廖建彰(Liao, Chien-Chang) 副教授

現   職
麻醉學科 副教授


學 歷

國立臺灣大學環境衛生研究所 博士
中國醫藥大學環境醫學研究所 碩士
國立中興大學環境工程學系 學士




2023/02/01 ~







1. 2024 Sung LC,Chang CC,Yeh CC,Cherng YG,Chen TL,Liao CC. How long after coronary artery bypass surgery can patients have elective safer non-cardiac surgery? . J Multidiscip Healthc .2024 ;(17):743-752

2. 2023 Chang RY,Chen TL,Yeh CC,Chen CH,Wang QW,Toung T, Liao CC. Risk of Obesity Among Children Aged 2-6 Years Who Had Prolonged Screen Time in Taiwan: A Nationwide Cross-Sectional Study . Clin Epidemiol .2023 ;(15):165-176

3. 2023 Lam F,Liao CC,Huang YM,Lee YJ,Chen TL,Chiou HY. Outcomes after surgery in patients with and without recent influenza: a nationwide population-based study . Front Med .2023 ;(10):1117885-1117885

4. 2023 Sung LC,Chang CC,Yeh CC,Lee CY,Hu CJ,Cherng YG, Chen TL, Liao CC. The effects of regular dental scaling on the complications and mortality after stroke: a retrospective cohort study based on a real-world database . BMC Oral Health .2023 ;(23):487-487

5. 2022 Liao CC,Tai YH,Yeh CC,Hsu YH,Chen TL,Cherng YG. Effect of influenza vaccination on the outcomes of hospitalization for kidney disease in a geriatric population: A propensity-score matched study . PLOS ONE .2022 ;(17):e0262420-e0262420

6. 2022 Tai YH,Chang ML,Chu PH,Yeh CC,Cherng YG,Chen TL, Liao CC. Risk of Acute Myocardial Infarction in Patients with Gastroenteritis: A Nationwide Case-Control Study . J Clin Med .2022 ;(11):1341-1341

7. 2022 Kao YT,Chang CC,Yeh CC,Hu CJ,Cherng YG,Chen TL, Liao CC. Complications and Mortality after Surgeries in Patients with Prior Stroke Who Received General and Neuraxial Anesthesia: A Propensity-Score Matched Study . J Clin Med .2022 ;(11):1490-1490

8. 2022 林朝順,張淳昭,葉俊杰,張以承,陳大樑,廖建彰. Outcomes following diabetes admission in patients who had influenza vaccination: A population-based cohort study . Diabetes Res Clin Pract .2022 ;(189):109930-109930

9. 2022 Chang CC,Sun MF,Chou YC,Yeh CC,Hu CJ,Cherng YG, Chen TL, Liao CC. Decreased Risk of Stroke in People Using Red Yeast Rice Prescriptions (LipoCol Forte®): a Total Population-Based Retrospective Cohort Study . Evid Based Complement Alternat Med .2022 ;(2022):8160425-8160425

10. 2022 Wu HY,Chang CC,Yeh CC,Chen MY,Cherng YG,Chen TL, Liao CC. Adverse outcomes after non-hepatic surgeries in patients with alcoholic liver diseases: a propensity-score matched study . BMC Gastroenterol .2022 ;(22):475-475

11. 2021 Weng SW,Chang CC,Chen TL,Yeh CC,Hu CJ,Lane HL, Liao CC, Shih CC. Risk of diabetes in stroke patients who used Bu Yang Huan Wu Tang: a nationwide propensity-score matched study . Phytomedicine .2021 ;(80):153376-153376

12. 2021 Huang SY,Chang CC,Lin CS,Yeh CC,Lin JA,Cherng YG, Chen TL, Liao CC. Adverse outcomes after major surgery in children with intellectual disability . Dev Med Child Neurol .2021 ;(63):211-217

13. 2021 Huang YC,Chang CC,Yeh CC,Lin CS,Hu CJ,Chen TL, Liao CC. The protective effect of statins against pressure ulcers in stroke patients: A propensity-score matched study based on a real-world database . Atherosclerosis .2021 ;(317):22-28

14. 2021 Li CC,Chang CC,Cherng YG,Lin CS,Yeh CC,Chang YC, Hu CJ, Shih CC, Chen TL, Liao CC.. Risk and outcomes of diabetes in patients with epilepsy . Sci Rep .2021 ;(11):18888-18888

