高玉勳(Kao, Yu-Hsun) 副教授

現   職
臨床醫學研究所 副教授


學 歷

國防醫學院生命科學研究所 博士
國防醫學院生理學研究所 碩士




2018/02/01 ~
2018/02/01 ~
2016/11/01 ~ 2017/10/31
2016/11/01 ~ 2017/10/31




cardiac physioligy
calcium image
epigenetic regulation
Heart failure animal model



1. 2024 Cheng TY,Chen YC,Li SJ,Lin FJ,Lu YY,Lee TI, Lee TW, Higa S, Kao YH, Chen YJ. Interleukin-33/ST2 axis involvement in atrial remodeling and arrhythmogenesis . Transl Res .2024 ;(268):1-12

2. 2024 Chen PH,Lee TW,Liu SH,Huynh TV,Chung CC,Yeh YH, Kao YH* , Chen YJ. Lithium downregulates phosphorylated acetyl-CoA carboxylase 2 and attenuates mitochondrial fatty acid utilization and oxidative stress in cardiomyocytes . Exp Ther Med .2024 ;(27):126

3. 2024 Iqra Mushtaq,Tsung-Han Hsieh,Yao-Chang Chen,Yu-Hsun Kao,Yi-Jen Chen. MicroRNA-452-5p regulates fibrogenesis via targeting TGF-β/SMAD4 axis in SCN5A-knockdown human cardiac fibroblasts . iScience .2024

4. 2024 Lu YY,Cheng CC,Chen YC,Lin YK,Higa S,Kao YH, Chen YJ. Adenosine monophosphate-regulated protein kinase inhibition modulates electrophysiological characteristics and calcium homeostasis of rabbit right ventricular outflow tract . Fundam Clin Pharmacol .2024 ;(38):262-275

5. 2023 Lee TI,Trang NN,Lee TW,Higa S,Kao YH,Chen YC, Chen YJ. Ketogenic Diet Regulates Cardiac Remodeling and Calcium Homeostasis in Diabetic Rat Cardiomyopathy . Int J Mol Sci .2023 ;(24):16142

6. 2023 Kao YH,Chen YJ,Higa S,Chattipakorn N,Santulli G. Editorial: Transcription factors and arrhythmogenesis. . Frontiers in Physiology .2023 ;(14):1169747

7. 2023 Trang NN,Lee TW,Kao YH, Chao TF,Lee TI,Chen YJ. Ketogenic diet modulates cardiac metabolic dysregulation in streptozocin-induced diabetic rats . The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry .2023 ;(111):109161

8. 2023 Chung CC,Lin YK,Chen YC,Kao YH,Yeh YH,Trang NN, Chen YJ. Empagliflozin suppressed cardiac fibrogenesis through sodium-hydrogen exchanger inhibition and modulation of the calcium homeostasis. . Cardiovascular Diabetology .2023 ;(22):27

9. 2023 Huynh TV,Rethi L,Lee TW,Higa S,Kao YH,Chen YJ. Spike Protein Impairs Mitochondrial Function in Human Cardiomyocytes: Mechanisms Underlying Cardiac Injury in COVID-19. . Cells .2023 ;(12):877

10. 2023 Huynh TV,Rethi L,Rethi L,Chen CH,Chen YJ,Kao YH. The Complex Interplay between Imbalanced Mitochondrial Dynamics and Metabolic Disorders in Type 2 Diabetes . Cells .2023 ;(12):1223

11. 2022 Lee TW,Chung CC,Lee TI,Lin YK,Kao YH,Chen YJ. Fibroblast Growth Factor 23 Stimulates Cardiac Fibroblast Activity through Phospholipase C-Mediated Calcium Signaling . Int J Mol Sci .2022 ;(23):166-182

12. 2022 ,Chen YC,Li SJ,Lee TI,Lee TW,Higa S, Chung CC, Kao YH, Chen SA, Chen YJ.. Galectin-3 enhances atrial remodelling and arrhythmogenesis through CD98 signalling . Acta Physiol (Oxf) .2022

