王淵宏(0 0) 副教授

現   職
臨床醫學研究所 副教授


學 歷

台北醫學大學公共衛生學研究所 博士
台北醫學大學公共衛生學研究所 碩士
臺北醫學大學公共衛生學系 學士




2018/02/01 ~
2018/02/01 ~
2016/11/01 ~ 2017/10/31
2016/11/01 ~ 2017/10/31




Epidemiological Statistics



1. 2023 Chen CC,Chen SY,Fang SB,Lu SC,Bai CH,Wang YH. Diagnostic accuracy of SARS-CoV-2 antigen test in the pediatric population: a systematic review and meta-analysis . Pediatrics and Neonatology .2023 ;(64):247-255

2. 2023 Chang HY,Liu CY,Lo YL,Chiou SH,Lu KH,Lee MC, Wang YH. Cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen 4 polymorphisms and breast cancer susceptibility: Evidence from a meta-analysis . Journal of the Chinese Medical Association .2023 ;(82):207-219

3. 2023 Lin SC,Wang HC,Lin WC,Kuo YT,Hsu YH,Tsai YT, Lu SC, Wang YH, Chen SY. Viral Pneumonia during the COVID-19 Pandemic, 2019-2021 Evoking Needs for SARS-CoV-2 and Additional Vaccinations . Vaccines (Basel) .2023 ;(11)

4. 2023 Tsai CY,Su CL,Wang YH,Wu SM,Liu WT,Hsu WH, Majumdar A, Stettler M, Chen KY, Lee YT, Hu CJ, Lee KY, Tsuang BJ, Tseng CH. Impact of lifetime air pollution exposure patterns on the risk of chronic disease . Environmental Research .2023

5. 2023 Wang TS,Huang KH,Hsueh KC,Chen HA,Tam KW,Sun SH, Chen CF, Wang CY, Tung MC, Wang YH. Efficacy and safety of once-daily prolonged-release tacrolimus versus twice-daily tacrolimus in kidney transplant recipients: A meta-analysis and trial sequential analysis . Journal of the Chinese Medical Association .2023

6. 2023 Wang TH,Tsai YJ,Wang YH,Wu CL,Lin IC. Relationship between Dry Eye Disease and Dyslipidemia: A Systematic Review . Journal of Clinical Medicine .2023 ;(12)

7. 2023 Chen CC,Lee MH,Chen SY,Lu SC,Bai CH,Ko YL, Wang CY, Wang YH. Assessment of the detection accuracy of SARS-CoV-2 rapid antigen test in children and adolescents: An updated meta-analysis . Journal of the Chinese Medical Association .2023 ;(86):966-974

8. 2022 Wu CC,Wang YH,Hu SW,Wu WL,Yeh CT,Bamodu OA. MED10 Drives the Oncogenicity and Refractory Phenotype of Bladder Urothelial Carcinoma Through the Upregulation of hsa-miR-590 . Frontiers in Oncology .2022 ;(11)

9. 2022 Chen CC,Lin CH,Chiu CC,Yang TY,Hsu MH,Wang YH, Lei MH, Yeh HT, Fang YA, Hao WR, Liu JC. Influenza Vaccination and Risk of Stroke in Women With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Nationwide, Population-Based, Propensity-Matched Cohort Study . Frontiers in Medicine .2022 ;(9)

10. 2022 Liu WT,Wang YH,Chang LT,Wu CD,Wu D,Tsai CY, Lo CC, Lo K, Chung KF, Chang TY, Chuang KJ, Lee YL, Chuang HC. The impacts of ambient relative humidity and temperature on supine position-related obstructive sleep apnea in adults . Environmental science and pollution research international .2022 ;(29):50755-50764

11. 2022 Chen CC,Hsiao KY,Bai CH,Wang YH. Investigation of the diagnostic performance of the SARS-CoV-2 saliva antigen test: A meta-analysis . Journal of Microbiology, Immunology and Infection .2022

