林宏惲(Lin, Hung-Yun ) 教授

現   職
癌症生物學與藥物研發研究所 教授


學 歷

State university of new york at buffaloVirology 博士
State university of new york at BuffaloMol Biology 碩士
台灣大學植物所 碩士
台灣大學植物系 學士




2019/01/01 ~


Signal Trams.IncSen Scientist
Albany PRIsen research Scientist
Ordway Research InstituteScientist
VA Medical CenterResearch Scientist
Albany Medical CollegeAssist professor
Albany Medical CollegeResearch Fellow





1. 2023 Chen YF,Lawal B,Huang LJ,Kuo SC,Sumitra MR,Mokgautsi N, Lin HY, Huang HS. In Vitro and In Silico Biological Studies of 4-Phenyl-2-quinolone (4-PQ) Derivatives as Anticancer Agents . Molecules .2023 ;(28):555

2. 2023 Aleck Hercbergs ,Hung-Yun Lin ,Shaker A Mousa,Paul J Davis. (Thyroid) Hormonal regulation of breast cancer cells . Front Endocrinol (Lausanne) .2023 ;(13):1109555

3. 2023 Aleck Hercbergs,Shaker A Mousa,Hung-Yun Lin,Paul J Davis. What is thyroid function in your just-diagnosed cancer patient? . Front Endocrinol (Lausanne) .2023

4. 2023 Chung-Che Tsai,Yu-Chen S H Yang,Yi-Fong Chen,Lin-Yi Huang,Yung-Ning Yang,Sheng-Yang Lee, Wen-Long Wang, Hsin-Lun Lee, Jacqueline Whang-Peng, Hung-Yun Lin, Kuan Wang . Integrins and Actions of Androgen in Breast Cancer . Cells .2023

5. 2022 Chung CC,Huang TY,Chu HR,Roberto De Luca,Elena Candelotti,Huang CH, Yang YC SH, Incerpi S, Pedersen JZ, Lin CY, Huang HM, Lee SY, Li ZL, ChangOu CA, Li WS*, Davis PJ, Lin HY*, Whang-Peng J, Wang K.. Heteronemin and tetrac derivatives suppress non-small cell lung cancer growth via ERK1/2 inhibition. . Food Chem Toxicol. .2022

6. 2022 Chen YF,Yang YN,Chu HR,Huang TY,Wang SH,Chen HY, Li ZL, Yang YSH, Lin HY, Hercbergs A, Whang-Peng J, Wang K, Davis PJ.. Role of integrin αvβ3 in doxycycline-induced anti-Proliferation in breast cancer cells. . Front Cell Dev Biol. .2022

7. 2022 Wang K,Chen YF,Yang YSH,Huang HM,Lee SY,Shih YJ, Li ZL, Whang-Peng J, Lin HY, Davis PJ. The power of heteronemin in cancers . J Biomed Sci . .2022 ;(29):41

8. 2022 Cheng TM,Chu HY,Huang HM,Li ZL,Chen CY,Shih YJ, Whang-Peng J, Cheng RH, Mo JK, Lin HY, Wang K. Toxicologic Concerns with Current Medical Nanoparticles . Int J Mol Sci. .2022 ;(23):7597

9. 2022 Lin HY,Yang YN,Chen YF,Huang TY,Crawford DR,Chuang HY, Chin YT, Chu HR, Li ZL, Shih YJ, Chen YR, Yang YSH, Ho Y, Davis PJ, Whang-Peng J, Wang K. 2,3,5,4'-Tetrahydroxystilbene-2-O-β-D-Glucoside improves female ovarian aging. . Front Cell Dev Biol .2022 ;(10):862045

10. 2022 Unson S,Chang TC,Yang YN,Wang SH,Huang CH,Crawford DR, Huang HM, Li ZL, Lin HY, Whang-Peng J, Wang K, Davis PJ, Li WS. Heteronemin and Tetrac Induce Anti-Proliferation by Blocking EGFR-Mediated Signaling in Colorectal Cancer Cells . Mar Drugs .2022 ;(20):482

11. 2022 Incerpi S,Gionfra F,De Luca R,Candelotti E,De Vito P,Percario ZA, Leone S, Gnocchi D, Rossi M, Caruso F, Scapin S, Davis PJ, Lin HY, Affabris E, Pedersen JZ. Extranuclear effects of thyroid hormones and analogs during development: An old mechanism with emerging roles. . Front Endocrinol (Lausanne) .2022

12. 2022 Su KW,Lin HY,Chiu HC,Shen SY,ChangOu CA,Crawford DR, Yang YSH, Shih YJ, Li ZL, Huang HM, Whang-Peng J, Ho Y, Wang K.. Thyroid Hormone Induces Oral Cancer Growth via the PD-L1-Dependent Signaling Pathway . cells .2022

13. 2022 Godugu K,Mousa SA,Glinsky GV,Lin HY,Davis PJ. In Vivo Clearance of Apoptotic Debris From Tumor Xenografts Exposed to Chemically Modified Tetrac: Is There a Role for Thyroid Hormone Analogues in Efferocytosis? . Front Endocrinol (Lausanne) .2022

14. 2022 Lin CY,Kuo PJ,Lin YH,Lin CY,Lin JC,Chiu HC, Hung TF, Lin HY, Huang HM. Fabrication of Low-Molecular-Weight Hyaluronic Acid-Carboxymethyl Cellulose Hybrid to Promote . Polymers (Basel) .2022

15. 2021 Lin CY,Tsai MS,Kuo PJ,Chin YT,Weng IT,Wu Y, Huang HM, Hsiung CN, Lin HY, Lee SY. 2,3,5,4 '-Tetrahydroxystilbene-2-O-beta-D-glucoside promotes the effects of dental pulp stem cells on rebuilding periodontal tissues in experimental periodontal defects. . JOURNAL OF PERIODONTOLOGY .2021

16. 2021 De Luca R,Davis PJ,Lin HY,Gionfra F,Percario ZA,Affabris E, Pedersen JZ, Marchese C, Trivedi P, Anastasiadou E, Negro R, Incerpi S.. Thyroid Hormones Interaction With Immune Response, Inflammation and Non-thyroidal Illness Syndrome . Front Cell Dev Biol .2021