13. 2022 Cheng WL,Li SJ,Lee TI,Lee TW,Chung CC,Kao YH, Chen YJ. Sugar Fructose Triggers Gut Dysbiosis and Metabolic Inflammation with Cardiac Arrhythmogenesis . Biomedicines .2022 ;(7):728

14. 2022 Cheng YL,Lee TW,Lee TI,Kao YH,Wu CY,Chen YJ. Class I HDAC Modulates Angiotensin II-induced Fibroblast Migration and Mitochondrial Overactivity . European Journal of Clinical Investigation .2022 ;(52):e13712

15. 2022 Chen PH,Chung CC,Liu SH,Kao YH,Chen YJ. Lithium Treatment Improves Cardiac Dysfunction in Rats Deprived of Rapid Eye Movement Sleep . Int J Mol Sci .2022 ;(23):11226

16. 2022 Cheng Ying Lien,Lee Ting Wei,Lee Ting I,Kao Yu Hsun,Wu Chih Yin,Chen Yi Jen. Sex and Age Differences Modulate Association of Vitamin D with Serum Triglyceride Levels . Journal of Personalized Medicine .2022 ;(12)

17. 2022 Lu YY,Lin FJ,Chen YC,Kao YH,Higa S,Chen SA, Chen YJ. International Journal of Molecular Sciences . Role of Endothelin-1 in Right Atrial Arrhythmogenesis in Rabbits with Monocrotaline-Induced Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension .2022 ;(23):10993

18. 2022 Li SJ, Cheng WL,Kao YH,Chung CC,Trang NN,Chen YJ. Melatonin Inhibits NF-κB/CREB/Runx2 Signaling and Alleviates Aortic Valve Calcification . Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine .2022 ;(9):885293

19. 2021 Chung CC,Chin CG,Lin YK,Chen YC,Cheng WL,Yeh YH, Kao YH, Chen YJ. Regional Diversities in Fibrogenesis Weighed as a Key Determinant for Atrial Arrhythmogenesis . Biomedicines .2021 ;(9):1900

20. 2021 Chen PH,Chung CC,Lin YF,Kao YH,Chen YJ. Lithium Reduces Migration and Collagen Synthesis Activity in Human Cardiac Fibroblasts by Inhibiting Store-Operated Ca2+ Entry. . Int J Mol Sci .2021 ;(22):842

21. 2021 Chung CC,Lin YK,Chen YC,Kao YH,Yeh YH,Chen YJ. Calcium Regulation on the Atrial Regional Difference of Collagen Production Activity in Atrial Fibrogenesis . Biomedicines .2021 ;(9):686

22. 2021 Chung CC,Lin YK,Kao YH,Lin SH,Chen YJ. Physiological testosterone attenuates profibrotic activities of rat cardiac fibroblasts through modulation of nitric oxide and calcium homeostasis. . Endocrine Journal .2021 ;(68):307-315

23. 2021 Lkhagva B,Lin YK,Chen YC,Cheng WL,Higa S,Kao YH, Chen YJ. ZFHX3 knockdown dysregulates mitochondrial adaptations to tachypacing in atrial myocytes through enhanced oxidative stress and calcium overload. . Acta Physiologica .2021 ;(231):e13604

24. 2021 Lee TW,Lee TI,Lin YK,Chen YC,Kao YH,Chen YJ. Effect of antidiabetic drugs on the risk of atrial fibrillation: mechanistic insights from clinical evidence and translational studies. . Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences .2021 ;(78):923-934

25. 2021 Lee TW,Liu HW,Lin YF,Lee TI,Kao YH,Chen YJ. Histone deacetylase inhibition improves metabolism and mitochondrial dynamics: A potential novel therapeutic strategy for sarcopenia with diabetes mellitus coexisting . Medical Hypotheses .2021 ;(158):110724

