徐松柏(Hsu, Sung-Po) 副教授

現   職
生理學科 副教授


學 歷

臺灣大學生理學研究所 博士
高雄醫學院醫研所 碩士
高雄醫學院生物系 學士








分子內分泌 (Molecular Endocrinology)
細胞生理 (Cell Physiology)
血管增生 (Angiogenesis)



1. 2023 Wang BY,Chang YY,Shiu LY,Lee YJ,Lin YW,Hsu YS, Tsai HT, Hsu SP, Su LJ, Tsai MH, Xiao JH, Lin JA, Chen CH. An integrated analysis of dysregulated SCD1 in human cancers and functional verification of miR-181a-5p/SCD1 axis in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma . Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal .2023

2. 2023 Narwane M,Dorairaj DP,Roymahapatra G,Chang YL,Chu YT,Hsu SP, Karvembu R, Hsu Sodio CN. Synthesis, characterization, cytotoxicity evaluation, and molecular docking with DNA, bovine serum albumin, and SARS-Cov-2 of copper complexes bearing tris-(2-pyridyl)-pyrazolyl borate ligand . Applied Organometallic Chemistry .2023

3. 2022 Feng YH,Lim SW,Lin HY,Wang SA,Hsu SP,Kao TJ, Ko CY, Hsu TI. Allopregnanolone suppresses glioblastoma survival through decreasing DPYSL3 and S100A11 expression . Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology .2022 ;(219):106067

4. 2022 Wu YC,Hsu SP,Hu MC,Lan YT,Yeh ETH,Yang FM. PEP-sNASP peptide alleviates LPS-induced acute lung injury through the TLR4/TRAF6 axis . Frontiers in Medicine .2022

5. 2021 Fan YC,Hsu KC,Lin TE,Zechner D,Hsu SP,Tsai YC. Investigation of anti-tumor effects of an MLK1 inhibitor in prostate and pancreatic cancers . Biology .2021 ;(10)

6. 2021 Lin HY,Liao KH,Ko CY,Chen GY,Hsu SP,Hung CY, Hsu TI. 17β-estradiol induces temozolomide resistance through NRF2-mediated redox homeostasis in glioblastoma . Free Radical Biology and Medicine .2021 ;(172):430-440

7. 2020 Lin PH,Tung YT,Chen HY,Chiang YF,Hong HC,Huang KC, Hsu SP, Huang TC, Hsia SM. Melatonin activates cell death programs for the suppression of uterine leiomyoma cell proliferation . Journal of Pineal Research .2020 ;(68):e12620

8. 2020 Hsu SP,Lee WS. Effects of female sex hormones on the development of atherosclerosis . Chinese Journal of Physiology .2020 ;(63):256-262

9. 2019 Hsu SP,Lin PH, Chou CM,Lee WS. Progesterone up-regulates p27 through an increased binding of the progesterone receptor-A-p53 protein complex onto the non-canonical p53 binding motif in HUVEC . The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology .2019

10. 2019 Ting PC, Lee WR,Huo YN, Hsu SP,Lee WS. Folic acid inhibits colorectal cancer cell migration . The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry .2019

11. 2019 Chang CC,Huang KH, Hsu SP,Lee YC,Sue YM,Juan SH. Simvastatin reduces the carcinogenic effect of 3-methylcholanthrene in renal epithelial cells through histone deacetylase 1 inhibition and RhoA reactivation . Scientific Reports .2019

12. 2019 Chokchaiwong S,Kuo YT,Hsu SP,Hsu YC,Lin SH,Zhong WB, Lin YF, Kao SH. ETF-QO Mutants Uncoupled Fatty Acid β-Oxidation and Mitochondrial Bioenergetics Leading to Lipid Pathology . Cells .2019 ;(8): pii:-E106

13. 2018 Chand K,Tsai CL,Chen HY,Ching WM,Hsu SP,Carey JR, Hsu SC. Improved Synthesis of Unsymmetrical N-aryl-N'-alkylpyridyl ß-Diketimines using Molecular Sieves and their Lithium Complexes . European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry .2018

