陳拓宇(Chen, Tuo-Yu) 助理教授

現   職
全球衛生暨衛生安全碩士學位學程 助理教授


學 歷

University of South FloridaSchool of Aging Studies 博士
匹茲堡大學職能治療學系 碩士
中山醫學大學職能治療學系 學士




2021/10/01 ~


Nanyang Technological University, SingaporePostdoctoral Fellow
Population Research Institute, Nihon University, JapanVisiting Research Fellow
Duke-NUS Medical School, SingaporeVisiting Assistant Professor
College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Albany, NY, USAVisiting Assistant Professor


Adult Development and Aging
Social Gerontology (Sociology of Ageing)



1. 2024 Magabhi, P. S.,Chen, T. Y.,Cruz, G.,Vu, C. N.,Saito, Y.. ). Falls among community-dwelling older Adults in the Philippines and Viet Nam: Results from nationally representative samples. . injury .2024

2. 2023 Wongsin, U,Suanrueang, P,Chen, T.Y. . Cost Analysis of Outpatient Services for Hypertension, Heart Attacks, and Strokes among Older Adults in Community Hospitals in Thailand. . Journal of Health Systems Research .2023

3. 2023 Wongsin, U.,Chiangchaisakulthai, K,Suppradist, W,Samiphuk, N,Pongpattrachai, D.,Wannasri, A., Nontarak, J., & Chen, T.Y. A health promotion program for improving weights, body mass index, and body compositions among individuals with non-communicable diseases in Thailand: RE-AIM model and financial feasibility study. . Journal of Health Systems Research .2023

4. 2023 Wongsin, U.,Chen, T. Y.. Sex differences in the risk factors of disability among community-dwelling older adults with hypertension: Longitudinal results from the Health, Aging, and Retirement in Thailand study (HART) . Frontiers in Public Health .2023

5. 2023 Chen, T. Y.,Rajan S. I.,Saito, Y. . Nutritional Status Predicts Injurious Falls Among Community-Dwelling Older Adults: Does Sex Matter? . Journal of Applied Gerontology .2023

6. 2023 Chen, T. Y.,Lee, S.,Hsu, K-W.,Buxton, M. O. . Poor sleep health predicts the onset of a fear of falling among community-dwelling older adults . Sleep Health .2023

7. 2022 Cho, E.,Chen, T. Y.,Cheng, G.,Ho, R. M-H. Work-family balance self-efficacy and work-family balance during the pandemic: A longitudinal study of working caregivers of older adults. . Journal of Occupational Health Psychology .2022

8. 2022 Chen TY ,Lee S,Buxton O M. Multidimensional sleep health is associated with physical frailty in a national sample of Taiwanese community-dwelling older adults: Sex matters . Sleep Health .2022

9. 2021 Chen TY,Saito Y. Longitudinal effects of nocturnal insomnia symptom subtypes and nonrestorative sleep on the incidence of depression among community-dwelling older adults: Results from the Health and Retirement Study. . Sleep Medicine .2021

10. 2021 Chen TY,Kim GY. Racial/ethnic differences in the longitudinal effects of fear of falling on falls: Results from the NHATS. . Gerontology .2021

11. 2020 CHO E,CHEN TY,Janke MC. A 2-Year Longitudinal Relationship Between Work–Family Conflict and Health Among Older Workers: Can Gardening Help? . Journal of Applied Gerontology .2020

12. 2020 CHO E,CHEN TY. The Bi-directional relationships between effort-reward imbalance and sleep problems among older workers. . Sleep Health .2020

13. 2019 Chen TY,Lee S,Gray M,Saito Y,Chan A,Buxton OM. Longitudinal relationship between sleep deficiency and pain symptoms among community-dwelling older adults in Japan and Singapore . Sleep .2019

14. 2019 Chen TY,Janke MC. Change in leisure participation among older adults after falling . Leisure Science .2019

