張資昊(Chang, Tzu-Hao) 教授

現   職
生物資訊中心 主任
醫學資訊研究所 所長
醫學資訊研究所 教授


學 歷

中央大學資訊工程博士班 博士
元智大學資訊管理研究所 碩士
中央大學資訊管理系 學士




2024/03/01 ~
2021/08/01 ~
2019/12/01 ~ 2021/07/31
2019/08/01 ~
2019/08/01 ~ 2019/11/30
2018/08/01 ~ 2023/09/30
2015/08/01 ~
2015/02/01 ~ 2019/11/30
2015/02/01 ~




Systems Biology and Omics Analysis



1. 2023 Machine Learning-Based Prediction of Atrial Fibrillation Risk Using Electronic Medical Records in Older Aged Patients . American Journal of Cardiology .2023

2. 2023 The Downregulation of miR-509-3p Expression by Collagen Type XI Alpha 1-Regulated Hypermethylation Facilitates Cancer Progression and Chemoresistance via the DNA Methyltransferase 1/Small Ubiquitin-like Modifier-3 Axis in Ovarian Cancer Cells . Journal of Ovarian Research .2023

3. 2023 Downregulation of SIRT1 and GADD45G genes and left atrial fibrosis induced by right ventricular dependent pacing in a complete atrioventricular block pig model . Biomolecules and Biomedicine .2023

4. 2023 CCN1 is a peripheral therapeutic target for reperfused ischemic brain injury . Progress in Neurobiology .2023

5. 2023 Assessing Non-Specific Neck Pain through Pose Estimation from Images Based on Ensemble Learning . Life .2023

6. 2022 Comparative survival analysis of platinum-based adjuvant chemotherapy for early-stage squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma of the lung . Cancer Medicine .2022

7. 2022 Effects of osteoporosis medications on bone fracture in patients with chronic kidney disease . Postgraduate Medical Journal .2022

8. 2022 Hypermethylation of TMEM240 predicts poor hormone therapy response and disease progression in breast cancer . Molecular Medicine .2022

9. 2022 Relationship between metformin use and lactic acidosis in advanced chronic kidney disease: The REMIND-TMU study . The American Journal of the Medical Sciences .2022

10. 2022 Galectin-1 orchestrates an inflammatory tumor-stroma crosstalk in hepatoma by enhancing TNFR1 protein stability and signaling in carcinoma-associated fibroblasts . Oncogene .2022

11. 2022 Contact Laxative Use and the Risk of Arteriovenous Fistula Maturation Failure in Patients Undergoing Hemodialysis: A Multi-Center Cohort Study . International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health .2022

12. 2022 Aminoglycosides use has a risk of acute kidney injury in patients without prior chronic kidney disease . Scientific Reports .2022

13. 2022 High Inferior Vena Cava Diameter with High Left Ventricular End Systolic Diameter as a Risk Factor for Major Adverse Cardiovascular Events, Cardiovascular and Overall Mortality among Chronic Hemodialysis Patients . Journal of Clinical Medicine .2022

14. 2022 Microbiota dysbiosis in odontogenic rhinosinusitis and its association with anaerobic bacteria . Scientific Reports .2022

15. 2022 Development and Validation of Novel Deep-Learning Models Using Multiple Data Types for Lung Cancer Survival . Cancers .2022

16. 2022 dbAMP 2.0: updated resource for antimicrobial peptides with an enhanced scanning method for genomic and proteomic data . Nucleic Acids Research .2022

17. 2022 CircNet 2.0: an updated database for exploring circular RNA regulatory networks in cancers . Nucleic Acids Research .2022

18. 2021 Comparative survival analysis of platinum-based adjuvant chemotherapy for early-stage squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma of the lung . Cancer Medicine (accepted) .2021

19. 2021 A COVID-19 Pandemic Artificial Intelligence-Based System With Deep Learning Forecasting and Automatic Statistical Data Acquisition: Development and Implementation Study . J Med Internet Res .2021

