陳建宇(Chen, Chien-Yu) 副教授

現   職
教師發展中心 主任
教務處 副教務長
醫學教育暨人文學科 副教授


學 歷

布里斯托大學醫學院醫學倫理中心 博士
臺北醫學大學醫學系 學士




2023/09/22 ~
2023/08/01 ~
2021/08/01 ~ 2024/07/31
2015/02/01 ~
2013/08/01 ~







1. 2024 Kang EYN,Chi KY,Liao F,Liu CC,Lin CP,Chen TL, Tanaka P, Chen CY. Indigenizing and co-producing the ACGME anesthesiology milestone in Taiwan: a Delphi study and subgroup analysis . BMC Medical Education .2024 ;(24)

2. 2024 Tanaka P,Park YS,Chen CY,Yumul R,Macario A. Domains Influencing Faculty Decisions on the Level of Supervision Required for Anesthesiology EPAs with Analysis of Feedback Comments . Journal of Surgical Education .2024

3. 2023 Liao YCn,Chang CC,Chen CY,Liu CC,Liao CC,Shih YR, Lin CS. Preoperative renal insufficiency predicts postoperative adverse outcomes in a mixed surgical population: a retrospective matched cohort study using the NSQIP database . International journal of surgery (London, England) .2023 ;(109):752-759

4. 2023 Hsiao WJ,Chen CY,Kang YN,Hu CJ,Chen CH,Lin PL, Lin YC. Apolipoprotein E4 allele is genetically associated with risk of the short- and medium-term postoperative cognitive dysfunction: A meta-analysis and trial sequential analysis. . PLOS ONE .2023 ;(18):e0282214

5. 2022 Faith Liao,David Murphy,Jeng-Cheng Wu,Chien-Yu Chen,Chun-Chao Chang, Po-Fang Tsai. How technology-enhanced experiential e-learning can facilitate the development of person-centred communication skills online for health-care students: a qualitative study . BMC Medical Education .2022

6. 2022 Developing a competency-based framework for resident-as-teacher . Journal of the Formosan Medical Association .2022

7. 2022 Chiu CH,Wei CJ,Sheu ML,Liu YP,Chang CC,Chen CY. Obligation or getaway? A qualitative inquiry into medical professionalism under COVID-19 among medical students and new physicians in a Taiwan hospital. . Bmj Open .2022

8. 2021 Chiu HY,Ho YC,Yang PC,Chiang CM,Chung CC,Wu WC, Lin YC, Chen YC, Wu YC. Recommendation for management of patients with their first episode of primary spontaneous pneumothorax, using video‐assisted thoracoscopic surgery or conservative treatment. . Sci Rep-Uk .2021

9. 2021 Cheng C,Liao HW,Chen CY,Lin YC,Kang YN. A systematic review with network meta-analysis on mono strategy of anaesthesia for preeclampsia in caesarean section . Sci Rep .2021 ;(11):5630-5630

10. 2020 Alan Hsi-Wen Liao,Shang-Ru Yeoh,Yu-Cih Lin,Fai Lam,Ta-Liang Chen,Chien-Yu Chen. In reply: Lidocaine lubricants for intubation-related complications: more details, more significance? . Canadian Journal of Anesthesia .2020 ;(67):394-395

11. 2020 Liao HW,Yeoh SR,Lin YC,Lam F,Chen TL,Chen CY. In Reply: Uncertainty in the Methods and Interpretation of Meta-Analysis of air way Complications from Lidocaine Lubrication . Can J Anesth .2020 ;(67):1455-1456

12. 2020 Hung TY,Wu CC,Liu CC,Chou CC,Chen CY. 住院醫師工時改制下的社會責任—臨床能力委員會 . 臺灣醫界 .2020 ;(63)

13. 2020 Lin KC,Liao JF,Cheng MC,Ho CC,Chen CY. <尊嚴善終法>草案下失智病人自主權之臨床困境 . 澄清醫護管理雜誌 .2020 ;(16):4-10

14. 2020 Wu JC,Hou WH,Chen CY,Guo SL,Chang CC. 能力評核,精準教學-談臨床能力委員會之推行經驗. . 台灣擬真醫學教育期刊 .2020

