林立峯(Lin, Li-Fong) 副教授

現   職
高齡健康暨長期照護學系 副教授
創新創業教育中心 主任


學 歷

陽明大學醫學工程研究所 博士
陽明大學醫學工程研究所 碩士
中國醫藥大學物理治療學系 學士




2023/09/17 ~







1. 2024 Peng-Hsu Chen,Hsuan-Wei Ho,Hung-Chou Chen,Ka-Wai Tam,Ju-Chi Liu,Li-Fong Lin. Virtual reality experiential learning improved undergraduate students’knowledge and evaluation skills relating to assistive technology for older adults and individuals with disabilities . BME MED EDU .2024

2. 2024 Chang, Pao-Lung,Chen, Kai-Yun,Ou, Ju-Chi,Chiang, Yung-Hsiao,Chen, Hung-Chou,Liou, Tsan-Hon, Escorpizo, Reuben, Lin, Li-Fong. Self-reported dizziness, postural stability, and sensory integration after mild traumatic brain injury: A naturalistic follow-up study . American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation .2024

3. 2023 Ling Tzen Ying,Lu Hsien Tsung,Kao Yen Pin,Chien Szu Cheng,Chen Hung Chou,Lin Li Fong. Understanding the Meaningful Places for Aging-in-Place: A Human-Centric Approach toward Inter-Domain Design Criteria Consideration in Taiwan . International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health .2023 ;(20)

4. 2022 Kuan Yi Chun,Lin Li Fong,Wang Chien Yung,Hu Chia Chen,Liang Pei Jung,Lee Shu Chun,Kuan Yi Chun,Lin Li Fong,Wang Chien Yung,Hu Chia Chen,Liang Pei Jung,Lee Shu Chun. Association Between Turning Mobility and Cognitive Function in Chronic Poststroke . Frontiers in Neurology .2022 ;(13)

5. 2022 Lin Yen Nung,Huang Shih Wei,Kuan Yi Chun,Chen Hung Chou,Jian Wen Shan,Lin Li Fong,Lin Yen Nung,Huang Shih Wei,Kuan Yi Chun,Chen Hung Chou,Jian Wen Shan,Lin Li Fong. Hybrid robot-assisted gait training for motor function in subacute stroke: a single-blind randomized controlled trial . Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation .2022 ;(19)

6. 2022 Lin I-Hsien,Wang Chien-Yung,Lin Yen-Nung,Chen Hung-Chou,Lin Li-Fong,Lin I-Hsien,Wang Chien-Yung,Lin Yen-Nung,Chen Hung-Chou,Lin Li-Fong. Simulation-based holistic education in physiotherapy interns to increase empathy toward older adults and individuals with disabilities . BMC Geriatrics .2022 ;(22):795-795

7. 2021 Lin Che Li,Lin Li Fong,Hsu Tzu Herng,Lin Lien Chieh,Lin Chueh Ho,Huang Shih Wei. Acromioplasty reduces critical shoulder angle in patients with rotator cuff tear . PLoS One .2021 ;(16)

8. 2021 Islam Md Mohaimenul,Poly Tahmina Nasrin,Alsinglawi Belal,Lin Li Fong,Chien Shuo Chen,Liu Ju Chi,Jian Wen Shan,Islam Md Mohaimenul,Poly Tahmina Nasrin,Alsinglawi Belal,Lin Li Fong,Chien Shuo Chen,Liu Ju Chi,Jian Wen Shan. Application of artificial intelligence in covid-19 pandemic: Bibliometric analysis . Healthcare (Basel, Switzerland) .2021 ;(9)

9. 2021 Francis Donya L.,Wongsin Utoomporn,Chien Shuo Chen,Hsu Yi Hsin (Elsa),Lohmeyer Franziska Michaela,Jian Wen Shan,Lin Li Fong,Iqbal Usman,Francis Donya L.,Wongsin Utoomporn,Chien Shuo Chen,Hsu Yi Hsin (Elsa),Lohmeyer Franziska Michaela,Jian Wen Shan,Lin Li Fong,Iqbal Usman. Assessment of knowledge, attitudes, and practices towards Zika virus among healthcare workers in St. Kitts . BMC Infectious Diseases .2021 ;(21)