17. 2021 Hung YH,Lin LY,Lin HY,Sung YS,Hsiao YJ,Li YC. Enhanced energy storage ability of UIO66 active material on acid-treated carbon cloth for flexible supercapacitors . Electrochimica Acta .2021 ;(380):138241-138241

18. 2021 Nano-Strategies Targeting the Integrin αvβ3 Network for Cancer Therapy . Cells .2021

19. 2021 Yang S.H. YC,Li ZL,Huang TY,Su KW,Lin CY,Huang CH, Chen HY, Lu MC, Huang HM, Lee SY, Whang-Peng J, Lin HY, Davis PJ, Wang K.. Effect of Estrogen on Heteronemin-Induced Anti-proliferative Effect in Breast Cancer Cells With Different Estrogen Receptor Status . Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology .2021 ;(9):688607

20. 2021 Yang YSH,Ko PJ,Pan YS,Lin HY,Whang-Peng J,Davis PJ, Wang K.. Role of thyroid hormone-integrin αvβ3-signal and therapeutic strategies in colorectal cancers. . J Biomed Sci. .2021 ;(28):24

21. 2021 Bagyi J,Sripada V,Aidone AM,Lin HY,Ruder EH,Crawford DR. Dietary rational targeting of redox-regulated genes . Free Radic Biol Med. .2021 ;(173):19-28

22. 2021 Candelotti E,Luca RD,Megna R,Maiolo M,Vito PD,Gionfra F, Percario ZA, Borgatti M, Gambari R, Davis PJ, Lin HY, Polticelli F, Persichini T, Colasanti M, Affabris E, Pedersen JZ, Incerpi S. Inhibition by Thyroid Hormones of Cell Migration Activated by IGF-1 and MCP-1 in THP-1 Monocytes: Focus on Signal Transduction Events Proximal to Integrin αvβ3. . Front Cell Dev Biol . .2021

23. 2021 Mousa SA,Hercbergs A,Lin HY,Keating KA,Davis PJ. Actions of Thyroid Hormones on Thyroid Cancers. . Front Endocrinol (Lausanne) .2021

24. 2021 Bashir Lawal,Yu-Cheng Kuo,Sung-Ling Tang,Feng-Cheng Liu,Alexander T. H. Wu,Hung-Yun Lin, Hsu-Shan Huang. Transcriptomic-Based Identification of the Immuno-Oncogenic Signature of Cholangiocarcinoma for HLC-018 Multi-Target Therapy Exploration. . cells .2021

25. 2021 Paul J Davis, ,Hung-Yun Lin, ,Aleck Hercbergs, ,Kelly A Keating, ,Shaker A Mousa.. Possible Contributions of Nongenomic Actions of Thyroid Hormones to the Vasculopathic Complex of COVID-19 Infection. . Endocr Res. .2021

26. 2020 Ho Y,Li ZL,Shih YJ,Chen YR,Wang K,Whang-Peng J, Lin HY, Davis PJ. Integrin αvβ3 in the Mediating Effects of Dihydrotestosterone and Resveratrol on Breast Cancer Cell Proliferation . Int J Mol Sci. .2020 ;(21 ):. pii: E2906.

27. 2020 Ho Y,Wu CY,Chin YT,Li ZL ,Pan YS ,Huang TY, Su PY, Lee SY, Crawford DR, Su KW, Chiu HC, Shih YJ, Changou CA, Yang YSH, Whang-Peng J, Chen YR, Lin HY, Mousa SA, Davis PJ, Wang K. NDAT suppresses pro-inflammatory gene expression to enhance resveratrol-induced anti-proliferation in oral cancer cells . Food Chem Toxicol. .2020 ;(136):111092

28. 2020 Davis PJ,Mousa SA,Schechter GP,Lin HY. Platelet ATP, Thyroid Hormone Receptor on Integrin αvβ3 and Cancer Metastasis . Horm Cancer .2020 ;(11):13-16

29. 2020 Huang TY,Chang TC,Chin YT,Pan YS,Chang WJ,Liu FC, Hastuti ED, Chiu SJ, Wang SH, Changou CA, Li ZL, Chen YR, Chu HR, Shih YJ, Cheng RH, Wu A, Lin HY, Wang K, Whang-Peng J, Mousa SA, Davis PJ.. NDAT Targets PI3K-Mediated PD-L1 Upregulation to Reduce Proliferation in Gefitinib-Resistant Colorectal Cancer . Cells .2020 ;(9):1830.

30. 2020 Davis PJ,Lin HY,Hercbergs A,Mousa SA. Actions of L-thyroxine (T4) and Tetraiodothyroacetic Acid (Tetrac) on Gene Expression in Thyroid Cancer Cells . Genes (Basel) . .2020 ;(11):755

31. 2020 Huang CH,Huang TY,Chang WJ,Pan YS,Chu HR,Li ZL, Unson S, Chin YT, Lin CY, Huang HM, Hsiung CN, Gionfra F, De Vito P, Pedersen JZ, Incerpi S, Chen YR, Lee SY, Lin HY, Davis PJ, Whang-Peng J, Wang K.. Combined Treatment of Heteronemin and Tetrac Induces Antiproliferation in Oral Cancer Cells . Mar Drugs .2020 ;(18):348

32. 2020 Lin LY,Xu SY ,Lin HY. Novel Flexible Solid-State Pseudo-Parallel Pseudocapacitor with Manganese Oxide Active Material Synthesized Using Electrodeposition . Journal of Alloys and Compound .2020 ;(843): 156017

33. 2020 Yu-Shun Sung,Lu-Yin Lin,Hung-Yun Lin. Study of pH value effect on synthesizing UIO-66 and carbonized UIO-66 as active material for solid-state supercapacitors . Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers .2020

34. 2020 Davis PJ,Mousa SA, Lin HY. Nongenomic Actions of Thyroid Hormone: the Integrin Component . Physiol Rev .2020

35. 2020 Davis PJ, Lin HY,Hercbergs A,Keating KA,Mousa SA. Coronaviruses and Integrin αvβ3: Does Thyroid Hormone Modify the Relationship? . Endocrine Research .2020

36. 2020 Davis PJ,Lin HY,Hercbergs A,Mousa SA. Actions of T4 and tetraiodothyroacetic acid (TETRAC) on gene expression in thyroid cancer cells. . Genes (Basel) .2020