14. 2018 Zhong WB,Tsai YC,Chin LH,Tseng JH,Tang LW,Horng S, Fan YC, Hsu SP. A Synergistic Anti-Cancer Effect of Troglitazone and Lovastatin in a Human Anaplastic Thyroid Cancer Cell Line and in a Mouse Xenograft Model . International Journal of Molecular Sciences .2018 ;(19):pii:E1834

15. 2018 Chokchaiwong S,Kuo YT, Lin SH,Hsu YC,Hsu SP,Liu YT, Chou AJ, Kao SH. Coenzyme Q10 serves to couple mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation and fatty acid β-oxidation, and attenuates NLRP3 inflammasome activation . Free Radical Research .2018 ;(11):1-11

16. 2017 Chuang WJ,Hsu SP,Chand K,Yu FL,Tsai CL,Tseng YH, Lu YH, Kuo JY, Carey JR, Chen HY, Chen HY, Chiang MY, Hsu SC. Reactivity Study of Unsymmetrical β-Diketiminato Copper(I) Complexes: Effect of the Chelating Ring . Inorganic Chemistry .2017 ;(56):2722-2735

17. 2017 Tseng CK,Hsu SP,Lin CK,Wu YH,Lee JC,Young KC. Celastrol inhibits hepatitis C virus replication by upregulating heme oxygenase-1 via the JNK MAPK/Nrf2 pathway in human hepatoma cells . Antiviral Research .2017 ;(146):191-200

18. 2017 Chen MC,Tsai YC,Tseng JH,Liou JJ,Horng S,Wen HC, Fan YC, Zhong WB, Hsu SP. Simvastatin Inhibits Cell Proliferation and Migration in Human Anaplastic Thyroid Cancer. . International Journal of Molecular Sciences .2017 ;(18):2690

19. 2016 Chin LH,Hsu SP,Zhong WB,Liang YC. Involvement of cysteine-rich protein 61 in the epidermal growth factor-induced migration of human anaplastic thyroid cancer cells . Molecular Carcinogenesis .2016 ;(55):622-632

20. 2016 Lin ST,Tu SH,Yang PS,Hsu SP,Lee WH,Ho CT, Wu CH, Lai YH, Chen MY, Chen LC. Apple Polyphenol Phloretin Inhibits Colorectal Cancer Cell Growth via Inhibition of the Type 2 Glucose Transporter and Activation of p53-Mediated Signaling . Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry .2016 ;(64):6826-6837

21. 2015 Hsu SP,Yang HC,Kuo CT,Wen HC,Chen LC,Huo YN, Lee WS. Progesterone receptor-NFκB complex formation is required for progesterone-induced NFκB nuclear translocation and binding onto the p53 promoter . Endocrinology .2015 ;(156):291-300

22. 2015 Chin LH,Hsu SP,Zhong WB,Liang YC. Combined Treatment with Troglitazone and Lovastatin Inhibited Epidermal Growth Factor-Induced Migration through the Downregulation of Cysteine-Rich Protein 61 in Human Anaplastic Thyroid Cancer Cells . PLoS One .2015 ;(10):e01186

23. 2015 Wang HC,Hsu SP,Lee WS. Extra-Nuclear Signaling Pathway Involved in Progesterone-Induced Up-Regulations of p21cip1 and p27kip1 in Male Rat Aortic Smooth Muscle Cells . PLoS One .2015 ;(10):e01259

24. 2013 Wen HC,Kao C,Hsu RC,Huo YN,Ting PC,Chen LC, Hsu SP, Juan SH, Lee WS. Thy-1-Induced Migration Inhibition in Vascular Endothelial Cells through Reducing the RhoA Activity . PLoS One .2013 ;(8):e61506-1-10

25. 2013 Hou TC,Lin JJ,Wen HC,Chen LC,Hsu SP,Lee WS. Folic acid inhibits endothelial cell migration through inhibiting the RhoA activity mediated by activating the folic acid receptor/cSrc/p190RhoGAP-signaling pathway . Biochem. Pharmacol. .2013 ;(85):376-384

26. 2012 Lin SY,Lee WR,Su YF,Hsu SP,Lin HC,Ho PY, Hou TC, Chou YP, Kuo CT, Lee WS. Folic acid inhibits endothelial cell proliferation through activating the cSrc/ERK2/NF-κB/p53 pathway mediated by folic acid receptor . Angiogenesis .2012 ;(15):671-683

