謝宜蓁(Hsieh, Yi-Chen) 教授

現   職
神經醫學博士學位學程 教授


學 歷

臺北醫學大學公共衛生學系 博士
臺北醫學大學公共衛生學系 碩士




2018/04/01 ~
2016/08/01 ~ 2017/07/31




Western Blot



1. 2024 Chen CH,Lee CW,Hsieh YC,Lin CJ,Chen YW,Lin KH, Sung PS, Tang CW, Chu HJ, Tsai KC, Chou CL, Lin CH, Wei CY, Yan SY, Chen PL, Yeh HL, Chan L, Sung SF, Lee M, Liu HM, Lin YH, Lee IH, Yeh SJ, Lien LM, Chiou HY, Lee JT, Tang SC, Jeng JS.. Comparing Low-dose or Standard-dose Alteplase in Endovascular Thrombectomy: Insights from a Nationwide Registry. . Stroke .2024 ;(55):532-540

2. 2024 Associations of diabetes status and glucose measures with outcomes after endovascular therapy in patients with acute ischemic stroke: an analysis of the nationwide TREAT-AIS registry . Frontiers Neurology .2024 ;(15):1351150

3. 2024 Comparison of endoscopic third ventriculostomy versus cerebrospinal fluid shunt procedures for the treatment of pediatric hydrocephalus in Taiwan . Childs Nervous System .2024 ;(40):2883-2891

4. 2024 Association between high-density lipoprotein and functional outcome of ischemic stroke patients in a Taiwanese population . Lipids in Health and Disease .2024 ;(23):275

5. 2023 Chan L,Chung CC,Hsieh YC,Wu RM,Hong CT. Plasma extracellular vesicle tau, β-amyloid, and α-synuclein and the progression of Parkinson's disease: a follow-up study . Ther Adv Neurol Disord .2023 ;(16):17562864221150329

6. 2023 Tu SH,Huang WT,Chew CH,Hsieh YC,Chen ST,Chen CC. Unveiling the Power of Anticancer Drug Screening: A Clinical Case Study Comparing the Effectiveness of Hollow Fiber Assay-Microtube Array Membrane (MTAM-HFA) in Breast Cancer Patients. . Cancers .2023 ;(15):2764

7. 2023 Hsiao SH,Sue YM,Kao CC,Chang HW,Lin YC,Hung CS, Hsieh YC, Hong SY, Chung CL, Chang JH, Su YS, Liu MC, Lai KSL, Chien KL, Wang CC, Cheng CY, Fang TC.. Comparison of Humoral Antibody Responses and Seroconversion Rates between Two Homologous ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 and mRNA-1273 Vaccination in Patients Undergoing Maintenance Hemodialysis. . Vaccines .2023 ;(11):1161

8. 2023 Tang SC,Hsieh YC,Lin CJ,Chen YW,Lin KH,Sung PS, Hsieh MT, Tang CW, Chu HJ, Tsai KC, Chou CL, Wei CY, Yan SY, Chen PL, Yeh HL, Chan L, Sung SF, Liu HM, Lin CH, Lee CW, Lee IH, Chen CJ, Lin CJ, Chang YM, Ou CH, Lai YJ, Lin CH, Chen CH, Chou CH, Lien LM, Chiou HY, Lee JT, Jeng JS.. Taiwan registry of endovascular thrombectomy for acute ischemic stroke: a multicenter national registry. . Stroke: Vascular and Interventional Neurology .2023 ;(3):e000861

9. 2022 Application of hyperglycemia/diabetes-derived polygenic risk scores on the risk of poor outcomes after an ischemic stroke. . J Chin Med Assoc .2022

10. 2022 Chang JH,Chiou JF,Hung CS,Liu MC,Chang HW,Hong SY, Wang CY, Lin YL, Hsieh YC, Chung CL, Su YS, Shen Hsiao ST, Liu D, Liang JJ, Liao CC, Chang CS, Lai KSL, Chuang HC, Chien KL, Wu WC, Lee YC, Lin SE, Shen YK, Hsu CF, Wang JCC, Hsiao SH.. Humoral Immunogenicity and Reactogenicity of the Standard ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 Vaccination in Taiwan . Vaccines .2022 ;(10):312

