李宜釗(Lee,Yi-Chao) 教授

現   職
神經醫學博士學位學程 主任
神經醫學博士學位學程 教授
國際神經醫學碩士學位學程 主任


學 歷

國防醫學院生命科學所 博士
國立成功大學生理學研究所 碩士
私立中國文化大學生物學系 學士




2023/03/01 ~
2023/03/01 ~
2013/08/01 ~




Western blot
Transgenic mice analysis
knock-out mice analysis



1. 2024 Profibrotic Subsets of SPP1+ Macrophages and POSTN+ Fibroblasts Contribute to Fibrotic Scarring in Acne Keloidalis . Journal of Investigative Dermatology .2024

2. 2024 Amelioration of the Brain Structural Connectivity is Accompanied with Changes of Gut Microbiota in a Tuberous Sclerosis Complex Mouse Model . Translational Psychiatry .2024

3. 2023 Tsai KD,Lee YC,Chen BY,Wu LS,Liang SY,Liu MY, Hung YW, Hsu HL, Chen PQ, Shieh JC, Lee YJ, Lin TH. Recombinant Klotho attenuates IFNγ receptor signaling and SAMHD1 expression through blocking NF-κB translocation in glomerular mesangial cells . International Journal of Medical Sciences .2023

4. 2021 Hsieh Christine Chin jung,Lo Yu Chun,Li Ssu Ju,Lin Ting Chun,Chang Ching Wen,Chen Ting Chieh, Yang Shih Hung, Lee Yi Chao, Chen You Yin. Detection of endophenotypes associated with neuropsychiatric deficiencies in a mouse model of tuberous sclerosis complex using diffusion tensor imaging . Brain Pathology .2021 ;(31):4-19

5. 2020 Kuo Chu Jen,Lee Kuen Haur,Huang Chi Chen,Wang I. Fang,Hsieh Christine Chin jung,Lin Hsin Chuan, Lee Yi Chao. Purα regulates the induction of Znf179 transcription during neuronal differentiation . Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications .2020 ;(533):1477-1483

6. 2019 Kuo CJ,Huang CC,Chou SY,Lo YC,Kao TJ,Huang NK, Lin C, Lin HC, Lin HC, Lee YC. Potential therapeutic effect of curcumin, a natural mTOR inhibitor, in tuberous sclerosis complex. . Phytomedicine .2019 ;(54):132-139

7. 2019 Huang NK,Lin CC,Lin YL,Huang CL,Chiou CT,Lee YC, Lee SY, Huang HT, Yang YC. Morphological control of mitochondria as the novel mechanism of Gastrodia elata in attenuating mutant huntingtin-induced protein aggregations . Phytomedicine .2019 ;(59)

8. 2019 Lin HC,Ko CY,Lee KH,Chen IH,Kao TJ,Chang WC, Hsu TI, Lee YC. E2f1 regulates the induction of promyelocytic leukemia zinc finger transcription in neuronal differentiation of pluripotent P19 embryonal carcinoma cells. . Biochem Biophys Res Commun .2019 ;(512):629-634

9. 2019 Huang WC,Chi HS,Lee YC,Lo YC,Liu TC,Chiang MY, Chen HY, Li SJ, Chen YY, Chen SY. Gene-Embedded Nanostructural Biotic-Abiotic Optoelectrode Arrays Applied for Synchronous Brain Optogenetics and Neural Signal Recording . ACS Appl Mater Interfaces .2019 ;(11):11270-11282

10. 2019 Liu YN,Niu S,Chen WY,Zhang Q,Tao Y,Chen WH, Jiang KC, Chen X, Shi H, Liu A, Li J, Li Y, Lee YC, Zhang X, Huang J. Leukemia inhibitory factor promotes castration-resistant prostate cancer and neuroendocrine differentiation by activated ZBTB46 . Clin Cancer Res .2019

