鄭嘉雄(Cheng, Chia-Hsiung) 教授

現   職
生物化學暨細胞分子生物學科 教授
醫學系 副主任


學 歷

台灣大學分子與細胞生物學研究所 博士
成功大學生物科技研究所 碩士
東海大學生物系 學士




2023/05/01 ~
2020/02/01 ~







1. 2024 Lu HY,Mi FL,Chou CM,Lin C,Chen YY,Chu CY, Liu CY, Lee YLA, Shih CC, Cheng CH. Layer-by-layer assembly of quercetin-loaded zein/γPGA/low-molecular-weight chitosan/fucoidan nanosystem for targeting inflamed blood vessels . International Journal of Biological Macromolecules .2024

2. 2023 Wang CY,Chou CM ,Chu CY,Chen A ,Liu EH ,Liu CY, Lee YLA, Mi FL, Cheng CH. A low-molecular-weight chitosan fluorometric-based assay for evaluating antiangiogenic drugs . International Journal of Biological Macromolecules .2023

3. 2023 Cheng CH,Liu YC ,Yang YCSH ,Lin KJ ,Wu D ,Liu YR, Chang CC, Hong CT, Hu CJ. Plasmon-activated water as a therapeutic strategy in Alzheimer’s disease by altering gut microbiota . Aging .2023

4. 2023 Hsiao SW ,Kuo IC ,Syu LL ,Lee TH ,Cheng CH ,Mei HC, Lee CK. Assessing the skin-whitening property of plant extracts from taiwanese species using zebrafish as a rapid screening platform . Arabian Journal of Chemistry .2023

5. 2023 Chen WY ,Liu YY ,Kong JAN,Li LPH ,Chen YB,Cheng CH, and Liu CY. Biological cell trapping and manipulation of a photonic nanojet by a specific microcone-shaped optical fiber tip . Optics Letters .2023

6. 2022 Hsi HY,Wang SW,Cheng CH,Pang KL,Leu JY,Chang SH, Lee YT, Kuo YH, Huang CY, and Lee TH. Chemical Constituents and Anti-Angiogenic Principles from a Marine Algicolous Penicillium sumatraense SC29 . Molecules .2022

7. 2022 Leung SW,Cheng PC,Chou CM,Lin C,Kuo YC,Lee YLA, Liu CY, Mi FL, and Cheng CH. A novel low-molecular-weight chitosan/gamma-polyglutamic acid polyplexes for nucleic acid delivery into zebrafish larvae . International Journal of Biological Macromolecules .2022 ;(194):384-394

8. 2022 Minin OV,Chen WY,Chien SC,Cheng CH,Minin IV ,Liu CY. In-plane subwavelength optical capsule for lab-on-a-chip nano-tweezers . Optics Letters .2022 ;(47):794-797

9. 2021 UBE2S activates NF-kappaB signaling by binding with IkappaBalpha and promotes metastasis of lung adenocarcinoma cells . Cellular Oncology .2021 ;(44):1325-1338

10. 2021 Genome-wide CRISPR/Cas9 knockout screening uncovers a novel inflammatory pathway critical for resistance to arginine-deprivation therapy . Theranostics .2021

11. 2021 Switched phenotypes of macrophages during the different stages of Schistosoma japonicum infection influenced the subsequent trends of immune responses . Journal of Microbiology, Immunology and Infection .2021

12. 2021 Guanabenz Sensitizes Glioblastoma Cells to Sunitinib by Inhibiting GADD34-Mediated Autophagic Signaling . Neurotherapeutics .2021

13. 2021 PRMT1 Confers Resistance to Olaparib via Modulating MYC Signaling in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer . Journal of Personalized Medicine .2021

14. 2020 Hsu WJ,Lin MH,Kuo TC,Chou CM,Mi FL,Cheng CH, Lin CW. Fucoidan from Laminaria japonica exerts antitumor effects on angiogenesis and micrometastasis in triple-negative breast cancer cells . International Journal of Biological Macromolecules .2020 ;(149):600-608

15. 2020 Ho KH,Chen PH,Chou CM ,Shih CM,Lee YT,Cheng CH and Chen KC. A Key Role of DNA Damage-Inducible Transcript 4 (DDIT4) Connects Autophagy and GLUT3-Mediated Stemness To Desensitize Temozolomide Efficacy in Glioblastomas . Neurotherapeutics .2020

16. 2020 Chou CM,Mi FL,Horng JL,Lin LY,Tsai ML,Liu CL, Lu KY, Chu CY, Chen YT, Cheng CH. Characterization and toxicology evaluation of low molecular weight chitosan on zebrafish . Carbohydrate Polymers .2020 ;(240):116164-116176