11. 2022 Plasma phosphorylated tau181 is a predictor of post-stroke cognitive impairment: a longitudinal study . Front Aging Neurosci .2022 ;(14):889101

12. 2022 Huang LK,Chao SP,Hu CJ,Chien LN,Chiou HY,Lo YC, Hsieh YC.. Plasma phosphorylated tau181 is a predictor of post-stroke cognitive impairment: a longitudinal study . Front Aging Neurosci .2022 ;(14):889101

13. 2022 Hsieh YC,Yang YS,Chien LN,Chiang YH,Lin JH. Timing of Symptomatic Subsequent Vertebral Compression Fracture Associated with Different Demographic Factors . Eur Spine J .2022 ;(31):2439-2447

14. 2022 Linh TTD,Hsieh YC,Huang LK,Hu CJ. Clinical Trials of New Drugs for Vascular Cognitive Impairment and Vascular Dementia . Int J Mol Sci .2022 ;(23):11067

15. 2021 Wu MH,Wu C,Lin JH,Chen LY,Lee CY,Huang TJ, Hsieh YC, Chien LN.. Risk factors for spine reoperation and joint replacement surgeries after short-segment lumbar spinal surgeries for lumbar degenerative disc disease: a population-based cohort study. . J Clin Med .2021 ;(10):5138-5149

16. 2021 Chiou HY,Bai CH,Lien LM,Hu CJ,Jeng JS,Tang SC, Lin HJ, Hsieh YC*. Interactive effects of a combination of the HDAC3 and HDAC9 genes with diabetes mellitus on the risk of ischemic stroke . Thrombosis and Haemostasis .2021 ;(121):396-404

17. 2020 Sui Y,Hong CT,Chien LN,Liu HY,Chiou HY,Hsieh YC. Association between anemia and stroke in females: a nationwide, population-based cohort study in Taiwan . International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health .2020 ;(17):7440

18. 2020 Chen CW,Hsieh YC,Hsieh MH,Lin YK,Huang CY,Yeh JS. Predictive Power of In-Hospital and Long-Term Mortality of the GRACE, TIMI, Revised CADILLAC and PAMI Score in NSTEMI Patients with Diabetes - Data from TSOC ACS-DM Registry . Acta Cardiol Sin .2020 ;(36):595-602

19. 2020 Chou SY,Chan L,Chung CC,Chiu JY,Hsieh YC,Hong CT. Altered Insulin Receptor Substrate 1 Phosphorylation in Blood Neuron-Derived Extracellular Vesicles From Patients With Parkinson's Disease . Front Cell Dev Biol .2020 ;(8):564641

20. 2020 Chen CH,Hsieh YC,Yang PM,Liu YR,Cho EC. Dicoumarol suppresses HMGA2-mediated oncogenic capacities and inhibits cell proliferation by inducing apoptosis in colon cancer. . Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications .2020 ;(524):1003-1009

21. 2020 Hong CT,Hsieh YC,Liu HY,Chiou HY,Chien LN. Association between Anemia and Dementia-A Nationwide, Population-Based Cohort Study in Taiwan. . Current Alzheimer Research .2020 ;(17):196-204

22. 2020 Kao YT,Hsieh YC,Hsu CY,Huang CY,Hsieh MH,Lin YK, Yeh JS. Comparison of the TIMI, GRACE, PAMI and CADILLAC risk scores for prediction of long term cardiovascular outcomes in Taiwanese diabetic patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction: From the registry of the Taiwan Society of Cardiology. . PLOS ONE .2020 ;(15):e0229186