11. 2019 Lee CW,Chen YJ,Wu HF,Chung YJ,Lee YC,Li CT, Lin HC. Ketamine ameliorates severe traumatic event-induced antidepressant-resistant depression in a rat model through ERK activation . Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry .2019 ;(93):102-113

12. 2019 Lin HC,Ching YH,Huang CC,Pao PC,Lee YH,Chang WC, Kao TJ, Lee YC. Promyelocytic Leukemia Zinc Finger Is Involved in the Formation of Deep Layer Cortical Neurons . Journal of Biomedical Science .2019 ;(26):30-30

13. 2018 Yang JM,Huang HM,Cheng JJ,Huang CL,Lee YC,Chiou CT, Huang HT, Huang NK, Yang YC. LGK974, a PORCUPINE inhibitor, mitigates cytotoxicity in an in vitro model of Parkinson's disease by interfering with the WNT/β-CATENIN pathway. . Toxicology .2018 ;(410):65-72

14. 2018 Yi-Chao Lee,Wan-Chen Huang,Jiann-Her Lin,Tzu-Jen Kao,Hui-Ching Lin,Kuen-Haur Lee; Hsin-Chuan Lin; Che-Kun James Shen, Wen-Chang Chang, Chi-Chen Huang. Znf179 E3 ligase-mediated TDP-43 polyubiquitination is involved in TDP-43-UBI (+)-related neurodegenerative pathology . Journal of Biomedical Science .2018 ;(25):76-92

15. 2018 Wu CC,Lee PT,Kao TJ,Chou SY,Su RY,Lee YC, Yeh SH, Liou JP, Hsu TI, Su TP, Chuang CK, Chang WC*, Chuang JY*. Upregulation of Znf179 acetylation by SAHA protects cells against oxidative stress . Redox Biol .2018 ;(19):74-80

16. 2018 Hsu CK,Lin HH,Harn HI,Ogawa R,Wang YK,Ho YT, Chen WR, Lee YC, Lee JY, Shieh SJ, Cheng CM, McGrath JA, Tang MJ. Caveolin-1 controls hyperresponsiveness to mechanical stimuli and fibrogenesis-associated RUNX2 activation in keloid fibroblasts . J Invest Dermatol .2018 ;(138):208-218

17. 2018 Lee YC,Chang YC,Wu CC,Huang CC. Hypoxia-Preconditioned Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells Protect Against Neurovascular Damage After Hypoxic Ischemia in Neonatal Brain . Mol Neurobiol .2018 ;(55):7743-7757

18. 2018 Tsai YC,Chen WY,Abou-Kheir W,Zeng T,Yin JJ,Bahmad H, Lee YC, Liu YN. Androgen deprivation therapy-induced epithelial-mesenchymal transition of prostate cancer through downregulating SPDEF and activating CCL2 . Biochim Biophys Acta .2018 ;(1864):1717-1727

19. 2018 Liu TC,Lee YC,Ko CY,Liu RS,Ke CC,Lo YC, Hong PS, Chu CY, Chang CW, Wu PW, Chen YY, Chen SY. Highly sensitive/selective 3D nanostructured immunoparticles-based interface on a multichannel sensor array for detecting amyloid-beta in Alzheimer's disease. . Theranostics .2018 ;(8):4210-4225

20. 2018 Chang CJ,Chang MY,Lee YC,Chen KY,Hsu TI,Wu YH, Chuang JY, Kao TJ. Nck2 is essential for limb trajectory selection by spinal motor axons. . Dev Dyn .2018 ;(247):1043-1056

21. 2017 Ho MR,Tsai TT,Chen CL,Jhan MK,Tsai CC,Lee YC, Chen CH, Lin CF. Blockade of dengue virus infection and viral cytotoxicity in neuronal cells in vitro and in vivo by targeting endocytic pathways . Sci Rep .2017 ;(7):6910

