張宏名(Chang, Hung-Ming) 教授

現   職
解剖學暨細胞生物學科 教授


學 歷

國立台灣大學解剖學暨細胞生物學研究所 博士
國立台灣大學物理治療學系 學士




2017/06/01 ~
2014/08/01 ~ 2019/07/31




睡眠醫學 (Sleep Medicine)
實驗神經科學 (Experimental Neuroscience)
分子影像分析 (Molecular Imaging Analysis)
物理治療學 (Physical Therapy)
免疫組織化學 (Immunohistochemistry)
定量電腦影像分析 (Computerized Image Analysis)
原位雜交法 (In Situ Hybridization)
電子顯微鏡 (Electron Microscopy)



1. 2023 Sudakov NP,Chang HM,Renn TY,Klimenkov IV. Degenerative and regenerative actin cytoskeleton rearrangements, cell death, and paradoxical proliferation in the gills of pearl gourami (Trichogaster leerii) exposed to suspended soot microparticles. . International Journal of Molecular Sciences .2023 ;(24):e-15146

2. 2023 Ishida E,Furusho H,Renn TY,Shiba F,Chang HM,Oue H, Terayama R, Ago Y, Tsuga K, Miyauchi M. Mouse maternal odontogenic infection with Porphyromonas gingivalis induces cognitive decline in offspring. . Frontiers in Pediatrics .2023 ;(11):e-1203894

3. 2022 Lin CL,Zheng TL,Tsou SH,Chang HM,Tseng LH,Yu CH*, Hung CS*, Ho YJ. Amitriptyline improves cognitive and neuronal function in a rat model that mimics dementia with lewy bodies. . Behavioral Brain Research .2022 ;(435):e-114035

4. 2022 Liao WC,Yao RA,Chen LY,Renn TY,Klimenkov IV,Sudakov NP, Mai FD, Chen YT, Chang HM. Olfactory stimulation successfully modulates the neurochemical, biochemical and behavioral phenotypes of the visceral pain . Molecules .2022 ;(27):7659-0

5. 2021 Tzeng JJ,Yang TS,Lee WF,Chen H,Chang HM. Mechanical properties and biocompatibility of urethane acrylate-based 3D-printed denture base resin. . Polymers .2021 ;(13)

6. 2021 Chang HM,Lin HC,Cheng HL,Liao CK,Tseng TJ,Renn TY, Lan CT, Chen LY. Melatonin successfully rescues the hippocampal molecular machinery and enhances anti-oxidative activity following early-life sleep deprivation injury . Antioxidants .2021 ;(10)

7. 2021 Lee KT,Guo ZL,Teng NC,Hsu KLC,Chen IH,Lee CY, Chang HM, Huang YK. Salivary pro-inflammatory markers and smoking status influences the treatment effectiveness of periodontal disease patients with hypertension . International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health .2021 ;(18):7364

8. 2021 Renn TY,Yang CP,Wu UI,Chen LY,Mai FD,Tikhonova MA, Amstislavskaya TG, Liao WC, Lin CT, Liu YC, Chang HM. Water composed of reduced hydrogen bonds activated by localized surface plasmon resonance effectively enhances anti-viral and anti-oxidative activities of melatonin . Chemical Engineering Journal .2021 ;(427):131626

9. 2021 Chen YT,Chen LY,Renn TY,Cheng MS,Wang CT,Klimenkov IV, Sudakov NP, Liao WC, Chen YJ, Chang HM. Olfactory stimulation successfully improves swallowing function of aged rats through activating central neuronal networks and downstream DHPR-RyR-mediated neuromuscular activities . Journal of Gerontology: Biological Sciences .2021

10. 2020 Liu CH,Chang HM,Yang YS ,Lin YT,Ho YJ,Tseng TJ, Lan CT, Li ST, Liao WC. Melatonin promotes nerve regeneration following end-to-side neurorrhaphy by accelerating cytoskeletal remodeling via the melatonin receptor-dependent pathway. . Neuroscience .2020 ;(429):282-292

