張家堯(Chang, Chia-Yao) 助理教授

現   職
小兒學科 助理教授


學 歷

國立陽明大學醫學系 學士











1. 2023 Chang CY,Chiou SS,Weng TF,Lin PC,Lai SW,Tsai CH. Clinical Predictors and Prediction Models for rFVIII-Fc Half-Life in Real-World People With Severe Hemophilia A. . JCM .2023

2. 2023 Teng WJ,Kung CH,Cheng MM,Tsai JR,Chang CY. Intramural Hematoma of Gastrointestinal Tract in People With Hemophilia A and B. . JCM .2023

3. 2023 Srivastava A,Rangarajan S,Kavakli K,Klamroth R,Kenet G,Khoo L. Efficacy and safety of fitusiran prophylaxis in people with severe haemophilia A or B without inhibitors (ATLAS-A/B): a multicentre, open-label, randomised Phase 3 trial. . Lancet Haematol .2023

4. 2023 Huang JH,Chen SH, Liao YM,Kao YC,Ho WL,Chang H. Feasibility and Toxicity of Interval-Compressed Chemotherapy in Asian Children and Young Adults with Sarcoma. . JPM .2023 ;(13):668

5. 2022 Chien TC,Chien MM,Liu TL,Chang H,Tsai ML,Tseng SH. Adrenal Crisis Mimicking COVID-19 Encephalopathy in a Teenager with Craniopharyngioma . Children .2022

6. 2022 Liu YL, Tsai ML,Chen CI,Yar N,Tsai CW,Lee HL. Atypical Teratoid/Rhabdoid Tumor in Taiwan: A Nationwide, Population-Based Study. . Cancers (Basel) .2022 ;(14):668

7. 2022 Chien TC,Chien MM,Liu TL, Chang H,Tsai ML,Tseng SH. Adrenal Crisis Mimicking COVID-19 Encephalopathy in a Teenager with Craniopharyngioma . Children (Basel) .2022

8. 2022 Liu YL,Tsai ML,Chen CI,Yar N,Tsai CW, Lee HL. Atypical Teratoid/Rhabdoid Tumor in Taiwan: A Nationwide, Population-Based Study . Cancers .2022

9. 2022 Chen YC,Chang CY,Cheng SN,Pan RY , Shih YL,Li TY. Evolution of congenital haemophilia care in Taiwan . J Formos Med Assoc .2022

10. 2022 Lai SW, Chang CY,Cheng SN,Hu SH,Lai CY, Chen YC. A Comparative Evaluation of an Automated Functional Assay for Von Willebrand Factor Activity in Type 1 Von Willebrand Disease . Int J Gen Med .2022

11. 2022 Chang CY, Lai SW,Cheng MM,Ku JT, Hu SH,Liu YL. Real-world bleeding outcomes and product utilization in people with severe-type hemophilia A before and after switching to extended half-life rFVIIIFc prophylaxis therapy. . Int J Hematol .2022

12. 2020 Lin TC,Chen SH,Wu CC,Chang CY. Successful Bleeding Control of Refractory Hemothorax in Two Hemophilia A Patients with High-Titer Inhibitors. . Pediatr Neonatol .2020 ;(61):361-363

13. 2019 Tsai JR,Lin CY,Cheng MM,Chang CY. Successful Treatment of Refractory Pancreatic Hemorrhage and Pseudoaneurysm Related to Chronic Pancreatitis in a Patient with Severe-Type Hemophilia A. . KJMS .2019 ;(35):448-449

14. 2019 Chang CY,Perng CL,Cheng SN,Hu SH,Wu TY,「Lin SY」、「Chen YC」. Deep Intronic Variant of c.5999-299G>A May Be a Hot-Spot Mutation for Mild Hemophilia A Patients Without Found DNA Mutation. . Eur J Haemotol .2019 ;(103):47-55

