侯文萱(Hou, Wen-Hsuan) 教授

現   職
復健學科 教授


學 歷

高雄醫學大學公衛系環境暨職業安全衛生博士班 博士
成功大學公共衛生研究所 碩士
台北醫學大學醫學系 學士




2021/02/01 ~ 2022/07/31
2021/02/01 ~ 2022/07/31
2019/02/01 ~ 2022/07/31
2016/08/01 ~ 2017/07/31
2014/11/01 ~ 2017/08/31
2013/08/01 ~ 2014/10/31







1. 2024 Chuang YH,Wang CC,Hsiao CY,Lu CY,Wu JC,Hou WH. Experiences and perspectives related to shared decision-making among outpatients with degenerative joint disease in Taiwan: a qualitative study . BMJ OPEN .2024

2. 2024 Chang YH,Lin CY,Chou YT,Chen HY,Su HC,Wu YL ,Yang YH,Hou WH. A simple scoring algorithm based on intrinsic capacity for functional ability in community-dwelling older adults in Taiwan . BMC Geriatrics .2024

3. 2024 Wu YH,Huang YH,Huang YC,Jung CC,Lee PC,Lin MY,Hou WH, Li CY. Survey of indoor air pollution health literacy among community-dwelling adults in Taiwan . Aerosol and Air Quality Research .2024

4. 2024 Su HC,Liu CH,Chen HY,Wu YL,Griffiths MD,Li CY,Hou WH,Lin CY,YangYC. Assessing intrinsic capacity in Taiwan: Initial psychometric properties of the Integrated Care for Older People Screening Tool for Taiwanese (ICOPES-TW) . BMC Geriatrics .2024

5. 2024 Liu CH,Hou WH,Lin PC,Kang YN,Liu WT,Chen SR. Risk of non-melanoma skin cancer in patients taking JAK inhibitors for inflammatory bowel disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis . Dermatologica Sinica .2024

6. 2024 Chen PY,Wei L,Lin JH,Jang JW,Hou WH,Hsu LF, Hsu HY. Psychometric properties and factor structure of the traditional Chinese version of the Community Integration Questionnaire-Revised in traumatic brain injury survivors . International Journal of Rehabilitation Research .2024

7. 2024 Tang KM,Su Y,Kang YN,Hou WH,Hoang KD,Chen KH, Chen C. Effects of mindfulness-based preoperative intervention for patients undergoing elective surgery: A meta-analysis . Journal of Psychosomatic Research .2024

8. 2024 Hou WH,Wu JC,Lin LJ,Huang HY,Yen HY. Leisure programs for improving middle-aged and older adults’ depression and quality of life: a meta-analysis . Leisure Sciences .2024

9. 2024 Tai TE,Bai GH,Shiau CH,Wu JC,Hou WH. Fascia defect closure versus non closure in minimal invasive direct inguinal hernia mesh repair: a systematic review and meta analysis of real world evidence . Hernia .2024 ;(27):459-469

10. 2024 Hou WH. Physicians’ feelings and reactions in Taiwan: A rejoinder . Communication and Medicine .2024 ;(19):82-85

11. 2023 Shiau CH,Tsau LY,Kao CC,Peng YC,Bai CH,Wu JC, Hou WH. Efficacy and safety of sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitors in patients with chronic kidney disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis . International Urology and Nephrology .2023

12. 2023 Dalli LL,Burns C,Kilkenny MF,Gall SL,Hou WH,Hoffmann TC, Olaiya MT, Cameron J, Purvis T, Thrift AG, Nelson MR, Sanders A, Viney K, Phan HT, Freak-Poli R. In Search of a Gold Standard Tool for Assessing Knowledge of Stroke: A Systematic Review . Neuroepidemiology .2023

13. 2023 Tai TE,Bai GH,Shiau CH,Wu JC,Hou WH. Fascia defect closure versus non-closure in minimal invasive direct inguinal hernia mesh repair: a systematic review and meta-analysis of real-world evidence . Hernia .2023 ;(27):459-469

14. 2023 Chen IC,Li CY,Lu CY,Huang YC,Lee PC,Lin MY, Wang YC, Chen LS, Kuo CL, Hou WH. Psychometric properties of novel instrument for evaluating ambient air pollution health literacy in adults . PLOS One .2023 ;(18):e0285001-e0285001

15. 2023 Chen KH,Pan SL,Hou WH,Meng NH,Chiu JW,Yeh HJ, Chen HC, Huang YC, Tsai MM, Lin YN. The Taiwan Version of the Milestones 2.0 Project for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Residents . Rehabilitation Practice and Science .2023 ;(2023)

