徐士昌(Hsu, Shih-Chang) 助理教授

現   職
急診學科 主任
急診學科 助理教授


學 歷

約翰霍普金斯大學生物資訊 碩士
馬里蘭大學細胞生物與分子遺傳 學士
國立臺灣大學動物系 學士
聖喬治大學醫學系 學士




2024/08/01 ~







1. 2023 Lo HC,Hsu SC. A Shared Decision-making Process may Affect Bariatric Procedure Selection and Alter Surgical Outcomes: a Single-unit Retrospective Study . Obesity Surgery .2023 ;(33):195-203

2. 2023 Hung-Chieh Lo ,Shih-Chang Hsu. Suggested Flowchart Through Integrated C-Reactive Protein and White Blood Cell Count Analysis for Screening for Early Complications After Gastric Bypass: a Single-Center Retrospective Study . Obes Surg. .2023 ;(33):3517-3526

3. 2023 Hung-Chieh Lo,Shih-Chang Hsu. Effectiveness of a preoperative orlistat-based weight management plan and its impact on the results of one-anastomosis gastric bypass: A retrospective study . PLoS One .2023 ;(18):e0289006-e0289006

4. 2023 Hsu YT, ,Wu CC,,Wang CC,,Chung WY, ,Sheu CC, ,Yang YH, Cheng MY, Lai RS, Leung SY, Lin CC, Wei YF, Lin CH, Lin SH, Hsu JY, Huang WC, Tseng CC, Lai YF, Cheng MH, Chen HC, Yang CJ, Su CH, Wang CJ, Hsu SC, Hung CH, Lee CL, Huang MS, Huang SK. . BTEX exposure and its body burden pose differential risks for asthma and its phenotypic clusters. . Allergy .2023 ;(78):2036-2040

5. 2023 Hsu SC, ,Chang SY, ,Hwang YT, ,Terng HJ, ,Tsai CL, ,Shen CH, Huang SK, Chian CF. . mRNA markers associated with malignant pleural effusion . Sci Rep .2023 ;(13):6677-6677

6. 2023 Hsu CW, ,Lee CW, ,Hsu SC, ,HuangWC, ,Hsu YP, ,Chi MJ. Improvement of the Identification of Seniors at Risk scale for predicting adverse health outcomes of elderly patients in the emergency department . International Emergency Nursing .2023 ;(68):101274-101274

7. 2022 Liu CT,,Hsu SC, ,Hsieh HL,,Chen CH,,Chen CY, ,Sue YM, Chen TH, Hsu YH, Lin FY, Shih CM, Shiu YT, Huang PH.. Inhibition of β-catenin signaling attenuates arteriovenous fistula thickening in mice by suppressing myofibroblasts . Molecular Medicine .2022

8. 2022 Chia-Dim Wang ,Ying-Kuo Liu,Shih-Chang Hsu,Yuan-Pin Hsu. Comments on: "Comparison of lateral neck X-ray to neck CT in patients with suspicious bone impaction: Old habits die hard" . American journal of otolaryngology .2022

9. 2022 Hsu CT,Hsu SC,Huang SK,Lee CL,Shieh YS. Air quality in a hospital dental department . Journal of Dental Sciences .2022 ;(17):1350-1355

10. 2022 Chian CF ,Wu FP,Tsai CL,Peng CK ,Shen CH,Perng WC, Hsu SC.. Echogenic swirling pattern, carcinoembryonic antigen, and lactate dehydrogenase in the diagnosis of malignant pleural effusion . Scientific Reports .2022 ;(12):4077

11. 2022 Wu CC,Wang CC,Chung WY,Sheu CC,,Yang YH,Cheng MY, Lai RS, Leung SY, Lin CC, Wei YF, Lin CH, Lin SH, Hsu JY, Huang WC, Tseng CC, Lai YF, Cheng MH, Chen HC, Yang CJ, Hsu SC, Su CH, Wang CJ, Liu HJ, Chen HL, Hsu YT, Hung CH, Lee CL, Huang MS, Huang SK. Environmental risks and sphingolipid signatures in adult asthma and its phenotypic clusters: A multicentre study . Thorax .2022 ;(2021):218396

12. 2022 Chen MZ,Wang SA,Hsu SC,Silva KAS,Yang FM. Home Dust Mites Promote MUC5AC Hyper-Expression by Modulating the sNASP/TRAF6 Axis in the Airway Epithelium . International Journal of Molecular Sciences .2022 ;(23):9405

