李宜達(Lee, I-Ta) 副教授

現   職
牙醫學系 副教授


學 歷

長庚大學生物醫學研究所生理暨藥理學組 博士
國立陽明大學解剖學暨細胞生物學研究所 碩士
輔仁大學生命科學系 學士




2022/08/01 ~ 2023/02/06




Pharmacology and Toxicology
Cell Biology and Anatomy



1. 2024 Wu WB,Lee IT,Lin YJ,Wang SY,Hsiao LD,Yang CM. Silica nanoparticles shed light on intriguing cellular pathways in human tracheal smooth muscle cells: revealing COX-2/PGE2 production through the EGFR/Pyk2 signaling axis . Biomedicines .2024 ;(12):107

2. 2024 Lee IT,Yang CC ,Yang CM. Harnessing peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma agonists to induce heme oxygenase-1: a promising approach for pulmonary inflammatory disorders . Cell Communication and Signaling .2024 ;(22):125

3. 2024 Feng SW,Lin WC,Lee IT,Luo SD,Wang CS. Ribonucleic acid sequencing reveals the upregulation and resolution of inflammation and extracellular matrix remodeling in lidocaine-treated human acute monocytic leukemia cell line THP-1 . Biomedicines .2024 ;(12):509

4. 2024 Huang TH,Chen JY,Suo WH,Shao WR, Huang CY,Li MT, Li YY, Li YH, Liang EL, Chen YH, Lee IT . Unlocking the future of periodontal regeneration: an interdisciplinary approach to tissue engineering and advanced therapeutics . Biomedicines .2024 ;(12):1090

5. 2024 Vo TTT,Peng TY,Nguyen TH,Bui TNH,Wang CS,Lee WJ, Chen YL, Wu YC, Lee IT. The crosstalk between copper-induced oxidative stress and cuproptosis: a novel potential anticancer paradigm . Cell Communication and Signaling .2024 ;(22):353

6. 2024 Liang HY,Lee WK,Hsu JT,Shih JY,Ma TL,Vo TTT, Lee CW, Cheng MT, Lee IT. Polycaprolactone in bone tissue engineering: A comprehensive review of innovations in scaffold fabrication and surface modifications . Journal of Functional Biomaterials .2024 ;(15):243

7. 2024 Li JH,Hsin PY,Hsiao YC ,Chen BJ,Zhuang ZY,Lee CW, Lee WJ, Vo TTT, Tseng CF, Tseng SF, Lee IT . A narrative review: Repurposing metformin as a potential therapeutic agent for oral cancer . Cancers .2024 ;(16):3017

8. 2024 Lee TL,Shen WC,Chen YC,Lai TC,Lin SR,Lin SW, Yu IS, Yeh YH, Li TK, Lee IT, Lee CW, Chen YL. Mir221- and Mir222-enriched adsc-exosomes mitigate PM exposure-exacerbated cardiac ischemia-reperfusion injury through the modulation of the BNIP3-MAP1LC3B-BBC3/PUMA pathway . Autophagy .2024

9. 2024 Tseng CF,Lee IT,Wu SH,Chen HM,Mine Y,Peng TY, Kok SH. Effects of handheld nonthermal plasma on the biological responses, mineralization, and inflammatory reactions of polyaryletherketone implant materials . Journal of Dental Sciences .2024 ;(19):2018-2026

10. 2023 Lee PC,Peng TY,Ma TL,Chiang KY,Mine Y,Lee IT, Yu CC, Chen SF, Yu JH. Effect of various airborne particle abrasion conditions on bonding between polyether-ether-ketone (PEEK) and dental resin cement . Polymers .2023 ;(15):2114

11. 2023 Chen PC,Su BC,Ma TL,Hong YC,Chen YW,Vo TTT, Wu LY, Peng TY, Wang CS, Lee IT. Enhancement of anticancer effects by combining 5-fluorouracil with refametinib in human oral squamous cell carcinoma cell line . Applied Sciences .2023 ;(13):4340

12. 2023 Peng TY,Ma TL,Lee IT,Wu SH,Mine Y,Lin CC. Enhancing dental cement bond strength with autofocus-laser-cutter-generated grooves on polyetheretherketone surfaces . Polymers .2023 ;(15):3670

13. 2023 You JR,Chen YT,Hsieh CY,Chen SY,Lin TY,Shih JS, Chen GT, Feng SW, Peng TY, Wu CY, Lee IT. Exploring possible diagnostic precancerous biomarkers for oral submucous fibrosis: A narrative review . Cancers .2023 ;(15):4812

14. 2023 Lin YJ,Yang CC,Lee IT,Wu WB,Lin CC,Hsiao LD, Yang CM. Reactive oxygen species-dependent activation of EGFR/Akt/p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase and JNK1/2/FoxO1 and AP-1 pathways in human pulmonary alveolar epithelial cells leads to up-regulation of COX-2/PGE2 induced by silica nanoparticles . Biomedicines .2023 ;(11):2628

15. 2023 Yang CC,Lee IT,Lin YJ,Wu WB,Hsiao LD,Yang CM. Thrombin-induced COX-2 expression and PGE2 synthesis in human tracheal smooth muscle cells: role of PKCdelta/Pyk2-dependent AP-1 pathway modulation . International Journal of Molecular Sciences .2023 ;(24):15130

16. 2023 Lin EC,Chiang YC,Lin HY,Tseng SY,Hsieh YT,Shieh JA, Huang YH, Tsai HT, Feng SW, Peng TY, Lee IT. Unraveling the link between periodontitis and coronavirus disease 2019: exploring pathogenic pathways and clinical implications . Biomedicines .2023 ;(11):2789

17. 2023 Lee ES,Tsai MC,Lee JX,Wong C,Cheng YN,Liu AC, Liang YF, Fang CY, Wu CY, Lee IT. Bisphosphonates and their connection to dental procedures: exploring bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaws . Cancers .2023 ;(15):5366

18. 2023 Fan-Chiang YS,Chou PC,Hsiao YW,Cheng YH,Huang Y,Chiu YC, Lin YJ, Mine Y, Feng SW, Lee IT, Peng TY. Optimizing dental bond strength: insights from comprehensive literature review and future implications for clinical practice . Biomedicines .2023 ;(11):2995