12. 2022 Chang YK,Fan HC,Lin CC,Wang YH,Tsai WN,Lim PS. Association between atrial fibrillation and risk of end-stage renal disease among adults with diabetes mellitus . PLoS One .2022 ;(17)

13. 2022 Hu SW,Wang YH,Huang JS,Yang YM,Wu CC,Cheng CW. The PDE5 inhibitor, vardenafil, ameliorates progressive pathological changes in a focal segmental glomerulosclerosis mouse model . Life sciences .2022

14. 2022 Lai YT,Chao PZ,Chang YK,Yen YC,Shen YT,Yu TY, Dailey S, Wang YH. Iatrogenic Vocal Fold Paralysis: A Population-Based Cohort Study in Taiwan . Annals of Otology, Rhinology, and Laryngology .2022 ;(131):767-774

15. 2022 Hsiu H,Liu JC,Yang CJ,Chen HS,Wu MS,Hao WR, Lee KY, Hu CJ, Wang YH, Fang YA. Discrimination of vascular aging using the arterial pulse spectrum and machine-learning analysis . Microvascular Research .2022 ;(139)

16. 2021 Bamodu OA,Wang YH,Yeh CT,Ho CH,Chiang YT,Kao WT, Liu CH, Wu CC. Concomitant High Apoptosis Inhibitor of Macrophage (AIM) and Low Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) Indicates Activated T Cell-Mediated Anticancer Immunity, Enhance Sensitivity to Pembrolizumab, and Elicit Good Prognosis in Prostate Cancer . Biomedicines .2021

17. 2021 Chen BF,Chien Y,Tsai PH,Perng PC,Yang YP,Hsueh KC, Liu CH, Wang YH. A PRISMA-compliant meta-analysis of apolipoprotein C3 polymorphisms and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease . Journal of the Chinese Medical Association .2021

18. 2021 Wang YH,Wu CC,Bai CH,Lu SC,Yang YP,Lin YY, Lai WY, Lin TW, Jheng YC, Lee MC, Chen CC. Evaluation of the diagnostic accuracy of COVID-19 antigen tests: A systematic review and meta-analysis . Journal of the Chinese Medical Association .2021

19. 2021 Chen CC,Lu SC,Bai CH,Wang PY,Lee KY,Wang YH. Diagnostic Accuracy of SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Tests for Community Transmission Screening: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis . International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health .2021

20. 2021 Chen CC,Bai CH,Lee KY,Chou YT,Pan ST,Wang YH. Evaluation of the diagnostic accuracy of bronchial brushing cytology in lung cancer: A meta-analysis . Cancer cytopathology .2021

21. 2021 Bamodu OA,Tzou KY,Lin CD,Hu SW,Wang YH,Wu WL, Chen KC, Wu CC. Differential but Concerted Expression of HSD17B2, HSD17B3, SHBG and SRD5A1 Testosterone Tetrad Modulate Therapy Response and Susceptibility to Disease Relapse in Patients with Prostate Cancer . Cancers .2021

22. 2021 Bamodu OA,Wang YH,Ho CH,Hu SW,Lin CD,Tzou KY, Wu WL, Chen KC, Wu CC. Genetic Suppressor Element 1 (GSE1) Promotes the Oncogenic and Recurrent Phenotypes of Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer by Targeting Tumor-Associated Calcium Signal Transducer 2 (TACSTD2) . Cancers .2021

23. 2021 Wu WL,Bamodu OA,Wang YH,Hu SW,Tzou KY,Yeh CT, Wu CC. Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (ESWT) Alleviates Pain, Enhances Erectile Function and Improves Quality of Life in Patients with Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome . Journal of Clinical Medicine .2021

24. 2021 Zheng CM,Chiu YP,Hou YC,Liu YM,Wu MS,Lin YF, Lo YL, Lu KC, Hsu YH, Wang YH. Influence of intradialytic systolic blood pressure changes on arteriovenous access thrombosis in maintenance hemodialysis patients . International Journal of Clinical Practice .2021 ;(75)

25. 2020 Kuan YC,Huang LK,Wang YH,Hu CJ,Tseng IJ,Chen HC, Lin LF. Balance and gait performance in older adults with early-stage cognitive impairment . European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine .2020