15. 2019 Tang KP,Sheu ML,Hsu YH,Yang YT,Chiou RJ,Wu CC, Chen CC, Tsai PF. Validation of the Positive Social Interdependence Readiness Scale for Cooperative Learning. . Journal of Medical Education (台灣醫學教育學會期刊) .2019 ;(23):227-236

16. 2019 Chen WC,Kang YN,Chen CY,Wei PL,Huang YC,Kuo LJ. A Summary of 5 Crossover Trials on Sacral Nerve Stimulation for Fecal Incontinence. . The Journal of Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons (Taiwan) .2019 ;(30):89-96

17. 2019 Kang YN,Chang CH,Kao CC,Chen CY,Wu CC. Development of a short and universal learning self-efficacy scale for clinical skills . PLOS ONE .2019 ;(14):e0209155-e0209155

18. 2019 Lin CS,Chen CY,Yeh CC,Chung CL,Chen TL,Liao CC. Defining risk of general surgery in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases. . Qjm-Int J Med .2019 ;(112):107-113

19. 2019 Tang KP,Chen CY,Wu MS,Chen TT,Wu BW,Tsai PF. Correlation between early clinical exposure environment, attitudes toward basic medicine, and medical students' basic science learning performance. . Bmc Med Educ .2019 ;(19):183

20. 2019 Liao AHW,Yeoh SR,Lin YC,Lam F,Chen TL,Chen CY. Lidocaine lubricants for intubation-related complications: a systematic review and meta-analysis . Can J Anesth .2019

21. 2019 Tang KP,Wu CC,Chen CY,Wu MS,Liou TH. Students' Perspective on the Value of Social Gathering during an Early Clinical Exposure Program . Journal of Medical Education .2019 ;(23):75-84

22. 2019 Huang IH,Wu PC,Lin EY,Chen CY,Kang YN. Effects of Anti-Calcitonin Gene-Related Peptide for Migraines: A Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis of Randomized Clinical Trials. . Int J Mol Sci .2019 ;(20):E3527

23. 2019 Lin CS,Chen CY,Yeh CC,Chung CL,Chen TL,Liao CC. Response to 'Risk of general surgery in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease'. . Qjm-Int J Med .2019 ;(112):159

24. 2019 Chen WA,Liu CC,Mnisi Z,Chen CY,Kang YN. Warming strategies for preventing hypothermia and shivering during cesarean section: A systematic review with network meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials. . International Journal Surgery .2019 ;(71):21-28

25. 2019 CH Chiu,JC Wu,Chen CY. Why Do Young Physicians Make a ‘Detour’ to Aesthetic Clinics? An Exploration of Professional Identity among Young Physicians Who Changed Career Paths . Journal of Medical Education .2019 ;(23):207-217

26. 2018 Lin YC,Chen CY,Liao YM,Lin PC,Chang CC. Pain Relief by Parecoxib for Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials . Asian Journal of Anesthesiology .2018 ;(56):92-114

27. 2018 Yan-Jiun Huang,Chien-Yu Chen,Ray-Jade Chen,Yi-No Kang,Po-Li Wei. Topical diltiazem ointment in post-hemorrhoidectomy pain relief: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials . Asian J Surg .2018

28. 2018 Kang YN,Tang KP,Liu YC,Lin CP,Chou CC,Chen CY. 學習里程為本之麻醉專科可信賴專業活動—德菲法(Delphi)研究 . 醫療品質雜誌 .2018 ;(12):35-41

29. 2018 Lin EY,Chen CY,Cheng YL,Wu CC,Kang YN. 實證醫學基本核心能力指標架構之建置 . 中榮醫教 .2018 ;(22):4-10

30. 2018 Chen CY,Tang KP,Cheng YJ,Cherng YG,Tai YT,Chou CC. 當里程碑 計畫(Milestone Project)邂逅可信賴專業活動(Entrustable Professional Activities):臺灣麻醉專科導入CBME的初期成果報告 . 臺灣醫學 .2018 ;(22):62-70