27. 2011 Zhong WB,Hsu SP,Ho PY,Liang YC,Chang TC,Lee WS. Lovastatin inhibits proliferation of anaplastic thyroid cancer cells through upregulation of p27 by interfering with the Rho/ROCK-mediated pathway . Biochem. Pharmacol. .2011 ;(82):1663-1672

28. 2011 Hsu SP,Chen TH,Chou YP,Chen LC,Kuo CT,Lee TS, Lin JJ, Chang NC, Lee WS. Extra-nuclear activation of progesterone receptor in regulating arterial smooth muscle cell migration . Atherosclerosis .2011 ;(217):83-89

29. 2011 Hsu SP,Lee WS. Progesterone receptor activation of extranuclear signaling pathways in regulating p53 expression in vascular endothelial cells . Mol. Endocrinol. .2011 ;(25):421-432

30. 2009 Hsu SP,Ho PY,Liang YC,Ho YS,Lee WS. Involvement of the JNK activation in terbinafine-induced p21 up-regulation and DNA synthesis inhibition in human vascular endothelial cells . J. Cell. Biochem. .2009 ;(108):860-866

31. 2008 Hsu SP,Ho PY,Juan SH,Liang YC,Lee WS. Progesterone inhibits human endothelial cell proliferation through a p53-dependent pathway . Cell. Mol. Life Sci. .2008 ;(65):3839-3850

32. 2008 Ho PY,Hsu SP,Liang YC,Kuo ML,Ho YS,Lee WS. Inhibition of the ERK phosphorylation plays a role in terbinafine-induced p21 up-regulation and DNA synthesis inhibition in human vascular endothelial cells . Toxicol. Appl. Pharm. .2008 ;(229):86-93

33. 2008 Pang PH,Lin YH,Lee YH,Hou HH,Hsu SP,Juan SH. Molecular mechanisms of p21 and p27 induction by 3-methylcholanthrene, an aryl-hydrocarbon receptor agonist, involved in antiproliferation of human umbilical vascular endothelial cells . J. Cell. Physiol. .2008 ;(215):161-171

34. 2008 Lin H,Lee JL,Hou HH,Chung CP,Hsu SP,Juan SH. Molecular mechanisms of the antiproliferative effect of beraprost, a prostacyclin agonist, in murine vascular smooth muscle cells . J. Cell. Physiol. .2008 ;(214):434-441

1. 2014 Hsu SP,Yang HC,Kuo CT,Wen HC,Chen LC,Huo YN, Lee WS. Formation of progesterone receptor-NF-kB complex is required for progesterone-induced NF-kB nuclear translocation and binding onto the p53 promoter . 16th European Congress of Endocrinology (ECE) (Wroclaw, Poland; 3rd - 7th May, 2014) .2014

2. 2013 Wang HC,Hsu SP,Lee WS. Involvement of p27 in the progesterone-induced migration inhibition in rat aortic smooth muscle cells . 81st European Atherosclerosis Society (EAS) Congress (Lyon, France; 2nd-5th June, 2013) .2013

3. 2012 Hsu SP,Chang C,Kuo CT,Wang YJ,Lee WS. Molecular mechanism underlying folic acid-inhibited colon cancer growth . 22nd Biennial Congress of European Association for Cancer Research (EACR) (Barcelona, Spain; 7th -10th July 2012) .2012

4. 2011 Hsu SP,Ho PY,Juan SH,Liang YC,Lee WS. Molecular mechanism underlying progesterone-induced antiproliferation of vascular endothelial cells during angiogenesis . 7th Congress of the Federations of Asian and Oceanian Physiological Societies (FAOPS) (Taipei, Taiwan; 11th -14th September 2011) .2011

5. 2010 Hsu SP,Lee WS. Progesterone receptor activation of extra-nuclear signaling pathways in regulating p53 expression in vascular endothelial cells during angiogenesis . Nature CNIO Cancer Symposium “Frontiers in Tumour Progression” (Palacete de los Duques de Pastrana, Madrid, Spain; 24th -27th October 2010) .2010


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