19. 2023 Yang CM,Lee IT,Hsiao LD,Yu ZY,Yang CC. Rhamnetin prevents bradykinin-induced expression of matrix metalloproteinase-9 in rat brain astrocytes by suppressing protein kinase-dependent AP-1 activation . Biomedicines .2023 ;(11):3198

20. 2023 Kang CM,Huang YW,Wu SH,Mine Y,Lee IT,Peng TY. Evaluation of shade correspondence between high-translucency pre-colored zirconia and shade tab by considering the influence of cement shade and substrate materials . Heliyon .2023 ;(9):e23046

21. 2023 Chen C,Chang CC,Lee IT,Huang CY,Lin FY,Lin SJ, Chen JW, Chang TT. High-density lipoprotein protects vascular endothelial cells from indoxyl sulfate insults through its antioxidant ability . Cell Cycle .2023 ;(22):2409-2423

22. 2023 Vo TTT,Wee Y,Cheng HC,Wu CZ,Chen YL,Tuan VP, Liu JF, Lin WN, Lee IT. Surfactin induces autophagy, apoptosis, and cell cycle arrest in human oral squamous cell carcinoma . Oral Diseases .2023 ;(29):528-541

23. 2022 Chen YC,Sung HC,Chuang TY,Lai TC,Lee TL,Lee CW, Lee IT, Chen YL. Vitamin D3 decreases TNF-alpha-induced inflammation in lung epithelial cells through a reduction in mitochondrial fission and mitophagy . Cell Biology and Toxicology .2022 ;(38):427-450

24. 2022 Vo TTT,Huang HW,Wee Y,Feng SW,Cheng HC,Tuan VP, Lee IT. Surfactin reduces particulate matter-induced VCAM-1-dependent monocyte adhesion in human gingival fibroblasts by increasing Nrf2-dependent HO-1 expression . Journal of Periodontal Research .2022 ;(57):115-130

25. 2022 Hsu CY,Vo TTT,Lee CW,Chen YL,Lin WN,Cheng HC, Vo QC, Lee IT. Carbon monoxide releasing molecule-2 attenuates angiotensin II-induced IL-6/Jak2/Stat3-associated inflammation by inhibiting NADPH oxidase- and mitochondria-derived ROS in human aortic smooth muscle cells . Biochemical Pharmacology .2022 ;(198):114978-114992

26. 2022 Lai TC,Chen YC,Cheng HH,Lee TL,Tsai JS,Lee IT, Peng KT, Lee CW, Hsu LF, Chen YL. Combined exposure to fine particulate matter and high glucose aggravates endothelial damage by increasing inflammation and mitophagy: the involvement of vitamin D . Particle and Fibre Toxicology .2022 ;(19):25

27. 2022 Lee IT,Lin HC,Huang TH,Tseng CN,Cheng HT,Huang WC, Cheng CY. Anti-inflammatory effect of resveratrol derivatives via the downregulation of oxidative-stress-dependent and c-Src transactivation EGFR pathways on rat mesangial cells . Antioxidants .2022 ;(11):835

28. 2022 Cheng CY,Chen YH,Vo TTT,Hong YC,Wang CS,Vo QC, Chou HC, Huang TW, Lee IT . CORM-2 prevents human gingival fibroblasts from lipoteichoic acid-induced VCAM-1 and ICAM-1 expression by inhibiting TLR2/MyD88/TRAF6/PI3K/Akt/ROS/NF-kappaB signaling pathway . Biochemical Pharmacology .2022 ;(201):115099-115112

29. 2022 Chang CC,Sia KC,Chang JF,Lin CM,Yang CM,Lee IT, Vo TTT, Huang KY, Lin WN . Participation of lipopolysaccharide in hyperplasic adipose expansion: involvement of NADPH oxidase/ROS/p42/p44 MAPK-dependent cyclooxygenase-2 . Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine .2022

30. 2022 Vo TTT,Huynh TD,Wang CS,Lai KH,Lin ZC,Lin WN, Chen YL, Peng TY, Wu HC, Lee IT. The potential implications of hydrogen sulfide in aging and age-related diseases through the lens of mitohormesis . Antioxidants .2022 ;(11):1619

31. 2022 Nguyen NBA,Chen LY,El-Shazly M,Peng BR,Su JH,Wu HC, Lee IT, Lai KH. Towards sustainable medicinal resources through marine soft coral aquaculture: insights into the chemical diversity and the biological potential . Marine Drugs .2022 ;(20):640

32. 2021 Chao CC,Lee WF,Yang WH,Lin CY,Han CK,Huang YL, Fong YC, Wu MH, Lee IT, Tsai YH, Tang CH, Liu JF. IGFBP-3 stimulates human osteosarcoma cell migration by upregulating VCAM-1 expression . Life Sciences .2021 ;(265):118758

33. 2021 Lee TZ,Lai TC,Lin SR,Lin SW,Chen YC,Pu CM, Lee IT, Tsai JS, Lee CW, Chen YL . Conditioned medium from adipose-derived stem cells attenuates ischemia/reperfusion-induced cardiac injury through the microRNA-221/222/PUMA/ETS-1 pathway . Theranostics .2021 ;(11):3131-3149

34. 2021 Chen JY,Peng SY,Cheng YH,Lee IT,Yu YH. Effect of forskolin on body weight, glucose metabolism, and adipocyte size of diet-induced obesity in mice . Animals .2021 ;(11):645

35. 2021 Vo TTT,Lee CW,Chiang YC,Chen YW,Yu YH,Tuan VP, Wu CZ, Lee IT. Protective mechanisms of Taiwanese green propolis toward high glucose-induced inflammation via NLRP3 inflammasome signaling pathway in human gingival fibroblasts . Journal of Periodontal Research .2021 ;(56):804-818

36. 2021 Ou TT,Chuang CM,Leung YM,Lee IT,Wu CH. Paeoniflorin attenuates oxidative stress injury and improves mitochondrial membrane potential in human EA.hy926 endothelial cell through p-eIF2alpha and CHOP signaling . Journal of Functional Foods .2021 ;(86):104676

