徐千彝(Hsu, Chien-Yi) 副教授

現   職
內科學科 副教授


學 歷

國立陽明大學臨床醫學研究所 博士
國立陽明大學醫學系 學士











1. 2024 Hsu CY,Chung FP,Chao CJ,Chen YJ,Wu CK,Wu YW, Huang JL, Chu PH, Jia-Yin Hou C, Chang HY, Hung CL. Efficacy of Sacubitril-Valsartan on Survival and Cardiac Remodeling in Hypotensive Heart Failure With Reduced Ejection Fraction: A Multicenter Study . Mayo Clinic Proceedings .2024

2. 2023 Chen KC,Hsu CN,Wu CH,Lin KL,Chen SM,Lee Y, Hsu CY, Hsu CW, Huang CY, Huang SH, Liao CT, Soong C, Chen PW, Yeh SM, Wu CC, Lin CI, Guo NW, Li YH, Lin TH, Chen CH, Huang CY, Chen SY, Wang YC, Huang WC, Chou W, Chen WJ.. 2023 TAMIS/TSOC/TACVPR Consensus Statement for Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction Rehabilitation . Acta Cardiologica Sinica .2023

3. 2023 Hung-Yu Chang,Chun-Cheng Lin,Chieh-Ju Chao,Yi-Cheng Lin,Yao-Chang Wang,Chia-Te Liao, Jin-Long Huang, Ying-Hsiang Lee, Chun-Yao Huang, Li-Nien Chien, Chien-Yi Hsu. Real-World Experience of Angiotensin Receptor-Neprilysin Inhibition in Reduced Ejection Fraction Heart Failure Patients With Advanced Kidney Disease . Mayo Clinic Proceedings .2023 ;(98):88-99

4. 2023 Chia-Te Liao,Han Siong Toh,Chun-Ting Yang,Chien-Yi Hsu,Mei-Chuan Lee,Wei-Ting Chang, Zhih-Cherng Chen, Hung-Yu Chang, Carol Strong. Economic evaluation of new blood pressure target for hypertensive patients in Taiwan according to the 2022 hypertension clinical practice guidelines of the Taiwan society of cardiology: a simulation modeling study . Hypertension Research .2023 ;(46):187-199

5. 2023 Hsiu-Mei Chen,Yi-Hsuan Tsai, Chien-Yi Hsu,Yong-Yi Wang,Cheng-En Hsieh,Jin-Hua Chen,Yu-Sheng Chang, Ching-Yu Lin. Peptide-Coated Bacteriorhodopsin-Based Photoelectric Biosensor for Detecting Rheumatoid Arthritis . Biosensors (Basel) .2023 ;(13):929

6. 2023 Hsiao-Ping Sung,Chien-Yi Hsu,Ying-Hsiang Lee,Po-Lin Lin,Chia-Te Liao,Fa-Po Chung, Shao-Lun Ko, Chun-Yao Huang, Kuan-Chia Lin, Hung-Yu Chang. Iron deficiency in Taiwanese patients with heart failure and reduced ejection fraction . Journal of the Chinese Medical Association: JCMA .2023 ;(86):725-731

7. 2023 Chien-Yi Hsu,Chun-Yao Huang,Chun-Ming Shih,Yi-Wen Lin,Po-Hsun Huang,Shing-Jong Lin, Chen-Wei Liu, Cheng-Yen Lin, Feng-Yen Lin. Tumor Necrosis Factor Superfamily 14 (LIGHT) Restricts Neovascularization by Decreasing Circulating Endothelial Progenitor Cells and Function . International journal of molecular sciences .2023 ;(24):6997

8. 2023 Kuo-Tzu Sung,Hung-Yu Chang,Nai-Wei Hsu,Wen-Hung Huang,Yueh-Hung Lin,Chun-Ho Yun, Chih-Chung Hsiao, Chien-Yi Hsu, Shin-Yi Tsai, Ying-Ju Chen, Cheng-Ting Tsai, Cheng-Huang Su, Ta-Chuan Hung, Charles Jia-Yin Hou, Hung-I Yeh, Chung-Lieh Hung. Penalized Model-Based Unsupervised Phenomapping Unravels Distinctive HFrEF Phenotypes With Improved Outcomes Discrimination From Sacubitril/Valsartan Treatment Independent of MAGGIC Score . Journal of the American Heart Association .2023 ;(12):e028860

