MARTINO MATTEO(Matteo Martino) 助理教授

現   職
心智意識與腦科學研究博士學位學程 助理教授


學 歷

University of GenoaDepartment of Neuroscience 博士
Maastricht UniversityInternational Master in Affectice Neuros 碩士
University of PisaClinics and Treatment of Mood 碩士
University of GenoaMedical School 學士






Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, Department of NeurologyPostdoctoral fellow





1. 2024 Martino M,Magioncalda P. A working model of neural activity and phenomenal experience in psychosis . Molecular Psychiatry .2024

2. 2023 Martino M,Magioncalda P. A three-dimensional model of neural activity and phenomenal-behavioral patterns . Molecular Psychiatry .2023

3. 2022 Magioncalda P,Martino M. A unified model of the pathophysiology of bipolar disorder . Molecular Psychiatry .2022

4. 2022 Escelsior A,Sterlini B,Tardito S,Altosole T, Magioncalda P,Martino M, Serafini G, Murri MB, Aguglia A, Amerio A, da Silva BP, Trabucco A, Fenoglio D, Filaci G, Amore M. Evidence of alterations of Beta-endorphin levels and Mu-opioid receptor gene expression in bipolar disorder . Psychiatry Research .2022

5. 2021 Martino M, Magioncalda P, El Mendili MM, Droby A,Paduri S ,Schiavi S, Petracca M, Inglese M. Depression is associated with disconnection of neurotransmitter-related nuclei in multiple sclerosis. . Multiple Sclerosis Journal .2021

6. 2021 Matteo Martino,Paola Magioncalda. Tracing the psychopathology of bipolar disorder to the functional  architecture of intrinsic brain activity and its neurotransmitter modulation: a three-dimensional model. . Molecular Psychiatry .2021

7. 2020 Northoff G,Hirjak D,Wolf RC,Magioncalda P,Martino M. Why is there symptom coupling of psychological and motor changes in psychomotor mechanisms? Insights from the brain’s topography . Molecular Psychiatry .2020

8. 2020 Martino M,Magioncalda P,Conio B,Capobianco L,Russo D,Adavastro G, Tumati S, Tan Z, Lee HC, Lane T, Amore M, Inglese M, Northoff G. Abnormal functional relationship of sensorimotor network with neurotransmitter-related nuclei via subcortical-cortical loops in manic and depressive phases of bipolar disorder . Schizophrenia Bulletin .2020

9. 2020 Magioncalda P,Martino M,Conio B,Lee HC,Ku HL,Chen CJ, Inglese M, Amore M, Lane T, Northoff G. Intrinsic brain activity of subcortical-cortical sensorimotor system and psychomotor alterations in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder: a preliminary study . Schizophrenia Research .2020

10. 2020 Russo D,Martino M,Magioncalda P,Inglese M,Amore M,Northoff G. Opposing changes in the functional architecture of large-scale networks in bipolar mania and depression . Schizophrenia Bulletin .2020

11. 2020 Rocchi G,Sterlini B,Tardito S,Inglese M,Corradi A,Filaci G, Amore M, Magioncalda P, Martino M. Opioidergic system and functional architecture of intrinsic brain activity: implications for psychiatric disorders . The Neuroscientist .2020

12. 2020 Northoff G,Hirjak D,Wolf RC,Magioncalda P,Martino M. All roads lead to the motor cortex: psychomotor mechanisms and their biochemical modulation in psychiatric disorders . Molecular Psychiatry .2020

13. 2019 Conio B,Magioncalda P,Martino M,Tumati S,Capobianco L,Escelsior A, Adavastro G, Russo D, Amore M, Inglese M, Northoff G. Opposing patterns of neuronal variability in the sensorimotor network mediate cyclothymic and depressive temperaments . Human Brain Mapping .2019

14. 2019 Zhang J,Magioncalda P,Huang Z,Tan Z,Hu X,Hu Z, Conio B, Amore M, Inglese M, Martino M, Northoff G. Altered global signal topography and its different regional localization in motor cortex and hippocampus in mania and depression . Schizophrenia Bulletin .2019

15. 2019 Conio B,Martino M,Magioncalda P,Escelsior A,Inglese M,Amore M, Northoff G. Opposite effects of dopamine and serotonin on resting-state networks: review and implications for psychiatric disorders . Molecular Psychiatry .2019

