黃仁弘(Huang, Jen-Hung) 助理教授

現   職
內科學科 助理教授


學 歷

臺北醫學大學醫學系 學士











1. 2022 Huang Jen Hung,Yeh Jong Shiuan,Lin Yung Kuo,Hsieh Ming Hsiung. Acute ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction Happened Within 2 Hours after First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine . Acta Cardiologica Sinica .2022 ;(38):417-420

2. 2021 Pan Chun Hsu,Chien Shu Chen,Chen Chang Jui,Shih Chun Ming,Hsieh Ming Hsiung,Huang Chun Yao,Bi Wei Fung,Chan Chao Shun,Kao Yung Ta,Hsiao Cheng Yi,Chiang Shuo Ju,Chiang Kuang Hsing,Huang Jen Hung,Liu Yun Ru,Luo Ji Dung,Huang Hui Yu,Wu Chieh Hsi,Pan Chun Hsu,Chien Shu Chen,Chen Chang Jui,Shih Chun Ming,Hsieh Ming Hsiung,Huang Chun Yao,Bi Wei Fung,Chan Chao Shun,Kao Yung Ta,Hsiao Cheng Yi,Chiang Shuo Ju,Chiang Kuang Hsing,Huang Jen Hung,Liu Yun Ru,Luo Ji Dung,Huang Hui Yu,Wu Chieh Hsi. Circulating level of microRNA-142-5p is a potential biomarker for predicting in-stent restenosis: a case–control study . BMC Cardiovascular Disorders .2021 ;(21):77-77

3. 2021 Yugo Dony,Chen Yao Chang,Lin Yung Kuo,Liu Chih Min,Huang Jen Hung,Chen Shih Ann,Chen Yi Jen,Yugo Dony,Chen Yao Chang,Lin Yung Kuo,Liu Chih Min,Huang Jen Hung,Chen Shih Ann,Chen Yi Jen. Effects of phosphodiesterase-1 inhibitor on pulmonary vein electrophysiology and arrhythmogenesis . Eur J Clin Invest .2021 ;(51)

4. 2021 Huang JH,Lin YK,Lee TW,Liu HW,Chien YM,Hsueh YC, Lee TI, Chen YJ.. Correlation between short- and mid-term hemoglobin A1c and glycemic control determined by continuous glucose monitoring . Diabetol Metab Syndr .2021 ;(13):94

5. 2020 Lin YK,Cheng CC,Huang JH,Chen YA,Lu YY,Chen YC, Chen SA, Chen YJ. Various subtypes of phosphodiesterase inhibitors differentially regulate pulmonary vein and sinoatrial node electrical activities . Exp Ther Med .2020 ;(19):2773-2782

6. 2020 Chin CG,Huang JH,Lin YK,Hsieh MH,Chen YJ,Chen SA. Factor Xa Inhibitor, Rivaroxaban, Regulates the Burden of Atrial Fibrillation and Ventricular Premature Captures . Am J Ther .2020 ;(27):e558-e561

7. 2020 Wu CI,LU YY,Chen YC,Lin FZ,Huang JH,Lin YK, Higa S, Chan CS, Liu CM, Chen SA, Chen YJ. The AMP-activated protein kinase modulates hypothermia-induced J wave. . Eur J Clin Invest .2020 ;(50):e13247

8. 2019 Huang JH,Chen YC, Lu YY,Lin YK,Chen SA,Chen YJ. Arginine vasopressin modulates electrical activity and calcium homeostasis in pulmonary vein cardiomyocytes. . J Biomed Sci .2019

9. 2018 Yang HY,Huang JH,Chiu HW,Lin YK,Hsu CY,Chen YJ. Vitamin D and bisphosphonates therapies for osteoporosis are associated with different risks of atrial fibrillation in women: A nationwide population-based analysis. . Medicine (Baltimore). .2018

10. 2018 Huang JH,Lin YK,Chung CC,Hsieh MH,Chiu WC,Chen YJ. Factors That Determine the Prothrombin Time in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation Receiving Rivaroxaban . Clin Appl Thromb Hemost .2018

11. 2018 Chang CJ,Cheng CC,Chen YC,Higa S,Huang JH,Chen SA, Chen YJ. Factor Xa inhibitors differently modulate electrical activities in pulmonary veins and the sinoatrial node . Eur J Pharmacol .2018