11. 2020 Chen LY,Huang CN,Liao CK,Chang HM,Kuan YH,Tseng TJ, Yen KJ, Yang KL, Lin HC. Effects of rutin on wound healing in hyperglycemic rats. . Antioxidants .2020 ;(9)

12. 2019 Lin FL,Cheng YW,Yu M,Ho JD,Kuo YC,Chiou GCY, Chang HM, Lee TH, Hsiao G. The fungus-derived retinoprotectant theissenolactone C improves glaucoma-like injury mediated by MMP-9 inhibition. . Phytomedicine .2019 ;(56):207-214

13. 2019 Lee CY,Chang CH,Teng NC,Chang HM,Huang WT,Huang YK. Associations between the phenotype and genotype of MnSOD and catalase in periodontal disease. . BMC Oral Health .2019 ;(19):e-201

14. 2019 Cheng CH,Lin KJ,Hong CT,Wu D,Chang HM,Liu CH, Hsiao IT, Yang CP, Liu YC, Hu CJ . Plasmon-activated water reduces amyloid burden and improves memory in animals with Alzheimer’s disease. . Scientific Reports .2019 ;(9):e-13252

15. 2018 Renn TY,Huang YK,Feng SW,Wang HW,Lee WF,Lin CT, Burnouf T, Chen LY, Kao PF, Chang HM. Prophylactic supplement with melatonin successfully suppresses the pathogenesis of periodontitis through normalizing RANKL/OPG ratio and depressing the TLR4/MyD88 signaling pathway. . Journal of Pineal Research .2018 ;(3):e-12464

16. 2018 Chen HC,Cheng CY,Chen LY,Chang CC,Yang CP,Mai FD, Liao WC, Chang HM, Liu YC. Plasmon-activated water effectively relieves hepatic oxidative damage resulted from chronic sleep deprivation. . RSC Advances .2018 ;(8):9618-9626

17. 2018 Lin FL,Ho JD,Cheng YW,Chiou GCY,Yen JL,Chang HM, Lee TH, Hsiao, G. Theissenolactone C exhibited ocular protection of endotoxin-induced uveitis by attenuating ocular inflammatory responses and glial activation . Frontiers in Pharmacology .2018 ;(9):326-326

18. 2018 Liao WC,Liao CK,Tsai YH,Tseng TJ,Chuang LC,Lan CT, Chang HM, Liu CH. DSE promotes aggressive glioma cell phenotypes by enhancing HB-EGF/ErbB signaling. . PLoS One .2018 ;(13):e0198364-0

19. 2018 Hsu CC,Fong TH,Chang HM,Su B,Chi CP,Kan NW, Hsu MC. Low second-to-fourth digit ratio has high explosive power? A prepubertal study. . Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research .2018 ;(32):2091-2095

20. 2018 Tsai CY,Lee HP,Chang HM,Wu FC. Masticatory hypofunction effects induced by BTXA injection of hippocampal neurons in developing rats. . Archives of Oral Biology .2018 ;(96):122-129

21. 2017 Lin FL,Lin CH,Ho JD,Yen JL,Chang HM,Chiou GCY, Cheng YW, Hsiao G. The natural retinoprotectant chrysophanol attenuated photoreceptor cell apoptosis in an N-methyl-N-nitrosourea-induced mouse model of retinal degeneration. . Scientific Reports .2017 ;(7):41086-0

22. 2017 Hsieh HT,Chang HM,Lin WJ,Hsu YT,Mai FD. Poly-methyl methacrylate/polyvinyl alcohol copolymer agents applied on diabetic wound dressing. . Scientific Reports .2017 ;(7):9531-0

23. 2017 Liu CH,Chang HM,Wu TH,Chen LY,Yang YS,Tseng TJ, Liao WC. Rearrangement of potassium ions and Kv1.1/Kv1.2 potassium channels in regenerating axons following end-to-end neurorrhaphy: ionic images from TOF-SIMS . Histochemistry and Cell Biology .2017 ;(148):407-416