16. 2023 治療性遊戲對兒童手術焦慮之改善成效:系統性文獻回顧與統合分析 . 新臺北護理期刊 .2023 ;(25):33-50

17. 2022 台灣成年民眾室內空氣污染健康識能不足者之特性研究 . 台灣公共衛生雜誌 .2022 ;(41):639-650

18. 2022 Chen SR,Hou WH,Lai JN,Kwong SW,Lin PC. Effects of Acupressure on Anxiety: a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis . Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine .2022 ;(28):25-35

19. 2022 Henry L. Lew,Melissa K. Kahili-Heede,Pauline Mashima,Hou WH. Conducting a Scoping Review in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation . American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation .2022 ;(101):172-178

20. 2022 Chen CH,Chuang HY,Lee Y,Elwyn G,Hou WH,Kuo KN. Relationships among Antecedents, Processes, and Outcomes for Shared Decision Making: A Cross-Sectional Survey of Patients with Lumbar Degenerative Disease . Medical Decision Making .2022 ;(42):352-363

21. 2022 Bai GH,Tsai MC,Tsai HW,CHang CC,Hou WH. Effects of branched-chain amino acid-rich supplementation on EWGSOP2 criteria for sarcopenia in older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis . European Journal of Nutrition .2022 ;(61):637-651

22. 2022 Huang FH,Cheng PL,Hou WH,Duh YC. Laparoscopic Hernia Repair with the Extraperitoneal Approach versus Open Hernia Repair in Pediatric Inguinal Hernia: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis . Journal of Clinical Medcine .2022 ;(11):321-321

23. 2022 Chang YH,Cheng YY,Hou WH,Chien YW,Chang CH,Chen PL, TH Lu, Hendrati LC, Li CY, Foo NP . Risk of Mortality in Association with Pregnancy in Women following Motor Vehicle Crashes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis . International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health .2022 ;(19):911-911

24. 2022 Kamuyango A,Yu T,Ao CK,Hu SC,Hou WH,Tseng CC, Li CY. The public-sector family planning program impact scores in association with long acting reversible contraceptive use among young women in 22 Sub-Saharan African countries; A pooled multi-level analysis . Contraception .2022 ;(108):44-49

25. 2022 Sonko I,Chung MH,Hou WH,Chen WT,Chang PC. Predictors of HIV testing among youth aged 15–24 years in the Gambia . Plos One .2022 ;(17):e0263720-e0263720

26. 2022 Wang YH,Huang YI,Chen IH,Hou WH,Kang YN. Exercise for Trismus Prevention in Patients with Head and Neck Cancer A Network Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials . Healthcare .2022 ;(10):442

27. 2022 Hou WH,Wu JL,Lu CH,Sulistyorini L,Isfandiari MA,Chiu CT, Li CY. Associations of hyperglycemic emergency and severe hypoglycemia incidences with seasonality and ambient temperature among pregnant women with diabetes: a nested case-control study in Taiwan . Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine .2022

28. 2022 Chen Fu Li,Hou Wen Hsuan,Chen Jin Hua,Tung Tao Hsin,Wu Jeng Cheng,Chen Fu Li,Hou Wen Hsuan,Chen Jin Hua,Tung Tao Hsin,Wu Jeng Cheng. Organizational Factors Are Key Predictors of Physicians’Confidence in Handling Workplace Violence . Healthcare (Switzerland) .2022 ;(10):637-637

29. 2022 Wu JC,Tang KP,Hsu Yi Hsin Elsa,Yang YT,Chu JS,Lin YK, Hou WH. Medical Undergraduates’ Self-Evaluation: Before and After Curriculum Reform . BMC Medical Education .2022 ;(22)

30. 2022 Tsai PS,Wang CC,Lan YH,Tsai HW,Hsiao CY,Wu JC, Sheen-Chen SM, Hou WH. Effectiveness of question prompt lists in patients with breast cancer: A randomized controlled trial . Patient Education and Counseling .2022

31. 2022 Hsiao CY,Wu JC,Lin PC,Yang PY,Liao Faith,Guo SL, Hou WH. Effectiveness of interprofessional shared decision-making training: A mixed-method study . Patient Education and Counseling .2022

32. 2022 Guo YT,Peng YC,Yen HY,Wu JC,Hou WH. Effects of Probiotic Supplementation on Immune and Inflammatory Markers in Athletes: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Clinical Trials . Medicina-Lithuania .2022

33. 2022 Ko LH,Hsieh YJ,Wang MY,Hou WH,Tsai PS. Effects of Health Qigong on Sleep Quality: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials . Complementary Therapies in Medicine .2022 ;(71):102876-102876