37. 2021 Vo TTT,Wee Y,Chen YL,Cheng HC,Tuan VP,Lee IT. Surfactin attenuates particulate matter-induced COX-2-dependent PGE2 production in human gingival fibroblasts by inhibiting TLR2 and TLR4/MyD88/NADPH oxidase/ROS/PI3K/Akt/NF-kappaB signaling pathway . Journal of Periodontal Research .2021 ;(56):1185-1199

38. 2021 Vo TTT,Vo QC,Tuan VP,Wee Y,Cheng HC,Lee IT. The potentials of carbon monoxide-releasing molecules in cancer treatment: an outlook from ROS biology and medicine . Redox Biology .2021 ;(46):102124

39. 2021 Lee CW,Vo TTT,Wee Y,Chiang YC,Chi MC,Chen ML, Hsu LF, Fang ML, Lee KH, Guo SE, Cheng HC, Lee IT. The adverse impact of incense smoke on human health: from mechanisms to implications . Journal of Inflammation Research .2021 ;(14):5451-5472

40. 2021 Vo TTT,Hsu CY,Wee Y,Chen YL,Cheng HC,Wu CZ, Lin WN, Lee IT. Carbon monoxide-releasing molecule-2 ameliorates particulate matter-induced aorta inflammation via Toll-like receptor/NADPH oxidase/ROS/NF-kappaB/IL-6 inhibition . Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity .2021 ;(2021):2855042

41. 2020 Vo TTT,Chu PM,Tuan VP,Te JS,Lee IT. The promising role of antioxidant phytochemicals in the prevention and treatment of periodontal disease via the inhibition of oxidative stress pathways: updated insights . Antioxidants .2020 ;(9):1211

42. 2020 Lee CW,Su YH,Chiang YC,Lee IT,Li SY,Lee HC, Hsu LF, Yan YL, Li HY, Chen MC, Peng KT, Lai CH. Glycofullerenes inhibit particulate matter induced inflammation and loss of barrier proteins in HaCaT human keratinocytes . Biomolecules .2020 ;(10):514

43. 2020 Tsai MH,Chi MC,Hsu JF,Lee IT,Lin KM,Fang ML, Lee MH, Lee CW, Liu JF . Urban particulate matter enhances ROS/IL-6/COX-II production by inhibiting MicroRNA-137 in synovial fibroblast of rheumatoid arthritis . Cells .2020 ;(9):1378

44. 2020 Cheng CY,Vo TTT,Lin WN,Huang HW,Chuang CC,Chu PM, Lee IT. Nrf2/HO-1 partially regulates cytoprotective effects of carbon monoxide against urban particulate matter-induced inflammatory responses in oral keratinocytes . Cytokine .2020 ;(133):155185

45. 2020 Vo TTT,Lee CW,Wu CZ,Liu JF,Lin WN,Chen YL, Hsu LF, Tsai MH, Lee IT. Surfactin from Bacillus subtilis attenuates ambient air particulate matter-promoted human oral cancer cells metastatic potential . Journal of Cancer .2020 ;(11):6038-6049

46. 2020 Lee CW,Vo TTT,Wu CZ,Chi MC,Lin CM,Fang ML, Lee IT. The inducible role of ambient particulate matter in cancer progression via oxidative stress-mediated reactive oxygen species pathways: a recent perception . Cancers .2020 ;(12):E2505

47. 2020 Vo TTT,Liu JF,Wu CZ,Lin WN,Chen YL,Lee IT. Surfactin from Bacillus subtilis induces apoptosis in human oral squamous cell carcinoma through ROS-regulated mitochondrial pathway . Journal of Cancer .2020 ;(11):7253-7263

48. 2020 Vo TTT,Wu CZ,Lee IT. Potential effects of noxious chemical-containing fine particulate matter on oral health through reactive oxygen species-mediated oxidative stress: promising clues . Biochemical Pharmacology .2020 ;(182):114286

49. 2019 Hsu PS,Lin CM,Chang JF,Wu CS,Sia KC,Lee IT, Huang KY, Lin WN. Participation of NADPH oxidase-related reactive oxygen species in leptin-promoted pulmonary inflammation: regulation of cPLA2alpha and COX-2 expression . International Journal of Molecular Sciences .2019 ;(20):1078

50. 2019 Lee CW,Chi MC,Hsu LF,Yang CM,Hsu TH,Chuang CC, Lin WN, Chu PM, Lee IT. Carbon monoxide releasing molecule-2 protects against particulate matter-induced lung inflammation by inhibiting TLR2 and 4/ROS/NLRP3 inflammasome activation . Molecular Immunology .2019 ;(112):163-174

51. 2019 Lee CW,Chi MC,Peng KT,Chiang YC,Hsu LF,Yan YL, Li HY, Chen MC, Lee IT, Lai CH. Water-soluble fullerenol C60(OH)36 toward effective anti-air pollution induced by urban particulate matter in HaCaT cell . International Journal of Molecular Sciences .2019 ;(20):4259-4278

52. 2019 Chang JF,Yeh JC,Ho CT,Liu SH,Hsieh CY,Wang TM, Chang SW, Lee IT, Huang KY, Wang JY, Lin WN . Targeting ROS and cPLA2/COX2 expressions ameliorated renal damage in obese mice with endotoxemia . International Journal of Molecular Sciences .2019 ;(20):4393

53. 2019 Lee IT,Lin CF,Huang YL,Chong KY,Hsieh MF,Huang TH, Cheng CY. Protective mechanisms of resveratrol derivatives against TNF-alpha-induced inflammatory responses in rat mesangial cells . Cytokine .2019 ;(113):380-392

54. 2018 Lee IT,Lin CC,Yang CC,Hsiao LD,Wu MY,Yang CM. Resveratrol attenuates Staphylococcus aureus-induced monocyte adhesion through downregulating PDGFR/AP-1 activation in human lung epithelial cells . International Journal of Molecular Sciences .2018 ;(19):3058-3073

55. 2018 Tsai MH,Wu CH,Lin WN,Cheng CY,Chuang CC,Chang KT, Jiang RS, Hsu JF, Lee IT. Infection with Staphylococcus aureus elicits COX-2/PGE2/IL-6/MMP-9-dependent aorta inflammation via the inhibition of intracellular ROS production . Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy .2018 ;(107):889-900