23. 2020 Wang CA,Hsieh YC,Huang CY,Liu JC,Hsieh MH,Lin YK, Yeh JS. Comparison between Ticagrelor versus Clopidogrel in Long Term Outcomes of Taiwanese Diabetic Subjects with Acute Coronary Syndrome Undergoing Successful Revascularization; from TSOC ACS-DM Registry. . Medicine .2020 ;(99):e19969

24. 2020 Chi NF,Chiou HY,Chou SI,Hu CJ,Chen KY,Chang CF, Hsieh YC. Hyperglycemia-related FAS gene and hsa-let-7b-5p as markers of poor outcomes for ischemic stroke. . European Journal of Neurology .2020 ;(27):1647-1655

25. 2020 Chen PC,Hsieh YC,Huang CC,Hu CJ. Tamoxifen for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis : A Randomized Double-Blind Clinical Trial. . Medicine .2020 ;(99):e20423

26. 2020 Chen PC,Wu D,Hu CJ,Chen HY,Hsieh YC,Huang CC. Exosomal TAR DNA-binding protein-43 and neurofilaments in plasma of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients: a longitudinal follow-up study. . Journal of the Neurological Sciences .2020 ;(418):117070

27. 2020 Wu D,Yang CC,Chen KY,Lin YC,Wu PJ,Hsieh PH, Nakao Y, Ow MYL, Hsieh YC, Hu CJ. Hydrolyzed Chicken Extract (ProBeptigen®) on Cognitive Function in Healthy Middle-aged People: a Randomized Double-blind Trial . Nutrients .2020 ;(12):1362

28. 2019 Lin MH,Wang JS,Hsieh YC,Zheng JH,Cho EC. NO2 functionalized coumarin derivatives suppress cancer progression and facilitate apoptotic cell death in KRAS mutant colon cancer. . Chemico-Biological Interactions .2019 ;(309):108708

29. 2018 Lin CY,Yang ST,Shen SC,Hsieh YC,Hsu FT,Chen CY, Chiang YH, Chuang JY, Chen KY, Hsu TI, Leong WC, Su YK, Lo WL, Yeh YS, Patria YN, Shih HM, Chang CC, Chou SY. Serum amyloid A1 in combination with integrin αVβ3 increases glioblastoma cells mobility and progression. . Molecular Oncology .2018

30. 2018 Lin YC,Chien SC,Hsieh YC,Shih CM,Lin FY,Tsao NW, Chen CW, Kao YT, Chiang KH, Chen WT, Chien LN, Huang CY.. Effectiveness and safety of standard- and low-dose rivaroxaban in Asians with atrial fibrillation . J Am Coll Cardiol .2018 ;(72):477-485

31. 2018 Chi NF, Ku HL, Chen DY,Tseng YC,Chen CJ,Lin YC, Hsieh YC, Chan L, Chiou HY, Hsu CY, Hu CJ. Cerebral Motor Functional Connectivity at the Acute Stage: An Outcome Predictor of Ischemic Stroke. . Scientific Report .2018 ;(8):16803

32. 2018 Tang SC,Chen YR,Chi NF,Chen CH,Cheng YW,Hsieh FI, Hsieh YC, Yeh HL, Sung PS, Hu CJ, Chern CM, Lin HJ, Lien LM, Peng GS, Jeng JS, Chiou HY. Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology . Prevalence and Clinical Characteristics of Stroke Patients with p.R544C Notch3 Mutation in Taiwan .2018 ;(6):121-128

33. 2017 Hsieh YC,Cho EC,Tu SH,Wu CH,Hung CS,Hsieh MC, Su CT, Liu YR, Lee CH, Ho YS, Chiou HY. MSH2 rs2303425 polymorphism is associated with early-onset breast cancer in Taiwan . Annals of Surgical Oncology .2017 ;(24):603-610

34. 2017 Sung JY,Chen CI,Hsieh YC,Chen YR,Wu HC,Chan L, Hu CJ, Hu HH, Chiou HY, Chi NF. Comparison of admission random glucose, fasting glucose, and glycated hemoglobin in predicting the neurological outcome of acute ischemic stroke: a retrospective study. . PeerJ .2017 ;(5):e2948