13. 2022 Hsu CW ,Suk CW,Hsu YP,Chang JH,Liu CT ,Huang SK, Hsu SC.. Sphingosine-1-phosphate and CRP as potential combination biomarkers in discrimination of COPD with community-acquired pneumonia and acute exacerbation of COPD . Respiratory Research .2022 ;(23):63

14. 2021 Lo HC,Hsu SC,Hsu AC. Factors that Hinder 24-Hour Discharge After Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass: a Retrospective Analysis at a Low-Volume Center . Obes Surg. .2021

15. 2021 Yu YC ,Hsu CW,Hsu SC,Chang JL,Hsu YP,Lin SM, Liu YK. The Factor Influencing the Rate of ROSC for Non-Traumatic OHCA in New Taipei City . Medicine .2021

16. 2021 Huang WC,Hsu SC,Yang CH,Lin CW,Suk FM,Hu KC, Wu YY, Chen HY, Hsu CW.. A novel approach: Simulating multiple simultaneous encounters to assess multitasking ability in emergency medicine. . PLoS One .2021

17. 2021 Chen LF,Wang TC,Chen FL,Hsu SC,Hsu CW,Bai CH, Hsu YP. Efficacy of doxycycline versus azithromycin for the treatment of rectal chlamydia: a systematic review and meta-analysis. . J Antimicrob Chemother .2021 ;(76):3103-3110

18. 2021 Yang TW,Lin YY,Hsu SC,Chu KC,Hsiao CW,Hsu CW, Bai CH, Chang CK, Hsu YP. Diagnostic performance of cone-beam computed tomography for scaphoid fractures: a systematic review and diagnostic meta-analysis . Scientific Reports .2021 ;(11):2587

19. 2021 Liu CT,Hsu SC,Hsieh HL,Chen CH,Chen CY,Sue YM, Lin FY, Shih CM, Shiu YT, Huang PH. Parathyroid hormone induces transition of myofibroblasts in arteriovenous fistula and increases maturation failure . Endocrinology .2021 ;(162):bqab044.

20. 2021 Yang TW,Yu YC,Lin YY,Hsu SC,Chu KC,Hsu CW, Bai CH, Chang CK, Hsu YP.. Diagnostic Performance of Conventional X-ray for Detecting Foreign Bodies in the Upper Digestive Tract: A Systematic Review and Diagnostic Meta-Analysis . Diagnostic(Basel) .2021 ;(11):790

21. 2021 Hsieh HL,Chen CY,Chen CH,Hsu SC,Huang WC.,Sue YM, Lin FY, Shih CM, Chang YC, Huang PH, Liu CT. Renal protective effect of sacubitril/valsartan in patients with heart failure . Scientific Reports .2021 ;(11):4593

22. 2020 Chiang FW,Chang JL,Hsu SC,Hsu KY,Chu KC,Huang CJ, Bai CH, Chen C, Hsu CW, Hsu YP. Dexmedetomidine use in pediatric strabismus surgery: A systematic review and meta-analysis . PLoS One .2020

23. 2020 Hsu SC,Chang JH,Lee CL,Huang WC,HsuYP,Liu CT,Jean SS, Huang SK , Hsu CW. Differential time-lag effects of ambient PM2.5 and PM2.5-bound PAHs on asthma emergency department visits . Environ Sci Pollut Res Int .2020 ;(27):43117-43124

24. 2020 Chang TI,Chen CH,Hsieh HL,Chen CY,Hsu SC,Cheng HS, Huang WC, Sue YM, Hsu YH, Lin FY, Shih CM, Lin SJ, Huang PH, Liu CT.. Effects of cardiovascular medications on primary patency of hemodialysis arteriovenous fistula . Scientific Reports .2020 ;(10):12135

25. 2020 Hsieh HL,Hsu SC,Cheng HS,Chen CYT,Huang WC,Sue YM, Lin FY, Shih CM, Chen JW, Lin SJ, Huang PH, Liu C. The influence of atrial fibrillation on the mortality of incident ESRD patients undergoing maintenance hemodialysis . PLoS One .2020

26. 2019 Hsu SC,Huang WC,Liu CT,Hsu YP,Chang JH,Huang SK, Hsu CW. Sphingosine-1-phosphate as an indicator for deciding the use of adjuvant corticosteroids therapy in community-acquired pneumonia(sphingosine-1-phosphate and pneumonia trial) Study protocol for a randomized, placebo-controlled trial . Medicine .2019 ;(98):e17278