56. 2018 Tsai MH,Yang CM,Chang KT,Chuang CC,Lin WN,Jiang RS, Wu CH, Lee IT. Carbon monoxide ameliorates Staphylococcus aureus-elicited COX-2/IL-6/MMP-9-dependent human aortic endothelial cell migration and inflammatory responses . Immunology Letters .2018 ;(203):40-49

57. 2018 Lee CW,Wu CH,Chiang YC,Chen YL,Chang KT,Chuang CC, Lee IT. Carbon monoxide releasing molecule-2 attenuates Pseudomonas aeruginosa-induced ROS-dependent ICAM-1 expression in human pulmonary alveolar epithelial cells . Redox Biology .2018 ;(18):93-103

58. 2018 Lee CW,Hsu LF,Lee MH,Lee IT,Liu JF,Chiang YC, Tsai MH. Extracts of Artocarpus communis induce mitochondriaon-associated apoptosis via pro-oxidative activity in human glioblastoma cells . Frontiers in Pharmacology .2018 ;(9):411

59. 2018 Hsu JF,Lai MY,Lee CW,Chu SM,Wu IH,Huang HR, Lee IT, Chiang MC, Fu RH, Tsai MH. Comparison of the incidence, clinical features and outcomes of invasive candidiasis in children and neonates . BMC Infectious Diseases .2018 ;(18):194

60. 2017 Chiang MH,Liang CJ,Liu CW,Pan BJ,Chen WP,Yang YF, Lee IT, Tsai JS, Lee CW, Chen YL. Aliskiren improves ischemia- and oxygen glucose deprivation-induced cardiac injury through activation of autophagy and AMP-activated protein kinase . Frontiers in Pharmacology .2017 ;(8):819

61. 2017 Tsai MH,Hsu LF,Lee CW,Chiang YC,Lee MH,How JM, Wu CM, Huang CL, Lee IT. Resveratrol inhibits urban particulate matter-induced COX-2/PGE2 release in human fibroblast-like synoviocytes via the inhibition of activation of NADPH oxidase/ROS/NF-kappaB . International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology .2017 ;(88):113-123

62. 2017 Liu CW,Sung HC,Lin SR,Wu CW,Lee CW,Lee IT, Yang YF, Yu IS, Lin SW, Chiang MH, Liang CJ, Chen YL. Resveratrol attenuates ICAM-1 expression and monocyte adhesiveness to TNF-alpha-treated endothelial cells: evidence for an anti-inflammatory cascade mediated by the miR-221/222/AMPK/p38/NF-kappaB pathway . Scientific Reports .2017 ;(7):44689

63. 2017 Lai MY,Hsu JF,Chu SM,Wu IH,Huang HR,Lin CC, Lee IT, Chiang MC, Fu RH, Tsai MH. Breakthrough candidemia in children: clinical and microbiological characteristics, therapeutic strategies and impact on outcomes . Future Microbiology .2017 ;(12):695-705

64. 2017 Tsai MH,Lee CW,Hsu LF,Li SY,Chiang YC,Lee MH, Chen CH, Liang HF, How JM, Chang PJ, Wu CM, Lee IT. CO-releasing molecules CORM2 attenuates angiotensin II-induced human aortic smooth muscle cell migration through inhibition of ROS/IL-6 generation and matrix metalloproteinases-9 expression . Redox Biology .2017 ;(12):377-388

65. 2017 Lee CW,Hu SC,Yen FL,Hsu LF,Lee IT,Lin ZC, Tsai MH, Huang CL, Liang CJ, Chiang YC. Magnolol nanoparticles exhibit improved water solubility and suppress TNF-alpha-induced VCAM-1 expression in endothelial cells . Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology .2017 ;(13):255-268

66. 2016 Tsai MH,Lee IT,Chu SM,Lien R,Huang HR,Chiang MC, Fu RH, Hsu JF, Huang YC. Clinical and molecular characteristics of neonatal extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing Gram-negative bacteremia: A 12-year case-control-control study of a referral center in Taiwan . PLOS ONE .2016 ;(11):e0159744

67. 2016 Lee CW,Lin ZC,Hu SC,Chiang YC,Hsu LF,Lin YC, Lee IT, Tsai MH, Fang JY. Urban particulate matter down-regulates filaggrin via COX2 expression/PGE2 production leading to skin barrier dysfunction . Scientific Reports .2016 ;(6):27995

68. 2016 Lee CW,Lin ZC,Hsu LF,Fang JY,Chiang YC,Tsai MH, Lee MH, Li SY, Hu SC, Lee IT, Yen FL. Eupafolin ameliorates COX-2 expression and PGE2 production in particulate pollutants-exposed human keratinocytes through ROS/MAPKs pathways . Journal of Ethnopharmacology .2016 ;(189):300-309

69. 2016 Cho RL,Yang CC,Lee IT,Lin CC,Chi PL,Hsiao LD, Yang CM. Lipopolysaccharide induces ICAM-1 expression via a c-Src/NADPH oxidase/ROS-dependent NF-kappaB pathway in human pulmonary alveolar epithelial cells . American Journal of Physiology-Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology .2016 ;(310):L639-L657

70. 2016 Hu SC,Lee IT,Yen MH,Lin CC,Lee CW,Yen FL. Anti-melanoma activity of Bupleurum chinense, Bupleurum kaoi and nanoparticle formulation of their major bioactive compound saikosaponin-d . Journal of Ethnopharmacology .2016 ;(179):432-442

71. 2016 Tsai MH,Lee CW,Chu SM,Lee IT,Lien R,Huang HR, Chiang MC, Fu RH, Hsu JF, Huang YC. Infectious complications and morbidities after neonatal bloodstream infections: An observational cohort study . Medicine .2016 ;(95):e3078

72. 2015 Hsu CK,Lee IT,Lin CC,Hsiao LD,Yang CM. Sphingosine-1-phosphate mediates COX-2 expression and PGE2 /IL-6 secretion via c-Src-dependent AP-1 activation . Journal of Cellular Physiology .2015 ;(230):702-715

73. 2015 Lee IT,Liu SW,Chi PL,Lin CC,Hsiao LD,Yang CM. TNF-alpha mediates PKCdelta/JNK1/2/c-Jun-dependent monocyte adhesion via ICAM-1 induction in human retinal pigment epithelial cells . PLOS ONE .2015 ;(10):e0117911-e0117924