20. 2021 CCL5 promotion of bioenergy metabolism is crucial for hippocampal synapse complex and memory formation . Molecular Psychiatry .2021

21. 2021 Platelet autophagic machinery involved in thrombosis through a novel linkage of AMPK-MTOR to sphingolipid metabolism . Autophagy .2021

22. 2021 Early Chronic Kidney Disease Care Programme delays kidney function deterioration in patients with stage I-IIIa chronic kidney disease: an observational cohort study in Taiwan . BMJ Open .2021

23. 2021 Biomarker Identification through Multiomics Data Analysis of Prostate Cancer Prognostication Using a Deep Learning Model and Similarity Network Fusion . Cancers .2021

24. 2021 Tissue microbiota in nasopharyngeal adenoid and its association with pneumococcal carriage . Microbial Pathogenesis .2021

25. 2021 COL11A1 activates cancer-associated fibroblasts by modulating TGF-β3 through the NF-κB/IGFBP2 axis in ovarian cancer cells . Oncogene .2021

26. 2021 Maternal Vegetable and Fruit Consumption during Pregnancy and Its Effects on Infant Gut Microbiome . Nutrients .2021

27. 2021 Collagen type VI regulates the CDK4/6-p-Rb signaling pathway and promotes ovarian cancer invasiveness, stemness, and metastasis . Am J Cancer Res .2021

28. 2021 Investigation of dual antiplatelet therapy after coronary stenting in patients with chronic kidney disease . PLOS ONE .2021

29. 2021 Association between intracytoplasmic sperm injection and neurodevelopmental outcomes among offspring . PLOS ONE .2021

30. 2021 Sarcomeres Morphology and Z-line Arrangement Disarray Induced by Ventricular Premature Contractions Through the Rac2/Cofilin Pathway . International Journal of Molecular Sciences .2021

31. 2021 Identification of Differentially Expressed Genes in Different Glioblastoma Regions and Their Association with Cancer Stem Cell Development and Temozolomide Response . Journal of Personalized Medicine .2021

32. 2021 Effects of osteoporosis medications on bone fracture in patients with chronic kidney disease . Postgraduate Medical Journal (accpted) .2021

33. 2021 Clinically Applicable System for Rapidly Predicting Enterococcus faecium Susceptibility to Vancomycin . Microbiol Spectr .2021

34. 2021 miR-335 restrains the aggressive phenotypes of ovarian cancer cells by inhibiting COL11A1 . CANCERS .2021

35. 2020 Pilot Study to Establish a Novel Five-Gene Biomarker Panel for Predicting Lymph Node Metastasis in Patients With Early Stage Endometrial Cancer . Frontiers in Oncology .2020

36. 2020 Computational analysis for identification of the extracellular matrix molecules involved in endometrial cancer progression . PLOS ONE .2020

37. 2020 Incorporating deep learning and multi-omics autoencoding for analysis of lung adenocarcinoma prognostication . Computational Biology and Chemistry .2020

38. 2020 A patient‐oriented, general‐practitioner‐level, deep‐learning‐based cutaneous pigmented lesion risk classifier on a smartphone . British Journal of Dermatology .2020

39. 2020 Untargeted Metabolomics Predicts the Functional Outcome of Ischemic Stroke . Journal of the Formosan Medical Association .2020

40. 2020 Preclinical Evaluation of the Novel Small-Molecule MSI-N1014 for Treating Drug-Resistant Colon Cancer via the LGR5/beta-catenin/miR-142-3p Network and Reducing Cancer-Associated Fibroblast Transformation . CANCERS .2020

41. 2020 Radiomic Immunophenotyping of GSEA-Assessed Immunophenotypes of Glioblastoma and Its Implications for Prognosis: A Feasibility Study . CANCERS .2020

42. 2020 Classification of changes in the fecal microbiota associated with colonic adenomatous polyps using a long-read sequencing platform . GENES .2020

43. 2020 Characterization of Fecal Microbiota with Clinical Specimen Using Long-Read and Short-Read Sequencing Platform . International Journal of Molecular Sciences .2020