15. 2021 Tai YH,Chang CC,Yeh CC,Sung LC,Hu CJ,Cherng YG, Chen TL, Liao CC. Long-Term Risk of Stroke and Post-stroke Outcomes in Patients with Heart Failure: Two Nationwide Studies . Clin Epidemiol .2021 ;(12):1235-1244

16. 2021 Sung LC,Liu CC,Lin CS,Yeh CC,Cherng YG,Chen TL, Liao CC. Septicemia and mortality after noncardiac surgery associated with CHA2DS2-VASc score: a retrospective cohort study based on a real-world database . BMC Surg .2021 ;(21):209-209

17. 2021 Lo PH,Chang CC,Yeh CC,Sung LC,Cherng YG,Chen TL, Liao CC. Adverse Outcomes after Non-Cardiac Surgeries in Patients with Heart Failure: A Propensity-Score Matched Study . J Clin Med .2021 ;(10):1501-1501

18. 2021 Tai YH,Chang CC,Yeh CC,Cherng YG,Chen TL,Liao CC. Adverse outcomes after noncardiac surgery in patients with aortic stenosis . Sci Rep .2021 ;(11):19517-19517

19. 2021 Sung LC,Chang CC,Lin CS,Yeh CC,Cherng YG,Chen TL, Liao CC. Risk of acute atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease in patients with acute and chronic pancreatitis . Sci Rep .2021 ;(11):20907-20907

20. 2021 Wang CW,Yang Y,Yeh CC,Cherng YG,Chen TL,Liao CC. Differences in Hospitalization Outcomes of Kidney Disease between Patients Who Received Care by Nephrologists and Non-Nephrologist Physicians: A Propensity-Score-Matched Study . J Clin Med .2021 ;(10):5269-5269

21. 2020 Hu FP,Liao CC,Chen TL,Yeh CC,Shi L,Shih CC. Prevalence, expenditures, and associated factors of purchasing non-prescribed Chinese herbal medicine in Taiwan . PLOS ONE .2020 ;(15):e0240311-e0240311

22. 2020 Lee CY,Chang CC,Lin CS,Yeh CC,Hu CJ,Wu CZ, Chen TL, Liao CC. Risk of dementia in patients with periodontitis and related protective factors: a nationwide retrospective cohort study . J Clin Periodontol .2020 ;(47):1428-1436

23. 2020 Chen TL,Lin CS,Lin JA,Yeh CC,Sung LC,Chang YC, Shih CC, Liao CC.. Evaluating risk of incident diabetes between patients who used lovastatin and red yeast rice prescriptions (LipoCol Forte): a retrospective cohort study based on a real-world database . Diabetes Metab Syndr Obes .2020 ;(13):89-98

24. 2020 Huang YF,Lin CS,Cherng YG,Yeh CC,Chen RJ,Chen TL, Liao CC. A population-based cohort study of mortality of intensive care unit patients with liver cirrhosis . BMC Gastroenterol .2020 ;(20)

25. 2019 Previous use of mammography as a proxy for general health checks in association with better outcomes after major surgeries . Int J Environ Res Public Health .2019 ;(16)

26. 2019 Lam F,Shih CC,Chen TL,Lin CS,Huang HJ,Yeh CC, Huang YC, Chiou HY, Liao CC. Risk of urticaria in geriatric stroke patients who received influenza vaccination: a retrospective cohort study . Clin Interv Aging .2019 ;(14):2085-2093

27. 2019 Huang YF,Yeh CC,Chou YC,Hu CJ,Cherng YG,Shih CC, Chen TL, Liao CC. Stroke in Parkinson's disease . QJM: An International Journal of Medicine .2019 ;(112):269-274

28. 2019 Lin CS,Chen CY,Yeh CC,Chung CL,Chen TL,Liao CC. Defining risk of general surgery in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases . QJM .2019 ;(112):107-113

29. 2019 Lin CS,Chen CY,Yeh CC,Chung CL,Chen TL,Liao CC. Response to 'Risk of general surgery in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease' . QJM .2019 ;(112):159-159