9. 2022 Ying-Hsiang Lee,Wei-Ru Chiou,Chien-Yi Hsu,Po-Lin Lin,Huai-Wen Liang,Fa-Po Chung, Chia-Te Liao, Wen-Yu Lin, Hung-Yu Chang. Different left ventricular remodelling patterns and clinical outcomes between non-ischaemic and ischaemic aetiologies in heart failure patients receiving sacubitril/valsartan treatment. . European Heart Journal - Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy .2022

10. 2022 Hsin-Ti Huang,Jin-Long Huang,Po-Lin Lin,Ying-Hsiang Lee,Chien-Yi Hsu,Fa-Po Chung, Chia-Te Liao, Wei-Ru Chiou, Wen-Yu Lin, Huai-Wen Liang, Hung-Yu Chang . Clinical impacts of sacubitril/valsartan on patients eligible for cardiac resynchronization therapy . ESC Heart Failure .2022

11. 2022 Shuo-Ming Ou,Chieh-Ju Chao,Ming-Tsun Tsai,Kuo-Hua Lee,Wei-Cheng Tseng,Pin-Jie Bin, Yao-Ping Lin, Chien-Yi Hsu, Der-Cherng Tarng. Echocardiographic features of left ventricular dysfunction and outcomes in chronic kidney disease . Heart .2022

12. 2022 Hsu CY,Vo TTT,Lee CW,Chen YL,Lin WN,Cheng HC, Vo QC, Lee IT. Carbon monoxide releasing molecule-2 attenuates angiotensin II-induced IL-6/Jak2/Stat3-associated inflammation by inhibiting NADPH oxidase- and mitochondria-derived ROS in human aortic smooth muscle cells . Biochemical Pharmacology .2022

13. 2022 Chien-Yi Hsu,Hung-Yu Chang,Chieh-Ju Chao,Wei-Ru Chiou,Po-Lin Lin,Fa-Po Chung, Wen-Yu Lin, Jin-Long Huang, Huai-Wen Liang, Chia-Te Liao, Ying-Hsiang Lee . Utility of PREDICT-HF score in high-risk Asian heart failure patients receiving sacubitril/valsartan . Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine .2022

14. 2021 Chien SC,Hsu CY,Liu HY,Lin CF,Hung CL,Huang CY, Chien LN. Cardiogenic shock in Taiwan from 2003 to 2017 (CSiT-15 study) . Critical Care .2021

15. 2021 Vo TTT,Hsu CY,Wee Y,Chen YL,Cheng HC,Wu CZ, Lin WN, Lee IT.. Carbon Monoxide-Releasing Molecule-2 Ameliorates Particulate Matter-Induced Aorta Inflammation via Toll-Like Receptor/NADPH Oxidase/ROS/NF-κB/IL-6 Inhibition. . Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity .2021

16. 2021 Chang SC,Hsu CY,Liu LK,Lu YW,Tsai YL,Chou RH, Huang PH, Chen LK, Lin SJ.. The association between serum activin A levels and albuminuria among community-dwelling middle-aged and older adults in Taiwan . Scientific Reports .2021

17. 2021 Yang TY,Huang L,Malwade S,Hsu CY,Chen YC. Diagnostic Accuracy of Ambulatory Devices in Detecting Atrial Fibrillation: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis . JMIR mHealth and uHealth .2021

18. 2021 Liao CT,Huang JL,Liang HW,Chung FP,Lee YH,Lin PL, Chiou WR, Lin WY, Hsu CY, Chang HY.. The association between ivabradine and adverse cardiovascular events in acute decompensated HFrEF patients . ESC Heart Failure .2021

19. 2021 Chang HY,Hung PL,Liao CT,Hsu CY,Liao YC,Lu KH, Wang CC.. Assessing the facilities and healthcare services for heart failure: Taiwan versus European countries . Journal of the Formosan Medical Association .2021