44. 2019 Lu YT,Wang SH,Liou ML,Shen TA,Lu YC,Hsin CH, Yang SF, Chen YY, Chang TH. Microbiota Dysbiosis in Fungal Rhinosinusitis . Journal of clinical medicine .2019

45. 2019 Alteration of mesenchymal stem cells polarity by laminar shear stimulation promoting β-catenin nuclear localization . Biomaterials .2019

46. 2019 YC Lin,YC Lin,MT Chuang,CC Peng,KC Chen,MS Wu, YZ Lai, TH Chang. Effect of weight loss on the estimated glomerular filtration rates of obese patients at risk of chronic kidney disease: the RIGOR-TMU study . Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle .2019

47. 2019 CS Lin,CC Chang,YW Lee,CC Liu,CC Yeh,YC Chang, MT Chuang, TH Chang, TL Chen, CC Liao. Adverse Outcomes after Major Surgeries in Patients with Diabetes: A Multicenter Matched Study . Journal of Clinical Medicine .2019

48. 2019 Chen CH,Liou ML,Lee CY,Chang MC,Kuo HY,Chang TH. Diversity of nasal microbiota and its interaction with surface microbiota among residents in healthcare institutes . Sci Rep .2019

49. 2019 Hsu JB,Chang TH,Lee GA,Lee TY,Chen CY. Identification of potential biomarkers related to glioma survival by gene expression profile analysis . BMC Med Genomics .2019

50. 2019 Lin YS,Chang TH,Shi CS,Wang YZ,Ho WC,Huang HD, Chang ST, Pan KL, Chen MC. Liver X Receptor/Retinoid X Receptor Pathway Plays a Regulatory Role in Pacing-Induced Cardiomyopathy . J Am Heart Assoc .2019

51. 2018 Chih-Yuan Fang,Mien-Cheng Chen,Tzu-Hao Chang,Chia-Chen Wu,Jen-Ping Chang,Hsien-Da Huang, Wan-Chun Ho, Yi-Zhen Wang, Kuo-Li Pan, Yu-Sheng Lin, Yao-Kuang Huang, Chien-Jen Chen, and Wei-Chieh Lee1. Idi1 and Hmgcs2 Are Affected by Stretch in HL-1 Atrial Myocytes . Int J Mol Sci. .2018

52. 2018 Vaginal microbiome variances in sample groups categorized by clinical criteria of bacterial vaginosis . BMC Genomics .2018

53. 2018 State-of-the-Art on Viral microRNAs in HPV Infection and Cancer Development . microRNA .2018

54. 2018 A three–MicroRNA signature as a potential biomarker for the early detection of oral cancer . International Journal of Molecular Sciences .2018

55. 2018 Differential Gene Expression Profile of Renin-Angiotensin System in the Left Atrium in Mitral Regurgitation Patients . Disease Markers .2018

56. 2018 Chiang WF,Cheng TM,Chang CC,Pan SH,Changou CA,Chang TH, Lee KH, Wu SY, Chen YF, Chuang KH, Shieh DB, Chen YL, Tu CC, Tsui WL and Wu MH. Carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 6 (CEACAM6) promotes EGF receptor signaling of oral squamous cell carcinoma metastasis via the complex N-glycosylation . Oncogene .2018

57. 2018 Wu MH,Luo JD,Wang WC,Chang TH,Hwang WL,Lee KH, Liu SY, Yang JW, Chiou CT, Chang CH, Chiang WF. Risk analysis of malignant potential of oral verrucous hyperplasia: a follow-up study of 269 patients and copy number variation analysis . Head & Neck .2018

58. 2018 LK Weng,KY Huang,TY Weng,FY Hung,Tzu-Hao Chang,TY Lee. Genome-wide discovery of viral microRNAs based on phylogenetic analysis and structural evolution of various human papillomavirus subtypes . Briefings in Bioinformatics .2018