30. 2019 Chen TL,Yeh CC,Lin CS,Shih CC,Liao CC. Effects of red yeast rice prescription (LipoCol Forte) on adverse outcomes of surgery . QJM .2019 ;(112):253-259

31. 2019 Hsu SPC,Yeh CC,Chou YC,Shih CC,Hu CJ,Cherng YG, Chen TL, Liao CC. Stroke risk and outcomes in epilepsy patients: Two retrospective cohort studies based on National Health Insurance in Taiwan . Atherosclerosis .2019 ;(280):147-154

32. 2019 Lin CS,Chang CC,Lee YW,Liu CC,Yeh CC,Chang YC, Chuang MT, Chang TH, Chen TL, Liao CC. Adverse outcomes after major surgeries in patients with diabetes: a multicenter matched study . J Clin Med .2019 ;(8)

33. 2019 Lam F,Chen TL,Shih CC,Lin CS,Yeh CC,Lee YJ, Hu CJ, Chiou HY, Liao CC. Protective effect of influenza vaccination on outcomes in geriatric stroke patients: a nationwide matched cohort study . Atherosclerosis .2019 ;(282):85-90

34. 2019 Shih CC,Yeh CC,Yang JL,Lane HL,Huang CJ,Lin JG, Chen TL, Liao CC.. Reduced use of emergency care and hospitalization in patients with post-stroke cognitive impairment treated with traditional Chinese medicine . QJM .2019 ;(112):437-442

35. 2019 Yang JL,Chen TL,Yeh CC,Hu CJ,Liao CC,Lane HL, Shih CC. Acupuncture treatment and the risk of urinary tract infection in stroke patients: a nationwide matched cohort study . Acupuncture in Medicine .2019 ;(37):175-183

36. 2019 Cherng YG,Chang CC,Yeh CC,Hsu YH,Chen TL,Liao CC. Adverse outcomes after non urological surgeries in patients with chronic kidney disease: a propensity-score-matched study. . Clin Epidemiol .2019 ;(11):707-719

37. 2018 Weng SW,Chen TL,Yeh CC,Lane HL,Liao CC,Shih CC. The effects of Bu Yang Huan Wu Tang on post-stroke epilepsy: a nationwide matched study . Clin Epidemiol .2018 ;(10):1839-1850

38. 2018 Liu WC,Lin CS,Yeh CC,Wu HY,Lee YJ,Chung CL, Cherng YG, Chen TL, Liao CC. Effect of influenza vaccination against postoperative pneumonia and mortality for geriatric patients receiving major surgery: a nationwide matched study . J Infect Dis .2018 ;(217):816-826

39. 2018 Cherng YG,Lin CS,Shih CC,Hsu YH,Yeh CC,Hu CJ, Chen TL, Liao CC. Stroke risk and outcomes in patients with chronic kidney disease or end-stage renal disease: two nationwide studies . PLoS One .2018 ;(13):e0191155-e0191155

40. 2018 Chang CC,Chen TL,Lin CS,Chung CL,Yeh CC,Hu CJ, Lane HL, Liao CC, Shih CC. Decreased risk of pneumonia in stroke patients receiving acupuncture: a nationwide matched-pair retrospective cohort study . PLoS One .2018 ;(13):e0196094-e0196094

41. 2017 Chu LM,Liu CC,Yeh CC,Chang YC,Hu CJ,Shih CC, Cherng YG, Chen TL, Liao CC.. Increased diabetes risk and interaction with social and medical events in patients upon stroke: two nationwide studies. . Atherosclerosis .2017 ;(265):87-92

42. 2017 Lin CS,Shih CC,Yeh CC,Hu CJ,Chung CL,Chen TL, Liao CC. Risk of stroke and post-stroke adverse events in patients with exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease . PLoS One .2017 ;(12):e01694-e01694

43. 2017 Shih CC,Huang LH,Yeh CC,Lane HL,Hsieh CJ,Tsai CC, Lin LW, Chen TL, Liao CC. The prevalence, characteristics, and factors associated with purchasing Chinese herbal medicine among adults in Taiwan . BMC Complement Altern Med .2017 ;(17):169-169

44. 2017 Wu HY,Lin CS,Yeh CC,Hu CJ,Shih CC,Cherng YG, Chen TL, Liao CC. Cirrhosis patients' stroke risks and adverse outcomes: Two nationwide studies . Atherosclerosis .2017 ;(263):29-35