20. 2021 Chen CW,Lin YC,Shih CM,Chen WT,Lin FY,Bi WF, Kao YT, Chiang KH, Chan CS, Hsu CY, Yang TL, Hsiao CY, Hsiao BY, Chien LN, Huang CY.. Association of multiple preventive therapies postdischarge and long-term health outcomes after acute myocardial infarction . Journal of the Chinese Medical Association .2021

21. 2021 Lin YC,Chen BL,Shih CM,Lin FY,Chen CW,Hsu CY, Kao YT, Bi WF, Chen LY, Chien LN, Fang TC, Huang CY.. Effectiveness and safety of rivaroxaban versus warfarin in Taiwanese patients with end-stage renal disease and nonvalvular atrial fibrillation: A real-world nationwide cohort study . PLoS One .2021

22. 2021 Liang HW,Liao CT,Lin WY,Chung FP,Huang JL,Lee YH, Lin PL, Chiou WR, Hsu CY, Chang HY. The evolution of guideline-directed medical therapy among decompensated HFrEF patients in sacubitril/valsartan era: Medical expenses and clinical effectiveness . Journal of the Chinese Medical Association .2021

23. 2021 Lin WY,Chung FP,Liao CT,Huang JL,Liang HW,Lee YH, Lin PL, Chiou WR, Hsu CY, Chang HY.. Treatment with angiotensin receptor neprilysin inhibitor for Taiwan heart failure patients: Rationale and baseline characteristics of the TAROT-HF study . Journal of the Chinese Medical Association .2021

24. 2021 Lee YH,Lin PL,Chiou WR,Huang JL,Lin WY,Liao CT, Chung FP, Liang HW, Hsu CY, Chang HY.. Combination of ivabradine and sacubitril/valsartan in patients with heart failure and reduced ejection fraction . ESC Heart Fail . .2021 ;(8):12040885-1215

25. 2021 Yeh JS,Hsu CY,Huang CY,Chen WT,Hsieh YC,Chien LN. The effect of de-escalation of P2Y12 receptor inhibitor therapy after acute myocardial infarction in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention: a nationwide cohort study . PLoS One .2021

26. 2020 Elbatreek MH,Sadegh S,Anastasi E,Guney E,Nogales C,Kacprowski T, Hassan AA, Teubner A, Huang PH, Hsu CY, Schiffers PMH, Janssen GM, Kleikers PWM, Wipat A, Baumbach J, De Mey JGR, Schmidt HHHW. NOX5-induced uncoupling of endothelial NO synthase is a causal mechanism and theragnostic target of an age-related hypertension endotype . PLoS Biol .2020 ;(11):e3000885

27. 2020 Lin HJ, ,Wang TD, ,Yu-Chih Chen M, ,Hsu CY, ,Wang KL, ,Huang CC, Hsieh MJ, Chiu YW, Chiang LT, Chuang WP, Hsu PF, Wu CH, Hung CS, Chen KC, Wu CC, Wang YC, Chou PC, Yap HY, Cheng HM. . 2020 Consensus Statement of the Taiwan Hypertension Society and the Taiwan Society of Cardiology on Home Blood Pressure Monitoring for the Management of Arterial Hypertension . Acta Cardiol Sin .2020 ;(6):537-561

28. 2020 Kao YT,Hsieh YC,Hsu CY,Huang CY,Hsieh MH,Lin YK, Yeh JS. Comparison of the TIMI, GRACE, PAMI and CADILLAC risk scores for prediction of long-term cardiovascular outcomes in Taiwanese diabetic patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction: From the registry of the Taiwan Society of Cardiology . PLoS One .2020 ;(2):e0229186

29. 2020 Lee YH,Chen YT,Chang CC,Hsu CY,Su YW,Li SY, Huang CC, Leu HB, Huang PH, Chen JW, Lin SJ.. Risk of Ischemic Stroke in Patients with End-Stage Renal Disease Receiving Peritoneal Dialysis with New-Onset Atrial Fibrillation . J Chin Med Assoc .2020 ;(12):1066-1070