37. 2020 Yang YSH,Li ZL,Shih YJ,Bennett JA,Whang-Peng J,Lin HY, Davis PJ, Wang K. Herbal Medicines Attenuate PD-L1 Expression to Induce Anti-Proliferation in Obesity-Related Cancers . Nutrients .2020 ;(11 ):E2979

38. 2019 Lin HY,Tang HY,Leinung M,Mousa SA,Hercbergs A,Davis PJ. Action of Reverse T3 on Cancer Cells . Endocrine Research .2019

39. 2019 Chin YT,He ZR,Chen CL,Chu HC,Ho Y,Su PY, Yang YCSH, Wang K, Shih YJ, Chen YR, Pedersen JZ, Incerpi S, Nana AW, Tang HY, Lin HY, Mousa SA, Davis PJ, Whang-Peng J. Tetrac and NDAT Induce Anti-proliferation via Integrin αvβ3 in Colorectal Cancers With Different K-RAS Status . Front Endocrinol (Lausanne) .2019 ;(10):130

40. 2019 Gionfra F,De Vito P,Pallottini V,Lin HY,Davis PJ,Pedersen JZ, Incerpi S. The Role of Thyroid Hormones in Hepatocyte Proliferation and Liver Cancer . Front Endocrinol (Lausanne) .2019 ;(10):532

41. 2019 Lin CC,Chin YT,Shih YJ,Chen YR,Chung YY,Lin CY, Hsiung CN, Whang-Peng J, Lee SY, Lin HY, Davis PJ, Wang K. Resveratrol antagonizes thyroid hormone-induced expression of checkpoint and proliferative genes in oral cancer cells . J Dent Sci .2019 ;(14):255-262

42. 2019 Ho Y,Wang SH,Chen YR,Li ZL,Chin YT,Yang YSH, Wu YH, Su KW, Chu HR, Chiu HC, Crawford DR, Shih YJ, Grasso P, Tang HY, Lin HY, Davis PJ, Whang-Peng J, Wang K. Leptin-derived peptides block leptin-induced proliferation by reducing expression of pro-inflammatory genes in hepatocellular carcinoma cells . Food Chem Toxicol .2019 ;(33):110808

43. 2019 Yang YN ,Yang YSH,Lin IH,Chen YY,Lin HY,Wu CY, Su YT, Yang YJ, Yang SN, Suen JL. Phthalate exposure alters gut microbiota composition and IgM vaccine response in human newborns . Food Chem Toxicol .2019 ;(132):110700

44. 2019 Chen YR,Chen YS,Chin YT,Li ZL,Shih YJ,Yang YSH, ChangOu CA, Su PY, Wang SH, Wu YH, Chiu HC, Lee SY, Liu LF, Whang-Peng J, Lin HY, Mousa SA, Davis PJ, Wang K. Thyroid hormone-induced expression of inflammatory cytokines interfere with resveratrol-induced anti-proliferation of oral cancer cells . Food Chem Toxicol .2019 ;(132):110693

45. 2019 Davis PJ,Lin HY,Hercbergs AA,Keating KA,Mousa SA. How thyroid hormone works depends upon cell type, receptor type, and hormone analogue: implications in cancer growth . Discov Med .2019 ;(27):111-117

46. 2019 Lin CY,Kuo PJ,Chin YT,Weng IT,Lee HW,Huang HM, Lin HY, Hsiung CN, Chan YH, Lee SY. Dental Pulp Stem Cell Transplantation with 2,3,5,4'-Tetrahydroxystilbene-2-O-β-D-glucoside Accelerates Alveolar Bone Regeneration in Rats . J Endod .2019 ;(45):435-441

47. 2019 Chen YR*,Li ZL*,Shih YR*,Davis PJ,Whang-Peng J. ,Lin HY, Wang K. Thyroid hormone, PD-L1 and Cancer . J Cancer Res Practice .2019

48. 2019 Chen YS,Lin LY*,Lin HY*. Molybdenum doping effects for bismuth vanadate photocatalysts on electrochemical performances using the solution process. . Int. J. Hydrogen Energy .2019

49. 2019 Davis PJ,Mousa SA,Schechter GP,Lin HY. Thyroid hormone receptor on integrin αvβ3, platelets and cancer metastasis. . Horm Cancer .2019

50. 2019 Ho Y*,Chien-Yi Wu*,Chin YT,Li ZL,Pan YS,Lee SY, Su PY, Changou CA, Crawford DR, Su KW, HC, Shih YJ, Whang-Peng J, Chen YR, Lin HY, Mousa SA, Davis PJ, Wang K. NDAT Suppresses Pro-inflammatory Gene Expression to enhance Resveratrol-induced Anti-proliferation in Oral Cancer Cells. . Food Chem Toxicol. .2019

51. 2018 Nana AW,Chin YT,Lin CY,Ho Y,Shih YJ,Chen YR, Changou CA, Pedersen JZ, Incerpi S, Bennett JA, Liu LF, Whang-Peng J, Fu E, Li WS, Mousa SA, Lin HY, Davis PJ. Tetrac downregulates β-catenin and HMGA2 to promote the effect of resveratrol in colon cancer. . Endocr Relat Cancer .2018 ;(25):279-293

52. 2018 Lee YS ,Chin YT,Shih YJ ,Nana AW,Chen YR,Wu HC, Yang YSH, Lin HY, Davis PJ. Thyroid Hormone Promotes β-Catenin Activation and Cell Proliferation in Colorectal Cancer . Horm Cancer .2018 ;(9):156-165

53. 2018 Chin YT,Wei PL,Ho Y,Nana AW,Chen YR,, Changou C, Yang YC, Hsieh MT, Hercbergs A, Davis PJ, Shih YJ, Lin HY. Thyroxine inhibits resveratrol-caused apoptosis by PD-L1 in ovarian cancer cells . Endocr Relat Cancer .2018 ;(25):533-545

54. 2018 Hercbergs A,Mousa SA,Leinung M,Lin HY,Davis PJ. Thyroid Hormone in the Clinic and Breast Cancer. . Horm Cancer. .2018 ;(9):139-143