26. 2021 Chung CC,Chin CG,Lin YK,Chen YC,Cheng WL,Yeh YH, Kao YH, Chen YJ. Regional Diversities in Fibrogenesis Weighed as a Key Determinant for Atrial Arrhythmogenesis. . Biomedicines .2021 ;(9):1900

27. 2021 Huang SY,Chen YC,Kao YH,Lu YY,Lin YK,Higa S, Chen SA, Chen YJ. Calcium dysregulation increases right ventricular outflow tract arrhythmogenesis in rabbit model of chronic kidney disease. . Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine .2021 ;(25):11264-11277

28. 2021 Lee TI,Chen YC,Lin YK,Chung CC,Lu YY,Kao YH, Chen YJ. Empagliflozin Attenuates Myocardial Sodium and Calcium Dysregulation and Reverses Cardiac Remodeling in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats. . Int J Mol Sci .2021 ;(20)

29. 2020 Li SJ,Kao YH,Chung CC,Cheng WL,Lin YK,Chen YJ. Vascular endothelial growth factor on Runt-related transcript factor-2 in aortic valve cells. . Eur J Clin Invest.2020 Nov 22: .2020

30. 2020 Chen PH,Kao YH,Chang CK,, Lin YK,Lin YF,Chen YJ. Clinical Risk Factors for Therapeutic Lithium-Associated Electrocardiographic Changes in Patients With Bipolar Disorder. . .J Clin Psychopharmacol .2020 ;(40):46-53

31. 2020 Cheng WL,Kao YH,Chen YC,Lin YK,Chen SA,Chen YJ. Macrophage migration inhibitory factor increases atrial arrhythmogenesis through CD74 signaling . Transl Res .2020

32. 2019 Cheng WL,Kao YH,Chao TF,Lin YK,Chen SA,Chen YJ. MicroRNA-133 suppresses ZFHX3-dependent atrial remodelling and arrhythmia . Acta Physiol (Oxf) .2019

33. 2019 Lee TI,Kao YH,Baigalmaa L,Lee TW,Lu YY,Chen YC, Chao TF, Chen YJ. Sodium hydrosulphide restores tumour necrosis factor-α-induced mitochondrial dysfunction and metabolic dysregulation in HL-1 cells . J Cell Mol Med .2019 ;(23):7641-7650

34. 2019 Lee TW,Kao YH,Chen YJ,Chao TF,Lee TI. Therapeutic potential of vitamin D in AGE/RAGE-related cardiovascular diseases. . Cell Mol Life Sci .2019 ;(76):4103--4115

35. 2019 Chen PH,Chao TF,Kao YH,Chen YJ. Lithium interacts with cardiac remodeling: the fundamental value in the pharmacotherapy of bipolar disorder. . Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry .2019 ;(10):208-214

36. 2019 Li SJ,Kao YH,Chung CC,Cheng WL,Chen YJ. HDAC I inhibitor regulates RUNX2 transactivation through canonical and non-canonical Wnt signaling in aortic valvular interstitial cells. . Am J Transl Res .2019 ;(11):744-754

37. 2019 Yu‐Hsun Kao , Cheng‐Chih Chung ,Wan‐Li Cheng ,Baigalmaa Lkhagva ,Yi‐Jen Chen. Pitx2c Inhibition Increases Atrial Fibroblast Activity: Implications in Atrial Arrhythmogenesis . Eur J Clin Invest .2019 ;(49):e13160

38. 2018 Lee TW,Lee TI,Lin YK,Kao YH,Chen YJ. Calcitriol downregulates fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 through histone deacetylase activation in HL-1 atrial myocytes. . J Biomed Sci. .2018 ;(25):42

39. 2018 Lee TW,Lee TI,Lin YK,Kao YH,Chen YJ. Calcitriol downregulates fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 through histone deacetylase activation in HL-1 atrial myocytes. . J Biomed Sci. .2018 ;(25):42-42