34. 2022 Hou WH,Cherl Cy Moo,Kuo TL,Kuo CL,Shin Ying Chu,Ke-Fei Wu, Chen LY, Li CU. Schizophrenia, but not depression or bipolar affective disorder, adds additional risk of aspiration pneumonia among stroke survivors: A national cohort study in Taiwan . Journal of Psychosomatic Research .2022

35. 2022 Chang YH,Hou WH,Wu KF,Li CY,Hsu IL. Risk of motorcycle collisions among patients with type 2 diabetes: A population-based cohort study with age and sex stratifications in Taiwan . Acta Diabetologica .2022

36. 2022 Hsu IL,Hou WH,Chang YH,Li CY. Type 2 diabetes mellitus increases the severity of non-fatality injury but not the risk of fatal injury among driver victims of motor vehicle crashes . Epidemiology and Health .2022

37. 2022 Hou WH,Chang YH,Lucia Yovita Hendrati,Muhammad Atoillah Isfandiari,Li CY,Hsu IL. Evaluation of Motor Vehicle Crashes between Scooter Riders and Car Drivers after Diagnosis of Type 2 Diabetes in Taiwan . Injury-International Journal of The Care of The Injured .2022

38. 2022 Tsai MC,Bai GH,Hung TY,Kang YN,Hou WH. Comparison of the Efficacy of Single-Injection Regional Analgesia Techniques for Total Abdominal Hysterectomy: A Systematic Review and Network Meta-Analysis . Pain Physician .2022 ;(25):543-553

39. 2022 Wu JL,Huang YH,Huang YC,Hou WH,Jung CC,Lee PC, Lin MY, Chung YL. Psychometric properties of a novel instrument for evaluating indoor air pollution health literacy in adults . Indoor Air .2022 ;(32):e13155-e13155

40. 2021 Bai GH,Tsai MC,Hung TY,Hou WH. Fascial plane blocks in total abdominal hysterectomy: a systematic review and network meta-analysis . Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine .2021 ;(70):A103-A103

41. 2021 Hou WH,Kuo KN,Chen MJ,Chang YM,Tsai HW,Chan DC, SU CH, Han DS, Shen HN, Li CY. Simple Scoring Algorithm to Identify Community-Dwelling Older Adults with Limited Health Literacy: A Cross-Sectional Study in Taiwan . BMJ OPEN .2021 ;(11):e045411-e045411

42. 2021 Lee PF,Li CY,Liu YC,Chiu CT,Hou WH. Population-Based Study on the All-Cause and Cause-Specific Risks of Mortality among Long-Term Opioid Analgesics Users without Cancer in Taiwan . Healthcare .2021 ;(9):1402-1402

43. 2021 Truong PV,Lin MY,Chiu HY,Hou WH,TSAI PS. Psychometric Properties and Factorial Structure of Vietnamese Version of the Hypertension Self-Care Profile Behavior Scale . Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing .2021

44. 2021 Huang YA,Wang YH,Hou WH,Kang YN. Melodic intonation therapy may improve repetition in non-fluent aphasia after stroke . Psychogeriatrics .2021

45. 2021 Hou WH,Huang YC,Lu CH,Chen IC,Lee PC,Lin MY, Wang YC, Sulistyorini L, Li CY . A national survey of ambient air pollution health literacy among adult residents of Taiwan . BMC Public Health .2021

46. 2021 Wang SA,Su CP,Fan HY,Hou WH,Cheng YC. Reply to: Real-time audiovisual feedback during CPR: A clarification, meta-analysis update, and caution for interpretation . Resuscitation .2021

47. 2021 Lin MY,Cheng SF,Hou WH,Lin PC,Chen CM,Tsai PS. Mechanisms and Effects of Health Coaching in Patients With Early-Stage Chronic Kidney Disease: A Randomised Controlled Trial . Journal of Nursing Scholarship .2021

48. 2021 Edi Sampurno Ridwan,Bayu Satria Wiratama,Lin MY,Hou WH,Liu F, Chen CM, Hamam Hadi, Tan MP, Tsai PS. Peak expiratory flow rate and sarcopenia risk in older Indonesian people: A nationwide survey . PLOS ONE .2021

49. 2021 Chia WC,Chang CH,Hou WH. Effects of laser therapy on rheumatoid arthritis: A systematic review and meta-analysis . American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation .2021

50. 2021 LI CY,Kuo CL,Chang YH,LU CL,Santi Martini,Hou WH. Association between trajectory of severe hypoglycemia and dementia in patients with type 2 diabetes: A population-based study . Journal of Epidemiology .2021

