黃翠琴(Huang, Tsui-Chin) 教授

現   職
癌症生物學與藥物研發研究所 教授


學 歷

台灣大學分子與細胞生物學研究所 博士
台北科技大學生物科技所 碩士
臺北醫學大學保健營養學系 學士




2020/10/01 ~
2019/01/01 ~




癌症生物學 (Cancer biology)
細胞生物學 (Cell biology)
系統生物學 (Systems biology)
蛋白質體學 (Proteomics)
Proteomics approch
cell culture
flow cytometry
confocal microscopy
western blot
real-time pcr



1. 2023 Chen HY,Lin CE,,Wu SC,Yang ZY,Chiang YF,Huang KC, Wang KL, Ali M, Shieh TM, Chang HY, Huang TC, Hsia SM.. Para-toluenesulfonamide, a novel potent carbonic anhydrase inhibitor, improves hypoxia-induced metastatic breast cancer cell viability and prevents resistance to αPD-1 therapy in triple-negative breast cancer . Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy .2023

2. 2023 Lin LC,Chang HY,Kuo TT,Chen HY,Liu WS,Lo YJ, Hsia SM, Huang TC.. Oxidative stress mediates the inhibitory effects of Manzamine A on uterine leiomyoma cell proliferation and extracellular matrix deposition via SOAT inhibition . Redox Biol . .2023

3. 2023 Chen YC,Chiang YF,Lin YJ,Huang KC,Chen HY,Hamdy NM, Huang TC, Chang HY, Shieh TM, Huang YJ, Hsia SM.. Effect of Vitamin D Supplementation on Primary Dysmenorrhea: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Clinical Trials . Nutrients .2023

4. 2023 Chang HY,Gui CY,Huang TC, Hung YC,Chen TY. Quantitative Proteomic Analysis on the Slightly Acidic Electrolyzed Water Triggered Viable but Non-Culturable Listeria monocytogenes . Int J Mol Sci .2023

5. 2023 Chiang YF,Huang KC,Chen HY,Huang TC,Ali M,Chang HY, Shieh TM, Shih YH, Wang KL, Huang YJ, Chung CP, Hsia SM.. The Adipokine Visfatin Modulates Cancer Stem Cell Properties in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer . Biomedicines .2023

6. 2022 Chen HY,Chiang YF,Hong YH,Shieh TM,Huang TC,Ali M, Chang HY, Wang KL, Hsia SM.. Quercetin Ameliorates Renal Injury and Pyroptosis in Lupus Nephritis through Inhibiting IL-33/ST2 Pathway In Vitro and In Vivo . Antioxidants (Basel) .2022

7. 2022 Huang KC,Chiang YF,Huang TC,Chen HY, Lin PH,Ali M, Hsia SM.. Capsaicin alleviates cisplatin-induced muscle loss and atrophy in vitro and in vivo . J Cachexia Sarcopenia Muscle .2022

8. 2022 Chen HY,Hong YH,Chiang YF,Wang KL,Huang TC,Ali M, Shieh TM, Chang HY, Hsia SM.. Effects of Rice-Husk Silica Liquid in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Mice . Metabolites .2022

9. 2022 Chen YA,Chen GW,Ku HH,Huang TC,Chang HY,Wei CI, Tsai YH, Chen TY.. Differential Proteomic Analysis of Listeria monocytogenes during High-Pressure Processing . Biology (Basel) .2022

10. 2022 Chiang YF,Chung CP, Lin JH,Chiang W,Chen HY,Ali M, Shih YH, Wang KL, Huang TC, Chang HY, Lin LC, Shieh TM, Hsia SM.. Adlay Seed ( Coix lacryma-jobi L. var. Ma-yuen Stapf.) Ethanolic Extract Fractions and Subfractions Induce Cell Cycle Arrest and Apoptosis in Human Breast and Cervical Cancer Cell Lines . Molecules .2022

11. 2022 Chen HY,Chiang YF,Huang CY,Shieh TM,Kao C,Chang FK, Huang TC, Ali M, Chang HY, Hong YH, Hsia SM.. Spirulina phycocyanin extract and its active components suppress epithelial-mesenchymal transition process in endometrial cancer via targeting TGF-beta1/SMAD4 signaling pathway . Biomed Pharmacother .2022

12. 2022 Li-Chun Lin,Hsin-Yi Chang,Tony Eight Lin,Jyh-Ruey Lin,Shih-Min Hsia,Kai-Cheng Hsu , Tsui-Chin Huang . Structure-based virtual screening discovers novel kidney-type glutaminase inhibitors . Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy .2022