22. 2017 Wu HF,Chen YJ,Wu SZ,Lee CW,Chen IT,Lee YC, Huang CC, Hsing CH, Tang CW, Lin HC. Soluble epoxide hydrolase inhibitor and 14, 15-epoxyeicosatrienoic acid-facilitated long-term potentiation through cAMP and CaMKII in the hippocampus . Neural Plasticity .2017 ;(2017):3467805

23. 2017 Lee KH,Chen CL,Lee YC,Kao TJ,Chen KY,Fang CY, Chang WC, Chiang YH, Huang CC. Znf179 induces differentiation and growth arrest of human primary glioblastoma multiforme in a p53-dependent cell cycle pathway . Sci Rep .2017 ;(7):4787

24. 2017 Jhan MK,Tsai TT,Chen CL,Tsai CC,Cheng YL,Lee YC, Ko CY, Lin YS, Chang CP, Lin LT, Lin CF.. Dengue virus infection increases microglial cell migratio . Sci Rep .2017 ;(7):91

25. 2017 Huang TC,Lee PT,Wu MH,Huang CC,Ko CY,Lee YC, Lin DY, Cheng YW, Lee KH. Distinct Roles and Differential Expression Levels of Wnt5a mRNA Isoforms in Colorectal Cancer Cells . PLoS One .2017 ;(12):e0181034

26. 2017 Tsou JH,Yang YC,Pao PC,Lin HC,Huang NK,「Lin ST, Hsu KS, Yeh CM, Lee KH, Kuo CJ, Yang DM, Lin JH, Chang WC, Lee YC」. Important Roles of Ring Finger Protein 112 in Embryonic Vascular Development and Brain Functions. . Mol Neurobiol .2017 ;(54):2286-2300

27. 2017 Chuang JY,Kao TJ,Lin SH,Wu AC,Lee PT,Su TP, Yeh SH, Lee YC, Wu CC, Chang WC.. Specificity protein 1-zinc finger protein 179 pathway is involved in the attenuation of oxidative stress following brain injury. . Redox Biol .2017 ;(11):135-143

28. 2016 Chang CF,Lee YC,Lee KH,Lin HC,Chen CL,Shen CJ, Huang CC. Therapeutic effect of berberine on TDP-43- related pathogenesis in FTLD and ALS. . Journal of Biomedical Science .2016 ;(23):72-72

29. 2016 Tsai TT,Chen CL,Lin YS,Chang CP,Tsai CC,Cheng YL, Huang CC, Ho CJ, Lee YC, Lin LT, Jhan MK, Lin CF.. Microglia retard dengue virus-induced acute viral encephalitis. . Scientific Reports .2016

30. 2016 Yang CP,Kuo YL,Lee YC,Lee KH,Chiang CW,Wang JM, Hsu CC, Chang WC, Lin DY.. RINT-1 interacts with MSP58 within nucleoli and plays a role in ribosomal gene transcription. . Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications .2016 ;(478):873-880

31. 2016 Kao CY,Yang PM,Wu MH,Huang CC,Lee YC,Lee KH. Heat shock protein 90 is involved in the regulation of HMGA2-driven growth and epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition of colorectal cancer cells. . PeerJ .2016 ;(4):e1683-e1683

32. 2016 Lin CH,Chung CA,Wong JH,Chen BK,Chiu SJ,Klahan S, Lee YC, Chang WC. Involvement of L-type Ca2+ channel and toll-like receptor-4 in nickel-induced interleukin-8 gene expression . Environ Toxicol .2016 ;(31):5-12

33. 2016 Huang CL,Chao CC,Lee YC,Lu MK,Cheng JJ,Yang YC, Wang VC, Chang WC, Huang NK. Paraquat Induces Cell Death Through Impairing Mitochondrial Membrane Permeability. . Mol Neurobiol .2016 ;(53):2169-2188