31. 2018 Kang YN ,Hsiao YW ,Chen CY,Wu CC. Testicular sperm is superior to ejaculated sperm for ICSI in cryptozoospermia: An update systematic review and meta-analysis . Sci Rep-Uk .2018

32. 2017 Lin YC,Chen CY,Liao YM,Liao AH,Lin PC,Chang CC. Preventing shivering with adjuvant low dose intrathecal meperidine: A meta- analysis of randomized controlled trials with trial sequential analysis . Sci Rep-Uk .2017 ;(7):15323

33. 2017 Chen R,Chan PT,Chu H,Lin YC,Chang PC,Chen CY, Chou KR. Treatment effects between monotherapy of donepezil versus combination with memantine for Alzheimer disease: A meta-analysis. . Plos One .2017 ;(12):e0183586

34. 2017 Alan Hsi-Wen Liao,Yu-Cih Lin,Chyi-Huey Bay,Chien-Yu Chen. Optimal dose of succinylcholine for laryngeal mask airway insertion: systematic review, meta-analysis and metaregression of randomised control trials . BMJ Open .2017 ;(7):e014274

35. 2017 Chen CY,Huang TW,Kuo KN,Tam KW. Evidence-based health care: A roadmap for knowledge translation. . Journal of the Chinese Medical Association .2017 ;(80):747-749

36. 2017 Lai KM,Hsieh MH,Lam F,Chen CY,Chen TL,Chang CC. Anesthesia for patients with tracheal bronchus. . Asian J Anesthesiol .2017

37. 2017 Lee CT,Lin YC,Yeh YC,Chen TL,Chen CY. Effects of levosimendan for perioperative cardiovascular dysfunction in patients receiving cardiac surgery: A meta-analysis with trial sequential analysis. . Intens Care Med .2017

38. 2016 Yi-No Kang,Che-Wei Lin,Chien-Yu Chen,Te-Ming Tseng,Chien-Chih Wu. 翻轉教學應用於擬真臨床技能學習之滿意度初探 . 台灣擬真醫學教育期刊 .2016 ;(3):23-31

39. 2016 Kung-Pei Tang,Yi-No Kang,Chien-Chih Wu,Chi-Li Chung,En-Yuan Lin,Chien-Yu Chen. 雙案例教學模式導入醫學倫理課程之成果-以長期呼吸器倚賴病人照護為例 . 中榮醫教 .2016 ;(20):3-12

40. 2016 Wen-Yi Lee,Wei-Chieh Chen,Yu-Cih Lin,Chien-Chih Wu,Chien-Yu Chen,Yuan-Mei Liao. 加溫灌流液在經尿道前列腺刮除術中預防低體溫之成效-系統性回顧與統合分析 . 臺灣實證醫學學會會刊 .2016 ;(7):48-58

41. 2016 Chien-Yu Chen,Chuen-Chau Chang,Ta-Liang Chen. 以教學研究實踐臨床卓越—臺北醫學大學附設醫院麻醉部 . 台灣麻醉醫學會60周年特刊 .2016

42. 2015 John Y.S. Cheng,Chien-Yu Chen,Chun-Yen Chang. The New Approach of Teaching Anatomy: From Cadaver Dissection to Virtual Reality. . Formosan J Med .2015 ;(19):72-82

43. 2015 Kung-Pei Tang,Yi-No Kang,Jen-Ji Ho,Ing-Jy Tseng,Tsung-Ta Lin,Shyr-Yi Lin,Chien-Yu Chen. CanMEDS角色與醫學生臨床情境認知之相容性探究 . 中榮醫教 .2015 ;(2015):21-28

44. 2015 Fai Lam,Yu-Cih L,Hsiao-Chien Tsai,Ta-Liang Chen,Ka-Wai Tam,Chien-Yu Chen. Effect of Intracuff Lidocaine on Postoperative Sore Throat and the Emergence Phenomenon: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. . PLos ONE .2015 ;(10):1-17

45. 2015 Hsiao-Chien Tsai,Yu-Cih Lin,Ching-Lung Ko,Horng-Yuan Lou,Ta-Liang Chen,Ka-Wai Tam, Chien-Yu Chen. Propofol versus Midazolam for Upper Gastrointestinal Endoscopy in Cirrhotic Patients: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. . PLoS ONE .2015 ;(10):1-13