13. 2022 Tzu-Ting Kuo, Li-Chun Lin, Hsin-Yi Chang,Pei-Jung Chiang, Hsin-Yi Wu,Tai-Yuan Chen, Shih-Min Hsia, Tsui-Chin Huang. Quantitative Proteome Analysis Reveals Melissa officinalis Extract Targets Mitochondrial Respiration in Colon Cancer Cells . Molecules .2022

14. 2021 Huang TC,Peng KC,Kuo TT,Lin LC,Liu BC, Ye SP, Chu CC, Hsia SM, Chang HY.. Predicting Agents That Can Overcome 5-FU Resistance in Colorectal Cancers via Pharmacogenomic Analysis . Biomedicines .2021

15. 2021 Chiang YF,Chen HY,Ali M,Shieh TM,Huang YJ,Wang KL, Chang HY, Huang TC, Hong YH, Hsia SM. The Role of Cell Proliferation and Extracellular Matrix Accumulation Induced by Food Additive Butylated Hydroxytoluene in Uterine Leiomyoma . Nutrients .2021

16. 2021 Chen GW,Chen YA,Chang HY,Huang TC,Chen TY.. Combined impact of high-pressure processing and slightly acidic electrolysed water on Listeria monocytogenes proteomes . Food Res Int .2021

17. 2021 Chen HY,Cheng WP,Chiang YF,Hong YH,Ali M,Huang TC, Wang KL, Shieh TM, Chang HY, Hsia SM.. Hinokitiol Exhibits Antitumor Properties through Induction of ROS-Mediated Apoptosis and p53-Driven Cell-Cycle Arrest in Endometrial Cancer Cell Lines (Ishikawa, HEC-1A, KLE) . Int J Mol Sci . .2021

18. 2021 Chen HY,Chiang YF,Wang KL,Huang TC,Ali M,Shieh TM, Chang HY, Hong YH, Hsia SM.. Rice Husk Silica Liquid Protects Pancreatic β Cells from Streptozotocin-Induced Oxidative Damage . Antioxidants (Basel) .2021

19. 2021 Chiang YF,Tsai CH,Chen HY,Wang KL,Chang HY,Huang YJ, Hong YH, Ali M, Shieh TM, Huang TC, Lin CI, Hsia SM. Protective Effects of Fucoxanthin on Hydrogen Peroxide-Induced Calcification of Heart Valve Interstitial Cells . Mar Drugs .2021

20. 2021 Chen HY,Chiang YF,Huang JS,Huang TC,Shih YH,Wang KL, Ali M, Hong YH, Shieh TM, Hsia SM. Isoliquiritigenin Reverses Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition Through Modulation of the TGF-β/Smad Signaling Pathway in Endometrial Cancer . Cancers (Basel) .2021

21. 2020 Lin PH,Chiang YF,Shieh TM,Chen HY,Shih CK,Wang TH, Wang KL, Huang TC, Hong YH, Li SC, Hsia SM.. Dietary Compound Isoliquiritigenin, an Antioxidant from Licorice, Suppresses Triple-Negative Breast Tumor Growth via Apoptotic Death Program Activation in Cell and Xenograft Animal Models. . Antioxidants (Basel) .2020

22. 2020 Ekanem TI,Tsai WL,Lin YH,Tan WQ,Chang HY,Huang TC, Chen HY, Lee KH.. Identification of the Effects of Aspirin and Sulindac Sulfide on the Inhibition of HMGA2-Mediated Oncogenic Capacities in Colorectal Cancer. . Molecules .2020

23. 2020 Chiang YF,Hung HC,Chen HY,Huang KC,Lin PH,Chang JY, Huang TC, Hsia SM.. The Inhibitory Effect of Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Its Active Compound Oleocanthal on Prostaglandin-Induced Uterine Hypercontraction and Pain-Ex Vivo and In Vivo Study. . Nutrients .2020

24. 2020 Wong J,Chiang YF,Shih YH,Chiu CH,Chen HY,Shieh TM, Wang KL, Huang TC, Hong YH, Hsia SM.. Salvia sclarea L. Essential Oil Extract and Its Antioxidative Phytochemical Sclareol Inhibit Oxytocin-Induced Uterine Hypercontraction Dysmenorrhea Model by Inhibiting the Ca 2+-MLCK-MLC20 Signaling Cascade: An Ex Vivo and In Vivo Study . Antioxidants (Basel) .2020