40. 2018 Lee Ting I ,Bai Kuan Jen ,Chen Yao Chang ,Lee Ting Wei ,Chung Cheng Chih ,Tsai Wen‑Chih, Tsao Shin‑Yi, Kao Yu‑Hsun . Histone deacetylase inhibition of cardiac autophagy in rats on a high-fat diet with low-dose streptozotocin-induced type 2 diabetes mellitus . Molecular Medicine Reports .2018 ;(17):594-601

41. 2018 Chan CS,Lin YK,Kao YH,Chen YC,Chen SA7,Chen YJ. Hydrogen sulphide increases pulmonary veins and atrial arrhythmogenesis with activation of protein kinase C . J Cell Mol Med .2018 ;(22):3503-3513

42. 2017 Lee TW, Bai KJ, Lee TI,Chao TF,Kao YH,Chen YJ. PPARs modulate cardiac metabolism and mitochondrial function in diabetes. . J Biomed Sci. .2017 ;(24):5

43. 2017 Chung Cheng Chih ,Kao Yu-Hsun ,Lin Yung-Kuo ,Chen Yi-Jen . A comparison of left and right atrial fibroblasts reveals different collagen production activity and stress-induced mitogen-activated protein kinase signalling in rats . Acta Physiologica .2017 ;(220):432-445

44. 2017 Lee Ting Wei ,Kao Yu Hsun ,Lee Ting I. ,Chen Yi Jen . ADAM10 modulates calcitriol-regulated RAGE in cardiomyocytes . European Journal of Clinical Investigation .2017 ;(47):675-683

45. 2017 Chang Shih Lin ,Chuang Hui Lun ,Chen Yao Chang ,Kao Yu Hsun ,Lin Yung Kuo . Heart failure modulates electropharmacological characteristics of sinoatrial nodes . Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine .2017 ;(13):771-779

46. 2017 Huang Shih Yu ,Chen Yao Chang ,Kao Yu Hsun ,Hsieh Ming Hsiung ,Lin Yung Kuo . Redox and activation of protein kinase A dysregulates calcium homeostasis in pulmonary vein cardiomyocytes of chronic kidney disease . Journal of the American Heart Association .2017 ;(6)

47. 2017 Li SJ,Kao YH,Chung CC,Chen WY,Cheng WL,Chen YJ. Activated p300 acetyltransferase activity modulates aortic valvular calcification with osteogenic transdifferentiation and downregulation of Klotho . Int J Cardiol .2017 ;(232):271-279

48. 2016 Chung CC,Kao YH,Yao CJ,Lin YK,Chen YJ. A comparison of left and right atrial fibroblasts reveals different collagen production activity and stress-induced mitogen-activated protein kinase signalling in rats . Acta Physiol .2016 ;(1):1-1

49. 2016 Huang JH,Chen YC,Lee TI,Kao YH,Chao TF,Chen SA, Chen YJ*. Glucagon-like Peptide-1 Regulates Calcium Homeostasis and Electrophysiological Activities of HL-1 Cardiomyocytes . Peptides .2016 ;(78):91-98

50. 2016 Kao YH,Hsu JC,Chen YC,,Lin YK,Lkhagva B,Chen SA, Chen YJ. ZFHX3 Knockdown Increases Arrhythmogenesis and Dysregulates Calcium Homeostasis in HL-1 Atrial Myocytes . Int J Cardiol .2016 ;(210):85-92

51. 2016 Lu YY,Chen YC ,Kao YH,Lin YK,Yeh YH,Chen SA, Chen YJ. Colchicine modulates calcium homeostasis and electrical property of HL-1 cells . J Cell Mol Med .2016

52. 2016 Huang SY,Chen YC, Kao YH,Hsieh MH,Chen YA,Chen WP, Lin YK, Chen SA, Chen YJ. Renal failure induces atrial arrhythmogenesis from discrepant electrophysiological remodeling and calcium regulation in pulmonary veins, sinoatrial node, and atria . Int J Cardiol .2016 ;(202):846-857