74. 2015 Lin CC,Lee IT,Hsu CH,Hsu CK,Chi PL,Hsiao LD, Yang CM. Sphingosine-1-phosphate mediates ICAM-1-dependent monocyte adhesion through p38 MAPK and p42/p44 MAPK-dependent Akt activation . PLOS ONE .2015 ;(10):e0118473

75. 2015 Tsai CP,Wang KC,Hwang CS,Lee IT,Lee CT. Incidence, prevalence, and medical expenditures of classical amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in Taiwan, 1999-2008 . Journal of the Formosan Medical Association .2015 ;(114):612-619

76. 2015 Yang CM,Lin CC,Lee IT,Hsu CK,Tai YC,Hsieh HL, Chi PL, Hsiao LD. c-Src-dependent transactivation of EGFR mediates CORM-2-induced HO-1 expression in human tracheal smooth muscle cells . Journal of Cellular Physiology .2015 ;(230):2351-2361

77. 2014 Lin CC,Lee IT,Chi PL,Hsieh HL,Cheng SE,Hsiao LD, Liu CJ, Yang CM. c-Src/Jak2/PDGFR/PKCdelta-dependent MMP-9 induction is required for thrombin-stimulated rat brain astrocytes migration . Molecular Neurobiology .2014 ;(49):658-672

78. 2014 Tsai CL,Chen WC,Lee IT,Chi PL,Cheng SE,Yang CM. c-Src-dependent transactivation of PDGFR contributes to TNF-alpha-induced MMP-9 expression and functional impairment in osteoblasts . Bone .2014 ;(60):186-197

79. 2014 Hsu CK,Lee IT,Lin CC,Hsiao LD,Yang CM. Nox2/ROS-dependent human antigen R translocation contributes to TNF-alpha-induced SOCS-3 expression in human tracheal smooth muscle cells . American Journal of Physiology-Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology .2014 ;(306):L521-L533

80. 2014 Yang CM,Lee IT,Chi PL,Cheng SE,Hsiao LD,Hsu CK. TNF-alpha induces cytosolic phospholipase A2 expression via Jak2/PDGFR-dependent Elk-1/p300 activation in human lung epithelial cells . American Journal of Physiology-Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology .2014 ;(306):L543-L551

81. 2014 Cheng SE,Lee IT,Lin CC,Hsiao LD,Yang CM. Thrombin induces ICAM-1 expression in human lung epithelial cells via c-Src/PDGFR/PI3K/Akt-dependent NF-kappaB/p300 activation . Clinical Science .2014 ;(127):171-183

82. 2014 Chi PL,Liu CJ,Lee IT,Chen YW,Hsiao LD,Yang CM. HO-1 induction by CO-RM2 attenuates TNF-alpha-induced cytosolic phospholipase A2 expression via inhibition of PKCalpha-dependent NADPH oxidase/ROS and NF-kappaB . Mediators of Inflammation .2014 ;(2014):279171

83. 2014 Lee IT,Lin CC,Hsu CK,Wu MY,Cho RL,Yang CM. Resveratrol inhibits Staphylococcus aureus-induced TLR2/MyD88/NF-kappaB-dependent VCAM-1 expression in human lung epithelial cells . Clinical Science .2014 ;(127):375-390

84. 2013 Lee IT,Lin CC,Wang CH,Cherng WJ,Wang JS,Yang CM. ATP stimulates PGE2/cyclin D1-dependent VSMCs proliferation via STAT3 activation: role of PKCs-dependent NADPH oxidase/ROS generation . Biochemical Pharmacology .2013 ;(85):954-964

85. 2013 Yang CM,Lee IT,Lin CC,Wang CH,Cherng WJ,Hsiao LD. c-Src-dependent MAPKs/AP-1 activation is involved in TNF-alpha-induced matrix metalloproteinase-9 expression in rat heart-derived H9c2 cells . Biochemical Pharmacology .2013 ;(85):1115-1123

86. 2013 Tseng HC,Lee IT,Lin CC,Chi PL,Cheng SE,Shih RH, Hsiao LD, Yang CM. IL-1beta promotes corneal epithelial cell migration by increasing MMP-9 expression through NF-kappaB- and AP-1-dependent pathways . PLOS ONE .2013 ;(8):e57955

87. 2013 Lin CC,Lee IT,Wu WB,Liu CJ,Hsieh HL,Hsiao LD, Yang CC, Yang CM. Thrombin mediates migration of rat brain astrocytes via PLC, Ca2+, CaMKII, PKCalpha, and AP-1-dependent matrix metalloproteinase-9 expression . Molecular Neurobiology .2013 ;(48):616-630

88. 2013 Lee IT,Lin CC,Lin WN,Wu WL,Hsiao LD,Yang CM. Lung inflammation caused by adenosine-5'-triphosphate is mediated via Ca2+/PKCs-dependent COX-2/PGE2 induction . International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology .2013 ;(45):1657-1668

89. 2013 Lee IT,Yang CM. Inflammatory signalings involved in airway and pulmonary diseases . Mediators of Inflammation .2013 ;(2013):791231

90. 2013 Yang CM,Lee IT,Hsu RC,Chi PL,Hsiao LD. NADPH oxidase/ROS-dependent PYK2 activation is involved in TNF-alpha-induced matrix metalloproteinase-9 expression in rat heart-derived H9c2 cells . Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology .2013 ;(272):431-442

91. 2013 Lee IT,Lin CC,Lee CY,Hsieh PW,Yang CM. Protective effects of (-)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate against TNF-alpha-induced lung inflammation via ROS-dependent ICAM-1 inhibition . Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry .2013 ;(24):124-136

92. 2013 Lee CT,Chiu YW,Wang KC,Hwang CS,Lin KH,Lee IT, Tsai CP. Riluzole and prognostic factors in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis long-term and short-term survival: a population-based study of 1149 cases in Taiwan . Journal of Epidemiology .2013 ;(23):35-40

93. 2012 Lee IT,Shih RH,Lin CC,Chen JT,Yang CM. Role of TLR4/NADPH oxidase/ROS-activated p38 MAPK in VCAM-1 expression induced by lipopolysaccharide in human renal mesangial cells . Cell Communication and Signaling .2012 ;(10):33