34. 2016 Su TC,Lin SH,Lee PT,Yeh SH,Hsieh TH,Chou SY,Su TP, Hung JJ, Chang WC, Lee YC*, Chuang JY*. The sigma-1 receptor-Zinc finger protein 179 pathway protects against hydrogen peroxide-induced cell injury. . Neuropharmacology .2016 ;(105):1-9

35. 2015 Su YH,Tang WC,Cheng YW,Sia P,Huang CC,Lee YC, Jiang HY, Wu MH, Lai IL, Lee JW, Lee KH.. Targeting of multiple oncogenic signaling pathways by Hsp90 inhibitor alone or in combination with berberine for treatment of colorectal cancer. . BBA-Molecular Cell Research. .2015 ;(1853):2261-2272

36. 2015 Chao A,Tsai CL,Jung SM,Chuang WC,Kao C,Hsu A, Chen SH, Lin CY, Lee YC, Lee YS, Wang TH, Wang HS, Lai CH.. BAI1-Associated Protein 2-Like 1 (BAIAP2L1) Is a Potential Biomarker in Ovarian Cancer. . PLoS One .2015 ;(10):e01330

37. 2015 Wu HF,Yen HJ,Huang CC,Lee YC,Wu SZ,Lee TS, Lin HC.. Soluble epoxide hydrolase inhibitor enhances synaptic neurotransmission and plasticity in mouse prefrontal cortex . Journal of Biomedical Science .2015 ;(22):94

38. 2015 Lee YC,Huang CC,Lin DY,Chang WC,Lee KH. Overexpression of centromere protein K (CENPK) in ovarian cancer is correlated with poor patient survival and associated with predictive and prognostic relevance . PeerJ .2015 ;(3):e1386-e1386

39. 2015 Wang SM,Lee YC,Ko CY,Lai MD,Lin DY,Pao PC, Chi JY, Hsiao YW, Liu TL, Wang JM. Increase of Zinc Finger Protein 179 in Response to CCAAT/Enhancer Binding Protein Delta Conferring an Antiapoptotic Effect in Astrocytes of Alzheimer's Disease . Mol Neurobiol .2015 ;(51):370-382

40. 2015 Hsieh CP,Chang WT,Lee YC,Huang AM. Deficits in cerebellar granule cell development and social interactions in CD47 knockout mice . Dev Neurobiol .2015 ;(75):463-484

41. 2015 Yang CP,Chiang CW,Chen CH,Lee YC,Wu MH,Tsou YH, Yang YS, Chang WC, Lin DY.. Identification and characterization of nuclear and nucleolar localization signals in 58-kDa microspherule protein (MSP58) . J Biomed Sci .2015 ;(22):33

42. 2015 Lin YC,Wei PL,Tsai YT,Wong JH,Chang CM,Wang JY, Hou MF, Lee YC, Chuang HY, Chang WC.. Pb2+ induced IL-8 gene expression by extracellular signal-regulated kinases and the transcription factor, activator protein 1, in human gastric carcinoma cells. . Environ Toxicol .2015 ;(30):315-322

43. 2014 Lee CF,Lai HL,Lee YC,Chien CL,Chern Y. Adenosine receptor is a dual-coding gene: a novel mechanism of gene usage and signal transduction . J Biol Chem .2014 ;(289):1257-1270

44. 2014 Hsu CC,Chen CH,Hsu TI,Hung JJ,Ko JL,Zhang B, Lee YC, Chen HK, Chang WC, Lin DY. The 58-kDa microspherule protein (MSP58) represses human telomerase reverse transcriptase (hTERT) gene expression and cell proliferation by interacting with telomerase transcriptional element-interacting factor (TEIF). . BBA - Molecular Cell Research .2014 ;(1843):565-579

45. 2013 Lin DY,Huang CC,Huang CC,Lin HC,Pao PC,Tsou JH, Lai CY, Hung LY, Wang JM, Chang WC, Lee YC. Analysis of the interaction between Zinc finger protein 179 (Znf179) and promyelocytic leukemia zinc finger (Plzf) . Journal of Biomedical Science .2013 ;(20):98-0