12. 2018 Lin YK,Chen YC,Chen YA,Huang JH,Chen SA,Chen YJ. Levosimendan differentially modulates electrophysiological activities of sinoatrial nodes, pulmonary veins, and the left and right atria . J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol .2018

13. 2017 Huang JH,Lin YK,Hsieh MH,Chen SA,Chiu WC,Chen YJ. Modulation of Autonomic Nervous Activity in the Termination of Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation . Pacing Clin Electrophysiol .2017 ;(40):401-408

14. 2016 Tam WC,Lin YK,Chan WP,Huang JH,Hsieh MH,Chen SA, Chen YJ. Pericardial Fat Is Associated With the Risk of Ventricular Arrhythmia in Asian Patients . Circ J .2016 ;(80):1726-1733

15. 2016 Huang JH,Lin YK,Hsieh MH,Chiu WC,Chen YJ. Age and thyroid hormone replacement delays the recovery from amiodarone-induced hypothyroidism . Int J Cardiol .2016 ;(202):561-563

16. 2016 Huang JH,Chen YC,Lee TI,Kao YH,Chen SA,Chen YJ. Glucagon-like Peptide-1 Regulates Calcium Homeostasis and Electrophysiological Activities of HL-1 Cardiomyocytes . Peptides .2016

17. 2014 Huang JH,Lin YK,Hsieh MH,Chen SA,Chen YJ. Non-standard Dose Dronedrone in treating Atrial Fibrillation Patients . Int J Cardiol .2014 ;(172):214-216

18. 2014 Yang HY,Huang JH,Lin YK,Hsu CY,Chen SA,Chen YJ. Bipolar Disorder and Schizophrenia Present Different Risks of Atrial fibrillation: A Nationwide Population-Based Analysis . Acta Cardiol Sin .2014 ;(30):46-52

19. 2014 Huang CS,Chen CI,Liu YT,Huang JH,Chen YJ. CHA2DS2-VASc Score and Heart Rate Predict Ischemic Stroke Outcomes in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation . Acta Cardiol Sin .2014 ;(30):16-21

20. 2014 Chen YC,Huang JH,Lin YK,Hsieh MH,Chen YJ. Gender modulates the aging effects on different patterns of early repolarization . Heart Vessels .2014 ;(29):249-255

21. 2014 Hanafy DA,Chang SL,Lu YY,Chen YC,Kao YH,Huang JH, Chen SA, Chen YJ. Electromechanical effects of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin d with antiatrial fibrillation activities . J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol .2014 ;(25):317-323

22. 2014 Cheng HS,Chen WT,Huang JH,Hsieh MH. Occurrence of atrioventricular block during supraventricular tachycardia: What is its possible mechanism? . J Chin Med Assoc .2014 ;(77):108-111

23. 2014 Huang JH,Lin YK,Hsieh MH,Chen SA,Chen YJ. Non-standard dose dronedarone in treating atrial fibrillation patients . Int J Cardiol .2014 ;(172)

24. 2014 Lu YY,Chung FP,Chen YC,Tsai CF,Kao YH,Chao TF, Huang JH, Chen SA, Chen YJ. Distinctive electrophysiological characteristics of right ventricular out-flow tract cardiomyocytes . J Cell Mol Med .2014 ;(18):1540-1548

25. 2013 Lee TI,Kao YH,Chen YC,Huang JH,Hsiao FC,Chen YJ. Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors modulate cardiac dysfunction in diabetic cardiomyopathy . Diabetes Res Clin Pract .2013 ;(100):330-339

26. 2013 Lee TI,Kao YH,Chen YC,Huang JH,Hsu MI,Chen YJ. The dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitor-sitagliptin modulates calcium dysregulation, inflammation, and PPARs in hypertensive cardiomyocytes . Int J Cardiol .2013 ;(168):5390-5395

27. 2013 Lin YK,Chen YC,Huang JH,Lin YJ,Huang SS,Chen SA, Chen YJ. Leptin modulates electrophysiological characteristics and isoproterenol-induced arrhythmogenesis in atrial myocytes . J Biomed Sci .2013 ;(20)