35. 2017 Hsieh YC,Tu SH,Su CT,Cho EC,Wu CH,Hsieh MC, Lin SY, Liu YR, Hung CS*, Chiou HY*. A polygenic risk score for breast cancer risk in a Taiwanese population . Breast Cancer Res Tr .2017 ;(163):131-138

36. 2017 Hsieh YC,Hsieh FI,Chen YR,Hu CJ,Jeng JS,Tang SC, Chi NF, Lin HJ, Lien LM, Peng GS, Chiou HY. Associations of estradiol levels and genetic polymorphisms of inflammatory genes with the risk of ischemic stroke . Journal of Biomedical Science .2017 ;(24):25-32

37. 2017 Lin JH,Chieh LN,Tsai WL,Chen LY,Chiang YH,Hsieh YC. Early vertebroplasty associated with a lower risk of mortality and respiratory failure in aged patients with painful vertebral compression fractures: a population-based cohort study in Taiwan . The Spine Journal .2017 ;(17):1310-1318

38. 2017 Tu SH,Hsieh YC,Huang LC,Lin CY,Hsu KW,Hsieh WS, Chi WM, Lee CH. A Rapid and Quantitative Method to Detect Human Circulating Tumor Cells in a Preclinical Animal Model . BMC Cancer .2017 ;(17):440

39. 2017 Lin JH,Hsieh YC,Chen YC,Wang Y,Chen CC,Chiang YH. Diagnostic accuracy of standardised qualitative sensory test in the detection of lumbar lateral stenosis involving the L5 nerve root. . Scientific Report .2017 ;(7):10598-10606

40. 2016 Chan L,Wang HM,Chen KY,Lin YC,Wu PJ,Hsieh WL, Chen YR, Liu CP, Tsai HY, Chen YR, Chang HH, Hsieh YC, Hu CJ. Effectiveness of Essence of Chicken in Improving Cognitive Function in Young People Under Work-Related Stress: A Randomized Double-Blind Trial. . Medicine .2016 ;(95):e3640

41. 2016 Lin JH,Chien LN,Tsai WL,Chen LY,Hsieh YC,Chiang YH. Reoperation rates of anterior cervical discectomy and fusion versus posterior laminoplasty for multilevel cervical degenerative diseases: a population-based cohort study in Taiwan. . Sping J .2016 ;(16):1428-1436

42. 2015 Ibrahim-Verbaas CA,Bressler J,Debette S,Schuur M,Smith AV. GWAS for executive function and processing speed suggests involvement of the CADM2 gene . Mol Psychiatry .2015 ;(21):189-197

43. 2015 Cho EC,Kuo ML,Cheng JH,Cheng YC,Hsieh YC,Liu YR, Hsieh RH, Yen Y.. RRM2B-mediated mitochondrial & inflammation regulation under oxidative stress . Mediators Inflamm .2015 ;(2015):287345

44. 2014 Hsieh YC,Lee CH,Tu SH,Wu CH,Hung CS,Hsieh MC, Chunag CW, Ho YS, Chiou HY. CHRNA9 polymorphisms and smoking exposure synergize to increase the risk of breast cancer in Taiwan . Carcinogenesis .2014 ;(35):2520-2525

45. 2014 Cho EC,Kuo ML,Liu X,Yang L,Hsieh YC,Wang J, Cheng YW, Yen Y. Tumor suppressor FOXO3 regulates ribonucleotide reductase subunit RRM2B and impacts on survival of cancer patients . Oncotarget .2014

46. 2014 Zhang K,Lin JW,Wang J,Wu X,Gao H,Hsieh YC, Hwu P, Liu YR, Su L, Chiou HY, Wang D, Yuan YC, Whang-Peng J, Chiu WT, Yen Y. A germline missense mutation in COQ6 is associated with susceptibility to familial schwannomatosis . Genet Med .2014