10. 2021 Kuan Yi Chun,Huang Li Kai,Wang Yuan Hung,Hu Chaur Jong,Tseng Ing Jy,Chen Hung Chou,Lin Li Fong. Balance and gait performance in older adults with early-stage cognitive impairment . Europa Medicophysica .2021 ;(57):560-567

11. 2021 Lee Yu Hao,Lee Pi Hsia,Lin Li Fong,Liao Chun De,Liou Tsan Hon,Huang Shih Wei. Effects of progressive elastic band resistance exercise for aged osteosarcopenic adiposity women . Experimental Gerontology .2021 ;(147)

12. 2021 Weng Shuen Fu,Malik Azis,Wongsin Utoomporn,Lohmeyer Franziska Michaela,Lin Li Fong,Atique Suleman,Jian Wen Shan,Gusman Yuherina,Iqbal Usman. Health service access among indonesian migrant domestic workers in taiwan . International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health .2021 ;(18)

13. 2021 Yeh Shu Wei,Lin Li Fong,Chen Hung Chou,Huang Li Kai,Hu Chaur Jong,Tam Ka Wai,Kuan Yi Chun,Hong Chien Hsiung. High-intensity functional exercise in older adults with dementia: A systematic review and meta-analysis . Clinical Rehabilitation .2021 ;(35):169-181

14. 2021 Liu Wan Ju,Lin Li Fong,Chiang Shang Lin,Lu Liang Hsuan,Chen Chao Ying,Lin Chueh Ho. Impacts of stroke on muscle perceptions and relationships with the motor and functional performance of the lower extremities . Sensors .2021 ;(21)

15. 2021 Wang Hsun Yi,Chen Yu Hsuan,Kuan Yi Chun,Huang Shih Wei,Lin Li Fong,Chen Hung Chou. The effectiveness of functional electrical stimulation of the legs in patients with heart failure: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials . Clinical Rehabilitation .2021

16. 2020 Hsu WC,Sugiarto T ,Wu JL,Lin YJ,Lin LF,Tsai CY, Chang CC, Hsieh ZR, Lee, YH. Controlled Tactile and Vibration Feedback Embedded in a Smart Knee Brace . IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine .2020 ;(1):54-60

17. 2020 Huang SW,Lin LF,Chang KH,Escorpizo R,Liou TH. Development of a comprehensive core set from the international classification of functioning, disability and health for return to work among patients with stroke through delphi-based consensus . Eur J Phys Rehabil Med .2020

18. 2020 Yeh SW ,Lin LF ,Tam KW ,Tsai CP ,Hong CH,Kuan YC . Efficacy of Robot-Assisted Gait Training in Multiple Sclerosis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis . Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders .2020 ;(41)

19. 2020 Yeh Shu Wei,Lin Li Fong,Chen Hung Chou,Huang Li Kai,Hu Chaur Jong,Tam Ka Wai,Kuan Yi Chun,Hong Chien Hsiung,Yeh Shu Wei,Lin Li Fong,Chen Hung Chou,Huang Li Kai,Hu Chaur Jong,Tam Ka Wai,Kuan Yi Chun,Hong Chien Hsiung. High-intensity functional exercise in older adults with dementia: A systematic review and meta-analysis . Clinical Rehabilitation .2020

20. 2020 Lin Che Li,Chen Yi Wen,Lin Li Fong,Chen Cho Pang,Liou Tsan Hon,Huang Shih Wei,Lin Che Li,Chen Yi Wen,Lin Li Fong,Chen Cho Pang,Liou Tsan Hon,Huang Shih Wei. Accuracy of the Critical Shoulder Angle for Predicting Rotator Cuff Tears in Patients With Nontraumatic Shoulder Pain . Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine .2020 ;(8)

21. 2019 Liu YH,Lin LF,Chou CW,Chang Y,Hsiao YT,Hsu WC. Analysis of Electroencephalography Event-Related Desynchronisation and Synchronisation Induced by Lower-Limb Stepping Motor Imagery . Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering .2019 ;(39):54-69

22. 2019 Hsu WC,Chang CC,Lin YJ,Yang FC,Lin LF,Chou KN. The Use of Wearable Sensors for the Movement Assessment on Muscle Contraction Sequences in Post-Stroke Patients during Sit-to-Stand . Sensors (Basel) .2019 ;(19)

23. 2019 Huang SW,Lin CL,Lin LF,Huang CC,Liou TH,Lin HW. Autoimmune Connective Tissue Diseases and the Risk of Rotator Cuff Repair Surgery: A Population-Based Retrospective Cohort Study . BMJ Open .2019 ;(9):e023848