51. 2021 Chen CH,Kang YN,Chiu PY,Huang YJ,Glyn Elwyn, WU MH,Kang JH,Hou WH, Kuo KN. Effectiveness of Shared Decision-Making Intervention in Patients with Lumbar Degenerative Diseases: A Randomized Controlled Trial . Patient Education and Counseling .2021

52. 2020 Hou WH,Chiou HY,Chang FH. Validation of the Mandarin Version Activity Measure Post-Acute Care (AM- PAC) "6-Clicks" in Acute Rehabilitation Patients. . American Journal of Occupational Therapy .2020 ;(74)

53. 2020 Szu-Chi Huang,Shu-Fen Kuo,Chia-Yin Tsai,Sheng-Shiung Chen,Pei-Shan Tsai,Pi-Chu Lin, Wen-Hsuan Hou*. Effectiveness of Tailored Rehabilitation Education in Improving Health Literacy and Health Status of Postoperative Patients with Breast Cancer: A Randomized Controlled Trial . Cancer Nursing .2020 ;(43):E38-E46

54. 2020 Yi-Jing Huang,Chen-Te Chen,Kristine Sørensen,Ching-Lin Hsieh,Wen-Hsuan Hou. Development of a battery of phase-adaptive health literacy tests for stroke survivors . Patient Education and Counseling .2020 ;(103):2342-2346

55. 2020 Hou WH,Lin PC,Lee PH,Wu JC,Tai TE,Chen SR. Effects of extracorporeal magnetic stimulation on urinary incontinence: A systematic review and meta-analysis . Journal of Advanced Nursing .2020 ;(76)

56. 2020 Chang YH,LI CY,LU TH,Hou WH,Kurnia Dwi Artanti. Risk of injury and mortality among driver victims involved in single vehicle crashes in Taiwan: Comparisons between vehicle types . International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health .2020 ;(17)

57. 2020 Chiu CT,Tsai HW,Kuo KN,Leung YN,Chang YM,Lee PH, Hou WH. Exploring the influencing factors of health literacy among older adults: a cross-sectional survey . Medicina-Lithuania .2020 ;(56)

58. 2020 Wang SA,Su CP,Fan HY,Hou WH,Cheng YC. Effects of Real-Time Feedback on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Quality on Outcomes in Adult Patients with Cardiac Arrest: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis . Resuscitation .2020 ;(155):82-90

59. 2020 Chen HF,Chang YH,Lo HJ,Atoillah Isfandiari,Santi Martini,Hou WH, Li CY. Incidence of Idiopathic Cardiomyopathy in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes in Taiwan: Age, Sex, and Urbanization Status-stratified Analysis . Cardiovascular Diabetology .2020

60. 2020 Kamuyango,Hou WH,Li CY. Trends and contributing factors to contraceptive use in Kenya: A large population-based survey 1989 to 2014 . International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJEPH) .2020 ;(17)

61. 2020 Yi-Jing Huang,Gong-Hong Lin,Ya-Chen Lee,Tzu-Yi Wu,Wen-Hsuan Hou,Ching-Lin Hsieh. Improving the utility of the European Health Literacy Survey Questionnaire: a computerized adaptive test for patients with stroke . Disability and Rehabilitation .2020

62. 2019 Shen HN,Lin CC,Hoffmann T,Tsai CY,Hou WH,Kuo KN. The Relationship Between Health Literacy and Perceived Shared Decision Making in Patients with Breast Cancer . Patient Education and Counseling .2019 ;(102):360-366

63. 2019 Kuo SF,Hou WH,Chang CC,Liao YM,Cheng SY,Chou YH, Yeh YC, Lin YK, Chen IH. Development and psychometric testing of the Chinese version of the Resilience Scale for Southeast Asian immigrant women who divorced in Taiwan . PLOS ONE .2019 ;(14)

64. 2019 Horng YS,Hou WH,Liang HW. Responsiveness of the modified lower extremity functional scale in patients with low back pain and sciatica: A comparison with pain intensity and the modified Roland-Morris Disability Scale. . Medicine .2019 ;(98)

65. 2019 Lin PC,Lee PH,Tseng SJ,Lin YM,Chen SR,Hou WH. Effects of aromatherapy on sleep quality: a systematic review and meta-analysis . Complementary Therapies in Medicine .2019 ;(45):156-166

66. 2019 Li CY,Li CH,Santi Martini,Hou WH. Association between air pollution and risk of vascular dementia: A multi-pollutant analysis in Taiwan . Environment International .2019 ;(133):1-7