47. 2013 Lin SY,Su CT,Hsieh YC,Li YL,Chen YR,Cheng SY, Hu CM, Chen YH, Hsieh FI, Chiou HY.. Risk factors correlated with risk of insulin resistance using homeostasis model assessment in adolescent in Taiwan . Asia-Pac J Public He .2013

48. 2012 Hsieh YC,Seshadri S,Chung WT,Hsieh FI,Hsu YH,Lin HJ, Tseng HP, Lien LM, Bai CH, Hu CJ, Jeng JS, Tang SC, Chen CI, Yu CC, Chiou HY. Association between genetic variant on chromosome 12p13 and stroke survival and recurrence: a one year prospective study in Taiwan . J Biomed Sci .2012 ;(19):1-8

49. 2012 Hsieh YC,Jeng JS,Lin HJ,Hu CJ,Yu CC,Lien LM, Peng GS, Chen CI, Tang SC, Chi NF, Tseng HP, Hsieh FI, Bai CH, Chen YR, Chiou HY. Epistasis analysis for estrogen metabolic and signaling pathway genes on young ischemic stroke . PLos ONE .2012 ;(7):e47773

50. 2011 Hsieh YC,Lien LM,Hsieh FI,Hsieh PF,Wu MM,Tseng HP, Li YL, Chiou HY, Chen CJ. Significantly increased risk of carotid atherosclerosis with arsenic exposure and polymorphisms in arsenic metabolism genes . Environ Res .2011 ;(111):804-810

51. 2011 Wu MM,Chiou HY,Chen CL,Hsu LI,Lien LM,Wang CH, Hsieh YC, Wang YH, Hsueh YM, Lee TC, Cheng WF, Chen CJ. Association of heme oxygenase-1 GT-repeat polymorphism with blood pressure phenotypes and its relevance to future cardiovascular mortality risk: an observation based on arsenic-exposed individuals . Atherosclerosis .2011 ;(219):704-708

52. 2010 Wu MM,Chiou HY,Chen CL,Wang YH,Hsieh YC,Lien LM, Lee TC, Chen CJ. GT-repeat polymorphism in the heme oxygenase-1 gene promoter is associated with cardiovascular mortality risk in an arsenic-exposed population in northeastern Taiwan . Toxicol Appl Pharm .2010 ;(248):226-233

53. 2010 Lien LM,Hsieh YC,Bai CH,Chen WH,Chiu HC,Hsieh FI, Shyu KG, Chiou HY, Hsu CY. Association of blood active matrix metalloproteinase-3 with carotid plaque score from a community population in Taiwan . Atherosclerosis .2010 ;(212):595-600

54. 2010 Wu MM,Chiou HY,Lee TC,Chen CL,Hsu LI,Wang YH, Huang WL, Hsieh YC, Yang TY, Lee CY, Yip PK, Wang CH, Hsueh YM, Chen CJ. GT-repeat polymorphism in the heme oxygenase-1 gene promoter and the risk of carotid atherosclerosis related to arsenic exposure . J Biomed Sci .2010 ;(17):70

55. 2010 Wu MM,Hsieh YC,Lien LM,Chen WH,Bai CH,Chiu HC, Chen HH, Chung WT, Lee YC, Hsu CY, Lin HW, Chiou HY. Association of estrogen receptor α genotypes/ haplotypes with carotid intima-media thickness in Taiwanese women . Angiology .2010 ;(61):275-282

56. 2010 Hsieh YC,Hwang LC,Hsieh FI,Lien LM,Lin HJ,Hu CJ, Tseng HP, Bai CH, Chiou HY. Early menarche and risk of ischemic stroke among postmenopausal women . Int J Gerontol .2010 ;(4):16-22

57. 2009 Hsieh FI,Lo WC,Lin HJ,Hsieh YC,Lien LM,Bai CH, Tseng HP, Chiou HY. Significant synergistic effect of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ C-2821T and diabetes mellitus on the risk of ischemic stroke . Diabetes Care .2009 ;(32):2033-2035