55. 2018 Lin CY,Chin YT,Kuo PJ,Lee HW,Huang HM,Lin HY, Weng IT, Hsiung CN, Chan YH, Lee SY. 2,3,5,4'-Tetrahydroxystilbene-2-O-β-glucoside potentiates self-renewal of human dental pulp stem cells via the AMPK/ERK/SIRT1 axis. . Int Endod J. .2018

56. 2018 Nana AW ,Wu SY ,Yang SH YC,Chin YT ,Cheng TM ,Ho Y, Li WS, Liao YM, Chen YR, Shih YJ, Liu YR, Pedersen JZ, Incerpi S, Hercbergs A, Liu LF, Whang-Peng J, Davis PJ, Lin HY. Nano-Diamino-Tetrac (NDAT) enhances resveratrol-induced anti-proliferation by action on the RRM2 pathway in colorectal cancers . Hormones and Cancer .2018 ;(9):349-360

57. 2018 Ho Y,Yang SH YC,Chin YT,Chou SI,Chen YR,Shih YJ, Whang-Peng J, ChangOu C, Liu HL, Lin SJ, Tang HY, Lin HY, Davis PJ. Resveratrol inhibits human leiomyoma cell proliferation via crosstalk between integrin αvβ3 and IGF-1R . Food and Chemical Toxicology .2018

58. 2018 Ho Y,Chen YF,Wang LH,Hsu KY,Chin YT,Yang SHYC, Wang SH, Chen YR, Shih YJ, Liu LF, Wang K, Whang-Peng J, Tang HY, Lin HY, Liu HL, Lin SJ. Inhibitory effect of Anoectochilus formosanus extract on hyperglycemia-related PD-L1 expression and cancer proliferation . Frontiers in Pharmacology .2018 ;(9):807

59. 2018 Lin L-Y*,Lin HY*,Hong W-L,Lin L-Y. Influences of core morphology on electrocapacitive performance of NiCo2O4-based core/shell electrodes. . Thin Solid films .2018 ;(667): 69-75

60. 2018 Davis PJ,Mousa SA,Lin HY. Tetraiodothyroacetic acid (tetrac), integrin αvβ3 and disabling of immune checkpoint defense . Future Med Chem .2018 ;(10):1637-1639

61. 2018 Chang TC,Chin YT,Nana AW,Wang SH,Liao YM,Chen YR, Shih YJ, Changou CA, Yang YS, Wang K, Whang-Peng J, Wang LS, Stain SC, Shih A, Lin HY, Wu CH, Davis PJ. Enhancement by Nano-Diamino-Tetrac of Antiproliferative Action of Gefitinib on Colorectal Cancer Cells: Mediation by EGFR Sialylation and PI3K Activation . Horm Cancer .2018 ;(9):420-432

62. 2018 Lin SJ,Chin YT,Ho Y,Chou SY,Sh Yang YC,Nana AW, Su KW, Lim YT, Wang K, Lee SY, Shih YJ, Chen YR, Whang-Peng J, Davis PJ, Lin HY, Fu E. Nano-diamino-tetrac (NDAT) inhibits PD-L1 expression which is essential for proliferation in oral cancer cells . Food Chem Toxicol. .2018 ;(120):1-12

63. 2018 Lin HY,Chin YT,Shih YJ,Chen YR ,Leinung M,Keating KA, Mousa SA, Davis PJ. In tumor cells, thyroid hormone analogues non-immunologically regulate PD-L1 and PD-1 accumulation that is anti-apoptotic . Oncotarget .2018 ;(9):34033-34037

64. 2018 Lin HY ,Tey S-L,Ho Y,Chin YT,Wang K,Whang-Peng J, Shih YJ, Chen YR, Yang YN, Chen YC, Liu YC, Tang HY, Yang YC SH. Heteronemin induces Anti-proliferation in Cholangiocarcinoma Cells via Inhibiting TGF-β pathway. . Mar Drugs .2018

65. 2018 Cheng TM,Chin YT,Ho Y,Chen YR,Yang YN,Yang YC, Shih YJ, Lin T-I, Lin HY, Davis PJ. Resveratrol induces sumoylated COX-2-dependent in human prostate cancer LNCaP cells . Food Chem Toxicol .2018 ;(112):67-75

66. 2018 Mousa SA,Glinsky GV, Lin HY,,Ashur-Fabian O, Hercbergs A, Keating KA, Davis PJ.. Contributions of Thyroid Hormone to Cancer Metastasis. . Biomedicines .2018 ;(6):89-89

67. 2018 Leith JT, Mousa SA, Hercbergs A,Lin HY,Davis PJ. Radioresistance of cancer cells, integrin αvβ3 and thyroid hormone . Oncotarget .2018 ;(9):37069-37075

68. 2018 Davis PJ,Tang HY, Hercbergs A, Lin HY, Keating KA,Shaker A Mousa SA. Bioactivity of Thyroid Hormone Analogs at Cancer Cells. . Front Endocrinol (Lausanne) .2018 ;(4):739-739

69. 2017 Incerpi S,Candelotti E,De Vito P,De Luca R,Gionfra F,Lin H-Y, Pedersen JZ. . Thyroid Hormones and the Immune Response . Compr Physiol .2017

70. 2017 Sudha Thangirala ,Bharali Dhruba J. ,Yalcin Murat ,Darwish Noureldien H E ,Coskun Melis Debreli ,Keating KA, Lin HY, Davis PJ, Mousa SA. Targeted delivery of paclitaxel and doxorubicin to cancer xenografts via the nanoparticle of nano-diamino-tetrac . International Journal of Nanomedicine .2017 ;(12):1305-1315

71. 2017 Davis Paul J. ,Leonard Jack L. ,Lin Hung Yun ,Leinung Matthew ,Mousa Shaker A. . Molecular Basis of Nongenomic Actions of Thyroid Hormone . Vitamins and Hormones .2017

72. 2017 Sudha T,Bharali DJ,Yalcin M,Coskun MD,Keating KA,Lin HY, Davis PJ, Mousa SA.. Targeted delivery of cisplatin to tumor xenografts via the nanoparticle component of nano-diamino-tetrac. . Nanomedicine (Lond) .2017 ;(12):1305-1315

73. 2017 Chin YT,Cheng GY,Shih YJ,Lin CY,Lin SJ,Lee YS, Whang-Peng J, Chiu HC, Lee SY, Fu E, Tang HY, Lin HY, Liu LF.. Therapeutic effect of resveratrol and its derivatives on periodontitis. . Ann NY Acad Sciences .2017 ;(1403):101-108