53. 2015 Lee TW,Lee TI,Chang CJ,Lien GS,Kao YH*,Chao TF, Chen YJ. Potential of vitamin D in treating diabetic cardiomyopathy . Nutr Res .2015 ;(35):269-279

54. 2015 Lkhagva B,Lin YK,Kao YH*,Chao TF,Chung CC,Chen SA, Chen YJ*. Novel Histone Deacetylase Inhibitor Modulates Cardiac Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptors and Inflammatory Cytokines in Heart Failure . Pharmacology .2015 ;(96):184-191

55. 2015 Hsu JC,Cheng CC,Kao YH,Chen YC,Chung CC,Chen YJ. Testosterone regulates cardiac calcium homeostasis with enhanced ryanodine receptor 2 expression through activation of TGF-β . Int J Cardiol .2015 ;(190):11-14

56. 2015 Tsai WC,Lu YY,Chen YC,Chang CJ,Kao YH,Lin YK, Chen YH, Chen SA, Yang LY, Chen YJ. Ablation of androgen receptor gene triggers right ventricular outflow tract ventricular tachycardia . Int J Cardiol .2015 ;(189):172-181

57. 2015 Chung CC,Kao YH*,Lu YY,Chen YJ*. Reply to the letter "androgens in cardiac fibrosis and other cardiovascular mechanisms" . Int J Cardiol .2015 ;(182):340-341

58. 2014 Hanafy DA,Chang SL,Lu YY,Chen YC,Kao YH,Huang JH, Chen SA, Chen YJ*. Electromechanical Effects of 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D with Antiatrial Fibrillation Activities . J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol .2014 ;(25):317-323

59. 2014 Lee TW,Kao YH*,Lee TI,Chang CJ, Lien GS,Chen YJ. Calcitriol modulates receptor for advanced glycation end products (RAGE) in diabetic hearts . Int J Cardiol .2014 ;(173):236-241

60. 2014 Lu YY,Chung FP,Chen YC,Tsai CF,Kao YH,Chao TF, Huang JH, Chen SA, Chen YJ*. Distinctive electrophysiological characteristics of right ventricular out-flow tract cardiomyocytes . J Cell Mol Med .2014 ;(18):1540-1548

61. 2014 Kao YH,Chen YC,Lin YK,Shiu RJ,Chao TF,Chen SA, Chen YJ*. FGF-23 dysregulates calcium homeostasis and electrophysiological properties in HL-1 atrial cells . Eur J Clin Invest .2014 ;(44):795-801

62. 2014 Chen WT,Chen YC,Hsieh MH,Huang SY,Kao YH,Chen YA, Lin YK, Chen SA, Chen YJ*. The Uremic Toxin Indoxyl Sulfate Increases Pulmonary Vein and Atrial Arrhythmogenesis . J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol .2014

63. 2014 Tsai WC,Lee TI,Chen YC,Kao YH,Lu YY,Lin YK, Chen SA, Chen YJ*. Testosterone replacement increases aged pulmonary vein and left atrium arrhythmogenesis with enhanced adrenergic activity . Int J Cardiol .2014 ;(176):110-118

64. 2014 Lee TI,Kao YH*,Chen YC,Tsai WC,Chung CC,Chen YJ*. Cardiac metabolism, inflammation, and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors modulated by 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 in diabetic rats . Int J Cardiol .2014 ;(176):151-157

65. 2014 Lin YK,Chen YC,Kao YH,Tsai CF,Yeh YH,Huang JL, Cheng CC, Chen SA, Chen YJ. A monounsaturated fatty acid (oleic acid) modulates electrical activity in atrial myocytes with calcium and sodium dysregulation . Int J Cardiol .2014 ;(176):191-198

66. 2014 Kao YH,Lien GS,Chao TF,Chen YJ*. DNA methylation inhibition: a novel therapeutic strategy for heart failure . Int J Cardiol .2014 ;(176):232-233