45. 2017 Chang YW,Chou YC,Yeh CC,Hu CJ,Hung CJ,Lin CS, Chen TL, Liao CC. Outcomes after major surgery in patients with myasthenia gravis: A nationwide matched cohort study . Plos One .2017 ;(12):e01804-e01804

46. 2017 Shih CC,Yeh CC,Hu CJ,Lane HL,Tsai CC,Chen TL, Liao CC. Risk of dementia in patients with non-haemorrhagic stroke receiving acupuncture treatment: a nationwide matched cohort study from Taiwan's National Health Insurance Research Database . BMJ Open .2017 ;(7):e01363-e01363

47. 2017 Lin CS,Liu CC,Yeh CC,Chang YC,Chung CL,Lane HL, Shih CC, Chen TL, Liao CC. Diabetes risks and outcomes in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients: Two nationwide population-based retrospective cohort studies . PLoS One .2017 ;(12):e01818-e01818

48. 2017 Chen TL,Lin CS,Shih CC,Huang YF,Yeh CC,Wu CH, Cherng YG, Liao CC. Risk and adverse outcomes of fractures in patients with liver cirrhosis: two nationwide retrospective cohort studies . BMJ Open .2017 ;(7)

49. 2017 Chang HC,Liao CC,Chang CC,Huang SY,Yeh CC,Hu CJ, Cherng YG, Chen TL. Risk of epilepsy in surgical patients undergoing general or neuraxial anaesthesia . Anaesthesia .2017 ;(73):323-331

50. 2016 Lee SY,Chou CL,Hsu SPC,Shih CC,Yeh CC,Hung CJ, Ta-Liang Chen TL, Liao CC.. Outcomes after stroke in patients with previous pressure ulcer: a nationwide matched retrospective cohort study . J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis .2016 ;(25):220-227

51. 2016 Chang CC,Chen TL,Chiu HE,Hu CJ,Yeh CC,Tsai CC, Lane HL, Sun MF, Sung FC, Liao CC, Lin JG, Shih CC. Outcomes after stroke in patients receiving adjuvant therapy with traditional Chinese medicine: a nationwide matched interventional cohort study . J Ethnopharmacol .2016 ;(177):46-52

52. 2016 Lo PH,Huang YF,Chang CC,Yeh CC,Chang CY,Cherng YG, Chen TL, Liao CC. Risk and mortality of gastrointestinal hemorrhage in patients with thrombocytopenia: two nationwide retrospective cohort studies . Eur J Intern Med .2016 ;(27):86-90

53. 2016 Chuang SF,Liao CC,Yeh CC,Lin JG,Lane HL,Tsai CC, Chen TL, Chen T, Shih CC. Reduced risk of stroke in patients with cardiac arrhythmia receiving traditional Chinese medicine: a nationwide matched retrospective cohort study . Complement Ther Med .2016 ;(25):34-38

54. 2016 Lin CS,Chang CC,Yeh CC,Chung CL,Chen TL,Liao CC. Postoperative adverse outcomes in patients with asthma: a nationwide population-based cohort study . Medicine .2016 ;(95):e2548-e2548

55. 2016 Huang YF,Chou YC,Yeh CC,Hu CJ,Cherng YG,Chen TL, Liao CC. Outcomes after non-neurological surgery in patients with Parkinson's disease: a nationwide matched cohort study . Medicine .2016 ;(95):e3196-e3196

56. 2016 Kuo CL,Chen TL,Liao CC,Yeh CC,Chou CL,Lee WR, Lin JG, Shih CC. Birth month and risk of atopic dermatitis: a nationwide population-based study . Allergy .2016 ;(71):1626-1631

57. 2016 Weng SW,Chen TL,Yeh CC,Liao CC,Lane HL,Lin JG, Shih CC. An investigation of the use of acupuncture in stroke patients in Taiwan: a national cohort study . BMC Complement Altern Med .2016 ;(16):321-321

58. 2016 Huang SY,Lo PH,Liu WM,Cherng YG,Yeh CC,Chen TL, Liao CC. Outcomes after nonobstetric surgery in pregnant patients: a nationwide study . Mayo Clin Proc .2016 ;(91):1166-1172