94. 2012 Yang CM,Lin CC,Lee IT,Lin YH,Yang CM,Chen WJ, Jou MJ, Hsiao LD. Japanese encephalitis virus induces matrix metalloproteinase-9 expression via a ROS/c-Src/PDGFR/PI3K/Akt/MAPKs-dependent AP-1 pathway in rat brain astrocytes . Journal of Neuroinflammation .2012 ;(9):12

95. 2012 Lee IT,Yang CM. Role of NADPH oxidase/ROS in pro-inflammatory mediators-induced airway and pulmonary diseases . Biochemical Pharmacology .2012 ;(84):581-590

96. 2012 Lin CC,Lee IT,Wu WL,Lin WN,Yang CM. Adenosine triphosphate regulates NADPH oxidase activity leading to hydrogen peroxide production and COX-2/PGE2 expression in A549 cells . American Journal of Physiology-Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology .2012 ;(303):L401-L412

97. 2011 Tung WH,Hsieh HL,Lee IT,Yang CM. Enterovirus 71 modulates a COX-2/PGE2/cAMP-dependent viral replication in human neuroblastoma cells: role of the c-Src/EGFR/p42/p44 MAPK/CREB signaling pathway . Journal of Cellular Biochemistry .2011 ;(112):559-570

98. 2011 Cheng SE,Lin CC,Lee IT,Hsu CK,Kou YR,Yang CM. Cigarette smoke extract regulates cytosolic phospholipase A2 expression via NADPH oxidase/MAPKs/AP-1 and p300 in human tracheal smooth muscle cells . Journal of Cellular Biochemistry .2011 ;(112):589-599

99. 2011 Tung WH,Hsieh HL,Lee IT,Yang CM. Enterovirus 71 induces integrin beta1/EGFR-Rac1-dependent oxidative stress in SK-N-SH cells: role of HO-1/CO in viral replication . Journal of Cellular Physiology .2011 ;(226):3316-3329

100. 2011 Lee CW,Lin CC,Lee IT,Lee HC,Yang CM. Activation and induction of cytosolic phospholipase A2 by TNF-alpha mediated through Nox2, MAPKs, NF-kappaB, and p300 in human tracheal smooth muscle cells . Journal of Cellular Physiology .2011 ;(226):2103-2114

101. 2011 Chi PL,Luo SF,Hsieh HL,Lee IT,Hsiao LD,Chen YL, Yang CM. Cytosolic phospholipase A2 induction and prostaglandin E2 release by interleukin-1beta via the myeloid differentiation factor 88-dependent pathway and cooperation of p300, Akt, and NF-kappaB activity in human rheumatoid arthritis synovial fibroblasts . Arthritis & Rheumatism .2011 ;(63):2905-2917

102. 2010 Lin CC,Lee IT,Yang YL,Lee CW,Kou YR,Yang CM. Induction of COX-2/PGE2/IL-6 is crucial for cigarette smoke extract-induced airway inflammation: Role of TLR4-dependent NADPH oxidase activation . Free Radical Biology & Medicine .2010 ;(48):240-254

103. 2010 Lee CW,Lee IT,Lin CC,Lee HC,Lin WN,Yang CM. Activation and induction of cytosolic phospholipase A2 by IL‐1beta in human tracheal smooth muscle cells: Role of MAPKs/p300 and NF‐kappaB . Journal of Cellular Biochemistry .2010 ;(109):1045-1056

104. 2010 Lee IT,Lee CW,Tung WH,Wang SW,Lin CC,Shu JC, Yang CM. Cooperation of TLR2 with MyD88, PI3K, and Rac1 in lipoteichoic acid-induced cPLA2/COX-2-dependent airway inflammatory responses . American Journal of Pathology .2010 ;(176):1671-1684

105. 2010 Cheng SE,Lee IT,Lin CC,Kou YR,Yang CM. Cigarette smoke particle-phase extract induces HO-1 expression in human tracheal smooth muscle cells: role of the c-Src/NADPH oxidase/MAPK/Nrf2 signaling pathway . Free Radical Biology & Medicine .2010 ;(48):1410-1422

106. 2010 Tung WH,Lee IT,Hsieh HL,Yang CM. EV71 induces COX-2 expression via c-Src/PDGFR/PI3K/Akt/p42/p44 MAPK/AP-1 and NF-kappaB in rat brain astrocytes . Journal of Cellular Physiology .2010 ;(224):376-386

107. 2010 Lee IT,Lin CC,Wu YC,Yang CM. TNF-alpha induces matrix metalloproteinase-9 expression in A549 cells: role of TNFR1/TRAF2/PKCalpha-dependent signaling pathways . Journal of Cellular Physiology .2010 ;(224):454-464

108. 2010 Shih RH,Lee IT,Hsieh HL,Kou YR,Yang CM. Cigarette smoke extract induces HO-1 expression in mouse cerebral vascular endothelial cells: involvement of c-Src/NADPH oxidase/PDGFR/JAK2/STAT3 pathway . Journal of Cellular Physiology .2010 ;(225):741-750

109. 2010 Tung WH,Tsai HW,Lee IT,Hsieh HL,Chen WJ,Chen YL, Yang CM. Japanese encephalitis virus induces matrix metalloproteinase-9 in rat brain astrocytes via NF-kappaB signalling dependent on MAPKs and reactive oxygen species . British Journal of Pharmacology .2010 ;(161):1566-1583

110. 2009 Cheng SE,Luo SF,Jou MJ,Lin CC,Kou YR,Lee IT, Hsieh HL, Yang CM. Cigarette smoke extract induces cytosolic phospholipase A2 expression via NADPH oxidase, MAPKs, AP-1, and NF-kappaB in human tracheal smooth muscle cells . Free Radical Biology & Medicine .2009 ;(46):948-960

111. 2009 Luo SF,Chang CC,Lee IT,Lee CW,Lin WN,Lin CC, Yang CM. Activation of ROS/NF-kappaB and Ca2+/CaM kinase II are necessary for VCAM-1 induction in IL-1beta-treated human tracheal smooth muscle cells . Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology .2009 ;(237):8-21