26. 2020 Huang YH,Chiu WC,Hsu YP,Lo YL,Wang YH. Effects of Omega-3 Fatty Acids on Muscle Mass, Muscle Strength and Muscle Performance among the Elderly: A Meta-Analysis . Nutrients .2020

27. 2020 Chen CC,Hsueh KC,Shen CH ,Bai CH,Wu CC,Wang YH. The Diagnostic Value of p16/Ki67 Dual Immunostaining for Anal Intraepithelial Neoplasia: A Meta-Analysis . American Journal of Men’s Health .2020

28. 2020 Chien CY,Loh EW,Lin YK,Huang TW,Wang YH,Wang HW, Tseng YC, Yao MM, Tam KW. Image Quality and Performance Benchmarks in Vehicle and Hospital Mammography . Clinical Breast Cancer .2020

29. 2020 Chen CH,Ho CH,Kuan-Hua Huang S,Shen CH,Wu CC,Wang YH. Association between VEGF gene promoter polymorphisms and bladder cancer: An updated meta-analysis . Cytokine .2020

30. 2020 Chiu YF,Wu CC,Kuo MH,Miao CC,Zheng MY,Chen PY, Lin SC, Chang JL, Wang YH, ChouYT. Critical role of SOX2–IGF2 signaling in aggressiveness of bladder cancer . Scientific Reports .2020

31. 2020 Chen CH,Ho CH,Hu SW,Tzou KY,Wang YH,Wu CC. Association between interleukin-8 rs4073 polymorphism and prostate cancer: A meta-analysis . Journal of the Formosan Medical Association .2020 ;(119):1201-1210

32. 2020 Wu CL,Yang YT,Wang YH,Lin TY,Lin IC,Sung CW. Association of interleukin-6 gene polymorphisms and glaucoma: Systematic review and meta-analysis . European Journal of Ophthalmology .2020

33. 2020 Lee HH,Chen CC,Ong JR,Lin YF,Lee FP,Hu CJ, Wang YH. Association of rs2651899 Polymorphism in the Positive Regulatory Domain 16 and Common Migraine Subtypes: A Meta-Analysis . Headache .2020 ;(60):71-80

34. 2019 Lin YS,Chen MJ,Lin WC,Wang YH,Chen C. Letter: should we delay surgery, or stop anti-TNF therapy prior to elective surgical procedures in Crohn's disease patients receiving anti-TNF agents? Authors' reply. . Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics .2019 ;(50):970-971

35. 2019 Chen CH,Ho CH,Hu SW,Tzou KY,Wang YH,Wu CC. Association Between Interleukin-8 rs4073 Polymorphism and Prostate Cancer: A Meta-analysis . Journal of the Formosan Medical Association .2019

36. 2019 Cheng CW,Yang SF,Wang YH,Fang WF,Lin YC,Tang KT, Lin JD. Associations of secreted phosphoprotein 1 and B lymphocyte kinase gene polymorphisms with autoimmune thyroid disease . European Journal of Clinical Investigation .2019 ;(e13065)

37. 2019 Lai YT,Wang YH,Yen YC,Yu TY,Chao PZ,Lee FP, Dailey S. The Epidemiology of Benign Voice Disorders in Taiwan – A Nationwide Population-based Study . Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology .2019

38. 2019 Lee HH,Ma HP,Ou JC,Ong JR,Chen KY,Wu CC, Chiu WT, Liao KH, Lin CM, Lin SY, Wu D, Huang YH, Wang YH, Hu CJ, Hong CT. Association Between Acid-Sensing Ion Channel 3 Gene Variants and Balance Impairment in People With Mild Traumatic Brain Injury . Frontiers in Neurology .2019 ;(10):1-7

39. 2019 Lin YS,Cheng SW,Wang YH,Chen KH,Fang CJ,Chen C. Systematic review with meta-analysis: risk of post-operative complications associated with pre-operative exposure to anti-tumour necrosis factor agents for Crohn's disease . Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics .2019 ;(49):966-977

