張偉民(Chnag, Wei-Min) 助理教授

現   職
口腔衛生學系 助理教授


學 歷

國防醫學院醫學科學研究所 博士
國立嘉義大學生物藥學研究所 碩士
國立嘉義大學分子與生物化學系 學士











1. 2023 Liu WC,Yang YH,Wang YC,Chang WM,Wang CW. Maresin: Macrophage Mediator for Resolving Inflammation and Bridging Tissue Regeneration-A System-Based Preclinical Systematic Review . Int J Mol Sci .2023

2. 2023 Lin HN,Chen WW,Hsu CC,Chen MS,Chang PJ,Chang WM, Zhang FH, Chen CY, Lee PY, Lin CK . Endodontic Radiopacifying Application of Barium Titanate Prepared by a Combination of Mechanical Milling and Heat Treatment . Materials .2023

3. 2022 Li LJ,Chang PMC,Li CH,Chang YC,Lai TC,Su CY, Chen CL, Chang WM#, Hsiao M#, Feng SW#.. FAS receptor regulates NOTCH activity through ERK-JAG1 axis activation and controls oral cancer stemness ability and pulmonary metastasis . Cell Death Discovery .2022

4. 2022 Li LJ,Li CH ,Chang PMC ,Lai TC ,Yong CY,, Feng SW, Feng SW, Hsiao M, Chang WM#, Huang CYF#. Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) Sensitizes Irinotecan to Suppress Head and Neck Cancer Stem-Like Cells by Downregulation of WNT Signaling . Frontiers in Oncology .2022

5. 2022 Chang WM,Li LJ,Chiu IA,Lai TC,Chang YC,Tsai HF, Yang CJ, Huang MS, Su CY, Lai TL, Jan YH, Hsiao M. The aberrant cancer metabolic gene carbohydrate sulfotransferase 11 promotes non-small cell lung cancer cell metastasis via dysregulation of ceruloplasmin and intracellular iron balance . Translational Oncology .2022

6. 2022 Chiang CY,Chang WC,Chang WM,Shih YC,Ling FH,Wu CC, Yang KC. An assessment of physical properties and the viability of osteoblast‐like cells of cefazolin‐impregnated calcium sulfate bone‐void filler . Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials .2022

7. 2022 Zheng JQ,Lin CH,Lee HH,Chang WM,Li LJ,Su CY, Lee KY, Chiu HW, Lin YF. AIM2 upregulation promotes the metastatic progression and PD‐L1 expression in lung adenocarcinoma . Cancer Science .2022

8. 2022 Lin HN,Peng TY,Kung YR,Chiou YJ,Chang WM,Wu SH, Mine Y, Chen CY, Lin CK. Effects of the methyl methacrylate addition, polymerization temperature and time on the MBG@PMMA core-shell structure and its application as addition in electrospun composite fiber bioscaffold . Ceramics International .2022

9. 2021 Li LJ,Chang WM,Hsiao M. Aberrant Expression of microRNA Clusters in Head and Neck Cancer Development and Progression: Current and Future Translational Impacts . Pharmaceuticals .2021 ;(14)

10. 2021 Yang Yi Chieh,Chien Ming Hsien,Lai Tsung Ching,Tung Min Che,Jan Yi Hua,Chang Wei Ming,Jung Shih Ming,Chen Ming Huang,Yeh Chun Nan,Hsiao Michael,Yang Yi Chieh,Chien Ming Hsien,Lai Tsung Ching,Tung Min Che,Jan Yi Hua,Chang Wei Ming,Jung Shih Ming,Chen Ming Huang,Yeh Chun Nan,Hsiao Michael. Proteomics-based identification of TMED9 is linked to vascular invasion and poor prognoses in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma . Journal of Biomedical Science .2021 ;(28)

11. 2021 Ding YF,Wen YC,Chuang CY,Lin CW,Yang YC,Liu YF, Chang WM, Chang LC, Yang SF, Chien MH. Combined Impacts of Genetic Variants of Long Non-coding RNA MALAT1 and the Environmental Carcinogen on the Susceptibility to and Progression of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma. . Front Oncol. .2021

12. 2021 Lai PS,Chang WM,Chen YY,Lin YF,Laio HF,Chen YC. Circulating microRNA-762 upregulates colorectal cancer may be accompanied by Wnt-1/β-catenin signaling . Cancer Biomarkers .2021

13. 2021 Huang SP,Li CH,Chang WM,Lin YF. BICD Cargo Adaptor 1 (BICD1) Downregulation Correlates with a Decreased Level of PD-L1 and Predicts a Favorable Prognosis in Patients with IDH1-Mutant Lower-Grade Gliomas . Biology .2021

14. 2021 Lin HN,Lin CK,Chang PJ,Chang WM,Fang A,Chen YC, Yu CC, Lee PY. Effect of Tantalum Pentoxide Addition on the Radiopacity Performance of Bi2O3/Ta2O5 Composite Powders Prepared by Mechanical Milling . Materials .2021