67. 2019 Kang YN,Shen HN,Lin CY,Glyn Elwyn,Huang SC,Wu TF, Hou WH. Does a Mobile App Improve Patients' Knowledge of Stroke Risk Factors and Health Related Quality of Life in Patients with Stroke? A Randomized Controlled Trial. . BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making. .2019

68. 2019 Tzu-Yi Wu,Cheng-Te Chen,Yi-Jing Huang,Wen-Hsuan Hou*,Jung-Der Wang,Ching-Lin Hsieh. Rasch Analysis of the 9-item Shared Decision Making Questionnaire in Women with Breast Cancer . Cancer Nursing .2019 ;(42):E34-E42

69. 2019 Chang FH,Ni P,Chiou HY,Hou WH*,Jette AM. Cultural and semantic equivalence of the Activity Measure Post-Acute Care (AM-PAC) after its translation into Mandarin Chinese . Disability and Rehabilitation .2019 ;(41):1937-1942

70. 2018 Yang LT,Chang YM,Hsieh TH,Hou WH*,Li CY. Associations of ambient temperature with mortality rates of cardiovascular and respiratory diseases in Taiwan: A subtropical country . Acta Cardiologica Sinica .2018 ;(34):166-174

71. 2018 Huang YJ, Chen CT, Lin GH, Wu TY,Chen SS, Lin LF , Hou WH* , Hsieh CL*. Evaluating the European Health Literacy Survey Questionnaire in patients with stroke: A latent trait analysis using Rasch modeling . Patient – Patient Centered Outcomes Research .2018

72. 2018 Hou WH,Huang YJ,Lee Y,Chen CT,Lin GH,Hsieh CL. Validation of the integrated model of health literacy in patients with breast cancer . Cancer Nursing .2018 ;(41):498-505

73. 2018 Huang YJ ,Lin GH,Lu WS,Tam KW,Chen CF,Hou WH* , HsiehCL*. Validation of the European Health Literacy Survey Questionnaire in women with breast cancer . Cancer Nursing .2018

74. 2018 Wen-Hsuan Hou,Kai-Cheng Chang,Chung-Yi Li,Huang-Tz Ou*. Dipeptidyl Peptidase-4 Inhibitor Use is Associated with Decreased Risk of Fracture in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes: A Population-Based Cohort Study . British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology .2018 ;(84):2029-2039

75. 2017 Hou WH,Kang CM,Ho MH,Ku MC,Chen HL,Chang WY*. Evaluation of an inpatient fall risk screening tool to identify the most critical fall risk factors in inpatients . Journal of Clinical Nursing .2017 ;(26):698-706

76. 2017 Hou WH,Li CY,Chang HH,S Y,Tsai CC*. A population-based cohort study suggests an increased risk of multiple sclerosis incidences in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus . Journal of Epidemiology .2017 ;(5):235-241

77. 2017 Hou WH. 實證醫學再進化──梅約醫院‧ 醫病共享決策之旅 . 台灣實證醫學學會會刊 .2017 ;(8):14-16

78. 2017 Huang HC,Huang YC,Lin MF,Hou WH,Shyu ML,Chiu HY , Chang HJ*. Effects of home-based supportive care on improvements in physical function and depressive symptoms in stroke patients: a meta-analysis . Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation .2017 ;(98):1666-1677

79. 2017 Chen KY,Huang SW,Lin YN,Liao CD,Hou WH,Liou TH, Chiang YH, Tsai SH, Chiu WT, Lin LF*. Postural stability assessment in patients with mild Traumatic Brain Injury Complaining of Dizziness . Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering .2017 ;(37):730-738

80. 2017 Hou WH,Chi CC*,Lo HL,Kuo KN,Chuang HY. Vocational rehabilitation for enhancing return-to-work in workers with traumatic upper limb injuries . Cochrane Database of Systematic Review .2017

81. 2017 Hou WH,Hoffmann T,Huang YJ,Wu TY,Chen SS,Hsieh CL*. A systematic review of the tests assessing stroke knowledge . Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing .2017 ;( 32):271-280

82. 2017 Hou WH,Li CY,Chen LH,Wang LY,Kuo KN,Shen HN , Chang MF*. Prevalence of hand syndromes among patients with diabetes mellitus in Taiwan: A population-based study . Journal of Diabetes .2017 ;(9):622-627

83. 2016 Hou WH. 以病人為中心的實證健康照護: 共同決定模式 . 台灣實證醫學學會會刊 .2016 ;(7):34-39

84. 2016 Hou WH,Lai CH,Jeng C,Hsu CC,Shih CM,Tsai PS. Cardiac rehabilitation effectively prevents recurrent revascularization in coronary heart disease patients: a population-based cohort study in Taiwan . Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention .2016 ;(36):250-257

