鄭財木(Cheng, Tsai-Mu) 教授

現   職
轉譯醫學博士學位學程 教授


學 歷

交通大學生物科技 博士
陽明大學生物化學 碩士
東海大學環境科學 學士




2024/05/01 ~
2020/05/01 ~
2017/03/01 ~







1. 2023 Tsai-Mu Cheng,Shih-Chia Yen, ,Sibidou Yougbaré, ,Lu-Yin Lin, ,Yung-Fu Wu. Novel Synthesis of Polyaniline Coated Manganese Oxide and Nickel Sulfide Lavandula-like Composites as Efficient Active Material of Supercapacitor . Journal of Energy Storage .2023 ;(66):107390

2. 2023 Tsai-Mu Cheng#,*, ,Su-Ching Wang, ,Pin-Yan Lee, ,Chia-Shuo Hsu, ,Mei-Wei Chen, ,Sibidou Yougbaré, Hsiao-Chien Chen, Chutima Kongvarhodom, Lu-Yin Lin, Yung-Fu Wu. Novel Insights of Structure Evolution between ZIF and Hydroxide via Controlled Doses of Ammonium Bifluoride and Applications on Battery Supercapacitor Hybrids. . Journal of Energy Storage .2023 ;(68):107709

3. 2023 Tsai-Mu Cheng#,*, ,Chi-Hong Hsieh, ,Li-Dan Shang, ,Yu-Min Fan,,Sibidou Yougbar´e, ,Lu-Yin Lin, Yung-Fu Wu. Effects of Metal Ratios and Post Treatments on Energy Storage Ability of Cobalt Manganese Metal Organic Frameworks . Journal of Energy Storage. .2023 ;(68):107730

4. 2023 Tsai-Mu Cheng#,*, ,Kai-Jie Chuang, ,Hsiao-Wen Huang, ,Hung-Ming Chen, ,Yu-Min Fan, ,Sibidou Yougbaré, Lu-Yin Lin ,Yung-Fu Wu. Enhancements on Oxygen Vacancy and Light Absorption of Alkaline-Etched BiVO4 for Photoelectrochemical Water Oxidation . International Journal of Hydrogen Energy .2023 ;(Available online)

5. 2023 Chinmaya Mutalik, ,Muhammad Saukani, ,Muhamad Khafid, ,Dyah Ika Krisnawati, ,Widodo, ,Rofik Darmayanti, Betristasia Puspitasari, Tsai-Mu Cheng#,*, and Tsung-Rong Kuo.. Gold-Based Nanostructures for Antibacterial Application . Int. J. Mol. Sci. .2023 ;(24):10006

6. 2023 Tsai-Mu Cheng#,*, ,Pin-Chun Lee, ,Mei-Wei Chen, ,Hung-Ming Chen, ,Sibidou Yougbaré, ,Lu-Yin Lin, Yung-Fu Wu.. Active Sites-Induced Decoration of Nickel Hydroxide Nanosheets on Copper Oxide Nanocubes as Electroactive Material of Battery Supercapacitor Hybrids. . Journal of Energy Storage .2023 ;(72):108143

7. 2022 Lee PY, ,Cheng TM#, ,Yougbaré S,,Lin LY. Design of novel self-assembled MXene and ZIF67 derivative composites as efficient electroactive material of energy storage device . Journal of Colloid and Interface Science .2022 ;(618):219-228

8. 2022 Cheng TM,, Chu HY, ,Huang HM, ,Li ZL, ,Chen CY, ,Shih YJ, Whang-Peng J, Cheng RH, Mo JK, Lin HY and Wang K.. Toxicologic Concerns with Current Medical Nanoparticles . Int. J. Mol. Sci. .2022 ;(23):7597

9. 2022 Hu TY, ,Mayasari NR, ,Cheng TM, ,Bai CH, ,Chao JC, ,Huang YL, Wang FF, Skalny AV, Tinkov AA, Chang JS.. Polymorphisms of haptoglobin modify the relationship between dietary iron and the risk of gestational iron‑defciency anemia . European Journal of Nutrition .2022 ;(62): 299- 309