46. 2014 Chen CY,Kuo CJ,Lee YW,Lam F,Tam KW. Benzydamine hydrochloride on postoperative sore throat: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials . Canadian Journal of Anesthesia .2014 ;(61):220-228

47. 2014 Shen YD,Chen CY,Wu CH,Cherng YG,Tam KW. Dexamethasone, ondansetron, and their combination and postoperative nausea and vomiting in children undergoing strabismus surgery: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. . Pediatric Anesthesia .2014 ;(24):490-498

48. 2012 Lin FS,Lin WY,Lai CH,Chen CY,Lin CP,Lin TF, Sun WZ. Analgesic efficacy of tramadol/acetaminophen and propoxyphene/acetaminophen for relief of postoperative wound pain . Acta Anaesthesiol Taiwan .2012 ;(50):49-53

1. 2022 Co-designing Implementing Strategies for Residents’ Well-being and Resilience: A World Café Approach. . ISQua 2022 .2022

2. 2022 Analyzing the quality and outcomes of milestone evaluation in a residency training program . 2022麻醉醫學會年會 .2022

3. 2022 Developing and Validating Clinical Ladder EPAs for Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNA) in Taiwan. . Ottawa 2022 .2022

4. 2021 Chen CY,Fan Chiang YH. The Utility of Lung Point-of-Care Ultrasound (PoCUS) for Perioperative Decision Making: A Systematic Review. . 2021台灣麻醉醫學會年會暨國際學術研討會-個人化麻醉與快速康復 .2021

5. 2021 建構以臨床操作指引為本之可信賴專業活動: 以麻醉專科護理師為例. . 2021年亞太擬真醫學教育國際研討會 台灣擬真醫學教育學會第四屆第三次會員大會 .2021

6. 2021 Chen CY,Yang HJ,Dai WJ,Chang CC,Lin CW,Tsai PF. Developing and Validating EPAs for Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNA) in Taiwan. . AMEE 2021 Conference .2021

7. 2021 Wu JC,Lin YK,Tang KP,Weng FY,Liou TH,Chen CY. Exploring the Impact of Medical Educational Reform on Clinical Competence between Male and Female. . APMEC 2021 (Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference 2021) .2021

8. 2021 Chen CY. A Quality Assurance Framework for CCC Implementation and Its Compliance Rate in TMUH . Stanford Innovations in Medical Education Conference .2021

9. 2021 Chen CY. 我在史丹佛看到的醫學教育 . 2021 國際醫學教育暨模擬教學研討會 .2021

10. 2019 Chen CY,Kang YN,Tang KP,Wu JC,Chang CC. Could milestone evaluation be an effective instructional scaffolding for residency training? . AMEE 2019 .2019

11. 2019 Chen CY. 臨床能力委員會之組成與運作 . 台灣醫學會學術年會 .2019

12. 2019 Chen CY,Wu CC,Tang KP,Chang CC. 住院醫師臨床能力委員會之回饋內容分析 . 108年台灣醫學教育學會學術年會 .2019

13. 2019 Liu CC,Kuo CJ,Dai WJ,Tsai SY,Chen CY. 以名義團體方法建置麻醉護理學員之可信賴專業活動 . 108年台灣醫學教育學會學術年會 .2019

14. 2019 Wu CC,Lin YK,Tang KP,Chen CY. 新、舊學制醫學系畢業生自覺臨床技能能力調查 . 108年台灣醫學教育學會學術年會 .2019

15. 2018 Chou CC,Hsiao CT,Yang CW,Chen CY,J. R. Frank. Does CBME translate across systems? Learning from the Taiwanese experience . International Conference on Residency Education .2018

16. 2018 Liou TH,Tasi PF,Chen CY,WU CC,Tang KP. Measuring Social Interdependence in Collaborative Project-Based Learning . AMEE 2018 .2018

17. 2018 Chen CY,Chou CC,Tang KP,Kang YN. Residents in Taiwan rate themselves lower than attending assessments on ACGME milestones . Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE) 2018 .2018