16. 2018 Northoff G,Magioncalda P,Martino M,Lee HC,Tseng YC,Lane T. Too fast or too slow? Time and neuronal variability in bipolar disorder - A combined theoretical and empirical investigation . Schizophrenia Bulletin .2018

17. 2018 Martino M,Magioncalda P,Yu H,Li X,Wang Q,Meng Y, Deng W, Li Y, Li M, Ma X, Lane T, Duncan NW, Northoff G, Li T. Abnormal resting-state connectivity in a substantia nigra-related striato-thalamo-cortical network in a large sample of first-episode drug-naïve patients with schizophrenia . Schizophrenia Bulletin .2018

18. 2018 Magioncalda P,Martino M,Tardito S,Sterlini B,Conio B,Marozzi V, Adavastro G, Capobianco L, Russo D, Parodi A, Kalli F, Nasi G, Altosole T, Piaggio N, Northoff G, Fenoglio D, Inglese M, Filaci G, Amore M. White matter microstructure alterations correlate with terminally differentiated CD8+ effector T cell depletion in the peripheral blood in mania: Combined DTI and immunological investigation in the different phases of bipolar disorder . Brain, Behavior, and Immunity .2018

19. 2018 Piaggio N,Schiavi S,Martino M,Bommarito G,Inglese M,Magioncalda P. Exploring mania-associated white matter injury by comparison with multiple sclerosis: a diffusion tensor imaging study . Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging .2018

20. 2017 Petracca M,Saiote C,Bender HA,Arias F,Farrell C,Magioncalda P, Martino M, Miller A, Northoff G, Lublin F, Inglese M. Synchronization and variability imbalance underlie cognitive impairment in primary-progressive multiple sclerosis . Scientific Reports .2017

21. 2016 Magioncalda P,Martino M,Ely BA,Inglese M,Stern ER. Microstructural white-matter abnormalities and their relationship with cognitive dysfunction in obsessive-compulsive disorder . Brain and Behavior .2016

22. 2016 Magioncalda P,Martino M,Conio B,Piaggio N,Teodorescu R,Escelsior A, Marozzi V, Rocchi G, Roccatagliata L, Northoff G, Inglese M, Amore M. Patterns of microstructural white matter abnormalities and their impact on cognitive dysfunction in the various phases of type I bipolar disorder . Journal of Affective Disorders .2016

23. 2016 Martino M,Magioncalda P,Huang Z,Conio B,Piaggio N,Duncan NW, Rocchi G, Escelsior A, Marozzi V, Wolff A, Inglese M, Amore M, Northoff G. Contrasting variability patterns in the default mode and sensorimotor networks balance in bipolar depression and mania . Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA .2016

24. 2016 Martino M,Magioncalda P,Saiote C,Conio B,Escelsior A,Rocchi G, Piaggio N, Marozzi V, Huang Z, Ferri F, Amore M, Inglese M, Northoff G. Abnormal functional-structural cingulum connectivity in mania: combined functional magnetic resonance imaging-diffusion tensor imaging investigation in different phases of bipolar disorder . Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica .2016

25. 2015 Fornaro M,Escelsior A,Rocchi G,Conio B,Magioncalda P,Marozzi V, Presta A, Sterlini B, Contini P, Amore M, Fornaro P, Martino M. BDNF plasma levels variations in major depressed patients receiving duloxetine . Neurological Sciences .2015

26. 2015 Magioncalda P,Martino M,Conio B,Escelsior A,Piaggio N,Presta A, Marozzi V, Rocchi G, Anastasio L, Vassallo L, Ferri F, Huang Z, Roccatagliata L, Pardini M, Northoff G. Functional connectivity and neuronal variability of resting state activity in bipolar disorder--reduction and decoupling in anterior cortical midline structures . Human Brain Mapping .2015


113 憂鬱症中情感及其生物學相關性之多重模式探討(1/3)

111 雙極性障礙躁期與鬱期期間精神病之大規模腦網路之調查

111 補助國內研究生出席國際學術會議」申請費用補助案(研究生:心智意識與腦科學研究博士學位學程博士班Smriti Mavar君)會議名稱:29fh annual meeting of the organization for human brain mapping(OHBM)

110 多重模式取向探討躁期與鬱期下精神運動之神經生物的變化(2/2)

109 多重模式取向探討躁期與鬱期下精神運動之神經生物的變化(1/2)

108 新聘教師研究補助