30. 2020 Tang X,Miao Y,Luo Y,Sriram K,Qi Z,Lin FM, Gu Y, Lai CH, Hsu CY. Suppression of Endothelial AGO1 Promotes Adipose Tissue Browning and Improves Metabolic Dysfunction . Circulation .2020 ;(4):365-379

31. 2020 Wang WJ,Hsu CY,Chiou JF,Huang Y. Cardiac metastasis from non-visceral sarcoma . Lancet Oncol .2020 ;(1):e66

32. 2020 Lee YH,Chiou WR,Hsu CY,Lin PL,Liang HW,Chung FP, Liao CT, Lin WY, Chang HY. Different left ventricular remodeling patterns and clinical outcomes between non-ischemic and ischemic etiologies in heart failure patients receiving sacubitril/valsartan treatment . Eur Heart J Cardiovasc Pharmacother .2020

33. 2019 Hsu CY,Tseng WK,Wu YW,Lin TH,Yeh HI,Chang KC, Wang JH, Chou RH, Huang CY, Huang PH, Leu HB, Yin WH, Wu CC, Lin SJ, Chen JW. Circulating TNFSF14 (Tumor Necrosis Factor Superfamily 14) Predicts Clinical Outcome in Patients With Stable Coronary Artery Disease. . Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. .2019

34. 2019 Kao CC,Tseng CH,Lo MT,Lin YK,Hsu CY,Wu YL, Chen HH, Lin FY, Lin C, Huang CY.. Alteration autonomic control of cardiac function during hemodialysis predict cardiovascular outcomes in end stage renal disease patients. . Sci Rep. .2019

35. 2019 Wang TD,Lee YH,Chang SS,Tung YC,Yeh CF,, Lin YH, Pan CT, Hsu CY, Huang CY, Wu CK, Sung PH, Chiang LT, Wang YC, Tsai WC, Lin TT, Lin CP, Chen WJ, Hwang JJ.. 2019 Consensus Statement of the Taiwan Hypertension Society and the Taiwan Society of Cardiology on Renal Denervation for the Management of Arterial Hypertension. . Acta Cardiol Sin. .2019

36. 2018 Hsu CY,Su YW,Chen SC. Sick sinus syndrome associated with anti-programmed cell death-1. . J Immunother Cancer. .2018

37. 2018 Kuo CS,Lu YW,Hsu CY,Chang CC,Chou RH,Liu LK, Chen LK, Huang PH, Chen JW, Lin SJ.. Increased activin A levels in prediabetes and association with carotid intima-media thickness: a cross-sectional analysis from I-Lan Longitudinal Aging Study. . Sci Rep. .2018

38. 2017 Shang F,Wang SC,Hsu CY,Miao Y,Martin M,Yin Y, Wu CC, Wang YT, Wu G, Chien S, Huang HD, Tarng DC, Shiu YT, Cheung AK, Huang PH, Chen Z, Shyy JY.. MicroRNA-92a Mediates Endothelial Dysfunction in Chronic Kidney Disease. . J Am Soc Nephrol. .2017

39. 2017 Kuo CS,Chen YT,Hsu CY,Chang CC,Chou RH,Li SY, Kuo SC, Huang PH, Chen JW, Lin SJ.. The impact of chronic hepatitis B infection on major adverse cardiovascular events and all-cause mortality in patients with diabetes: a nationwide population-based study from Taiwan. . BMJ Open. .2017

40. 2017 Chang TY,Hsu CY,Chiu CC,Chou RH,Huang HL,Huang CC, Leu HB, Huang PH, Chen JW, Lin SJ.. Association between echocardiographic epicardial fat thickness and circulating endothelial progenitor cell level in patients with stable angina pectoris. . Clin Cardiol. .2017

41. 2017 Chang CC,Hsu CY,Huang PH,Liu LK,Chen LK,Chen JW, Lin SJ.. Association between frailty and carotid intima media thickness and inflammatory marker in an elderly population. . Geriatr Gerontol Int. .2017

42. 2017 Liu CT,Chen CY,Hsu CY,Huang PH,Lin FY,Chen JW, Lin SJ.. Increased Risk of Febuxostat-associated Myopathy in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease. . Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. .2017