25. 2020 Kuo TT,Chang HY,Chen TY,Liu BC,Chen HY,Hsiung YC, Hsia SM, Chang CJ*, and Huang TC. Melissa officinalis Extract Induces Apoptosis and Inhibits Migration in Human Colorectal Cancer Cells . ACS Omega .2020 ;(5):31792-31800

26. 2019 Lin PH,Tung YT,Chen HY,Chiang YF,Hong HC,Huang KC, Hsu SP, Huang TC, Hsia SM.. Melatonin activates cell death programs for the suppression of uterine leiomyoma cell proliferatio . J Pineal Res. .2019 ;(68):e12620

27. 2019 Huang HL,Liu YM,Sung TY, Huang TC,Cheng YW,Liou JP, Pan SL. TIMP3 expression associates with prognosis in colorectal cancer and its novel arylsulfonamide inducer, MPT0B390, inhibits tumor growth, metastasis and angiogenesis. . Theranostics .2019

28. 2019 Leung SW, Chou CJ,Huang TC,Yang PM. An Integrated Bioinformatics Analysis Repurposes an Antihelminthic Drug Niclosamide for Treating HMGA2-Overexpressing Human Colorectal Cancer. . Cancers (Basel). .2019

29. 2019 Hung KC,Huang TC,Cheng CH,Cheng YW,Lin DY,Fan JJ, Lee KH.. The Expression Profile and Prognostic Significance of Metallothionein Genes in Colorectal Cancer. . Int J Mol Sci .2019

30. 2019 Chen HY, Lin PH,Shih YH,Wang KL,Hong YH,Shieh TM, Huang TC, Hsia SM.. Natural Antioxidant Resveratrol Suppresses Uterine Fibroid Cell Growth and Extracellular Matrix Formation In Vitro and In Vivo. . Antioxidants (Basel) .2019

31. 2018 Chang CC,Huang TY,Chen HY, Huang TC,Lin LC, Chang YJ, Hsia SM.. Protective Effect of Melatonin against Oxidative Stress-Induced Apoptosis and Enhanced Autophagy in Human Retinal Pigment Epithelium Cells. . Oxid Med Cell Longev .2018

32. 2018 Lin LC,Kuo TT,Chang HY,Liu WS,Hsia SM,Huang TC. Manzamine A Exerts Anticancer Activity against Human Colorectal Cancer Cells. . Mar Drugs. .2018 ;(16):E252.

33. 2018 Wu YW,Hsu KC, Lee HY, Huang TC,Lin TE,Chen YL, Sung TY, Liou JP, Hwang-Verslues WW, Pan SL, HuangFu WC.. A Novel Dual HDAC6 and Tubulin Inhibitor, MPT0B451, Displays Anti-tumor Ability in Human Cancer Cells in Vitro and in Vivo. . Front Pharmacol. .2018 ;(9):205

34. 2018 Wang JW,Wu WH, Huang TC,Wong M,Kwak K,Ozato K, Hung CF, Roden RBS.. Roles of Fc Domain and Exudation in L2 Antibody-Mediated Protection against Human Papillomavirus. . J Virol. .2018 ;(92):e00572-e005718

35. 2018 Chen HY, Huang TC,Lin LC,Shieh TM,Wu CH,Wang KL, Hong YH, Hsia SM.. Fucoidan Inhibits the Proliferation of Leiomyoma Cells and Decreases Extracellular Matrix-Associated Protein Expression. . Cell Physiol Biochem. .2018 ;(49):1970-1986

36. 2017 Chang HY,Ye SP,Pan SL,Kuo TT,Liu BC,Chen YL, Huang TC*. . Overexpression of miR-194 Reverses HMGA2-driven Signatures in Colorectal Cancer. . Theranostics .2017

37. 2017 Chen HY,Huang TC,Shieh TM,Wu CH,Lin LC,Hsia SM. Isoliquiritigenin Induces Autophagy and Inhibits Ovarian Cancer Cell Growth. . Int J Mol Sci. .2017

38. 2017 Huang TC,Lee PT,Ming-Heng Wu, Huang CC,Ko CY, Lee YH, Lin DY, Cheng YW*, Lee KH*. Distinct Roles and Differential Expression Levels of Wnt5a mRNA Isoforms in Colorectal Cancer Cells. . PLoS One .2017

39. 2017 Jiang RT,Wang JW,Peng S,Huang TC,Wang C, Cannella F, Chang YN, Viscidi RP, Best SRA, Hung CF, Roden RBS.. Spontaneous and Vaccine-Induced Clearance of Mus Musculus Papillomavirus 1 Infection. . J Virol. .2017