40. 2019 Lin YS,Chen MJ,Lin WC,Wang YH,Chen C. Letter: pre-operative anti-TNF therapy in Crohn's disease is not associated with increased complications following elective surgery. Authors' reply. . Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics .2019 ;(50):469-470

41. 2019 Lin YS,Lin WC,Chen MJ,Wang YH,Chen C. Letter: when to withhold anti-TNF agents prior to abdominal surgery in patients with Crohn's disease-the jury might still be out. Authors' reply. . Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics .2019 ;(50):465-466

42. 2019 Lin JD,Yang SF,Wang YH,Fang WF,Tang KT,Cheng CW. Associations of gene polymorphisms in interferon-alpha signature-related genes with autoimmune thyroid diseases . Clinical Endocrinology .2019

43. 2018 Zheng CM,Wu CC,Hung CF,Liao MT,Shyu JF,Hsu YH, Lu CL, Wang YH, Zheng JQ, Chang TJ, Lin YF, Lu KC. Cholecalciferol Additively Reduces Serum Parathyroid Hormone Levels in Severe Secondary Hyperparathyroidism Treated with Calcitriol and Cinacalcet among Hemodialysis Patients . Nutrients .2018 ;(10)

44. 2018 Lee TH,Liu TT,Sung CW,Ou JC,Yeh JJ,Kuo YT, Wang YH. Association between IRF6 rs642961 polymorphism and non-syndromic cleft lip with or without a cleft palate: a systematic review and meta-analysis . International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine .2018 ;(11):3033-3042

45. 2018 Chiang YT,Ho CH,Hu SW,Yang TY,Sung CW,Wang YH, Wu CC. Association between the rs1800795 G>C polymorphism in the promoter of interleukin-6 gene and bladder cancer . International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Pathology .2018 ;(11):3598-3604

46. 2017 Kiu KT,Chen HL,Huang MT,Sung CW,Liaw YP,Chang CC, Wang YH, Chen HA. Outcome Analysis of Patients with Gallstone Disease Receiving Cholecystectomy: A Population-Based Cohort Study . Digestion .2017 ;(95):132-139

47. 2017 Shen CH,Chiou HY,Tung MC,Wu CC,Kao WT,Wang YH, Juang GD. Clinical and demographic characteristics among patients with urothelial carcinomas of the upper urinary tract and bladder in Taiwan . Journal of the Chinese Medical Association .2017 ;(80):563-568

48. 2017 Lin JD,Yang SF,Wang YH,Fang WF,Lin YC,Liou BC, Lin YF, Tang KT, Cheng CW. Associations of melatonin receptor gene polymorphisms with Graves' disease . PLOS One .2017 ;(12):1-14

49. 2017 Hsieh HY,Jou YC,Tung CL,Tsai YS,Wang YH,Chi CL, Lin RI, Hung SK, Chuang YM, Wu SF, Li C, Shen CH, Chan MWY, Hsu CD. Epigenetic silencing of the dual-role signal mediator, ANGPTL4 in tumor tissues and its overexpression in the urothelial carcinoma microenvironment . Oncogene .2017

50. 2017 Zheng JQ,Lai HJ, Zheng CM,Yen YC,Lu KC,Hu CJ, Lee HH, Wang YH. Association of stroke subtypes with risk of hip fracture: a population-based study in Taiwan . Archives of Osteoporosis .2017 ;(12):104-112

51. 2017 Hsu LI,Hsieh FI,Wang YH,Lai TS,Wu MM,Chen CJ, Chiou HY, Hsu KH. Arsenic Exposure From Drinking Water and the Incidence of CKD in Low to Moderate Exposed Areas of Taiwan: A 14-Year Prospective Study . American Journal of Kidney Diseases .2017 ;(70):787-797

52. 2016 Hsieh HY,Shen CH,Lin RI,Feng YM,Huang SY,Wang YH, Wu SF, Hsu CD, Chan MW. Cyproheptadine exhibits antitumor activity in urothelial carcinoma cells by targeting GSK3β to suppress mTOR and β-catenin signaling pathways . Cancer Letters .2016 ;(370):56-65