15. 2019 Chang CY,Li TY,Cheng SN,Pan RY,Cheng CN,Wang HJ, Hu SH, 「Chen YC」. Obesity and Overweight in Patients with Hemophilia:Prevalence by Age, Clinical Correlates, and Impact on Joint Bleeding. . J Chin Med Assoc .2019 ;(82):289-294

16. 2017 Chang CY,Li TY,Cheng SN,Pan RY,Wang HJ,「Lin SY」、「Chen YC」. Prevalence and Severity by Age and Other Clinical Correlates of Haemophilic Arthropathy of the Elbow, Knee, and Ankle among Taiwanese Patients With Haemophilia. . Haemophilia .2017 ;(23):284-291

17. 2016 Chang CY,Lin SY,Tsai JR,Tsai CH,Chen YC. Successful Multivessel Percutaneous Coronary Intervention for Acute Coronary Syndrome in a HIV-positive Severe Hemophiliac. . Haemophilia .2016 ;(22):e481-e484

18. 2016 Yen TL,Wu MP,Chung CL,Yang WB,Jayakumar,「Geraldine P」,「Chou CM」,「Chang CY」,「Lu WJ」, 「Sheu JR」. Novel synthetic benzimidazole-derived oligosaccharide, M3BIM, prevents ex vivo platelet aggregation and in vivo thromboembolism. . J Biomed Sci .2016 ;(23):1-13

1. 2021 Chang CY,Lai SW,Tsai JR,Liu YL,Tsai CH,Cheng CN. Extended Half-Life rFVIII Used in Taiwanese Patients with Hemophilia A: rFVIII-Fc Half Life and Clinical Predictors. . Asian Pacific Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis (APSTH) .2021

2. 2021 Chang CY,Lai SW,Liu YL,Tsai JR,Tsai CH,Cheng CN. Developing Predictive Models of rFVIII-Fc Half Life for Personalized Prophylaxis in Patients with Hemophilia A. . Res Pract Thromb Haemost .2021 ;(5)

3. 2021 Srivastava A,Rangarajan S,Kavakli K,Klamroth R,Kenet G,Khoo L. Fitusiran, an Investigational siRNA Therapeutic Targeting Antithrombin for the Treatment of Hemophilia: First Results from a Phase 3 Study to Evaluate Efficacy and Safety in People with Hemophilia a or B without Inhibitors (ATLAS-A/B) . Blood .2021 ;(138):LBA-3-LBA-3

4. 2021 Chang CY ,Lai SW,Cheng MM,Ku JT,Hu SH,Tsai JR. Baseline VWF:Ag Level and Body Mass Index Are Inverse Influencing Factors of Annualized Total Bleeding Rate and Annualized Joint Bleeding Rate Respectively in Severe-Type Adult Patients with Hemophilia a (PwHA) with Episodic Treatment with rFVIII . Blood .2021 ;(138): 3199-3199

5. 2021 Chang CY,Lai SW,Cheng MM,Lai PY,Ku JT,Hu SH. Real-World Bleeding Outcomes, Weekly Factor Consumption Doses, Annualized Factor Costs in Severe-Type Patients with Hemophilia a (PwHA) before and after Switching to Extended Half-Life rFVIII-Fc Prophylaxis . Blood .2021 ;(138):3198-3198

6. 2021 Chang CY, Lai SW,Cheng MM,Ku JT, Hu SH,Tsai CH. Clinical Predictors and Prediction Models for Frequency of Total and Joint Hemorrhage in Severe-Type Patients with Hemophilia a (PwHA) with/without Intermediate-Dose Prophylaxis Therapy with rFVII . Blood .2021 ;( 138):1047-1047

7. 2020 Chen YC,Chang CY,Cheng SN,Hu SH. The Impacts of Genetic Polymorphisms on the Von Willebrand Factor Level in Type 1 Von Willebrand Disease. . Res Pract Thromb Haemost .2020 ;(4)