85. 2016 Hou WH,Chuang HY,Ting Lee ML. A threshold regression model to predict return-to-work after traumatic limb injury . Injury .2016 ;(47):483-489

86. 2016 Liu HT,Lin YC,Kuan YC,Huang YH,Hou WH,Liou TH, Chen HC*. Intranasal Corticosteroid Therapy in the Treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea: A Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials . American Journal of Rhinology and Allergy .2016 ;(30):215-221

87. 2016 Huang CH,Huang CC,Sun CK,Lin GH,Hou WH. Methylphenidate on Cognitive Improvement in Patients with Traumatic Brain Injury: A Meta-Analysis . Current Neuropharmacology .2016 ;(14):272-81

88. 2016 Hou WH,Wang TY,Kang JH*. The Effects of Add-on Noninvasive Brain Stimulation in Fibromyalgia: A Meta-analysis and Meta-regression of Randomized Controlled Trials . Rheumatology .2016 ;(55):1507-1517

89. 2016 Hou WH,Hoffmann T,Huang YJ,Wu TY,ChenSS,Hsieh CL. A systematic review of the tests assessing stroke knowledge . The Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing .2016

90. 2016 Lin GH,Huang YJ,Huang CY,Lu WS,Chen SS,Hou WH, Hsieh CL. Trajectories of quality of life in patients with traumatic limb injury: A 2-year follow-up study . Quality of Life Research .2016 ;(25):2283-2293

91. 2016 Hou WH,Chang KC,Li CY,Ou HT. Dipeptidyl Peptidase-4 Inhibitor Use Is Not Associated With Elevated Risk of Severe Joint Pain in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes: A Population-Based Cohort Study . Pain .2016 ;(157):1954-1959

92. 2016 Wu TY,Yu WH,Huang CY,Hou WH,Hsieh CL. Rasch Analysis of the General Self-Efficacy Scale in Workers with Traumatic Limb Injuries . Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation .2016 ;(26):332-339

93. 2016 Hou WH,Li CY,Chen LH,Wang LY,Kuo LC,Kuo KN, Shen HN, Chiu CT*. Medical Claims-Based Case-Control Study of Temporal Relationship between Clinical Visits for Hand Syndromes and Subsequent Diabetes Diagnosis:Implications for Identifying Patients with Undiagnosed Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus . BMJ Open .2016 ;(6):e01207

94. 2016 Huang TW,Kuo KN,Chen KH,Chen C,Hou WH,Lee WH, Chao TY, Tsai JT, Su CM, Huang MT, Tam KW*. Recommendation for axillary lymph node dissection in women with early breast cancer and sentinel node metastasis: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials using the GRADE system . International Journal of Surgery .2016 ;(34):73-80

95. 2016 Hou WH,Kang CM,Ho MH,Kuo MC Jessie,Chen HL,Chang WY. Evaluation of an inpatient fall risk screening tool to identify the most critical fall risk factors in inpatients . Journal of Clinical Nursing .2016

96. 2016 Hou WH,Li CY,Chen LH,Wang LY,Kuo KN,Shen HN, Chang MF. Prevalence of hand syndromes among patients with diabetes mellitus in Taiwan: A population-based study. . Journal of Diabetes .2016

97. 2016 Hou WH,Lai CH,Jeng C,Hsu CC,Shih CM,Tsai PS*. Cardiac rehabilitation prevents recurrent revascularization in patients with coronary heart disease: a population-based cohort study in Taiwan . Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention .2016 ;(36):250-257

98. 2015 Huang CH,Huang CC,Sun CK,Lin GH,Hou WH. Methylphenidate on Cognitive Improvement in Patients with Traumatic Brain Injury: A Meta-Analysis. . Current Neuropharmacology .2015

99. 2015 Hung MC,Lu WS,Chen SS,Hou WH,Hsieh CL,Wang JD. Validation of the EQ-5D in patients with traumatic limb injury . Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation .2015 ;(25):387-393

100. 2015 Fang HS,Li CY,Chen WL,Chen CY,Jia CH,Hou WH. Levels of Urbanization and Parental Education in Relation to Mortality Risk of Young Children . International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health .2015 ;(12):7682-7696

101. 2015 Chen LH,Li CY,Kuo LC,Wang LY,Kuo KN,Jou IM, Hou WH. Risk of hand syndromes in patients with diabetes mellitus: A population-based cohort study in Taiwan . Medicine .2015 ;(94):e1575