112. 2009 Lee IT,Luo SF,Lee CW,Wang SW,Lin CC,Chang CC, Chen YL, Chau LY, Yang CM. Overexpression of HO-1 protects against TNF-alpha-mediated airway inflammation by down-regulation of TNFR1-dependent oxidative stress . American Journal of Pathology .2009 ;(175):519-532

113. 2009 Lin CC,Kuo CT,Cheng CY,Wu CY,Lee CW,Hsieh HL, Lee IT, Yang CM. IL-1beta promotes A549 cell migration via MAPKs/AP-1- and NF-kappaB-dependent matrix metalloproteinase-9 expression . Cellular Signalling .2009 ;(21):1652-1662

114. 2009 Yang CM,Lee IT,Lin CC,Yang YL,Luo SF,Kou YR, Hsiao LD. Cigarette smoke extract induces COX-2 expression via a PKCalpha/c-Src/EGFR, PDGFR/PI3K/Akt/NF-kappaB pathway and p300 in tracheal smooth muscle cells . American Journal of Physiology-Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology .2009 ;(297):L892-L902

115. 2008 Lee CW,Lin CC,Luo SF,Lee HC,Lee IT,Aird WC, Hwang TL, Yang CM. Tumor necrosis factor-alpha enhances neutrophil adhesiveness: induction of vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 via activation of Akt and CaM kinase II and modifications of histone acetyltransferase and histone deacetylase 4 in human tracheal smooth muscle cells . Molecular Pharmacology .2008 ;(73):1454-1464

116. 2008 Luo SF,Lin CC,Chen HC,Lin WN,Lee IT,Lee CW, Hsiao LD, Yang CM. Involvement of MAPKs, NF-kappaB and p300 co-activator in IL-1beta-induced cytosolic phospholipase A2 expression in canine tracheal smooth muscle cells . Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology .2008 ;(232):396-407

117. 2008 Lee IT,Wang SW,Lee CW,Chang CC,Lin CC,Luo SF, Yang CM. Lipoteichoic acid induces HO-1 expression via the TLR2/MyD88/c-Src/NADPH oxidase pathway and Nrf2 in human tracheal smooth muscle cells . Journal of Immunology .2008 ;(181):5098-5110

118. 2007 Lin SJ,Lee IT,Chen YH,Lin FY,Sheu LM,Ku HH, Shiao MS, Chen JW, Chen YL. Salvianolic acid B attenuates MMP-2 and MMP-9 expression in vivo in apolipoprotein-E-deficient mouse aorta and in vitro in LPS-treated human aortic smooth muscle cells . Journal of Cellular Biochemistry .2007 ;(100):372-384

1. 2022 Lee IT. CORM-2 attenuates angiotensin II-induced IL-6/Jak2/Stat3-associated inflammation by inhibiting NADPH oxidase- and mitochondria-derived ROS in human aortic smooth muscle cells . 第36屆生物醫學聯合學術年會 .2022

2. 2022 Lee IT. Surfactin reduces particulate matter-induced VCAM-1-dependent monocyte adhesion in human gingival fibroblasts by increasing Nrf2-dependent HO-1 expression . 第36屆生物醫學聯合學術年會 .2022

3. 2022 Lee IT. 探討免疫抑制點蛋白表現在順鉑抗藥性口腔鱗狀上皮細胞癌之重要性 . 臺北醫學大學110學年度師生聯合學術研究發表會 .2022

4. 2022 Lee IT. 探討頭頸癌中5-FU所促進的PD-L1表現及化療合併免疫療法在治療上的潛力 . 臺北醫學大學110學年度師生聯合學術研究發表會 .2022

5. 2022 Lee IT. 空氣懸浮微粒調控牙科疾病之機轉及其治療方式之探討 . 2022『璀璨三十.薪火相傳』國際學術研討會暨牙技器材博覽會 .2022

6. 2022 Lee IT. 探討頭頸癌中5-FU所促進的PD-L1表現及化療合併免疫療法在治療上的潛力 . 2022『璀璨三十.薪火相傳』國際學術研討會暨牙技器材博覽會 .2022

7. 2022 Lee IT. Surfactin誘導人類口腔鱗狀細胞癌自噬、細胞凋亡和細胞週期停滯 . 2022『璀璨三十.薪火相傳』國際學術研討會暨牙技器材博覽會 .2022

8. 2021 Vo TTT,Lee IT. Surfactin from Bacillus subtilis induces autophagy, apoptosis, and cell cycle arrest in oral squamous cell carcinoma via ROS-dependent ER stress and cell cycle factor regulation . 臺北醫學大學109-02學年度師生聯合學術研究發表會 .2021

9. 2021 Vo TTT,Lee IT. Carbon monoxide releasing molecule-2-liberated carbon monoxide ameliorates particulate matter-induced aorta inflammation via Toll-like receptors/NADPH oxidase/ROS/NF-kappaB/IL-6 inhibition . 臺北醫學大學109-02學年度師生聯合學術研究發表會 .2021

10. 2021 Lee IT. Surfactin from Bacillus subtilis induces apoptosis in human oral squamous cell carcinoma through ROS-regulated mitochondrial pathway . 第35屆生物醫學聯合學術年會 .2021

11. 2020 Vo TTT,Lee IT. Surfactin from Bacillus subtilis attenuates ambient air particulate matter-promoted human oral cancer cells metastatic potential . 臺北醫學大學109學年度師生聯合學術研究發表會 .2020

12. 2020 Vo TTT,Lee IT. Surfactin from Bacillus subtilis induces apoptosis in human oral squamous cell carcinoma through ROS-regulated mitochondrial pathway . 臺北醫學大學109學年度師生聯合學術研究發表會 .2020

13. 2019 Lee IT. Carbon monoxide releasing molecule-2 protects against particulate matter-induced lung inflammation by inhibiting TLR2 and 4/ROS/NLRP3 inflammasome activation . 台灣毒物學學會第一屆墾丁冬令營 .2019

14. 2019 Lee IT. Carbon monoxide releasing molecule-2 protects against particulate matter-induced lung inflammation by inhibiting TLR2 and 4/ROS/NLRP3 inflammasome activation . 第34屆生物醫學聯合學術年會 .2019

15. 2019 Lee IT. Extracts of Artocarpus communis promotes mitochondria-related apoptosis through pro-oxidative activity in glioblastoma cells . 2019 Southeast Asia Symposium of Traditional Medicine .2019