67. 2014 Chung CC,Hsu RC,Kao YH*,Liou JP,Lu YY,Chen YJ*. Androgen attenuates cardiac fibroblasts activations through modulations of transforming growth factor-β and angiotensin II signaling . Int J Cardiol .2014 ;(176):386-393

68. 2014 Hanafy DA,Chang SL,Lu YY,Chen YC,Kao YH,Huang JH, Chen SA, Chen YJ*. Electromechanical Effects of 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D with Antiatrial Fibrillation Activities . J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol .2014 ;(25):317-323

69. 2013 Tsai WC,Chen YC,Kao YH,Lu YY,Chen SA,Chen YJ*.. Distinctive sodium and calcium regulation associated with sex differences in atrial electrophysiology of rabbits . Int J Cardiol .2013 ;(168):4658-4666

70. 2013 Kao YH,Liou JP,Chung CC,Lien GS,Kuo CC,Chen SA, Chen YJ*. Histone deacetylase inhibition improved cardiac functions with direct antifibrotic activity in heart failure . Int J Cardiol. 2013 Aug 7 .2013 ;(168):4178-4183

71. 2013 Lee TI,Kao YH*,Chen YC,Huang JH,Hsu MI,Chen YJ*. The dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitor-sitagliptin modulates calcium dysregulation, inflammation, and PPARs in hypertensive cardiomyocytes . Int J Cardiol .2013 ;(168):5390-5395

72. 2013 Chen WT,Chen YC,Lu YY,Kao YH,Huang JH,Lin YK, Chen SA, Chen YJ*. Apamin modulates electrophysiological characteristics of the pulmonary vein and the Sinoatrial Node . Eur J Clin Invest .2013 ;(43):957-963

73. 2013 Tsai WC,Yang LY,Chen YC,Kao YH,Lin YK,Chen SA, Cheng CF, Chen YJ*. Ablation of the androgen receptor gene modulates atrial electrophysiology and arrhythmogenesis with calcium protein dysregulation . Endocrinology .2013 ;(154):2833-2842

74. 2013 Lu YY,Chen YC,Kao YH,Chen SA,Chen YJ*. Extracellular matrix of collagen modulates arrhythmogenic activity of pulmonary veins through p38 MAPK activation . J Mol Cell Cardiol .2013 ;(59):159-166

75. 2013 Chang SL,Chen YC,Hsu CP,Kao YH,Lin YK,Lai YJ, Yeh HI, Higa S, Chen SA, Chen YJ*. Heat shock protein inducer modifies arrhythmogenic substrate and inhibits atrial fibrillation in the failing heart . Int J Cardiol .2013 ;(168):4019-4026

76. 2013 Lee TI,Chen YC,Kao YH,Hsiao FC,Lin YK,Chen YJ*. Rosiglitazone induces arrhythmogenesis in diabetic hypertensive rats with calcium handling alteration . Int J Cardiol .2013 ;(165):299-307

77. 2013 Chang CJ,Chen YC,Kao YH,Lin YK,Chen SA,Chen YJ*. Response to letter regarding article, "dabigatran and thrombin modulate electrophysiological characteristics of pulmonary vein and left atrium" by chang et Al. . Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol .2013 ;(6):e23

78. 2013 Chang SL,Chen YC,Hsu CP,Kao YH,Lin YK,Lin YJ, Wu TJ, Chen SA*, Chen YJ*. Electrophysiological characteristics of complex fractionated electrograms and high frequency activity in atrial fibrillation . Int J Cardiol .2013

79. 2013 Hanafy DA,Chen YC,Chang SL,Lu YY,Lin YK,Kao YH, Chen SA, Chen YJ*. Different effects of dronedarone and amiodarone on pulmonary vein electrophysiology, mechanical properties and H2O2-induced arrhythmogenicity . Eur J Pharmacol .2013 ;(702):103-108

80. 2013 Lee TI,Kao YH*,Chen YC,Huang JH,Hsiao FC,Chen YJ*. Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors modulate cardiac dysfunction in diabetic cardiomyopathy . Diabetes Res Clin Pract .2013