10. 2022 Rethi L, ,Mutalik C, ,Anurogo D, ,Lu LS, ,Chu HY, ,Yougbaré S, Kuo TR, Cheng TM*, Chen FL*. ipid-Based Nanomaterials for Drug Delivery Systems in Breast Cancer Therapy . Nanomaterials .2022 ;(12):2948

11. 2022 Cheng TM, ,Chu HY, ,Cao YC, ,Kubendhiran , ,Lee PY, ,Yougbaré S, Lin LY and Wu YF. Design of Novel Cobalt-based Perovskite Derivatives Using Sulfurization as Active Material of Energy Storage Devices . Journal of Energy Storage .2022 ;(55):105653

12. 2022 Chu HY, ,Chen LC, ,Kuo TR,, Shih CC, ,Yougbaré S, ,Chen YH, and Cheng TM*.. Haptoglobin-Conjugated Gold Nanoclusters as a Nanoantibiotic to Combat Bacteremia . Nanomaterials .2022 ;(12):3596

13. 2022 Cheng TM,,Huang HW,,Chen TY, ,Yougbaré S, ,Lin LY,,Wu YF.. Facile synthesis of metal organic framework-derived cobalt sulfide on Ni foam as binder-free electrode of battery supercapacitor hybrid . Journal of Energy Storage .2022 ;(56):106110-.

14. 2022 Cheng TM,,Pai H, ,Kubendhiran S, ,Hsu CS, ,Yougbaré S, ,Lin LY, Wu YF. Incorporation of Oxidized Zeolitic Imidazolate Framework 67 as Effective Co-catalyst on W-doped BiVO4 for Catalyzing Photoelectrochemical Water Oxidation . International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. .2022 ;(48)

15. 2021 Wu SJ,Arundhathi A,WangHC,Chen CY,Cheng TM*,Yuan SS, Wang YM. Migration and invasion of NSCLC suppressed by the downregulation of Src/Focal adhesion kinase using single, double and tetra domain anti- CEACAM6 antibodies. . Translational Oncology. .2021 ;(14):101057

16. 2021 Cheng TM, ,Chang WJ, ,Chu HY, ,De Luca R, ,Pedersen JZ, ,Incerpi S, Li ZL, Shih YJ, Lin HY, Wang K, Whang-Peng J. Nano-strategies Targeting on Integrin αvβ3 Network for Cancer Therapy . Cells .2021 ;(3):1684-.

17. 2021 Lu HY, ,Shih CM, ,Sung SH, ,Wu ATH, , Cheng TM, ,Lin YC, Shih CC. Galectin-3 as a Biomarker for Stratifying Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Size in a Taiwanese Population . Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine. .2021 ;(8):663152-.

18. 2021 Zhang J, Cheng TM#, ,Lin WC, ,Chiu KC,Wu SY. Impact of Smoking-Related Chronic Obstruction Pulmonary Disease on Mortality of Invasive Ductal Carcinoma Patients Receiving Standard Treatments: Propensity Score–Matched, Nationwide, Population-Based Cohort Study . Cancers (Basel) .2021 ;(21):3654

19. 2021 Chang LH, Chuang EY, Cheng TM#, ,Lin C, ,Shih CM,,Wu ATH, Jheng PR, Lu HY, Shih CC, Mi FL. Thrombus-specific theranostic nanocomposite for co-delivery of thrombolytic drug, algae-derived anticoagulant and NIR fluorescent contrast agent . Acta Biomater .2021 ;(S1742-7061):00510-00519

20. 2021 Chee Ho Chew, ,Bo-Long Sheu, ,Amanda Chen, ,Wan-Ting Huang, ,Tsai-Mu Cheng, ,Chun-Ming Shih, Austin Chang and Chien-Chung Chen. Tissue-Engineered Vascular Graft with Co-Culture of Smooth Muscle Cells and Human Endothelial Vein Cells on an Electrospun Poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) Microtube Array Membrane . Membranes .2021 ;(11):732