53. 2016 Lin JD,Fu SS,Chen JY,Lee CH,Chau WK,Cheng CW, Wang YH, Lin YF, Fang WF, Tang KT. Clinical Manifestations and Gene Expression in Patients with Conventional Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma Carrying the BRAFV600E Mutation and BRAF Pseudogene . Thyroid .2016 ;(26):691-704

54. 2016 Zheng CM,Zheng JQ,Wu CC,Lu CL,Shyu JF,Hsu YH, Wu MY, Chiu IJ, Wang YH, Lin YF, Lu KC. Bone loss in chronic kidney disease: Quantity or quality? . Bone .2016 ;(87):57-70

55. 2016 Hsu LI,Wang YH,Hsieh FI,Yang TY,Wen-Juei Jeng R,Liu CT, Chen CL, Hsu KH, Chiou HY, Wu MM, Chen CJ. Effects of Arsenic in Drinking Water on Risk of Hepatitis or Cirrhosis in Persons With and Without Chronic Viral Hepatitis . Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology .2016

56. 2016 Wu MM,Lee CH,Hsu LI,Cheng WF,Lee TC,Wang YH, Chiou HY, Chen CJ. Effect of heme oxygenase-1 gene promoter polymorphism on cancer risk by histological subtype: A prospective study in arseniasis-endemic areas in Taiwan . International Journal of Cancer .2016 ;(138):1875-1886

57. 2016 Lin JD,Yang SF,Wang YH,Fang WF,Lin YC,Lin YF, Tang KT, Wu MY, Cheng CW. Analysis of Associations of Human BAFF Gene Polymorphisms with Autoimmune Thyroid Diseases . PLoS One .2016 ;(11)

58. 2016 Lu CL,Ma WY,Lin YF,Shyu JF,Wang YH,Liu YM, Wu CC, Lu KC. Glycated Albumin Predicts Long-term Survival in Patients Undergoing Hemodialysis . Int J Med Sci .2016 ;(13):395-402

59. 2016 Shen CH,Zheng CM,Kiu KT,Chen HA,Wu CC,Lu KC, Hsu YH, Lin YF, Wang YH. Increased risk of atrial fibrillation in end-stage renal disease patients on dialysis: A nationwide, population-based study in Taiwan . Medicine .2016 ;(95)

60. 2016 Lin JD,Wang YH,Fang WF,Hsiao CJ,Chagnaadorj A,Lin YF, Tang KT, Cheng CW. Serum BAFF and thyroid autoantibodies in autoimmune thyroid disease . Clin Chim Acta .2016 ;(462):96-102

61. 2016 Shen CH,Kao WT,Tung MC,Hsueh KC,Wu CC,Wang YH. Association between tumor necrosis factor α-308 G/A polymorphism and bladder cancer risk: a meta-analysis . Int J Clin Exp Med .2016 ;(9):14205-14211

62. 2015 Lin JD,Wang YH,Liu CH,Lin YC,Lin JA,Lin YF, Tang KT, Cheng CW. Association of IRF8 gene polymorphisms with autoimmune thyroid disease . European Journal Of Clinical Investigation .2015 ;(45):711-719

63. 2015 Lin IC,Wang YH,Lin CL,Chang YJ,Lee SH,Wang IJ. Diabetic polyneuropathy and the risk of developing diabetic retinopathy: a nationwide, population-based study . Acta Ophthalmologica .2015 ;(93):713-718

64. 2015 Lin CH,Wang YH,Chen YW,Lin YL,Chen BC,Chen MC. Transcriptional and posttranscriptional regulation of CXCL8/IL-8 gene expression induced by connective tissue growth factor . Immunology Research .2015

65. 2015 Yeh DY,Wu CC,Chin YP,Lu CJ,Wang YH,Chen MC. Mechanisms of human lymphotoxin beta receptor activation on upregulation of CCL5/RANTES production . International Immunopharmacology .2015 ;(28):220-229