40. 2017 Lin LC,Wu CH,Shieh TM,Chen HY,Huang TC*,Hsia SM*. The licorice dietary component isoliquiritigenin chemosensitizes human uterine sarcoma cells to doxorubicin and inhibits cell growth by inducing apoptosis and autophagy via inhibition of m-TOR signaling. . J. Funct. Food. .2017

41. 2016 Wu CH,Shieh TM,Wei LH,Cheng TF,Chen HY,Huang TC,Wang KL, Hsia SM.. .Resveratrol inhibits proliferation of myometrial and leiomyoma cells and decreases extracellular matrix-associated protein expression . Journal of Functional Foods (accepted) .2016

42. 2016 Hsieh YY,Huang TC,Lo HL,Jhan JY,Chen ST,Yang PM*. Systematic discovery of drug action mechanisms by an integrated chemical genomics approach: identification of functional disparities between azacytidine and decitabine. . Oncotarget .2016 ;(7):27363-27378

43. 2015 Chang HY,Li MH,Huang TC,Hsu CL,Tsai SR,Lee SC*, Huang HC*and Juan HF.*. Quantitative proteomics reveals middle infrared radiation-interfered networks in breast cancer cells. . Journal of Proteome Research .2015

44. 2015 Sun G,Cheng YW,Lai L,Huang TC,Wang J,Wu X, Wang Y, Huang Y, Wang J, Zhang K, Hu S, Yang JR, Yen Y.. Signature miRNAs in colorectal cancers were revealed using a bias reduction small RNA deep sequencing protocol. . Oncotarget .2015

45. 2015 Wu CH,Shieh TM,Wang KL,Huang TC,Hsia SM. Quercetin, a main flavonoid in onion, inhibits the PGF2alfa-induced uterine contraction in vitro and in vivo . Journal of Functional Foods .2015 ;(19):495-504

46. 2014 Ting CH,Huang HN,Huang TC,Wu CJ,Chen JY. The mechanisms by which pardaxin, a natural cationic antimicrobial peptide, targets the endoplasmic reticulum and induces c-FOS. . Biomaterials .2014 ;(35):3627-3640

47. 2014 Chang HY,Huang TC,Chen NN,Huang HC,Juan HF. Combination therapy targeting ectopic ATP synthase and 26S proteasome induces ER stress in breast cancer cells. . Cell Death & Disease .2014 ;(5):e1540

48. 2014 Liao EC,Hsu YT,Chuah QY,Lee YJ,Hu JY,Huang TC, Yang PM. Radiation induces senescence and a bystander effect through metabolic alterations . Cell Death & Disease .2014 ;(5):e1255

49. 2013 Huang TC,Chen JY. Proteomic Analysis Reveals That Pardaxin Triggers Apoptotic Signaling Pathways in Human Cervical Carcinoma HeLa Cells: Crosstalk among the UPR, c-Jun, and ROS. . Carcinogenesis .2013

50. 2013 Huang TC,Chen JY. Proteomic and functional analysis of zebrafish after administration of antimicrobial peptide epinecidin-1 . Fish & Shellfish Immunology .2013 ;(34):593-598

51. 2012 Wu SP,Huang TC,Lin CC,Hui CF,Lin CH,Chen JY. Pardaxin, a Fish Antimicrobial Peptide, Exhibits Antitumor Activity toward Murine Fibrosarcoma in Vitro and in Vivo. . Marine Drugs .2012 ;(10):1852-1872

52. 2012 Chang HY,Huang HC,Huang TC,Yang PC,Wang YC,Juan HF. Ectopic ATP synthase blockade suppresses lung adenocarcinoma growth by activating the unfolded protein response. . Cancer Research .2012 ;(72):4696-4706

53. 2012 Pan CY,Huang TC,Wang YD,Yeh YC,Hui CF,Chen JY. Oral administration of recombinant epinecidin-1 protected grouper (Epinephelus coioides) and zebrafish (Danio rerio) from Vibrio vulnificus infection and enhanced immune-related gene expressions. . Fish & Shellfish Immunology .2012 ;(32):947-957

54. 2012 Lin HJ,Huang TC,Muthusamy S,Lee JF,Duann YG,Lin CH. Piscidin-1, an antimicrobial peptide from fish (hybrid striped bass (Morone saxatilis x M. chrysops)), induces apoptotic and necrotic activity in HT1080 cells . Zoological Science .2012 ;(29):327-332