46. 2012 Huang CL*,Lee YC*,Yang YC,Kuo TY,Huang NK. Minocycline prevents paraquat-induced cell death through attenuating endoplasmic reticulum stress and mitochondrial dysfunction . Toxicology Letters .2012 ;(209):203-210

47. 2012 Hsu CC,Lee YC,Yeh SH,Chen CH,Wu CC,Wang TY, Chen YN, Hung LY, Liu YW, Chen HK, Hsiao YT, Wang WS, Tsou JH, Tsou YH, Wu MH, Chang WC, Li. 58-kDa microspherule protein (MSP58) is novel Brahma-related gene 1 (BRG1)-associated protein that modulates p53/p21 senescence pathway . J Biol Chem .2012 ;(287):22533-22548

48. 2012 Lee YC,Yang YC,Huang CL,Kuo TY,Lin JH,Yang DM, Huang NK. When cytokinin, a plant hormone, meets the adenosine A2A receptor: a novel neuroprotectant and lead for treating neurodegenerative disorders? . PLoS One .2012 ;(7):e38865-e38865

49. 2012 Lan YF,Chen HH,Lai PF,Cheng CF,Huang YT,Lee YC, Chen TW, Lin H. MicroRNA-494 Reduces ATF3 Expression and Promotes AKI. . J Am Soc Nephrol .2012 ;(23):2012-2023

50. 2012 Ko CY*,Chang LH*,Lee YC*,Sterneck E*,Cheng CP,Chen SH, Huang AM, Tseng JT, Wang JM. CCAAT/enhancer binding protein delta (CEBPD) elevating PTX3 expression inhibits macrophage-mediated phagocytosis of dying neuron cells . Neurobiology of Aging. .2012 ;(33):e11-e25

51. 2011 Pao PC,Huang NK,Liu YW,Yeh SH,Lin ST,Hsieh CP, Huang AM, Huang HS, Tseng JTT, Chang WC, Lee YC. A novel RING finger protein, Znf179, modulates cell cycle exit and neuronal differentiation of P19 embryonal carcinoma cells . Cell Death Differ. .2011 ;(18):1791-1804

52. 2011 Tsou JH,Chang KC,Chang-Liao PY,Yang ST,Lee CT,Chen YP, Lee YC,Lin BW, Lee JC, Shen MR, Chuang CK, Chang WC, Wang JM, Hung LY. Aberrantly expressed AURKC enhances the transformation and tumourigenicity of epithelial cells . J Pathol. .2011 ;(225):243-254

53. 2011 Huang CL,Yang JM,Wang KC,Lee YC,Lin YL,Yang YC, Huang NK. Gastrodia elata prevents huntingtin aggregations through activation of the adenosine A(2A) receptor and ubiquitin proteasome system . J. Ethnopharmacology. .2011 ;(138):162-168

54. 2011 Tsai CF,Huang CL,Lin YL,Lee YC,Yang YC,Huang NK. The neuroprotective effects of an extract of Gastrodia elata . J. Ethnopharmacology. .2011 ;(138):119-125

55. 2010 Lai CH,Tseng JT,Lee YC,Chen YJ,Lee JC,Huang TC, Liu YW, Leu TH, Liu YW, Chen YP, Chang WC, Hung LY. Translational up-regulation of Aurora-A in EGFR-overexpressed cancer . J Cell Mol Med. .2010 ;(14):1520-1531

56. 2010 Chen Victor TK,Huang CL,Lee YC,Liao WC,Huang NK. The roles of the thioredoxin system and peroxiredoxins in 1-methyl-4-phenyl-pyridinium ion-induced cytotoxicity in rat pheochromocytoma cells. . Toxicology in Vitro .2010 ;(24):1577-1583