74. 2017 Hsieh MT,Wang LM,Changou CA,Chin YT,Yang YSH,Lee SY, Yang YN, Whang-Peng J, Liu LF, Lin HY, Mousa SA, Davis PJ. Crosstalk between integrin αvβ3 and ERα contributes to thyroid hormone-induced proliferation of ovarian cancer cells . Oncotarget. .2017 ;(8):24237-24249

75. 2017 Lin HY,Hsieh MT,Cheng GY,Lai HY,Chin YT,Shih YJ, Nana AW, Lin SY, Yang YSH, Tang HY, Chiang IJ, Wang K.. Mechanisms of action of nonpeptide hormones on resveratrol-induced antiproliferation of cancer cells. . Ann N Y Acad Sci. .2017 ;(1403):92-100

76. 2017 Ho Y,Lin YS,Liu HL,Shih YJ,Lin SY,Shih A, Chin YT, Chen YR, Lin HY, Davis PJ.. Biological Mechanisms by Which Antiproliferative Actions of Resveratrol Are Minimized. . Nutrients .2017 ;(21):E1046

77. 2017 Chin Yu Tang ,Wang Le Ming ,Hsieh Meng Ti ,Shih Ya Jung ,Nana André Wendindondé ,Changou CA, Yang YC, Chiu HC, Fu E, Davis PJ, Tang HY, Lin HY. Leptin OB3 peptide suppresses leptin-induced signaling and progression in ovarian cancer cells . Journal of Biomedical Science .2017 ;(24):51

78. 2016 Lin HY,Chin YT,Yang YC,Lai HY,Whang-Peng J,Liu LF, Tang HY, Davis PJ. Thyroid hormone, cancer and apoptosis. . Compr Physiol. .2016 ;(6):1221-1237

79. 2016 Lee YS,Chin YT,Yang YC,Wei PL,Wu HC,Lu YT, Shih A, Pedersen JZ, Incerpi S, Liu F, Lin HY , Davis PJ. The combination of tetraiodothyroacetic acid and cetuximab inhibits cell proliferation in colorectal cancers with different K-ras status . Steroids .2016 ;(111):63-70

80. 2016 Lin HY,Chin YT,Nana AW,Shih YJ,Lai HY,Tang HY, Leinung M, Mousa SA, Davis PJ. Actions of L-thyroxine and nano-diamino-tetrac (NANOTETRAC) on PD-L1 in cancer cells . Steroids .2016 ;(114):59-67

81. 2016 Yang YC*,Chin YT*,Hsieh MT,Lai HY,Fu E,Ke CC, Lee OK, Crawford D, Mousa SA, Grasso P, Liu F, Chang HY, Tang HY, Lin HY, Davis PJ.. Novel leptin OB3 peptide-induced signaling and progression in thyroid cancers: Comparison with leptin . Oncotarget .2016 ;(7):362-373

82. 2016 Ho CW,Lin CY,Liaw YW,Chiang HL,Chin YT,Huang RL, Lai HC, Hsu YW, Kuo PJ, Chen CE, Lin HY, Whang-Peng J, Nieh S, Fu E, Liu LF, Hwang J. The cytokine-cosmc signaling axis upregulates the tumor-associated carbohydrate antigen Tn. . Oncotarget .2016

83. 2016 Hercbergs A,Davis P,Lin HY,Mousa SA. Possible contributions of thyroid hormone replacement to specific behaviors of cancer . Biomed Pharmacother .2016 ;(84):655-659

84. 2016 Chin YT,Hsieh MT,Lin CY,Kuo PJ,Yang YC,Shih YJ, Lai HY, Cheng GY, Tang HY, Lee CC, Lee SY, Wang CC, Lin HY, Fu E, Whang-Peng J, Liu LF. 2,3,5,4'-Tetrahydroxystilbene-2-O-β-glucoside Isolated from Polygoni Multiflori Ameliorates the Development of Periodontitis . Mediators Inflamm .2016 ;(2016):695345-695345

85. 2016 Lee CC,Lee YL,Wang CN,Tsai HC,Chiu CL,Liu LF, Lin HY, Wu R. Polygonum multiflorum Decreases Airway Allergic Symptoms in a Murine Model of Asthma . Am J Chin Med .2016 ;(44):133-147

86. 2016 Davis PJ,Glinsky GV,Lin HY,Mousa SA.. Actions of Thyroid Hormone Analogues on Chemokines. . J Immunol Res. .2016

87. 2016 Yang SH,Lin HY,Changou CA,Changou CA,Liu YR,Wang JH, Jiang X, Yen Y. Integrin β3 and LKB1 are independently involved in the inhibition of proliferation by lovastatin in human intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma . Oncotarget .2016 ;(7):362-373

88. 2015 Davis PJ,Sudha T,Lin HY,Mousa SA. Thyroid Hormone, Hormone Analogs, and Angiogenesis. . Compr Physiol. .2015 ;(6):353-362

89. 2015 Davis PJ,Hercbergs A,Luidens MK,Lin HY. Recurrence of differentiated thyroid carcinoma during full TSH suppression: is the tumor now thyroid hormone dependent? . Horm Cancer .2015 ;(6):7-12

90. 2015 Davis PJ,Glinsky GV,Lin HY,Leith JT,Hercbergs A,Tang HY, Ashur-Fabian O, Incerpi S, Mousa SA. Cancer Cell Gene Expression Modulated from Plasma Membrane Integrin αvβ3 by Thyroid Hormone and Nanoparticulate Tetrac. . Front Endocrinol (Lausanne) .2015 ;(5):240

91. 2015 Fabian ID,Rosner M,Fabian I,Vishnevskia-Dai V,Zloto O,Maman ES, Cohen K, Ellis M, Lin HY, Hercbergs A, Davis PJ, Ashur-Fabian O.. Low thyroid hormone levels improve survival in murine model for ocular melanoma. . Oncotarget. .2015 ;(6):11038-11046

92. 2015 Lin HY,Glinsky GV,Mousa SA,Davis PJ. Thyroid hormone and anti-apoptosis in tumor cells . Oncotarget .2015 ;(6):14735-43