59. 2017 Usman Iqbal,Tzu-Hao Chang,Phung-Anh Nguyen,Suleman Atique,Shabbir Syed-Abdul,HC Yang, CW Huang, WC Yang, Max Moldovan, WS Jian, MH Hsu, Y Yen, YC Li. Benzodiazepines use and breast cancer risk: A population-based study and gene expression profiling evidence . Journal of Biomedical Informatics (accepted) .2017

60. 2017 HC Tseng,HM Chen,HM Wang,C Liang,CM Chiu,JY Chang, KY Lu, SL Weng, TH Chang, CT Weng, WC Wang, HD Huang. Diversity and enterotype in gut bacterial community of adults in Taiwan . BMC Genomics .2017

61. 2017 SL Weng,KY Huang,FJ Kaunang,CH Huang,HJ Kao,TH Chang, HY Wang, JJ Lu, TY Lee. Investigation and identification of protein carbonylation sites based on positionspecific amino acid composition and physicochemical features . BMC Bioinformatics .2017

62. 2017 CC Chang,CW Chang,PAA Nguyen,TH Chang,YL Shih,WY Chang, JT Horng, OKS Lee, JHC Ho. Ankylosing spondylitis and the risk of cancer . Oncology Letters .2017

63. 2017 KY Huang,TH Chang,JH Jhong,YH Chi,WC Li,CL Chan, K Lai, TY Lee. Identification of natural antimicrobial peptides from bacteria through metagenomic and metatranscriptomic analysis of high-throughput transcriptome data of Taiwanese oolong teas . BMC Systems Biology .2017

64. 2017 YH Wu,YF Haung,TH Chang,CY Chou. Activation of TWIST1 by COL11A1 promotes chemoresistance and inhibits apoptosis in ovarian cancer cells by modulating NF-kappa B-mediated IKK beta expression . International Journal of Cancer .2017

65. 2016 Wong YH,Wu CC,Wu JC,Lai HY,Jheng BR,Chen MC, Chang TH, Chen BS. Temporal Genetic Modifications after Controlled Cortical Impact—Understanding Traumatic Brain Injury through a Systematic Network Approach . International Journal of Molecular Sciences .2016

66. 2016 Chen MC,Chang TH,Chang JP,Huang HD,Ho WC,Lin YS, Pan KL, Liu WH, Huang YK. Circulating miR-148b-3p and miR-409-3p as biomarkers for heart failure in patients with mitral regurgitation . International Journal of Cardiology .2016

67. 2016 Lee MC,Huang HJ,Chang TH,Huang HC,Hsieh SY,Chen YS, Chou WY, Chiang CH, Lai CH, Shiau CY. Genome-wide analysis of HIF-2α chromatin binding sites under normoxia in human bronchial epithelial cells (BEAS-2B) suggests its diverse functions . Scientific Reports .2016

68. 2016 Chen MC,Chang JP,Lin YS,Pan KL,Ho WC,Liu WH, Chang TH, Huang YK, Fang CY, Chen CJ. Deciphering the gene expression profile of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor signaling pathway in the left atria of patients with mitral regurgitation . Journal of Translational Medicine .2016

69. 2016 Bui VM,Weng SL,Lu CT,Chang TH,Weng JT,Lee TY. SOHSite: incorporating evolutionary information and physicochemical properties to identify protein S-sulfenylation sites . BMC Genomics .2016

70. 2016 Y.H. Wong,C.C. Wu,H.Y. Lai,H.Y. Weng,T.H. Chang,B.S. Chen. Identification of network-based biomarkers of cardioembolic stroke using a systems biology approach with time series data . BMC Systems Biology .2016

71. 2016 TH Chang,MC Chen,JP Chang,HD Huang,WC Ho,YS Lin, KL Pan, YK Huang, WH Liu. Exploring Regulatory Mechanisms of Atrial Myocyte Hypertrophy of Mitral Regurgitation through Gene Expression Profiling Analysis: Role of NFAT in Cardiac Hypertrophy . PLOS ONE (accepted) .2016