58. 2009 Hsieh YC,Hung CT,Lien LM,Bai CH,Chen WH,Yeh CY, Chen YH, Hsieh FI, Chiu HC, Chiou HY, Hsu CY. A significant decrease in blood pressure through a family-based nutrition health education programme among community residents in Taiwan . Public Health Nutr .2009 ;(12):570-577

59. 2008 Hsieh FI,Hwang TS,Hsieh YC,Lo HC,Su CT,Hsu HS, Chiou HY, Chen CJ. Risk of Erectile Dysfunction Induced by Arsenic Exposure through Well Water Consumption in Taiwan . Environ Health Persp .2008 ;(116):532-536

60. 2008 Hsieh YC,Hsieh FI,Lien LM,Chou YL,Chiou HY,Chen CJ. Risk of carotid atherosclerosis associated with genetic polymorphisms of apolipoprotein E and inflammatory genes among arsenic exposed residents in Taiwan . Toxicol Appl Pharm .2008 ;(227):1-7

61. 2007 Wang YH,Wu MM,Hong CT,Lien LM,Hsieh YC,Tseng HP, Chang SF, Su CL, Chiou HY, Chen CJ.. Effects of arsenic exposure and genetic polymorphisms of p53, glutathione S-transferase M1, T1, and P1 on the risk of carotid atherosclerosis in Taiwan. . Atherosclerosis .2007 ;(192):305-312

62. 2006 Wu MM,Chiou HY,Hsueh YM,Hong CT,Su CL,Chang SF, Huang WL, Wang HT, Wang YH, Hsieh YC, Chen CJ. Effect of plasma homocysteine level and urinary monomethylarsonic acid on the risk of arsenic-associated carotid atherosclerosis. . Toxicol Appl Pharmacol .2006 ;(216):168-175

63. 2005 Hsieh YC,Hong CT,Wang YH,Chen CJ,Chiou HY. The association between carotid atherosclerosis and inflammatory gene polymorphisms among residents in an arsenic-endemic area . Taiwan J Public Health .2005 ;(24):64-71


113 結合嗜中性細胞胞外誘捕網和脂質生物標記與發炎和脂質代謝多基因風險分數發展中風後認知障礙預測模式之研究

112 泌尿上皮癌處方型態、醫療資源耗用及治療成效分析研究計畫

112 整合大腦健康指標與多樣生物標記軌跡及多基因風險分數發展精準的中風後認知功能障礙軌跡預測模型

111 利用機器學習整合多體學資料探索具有潛力之中風後認知功能障礙的生物標記並開發精準預測模型

110 探討高密度脂蛋白膽固醇和缺血性中風預後的因果相關性:雙樣本孟德爾隨機化分析

110 異位性皮膚炎處方型態、醫療資源耗用及治療成效分析

109 免疫性血小板缺乏紫斑症病患之藥物使用狀況及醫療資源耗用

109 建構涵蓋臨床與基因資訊之精準預測模式以改善缺血性中風病人不良預後

108 探討凋亡調控路徑基因在急性高血糖缺血性中風病人之致病角色(3/3)

107 探討凋亡調控路徑基因在急性高血糖缺血性中風病人之致病角色(2/3)

106 探討凋亡調控路徑基因在急性高血糖缺血性中風病人之致病角色(1/3)

105 建立認知功能衰退之疾病與基因危險因子風險預測分數以早期預防失智的威脅

104 藉由缺氧誘導因子-1與發炎因子路徑之微核糖核酸及其相關調控基因多型性來探究急性高血糖之缺血性中風病人與預後之相關性研究

103 藉由微核糖核酸及其相關調控基因多型性來探究急性高血糖之缺血性中風病人與預後之相關性研究

102 藉由篩選外顯子定序和已發表之全基因關聯性之候選基因與乳癌危險性之相關性研究

102 TMU102-AE1-B03