15. 2019 Chen TY,Chan A,Andersen-Ranberg K,Herr M,Fors S,Jeune B, Herrmann FR, Robine J-M, Yasutuki G, Saito Y, & the 5-COOP group. Prevalence and correlates of falls among centenarians: The results from the Five Country Oldest Old Project (5-COOP). . The Journals of Gerontology Series A: Medical Sciences .2019

16. 2018 Chen TY,Tan PY,Chan A. Ethnicity predicts falls among community-dwelling older adults in Singapore . Geriatrics & Gerontology International .2018

17. 2018 Sesagiri Raamkumar A,Bautista JR,Chen TY,Shaik MA,Malhotra N,Theng YL. Overview of global health and wellness coaching training programmes . Care Weekly .2018

18. 2018 CHO E,CHEN TY. The effects of work-family experiences on health among older workers . Psychology and Aging .2018

19. 2018 Ang S,CHEN TY. Going online to stay connected: Online social participation buffers the relationship between pain and depression . The Journals of Gerontology Series B: Social Sciences .2018

20. 2017 Chen TY,Edwards JD,Janke MC. Examination of the psychometric properties of the Geriatric Fear of Falling Measure among community-dwelling older adults in the US. . Journal of Applied Gerontology .2017

21. 2017 Chen TY,Lee S,Buxton OM. A greater extent of insomnia symptoms and physician-recommended sleep medication use predict fall risk in community-dwelling older adults. . Sleep .2017

22. 2015 Chen TY,Edwards JD,Janke MC. The effects of the A Matter of Balance program on falls and physical risk of falls . Preventing Chronic Disease .2015

23. 2014 Chen TY, Janke MC. Predictors of falls and recurrent falls among community-dwelling older adults with cancer: Results from the Health and Retirement Study . Supportive Care in Cancer .2014

24. 2014 Chen TY. esponse to Letter to the Editor, "Predictors of falls among community-dwelling older adults with cancer: Results from the Health and Retirement Study . Supportive Care in Cancer .2014

25. 2012 Chen TY,Janke MC. Gardening as a potential activity to reduce falls in older adults . Journal of Aging and Physical Activity .2012

26. 2012 Chen TY,Peronto CL,Edwards JD. Cognitive function as a prospective predictor of falls . The Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences .2012

27. 2010 Young, T. L.,Granic, A.,Chen, T. Y.,Haley, C.,Edwards, J. D. . Everyday reasoning abilities in persons with Parkinson’s disease . Movement Disorders .2010

1. 2022 Wongsin, U.,Wannasri, A.,Chiangchaisakulthai, K.,Chen, T.Y.. The Wellness Center in public hospitals in Thailand: a qualitative assessment using RE-AIM model. . Studies in Health Technology and Informatics .2022

2. 2022 Wongsin, U.,Wannasri, A.,Iqbal, U.,Chen, T.Y. Data privacy, regulations and legal issues on COVID-19 tracking Apps: A scoping review. . Studies in Health Technology and Informatics .2022

1. 2020 Chen TY,Saito Y. Health Status. . Ageing and Health in Viet Nam .2020

2. 2020 Chen TY,Saito Y. Functional Health . Ageing and Health in Viet Nam .2020

3. 2017 Chen TY. Predictors of falls among older Singaporeans . n/a .2017

1. 2023 Tsai F-J ,Chen, T. Y.. Grandchild care and loneliness . Loneliness and Social Isolation in Old Age: Correlates and Implications. .2023

2. 2016 JANKE MC,CHEN TY,YOUNG TL. Disablement . The Encyclopedia of Adulthood and Aging .2016


113 睡眠健康與老人衰弱的長期影響: 老人良好睡眠健康的促進和阻礙因素 以及RU-SATED中文版的信效度分析(2/3)

112 睡眠健康與老人衰弱的長期影響: 老人良好睡眠健康的促進和阻礙因素 以及RU-SATED中文版的信效度分析(1/3)

111 睡眠健康對老人衰弱的長期影響: 來自台灣和美國的證據

109 新聘教師研究補助