81. 2013 Chung CC,Kao YH,Chen YJ,Chen YJ*. Androgen modulates cardiac fibrosis contributing to gender differences on heart failure . Aging Male .2013 ;(16):22-27

82. 2013 Yu-Hsun Kao,Yao-Chang Chen,Chen-Chih Chung,Gi-Shih Lien,Shih-Ann Chen,Ching-Chuan Kuo, Yi-Jen Chen*. Heart failure and angiotensin II modulate atrial Pitx2c promotor methylation . Clin Experimental Pharmacol Physiol .2013

83. 2013 Kao YH,Chiu WC,Hsu MI,Chen YJ*. Endothelial progenitor cell dysfunction in polycystic ovary syndrome: implications in the genesis of cardiovascular disease . Int J Fertil Steril .2013 ;(6):208-213

84. 2013 Kao YH,Chen YC,Chung CC,Lien GS,Chen SA,Kuo CC, Che YJ. Heart failure and angiotensin II modulate atrial Pitx2c promotor methylation . Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol .2013 ;(40):379-84

85. 2013 Kao YH,Chen YC,Chung CC,Lien GS,Chen SA,Kuo CC, Chen YJ. Heart failure and angiotensin II modulate atrial Pitx2c promotor methylation . Clin Experimental Pharmacol Physiol .2013 ;(40):379-384

86. 2012 Chang CJ,Chen YC,Kao YH,Lin YK,Chen SA,Chen YJ*. Dabigatran and thrombin modulate electrophysiological characteristics of pulmonary vein and left atrium . Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol .2012 ;(5):1176-1183

87. 2012 Tsao HM,Weerateerangkul P,Chen YC,Kao YH,Lin YK,Huang JH, Chen SA, Chen YJ*. Amyloid peptide regulates calcium homoeostasis and arrhythmogenesis in pulmonary vein cardiomyocytes . Eur J Clin Invest .2012 ;(42):589-598

88. 2011 Suenari K,Chen YC,Kao YH,Cheng CC,Lin YK,Chen YJ*, Chen SA*. Discrepant Electrophysiological Characteristics and Calcium Homeostasis of Left Atrial Anterior and Posterior Myocytes . Basic Res Cardiol .2011 ;(106):65-74

89. 2011 Lu YY,Chen YC,Kao YH,Wu TJ,Chen SA,Chen YJ*.. Extracellular Matrix of Collagen Modulates Intracellular Calcium Handling and Electrophysiological Characteristics of HL-1 Cardiomyocytes with Activation of Angiotensin II . J Card Fail .2011 ;(17):82-90

90. 2011 Cheng CC,Huang CF,Chen YC,Lin YK,Kao YH,Chen YJ*, Chen SA. Heat-Stress Responses Modulate Beta-Adrenergic Agonist and Angiotensin II Effects on the Arrhythmogenesis of Pulmonary Vein Cardiomyocytes . J Cardiovasc Electr .2011 ;(22):183-190

91. 2011 Suenari K,Chen YC,Kao YH,Cheng CC,Lin YK,Kihara Y, Chen YJ*, Chen SA. Eicosapentaenoic acid reduces the pulmonary vein arrhythmias through nitric oxide . Life Sci .2011 ;(89):129-136

92. 2011 Lee TI,Kao YH*,Chen YC,Pan NH,Lin YK,Chen YJ*. Cardiac Peroxisome Proliferator-activated Receptors Expressions in Hypertension Coexisting with Diabetes . Clin Sci .2011 ;(121):305-312

93. 2011 Kao YH,Cheng CC,Chen YC,Chung CC,Lee TI,Chen SA, Chen YJ*. Hydralazine-induced Promoter Demethylation Enhances Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Ca2+-ATPase and Calcium Homeostasis in Cardiac Myocytes . Lab Invest .2011 ;(91):1291-1297