72. 2015 YH Wu,WT Chiu,MJ Young,TH Chang,YF Huang,CY Chou. Solanum Incanum Extract Downregulates Aldehyde Dehydrogenase 1-Mediated Stemness and Inhibits Tumor Formation in Ovarian Cancer Cells . JOURNAL OF CANCER .2015

73. 2015 Y.H. Wong,C.C. Wu,C.L. Lin,T.S. Chen,T.H. Chang,B.S. Chen. Applying NGS Data to Find Evolutionary Network Biomarkers from the Early and Late Stages of Hepatocellular Carcinoma . BioMed Research International .2015

74. 2015 V.N. Nguyen,K.Y. Huang,C.H. Huang,T.H. Chang,N. A. Bretana,K. R. Lai, J. T.Y. Weng, T.Y. Lee. Characterization and identification of ubiquitin conjugation sites with E3 ligase recognition specificities . BMC Bioinformatics .2015

75. 2015 Chen Huang-Chung,Chang Jen-Ping,Chang Tzu-Hao, Lin,Lin Yu-Sheng,Huang Yao-Kuang,Pan Kuo-Li, Fang Chih-Yuan, Chen Chien-Jen, Ho Wan-Chun, Chen Mien-Cheng. Enhanced expression of ROCK in left atrial myocytes of mitral regurgitation: a potential mechanism of myolysis . BMC Cardiovascular Disorders .2015

76. 2015 K.Y. Huang,T.Y. Lee,Y.C. Teng,T.H. Chang. ViralmiR: A support-vector-machine-based method for predicting viral microRNA precursors . BMC Bioinformatics .2015

77. 2015 Y.C. Kuo,T.H. Chang,W.T. Hsu,J. Zhou,H.H. Lee,H.C. Ho, S. Chien, K.S. Lee. Oscillatory Shear Stress Mediates Directional Re-organization of Actin Cytoskeleton and Alters Differentiation Propensity of Mesenchymal Stem Cells . Stem Cells .2015

78. 2014 G.S. Lien,J.F. Liu,M.H. Chien,W.T. Hsu,T.H. Chang,C.C. Ku, L.M. Lee, A. T.Q. Ji, J. H. Ho, P. Tan. The ability to suppress macrophage-mediated inflammation in orbital fat stem cells is controlled by miR-671-5p . Stem Cell Research & Therapy .2014

79. 2014 V. C. Kok,J.T. Horng,W.S. Chang,Y.F. Hong,T.H. Chang. Allopurinol Therapy in Gout Patients Does Not Associate with Beneficial Cardiovascular Outcomes: A Population-Based Matched-Cohort Study . PLOS ONE .2014

80. 2014 Shun-Long Weng,Chih-Min Chiu,Feng-Mao Lin,Wei-Chih Huang,Chao Liang,Ting Yang, Tzu-Ling Yang, Chia-Yu Liu, Wei-Yun Wu, Yi-An Chang, Tzu-Hao Chang, Hsien-Da Huang. Bacterial communities in semen from men of infertile couples: metagenomic sequencing reveals relationships of seminal microbiota to semen quality . PLOS ONE .2014

81. 2014 Tzu-Hao Chang,Shih-Lin Wu,Wei-Jen Wang,Jorng-Tzong Horng,Cheng-Wei Chang. A novel approach for discovering condition-specific correlations of gene expressions within biological pathways by using cloud computing technology . BioMed Research International (Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology) .2014

82. 2014 Tzong-Yi Lee,Cheng-Wei Chang,Cheng-Tzung Lu,Tzu-Hsiu Cheng,Tzu-Hao Chang. Identification and characterization of lysine methylation sites on histones and non-histone proteins . Computational Biology and Chemistry .2014

83. 2014 Chih-Min Chiu,Feng-Mao Lin,Tzu-Hao Chang,Wei-Chih Huang,Chao Liang,Ting Yang, Wei-Yun Wu, Tzu-Ling Yang, Shun-Long Weng and Hsien-Da Huang. Clinical detection of human probiotics and human pathogenic bacteria by using a novel high-throughput platform based on next generation sequencing . Journal of Clinical Bioinformatics Editorial .2014