17. 2019 Kuo CC ,Ling HH,Chiang MC ,Chung CH,Lee WY,Chu CY, Wu YC, Chen CH, Lai YW, Tsai IL, Cheng CH, Lin CW. Metastatic Colorectal Cancer Rewrites Metabolic Program Through a Glut3-YAP-dependent Signaling Circuit . Theranostics .2019 ;(9):2526-2540

18. 2019 Fan JJ,Hsu WH,Hung HH,Zhang WJ,Lee YL,Chen KC, Chu CY, Ko TP, Lee MT, Lin CW, Cheng CH. Reduction in MnSOD promotes the migration and invasion of squamous cell carcinoma cells . International Journal of Oncology .2019 ;(54):1639-1650

19. 2019 Hung KC,Huang TC,Cheng CH,Cheng YW,Lin DY,Fan JJ, Lee KH. The Expression Profile and Prognostic Significance of Metallothionein Genes in Colorectal Cancer . International Journal of Molecular Sciences .2019 ;(20):3849-3860

20. 2019 Ho KH,Cheng CH,Chou CM,Chen PH,Liu AJ,Lin CW, Shih CM, Chen KC. miR-140 targeting CTSB signaling suppresses the mesenchymal transition and enhances temozolomide cytotoxicity in glioblastoma multiforme . PHARMACOLOGICAL RESEARCH .2019 ;(147):104390-104402

21. 2019 Cheng CH,Lin KJ,Hong CT,Wu D,Chang HM,Liu CH, Hsiao IT, Yang CP, Liu YC, Hu CJ. Plasmon-Activated Water Reduces Amyloid Burden and Improves Memory in Animals with Alzheimer’s Disease . Scientific Reports .2019 ;(9):13252-13261

22. 2019 Huang YM,Cheng CH,Pan SL,Yang PM,Lin DY,Lee KH. Gene Expression Signature-Based Approach Identifies Antifungal Drug Ciclopirox As a Novel Inhibitor of HMGA2 in Colorectal Cancer . Biomolecules .2019 ;(9):688-702

23. 2019 Fan JJ ,Hsu WH,Lee KH,Chen KC,Lin CW,Lee YLA, Ko TP, Lee LT, Lee MT, Chang MS, Cheng CH. Dietary Flavonoids Luteolin and Quercetin Inhibit Migration and Invasion of Squamous Carcinoma through Reduction of Src/Stat3/S100A7 Signaling . Antioxidants .2019 ;(8):557-573

24. 2018 Chen KC,Hsu WH,Ho JY,Lin CW,Chu CY,Kandaswami CC, Lee MT, Cheng CH. Flavonoids Luteolin and Quercetin Inhibit RPS19 and contributes to metastasis of cancer cells through c-Myc reduction . Journal of Food and Drug Analysis .2018 ;(26):1180-1191

25. 2018 Cheng MC ,Lee TH,Chu YT ,Syu LL,Hsu SJ ,Cheng CH, Wu J, and Lee CK. Melanogenesis inhibitors from the rhizoma of ligusticum sinense in B16-f10 melanoma cells in vitro and zebrafish in vivo . International Journal of Molecular Sciences .2018 ;(19)

26. 2017 Huang CJ,Chou CM,Lien HW,Chu CY,Ho JY,Wu Y, Cheng CH. IRF9-Stat2 Fusion Protein as an Innate Immune Inducer to Activate Mx and Interferon-Stimulated Gene Expression in Zebrafish Larvae . Marine Biotechnology .2017 ;(19):310-319

27. 2017 Chen PC,Lee WY,Ling HH,Cheng CH,Chen KC,Lin CW. Activation of fibroblasts by nicotine promotes the epithelial-mesenchymal transition and motility of breast cancer cells . Journal of Cellular Physiology .2017 ;(233):4972-4980

28. 2017 Lin TH,Hsu WH,Tsai PH,Huang YT,Lin CW,Chen KC, Tsai IH, Kandaswami CC, Huang CJ, Chang GD, Lee MT, Cheng CH. Dietary flavonoids, luteolin and quercetin, inhibit invasion of cervical cancer by reduction of UBE2S through epithelial-mesenchymal transition signaling . Food and Function .2017 ;(1):1-1

29. 2017 Wei YC,Cheng CH,Ho YC,Tsai ML,Mi FL. Active gellan gum/purple sweet potato composite films capable of monitoring pH variations . Food Hydrocolloids .2017 ;(69):491-502