24. 2019 Lin LF,Chang KH,Huang YZ,Lai CH,Liou TH,Lin YN. Simultaneous stimulation in bilateral leg motor areas with intermittent theta burst stimulation to improve functional performance after stroke: a feasibility pilot study . Eur J Phys Rehabil Med .2019

25. 2018 Huang YJ,Chen CT,Lin GH,Wu TY,Chen SS,Lin LF, Hou WH, Hsieh CL. Evaluating the European Health Literacy Survey Questionnaire in Patients with Stroke: A Latent Trait Analysis Using Rasch Modeling . Patient .2018 ;(11):83-96

26. 2018 Lin HW ,Lin LF,Chen HC ,Liou TH ,Huang SW . Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with short-acting inhaled pharmacotherapy increases the risk of prostate cancer: A two-stage database approach . PLoS One .2018 ;(13)

27. 2018 Lin LF,Lin YJ ,Lin ZH ,Chuang LY ,Hsu WC ,Lin YH. Feasibility and efficacy of wearable devices for upper limb rehabilitation in patients with chronic stroke: A randomized controlled pilot study . European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine .2018 ;(54):388-396

28. 2018 Huang SW ,Hsieh FC ,Lin LF,Liao CD ,Ku JW . Correlation between Body Composition and Physical Performance in Aged People . International Journal of Gerontology .2018

29. 2018 Cho YT,Hsu WY ,Lin LF,Lin YN . Kinesio taping reduces elbow pain during resisted wrist extension in patients with chronic lateral epicondylitis: A randomized, double-blinded, cross-over study . BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders .2018 ;(19)

30. 2018 Huang YZ ,Lin LF,Chang KH,Hu CJ,Liou TH,Lin YN. Priming with 1-Hz Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation over Contralesional Leg Motor Cortex Does Not Increase the Rate of Regaining Ambulation Within 3 Months of Stroke: A Randomized Controlled Trial . American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation .2018 ;(97):339-345

31. 2017 Tseng TY ,Lin YJ ,Hsu WC,Lin LF,Kuo CH. A novel reconfigurable gravity balancer for lower-limb rehabilitation with switchable hip/knee-only exercise . Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics .2017 ;(9)

32. 2017 Liao CD ,Tsauo JY ,Hsiao DJ ,Liou TH ,Huang SW ,Lin LF. Association of physical capacity with heart rate variability based on a short-duration measurement of resting pulse rate in older adults with obesity . PLoS One .2017 ;(12)

33. 2017 Lin LF,Huang SW ,Chang KH ,Ouyang JH ,Liou TH . A novel Robotic Gait Training System (RGTS) may facilitate functional recovery after stroke: A feasibility and safety study . NeuroRehabilitation .2017 ;(41):453-461

34. 2017 Huang SW ,Ku JW ,Lin LF ,Liao CD ,Chou LC,Liou TH. Body composition influenced by progressive elastic band resistance exercise of sarcopenic obesity elderly women: A pilot randomized controlled trial . European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine .2017 ;(53):556-563

35. 2017 Hsu WC ,Lin LF ,Chou CW ,Hsiao YT,Liu YH . EEG Classification of Imaginary Lower Limb Stepping Movements Based on Fuzzy Support Vector Machine with Kernel-Induced Membership Function . International Journal of Fuzzy Systems .2017 ;(19):566-579

36. 2017 Huang YC,Chang KH ,Liou TH ,Cheng CW ,Lin LF,Huang SW . Effects of kinesio taping for stroke patients with hemiplegic shoulder pain: A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study . Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine .2017 ;(49):208-215

37. 2017 Liao CD ,Rau CL ,Liou TH ,Tsauo JY ,Lin LF . Effects of linearly polarized near-infrared irradiation near the stellate ganglion region on pain and heart rate variability in patients with neuropathic pain . Pain Medicine .2017 ;(18):488-503

38. 2017 Huang SW ,Wu CW ,Lin LF ,Liou TH ,Lin HW . Gout Can Increase the Risk of Receiving Rotator Cuff Tear Repair Surgery . American Journal of Sports Medicine .2017 ;(45):2355-2363