93. 2015 Yang SH,Lin HY,Chang VH,Chen CC,Liu YR,Wang J, Zhang K, Jiang X, Yen Y.. Lovastatin overcomes gefitinib resistance through TNF-α signaling in human cholangiocarcinomas with different LKB1 statuses in vitro and in vivo. . Oncotarget .2015 ;(6):23857-73

94. 2015 Chin YT,Yang SH,Chang TC,Changou CA,Lai HY,Fu E, HuangFu WC, Davis PJ, Lin HY, Liu LF.. Mechanisms of dihydrotestosterone action on resveratrol-induced anti-proliferation in breast cancer cells with different ERα status. . Oncotarget. .2015 ;(6):35866-35879

95. 2015 Davis PJ,Leonard JL,Lin HY,Incerpi S,Luidens MK,Tang HY, Mousa SA.. Receptor proteins for nongenomic actions of thyroid hormone. . Immun. Endoc. & Metab. Agents in Med. Chem. .2015 ;(15):94-97

96. 2015 Davis PJ,Incerpi S,Lin HY,Tang HY,Sudha T,Mousa SA. Thyroid hormone and P-glycoprotein in tumor cells. . Biomed Res Int. .2015 ;(2015):168427

97. 2015 Candelotti E,De Vito P,Ahmed RG,Luly P,Davis PJ,Pedersen JZ, Lin HY, Incerpi S. Thyroid hormones crosstalk with growth factors: Old facts and new hypotheses. . Immun. Endoc. & Metab. Agents in Med. Chem. .2015 ;(15):71-85

98. 2015 Nana AW,Yang PM,Lin HY. An overview of the transforming growth factor beta (TGFβ) superfamily involved in the initiation and progression of glioblastoma. . Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. .2015 ;(16):6813-6823

99. 2014 Incerpi S,Hsieh MT,Lin HY,Cheng GY,De Vito P,Fiore AM, Luly P, Davis FB, Davis PJ. Thyroid hormone inhibition of IGF-1-mediated glucose uptake in L-6 myoblasts through interaction with the αvβ3 integrin. . Am J Physiology-Cell Physiology .2014 ;(307):150-161

100. 2014 Davis PJ,Yalcin M,Lin HY,Tang HY,Hercbergs A,Leith JT, Davis FB, Luidens MK, Mousa SA.. Incomplete success of angioinhibitor therapy in cancer: Detection of pro-angiogenic activity of patient thyroid hormone . J Cancer Sci Ther .2014

101. 2014 Mousa SA,Lin HY,Tang HY,Hercbergs A,Luidens MK,Davis PJ. Modulation of angiogenesis by thyroid hormone and hormone analogues: implications for cancer management. . Angiogenesis .2014

102. 2014 Lin HY,Yang SH,Tang HY,Cheng GY,Davis PJ,Grasso P. Biologically active leptin-related synthetic peptides activate STAT3 via phosphorylation of ERK1/2 and PI-3K. . Peptide .2014 ;(57):95-100

103. 2014 Sudha T,Yalcin M,Lin HY,Elmetwally AM,Nazeer T,Arumugam T, Phillips P, ;Mousa SA. Suppression of pancreatic cancer by sulfated non-anticoagulant low molecular weight heparin. . Cancer Lett. .2014 ;(350):25-33

104. 2014 Davis PJ,Lin HY,Thangirala S,Yalcin M,Tang HY,Hercbergs A, Leith JT, Luidens MK, Ashur-Fabian O, Incerpi S, Mousa SA.. Nanotetrac targets the thyroid hormone receptor on integrin αvβ3 on tumor cells to remote apoptosis, disorder tumor cell defense pathways and block angiogenesis. . Onco Targets Ther .2014 ;(7):1619-1624

105. 2014 Davis PJ,Hercbergs A,Luidens MK,Lin HY. Recurrence of differentiated thyroid carcinoma during full TSH suppression: Is the tumor now thyroid hormone-dependent? . Horm Cancer .2014 ;(5):324-335

106. 2014 Chin YT,Hsieh MT,Yang SH,Tsai PW,Wang SF,Wang C-C, Lee YS, Cheng GY, HungFu WC, London D, Tang HY, Fu E, Liu LF, Yen Y, Lin HY1, Davis PJ. Anti-proliferative and gene expression actions of resveratrol in breast cancer cells in vitro. . Oncotarget .2014

107. 2014 Davis PJ,Lin HY,Thangirala S,Yalcin M,Tang HY,Hercbergs A, Leith JT, Luidens MK, Ashur-Fabian O, Incerpi S, Mousa SA.. Nanotetrac targets the thyroid hormone receptor on integrin αvβ3 on tumor cells to remote apoptosis, disorder tumor cell defense pathways and block angiogenesis. . Oncotargets Ther .2014 ;(7):1619-1624

108. 2013 Davis PJ,Lin HY,Tang HY,Davs F,Mousa SA. Adjunctive Input to the Nuclear Thyroid Hormone Receptor from the Cell Surface Receptor for the Hormone. . Thyroid .2013

109. 2013 Davis PJ,Glinsky GV,Lin HY,Incerpi S,Davis FB,Mousa SA, Tang HY, Luidens MK. Molecular mechanisms of actions of formulations of the thyroid hormone analogue, tetrac, on the inflammatory response . Endocr Res. .2013 ;(38):112-118

110. 2013 Yalcin M*,Lin HY*,Bharali DJ,Dyskin E,Meng R,Tang HY, Davis FB, Davis PJ, Mousa SA.. Response of human pancreatic cancer cell xenografts to tetraiodothyroacetic acid nanoparticles. . Horm Cancer .2013 ;(4):176-185

111. 2013 Lin HY,Delmas D,Vang O,Hsieh TC,Lin S,Cheng GY, Chiang HL, Chen CE, Tang HY, Crawford DR, Whang-Peng J, Hwang J, Liu LF, Wu JM.. Mechanisms of ceramide‐induced COX‐2‐dependent apoptosis in human ovarian cancer OVCAR‐3 cells partially overlapped with resveratrol . J. Cell. Biochem. .2013 ;(114):1940-1954

112. 2013 Lin HY,Su Y-F,Hsieh MT,Lin S,Meng R,London D, Lin C, Tang HY, Hwang J, Mousa SA, Davis FB, Davis PJ. Nuclear monomeric integrin αv in cancer cells is a coactivator regulated by thyroid hormone . FASEB J .2013 ;(27):3209-3216