18. 2018 Chen CY. Validating Anesthesiology milestone-based EPAs in Taiwan: A nationwide Delphi survey . ICBME Collaborators: 2018 World Summit on CBME .2018

19. 2018 Chen CY,Kang YN. What milestones were difficult to be assessed at hoc: A preliminary study . 第62屆台灣麻醉醫學會年會暨國際學術研討會 .2018

20. 2018 Chen CY. 談臺灣麻醉CBME之新藍圖 . 第62屆台灣麻醉醫學會年會暨國際學術研討會 .2018

21. 2018 Chen CY. 美國 ACGME Milestone Project 與可信賴專業表現(EPAs)在地化之整合與應用—以北醫大與台大四所醫院麻醉科為場域之三階段教育建置計畫 . 107年科技部醫學教育學門計畫成果討論會 .2018

22. 2017 Chen CY,Tang KP,Cheng YJ,Tai YT,Cherng YG,Kang YN. Putting the Feet of Milestones and EPAs in the Shoes of Anesthesiology Residents in Taipei A Consensus Roadmap . Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE) 2017 .2017

23. 2017 Yang TI,Chen CY,Wu CC. Looking at Medical Humanities Curriculum in Taiwan through the Lens of the Framework of the CanMEDS Milestones 2015 . Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE) 2017 .2017

24. 2017 Wu CC,Kang YN,Hsiao YW,Chen CY. 寡精子症不孕患者使用睪丸萃取精子與射精精子進行試管嬰兒的成效比較: 系統性回顧與統合分析 . 台灣泌尿科醫學會2017年第20屆第2次會員大會暨第39次學術演講會 .2017

25. 2017 Chiu HH,Tang KP,Chen CY,Wu CC,Wu MS,Liou TH. Students’ Perspective on the Value of Social Gathering during Early Clinical Exposure Courses . Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE) 2017 .2017

26. 2017 Wu CC,Kang YN,Jian YL,Lin CW,Chiu HH,Chen CY. Which Blended Flipped Curriculum of Clinical Skills is Better, Situated or Cooperative? . Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE) 2017 .2017

27. 2017 Chen CY,Tang KP,Kang YN,Huang SY,Tai YT. The Significance of the ACGME Anesthesiology Milestone Declines with the Level of Competence: A Correlational Analysis of Delphi Survey in Taiwan . The 16th Medical Education Conference for China Mainland, Taiwan and Hong Kong Region .2017

28. 2017 Chen CY,Tang KP,Kang YN,Chen JT,Cherng YG,Chen TL. Putting the feet of milestones in the shoes of Anesthesiology residents in Taipei: A delphi survey for faculty development . 臺灣醫學教育學會106年度會員大會暨學術研討會 .2017

29. 2016 Chien-Yu Chen,Yi-Chung Chan. Blood transfusion as a risk factor for surgical site infection in spine surgery: A systematic review and meta-analysis . 臺灣實證醫學學會2016學術年會 .2016

30. 2016 Kung-Pei Tang,Chien-Yu Chen,Chao-Ching Huang,Yi-No Kang. Comparisons of novices and experts in ethical reasoning in withdrawing life support from prolonged mechanical ventilation-dependent patients . Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE) 2016 .2016

31. 2016 Chien-Yu Chen,Yi-No Kang. Enhancing multi-perspective and convergent thinking for ethical deliberation in Year-Four medical students . Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE) 2016 .2016

32. 2016 Kung-Pei Tang,Chao-Ching Huang,Po-Li Wei,Ming-Shun Wu,Chien-Yu Chen,Fu-Hsiung Su, Tsan-Hon Liou. A preliminary qualitative study on students’ learning performances in TMU early clinical exposure courses . 台灣醫學教育學會105年度會員大會暨學術研討會 .2016

33. 2016 Ruei-Jen Chiou,Po-Fan Tsai,Der-Yan Han,Kung-Pei Tang,Chien-Yu Chen. Affective learning in gross anatomy class viewpoint of cognitive dissonance theory . 台灣醫學教育學會105年度會員大會暨學術研討會 .2016