43. 2017 Chen YT,Chen HT,Hsu CY,Chao PW,Kuo SC,Ou SM, Chih CJ.. Dual Antiplatelet Therapy and Clinical Outcomes after Coronary Drug-Eluting Stent Implantation in Patients on Hemodialysis. . Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. .2017

44. 2017 Su YW,Hsu CY,Guo YW,Chen HS. Usefulness of the plasma glucose concentration-to-HbA1c ratio in predicting clinical outcomes during acute illness with extreme hyperglycaemia. . Diabetes Metab. .2017

45. 2017 Huang WC,Chou RH,Chang CC,Hsu CY,Ku YC,Huang HF, Chen YC, Huang PH.. Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome is an Independent Predictor of One-Year Mortality in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction. . Acta Cardiol Sin. .2017

46. 2017 Hsu CY,Chen YT,Su YW,Chang CC,Huang PH,Lin SJ. Statin therapy reduces future risk of lower limb amputation in patient with diabetes and peripheral artery disease. . J Clin Endocrinol Metab. .2017

47. 2017 Chang CC,Chen YT,Hsu CY,Su WY,Chiu CC,Leu HB, Huang HB, Chen JW, Lin SJ.. Dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors, peripheral arterial disease and lower extremity amputation risk in diabetic patients. . Am J Med. .2017

48. 2016 Chou RH,Huang PH,Hsu CY,Chang CC,Leu HB,Huang CC, Chen JW, Lin SJ.. Circulating Fibroblast Growth Factor 21 is Associated with Diastolic Dysfunction in Heart Failure Patients with Preserved Ejection Fraction. . Sci Rep. .2016

49. 2016 Chang CC,Hsu CY,Huang PH,Chiang CH,Huang SS,Leu HB, Huang CC, Chen JW, Lin SJ.. Association of Serum Bilirubin with SYNTAX Score and Future Cardiovascular Events in Patients Undergoing Coronary Intervention. . Acta Cardiol Sin. .2016

50. 2016 Chiu CC,Chen YT,Hsu CY,Chang CC,Huang CC,Leu HB, Li SY, Kuo SC, Huang PH, Chen JW, Lin SJ.. Association between previous history of gout attack and risk of deep vein thrombosis - a nationwide population-based cohort study. . Sci Rep. .2016

51. 2016 Chou RH,Huang PH,Hsu CY,Leu HB,Huang SS,Huang CC, Chen JW, Lin SJ.. CHADS2 score predicts risk of contrast-induced nephropathy in stable coronary artery disease patients undergoing percutaneous coronary interventions. . J Formos Med Assoc. .2016

52. 2016 Hsu CY,Su YW,Chen YT,Tsai SH,Chang CC,Li SY, Huang PH, Chen JW, Lin SJ.. Association between use of oral-antidiabetic drugs and the risk of aortic aneurysm: a nested case-control analysis. . Cardiovasc Diabetol. .2016

53. 2016 Chang CC,Hsu CY,Chang TY,Huang PH,Liu LK,Chen LK, Chen JW, Lin SJ.. Association between frailty and low-grade albuminuria: The Taiwan I-Lan Longitudinal Aging Study. . Scientific reports .2016

54. 2016 Hsu CY,Huang PH,Chen TH,Chiang CH,Leu HB,Huang CC, Chen JW, Lin SJ.. Increased circulating visfatin is associated with progression of kidney disease in non-diabetic hypertensive patients. . Am J Hypertens. .2016

55. 2016 Hsu CY,Chen YT,Huang PH,Leu HB,Su YW,Chiang CH, Chen JW, Chen TJ, Lin SJ, Chan WL.. The Association between Urinary Calculi and Increased Risk of Future Cardiovascular Events: A Nationwide Population-based Study. . J Cardiol. .2016

56. 2016 Hsu CY,Chen TH,Su YW,Chang CC,Chen MH,Leu HB, Huang PH, Chen JW, Lin SJ.. Usefulness of the CHADS2 Score for Determining Risk of Seizure in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation. . Am J Cardiol. .2016


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112 長期血液透析患者之足部溫度變化與心血管事件的關係

110 新聘教師研究補助

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