113. 2013 Davis PJ,Mousa SA,Cody V,Tang HY,Lin HY. Small Molecule Hormone or Hormone-Like Ligands of Integrin αVβ3: Implications for Cancer Cell Behavior. . Horm Cancer .2013 ;(4):335-342

114. 2012 Mousa SA,Yalcin M,Bharali D,Meng R,Tang HY,Lin HY, Davis F, Davis PJ. Tetraiodothyroacetic acid and its nanoformulation inhibit thyroid hormone stimulation of non-small cell lung cancer cells in vitro and its growth in xenografts. . Lung Cancer .2012 ;(76):39-45

115. 2012 Hsieh TC,Lin CY,Lin HY,Wu JM. AKT/mTOR as Novel Targets of Polyphenol Piceatannol Possibly Contributing to Inhibition of Proliferation of Cultured Prostate Cancer Cells. . ISRN Urol .2012 ;(--2012):-27269--

116. 2012 Hercbergs AH,Davis FB,Lin HY,Luidens MK,Meng R,Mousa SA, Davis PJ. Integrin-Mediated Actions of Thyroid Hormone Analogues on Tumor Cell Chemosensitivity, Integrin-Growth Factor Receptor Crosstalk and Inflammatory Gene Expression . Cancer & Clinical Oncology .2012 ;(1):32-40

117. 2012 Lin HY,Tang HY,Davis FB,Mousa SA,Incerpi S,Incerpi S, Luidens MK, Meng R, Davis PJ.. Nogenomic regulation by thyroid hormone of plasma membrane ion and small molecule pumps. . Discovery Medicine Invited review .2012 ;(14):199-206

118. 2011 Lin HY,Landersdorfer C,London D,Meng R,Lim C,Lin C, Lin S, Tang HY, Brown D, VanScoy B, Kulawy R, Queimado L, Drusano G, Louie. A, Davis FB, Mous. Pharmacodynamic modeling of anti-cancer activity of tetraiodothyroacetic acid in a perfused cell culture system. . PLoS Computational Biology .2011 ;(7):e10010-e10010

119. 2011 Lin C,Crawford D,Lin S,Hwang J,Sebuyira A,Meng R, Westfall JE, Tang HY, Lin SF, Yu PY, Davis PJ, Lin HY. Inducible COX-2-dependent apoptosis in human ovarian cancer cells. . Carcinogenesis .2011 ;(32):19-26

120. 2011 Davis PJ,Davis FB,Mousa SA,Luidens MK,Lin HY. Membrane receptor for thyroid hormone: physiologic and pharmacologic implications. . Annu Rev Pharmacol Toxicol. .2011 ;(51):99-115

121. 2011 Lin HY,Tang HY,Davis FB,Davis PJ. Resveratrol and Apoptosis. . Ann NY Acad Sci .2011 ;(1215):79-88

122. 2011 Hercbergs AH,Lin HY,Davis FB,Davis PJ,Leith JT. Radiosensitization and production of DNA double-strand breaks in U87MG brain tumor cells induced by tetraiodothyroacetic acid (tetrac). . Cell Cycle .2011 ;(10):352-357

123. 2011 Lin HY,Cody V,Davis FB,Hercbergs AA,Luidens MK,Mousa SA, Davis PJ. Identification and functions of the plasma membrane receptor for thyroid hormone analogues. . Discov Med. .2011 ;(59):337-347

124. 2011 Davis PJ,Lin HY,Mousa SA,Luidens MK,Hercbergs AA,Davis FB. Overlapping nongenomic and genomic actions of thyroid hormone and steroids. . Steroids. .2011 ;(76):829-833

125. 2011 Delmas D,Lin HY. Role of membrane dynamics processes and exogenous molecules in cellular resveratrol uptake: consequences in bioavailability and activities. . Mol Nutr Food Res .2011 ;(55):1142-1153

126. 2011 Cao HJ,Pan J,Lin HY,Davis BF,Zhou M,Davis PJ. L-Thyroxine attenuates pyramidal neuron excitability in rat acute prefrontal cortex slices. . Immun. Endoc. & Metab. Agents in Med. Chem. .2011 ;(11):152-156

127. 2011 Vang O,Ahmad N,Baile CA,Baur JA,Brown K,Csiszar A, Das DK, Delmas D, Gottfried C, Lin HY, Ma QY, Mukhopadhyay P, Nalini N, Pezzuto JM, Richa. What is new for an old molecule? Systematic review and recommendations on the use of resveratrol. . PLoS One .2011 ;(6):e19881

128. 2011 Lin HY,Davis FB,Luidens MK,Mousa SA,Cao HJ,Zhou M. Davis PJ. Molecular basis for certain neuroprotective effect of thyroid hormone. . Front Mol Neurosci .2011 ;(4):29

129. 2011 Meng R,Tang HY,Westfall JE,London D,Cao JH,Luidens MK, Hercbergs AH, Mousa SA, Davis FB, Davis PJ, Lin HY. Cross-talk between integrin αvβ3 and estrogen receptor-α is involved in thyroid hormone-induced proliferation in human lung carcinoma. . PLoS ONE .2011 ;(6):e27547-e27547

1. 2020 Li ZL,Huang TY,Ho Y,Shih YJ,Chen YR,Tang HY, Lin HY, Whang-Peng J , Wang K. Herbal Medicine in Uterine Fibroid . Fibroids .2020

2. 2019 Hercbergs A ,Davis P,Lin HY ,Keating K ,Mousa S. Thyroid hormone replacement therapy in patients with various types of cancer . Hormone Therapy and Replacement Therapy for Cancer Patients .2019

3. 2018 Lin HY,Mousa SA,Davis PJ. Demonstration of the receptor site for thyroid hormone on integrin αvβ3 . Methods Mol Biol. .2018 ;(1801 ):61-65

4. 2018 Shih YJ* ,Chen YR*,Wang K,Whang-Peng J,Tang HY,Lin HY, Davis PJ. Resveratrol as signaling sensors and gatekeepers . Resveratrol: State of the Art Science and Health Applications .2018