30. 2016 Lien HW,Yuan RY,Chou CM,Chen YC,Hung CC,Hu CH, L. Hwang SP, Hwang PP, Shen CN, Chen CL, Cheng CH, and Huang CJ. Zebrafish cyclin Dx is required for development of motor neuron progenitors, and its expression is regulated by hypoxia-inducible factor 2α. . Scientific Reports .2016 ;(6):28297-28297

31. 2016 Chen PH,Chang CK,Shih CM,Cheng CH,Lin CW,Lee CC, Liu AJ, Ho KH, Chen KC. The miR-204-3p-targeted IGFBP2 pathway is involved in xanthohumol-induced glioma cell apoptotic death. . Neuropharmacology .2016 ;(110):362-375

32. 2016 Tsai PH,Cheng CH,Lin CY,Huang YT,Lee LT,Kandaswami CC, Lin, YC, Lee Kevin PH, Hung, CC, Hwang JJ, Ke FC, Chang GD and Lee MT. Dietary Flavonoids Luteolin and Quercetin Suppressed Cancer Stem Cell Properties and Metastatic Potential of Isolated Prostate Cancer Cells. . Anticancer Research .2016 ;(36):6367-6380

33. 2016 Chen PH,Cheng CH,Shih CM,Ho KH,Lin CW,Liu AJ, Chang CK, Chen KC. The Inhibition of microRNA-128 on IGF-1-Activating mTOR Signaling Involves in Temozolomide-Induced Glioma Cell Apoptotic Death. . PLoS One .2016 ;(11):e01670-e01670

34. 2015 Chou CM,Chen YC,Su S,Chen GD,Huang KY,Lien, HW, Huang CJ, Cheng CH. Activation of MEK2 is sufficient to induce skin papilloma formation in transgenic zebrafish . Journal of Biomedical Science .2015 ;(22):102-102

35. 2015 Lee WY,Lee WT,Cheng CH,Chen KC,Chou CM,Chung CH, Sun MS, Cheng HW, Ho MN, Lin CW. Repositioning antipsychotic chlorpromazine for treating colorectal cancer by inhibiting sirtuin 1 . Oncotarget .2015 ;(6):27580-27595

36. 2015 Lee WT,Lee TH,Cheng CH,Chen KC,Chen YC,Lin CW. Antroquinonol from Antrodia Camphorata suppresses breast tumor migration/invasion through inhibiting ERK-AP-1- and AKT-NF-κB-dependent MMP-9 and epithelial-mesenchymal transition expressions . Food Chem Toxicol .2015 ;(78):33-41

37. 2015 Lin CW,Lai GM,Chen KC,Lin TH,Fan JJ,Hsu RL, Chou CM, Lin CM, Kandaswami C, Lee MT, Cheng CH. RPS12 increases the invasiveness in cervical cancer activated by c-Myc and inhibited by the dietary flavonoids luteolin and quercetin . Journal of functional foods .2015 ;(19):236-247

38. 2014 Han HW,Chou CM,Chu CY,Cheng CH,Yang CH,Hung CC, Hwang PP, Lee SJ, Liao YF, Huang CJ. The Nogo-C2/Nogo Receptor Complex Regulates the Morphogenesis of Zebrafish Lateral Line Primordium through Modulating the Expression of dkk1b, a Wnt Signal Inhibitor . PLOS ONE .2014 ;(9):e86345-e86345

39. 2014 Cheng CH,Chou CM,Chu CY,Chen GD,Lien HW,Hwang PP, Chang MS, Huang CJ. Differential regulation of Tetraodon nigroviridis Mx gene promoter activity by constitutively-active forms of STAT1, STAT2, and IRF9 . Fish & shellfish immunology .2014 ;(38):230-243

40. 2014 Lin MH, Cheng CH,Chen KC,Lee WT,Wang YF,Xiao CQ,Lin CW. Induction of ROS-independent JNK-activation-mediated apoptosis by a novel coumarin-derivative, DMAC, in human colon cancer cells . Chem Biol Interact .2014 ;(6):42-49

41. 2014 Chen PH,Shih CM,Chang WC,Cheng CH,Lin CW,Ho KH, Su PC, Chen KC. MicroRNA-302b-inhibited E2F3 transcription factor is related to all trans retinoic acid-induced glioma cell apoptosis . J Neurochem .2014

42. 2013 Lien HW,Yang CH,Cheng CH,Liao YF,Han YS,Huang CJ. Zinc finger protein 219-like (ZNF219L) and Sox9a regulate synuclein-γ2 (sncgb) expression in the developing notochord of zebrafish. . BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS .2013

