ;(7):8752-8766

22. 2015 Chen YM,Tsai YH,Tsai TY,Chiu YS,Wei Li,Chen WF, Huang CC. Fucoidan supplementation improves exercise performance and exhibits anti-fatigue action in mice . Nutrients .2015 ;(7):239-252

23. 2015 Lin CI,Huang WC,Kan NW,Kan NW,Wei Li,Chiu YS, Huang CC.. Effect of whole-body vibration training on body composition, exercise performance and biochemical responses in middle-aged mice . Metabolism .2015 ;(64):1146-1156

24. 2014 Li CC,Yang HT,Hou YC,Chiu YS,Chiu WC. Dietary fish oil reduces systemic inflammation and ameliorates sepsis-induced liver injury by up-regulating the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma-mediated pathway in septic mice . Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry .2014 ;(19):19-25

25. 2014 Lin CF,Liu JC,Chi NF,Chiu YS,Hsu HS,Chien LN. The Effect of Osteoarthritis on 1-Year Risk of Ischemic Heart Disease Following Total Knee Arthroplasty . The Journal of Arthroplasty .2014 ;(29):2447-2451.e

26. 2013 Wang ML,Hou YY,Chiu YS,Chen YH. Immunomodulatory activities of Gelidium amansii . Journal of Food and Drug Analysis .2013 ;(21):397-403

27. 2011 Chang HP,Wang ML,Chan MH,Chiu YS,Chen YH. Antiobesity activities of indole-3-carbinol in high-fat-diet–induced obese mice . Nutrition .2011 ;(27):463-470

28. 2010 Wang YC,Chiu YS,Yeh. Leriche's syndrome presenting as sciatica . Annals of Vascular Surgery .2010 ;(24):694.e1-694.e3


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