102. 2015 Wu TY,Yu WH,Huang CY,Hou WH,Hsieh CL. Rasch Analysis of the General Self-Efficacy Scale in Workers with Traumatic Limb Injuries . Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation .2015

103. 2015 侯文萱. 以病人為中心的實證健康照護: 共同決定模式 . 醫療品質雜誌 .2015 ;(9):4-9

104. 2015 Sun Y,Lu CJ,Chen RC,Hou WH,Li CY. Risk of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis in Patients With Diabetes: A Nationwide Population-based Cohort Study . Journal of Epidemiology .2015 ;(25):445-451

105. 2015 Chiu HY,Huang HC,Chen PY,Hou WH,Tsai PS. Walking Improves Sleep in Individuals With Cancer: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized, Controlled Trials. . Oncology Nursing Forum .2015 ;(42):54-62

106. 2015 Hou WH,Ni CH,Li CY,Tsai PS,Lin LF,Shen HN. Stroke rehabilitation and risk of mortality: a population-based cohort study stratified by age and gender. . Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases .2015 ;(24):1414-1422

107. 2015 Huang YJ,Wang YL,Wu TY,Chen CT,Kuo KN,Chen SS, Hou WH, Hsieh CL. Validation of the short-form Health Literacy Scale in patients with stroke . Patient Education and Counseling .2015 ;(98):762-770

108. 2014 Chen CF,Hou WH,Chan ESY,Yeh ML,Lo HLD. Phototherapy for treating pressure ulcers . Cochrane Database of Systematic Review .2014

109. 2014 Pan SL,Hou WH,Yeh TS,Liang HW. Responsiveness of SF-36 and Lower Extremity Fubctional Scale for assesing outcomes in traumatic injuries of lower extremities injury. . Injury .2014

110. 2014 Chern JS,Chen MH,Lee YC,Chen SS,Lin LF,Hou WH, Hsieh CL. Validation of a Chinese version of the Frenchay Activities Index in patients with traumatic limb injury . Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation .2014 ;(24):439-445

111. 2014 Hung MC,Lu WS,Chen SS,Hou WH,Hsieh CL,Wang JD. Validation of the EQ-5D in patients with traumatic limb injury . Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation .2014

112. 2014 Tam KW,Lai JH,Chen HC,Hou WH,Ko WS,Chen SL, Huang TW. A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials Comparing Interventions for Peristomal Skin Care . Ostomy Wound Management .2014 ;(60):26-33

113. 2014 Hou WH,Yeh TS,Liang HW. Reliability and Validity of Taiwan Chinese Version of the Lower Extremity Functional Scale. . Journal of the Formosan Medical Association .2014 ;(113):313-320

114. 2014 黃詩祺,柯怡峰,賴甫誌,蔡佩珊,侯文萱. 運用國際健康功能與身心障礙分類模式於乳癌個案之復健治療 . 榮總護理 .2014 ;(31):27-32

115. 2013 Chen CF,Daniel Lo HL,Tam KW,Hou WH,Kuo KN. 臺灣實證醫學教學之推廣策略與執行成效 . 醫學與健康期刊 .2013 ;(2):1-11

116. 2013 Hou WH,Hsieh CL. 健康識能的最新概念與提升方法:以中風復健為例。 . 景福醫訊 .2013 ;(30):2-6

117. 2013 Hou WH,Liang HW,Hou CY,Hsieh CL,Wen PC,Li CY. Effects of stroke rehabilitation on incidence of post-stroke depression: A population-based cohort study. . Journal of Clinical Psychiatry .2013 ;(74):e859-e866

118. 2013 Liang HW,Hou WH,Chang KS. Application of the modified Lower Extremity Functional Scale in low back pain. . Spine .2013 ;(38):2043-2048

119. 2013 Huang CJ,Hsieh MH,Hou WH,Liu JC,Jeng C,Tsai PS. Depression, antidepressants, and the risk of coronary heart disease: a population-based cohort study. . International Journal of Cardiology .2013 ;(168):4711-4716

120. 2013 Chern JS,Chen MH,Lee YC,Chen SS,Lin LF,Hou WH, Hsieh CL. Validation of a Chinese version of the Frenchay Activities Index in patients with traumatic limb injury. . Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation .2013

121. 2013 Hou WH,Chi CC,Lo HL,Kuo KN,Chuang HY. Vocational rehabilitation for enhancing return-to-work in workers with traumatic upper limb injuries. . Cochrane Database of Systematic Review .2013 ;(10):1-38

122. 2013 Ni CH,Hou WH,Kao CC,Chang ML,Yu LF,Wu CC, Chen CF. The anxiolytic effect of aromatherapy on patients awaiting ambulatory surgery: A randomized controlled trial. . Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine .2013 ;(2013):1-5