59. 2016 Yeh CC,Liao CC,Shih CC,Jeng LB,Chen TL. Postoperative adverse outcomes among physicians receiving major surgeries: a nationwide retrospective cohort study . Medicine .2016 ;(95):e4946-e4946

60. 2015 Liao CC,Shih CC,Yeh CC,Chang YC,Hu CJ,Lin JG, Chen TL. Impact of diabetes on stroke risk and outcomes: two nationwide retrospective cohort studies . Medicine .2015 ;(94):e2282-e2282

61. 2015 Huang YF,Cherng YG,Hsu SPC,Yeh CC,Chou YC,Wu CH, Chen TL, Liao CC. Risk and adverse outcomes of fractures in patients with Parkinson's disease: two nationwide studies . Osteoporos Int .2015 ;(26):1723-1732

62. 2015 Chou CL,Lee WR,Yeh CC,Shih CC,Chen TL,Liao CC. Adverse outcomes after major surgery in patients with pressure ulcer: a nationwide population-based retrospective cohort study . PLoS One .2015 ;(10):e01277-e01277

63. 2015 Shih CC,Huang LH,Lane HL,Tsai CC,Lin JG,Chen TL, Yeh CC, Liao CC. Use of folk therapy in Taiwan: a nationwide cross-sectional survey of prevalence and associated factors . Evid Based Complement Alternat Med .2015 ;(2015):649265-649265

64. 2015 Ke CC,Lin CS,Yeh CC,Chung CL,Hung CJ,Liao CC, Chen TL. Adverse outcomes after non-chest surgeries in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis: a nationwide study . PLoS One .2015 ;(10):e01330-e01330

65. 2015 Hsu YT,Liao CC,Chang SN,Yang YW,Tsai CH,Chen TL, Sung FC. Increased risk of depression in patients with Parkinson disease: a nationwide cohort study . Am J Geriatr Psychiatry .2015 ;(23):934-940

66. 2015 Shih CC,Liao CC,Sun MF,Su YC,Wen CP,Morisky DE, Sung FC, Hsu CY, Lin JG. A retrospective cohort study comparing stroke recurrence rate in ischemic stroke patients with and without acupuncture treatment . Medicine .2015 ;(94):e1572-e1572

67. 2015 Chen SY,Cherng YG,Lee FP,Yeh CC,Huang SY,Hu CJ, Liao CC, Chen TL. Risk of cerebrovascular diseases after uvulopalatopharyngoplasty in patients with obstructive sleep apnea: a nationwide cohort study . Medicine .2015 ;(94):e1791-e1791

68. 2015 Chuang SF,Shih CC,Yeh CC,Lane HL,Tsai CC,Chen TL, Lin JG, Chen T, Liao CC. Decreased risk of acute myocardial infarction in stroke patients receiving acupuncture treatment: a nationwide matched retrospective cohort study . BMC Complement Altern Med .2015 ;(15):318-318

69. 2014 Lin JA,Liao CC,Lee YJ,Wu CH,Huang WQ,Chen TL. Adverse outcomes after major surgery in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus: a nationwide population-based study . Ann Rheum Dis .2014 ;(73):1646-1651

70. 2014 Liao CC,Chou YC,Yeh CC,Hu CJ,Chiu WT,Chen TL. Stroke risk and outcomes in patients with traumatic brain injury: 2 nationwide studies . Mayo Clin Proc .2014 ;(89):163-172

71. 2014 Chou YC,Yeh CC,Hu CJ,Meng NH,Chiu WT,Chou WH, Chen TL, Liao CC. Risk and Mortality of Traumatic Brain Injury in Stroke Patients: Two Nationwide Cohort Studies . J Head Trauma Rehabil .2014 ;(29):514-521

72. 2014 Liao CC,Lin CS,Shih CC,Yeh CC,Chang YC,Lee YW, Chen TL. Increased risk of fracture and postfracture adverse events in patients with diabetes: two nationwide population-based retrospective cohort studies . Diabetes Care .2014 ;(37):2246-2252

73. 2014 Shih CC,Hsu YT,Wang HH,Chen TL,Tsai CC,Lane HL, Yeh CC, Sung FC, Chiu WT, Cherng YG, Liao CC. Decreased risk of stroke in patients with traumatic brain injury receiving acupuncture treatment: a population-based retrospective cohort study. . PLoS One .2014 ;(9):e89208