94. 2011 Kao YH,Chen YC,Cheng CC,Lee TI,Chen YJ,Chen SA. Hydralazine-induced Promoter Demethylation Enhances Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Ca2+-ATPase and Calcium Homeostasis in Cardiac Myocytes . Lab Invest .2011 ;(91):1291-1297

95. 2010 Kao YH,Chen YC,Cheng CC,Lee TI,Chen YJ*,Chen SA. Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha Decreases Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Ca2+-ATPase Expressions via the Promoter Methylation in Cardiomyocytes . Crit Care Med .2010 ;(38):217-222

96. 2010 Lee TI,Kao YH*,Chen YC,Pan NH,Chen YJ*. Oxidative stress and inflammation modulate peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors with regional discrepancy in diabetic heart . Eur J Clin Invest .2010 ;(40):692-699

97. 2010 Pan NH,Chen YC,Kao YH*,Chen YJ. Role of glycogen synthase kinase3 beta/GATA-4 in tumor necrosis factor-alpha-regulated expressions in cardiomyocytes sarcoplasmic recticulum Ca2+-ATPase . Acta Cardiol Sin .2010 ;(26):179-83

98. 2010 Chen YC,Kao YH,Huang CF,Cheng CC,Chen YJ*,Chen SA. Heat stress responses modulate calcium regulations and electrophysiological characteristics in atrial myocytes . J Mol Cell Cardiol .2010 ;(48):781-788

99. 2009 Lee TI,Kao YH*,Chen YC,Chen YJ*. Proinflammatory cytokine and ligands modulate cardiac peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors . Eur J Clin Invest .2009 ;(39):23-30

100. 2008 Kao YH,Hsieh HP,Chitlimalla SK,Pan WY,Kuo CC,Tsai YC, Lin WH, Chuang SE*, Chang JY*. A novel peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha/gamma agonist, BPR1H0101, inhibits topoisomerase II catalytic activity in human cancer cells . Anti-cancer Drug .2008 ;(19):151-158


113 Nav1.5 deficiency 致心肌纖維化機轉以及開發外泌體攜帶miRNA作為新治療策略(2/2)

112 Nav1.5 deficiency 致心肌纖維化機轉以及開發外泌體攜帶miRNA作為新治療策略(1/2)

110 探討新型冠狀病毒棘狀蛋白S1誘導心臟電生理及結構性重塑之病理機制:治療新型冠狀肺炎引發心臟損傷之新契機

109 ZFHX3 knockdown調控心房纖維化導致心房顫動病理性結構重塑之機轉探討

108 改善於電性重塑引發氧化壓力及細胞內鈣離子調控異常作為心房纖維顫動治療策略的研究

108 SCN5a缺失對心肌纖維化的機轉探討:離子通道疾病導致的結構性重塑之影響

107 組蛋白去乙醯?調控粒線體功能於抑制心臟纖維細胞之機轉及治療心衰竭之應用

106 Pitx2c於心房和纖維母細胞的附基因調控作用與心房顫動之治療機轉探討(2/2)

105 Pitx2c於心房和纖維母細胞的附基因調控作用與心房顫動之治療機轉探討(1/2)

105 Pitx2c於心房和纖維母細胞的附基因調控作用與心房顫動之治療機轉探討(1/2)

104 探討調控Pitx2c對心房纖維母細胞活性、電生理特性及心肌細胞間之交互作用與心房顫動之關聯性

103 Pitx2c的調控機轉於心衰竭的心房電生理與心肌結構重塑之角色(2/2)

102 Calcitriol調控高等糖化終產物受體在糖尿病心臟上的病理生理機轉

102 Pitx2c的調控機轉於心衰竭的心房電生理與心肌結構重塑之角色(1/2)

102 PITX2C的調控機轉於心衰竭的心房電生理與心肌結構重塑之角色(1-2)

102 PITX2XC的調控機轉於心衰竭的心房電生理與心肌結構重塑之角色(2/2)

101 TMU101-AE1-B54