陳雅琳(Chen, Ya-Ling) 助理教授

現   職
保健營養學系 助理教授


學 歷

臺北醫學大學保健營養學系 博士
臺北醫學大學保健營養學系 碩士
臺北醫學大學保健營養學系 學士








Nutrition Medicine



1. 2023 Tseng YC, Fu LC,Chong HC,Tang ST,Yang SC,Huang WC, YangYC, Chen YL. Consumption of a Taiwanese cafeteria diet induces metabolic disorders and fecal flora changes in obese rats . nutrition .2023

2. 2023 Hoang YN ,Chen YL, Ho DKN,Chiu WC,Cheah KJ,Mayasari NR, Chang JS. Consistency and Accuracy of Artificial Intelligence for Providing Nutritional Information . JAMA Netw Open .2023

3. 2023 Xiao Q,Chen YH,Chen YL,Chien YS,Hsieh LH,Shirakawa H, Yang SC. Potential Benefits of Epidermal Growth Factor for Inhibiting Muscle Degrative Markers in Rats with Alcoholic Liver Damage. . Int J Mol Sci .2023

4. 2023 Lin KY,Yang HY ,Yang SC,Chen YL,Watanabe Y,Chen JR. Caulerpa lentillifera improves ethanol-induced liver injury and modulates the gut microbiota in rats . Curr Res Food Sci .2023

5. 2023 Chen YH ,Lin JA,Chen JR,Chen YL,Yang SC. Regular nutrition consultations reduced risk factors for cardiovascular diseases in adults . Nutrition .2023

6. 2022 Chen TY,Chen YL,Chiu WC,Yeh CL, Tung YT,Shirakawa H, Liao WT, Yang SC. Effects of the Water Extract of Fermented Rice Bran on Liver Damage and Intestinal Injury in Aged Rats with High-Fat Diet Feeding . Plants (Basel) .2022

7. 2022 Chen YL,Lin MT,Wang WH,Yeh SL,Yeh CL. Intravenous Arginine Administration Attenuates the Inflammatory Response and Improves Metabolic Profiles in Diet-Induced Obese Mice after Sleeve Gastrectomy . Metabolites .2022

8. 2022 Liou CJ, Wu SJ,Shen SC, Chen LC, Chen YL,Huang WC. Acacetin Protects against Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease by Regulating Lipid Accumulation and Inflammation in Mice . Int J Mol Sci .2022

9. 2021 Wu SJ,Liou CJ,Chen YL,Cheng SC,Huang WC. Fucoxanthin Ameliorates Oxidative Stress and Airway Inflammation in Tracheal Epithelial Cells and Asthmatic Mice . Cells .2021

10. 2021 Wu SJ,Huang WC,Yu MC,Chen YL,Shen SC,Yeh KW, Liou CJ. Tomatidine ameliorates obesity-induced nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in mice. . J Nutr Biochem .2021

11. 2021 Hsu CD,Hsieh LH,Chen YL,Lin IC,Chen YR,Chen CC, Shirakawa H, Yang SC . Complementary effects of pine bark extract supplementation on inattention, impulsivity, and antioxidative status in children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder: A double-blinded randomized placebo-controlled cross-over study . Phytother Res .2021

12. 2021 Xiao Q ,Chen YH,Pratama SA,Chen YL,Shirakawa H,Peng HC, Yang SC. The Prophylactic Effects of Glutamine on Muscle Protein Synthesis and Degradation in Rats with Ethanol-Induced Liver Damage. . Nutrients .2021

13. 2021 Huang WC,Wu SJ,Chen YL, Lin CF,Liou CJ. Tomatidine Improves Pulmonary Inflammation in Mice with Acute Lung Injury. . Mediators Inflamm. .2021

14. 2021 Chen YH,Chiu WC,Xiao Q,Chen YL,Shirakawa H,Yang SC. Synbiotics Alleviate Hepatic Damage, Intestinal Injury and Muscular Beclin-1 Elevation in Rats after Chronic Ethanol Administration. . Int J Mol Sci. .2021

15. 2021 Huang WC,Huang TH,Yeh KW,Chen YL,Shen SC,Liou CJ. Ginsenoside Rg3 ameliorates allergic airway inflammation and oxidative stress in mice. . J Ginseng Res. .2021

16. 2020 Hsieh HL, Liu SH, Chen YL, Huang CY,Wu SJ . Astragaloside IV suppresses inflammatory response via suppression of NF-κB, and MAPK signalling in human bronchial epithelial cells . Arch Physiol Biochem .2020

17. 2020 Liou CJ, Chen YL,Yu MC,Yeh KW,Shen SC,Huang WC . Sesamol alleviates airway hyperresponsiveness and oxidative stress in asthmatic mice . Antioxidants .2020 ;(9)