28. 2013 Wang CA,Chen WT,Huang JH,Lin YC,Hsieh MH,Chen YJ. Different coronary artery calcium scores with discrepant progression risks . Int J Cardiol .2013 ;(168):4308-4310

29. 2013 Chen WT,Chen YC,Lu YY,Kao YH,Huang JH,Lin YK, Chen SA, Chen YJ. Apamin modulates electrophysiological characteristics of the pulmonary vein and the Sinoatrial Node . Eur J Clin Invest .2013 ;(43):957-963

30. 2013 Yang HY,Chiu WC,Huang JH,Hsu CY,Lin YK,Chen YJ. Analysis of 10-year nationwide population-based data on sex differences in hospitalization for heart failure . Heart Vessels .2013 ;(28):721-727

31. 2013 Huang JH,Chiu WC,Hsu MI,Chen YJ. Effects of androgen on vascular and inflammatory biomarkers in a female hypertensive population . Gynecol Endocrinol .2013 ;(29):340-344

32. 2013 Chang CJ,Chen YC,Lin YK,Huang JH,Chen SA,Chen YJ. Rivaroxaban modulates electrical and mechanical characteristics of left atrium . J Biomed Sci .2013 ;(20)

33. 2012 Tsao HM,Weerateerangkul P,Chen YC,Kao YH,Lin YK,Huang JH, Chen SA, Chen YJ. Amyloid peptide regulates calcium homoeostasis and arrhythmogenesis in pulmonary vein cardiomyocytes . Eur J Clin Invest .2012 ;(42):589-598

34. 2012 Chen WT,Huang JH,Hsieh MH,Chen YJ. Extremely high coronary artery calcium score is associated with a high cancer incidence . Int J Cardiol .2012 ;(155):474-475

35. 2012 Yang HY,Huang JH,Hsu CY,Chen YJ. Gender differences and the trend in the acute myocardial infarction: a 10-year nationwide population-based analysis . ScientificWorldJournal .2012

36. 2012 Lin YK,Lai MS,Chen YC,Cheng CC,Huang JH,Chen SA, Chen YJ, Lin CI. Hypoxia and reoxygenation modulate the arrhythmogenic activity of the pulmonary vein and atrium . Clin Sci .2012 ;(122):121-132

37. 2011 Huang JH,Lin YK,Hsieh MH,Chen SA,Chen YJ. Thyroxine monotherapy without amiodarone enhances atrial fibrillation recurrences in amiodarone-induced hypothyroidism . Int J Cardiol .2011 ;(152):277-278

38. 2011 Huang JH,Yang HY,Hsu CY,Lin YK,Chen SA,Chen YJ. Gender differences in trend of hospital management for atrial fibrillation: a nationwide population-based analysis . Int J Cardiol .2011 ;(153):89-94

39. 2011 Huang JH,Kao HL,Hao WR,Chen SC. Dislodged self-expanding carotid stent delivery sheath marker ring leading to emergent surgery . Ann Vasc Surg .2011 ;(25):264

40. 2011 Huang SY,Lin YJ,Tsao HM,Chang SL,Lo LW,,Hu HF, Suenari K, Lin YK, Huang JH, Chen IC, Ko WC, Ong ET, Chen SA. The biatrial substrate properties in different types of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation . Heart Rhythm .2011 ;(8):961-967

41. 2010 Lin PY,Shen HC,Chen CJ,Wu SE,Kao HL,Huang JH, Wang DL, Chen SC. The inhibition in tumor necrosis factor-alpha-induced attenuation in endothelial thrombomodulin expression by carvedilol is mediated by nuclear factor-kappaB and reactive oxygen species . J Thromb Thrombolysis .2010 ;(29):52-59

42. 2010 Huang JH,Tsai JC,Hsu MI,Chen YJ. Cardiac conductive disturbance in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome . Gynecol Endocrinol .2010 ;(26):883-888

43. 2010 Huang JH,Lin YQ,Pan NH,Chen YJ. Aging modulates dispersion of ventricular repolarization in the very old of the geriatric population . Heart Vessels .2010 ;(25):500-508


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107 磷酸二酯?同種型抑制劑透過調節成纖維細胞活性和心肌細胞電生理對心房心律不整的抑制作用(1/2)

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