24. 2017 Chen LY,Renn TY,Liao WC,Mai FD,Ho YJ,Hsiao G, Lee AW, Chang HM. Melatonin successfully rescues hippocampal bioenergetics and improves cognitive function following drug intoxication by promoting Nrf2-ARE signaling activity . Journal of Pineal Research .2017 ;(63):e12417-0

25. 2017 Chou ML,Wu JW,Gouel F,Jonneaux A,Tillerman K,Renn TY, Laloux C, Chang HM, Lin LT, Devedjian JC, Devos D, Burnouf T. Tailor-made purified human platelet lysate concentrated in neurotrophins for treatment of Parkinson’s disease. . Biomaterials .2017 ;(142):77-89

26. 2016 Liu CH,Chang HM,Tseng TJ,Lan CT,Chen LY,Youn SC, Lee JJ, Mai FD, Chou JF, Liao WC. Redistribution of Cav2.1 channels and calcium ions in nerve terminals following end-to-side neurorrhaphy: ionic imaging analysis by TOF-SIMS . Histochemistry and Cell Biology .2016 ;(146):599-608

27. 2015 Chen LY,Tiong C,Tsai CH,Liao WC,Yang SF,Youn SC, Mai FD, Chang HM. Early-life sleep deprivation persistently depresses melatonin production and bio-energetics of the pineal gland: Potential implications for the development of metabolic deficiency. . Brain Structure and Function .2015 ;(220):663-676

28. 2015 Hsu CY,Hung CS,Chang HM,Liao WC,Ho SC,Ho YJ. Ceftriaxone prevents and reverses behavioral and neuronal deficits in an MPTP-induced animal model of Parkinson’s disease dementia. . Neuropharmacology .2015 ;(91):43-56

29. 2015 Liao WC,Liu CH,Chen CH,Hsu WM,Liao YY,Chang HM, Lan CT, Huang MC, Shyu MK. β-1,4-galactosyltransferase III suppresses extravillous trophoblast invasion through modifying β1-integrin glycosylation . Placenta .2015 ;(36):357-364

30. 2015 Kuo YJ,Huang YK,Chou HC,Pai MH,Lee AW,Mai FD, Chang HM. Reduced dental calcium expression and dental mass in chronic sleep deprived rats: Combined EDS, TOF-SIMS, and micro-CT analysis. . Applied Surface Science .2015 ;(345):141-144

31. 2015 Youn SC,Chen LY,Chiou RJ,Lai TJ,Liao WC,Mai FD, Chang HM. Comprehensive application of time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (TOF-SIMS) for ionic imaging and bio-energetic analysis of club drug-induced cognitive deficiency . Scientific Reports .2015 ;(5):18420-0

32. 2014 Chang HM,Liu CH,Hsu WM,Chen LY,Wang HP,Wu TH, Chen KY, Ho WH, Liao WC. Proliferative effects of melatonin on Schwann cells: Implication for nerve regeneration following peripheral nerve injury. . Journal of Pineal Research .2014 ;(56):322-332

33. 2013 Chen SM,Chang HM,Hung TW,Chao YH,Tsai JD,Lue KH, Sheu JN. Diagnostic performance of procalcitonin for hospitalised children with acute pyelonephritis presenting to the paediatric emergency department . Emergency Medicine Journal .2013 ;(30):406-410

34. 2013 Chang HM,Shyu MK,Tseng GF,Liu CH,Chang HS,Lan CT, Hsu WM, Liao WC. Neuregulin Facilitates Nerve Regeneration by Speeding Schwann Cell Migration via ErbB2/3-dependent FAK Pathway . PLoS One .2013 ;(8):e53444-0

35. 2013 Sheu JN,Liao WC,Wu UI,Shyu LY,Mai FD,Chen LY, Chen MJ, Youn SC, Chang HM. Resveratrol suppresses calcium-mediated microglial activation and rescues hippocampal neurons of adult rats following acute bacterial meningitis . Comparative Immunology, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases .2013 ;(36):137-148