18. 2020 Tung YT,Chiang PC,Chen YL,Chien YW. Effects of Melatonin on Lipid Metabolism and Circulating Irisin in Sprague-Dawley Rats with Diet-Induced Obesity . Molecules .2020 ;(25)

19. 2020 Liou CJ,Wu SJ,Shen SC,Chen LC,Chen YL,Huang WC. Phloretin ameliorates hepatic steatosis through regulation of lipogenesis and Sirt1/AMPK signaling in obese mice . Cell Biosci .2020 ;(10)

20. 2020 Chen YL,Shirakawa H,Lu NS,Peng HC,Xiao Q,Yang SC. Impacts of fish oil on the gut microbiota of rats with alcoholic liver damage . J Nutr Biochem .2020 ;(86)

21. 2019 Liou CJ,Lee YK,Ting NC,Chen YL,Shen SC,Wu SJ, Huang WC. Protective Effects of Licochalcone A Ameliorates Obesity and Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Via Promotion of the Sirt-1/AMPK Pathway in Mice Fed a High-Fat Diet. . cells .2019 ;(8):447-447

22. 2019 Lu NS,Chiu WC,Chen YL,Peng HC,Shirakawa H,Yang SC. Fish Oil Up-Regulates Hepatic Autophagy in Rats With Chronic Ethanol Consumption . the journal of nutritional biochemistry .2019 ;(77):108314-108314

23. 2018 Chang YH, Chen YL,Huang WC,Liou CJ. Fucoxanthin attenuates fatty acid-induced lipid accumulation in FL83B hepatocytes through regulated Sirt1/AMPK signaling pathway. . biochemical and biophysical research communication .2018 ;(495):197-203

24. 2018 Wang HY,Peng HC,Chien YW,Chen YL,Lu NS,Yang SC. Effects of Fish Oil on Lipid Metabolism and Its Molecular Biological Regulators in Chronic Ethanol-Fed Rats . Nutrients .2018 ;(10):1-15

25. 2018 Liou CJ,Weic CH,Chen YL,Cheng CY,Wang CL,Huang WC. Fisetin protects against hepatic steatosis through regulation of the Sirt1/AMPK and fatty acid β-oxidation signaling pathway in high-fat diet-induced obese mice . Cellular physiology and biochemistry .2018 ;(49):1870-1884

26. 2018 Huang WC, Chen YL,Liu HC,Wu SJ,Liou CJ. Ginkgolide C reduced oleic acid-induced lipid accumulation in HepG2 cells . Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal .2018 ;(26):1178-1184

27. 2017 Chien YW,Peng HC,Chen YL,Pai MH,Wang HY,Chuang HL, Yang SC. Different Dietary Proportions of Fish Oil Regulate Inflammatory Factors but Do Not Change Intestinal Tight Junction ZO-1 Expression in Ethanol-Fed Rats. . Mediators of inflammation .2017 ;(2017):1-11

28. 2016 Liou CJ,Lai YR,Chen YL,Chang YH,Li ZY,Huang WC. Matrine Attenuates COX-2 and ICAM-1 Expressions in Human Lung Epithelial Cells and Prevents Acute Lung Injury in LPS-Induced Mice. . Mediators of inflammation .2016 ;(2016):1-12

29. 2016 Huang WC,Tu RS,Chen YL,Tsai YY,Line CH,Liou CJ. Conjugated linoleic acids suppress inflammatory response and ICAM-1 expression through inhibition of NF-κB and MAPK signaling in human bronchial epithelial cells. . Food & Function .2016 ;(2016):2025-2033

30. 2016 Chen JR,Chen YL,Peng HC,Lu YA,Chuang HL,Chang HY, Wang HY, Su YJ, Yang SC. Fish Oil Reduces Hepatic Injury by Maintaining Normal Intestinal Permeability and Microbiota in Chronic Ethanol-Fed Rats. . Gastroenterology Research and Practice .2016 ;( 2016):1-10

31. 2016 Chen YL,Liao FH,Lin SH,Chien YW. A Prebiotic Formula Improves the Gastrointestinal Bacterial Flora in Toddlers. . Gastroenterology Research and Practice .2016 ;(2016):1-6

32. 2016 Chien YW,Chen YL,Peng HC,Hu JT,Yang SS,Yang SC. Impaired homocysteine metabolism in patients with alcoholic liver disease in Taiwan. . Alcohol .2016 ;(54):33-37


113 以腸-肝-肌軸探討給予富含GABA米糠發酵物補充對cafeteria飲食誘導大鼠非酒精性脂肪肝疾病之預防及治療效果(1/2)

110 以肝-腸-腦軸之觀點探討抹茶對於Cafeteria飲食誘導大鼠非酒精性脂肪肝疾病脂質代謝、氧化壓力及發炎反應之影響

109 探討台灣型式Cafeteria飲食誘導大鼠非酒精性脂肪肝臟疾病肝臟及腸道損傷現象

108 新聘教師研究補助