43. 2013 Lee WY,Chen YC,Shih CM,Lin CM,Cheng CH,Chen KC, Lin CW. The induction of heme oxygenase-1 suppresses heat shock . TOXICOLOGY AND APPLIED .2013

44. 2013 Lin YC,Tsai PH,Lin CY,Cheng CH,Lin TH,Lee KP, Huang KY, Chen SH, Hwang JJ, Kandaswami CC, Lee MT. Impact of Flavonoids on Matrix Metalloproteinase Secretion and Invadopodia Formation in Highly Invasive A431-III Cancer Cells. . PLOS One. .2013 ;(8):e71903-e71903

45. 2013 Huang-Wei Lien,Chung-Hsiang Yang,Chia-Hsiung Cheng,Chin-Chun Hung,Wei-Hao Liao,Pung-Pung Hwang, Yu-San Han, Chang-Jen Huang. A Novel Zinc Finger Protein 219-like (ZNF219L) is Involved in the Regulation of Collagen Type 2 Alpha 1a (col2a1a) Gene Expression in Zebrafish Notochord . International Journal of Biological Sciences .2013 ;(9):872-886

46. 2013 Liao WH,Cheng CH,Hung KS,Chiu WT,Cheng GD,Hwang PP, Hwang SP, Kuan YS , Huang CJ. Protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor type O (Ptpro) regulates cerebellar formation during zebrafish development through modulating Fgf signaling. . Cell Mol Life Sci. .2013 ;(70):2367-2381

47. 2011 Yang CH,Cheng CH,Chen GD,Chen YC,Hwang PP,Huang CJ. Zona pellucida domain-containing protein β-tectorin is crucial for proper inner ear development in zebrafish. . Plos one. .2011 ;(6):e23078

48. 2011 Huang KY,Cheng GD,Cheng CH,Liao KY,Hung CC,Chang GD, Hwang PP, Lin SY, Tsai MC, Khoo KH, Lee MT, Huang CJ.. Phosphorylation of the Zebrafish M6Ab at Serine 263 Contributes to Filopodium Formation in PC12 Cells and Neurite Outgrowth in Zebrafish Embryos. . Plos One .2011 ;(6):e26461-e26461

49. 2011 Lin YS,Tsai PH,Kandaswami C,Cheng CH,Ke FC,Hwang JJ, Lee PP and Lee MT. Effects of dietary flavonoids, luteolin and quercetin on the reversal of epithelial-mesenchymal transition in A431 epidermal cancer cells. . Cancer Science .2011 ;(102):1829-1839

50. 2011 Lin CY,Tsai PH,Kandaswami C,Chang GD,Cheng CH,Huang CJ, Hwang JJ, Lee PP, Lee MT. Role of tissue transglutaminase 2 in the acquisition of the mesenchymal-like phenotype in highly invasive A431 tumor cells. . Molecular Cancer .2011 ;(10):87

51. 2011 Ko CY,Tsai MY,Tseng WF,Cheng CH,Huang CR,Wu JS, Chung HY, Hsieh CS, Sun CK, Hwang SPL, Yuh CH, Huang CJ., Pai TW, Tzou WS, Hu CH. Integration of CNS survival and differentiation by HIF2a. . Cell Death and Differentiation .2011 ;(18):1757-1770

52. 2010 Cheng CH,Chen GD,Yeh MS,Chu CY,Hsu YL,Hwang PP, Huang FL, Huang CJ. Expression and characterization of the JAK kinase and STAT protein from brine shrimp, Artemia franciscana. . Fish Shellfish Immunol. .2010 ;(28):774-782

53. 2010 Sung SC,Cheng CH,Chou CM,Chen GD,Chu CY,Huang CJ. Expression and characterization of a constitutively active STAT6 from Tetraodon. . Fish and Shellfish Immunology .2010 ;(28):819-828

54. 2010 Chen YC,Wu BK,Chu CY,Cheng CH,Han HW,Chen GD, Hwang SP, Kawakami K, and Huang CJ. Identification and characterization of alternative promoters of the zebrafish Rtn-4/Nogo genes in cultured cells and in zebrafish embryos. . Nucl. Acids Res. .2010 ;(38):4635-4650

55. 2009 Chen YL,Cheng CH,Chen GD,Hung CC,Yang CH,Hwang SP, Kawakami K, Wu BK, Huang CJ.. Recapitulation of zebrafish sncga expression pattern and labeling the habenular complex in transgenic zebrafish using green fluorescent protein reporter gene. . Dev. Dyn. .2009 ;(238):746-754