36. 2012 Liao WC,Chen CH,Liu CH,Huang MJ,Chen CW,Hung JS, Chou CH, Chen CH, Che MI, Chang HM, Lan CT, Huang HC, Tseng GF, Shyu MK, Huang MC. Expression of GALNT2 in human extravillous trophoblasts and its suppressive role in trophoblast invasion. . Placenta .2012 ;(33):1005-1011

37. 2012 Pan HH,Chang HM,Chen SM,Hung TW,Lue KH,Sheu JN. Life-threatening rhabdomyolysis induced by Streptococcus bovis sepsis in a 6-year-old girl presented to the pediatric emergency department. . Pediatric Emergency Care .2012 ;(28):469-471

38. 2012 Hu ME,Lin YC,Chang HM,Tyan YS,Lan CT. Obstructive jaundice activates nitroxidergic neurons of the vago-vagal neural circuit that regulates the hepatobiliary system in rabbits. . Cells Tissues Organs .2012 ;(195):272-286

39. 2012 Chen CY,Tsao TF,Chang HM,Chen SL,Chen SM,Hung TW, Lue KH, Sheu JN. Bladder agenesis and bilateral ectopic ureters draining into the vagina in a female infant: demonstrated by MR imaging. . Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy .2012 ;(34):89-92

40. 2012 Hsieh MH,Ho SC,Yeh KY,Pawlak CR,Chang HM,Ho YJ, Lai, TJ, Wu FY. Blockade of metabotropic glutamate receptors inhibits cognition and neurodegeneration in an MPTP-induced Parkinson's disease rat model. . Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior .2012 ;(102):64-71

41. 2012 Chang HM,Liao WC,Sheu JN,Chang CC,Lan CT,Mai FD. Sleep deprivation impairs Ca2+ expression in the hippocampus: Ionic imaging analysis for cognitive deficiency with TOF-SIMS. . Microscopy and Microanalysis .2012 ;(18):425-435

42. 2012 Chu WY,Tsao TF,Chen SL,Chang HM,Chen SM,Chen CY, Lue KH, Sheu JN. A 12-year-old boy with an infected ectopic ureter presenting with acute appendicitis-like symptoms and acute scrotum. . Scandinavian Journal of Urology and Nephrology .2012 ;(46):208-211

43. 2011 Wu UI,Mai FD,Sheu JN,Chen LY,Liu YT,Huang HC, Chang HM. Melatonin inhibits microglial activation, reduces pro-inflammatory cytokine levels, and rescues hippocampal neurons of adult rats with acute Klebsiella pneumoniae meningitis. . Journal of Pineal Research .2011 ;(50):159-170

44. 2011 Lim FF,Tsao TF,Chang HM,Sheu JN. Multicystic dysplastic kidney disease presenting with a single large cyst in a fetus – Anatomical basis and radiological aspects. . Pediatrics and Neonatology .2011 ;(52):227-231

45. 2011 Lim FF,Chang HM,Lue KH,Sheu JN. Pneumococcal pneumonia complicating purulent pericarditis in a previously healthy girl: a rare yet possible fatal complication in the antibiotic era. . Pediatric Emergency Care .2011 ;(27):751-753

46. 2011 Sheu JN,Chang HM,Chen SM,Hung TW,Lue KH. The role of procalcitonin for acute pyelonephritis and subsequent renal scarring in infants and young children. . Journal of Urology .2011 ;(186):2002-2008

47. 2010 Mai FD,Chen LY,Ling YC,Chen BJ,Wu UI,Chang HM. Molecular imaging of in vivo calcium ion expression in area postrema of total sleep deprived rats: implications for cardiovascular regulation by TOF-SIMS analysis. . Applied Surface Science .2010 ;(256):4456-4461