84. 2014 Cheng-Wei Chang,Jui-Ming Chen,Tzu-Hao Chang,Chi-Chang Hsu,Jorng-Tzong Horng,Wayne H-H Sheu. Effects of Statins on Incident Dementia in Patients with Type 2 DM: A Population-Based Retrospective Cohort Study in Taiwan . PLOS ONE .2014

85. 2014 Sheng-Da Hsu,Yu-Ting Tseng,Sirjana Shrestha,Yu-Ling Lin,Anas Khaleel,Chih-Hung Chou, Chao-Fang Chu, Hsi-Yuan Huang, Ching-Min Lin, Shu-Yi Ho, Ting-Yan Jian,. miRTarBase update 2014: an information resource for experimentally validated miRNA-target interactions. . Nucleic Acids Research .2014

86. 2014 Tzu-Hao Chang,Hsien-Da Huang,Wei-Kee Ong,Yun-Ju Fu,Oscar K. Lee,Shu Chien, Jennifer H. Ho. The effects of actin cytoskeleton perturbation on keratin intermediate filament formation in mesenchymal stem/stromal cells . Biomaterials .2014

87. 2014 C.M. Chiu,W.C. Huang,S.L. Weng,H.C. Tseng,C. Liang,W.C. Wang, T. Yang, T.L. Yang, C.T. Weng, T.H. Chang, H.D. Huang. Systematic analysis of association between gut flora and obesity through high-throughput sequencing and bioinformatics approaches . Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology .2014

88. 2014 Mien-Cheng Chen,Jen-Ping Chang,Tzu-Hao Chang,Sheng-Da Hsu,Hsien-Da Huang,Wan-Chun Ho, Feng-Sheng Wang, Chang-Chun Hsiao, Wen-Hao Liu. Unraveling regulatory mechanisms of atrial remodeling of mitral regurgitation pigs by gene expression profiling analysis: Role of type I angiotensin II receptor antagonist . Translational Research .2014

89. 2014 Yi-Hui Wu,Tzu-Hao Chang,Yu-Fang Huang,Hsien-Da Huang,Cheng-Yang Chou. COL11A1 Promotes Tumor Progression and Predicts Poor Clinical Outcome in Ovarian Cancer . Oncogene .2014

90. 2013 Kai-Yao Huang,Cheng-Tsung Lu,Neil Arvin Bretana,Tzong-Yi Lee,Tzu-Hao Chang. ViralPhos: incorporating a recursively statistical method to predict phosphorylation sites on virus proteins . BMC Bioinformatics .2013

91. 2013 Wei-Kee Ong,How-Foo Chen,Cheng-Ting Tsai,Yun-Ju Fu,Yi-Shan Wong,Da-Jen Yen, Tzu-Hao Chang, Hsien-Da Huang, Oscar Lee, Shu Chien, Jennifer Ho. The activation of directional stem cell motility by green light-emitting diode irradiation . Biomaterials .2013

92. 2013 T.H. Chang,L.C. Wu,T.Y. Lee,S.P. Chen,H.D. Huang,J.T. Horng. EuLoc: a web-server for accurately predict protein subcellular localization in eukaryotes by incorporating various features of sequence segments into the general form of Chou's PseAAC . Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design .2013

93. 2013 T.H. Chang,H.Y. Huang,B.K. Hsu,S.L. Weng,J.T. Horng,H.D. Huang. An enhanced computational platform for investigating the roles of regulatory RNA and for identifying functional RNA motifs . BMC Bioinformatics .2013

94. 2013 H.M. Wang,T.H. Chang,F.M. Lin,T.H. Chao,W.C. Huang,C. Liang, C.M. Chiu, W.Y. Wu, M.C. Chen, C.T. Weng, S.L. Weng, F.F. Chiang and H.D. Huang. A new method for post Genome Wide Association Study (GWAS) analysis of colorectal cancer in Taiwan . GENE .2013