34. 2016 En-Yuan Lin,Yi-No Kang,Chien-Chih Wu,Chien-Yu Chen. Teaching medical student evidence-based medicine: an exploring study . 台灣醫學教育學會105年度會員大會暨學術研討會 .2016

35. 2016 Chien-Chih Wu,Yi-No Kang,Chen CC,Che-Wei Lin. Use of video to support medical students’ learning of nasogastric tube insertion: A paired comparison study . 台灣醫學教育學會105年度會員大會暨學術研討會 .2016

36. 2016 Hsin-Yi Tsai,Wen-Jan Dai,Chien-Yu Chen,Ta-Liang Chen. 建置已多元專業能力為導向之麻醉照護人然認證暨進階制度 . 台灣醫學教育學會105年度會員大會暨學術研討會 .2016

37. 2016 Lung-Wen Tsai,Chien-Yu Chen,Chien-Chih Wu. The effect of postgraduate training year: results of residents’ and co-workers’ perspectives . 台灣醫學教育學會105年度會員大會暨學術研討會 .2016

38. 2016 Chien-Yu Chen. How reflective skills were exercised in medical students’ clinical skill learning? . 台灣醫學教育學會105年度會員大會暨學術研討會 .2016

39. 2016 Chien-Yu Chen. 從醫學典範與兩難情境中反思—以呼吸器倚賴重症病人為題材之跨領域教學行動研究為例 . 台灣醫學教育學會105年度會員大會暨學術研討會 .2016

40. 2016 Chien-Yu Chen. 住院醫師訓練之新典範—北醫導入美國ACGME Milestone之初期成果報告 . 台灣醫學學會109屆總會學術演講會 .2016

41. 2015 Chien-Yu Chen,Kung-Pei Tang. CanMEDS Roles as Framework for Analyzing Taiwanese Medical Students’ Reflective Journals: A Pilot Study . Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE) 2015 .2015

42. 2014 Chien-Yu Chen. Students’ experiences on the use of reflective writing for anesthetic skill learning: a pilot study . 台灣醫學教育學會103年度會員大會暨學術研討會 .2014

43. 2014 Chien-Yu Chen. Case-based e-learning on medical students’ learning outcomes in an anesthesia program: A retrospective observational study . 台灣醫學教育學會103年度會員大會暨學術研討會 .2014

44. 2012 Chien-Yu Chen. The Purpose, Theory, and Strategy for Implementing Interdisciplinary and Intercultural Medical Ethics among Taiwanese Doctors: Constructivist Qualitative Research . 第十三屆亞洲生命倫理大會 .2012


112 建構與驗證以可信賴專業活動(EPA)為本之麻醉專科護理師混成教育課程地圖(2/2)

111 建構與驗證以可信賴專業活動(EPA)為本之麻醉專科護理師混成教育課程地圖(1/2 )

110 麻醉護理專業證照及進階制度之臨床能力架構與評量—客觀結構式臨床測驗(OSCE)與可信賴專業活動(EPA)等工具之建構與驗證研究(2/2)

109 麻醉護理專業證照及進階制度之臨床能力架構與評量—客觀結構式臨床測驗(OSCE)與可信賴專業活動(EPA)等工具之建構與驗證研究(1/2)

107 發展與驗證以里程碑為本(Milestone-Based)之可信賴專業活動(EPAs)的線上師培平台—以麻醉專科為例(1/2)

107 發展與驗證以里程碑為本(Milestone-Based)之可信賴專業活動(EPAs)的線上師培平台—以麻醉專科為例(2/2)

106 美國ACGME Milestone Project與可信賴專業表現 (EPAs)在地化之整合與應用—以北醫大與台大四所醫院麻醉科為場域之三階段教育建置計畫(2/2)

105 美國ACGME Milestone Project與可信賴專業表現 (EPAs)在地化之整合與應用—以北醫大與台大四所醫院麻醉科為場域之三階段教育建置計畫(1/2)

105 美國ACGME Milestone Project與可信賴專業表現 (EPAs)在地化之整合與應用—以北醫大與台大四所醫院麻醉科為場域之三階段教育建置計畫(1/2)

104 從醫學典範與兩難困境中反思—以呼吸器倚賴重症病患為題材之跨領域教學行動研究