48. 2010 Chang HM,Mai FD,Lei SL,Ling YC. Impaired sodium levels in the suprachiasmatic nucleus are associated with the formation of cardiovascular deficiency in sleep-deprived rats. . Journal of Anatomy .2010 ;(217):694-704

49. 2009 Chang HM,Wu UI,Lan CT. Melatonin preserves longevity protein (sirtuin 1) expression in the hippocampus of total sleep-deprived rats. . Journal of Pineal Research .2009 ;(47):211-220

50. 2009 Hu ME,Tyan YS,Hsu PW,Hsu JC,Chang HM,Ling EA, Lan CT. Ultrastructural observations on the progress of nerve degeneration and regeneration at the suture site following vagal-hypoglossal nerve coaptation in cats. . Cells Tissues Organs .2009 ;(190):230-245

51. 2008 Chang HM,Huang YL,Lan CT,Wu UI,Hu ME,Youn SC. Melatonin preserves superoxide dismutase activity in hypoglossal motoneurons of adult rats following peripheral nerve injury. . Journal of Pineal Research .2008 ;(44):172-180

52. 2008 Chang HM,Mai FD,Chen BJ,Wu UI,Huang YL,Lan CT, Ling YC. Sleep deprivation predisposes liver to oxidative stress and phospholipid damage - a quantitative molecular imaging study. . Journal of Anatomy .2008 ;(212):295-305

53. 2008 Chen GD,Peng ML,Wang PY,Lee SD,Chang HM,Pan SF, Chen MJ, Tung KC, Lai CY, Lin TB. Calcium/calmodulin-dependent kinase II mediates NO-elicited PKG activation to participate in spinal reflex potentiation in anesthetized rats. . American Journal of Physiology: Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology .2008 ;(294):R487-R493

54. 2008 Wei IH,Huang CC,Tseng CY,Chang HM,Tu HC,Tsai MH, Wen CY, Shieh JY. Mild hypoxic preconditioning attenuates injury-induced NADPH-d/nNOS expression in brainstem motor neurons of adult rats. . Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy .2008 ;(35):123-132

55. 2008 Peng HY,Chang HM,Chang SY,Tung KC,Lee SD,Chou D, Lai CY, Chiu CH, Chen GD, Lin TB. Orexin-A modulates glutamatergic NMDA-dependent spinal reflex potentiation via inhibition of NR2B subunit. . American Journal of Physiology: Endocrinology and Metabolism .2008 ;(295):E117-E129

56. 2008 Chang HM,Chen BJ,Wu UI,Huang YL,Mai FD. Molecular Imaging of enhanced Na+ expression in the liver of total sleep deprived rats by TOF-SIMS. . Applied Surface Science .2008 ;(255):1131-1134

57. 2008 Peng HY,Chang HM,Lee SD,Huang PC,Chen GD,Lai CH, Lai CY, Chiu CH, Tung KC, Lin TB. TRPV1 mediates the uterine capsaicin-induced NMDA NR2B-dependent cross-organ reflex sensitization in anesthetized rats. . American Journal of Physiology: Renal Physiology .2008 ;(295):F1324-F1335

58. 2008 Mai FD,Chen BJ,Ling YC,Wu UI,Huang YL,Chang HM. Up-regulation of Na+ expression in the area postrema of total sleep deprived rats by TOF-SIMS analysis. . Applied Surface Science .2008 ;(255):1135-1138

59. 2007 Hwang BH,Chang HM,Gu ZH,Suzuki R. c-fos gene expression is increased in the paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus of Sprague-Dawley rats with visceral pain induced by acetic acid without detectable changes of corticotrophin-releasing factor mRNA: A quantitative approach with an image analy . Anatomical Record .2007 ;(290):406-413

60. 2006 Chang HM,Wu UI,Lin TB,Lan CT,Chien WC,Huang WL, Shieh JY. Total sleep deprivation inhibits the neuronal nitric oxide synthase and cytochrome oxidase reactivities in the nodose ganglion of adult rats. . Journal of Anatomy .2006 ;(209):239-250