66. 2015 Hsu LI,Wu MM,Wang YH,Lee CY,Yang TY,Hsiao BY, Chen CJ. Association of Environmental Arsenic Exposure, Genetic Polymorphisms of Susceptible Genes, and Skin Cancers in Taiwan . Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology .2015

67. 2015 Wen YT,Liu TT,Lin YF,Chen CC,Kung WM,Huang CC, Lin TJ, Wang YH, Wei L. Heatstroke Effect on Brain Heme Oxygenase-1 in Rats . International journal of medical sciences .2015 ;(12):737-741

68. 2015 Wang YH,Liu TT,Kung WM,Chen CC,Wen YT,Lin IC, Huang CC, Wei L. Expression of aquaporins in intestine after heat stroke . International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Pathology .2015 ;(8):8742-8753

69. 2015 Wu MM,Lee CH,Hsu LI,Cheng WF,Lee TC,Wang YH, Chiou HY, Chen CJ. Effect of Heme Oxygenase-1 Gene Promoter Polymorphism on Cancer Risk by Histological Subtype: A Prospective Study in Arseniasis-Endemic Areas in Taiwan . International Journal of Cancer .2015

70. 2015 Wen YT,Liu TT,Lin YF,Chen CC,Kung WM,Huang CC, Lin TJ, Wang YH, Wei L. Heatstroke Effect on Brain Heme Oxygenase-1 in Rats . International Journal of Medical Sciences .2015 ;(12):737-741

71. 2015 Hsu CH,Kakigi CL,Lin SC,Wang YH,Porco TC,Lin SC. Lens Position Parameters as Predictors of Intraocular Pressure Reduction After Cataract Surgery in Nonglaucomatous Patients With Open Angles . Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science .2015 ;(56):7807-7813

72. 2014 Su CM,Chen MC,Lin IC,Chen HA,Huang MT,Wu CH, Shen KH, Wang YH. Association between the SULT1A1 Arg213His polymorphism and the risk of bladder cancer: a meta-analysis . Tumor Biology .2014

73. 2014 Lin SY,Lin WM,Lin CL,Yang TY,Sung FC,Wang YH, Kao CH. The relationship between secondary hyperparathyroidism and thyroid cancer in end stage renal disease: a population based cohort study . European Journal of Internal Medicine .2014 ;(25):276-280

74. 2014 Lin IC,Wang YH,Wang TJ,Wang IJ,Shen YD,Chi NF, Chien LN. Glaucoma, Alzheimer's Disease, and Parkinson's Disease: An 8-Year Population-Based Follow-Up Study . PLoS One .2014 ;(9):1-6

75. 2014 Yang TY,Hsu LI,Chiu AW,Pu YS,Wang SH,Liao YT, Wu MM, Wang YH, Chang CH, Lee TC, Chen CJ. Comparison of Genome-wide DNA Methylation in Urothelial Carcinomas of Patients with and without Arsenic Exposure . Environmental Research .2014

76. 2014 Huang Y,Liu X,Wang YH,Yeh SD,Chen CL,Nelson RA, Chu P, Wilson T, Yen Y. The prognostic value of ribonucleotide reductase small subunit M2 in predicting recurrence for prostate cancers . Urologic Oncology .2014

77. 2014 Chen HA,Su CM,Hsieh HY,Tung CL,Hsu CD,Wang YH, Shen CH. Clinical Significance of Survivin Expression in Patients With Urothelial Carcinoma . Disease Markers .2014

78. 2014 Tung MC,Wang YH,Yeh SD,Wu CC,Huang ZM,Huang MT, Chiou HY. Combined effects of GSTO1 and SULT1A1polymorphisms and cigarette smoking on urothelial carcinoma risk in a Taiwanese population . J Formos Med Assoc .2014 ;(113):640-647

79. 2013 Wang YH,Yeh SD,Wu MM,Liu CT,Shen CH,Shen KH, Pu YS, Hsu LI, Chiou HY, Chen CJ. Comparing the joint effect of arsenic exposure, cigarette smoking and risk genotypes of vascular endothelial growth factor on upper urinary tract urothelial carcinoma and bladder cancer . Journal of Hazardous Materials .2013 ;(262):1139-1146