5. 2013 Davis PJ,Davis FB,Lin HY,Luidens MK,Mousa SA. Pro-angiogenic activity of thyroid hormone analogues: Mechanisms, physiology and clinical prospects. p . Angiogenesis Modulations in Health and Disease .2013

6. 2013 Davis PJ,Mousa SA,Davis FB,Lin HY. Actions of Steroids and Peptide Hormones on Angiogenesis . The Angiogenesis Modulations in Health and Disease .2013

7. 2013 Davis PJ,Davis FB,Luidens MK,Lin HY,Mousa SA. Tetraiodothyroacetic acid (Tetrac), nanotetrac and anti-angiogenesis . The Angiogenesis Modulations in Health and Disease. .2013


112 標靶整合素αvβ3-FAK訊號網絡的膽管癌診療策略開發-標靶膽管癌整合素αvβ3訊號網絡的新型診療性奈米微脂體DL-N2之研究(3/3)

112 「標靶整合素αvβ3-FAK訊號網絡的膽管癌診療策略開發-標靶膽管癌整合素αvβ3訊號網絡的新型診療性奈米微脂體DL-N2之研究(3/3)」-蔡仲哲君

111 整合素αvβ3—PD-L1—β-catenin 訊息鏈在結直腸癌的致病機轉及其治療策略

111 標靶整合素αvβ3-FAK訊號網絡的膽管癌診療策略開發-標靶膽管癌整合素αvβ3訊號網絡的新型診療性奈米微脂體DL-N2之研究(2/3)

111 「標靶整合素αvβ3-FAK訊號網絡的膽管癌診療策略開發-標靶膽管癌整合素αvβ3訊號網絡的新型診療性奈米微脂體DL-N2之研究(2/3)」-陳藝丰

111 「標靶整合素αvβ3-FAK訊號網絡的膽管癌診療策略開發-標靶膽管癌整合素αvβ3訊號網絡的新型診療性奈米微脂體DL-N2之研究(2/3)」-蔡仲哲

110 標靶整合素αvβ3-FAK訊號網絡的膽管癌診療策略開發-標靶膽管癌整合素αvβ3訊號網絡的新型診療性奈米微脂體DL-N2之研究(1/3)

110 針對PD-L1表現機制所發展出之口腔癌治療策略(3/3)

110 林宏惲教授申請補助延攬科技人才黃東永君參與「針對PD-L1 表現機制所發展出之口腔癌治療策略(3/3)」研究計畫案

109 針對PD-L1 表現機制所發展出之口腔癌治療策略(2/3)

109 癌症生物學與藥物研發研究所林宏惲教授申請補助延攬科技人才黃東永君參與「針對PD-L1 表現機制所發展出之口腔癌治療策略(2/3)」研究計畫案

108 針對PD-L1 表現機制所發展出之口腔癌治療策略(1/3)

108 「針對PD-L1 表現機制所發展出之口腔癌治療策略」

108 「針對PD-L1 表現機制所發展出之口腔癌治療策略(1/3)」

108 使用一步驟原位固態合成法製備助催化劑/氧化釩鉍觸媒應用於光電化學水分解系統

107 NDAT透過RRM2途徑增強白藜蘆醇誘導的抗大腸直腸癌的增殖作用

107 以設計型態、摻雜異原子、建立異質接面與添加助催化劑改善釩酸鉍光催化 水分解能力應用於光電化學水分解系統

106 HMGA2,甲狀腺賀爾蒙誘導大腸直腸癌細胞增生的新標的(3/3)

106 HMGA2,甲狀腺賀爾蒙誘導大腸直腸癌細胞增生的新標的

106 探討核結構對於鎳鈷氧化物/鎳鉬氧化物核殼結構型態與其類電池電極儲能能力之影響

105 「白藜蘆醇2016-第四屆白藜蘆醇與健康國際研討會:從基礎研究至臨床」

105 「白藜蘆醇2016—第四屆白藜蘆醇與健康國際研討會:從基礎研究至臨床」

105 HMGA2,甲狀腺賀爾蒙誘導大腸直腸癌細胞增生的新標的(2/3)

105 HMGA2,甲狀腺賀爾蒙誘導大腸直腸癌細胞增生的新標的(2/3)

105 不同APC基因狀態大腸直腸癌患者藥物治療之抗藥性機轉研究-合併 tetrac-與 cetuximab-誘導抑制APC基因功能異常之大腸直腸癌細胞增生(3/3)

105 「HMGA2,甲狀腺賀爾蒙誘導大腸直腸癌細胞增生的新標的」

105 癌症生物學與藥物研發博士班研究生李奕欣君擬於106年4月1日至4月5日赴美國華盛頓特區(Washington)參加美國癌症研究學會2017年度會議

105 第4屆白藜蘆醇與健康國際研討會:從基礎研究至臨床

104 HMGA2,甲狀腺賀爾蒙誘導大腸直腸癌細胞增生的新標的(1/3)

104 HMGA2,甲狀腺賀爾蒙誘導大腸直腸癌細胞增生的新標的(1/3)

104 不同APC基因狀態大腸直腸癌患者藥物治療之抗藥性機轉研究-合併 tetrac-與 cetuximab-誘導抑制APC基因功能異常之大腸直腸癌細胞增生(2/3)

104 HMGA2,甲狀腺賀爾蒙誘導大腸直腸癌細胞增生的新標的

104 合併 tetrac-與 cetuximab-誘導抑制APC基因功能異常之大腸直腸癌細胞增生(2/3)(相對補助)

103 探討integrin αvβ3及EGFR間交叉效應對於甲狀腺賀爾蒙誘發大腸直腸癌細胞增生作用之影響

103 不同APC基因狀態大腸直腸癌患者藥物治療之抗藥性機轉研究-合併 tetrac-與 cetuximab-誘導抑制APC基因功能異常之大腸直腸癌細胞增生(1/3)

103 合併 tetrac-與 cetuximab-誘導抑制APC基因功能異常之大腸直腸癌細胞增生(1/3)(相對補助)

102 白藜蘆醇對卵巢囊腫和子宮肌瘤細胞增生之影響

102 雄性激素對乳癌發生及治療之影響

102 雄性激素對乳癌發生及治療之影響

101 白藜蘆醇對卵巢囊腫和子宮肌瘤細胞增生之影響

101 TMU101-AE1-B34