61. 2005 Wei IH,Huang CC,Chang HM,Tseng CY,Tu HC,Wen CY, Shieh JY. Neuronal NADPH-d/NOS expression in the nodose ganglion of severe hypoxic rats with or without mild hypoxic preconditioning. . Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy .2005 ;(29):149-156

62. 2005 Tseng CY,Wei IH,Chang HM,Lue JH,Wen CY,Shieh JY. Ultrastructural identification of a sympathetic component in the hypoglossal nerve of hamsters using experimental degeneration and horseradish peroxidase methods. . Cells Tissues Organs .2005 ;(180):117-125

63. 2005 Chang HM,Tseng CY,Wei IH,Lue JH,Wen CY,Shieh JY. Melatonin restores the cytochrome oxidase reactivity in the nodose ganglia of acute hypoxic rats. . Journal of Pineal Research .2005 ;(39):206-214

64. 2004 Chang HM,Wei IH,Tseng CY,Lue JH,Wen CY,Shieh JY. Differential expression of calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) and choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) in the axotomized motoneurons of normoxic and hypoxic rats. . Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy .2004 ;(28):239-251

65. 2003 Chang HM,Liao WC,Lue JH,Wen CY,Shieh JY. Upregulation of NMDA receptor and neuronal NADPH-d/NOS expression in the nodose ganglion of acute hypoxic rats. . Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy .2003 ;(25):137-147

66. 2002 Chang HM,Ling EA,Chen CF,Lue JH,Wen CY,Shieh JY. Melatonin attenuates the neuronal NADPH-d/NOS expression in the nodose ganglion of acute hypoxic rats. . Journal of Pineal Research .2002 ;(32):65-73

67. 2001 Chang HM,Lue JH,Wen CY,Shieh JY. Axotomy along with hypoxia enhances the neuronal NADPH-d/NOS expression in lower brain stem motor neurons of adult rats. . Experimental Neurology .2001 ;(171):116-126

68. 2000 Chang HM,Ling EA,Lue JH,Wen CY,Shieh JY. Melatonin attenuates neuronal NADPH-d/NOS expression in the hypoglossal nucleus of adult rats following peripheral nerve injury. . Brain Research .2000 ;(873):243-251

69. 2000 Tseng CY,Lue JH,Chang HM,Wen CY,Shieh JY. Ultrastructural localization of NADPH-d/nNOS expression in the superior cervical ganglion of the hamster. . Journal of Anatomy .2000 ;(197):461-475


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112 探討嗅覺刺激對口腔菌叢的影響:預防菌群失調衍生口腔疾病之可行性研究

111 探討幼年期睡眠剝奪是否易於誘發 tau 蛋白異常堆積與神經退化性疾病(2/2)

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108 探討幼年期睡眠剝奪是否易於誘發 tau 蛋白異常堆積與神經退化性疾病(1/2)

107 母體早期睡眠剝奪跨世代衝擊之轉譯研究-母體早期睡眠剝奪對子代代謝功能之影響(3/3)

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106 母體早期睡眠剝奪跨世代衝擊之轉譯研究-母體早期睡眠剝奪對子代代謝功能之影響(2/3)

106 探討牙週病與帕金森氏症病理衍生過程之潛在關連:評估血漿製劑為可行之治療策略(1/2)

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104 醫學科學研究所博士班研究生任婷怡君擬於105 年7 月2 日至105 年7 月6 日

103 幼年期睡眠剝奪對牙齒發育之影響:探討褪黑激素治療之潛在成效

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103 醫學與影像美學

102 幼年期睡眠剝奪對骨骼系統發育之影響:褪黑激素治療之潛在成效

102 評估小分子團水應用於幼年期睡眠剝奪傷害下護肝功能之潛在成效

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101 幼年期睡眠剝奪對前額葉皮質情緒控制發展與認知功能的影響

101 TMU101-AE1-B13