27. 2019 Suk CW,Hsu SC,Chen CY,Hsieh HL,Kuo HT,HsuYP, Sue YM, Chen TH, Lin FY, Shih CM, Chen JW, Lin SJ, Huang PH, Liu CT. Point of Care eGFR and the Prediction of Outcomes in Pneumonia. . Scientific Reports .2019 ;(9):8478

28. 2019 Hsu SC ,Chang JH,Hsu YP,Bai KJ ,Huang SK,Hsu CW. Circulating sphingosine-1-phosphate as a prognostic biomarker for community-acquired pneumonia. . PLoS One .2019 ;(14):e0216963

29. 2019 Chen CY,Hsu SC,Hsieh HL,Suk CW,Hsu YP,Sue YM, Chen TH, Lin FY, Shih CM, Chen JW, Lin SJ, Huang PH, Liu CT. Microbial etiology of pneumonia in patients with decreased renal function. . PLoS One .2019 ;(14):e0216367

30. 2019 Cheng HS,Chang TI,Chen CH,Hsu SC,Hsieh HL,Chen CY, Huang WC, Sue YM, Lin FY, Shih CM, Chen JW, Lin SJ, Huang PH, Liu CT. Study protocol for a prospective observational study to investigate the role of luminal pressure on arteriovenous fistula maturation . Medicine .2019 ;(98):e17238

31. 2017 Chang JH,Hsu SC,Bai KJ,Huang SK,Hsu CW. Association of time-serial changes in ambient particulate matters (PMs) with respiratory emergency cases in Taipei's Wenshan District . PLoS One .2017 ;(12):e0181106

32. 2014 Kawasaki H,Chang HW,Tseng HC,Hsu SC,Yang SJ,Hung CH, Zhou Y, Huang SK. A tryptophan metabolite, kynurenine, promotes mast cell activation through aryl hydrocarbon receptor . Allergy .2014 ;(69):445-452

33. 2013 Zhou Y,Tung HY,Tsai YM,Hsu SC,Chang HW,Kawasaki H, Tseng HC, Plunkett B, Gao P, Hung CH, Vonakis BM, Huang SK. Aryl hydrocarbon receptor controls murine mast cell homeostasis . Blood .2013 ;(121):3195-3204

34. 2013 Tsai YM,Hsu SC,Zhang J,Zhou YF,Plunkett B, Huang SK, Gao PS. Functional interaction of cockroach allergens and mannose receptor (CD206) in human circulating fibrocytes. . PLoS One .2013 ;(8):e64105

35. 2010 Tsai YM,Hsu SC,Zhang J,Zhou YF,Plunkett B,Huang SK, Gao PS. Oral tolerance to food-induced systemic anaphylaxis mediated by the C-type lectin SIGNR1 . Nat Med .2010 ;(16):1128-1133

36. 2010 Hsu SC,Chen CH,Tsai SH,Kawasaki H,Hung CH,Chu YT, Chang HW, Zhou Y, Fu J, Plunkett B, Su SN, Vieths S, Lee RT, Lee YC, Huang SK. Functional interaction of common allergens and a C-type lectin receptor, DC-specific ICAM3-grabbing non- integrin (DC-sign), on human dendritic cells . J Biol Chem .2010 ;(285):7903-7910

37. 2007 Hsu SC,Tsai TH,Kawasaki H,Chen CH,Plunkett B,Lee RT, Lee YC, Huang SK. Antigen coupled with Lewis-x trisaccharides elicits potent immune responses in mice . J Allergy Clin Immunol .2007 ;(119):1522-1528

38. 2004 Huang JL,Gao PS,Mathias RA,Yao TC,Chen LC,Kuo ML, Hsu SC, Plunkett B, Togias A, Barnes KC, Stellato C, Beaty TH, Huang SK. Sequence variants of the gene encoding chemoattractant receptor expressed on Th2 cells (CRTH2) are associated with asthma and differentially influence the mRNA stability . Hum Mol Genet .2004 ;(13):2691-2697

39. 2002 Hsu SC,Chen LC,Kuo ML,Huang JL,Huang SK. Novel SNPs in a candidate gene, CRTH2, for allergic diseases . Genes Immun .2002 ;(3):114-116


113 評估鞘氨醇-1-磷酸在敗血症病理學的角色:發展治療敗血症的新方式(3/3)

112 評估鞘氨醇-1-磷酸在敗血症病理學的角色:發展治療敗血症的新方式(2/3)

111 評估鞘氨醇-1-磷酸在敗血症病理學的角色:發展治療敗血症的新方式(1/3)

110 新聘教師研究補助