55. 2011 Huang TC,Lee JF,Chen JY. Pardaxin, an antimicrobial peptide, triggers caspase-dependent and ROS-mediated apoptosis in HT-1080 cells . Marine Drugs .2011 ;(9):1995-2009

56. 2011 Tsai SR,Huang TC,Liang CM,Juan HF,Lee SC. The effect of narrow bandwidth infrared radiation on the growth of Escherichia coli . Applied Physics Letters .2011 ;(99):163704-163706

57. 2011 Huang TC,Chang HY,Chen CY,Wu PY,Lee H,Hsu WM, Huang HC, Juan HF. Silencing of miR-124 induces neuroblastoma cell differentiation, cell cycle arrest and apoptosis through promoting AHR . FEBS Letters .2011 ;(585):3582-3586

58. 2008 Huang TC,Chang HY,Hsu CH,Kuo WH,Chang KJ,Juan HF. Targeting Therapy on Breast Carcinoma by ATP Synthase Inhibitor Aurovertin B . Journal of Proteome Research .2008 ;(7):1433-1444

59. 2007 Huang TC,Huang HC,Chang CC,Chang HY,Ou CH,Hsu CH, Chen ST, Juan HF. An apoptosis-related gene network induced by novel compound-cRGD in human breast cancer cells. . FEBS Letters .2007 ;(581):3517-3522

60. 2006 Juan HF,Wang IH,Huang TC,Li JJ,Chen ST,Huang HC. Proteomics analysis of a novel compound: cyclic RGD in breast carcinoma cell line MCF-7. . Proteomics .2006 ;(6):2991-3000

1. 2012 Huang TC,Chang HY,Juan HF. Discovering drug targets for cancer therapy. . Systems Biology: Applications in cancer-related research .2012


113 以定量蛋白質體學方法探討SOAT、油滴以及脂肪細胞分泌因子在大腸癌致病機轉所扮演的角色(3/3)

112 以定量蛋白質體學方法探討SOAT、油滴以及脂肪細胞分泌因子在大腸癌致病機轉所扮演的角色(2/3)

112 「以定量蛋白質體學方法探討SOAT、油滴以及脂肪細胞分泌因子在大腸癌致病機轉所扮演的角色」-陳欣媛君

111 以定量蛋白質體學方法探討SOAT、油滴以及脂肪細胞分泌因子在大腸癌致病機轉所扮演的角色(1/3)

109 探討檸檬香蜂草水萃物誘導大腸癌細胞鐵依賴性細胞死亡之抗腫瘤機轉

108 探討大葉樹蘭萃取物Rocaglamide A 對三陰性乳癌的影響及其作用機制

108 探討HMGA2調控miR-200a及miR-203a參與大腸直腸癌進程之分子機轉

108 郭子霆君擬於108年9月26日至9月28日赴日本京都參加第7屆日本癌症協會年會

107 探討HMGA2—微型核糖核酸之調控網路於致癌進程之調節

106 花草茶萃取物預防和治療大腸癌之功效研究(花草茶萃取物之保健功效研究)

105 不同APC基因狀態大腸直腸癌患者藥物治療之抗藥性機轉研究-鑑定APC基因突變引起大腸癌化療抗性之訊息傳遞重組路徑(3/3)

104 探討PGE2 antagonist 合併使用Oxaliplatin 對大腸癌生長及轉移抑制之影響

104 第二型人類表皮生長因子接受體(HER2) 即時定量檢驗之乳癌檢體驗證計畫
普生 股份有限公司

104 不同APC基因狀態大腸直腸癌患者藥物治療之抗藥性機轉研究-鑑定APC基因突變引起大腸癌化療抗性之訊息傳遞重組路徑(2/3)

104 大葉樹蘭萃取物Rocaglamide誘導乳癌細胞死亡之分子機制探討:以PHB作為抑制標的

104 鑑定APC基因突變引起大腸癌化療抗性之訊息傳遞重組路徑(2/3)(相對補助)

103 研究prohibitin於乳癌進程中所扮演之致癌角色

103 不同APC基因狀態大腸直腸癌患者藥物治療之抗藥性機轉研究-鑑定APC基因突變引起大腸癌化療抗性之訊息傳遞重組路徑(1/3)

103 鑑定APC基因突變引起大腸癌化療抗性之訊息傳遞重組路徑(1/3)(相對補助)

102 利用系統生物學探討prohibitin參與乳癌生成之作用機制及做為標靶之應用分析

102 探討MANZAMINE A對大腸癌細胞的影響及其機制

101 TMU101-AE1-B38