74. 2014 Lin CY,Shih CC,Yeh CC,Chou WH,Chen TL,Liao CC. Increased risk of acute myocardial infarction and mortality in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus: Two nationwide retrospective cohort studies. . Int J Cardiol .2014 ;(176):847-851

75. 2014 Liao CC,Chang PY,Yeh CC,Hu CJ,Wu CH,Chen TL. Outcomes after surgery in patients with previous stroke . Br J Surg .2014 ;(101):1616-1622

76. 2014 Su TC,Liao CC,Chien KL,Hsu SH,Sung FC. An overweight or obese status in childhood predicts subclinical atherosclerosis and prehypertension/hypertension in young adults . J Atheroscler Thromb .2014 ;(21):1170-1182

77. 2013 Lin CS,Lin SY,Chang CC,Wang HH,Liao CC,Chen TL. Postoperative adverse outcomes after non-hepatic surgery in patients with liver cirrhosis . Br J Surg .2013 ;(100):1784-1790

78. 2013 Chang CC,Chang HC,Wu CH,Chang CY,Liao CC,Chen TL. Adverse postoperative outcomes in surgical patients with immune thrombocytopenia . Br J Surg .2013 ;(100):684-692

79. 2013 Chang HJ,Liao CC,Hu CJ,Shen WW,Chen TL. Psychiatric disorders after epilepsy diagnosis: a population-based retrospective cohort study . PLoS One .2013 ;(8):e59999-e59999

80. 2013 Cherng YG,Liao CC,Chen TH,Duan X,Wu CH,Chen TL. Are non-cardiac surgeries safe for dialysis patients? A population-based retrospective cohort study . PLoS One .2013 ;(8):e58942-e58942

81. 2013 Yeh CC,Liao CC,Chang YC,Jeng LB,Yang HR,Shih CC, Chen TL. Adverse outcomes after noncardiac surgery in patients with diabetes: a nationwide population-based retrospective cohort study . Diabetes Care .2013 ;(36):3216-3221

82. 2013 Shih CC,Lee HH,Chen TL,Tsai CC,Lane HL,Chiu WT, Liao CC. Reduced use of emergency care and hospitalization in patients with traumatic brain injury receiving acupuncture treatment . Evid Based Complement Alternat Med .2013 ;(2013):262039

83. 2013 Yeh CC,Wang HH,Chou YC,Hu CJ,Chou WH,Chen TL, Liao CC. High risk of gastrointestinal hemorrhage in patients with epilepsy: a nationwide cohort study . Mayo Clin Proc .2013 ;(88):1091-1098

84. 2013 Liao CC,Shen WW,Chang CC,Chang H,Chen TL. Surgical adverse outcomes in patients with schizophrenia: a population-based study . Ann Surg .2013 ;(257):433-438

85. 2013 Chou YC,Shih CC,Lin JG,Chen TL,Liao CC. Low back pain associated with sociodemographic factors, lifestyle and osteoporosis: a population-based study . J Rehabil Med .2013 ;(45):76-80

86. 2013 Yeh CC,Chen TL,Hu CJ,Chiu WT,Liao CC. Risk of epilepsy after traumatic brain injury: a retrospective population-based cohort study . J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry .2013 ;(84):441-445

87. 2013 Lin CY,Wen LL,Lin LY,Wen TW,Lien GW,Hsu SHJ, Chien KL, Liao CC, Sung FC, Chen PC, Su TC.. The associations between serum perfluorinated chemicals and thyroid functionin adolescents and young adults. . J Hazard Mater .2013 ;(244):637-644

88. 2013 Liao CC,Lin JG,Tsai CC,Lane HL,Su TC,Wang HH, Sung FC, Chen TL, Shih CC. An investigation of the use of traditional Chinese medicine in stroke patients in Taiwan . Evid Based Complement Alternat Med .2013 ;(2012):387164-387164

89. 2012 Wu CH,Chen RM,Tsai HC,Chang CC,Chang H,Liao CC, Chen TL. How comorbidities and preoperative expenditures correlate with postoperative adverse outcomes? . Am J Manag Care .2012 ;(18):e405-e415