21. 2020 Lin CC,Chang WH,Cheng TM,Chiu LH,Wang YH,Lin CJ, Ho YS, Zuo CS, Wang YM, Lai WT.. Two new, near-infrared, fluorescent probes as potential tools for imaging bone repair. . Sci Rep. .2020 ;(10):2580

22. 2020 Hsu MH,, Hsieh CY, ,Kapoor M,, Chang JH,, Chu HL, ,Cheng TM, Hsu KC, Lin TE, Tsai FY, Horng JC. Leucettamine B analogs and their carborane derivative as potential anti-cancer agents: Design, synthesis, and biological evaluation. . Bioorg Chem .2020 ;(98):103729.

23. 2020 Chew CH,,Lee CW, ,Huang WT, ,Cheng LW, ,Chen A, ,Cheng TM, Liu YL, Chen CC. . Microtube Array Membrane (MTAM)-Based Encapsulated Cell Therapy for Cancer Treatment. . Membranes .2020 ;(10):E80

24. 2020 Cheng TM, ,Li R, ,Kao YC Jill, ,Hsu CH, ,Chu HL, ,Lu KY, Changou CA, Chang CC, Chang LH,Tsai, Mi FL.. Synthesis and characterization of Gd-DTPA/fucoidan/peptide complex nanoparticle and in vitro magnetic resonance imaging of inflamed endothelial cells. . Materials Science & Engineering C. .2020 ;(114)

25. 2020 Tan SH, ,Yougbaré S, ,Chu HL,, Kuo TR,,Cheng TM. Hemoglobin-Conjugated Gold Nanoclusters for Qualitative Analysis of Haptoglobin Phenotypes . Polymers .2020 ;(12):2242-2242

26. 2020 Yougbaré S, ,Mutalik C, ,Krisnawati DI, ,Kristanto H, ,Jazidie A, ,Nuh M, Cheng TM*, Kuo TR.. Nanomaterials for the Photothermal Killing of Bacteria. . Nanomaterials .2020 ;(10)

27. 2020 Lu HY,, Shih CM, ,Huang CY, ,Wu ATH, ,Cheng TM, ,Mi FL, Shih CC.. Galectin-3 Modulates Macrophage Activation and Contributes Smooth Muscle Cells Apoptosis in Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Pathogenesis. . Int. J. Mol. Sci. .2020 ;(21):E8257

28. 2020 Tang KY,, Huang SY, ,Cheng TM, ,Bai CH, ,Chang JS.. Haptoglobin phenotype influences the effectiveness of diet-induced weight loss in middle-age abdominally obese women with metabolic abnormalities. . Clin Nutr. .2020 ;(39):225-233

29. 2019 Chang TK, Cheng TM* ,Chu HL ,Tan SH ,Kuo JC ,Hsu PH, Su CY, Chen HM, Lee CM, Kuo TR. Metabolic Mechanism Investigation of Antibacterial Active Cysteine-Conjugated Gold Nanoclusters in Escherichia coli. . ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering .2019 ;(7):15479-15486

30. 2019 Lu DY, Lin CP,Wu CH,Cheng TM ,Pan JP. Plasma haptoglobin level can augment NT-proBNP to predict poor outcome in patients with severe acute decompensated heart failure. . J Investig Med. .2019 ;(67):20-27

31. 2019 Lee PL,Lee KY ,Cheng TM ,Chuang HC ,Wu SM ,Feng PH, Liu WT, Chen KY, Ho SC. Relationships of Haptoglobin Phenotypes with Systemic Inflammation and the Severity of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease . Scientific Reports .2019 ;(9):189

32. 2018 Carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 6 (CEACAM6) promotes EGF receptor signaling of oral squamous cell carcinoma metastasis via the complex N-glycosylation. . Oncogene. .2018 ;(37):116-127