39. 2017 Chen KY ,Huang SW ,Lin YN ,Liao CD ,Hou WH ,Liou TH, Chiang YH, Tsai SH, Chiu WT, Hsu WC, Lin LF. Postural Stability Assessment in Patients with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Complaining of Dizziness . Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering .2017 ;(37):730-738

40. 2017 Liao CD,Tsauo JY,Lin LF,Huang SW,Ku JW,Chou LC, Liou TH. Effects of elastic resistance exercise on body composition and physical capacity in older women with sarcopenic obesity: A CONSORT-compliant prospective randomized controlled trial . Medicine (Baltimore) .2017 ;(6):e7115

41. 2016 Huang SW ,Wang WT ,Lin LF,Liao CD ,Liou TH ,Lin HW. Association between psychiatric disorders and osteoarthritis: A nationwide longitudinal population-based study . Medicine (Baltimore) .2016 ;(95)

42. 2016 Huang SW ,Lin LF,Chou LC,Wu MJ,Liao CD ,Liou TH. Feasibility of using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health Core Set for evaluation of fall-related risk factors in acute rehabilitation settings . European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine .2016 ;(52):152-158

43. 2016 Huang YC,Wang WT ,Liou TH ,Liao CD ,Lin LF ,Huang SW. Postural assessment scale for stroke patients scores as a predictor of stroke patient ambulation at discharge from the rehabilitation ward . Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine .2016 ;(48):259-264

44. 2015 Liao CD ,Huang YC,Lin LF,Huang SW ,Liou TH . Body mass index and functional mobility outcome following early rehabilitation after a total knee replacement: A retrospective study in Taiwan . Arthritis and Rheumatology .2015 ;(67):799-808

45. 2015 Liao CD ,Huang YC,Lin LF ,Chiu YS ,Tsai JC ,Chen CL, Liou TH. Continuous passive motion and its effects on knee flexion after total knee arthroplasty in patients with knee osteoarthritis . Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy .2015

46. 2015 Lin YN ,Hu CJ ,Chi JY ,Lin LF ,Yen TH ,Lin YK, Liou TH . Effects of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation of the unaffected hemisphere leg motor area in patients with subacute stroke and substantial leg impairment: A pilot study . Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine .2015 ;(47):305-310

47. 2015 Liao CD ,Lin LF ,Huang YC ,Huang SW ,Chou LC ,Liou TH. Functional outcomes of outpatient balance training following total knee replacement in patients with knee osteoarthritis: A randomized controlled trial . Clinical Rehabilitation .2015 ;(29):855-867

48. 2015 Hou Wen Hsuan ,Ni Cheng Hua ,Li Chung Yi ,Tsai Pei Shan ,Lin Li Fong . Stroke rehabilitation and risk of mortality: A population-based cohort study stratified by age and gender . Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases .2015 ;(24):1414-1422

49. 2015 Lin LF ,Huang YZ ,Hu CJ ,Liou TH ,Chang KH ,Lin YN. Using surface electromyography to guide the activation during motor-evoked potential measurement: An activation control method for follow-up studies . Brain Injury .2015 ;(29):1661-1666

50. 2015 Lin LF,Liou TH,Hu GJ,Ma HP,Ou JC,Chiang YH, Chiu WT, Tsai SH, Chu WC. Balance function and Sensory Integration After Mild Traumatic Brain Injury . Brain injury .2015 ;(29):1-6

51. 2014 Yen TH ,Lin LF ,Wei TS ,Chang KH ,Wang YH ,Liou TH. Delphi-based assessment of fall-related risk factors in acute rehabilitation settings according to the international classification of functioning, disability and health . Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation .2014 ;(95):50-57

52. 2014 Huang SW ,Wang WT ,Yang TH ,Liou TH ,Chen GY ,Lin LF. The balance effect of acupuncture therapy among stroke patients . Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine .2014 ;(20):618-622

53. 2014 Chern JS ,Chen MH,Lee YC ,Chen SS,Lin LF ,Hou WH, Hsieh CL. Validation of a Chinese version of the frenchay activities index in patients with traumatic limb injury . Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation .2014 ;(24):439-445

54. 2008 Chiang MF ,Lin PW ,Lin LF,Chiou HY ,Chien CW ,Chu SF, Chiu WT. Mass screening of suspected febrile patients with remote-sensing infrared thermography: Alarm temperature and optimal distance . Journal of the Formosan Medical Association .2008 ;(107):937-944


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