90. 2012 Yeh CC,Hsieh CH,Liao CC,Su LT,Wang YC,Li TC. Diabetes mellitus and cerebrovascular disease as independent determinants for increased hospital Costs and length of stay in open appendectomy in comparison with laparoscopic appendectomy: a nationwide cohort study . Am Surgeon .2012 ;(78):329-334

91. 2012 Chen TL,Choy CS,Chan WY,Chen CH,Liao CC. Waist-to-height ratio and elevated blood pressure among children in Taiwan . Indian Pediatr .2012 ;(49):463-466

92. 2012 Shih CC,Liao CC,Su YC,Yeh TF,Lin JG. The association between socioeconomic status and traditional Chinese medicine use among children in Taiwan . BMC Health Serv Res .2012 ;(12):27

93. 2012 Liao CC,Su TC,Sung FC,Chou WH,Chen TL. Does hepatitis C virus infection increase risk for stroke? a population-based cohort study . PLoS One .2012 ;(7):e31527

94. 2012 Shih CC,Liao CC,Su YC,Tsai CC,Lin JG. Gender differences in traditional Chinese medicine use among adults in Taiwan . PLoS One .2012 ;(7):e32540

95. 2012 Liao CC,Chang HC,Yeh CC,Chou YC,Chiu WT,Chen TL. Socioeconomic deprivation and associated risk factors of traumatic brain injury in children . J Trauma Acute Care Surg .2012 ;(73):1327-1331

96. 2012 Hu CJ,Liao CC,Chang CC,Wu CH,Chen TL. Postoperative adverse outcomes in surgical patients with dementia: a retrospective cohort study . World J Surg .2012 ;(36):2051-2058

97. 2012 Chang CC,Hu CJ,Lam F,Chang H,Liao CC,Chen TL. Postoperative adverse outcomes in surgical patients with epilepsy: a population-based study. . Epilepsia .2012 ;(53):987-994

98. 2012 Chiang CC,Liao CC,Chen PC,Tsai YY,Wang YC. Population study on chronic and acute conjunctivitis associated with ambient environment in urban and rural areas. . J Expos Sci Environ Epidemiol .2012 ;(22):533-538

99. 2012 Liao CC,Chang HC,Yeh CC,Chiu WT,Chen TL. Risk and outcomes for traumatic brain injury in patients with mental disorders . J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry .2012 ;(83):1186-1192

100. 2012 Chou YC,Liao CC,Su LT,Yang PY,Sung FC. Stroke rehabilitation is associated with a reduction in dementia risk: a population-based retrospective cohort study . J Rehabil Med .2012 ;(44):319-324

101. 2012 Tseng HC,Liao CC,Kuo CM,Sung FC,Hsieh DPH,Tsai CH. Medical and non-medical correlates of carpal tunnel syndrome in a Taiwan cohort of one million . Eur J Neurol .2012 ;(19):91-97

102. 2012 Yeh CC,Liao CC,Muo CH,Chang SN,Hsieh CH,Chen FN, Lane HY, Sung FC. Mental disorder as a risk factor for dog bites and post-bite cellulitis . Injury .2012 ;(43):1903-1907

103. 2011 Wang IK,Chang SN,Liao CC,Liang CC,Chang CT,Lin HH, Liu JH, Liu YL, Chuang FR, Hsu CY, Huang CC, Sung FC. Hypertensive disorders in pregnancy and preterm delivery and subsequent stroke in Asian women: a retrospective cohort study . Stroke .2011 ;(42):716-721

104. 2011 Yeh CC,Wu SC,Liao CC,Su LT,Hsieh CH,Li TC. Laparoscopic appendectomy for acute appendicitis is more favorable for patients with comorbidities, the elderly, and those with complicated appendicitis: a nationwide population-based study . Surgical Endoscopy .2011 ;(25):2932-2942

105. 2011 Choy CS,Chan WY,Chen TL,Shih CC,Wu LC,Liao CC. Waist circumference and risk of elevated blood pressure in children: a cross-sectional study . BMC Public Health .2011 ;(11):613

106. 2011 Liao CH,Chang CS,Wei WC,Chang SN,Liao CC,Lane HY, Sung FC. Schizophrenia patients at higher risk of diabetes, hypertension and hyperlipidemia: a population-based study . Schizophrenia Research .2011 ;(126):110-116