95. 2013 C.H. Chou,F.M. Lin,M.T. Chou,S.D. Hsu,T.H. Chang,S. Shrestha, J.H. Hung and H.D. Huang. A computational approach for identifying microRNA-target interactions using high-throughput CLIP and PAR-CLIP sequencing . BMC Genomics .2013

96. 2013 J. Y.C. Liu,T.H. Chang,C.W. Lin. The search of fuzzy functional dependency in the integration of fuzzy databases . ICIC Express Letter-An international Journal of Research and Surveys .2013

97. 2012 T.Y. Lee,W.C. Chang,B.K. Hsu,T.H. Chang,D.M. Shien. GPMiner: an integrated system for mining combinatorial cis-regulatory elements in mammalian gene group . BMC Genomics .2012

98. 2012 W.C. Huang,F.M. Lin,T.H. Chang,K.W. Liao,H.D. Huang. Identifying cancer highly-expressed membrane receptors for targeted drug delivery . International Journal of Bioinformatics Research and Applications .2012

99. 2011 T.H. Chang,L.C. Wu,Y.T. Chen,H.D. Huang,B.J. Liu,K.F. Cheng and J.T. Horng. Characterization and prediction of mRNA polyadenylation sites in human genes . Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing .2011

100. 2010 T.H. Chang,L.C Wu,J.H. Lin,H.D. Huang,B.J. Liu,K.F. Cheng and J.T. Horng. Prediction of small non-coding RNA in bacterial genomes using support vector machines . Expert Systems with Applications .2010

101. 2009 T.H. Chang,L.C Wu,C.T. Yeh,B.J. Liu,H.D. Huang,J.T. Horng. Computational identification of riboswitches based on RNA conserved functional sequences and conformations . RNA .2009

102. 2008 T.H. Chang,J.T. Horng,H.D. Huang. RNALogo: a new approach to display structural RNA alignment . Nucleic Acids Research .2008

103. 2006 T.H. Chang,H.D. Huang,T.N. Chuang,D.M. Shien,J.T. Horng. RNAMST: efficient and flexible approach for identifying RNA structural homologs . Nucleic Acids Research .2006

1. 2016 TH Chang,MT Chuang,SS Su,CY Kuan,YS Lo. The development and application of electronic medical record analysis platform . Joint Conference on Medical Informatics in Taiwan 2016 (JCMIT2016) .2016

2. 2014 Tzong-Yi Lee,Cheng-Wei Chang,Cheng-Tzung Lu,Tzu-Hsiu Cheng,Tzu-Hao Chang. Identification and characterization of lysine methylation sites on histones and non-histone proteins . The Twelfth Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2014) .2014

3. 2014 Chih-Yun Liu,Hung-Fan Yao,Yu-An Lin,Hsiao-Hsien Raw,Tzu-Hao Chang,Chien-Yeh Hsu. Building an Artificial Neural Network Model for Predicting the Probability of Stroke in Six Years Caused by Periodontitis - Using National Health Insurance Research Database . Joint Conference on Medical Informatics in Taiwan 2014 (JCMIT2014) .2014

4. 2014 Li-Lin Lu,Ching-Lun Chen,Tzu-Hao Chang. A SVM-based method to distinguish protein coding and non-coding RNAs . The Thirteenth Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2015) (Accepted) .2014

5. 2013 Chih-Min Chiu,Feng-Mao Lin,Tzu-Hao Chang,Wei-Chih Huang,Chao Liang,Wei-Yun Wu, Tzu-Ling Yang, Shun-Long Weng, Hsien-Da Huang. Clinical detection of human probiotics and human pathogenic bacteria by using a novel high-throughput platform based on next generation sequencing . IWBBIO 2013 (International Work-Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering) .2013

6. 2013 Kai-Yao Huang,Cheng-Tsung Lu,Neil Arvin Bretana,Tzong-Yi Lee,Tzu-Hao Chang. ViralPhos: incorporating a recursively statistical method to predict phosphorylation sites on virus proteins . 12th International Conference on Bioinformatics (InCoB 2013) .2013