56. 2008 Yeh MS,Cheng CH,Chou CM,Hsu YL,Chu CY,Chen GD, Chen ST, Chen GC, Huang CJ. Expression and characterization of two STAT isoforms from Sf9 cells. . Dev. Comp. Immunol. .2008 ;(32):814-824

57. 2008 Chu CY,Cheng CH,Yang CH,Huang CJ. Erythropoietins from teleosts. . Cell. Mol. Life Sci. .2008 ;(65):3545-3552

58. 2008 Cheng W,Tsai IH,Huang CJ,Chiang PC,Cheng CH,Yeh MS. Cloning and characterization of hemolymph clottable proteins of kuruma prawn (Marsupenaeus japonicus) and white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei). . Dev. Comp. Immunol. .2008 ;(32):265-274

59. 2007 Chu CY,Cheng CH,Chen GD,Chen YL,Hung CC,Huang KY, Huang CJ.. The zebrafish erythropoietin: functional identification and biochemical characterization. . FEBS Lett. .2007 ;(581):4265-4271

60. 2006 Kao FI,Cheng YY,Chow TY,Chen HH,Liu SM,Cheng CH, Chung MC. An integrated map of Oryza sativa L. chromosome 5. . Theor. Appl. Genet. .2006 ;(112):891-902

61. 2006 Chang CC,Lin HC,Lin IP,Chow TY,Chen HH,Chen WH, Cheng CH, Lin CY, Liu SM, Chang CC, Chaw SM.. The chloroplast genome of Phalaenopsis aphrodite (Orchidaceae): comparative analysis of evolutionary rate with that of grasses and its phylogenetic implications. . Mol. Biol. Evol. .2006 ;(23):279-291

62. 2005 Cheng CH,Chung MC,Liu SM,Chen SK,Kao FY,Lin SJ, Hsiao SH, Tseng IC, Hsing YI, Wu HP, Chen CS, Shaw JF, Wu J, Matsumoto T, Sasaki T, Chen HH. A fine physical map of the rice chromosome 5. . Mol. Genet. Genomics. .2005 ;(274):337-345

63. 2005 Chow TY,Chen HH,Chung MC,Chen CS,Shaw JF,Wu HP, Hsiao KJ, Chao YT, Chu MK, Cheng CH, Hour AL, Lee PF, Lin SJ, Lin YC, Liou JY, Liu SM. The map-based sequence of the rice genome. . Nature .2005 ;(436):793-800

64. 2002 Cheng CH,Liu SM,Chow TY,Hsiao YY,Wang DP,Huang JJ, Chen HH.. Analysis of the complete sequence of the Hz-1 virus. Suggests that it is related to members of the Baculoviridae. . Journal of Virology .2002 ;(76):9024-9034


113 結合新奈米附載劑型與間質幹細胞治療系統應用於糖尿病危重肢體缺血 -開發新型發炎導向奈米系統作為藥物附載的運輸(3/3)

113 開發口服血管發炎導向奈米藥物負載系統以運輸槲皮素作為預防藥物

112 結合新奈米附載劑型與間質幹細胞治療系統應用於糖尿病危重肢體缺血 -開發新型發炎導向奈米系統作為藥物附載的運輸(2/3)

111 結合新奈米附載劑型與間質幹細胞治療系統應用於糖尿病危重肢體缺血 -開發新型發炎導向奈米系統作為藥物附載的運輸(1/3)

110 以IRF9S2C蛋白結合HDAC抑制劑 Givinostat建構細胞激素風暴小鼠動物模式

110 Study the mutation gene of familial lymphedema in zebrafish model

110 以小分子甲殼素奈米粒子建構水生魚類的核酸運輸平台

108 探討小分子藥物在肺癌抑制UBE2S的癌化機轉及評估其臨床的應用

108 甲穀素奈米廢棄物對水生魚類的毒性影響之研究:建構奈米材料毒性檢測平台

107 建構阿茲海默氏症細胞藥物篩選模式:分析小分子藥物488和電漿活化水抑制類澱粉斑塊的形成

107 探討UBE2S在神經膠質瘤的癌化機轉及評估在臨床的治療

107 甲穀素奈米廢棄物對水生魚類的毒性影響之研究

106 家族性淋巴水腫之基因鑑定及功能探討

104 利用斑馬魚模式生物探討deptor基因表現與對早期肝臟腸道發育的影響

103 以全基因組外顯子分析家族性淋巴水腫致病機轉

102 檢測家族性淋巴水腫的致病基因

101 以次世代定序檢測血腫病人血液中念珠菌種的感染

101 TMU101-AE1-B22