123. 2013 Hou WH,Liang HW,Sheu CF,Hsieh CL,Chuang HY. Return to work and quality-of-life in workers with traumatic limb injuries: a 2-year repeated measurements study. . Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation .2013 ;(94):703-710

124. 2013 Hsueh IP,Chen JH,Wang CH,Hou WH,Hsieh CL. Development of a computerized adaptive test for assessing activities of daily living in outpatients with stroke. . Physical Therapy .2013 ;(93):681-693

125. 2013 Hou WH,Liang HW,Hsieh CL,Sheu CF,Hwang JS,Chuang HY. Integrating health-related quality-of-life with sickness leave days for return-to-work assessment in traumatic limb injuries. . Quality of Life Research .2013 ;(22):2307-2314

126. 2013 Fan SC,Su FC,Chen SS,Hou WH,Sun JS,Chen KH, Lin WH, Hsu SH*. Improved intrinsic motivation and muscle activation patterns in reaching task using virtual reality training for stroke rehabilitation: A pilot randomized control trial . Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering .2013 ;(34):399-407

127. 2012 Yu WH,Hsueh IP,Hou WH,Wang YH,Hsieh CL*. A comparison of responsiveness and predictive validity of two balance measures in patients with stroke . Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine .2012 ;(44):176-180

128. 2012 Hou WH,Shih CL,Chou YT,Sheu CF,Lin JH,Wu HC, Hsueh IP, Hsieh CL*. Development of a computerized adaptive testing system of the Fugl-Meyer motor scale in patients with stroke. . Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation .2012 ;(93):1014-1020

129. 2012 Hou WH,Sheu CF,Liang HW,Hsieh CL,Lee Y,Chuang HY*, Cheng YT. Trajectories and predictors of return-to-work after traumatic limb injuries: A 2-year follow-up study. . Scandinavian Journal of Work Environment & Health .2012 ;(38):456-466

130. 2012 Pan HH,Li CY,Chen PC,Lee MD,Liang CY,Hou WH*, Wang KY*. Contributions of diabetic macro-vascular complications and hip fracture to depression onset in elderly patients with diabetes: An 8-year population-based follow-up study . Journal of Psychosomatic Research .2012 ;(73):180-184

131. 2011 Hou WH,Chen JH,Wang YH,Wang CH,Lin JH,Hsueh IP, Ou YC, Hsieh CL*. Development of a set of functional hierarchical balance short forms for patients with stroke . Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation .2011 ;(92):1119-1125

132. 2010 Hou WH,Yen YC*. Is alternative massage therapy effective by patient-reported health status in treating depressed people? . Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery .2010 ;(143):83-84

133. 2010 Hou WH*,Lin CW,Wei YF,Hsieh KP,Lu K,Chiu SY, Ni JW. Applicability of the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale (NOS) for rating quality of cohort studies: using studies regarding the predictors of returning to work after traumatic limb injuries for example . Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews .2010 ;(130)

134. 2010 Hou WH,Yen YC*. Is alternative massage therapy effective bypatient-reported health status in treating depressed people? . Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery .2010 ;(143)

135. 2010 Hsueh IP,Chen JH,Wang CH,Chen CT,Sheu CF,Wang WC, Hou WH, Hsieh CL*. Development of a computerized adaptive test for assessing balance function in patients with stroke . Physical Therapy .2010 ;(90):1336-1440

136. 2010 Hou WH,Chiang PT,Hsu TY,Chiu SY,Yen YC*. Treatment effects of massage therapy in depressed people: a meta-analysis . Journal of Clinical Psychiatry .2010 ;(71):894-901

137. 2009 Hou WH,Chen TJ*. Associated study between Dopamine DRD2 gene polymorphism and finger tapping test . Taiwan Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation .2009 ;(37):245-250

138. 2009 Lin JY,Djohan R*,Dobryansky M,Chou SW,Hou WH,Cheng MH, Wei FC. Assessment of donor-site morbidity using balance and gait test following bilateral fibula osteoseptocutaneous free flap transfer. . Annals of plastic surgery .2009 ;(62):246-251

139. 2008 Wu SH,Liang HW*,Hou WH. Reliability and validity of the Taiwan Chinese version of the Foot Function Index . Journal of the Formosan Medical Association .2008 ;(107):111-122

140. 2008 Wen-Hsuan Hou,Jau-Yih Tsauo,Ching-Hua Lin,Huey-Wen Liang,Chung-Li Du. Worker's compensation and return-to-work following orthopaedic injury to extremities . Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine .2008 ;(40):440-445


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