80. 2013 Hsu LI,Chen GS,Lee CH,Yang TY,Chen YH,Wang YH, Hsueh YM, Chiou HY, Wu MM, Chen CJ. Use of arsenic-induced palmoplantar hyperkeratosis and skin cancers to predict risk of subsequent internal malignancy . Am J Epidemiol .2013 ;(177):202-212

81. 2013 Hsu LI,Wang YH,Chiou HY,Wu MM,Yang TY,Chen YH, Tseng CH, Chen CJ. The association of diabetes mellitus with subsequent internal cancers in the arsenic- exposed area of Taiwan . J Asian Earth Sci .2013

82. 2013 Yang TY,Hsu LI,Chen HC,Chiou HY,Hsueh YM,Wu MM, Chen CL, Wang YH, Liao YT, Chen CJ. Lifetime risk of urothelial carcinoma and lung cancer in the arseniasis-endemic area of Northeastern Taiwan . J Asian Earth Sci .2013

83. 2013 Wu CC,Chen MC,Huang YK,Huang CY,Lai LA,Chung CJ, Shiue HS, Pu YS, Lin YC, Han BC,Wang YH, Hsueh YM. Environmental Tobacco Smoke and Arsenic Methylation Capacity are Associated with Urothelial Carcinoma . J Formos Med Assoc .2013 ;(112):554-560

84. 2013 Chou YT,Lee CC,Hsiao SH,Lin SE,Lin SC,Chung CH, Chung CH, Kao YR, Wang YH, Chen CT,Wei YH, Wu CW. The emerging role of SOX2 in cell proliferation and survival and its crosstalk with oncogenic signaling in lung cancer . Stem Cells .2013

85. 2013 Chio CC,Lin JW,Cheng HA,Chiu WT,Wang YH,Wang JJ, Hsing CH, Chen RM. MicroRNA-210 targets antiapoptotic Bcl-2 expression and mediates hypoxia-induced apoptosis of neuroblastoma cells . Arch Toxicol .2013

86. 2012 Chou YT,Hsieh CH,Chiou SH,Hsu CF,Kao YR,Lee CC, Chung CH,Wang YH, Hsu HS, Pang ST, Shieh YS, Wu CW. CITED2 functions as a molecular switch of cytokine-induced proliferation and quiescence . Cell death and differentiation .2012 ;(19):2015-2028

87. 2011 Wang YH,Yeh SD,Shen KH,Shen CH,Tung MC,Liu CT, Chiou HY. Association of hOGG1 and XPD Polymorphisms with Urothelial Carcinoma in Taiwan . Anticancer Research .2011

88. 2011 Wu MM,Chiou HY,Chen CL,Hsu LI,Lien LM,Wang CH, Hsieh YC, Wang YH, Hsueh YM, Lee TC, Cheng WF, Chen CJ. Association of heme oxygenase-1 GT- repeat polymorphism with blood pressure phenotypes and its relevance to future cardiovascular mortality risk: An observation based on arsenic-exposed individuals . Atherosclerosis .2011

89. 2011 Hsu LI,Chen WP,Yang TY,Chen YH,Lo WC,Wang YH, Liao YT, Hsueh YM, Chiou HY, Wu MM, Chen CJ. Genetic polymorphisms in glutathione S-transferase (GST) superfamily and risk of arsenic-induced urothelial carcinoma in residents of southwestern Taiwan . J Biomed Sci .2011

90. 2010 Chou YT, Lin HH,Lien YC,Wang YH,Hong CF,Kao YR,Lin SC, Chang YC, Lin SY, Chen SJ, Chen HC, Yeh SD, Wu CW. EGFR promotes lung tumorigenesis by activating miR-7 through a Ras/ERK/Myc pathway that targets the Ets2 transcriptional repressor ERF . Cancer Research .2010