107. 2011 Choy SC,Huang YK,Liu YH,Yang C,Liao CC,Li JS, Chiu WT, Chiou HY. Waist circumference as a predictor of pediatric hypertension among normal-weight Taiwanese children . Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine .2011 ;(3):34-39

108. 2011 Yu YH,Liao CC,Hsu WH,Chen HJ,Liao WC,Muo CH, Sung FC, Chen CY. Increased lung cancer risk among patients with pulmonary tuberculosis: a population cohort study . Journal of Thoracic Oncology .2011 ;(6):32-37

109. 2011 Lin JA,Liao CC,Chang CC,Chang H,Chen TL. Postoperative adverse outcomes in intellectually disabled surgical patients: a nationwide population-based study . PLoS ONE .2011 ;(6):e26977

110. 2010 Lai SW,Liao KF,Liao CC,Muo CH,Liu CS,Sung FC. Polypharmacy correlates with increased risk for hip fracture in the elderly: a population-based study . Medicine .2010 ;(89):295-299

111. 2010 Shih CC,Su YC,Liao CC,Lin JG. Patterns of medical pluralism among adults: results from the 2001 National Health Interview Survey in Taiwan . BMC Health Services Research .2010 ;(10):191

112. 2009 Liao CC,Su TC,Chien KL,Wang JK,Chiang CC,Lin CC, Lin RS, Lee YT, Sung FC. Elevated blood pressure, obesity, and hyperlipidemia . J Pediatr .2009 ;(155):79-83

113. 2009 Shih CC,Lin JG,Liao CC,Su YC. The utilization of traditional Chinese medicine and associated factors in Taiwan in 2002 . Chinese Medical Journal .2009 ;(122):1544-1548

114. 2009 Wang JT,Li JS,Chiu WT,Chen SH,Tsai SD,Yu WY, Liao CC, Choy CS. Characteristics of bicycle-related head injuries among school-aged children in Taipei area . Surgical Neurology .2009 ;(72):S36-S40

115. 2008 Liao CC,Wu LC,Yang C,Choy CS. Prevalence of elevated blood pressure among first grade students in elementary school in Taipei . Mid-Taiwan Journal of Medicine .2008 ;(13):130-135

116. 2006 Liao CC. Lifestyle and the risk of stroke . Taiwan Journal of Family Medicine .2006 ;(16):143-154

117. 2006 Wang HH,Xiao HW,Liao CC,IP SW. Factors associated with peptic ulcer in Taiwan: a case-control study . Mid-Taiwan Journal of Medicine .2006 ;(11):1-8

118. 2006 Liao JJ,Lin CL,Chan WY,Sung FC,Liao CC. 外籍新娘與本地婦女的低出生體重嬰兒比較 . 台灣家庭醫學會雜誌 .2006 ;(16):226-236

119. 2006 Liao CC,Li TC,Lin RS,Sung FC. 2000年台灣腦中風發生率與盛行率的城鄉差異 . Taiwan Journal of Public Health .2006 ;(25):223-230

120. 2006 Liao CC,Chang YK,Chen HH,Lu CY,Huang LY,Sung FC. 台灣地區民眾抗生素認知與用藥行為 . Taiwan Journal of Public Health .2006 ;(25):135-142

121. 2006 Liao CC,Wang HY,Lin RS,Hsieh CY,Sung FC. Addressing Taiwan's high incidence of cervical cancer: factors associated with the Nation's low compliance with Papanicolaou screening in Taiwan . Public Health .2006 ;(120):1170-1176

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112 評估新冠肺炎及其疫苗對外科手術後的併發症及死亡率之影響

110 台灣中醫醫療利用情形、長期趨勢及其影響因素:一項多樣本的大型研究

105 老年人接受全身麻醉與半身麻醉術後併發症及死亡率之比較(2/2)

105 老年人接受全身麻醉與半身麻醉術後併發症及死亡率之比較(2/2)

105 住院病人的併發症及死亡率之性別差異:以手術麻醉、加護病房、中風及糖尿病為例 (重點代號:V03)

104 老年人接受全身麻醉與半身麻醉術後併發症及死亡率之比較(1/2)

104 老年人接受全身麻醉與半身麻醉術後併發症及死亡率之比較(1/2)

103 慢性腎臟疾病患者手術後併發急性腎衰竭及死亡率之風險評估