15. 2020 Yang YC,Pan KF,Lee WJ,Chang JH,Tan P,Gu CC, Chang WM, Yang SF, Hsiao M. Hua KT, Chien MH. Circulating Proteoglycan Endocan Mediates EGFR-Driven Progression of Non–Small Cell Lung Cancer . Cancer Research .2020

16. 2020 Lin CH,Lee HH,Chang WM,LEE FP,Chen LC,Lu LS, Lin YF. FOXD1 Repression Potentiates Radiation Effectiveness by Downregulating G3BP2 Expression and Promoting the Activation of TXNIP-Related Pathways in Oral Cancer . Cancers .2020

17. 2019 Chang WM,Chang YC,Yang YC,Lin SK,Chang PMC,Hsiao M. AKR1C1 controls cisplatin-resistance in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma through cross-talk with the STAT1/3 signaling pathway. . Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research .2019

18. 2017 Chang YC,Chi LH,Chang WM,Su CY,Lin YF,Chen CL, Chen MH, Chang MH, Wu TH, Hsiao M.. Glucose transporter 4 promotes head and neck squamous cell carcinoma metastasis through the TRIM24-DDX58 axis . Journal of hematology & oncology .2017

19. 2017 Chang YC,Chan YC,Chang WM,Lin YF,Yang CJ, Su CY, Huang MS, Wu AT, Hsiao M. Feedback regulation of ALDOA activates the HIF-1α/MMP9 axis to promote lung cancer progression . Cancer letters .2017

20. 2017 Chi LH,Chang WM,Chang YC,Chan YC,Tai CC,Ger LP, Chen CL, Wu ATH, Lai TC, Li JYC, Hsiao M. Global proteomics-based identification and validation of thymosin Beta-4 X-linked as a prognostic marker for head and neck squamous cell carcinoma . Scientific reports .2017

21. 2017 Chien MH,Chang WM,Lee WJ,Chang YC,Lai TC, Chan DV, Ju ST, Rahul S, Lin YF, Hsiao M.. A Fas ligand (FasL)-fused humanized antibody against tumor-associated glycoprotein 72 selectively exhibits the cytotoxic effect against oral cancer cells with a low FasL/Fas ratio . Molecular cancer therapeutics .2017

22. 2017 Chang WM,Lin YF,Su CY,Peng HY,Chang YC,Chi LH, Hsiao JR, Chen CL, Chang JY, Shieh YS , Hsiao M, Shiah SG. Parathyroid hormone-like hormone is a poor prognosis marker of head and neck cancer and promotes cell growth via RUNX2 regulation . Scientific reports .2017

23. 2016 Chang WM,Lin YF,Su CY,Peng HY,Chang YC, Lai TC, Wu KH, Hsu YM, Chi LH, Hsiao JR, Chen CL, Chang JY, Shieh YS* , Hsiao M*, Shiah SG*. Dysregulation of RUNX2/activin-A axis upon miR-376c downregulation promotes lymph node metastasis in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma . Cancer research .2016

24. 2016 Chan YC,Chen CW,Chan MH,Chang YC,Chang WM,Chi LH, Yu HM, Lin YF, Tsai DP, Liu RS, Hsiao M. . MMP2-sensing up-conversion nanoparticle for fluorescence biosensing in head and neck cancer cells . Biosensors and Bioelectronics .2016

25. 2016 Peng HY,Jiang SS,Hsiao JR,Hsiao M,Hsu YM,Wu GH, Chang WM, Chang JY, Jin SL, Shiah SG.. IL-8 induces miR-424-5p expression and modulates SOCS2/STAT5 signaling pathway in oral squamous cell carcinoma . Molecular oncology .2016

26. 2014 Shiah SG,Hsiao JR,Chang WM,Chen YW,Jin YT,Wong TY, Huang JS, Tsai ST, Hsu YM, Chou ST, Yen YC, Jiang SS, Shieh YS, Chang IS, Hsiao M, Chang JY.. Downregulated miR329 and miR410 promote the proliferation and invasion of oral squamous cell carcinoma by targeting Wnt-7b . Cancer Research. .2014

27. 2009 Chen YJ,Chang WM,Liu YW,Lee CY,Jang YH, Kuo CD, Liao HF.. A small-molecule metastasis inhibitor, norcantharidin, downregulates matrix metalloproteinase-9 expression by inhibiting Sp1 transcriptional activity in colorectal cancer cells . Chemico-Biological Interactions .2009

28. 2008 Ku KL,Tsai CT,Chang WM,Shen ML,Wu CT,Liao HF. Hepatoprotective effect of Cirsium arisanense Kitamura in tacrine-treated hepatoma Hep 3B cells and C57BL mice. . The American journal of Chinese medicine .2008


113 新穎腫瘤抑制基因PMM1調控口腔癌Warburg效應與內質網壓力之分子機轉研究(2/3)

112 新穎腫瘤抑制基因PMM1調控口腔癌Warburg效應與內質網壓力之分子機轉研究(1/3)

111 發展以LINGO2為標靶之小分子核酸奈米複合體做為精準治療低PD-L1復發性頭頸癌之轉譯研究

110 Evaluate Cytokine Functional Studies for Addressing Issues in Human Immunology

108 新聘教師研究補助