91. 2010 Shen CH,Hsieh HY,Wang YH,Chen SY,Tung CL,Wu JD, Lin CT, Chan WY, Hsu CD, Chang DC. High Dickkopf-1 expression is associated with poor prognosis in patients with advanced urothelial carcinoma . Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine .2010 ;(1):893-898

92. 2010 Wu MM,Chiou HY,Chen CL,Wang YH,Hsieh YC,Lien LM, Lee TC, Chen CJ. GT-repeat polymorphism in the heme oxygenase-1 gene promoter is associated with cardiovascular mortality risk in an arsenic-exposed population in northeastern Taiwan . Toxicology and applied pharmacology .2010 ;(248):226-233

93. 2010 Chen CL,Chiou HY,Hsu LI,Hsueh YM,Wu MM,Wang YH, Chen CJ. Arsenic in Drinking Water and Risk of Urinary Tract Cancer: A Follow-up Study from Northeastern Taiwan . Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention .2010 ;(19):101-110

94. 2010 Wu MM,Chiou HY,Lee TC,Chen CL,Hsu LI,Wang YH, Huang WL, Hsieh YC, Yang TY, Lee CY, Yip PK, Wang CH, Hsueh YM, Chen CJ. GT-repeat polymorphism in the heme oxygenase-1 gene promoter and the risk of carotid atherosclerosis related to arsenic exposure . J Biomed Sci .2010

95. 2009 Wang YH,Yeh SD,Shen KH,Shen CH,Juang GD,Hsu LI, Chiou HY, Chen CJ. A significantly joint effect between arsenic and occupational exposures and risk genotypes/diplotypes of CYP2E1, GSTO1and GSTO2 on risk of urothelial carcinoma . Toxicol Appl Pharmacol .2009 ;(241):111-118

96. 2009 Chang CC,Hsieh CR,Lou HY,Fang CL,Tiong C,Wang JJ, Wei IV, Wu SC, Chen JN, Wang YH. Comparative study of conventional colonoscopy, magnifying chromoendoscopy, and magnifying narrow-band imaging systems in the differential diagnosis of small colonic polyps between trainee and experienced endoscopist . Int J Colorectal Dis .2009 ;(24):1413-1419

97. 2009 Wang YH,Chiou HY,Lin CT,Hsieh HY,Wu CC,Hsu CD, Shen CH. Association between survivin gene promoter -31 C/G polymorphism and urothelial carcinoma risk in a Taiwanese population . Urology .2009 ;(73):670-674

98. 2008 Hsu LI,Chiu AW,Pu YS,Wang YH,Huan SK,Hsiao CH, Hsieh FI, Chen CJ. Comparative genomic hybridization study of arsenic-exposed and non-arsenic-exposed urinary transitional cell carcinoma . Toxicol Appl Pharmacol .2008 ;(227):229-238

99. 2008 Hsu LI,Chiu AW,Huan SK,Chen CL,Wang YH,Hsieh FI, Chou WL, Wang LH, Chen CJ. SNPs of GSTM1, T1, P1, epoxide hydrolase and DNA repair enzyme XRCC1 and risk of urinary transitional cell carcinoma in southwestern Taiwan . Toxicol Appl Pharmacol .2008 ;(228):144-155

100. 2008 Wang YH,Lee YH,Tseng PT,Shen CH,Chiou HY. Human NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase 1 (NQO1) and sulfotransferase 1A1 (SULT1A1) polymorphisms and urothelial cancer risk in Taiwan . Journal of cancer research and clinical oncology .2008 ;(134):203-209

101. 2008 Wang YH,Juang GD,Hwang TI,Shen CH,Shao KY,Chiou HY. Genetic polymorphism of sulfotransferase 1A1, cigarette smoking, hazardous chemicals exposure and urothelial cancer risk in a Taiwanese population . International Journal of Urology .2008 ;(15):1029-1034


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102 NSC102-2314-B-038-057

101 末期腎臟疾病患者的治療方式與慢性疾病之相關性研究

101 利用大白鼠熱中暑模式探討多重器官損傷之機轉

101 TMU101-AE1-B40