33. 2018 Cheng TM, Chin YT,Ho Y,Chen YR,Yang YN, Yang YC, Shih YJ, Lin TI, Lin HY, Davis PJ.. Resveratrol Induces Sumoylated COX-2-dependent Anti-proliferation in Human Prostate Cancer LNCaP Cells . Food and Chemical Toxicology. .2018 ;(112):67-75

34. 2018 Cheng TM,Chu HL,Lee YC,Wang DY,Chang CC,Chung KL, Yen HC, Hsiao CW, Pan XY, Kao TR, Chen CC.. Quantitative Analysis of Glucose Metabolic Cleavage in Glucose Transporters Overexpressed Cancer Cells by Target-Specific Fluorescent Gold Nanoclusters. . Anal Chem .2018 ;(90):3974-3980

35. 2018 Nana AW,Wu SY,Cheng TM ,Yang ,YSChin YT,Ho Y, Li WS, Liao YM, Chen YR, Shih YJ, Liu YR, Pedersen J, Incerpi S, Hercbergs A, Liu LF, Whang-Peng J, Davis PJ, Lin HY. Nano-Diamino-Tetrac (NDAT) Enhances Resveratrol-Induced Antiproliferation by Action on the RRM2 Pathway in Colorectal Cancers. . Horm Cancer. .2018 ;(9):349-360

36. 2017 Lu KY,Lin PY,Chuang EY,Shih CM,Cheng TM,Lin TY, Sung HW, Mi FL. H2O2-Depleting and O2-Generating Selenium Nanoparticles for Fluorescence Imaging and Photodynamic Treatment of Proinflammatory-Activated Macrophages. . ACS Appl Mater Interfaces .2017 ;(9):5158-5172

37. 2017 Wu MH,Chen YL,Lee KH, Chang CC ,Cheng TM ,Wu SY, Tu CC, Tsui WL. . Glycosylation-dependent galectin-1/neuropilin-1 interactions promote liver fibrosis through activation of TGF-β- and PDGF-like signals in hepatic stellate cells . Scientific Reports .2017 ;(7):11006

38. 2017 Chiang KH ,Kao YT ,Leu HB ,Huang PH, Huang SS,,Cheng TM, Pan JP.. Higher post-acute myocardial infarction plasma haptoglobin level is associated with poor long-term overall survival . International Journal of Cardiology .2017 ;(229):102-107

39. 2014 Hsueh-Liang Chu,Tzu-Hsuan Chen,Chang-You Wu,Yao-Chen Yang,Shin-Hua Tseng,Tsai-Mu Cheng, Li-Ping Ho, Li-Yun Tsai, Hsing-yuan Li, Chia-Seng Chang, Chia-Ching Chang. Thermal stability and folding kinetics analysis of disordered protein, securin . J Therm Anal Calorim .2014

40. 2014 Tsai-Mu Cheng,Yanal M. Murad,Chia-Ching Chang,Ming-Chi Yang,Toya Nath Baral,Aaron Cowan, Shin-Hua Tseng, Andrew Wong, Roger MacKenzie, Dar-Bin Shieh, Jianbing Zhang. Single domain antibody against carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 6 (CEACAM6) inhibits proliferation, migration, invasion and angiogenesis of pancreatic cancer cells. . European Journal of Cancer .2014 ;(50):713-721

41. 2014 Hsueh-Liang Chu,Hung-Wei Chen,Shin-Hua Tseng,Ming-Hua Hsu,Li-Ping Ho,Fu-Hsuan Chou, Hsing-Yuan Li, Yu-Chuan Chang, Pei-Hsin Chen......Tsai-Mu Cheng*, Chia-Ching Chang. Development of a Growth-Hormone-Conjugated Nanodiamond Complex for Cancer Therapy . CHEMMEDCHEM .2014 ;(9):1023-1029

42. 2013 Li HY,Tseng SH,Cheng TM,Chu HL,Lu YN,Wang FY, Tsai LY, Shieh JY, Yang JY, Juan CC, Tu LC, Chang CC.. Rapid and highly sensitive detection of Enterovirus 71 by using nanogold-enhanced electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. . Nanotechnology. .2013 ;(24):285102