7. 2013 C.H. Chou,F.M. Lin,M.T. Chou,S.D. Hsu,T.H. Chang,S. Shrestha, J.H. Hung and H.D. Huang. A computational approach for identifying microRNA-target interactions using high-throughput CLIP and PAR-CLIP sequencing . The eleventh Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2013) .2013

8. 2013 T.H. Chang,H.Y. Huang,B.K. Hsu,S.L. Weng,J.T. Horng,H.D. Huang. An enhanced computational platform for investigating the roles of regulatory RNA and for identifying functional RNA motifs . the eleventh Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2013) .2013

9. 2012 H.M. Wang,T.H. Chang,F.M. Lin,T.H. Chao,W.C. Huang,C. Liang, C.M. Chiu, W.Y. Wu, M.C. Chen, C.T. Weng, S.L. Weng, F.F. Chiang and H.D. Huang. A new method for post Genome Wide Association Study (GWAS) analysis of colorectal cancer in Taiwan . the 23rd International Conference on Genome Informatics (GIW2012) .2012

10. 2012 W.C. Huang,F.M. Lin,T.H. Chang,K.W. Liao,H.D. Huang. Identifying cancer highly-expressed membrane receptors for targeted drug delivery . the tenth Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2012) .2012

11. 2009 T.H. Chang,L.C. Wu,C.T. Yeh,C.W. Chang,B.J. Liu,H.D. Huang and J.T. Horng. RiboSW – a web server for identifying RNA riboswitches . Ninth IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering (BIBE2009) .2009

12. 2007 T.H. Chang,H.D. Huang,L.C. Wu,J.T. Horng. RNASMotif : A web server for discovering RNA structural motif in unaligned sequences . the Eleventh Annual International Conference on Research in Computational Molecular Biology (REBOMB2007) .2007


113 利用複製數變異(CNA)與多體學分析探索癌症驅動CNA及其預後相關調控機制之研究(3/3)

112 利用複製數變異(CNA)與多體學分析探索癌症驅動CNA及其預後相關調控機制之研究(2/3)

112 從胸部X光與心臟超音波的影像資訊找尋血液透析病患的心血管事件與死亡的風險因子

111 利用複製數變異(CNA)與多體學分析探索癌症驅動CNA及其預後相關調控機制之研究(1/3)

111 利用機器學習方法探索慢性透析患者血管預後影響因子並建立預後預測模型之多中心研究

110 利用次世代定序研究細菌與黴菌菌相與黴菌性鼻竇炎的關聯(2/3)

110 基於深度學習與機器學習混合分析多體學數據於癌症精準醫學治療之應用評估(2/2)

110 慢性血液透析病患之心血管結構與功能關連性分析以建立死亡及心血管預後之預測模型

109 利用次世代定序研究細菌與黴菌菌相與黴菌性鼻竇炎的關聯(1/3)

109 基於深度學習與機器學習混合分析多體學數據於癌症精準醫學治療之應用評估(1/2)

109 慢性血液透析病患的心臟功能與體液狀態與死亡與心血管預後之關聯性

108 建立細胞外基質於子宮內膜癌發展之調控網路以發掘潛在治療藥物(2/2)

107 Deep Learning-based analysis with Multi-Omics data for prognosis prediction of Prostate Cancer

107 香港大學護理學院成績輸入系統專案計畫

107 建立細胞外基質於子宮內膜癌發展之調控網路以發掘潛在治療藥物(1/2)

105 建置高通量全外顯子定序複製數變異整合分析與動態視覺化平台

104 利用RNA序列及結構特徵分析small RNA定序資料於辨識人類病毒microRNA及其目標之研究(2/2)

104 利用RNA序列及結構特徵分析small RNA定序資料於辨識人類病毒microRNA及其目標之研究(2/2)

103 利用RNA序列及結構特徵分析SMALL RNA定序資料於辨識人類病毒MICRORNA及其目標之研究(1/2)

103 利用RNA序列及結構特徵分析small RNA定序資料於辨識人類病毒microRNA及其目標之研究(1/2)

101 TMU101-AE1-B44