57. 2009 Lin YL,Wang GJ,Huang CL,Lee YC,Liao WC,Lai WL, Lin YJ, Huang NK. Ligusticum chuanxiong as a potential neuroprotectant for preventing serum deprivation-induced apoptosis in rat pheochromocytoma cells: Functional roles of mitogen-activated protein kinases . J. Ethnopharmacology. .2009 ;(122):417-423

58. 2009 Lin YL,Huang CL,Lee YC,Liao WC,Lai WL,Lin YJ, Huang NK. Mechanisms of Panax ginseng in preventing rat pheochromocytoma cells from apoptosis . J. Ethnopharmacology. .2009 ;(125):10-15

59. 2008 Liao WL,Tsai HC,Wang HF,Chang J,Lu KM,Wu HL, Lee YC, Tsai TF, Takahashi H, Wagner M, Ghyselinck NB, Chambon P, Liu FC. Modular patterning of structure and function of the striatum by retinoid receptor signaling . Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. .2008 ;(105):6765-6770

60. 2008 Hung LY,Tseng JT,Lee YC,Xia W,Wang YN,Wu ML, Chuang YH, Lai CH, Chang WC. Nuclear epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) interacts with signal transducer and activator of transcription 5 (STAT5) in activating Aurora-A gene expression . Nucleic Acids Res. .2008 ;(36):4337-4351

61. 2008 Lai PH,Wang WL,Ko CY,Lee YC,Yang WM,Shen TW, Chang WC, Wang JM. HDAC1/HDAC3 modulates PPARG2 transcription through the sumoylated CEBPD in hepatic lipogenesis . Biochim Biophys Acta. .2008 ;(1783):1803-1814

62. 2008 Wang WL,Lee YC,Yang WM,Chang WC,Wang JM. Sumoylation of LAP1 is involved in the HDAC4-mediated repression of COX-2 transcription . Nucleic Acids Res. .2008 ;(36):6066-6079

63. 2007 Lin YL,Lee YC,Huang CL,Lai WL,Lin YR,Huang NK. Ligusticum chuanxiong prevents rat pheochromocytoma cells from serum deprivation-induced apoptosis through a protein kinase A-dependent pathway . J. Ethnopharmacology .2007 ;(109):428-434

64. 2007 Chen HM,Lee YC,Huang CL,Liu HK,Liao WC,Lai WL, Lin YR, Huang NK. Methamphetamine downregulates peroxiredoxins in rat pheochromocytoma cells . Biochem Biophys Res Commun. .2007 ;(354):96-101

65. 2005 Chou SY,LeeYC,Chen HM,Chiang MC,Lai HL,Chang HH, Wu YC, Sun CN, Chien CL, Lin YS, Wang SC, Tung YY, Chang C, Chern Y. CGS21680 attenuates symptoms of Huntington’s disease in a transgenic mouse model . J. Neurochem. .2005 ;(93):310-320

66. 2005 Chiang MC,Lee YC,Huang CL,Chern Y. cAMP-response element-binding protein contributes to suppression of the A2A adenosine receptor promoter by mutant Huntingtin with expanded polyglutamine residues . J. Biol. Chem. .2005 ;(280):14331-14340

67. 2003 Lee YC,Lai HL,Sun CN,Chien CL,Chern Y. Identification of nuclear factor 1 (NF1) as a transcriptional modulator of rat A2A adenosine receptor . Brain Res. Mol. Brain Res. .2003 ;(111):61-73

68. 2003 Lee YC,Chien CL,Sun CN,Huang CL,Huang NK,Chiang MC, Lia HL, Lin YS, Chou SY, Wang CK, Tai MH, Liao WL, Lin TN, Liu FC, Chern Y. Characterization of the rat A2A adenosine receptor gene: a 4.8-kb promoter-proximal DNA fragment confers selective expression in the central nervous system . Eur. J. Neurosci. .2003 ;(18):1786-1796