43. 2013 Chu HL,*Cheng TM,Chen HW,Chou FH,Chang YC,Lin HY, Liu SY, Liang YC, Hsu MH, Wu DS, Li HY, Ho LP, Wu PC, Chen FR, Chen GS, Shieh DB, Chang CC. Synthesis of Apolipoprotein B Lipoparticles to Deliver Hydrophobic/Amphiphilic Materials. . ACS Appl Mater Interfaces. .2013 ;(Co-1st)

44. 2013 Lee CW,Cheng TM,Lin CP,Pan JP. Plasma Haptoglobin Concentrations Are Elevated in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease. . PLoS One .2013 ;(8):e76817

45. 2011 Cheng TM,Mao SJT,Lai ST,Chang CC,Yang MC,Chen NC, Chou SC, Pan JP. Haemoglobin-induced oxidative stress is associated with both endogenous peroxidase activity and H2O2 generation from polyunsaturated fatty acids. . Free Radic Res .2011 ;(45):303-316

46. 2011 Pan JP,Cheng TM,Shih CC,Chiang SC,Chou SC,Mao SJ, Lai ST. Haptoglobin phenotypes and plasma haptoglobin levels in patients with abdominal aortic aneurysm. . J Vasc Surg. .2011 ;(53):1189-1194

47. 2011 Tseng SH,JangJian PC,Tsai CM,Cheng TM,Chu HL,Chang YC, Chung WH, Chang CC. Ni2+-enhanced charge transport via π-π stacking corridor in metallic DNA. . Biophys J. .2011 ;(100):1042-1048

48. 2011 Cheng TM,Lee TC,Tseng SH,Chu HL,Pan JP,Chang CC. Human haptoglobin phenotypes and concentration determination by nanogold-enhanced electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. . Nanotechnology. .2011 ;(22):245105

49. 2010 JangJian PC,Tseng SH,Tsai CM,Cheng TM,Chu HL,Chang CC. DNA: a native nano-wire in nature. . Instruments Today. .2010 ;(31):61-71

50. 2009 Jangjian PC,Liu TF,Tsai CM,Li MY,Tsai MS,Tseng SH, Cheng TM, Chang CC. DNA Mismatch Detection by Metal Ion Enhanced Impedance Analysis . CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSICS .2009 ;(47):740-747

51. 2007 Cheng TM,Huang PC,Pan JP,Lin KY,Mao SJ. Gel electrophoresis of polyphenol oxidase with instant identification by in situ blotting. . J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci .2007 ;(849):331-336

52. 2007 Cheng TM,Pan JP,Lai ST,Kao LP,Lin HH,Mao SJT. Immunochemical property of human haptoglobin phenotypes: determination of plasma haptoglobin using type-matched standards. . Clin Biochem. .2007 ;(40):1045-56

53. 2003 Liau CY,Chang TM,Pan JP,Cheng WL,Mao SJT. P urification of human plasma haptoglobin by hemoglobin-affinity column chromatography . Journal of Chromatography B .2003 ;(790):209-216

54. 2003 Pan JP,Cheng TM,Chou SC,Lai ST. Vitamin C protects against lysophosphatidylcholine-induced expression of monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 in cultured human umbilical vein endothelial cells. . J Formos Med Assoc. .2003 ;(102):151-157

1. 2017 Tsai-Mu Cheng, ,Hsueh-Liang Chu, ,Ju-Pin Pan. Haptoglobin prevents atherosclerosis by inflammation regulation: A prevention role of haptoglobin Hp for atherosclerosis. . The FASEB Journal .2017 ;(31):825.1

1. 2013 Larsson M,Cheng TM,Chen CY,Mao SJT. Unique Assembly Structure of Human Haptoglobin Phenotypes 1-1, 2-1, and 2-2 and a Predominant Hp 1 Allele Hypothesis . INTECH. Acute Phase Proteins. Chapter 7. ISBN 978-953-51-1185-6 .2013


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