69. 1999 Lee YC,Chang CW,Su CW,Lin TN,Sun SH,Lai HL, Chern Y. The 5’untranslated regions of the rat A2A adenosine receptor gene function as negative translational regulators . J. Neurochem. .1999 ;(73):1790-1798

70. 1997 Chang YH,Conti M,Lee YC,Lai HL,Ching YH,Chern Y. Activation of phosphodiesterase IV during desensitization of the A2A adenosine receptor-mediated cyclic AMP response in rat pheochromocytoma (PC12) cells . J. Neurochem. .1997 ;(69):1300-1309

71. 1996 Chu YY,Tu KH,Lee YC,Kuo ZJ,Lai HL,Chern Y. Characterization of the rat A2a adenosine receptor gene . DNA and Cell Biology .1996 ;(15):329-337

72. 1996 Chern Y,Lee EHY,Lai HL,Wang HL,Lee YC,Ching YH. Circadian rhythm in the Ca2+-inhibitable adenylyl cyclase activity of the rat striatum . FEBS Letters .1996 ;(385):205-208

73. 1995 Lee YC,Lin HH,Tang MJ. Glucocorticoid upregulates Na-K-ATPase alpha- and beta-mRNA via an indirect mechanism in proximal tubule cell primary cultures . Am. J. Physiol .1995 ;(268):F862-F867


112 脂質薑黃素顆粒(SLCP)在體內對mTOR訊息路徑的作用–尋求以疾病機制為基礎對結節性硬化症(TSC)癲癇的治療策略(3/3)

111 脂質薑黃素顆粒(SLCP)在體內對mTOR訊息路徑的作用–尋求以疾病機制為基礎對結節性硬化症(TSC)癲癇的治療策略(2/3)

110 Characterization of Sleep Disturbance during Disease Progression in Tuberous Sclerosis Complex

110 脂質薑黃素顆粒(SLCP)在體內對mTOR訊息路徑的作用–尋求以疾病機制為基礎對結節性硬化症(TSC)癲癇的治療策略(1/3)

109 早幼粒細胞白血病鋅指蛋白(PLZF)對腦部發育的多重功能之探討(3/3)

108 早幼粒細胞白血病鋅指蛋白(PLZF)對腦部發育的多重功能之探討(2/3)

108 「早幼粒細胞白血病鋅指蛋白(PLZF)對腦部發育的多重功能之探討」

107 早幼粒細胞白血病鋅指蛋白(PLZF)對腦部發育的多重功能之探討(1/3)

106 JM化合物對神經退化性疾病(巴金森氏症與小腦萎縮症二型)模型之療效評估

106 腦指蛋白(Brain Finger Protein), Znf179,對突觸內運輸的角色及分子機制研究

106 神經再生醫學博士學位學程研究生李旂緯君擬於107年7月7日至7月11日赴德國柏林參加第11屆歐洲神經科學學會聯合會

105 薑黃素,天然的mTOR抑制劑,對結節硬化症的可能療效

104 腦指蛋白(Brain Finger Protein), ZNF179, 影響突觸可塑性之分子機轉研究

103 腦指蛋白(Brain Finger Protein), Znf179, 對神經細胞功能之體外及體內研究

103 探討腦指蛋白Rnf112的神經保護作用及機制

102 研究腦指蛋白(Brain Finger Protein), Znf179, 對胚胎發育及腦部功能所扮演的作用

102 研究腦指蛋白(BRAIN FINGER PROTEIN), ZNF179, 對胚胎發育及腦部功能所扮演的作用

102 早幼粒細胞白血病鋅指蛋白(PLZF)對腦部發育功能之探討

101 腦指蛋白(Brain Finger Protein), ZNF179, 參與神經元分化之分子機轉 研究

100 腦指蛋白(Brain Finger Protein), ZNF179, 參與神經元分化之分子機轉 研究