16. 2019 Lee IT. Carbon monoxide releasing molecule-2 attenuates Pseudomonas aeruginosa-induced ROS-dependent ICAM-1 expression in human pulmonary alveolar epithelial cells . 臺北醫學大學107學年度師生聯合學術研究發表會 .2019

17. 2018 Zeng CL,Lee IT. Carbon monoxide releasing molecule-2 inhibits Pseudomonas aeruginosa-induced lung inflammatory responses . 第33屆生物醫學聯合學術年會 .2018

18. 2018 Li SY,Lee IT. Artocarpin induces mitochondria-associated cell death through reactive oxygen species signaling in human glioblastoma cells . 第33屆生物醫學聯合學術年會 .2018

19. 2018 Lee IT. CO-releasing molecules-2 attenuates angiotensin II-induced human aortic smooth muscle cell migration through inhibition of ROS/IL-6 generation and matrix metalloproteinases-9 expression . 第33屆生物醫學聯合學術年會 .2018

20. 2018 How JM,Lee IT. The protective mechanisms of resveratrol on particulate matter-induced COX-2 expression in human fibroblast-like synoviocytes . 第33屆生物醫學聯合學術年會 .2018

21. 2018 Zeng CL,Lee IT. Carbon monoxide releasing molecule-2 inhibits Pseudomonas aeruginosa-induced lung inflammatory responses . 2018年中國醫藥大學暨亞洲大學生物科技研討會 .2018

22. 2018 Lee IT. CO attenuates angiotensin II-induced human aortic smooth muscle cell migration through inhibition of ROS/IL-6 generation and matrix metalloproteinases-9 expression . 2018年中國醫藥大學暨亞洲大學生物科技研討會 .2018

23. 2018 Zeng CL,Lee IT. 一氧化碳釋放分子-2抑制綠膿桿菌所誘發的肺部發炎反應 . 2018年生物醫學國際研討會 .2018

24. 2018 Lee IT. 一氧化碳透過抑制ROS/IL-6產生和基質金屬蛋白酶-9表現來減少血管收縮素II誘導的人主動脈平滑肌細胞移行作用 . 2018年生物醫學國際研討會 .2018

25. 2018 Lee IT. Resveratrol protects against Staphylococcus aureus-induced lung inflammation through reduction of VCAM-1 expression . 第33屆天然藥物國際研討會 .2018

26. 2018 Chuang CC,Lee IT. Infection with Staphylococcus aureus elicits COX-2/PGE2/IL-6/MMP-9-dependent aorta inflammation via the inhibition of intracellular ROS production . 2018 NHRI/IBMS Joint International Conference on Inflammation & Disease .2018

27. 2018 Lee IT. Carbon monoxide releasing molecule-2 attenuates Pseudomonas aeruginosa-induced ROS-dependent ICAM-1 expression in human pulmonary alveolar epithelial cells . 2018 NHRI/IBMS Joint International Conference on Inflammation & Disease .2018

28. 2017 Li SY,Lee IT. Artocarpin induces mitochondria-associated cell death through reactive oxygen species signaling in human glioblastoma cells . 第32屆生物醫學聯合學術年會 .2017

29. 2017 Lee IT. Exogenous carbon monoxide attenuates angiotensin II-induced migration of human aortic smooth muscle cells through inactivation of AT1R/NADPH oxidase/ROS/IL-6/MMP-9 . 第32屆生物醫學聯合學術年會 .2017

30. 2017 How JM,Lee IT. 研究白藜蘆醇對抗細懸浮微粒PM2.5誘發人類滑液膜中纖維母細胞發炎之保護機轉 . 第32屆生物醫學聯合學術年會 .2017

31. 2017 Lee IT. CORM2 attenuates angiotensin II-induced human aortic smooth muscle cell migration through inhibition of ROS/IL-6 generation and matrix metalloproteinases-9 expression . 第十屆生物科技研討會 .2017

32. 2017 Li SY,Lee IT. Artocarpin induces mitochondria-associated cell death through reactive oxygen species signaling in human glioblastoma cells . 第十屆生物科技研討會 .2017

33. 2017 How JM,Lee IT. Resveratrol inhibits urban particulate matter-induced COX-2/PGE2 release in human fibroblast-like synoviocytes via the inhibition of activation of NADPH oxidase/ROS/NF-kappaB . 第十屆生物科技研討會 .2017

34. 2017 Zeng CL,Lee IT. Resveratrol inhibits Staphylococcus aureus-induced TLR2/MyD88/NF-kappaB-dependent VCAM-1 expression in human lung epithelial cells . 第32屆天然藥物研討會 .2017

35. 2017 Li SY,Lee IT. Artocarpin induces mitochondria-associated cell death through reactive oxygen species signaling in human glioblastoma cells . 第32屆天然藥物研討會 .2017

36. 2017 How JM,Lee IT. The protective mechanisms of resveratrol on particulate matter-induced COX-2 expression in human fibroblast-like synoviocytes . 第32屆天然藥物研討會 .2017

37. 2016 Lee IT. 探討麵包樹活性成分artocarpin誘發神經膠質瘤細胞凋亡之抗癌機轉 . 第三十一屆生物醫學聯合學術年會 .2016

38. 2016 Lee IT. 白藜蘆醇對金黃色葡萄球菌引起肺部發炎的保護作用 . 第三十一屆生物醫學聯合學術年會 .2016

39. 2016 How JM,Lee IT. 探討白藜蘆醇減緩空氣污染粒子引發人類風濕性關節炎之滑液膜纖維母細胞表現COX-2之保護機轉 . 第三十一屆生物醫學聯合學術年會 .2016

40. 2016 Li SY,Lee IT. The anticancer mechanisms of Artocarpin-induced apoptosis of glioblastoma cells . 第九屆中國醫藥大學暨亞洲大學生物科技研討會 .2016

41. 2016 Chang CM,Lee IT. ATP stimulates PGE2/cyclin D1-dependent VSMCs proliferation via STAT3 activation . 第九屆中國醫藥大學暨亞洲大學生物科技研討會 .2016

42. 2016 Zeng CL,Lee IT. Resveratrol protects against Staphylococcus aureus-induced lung inflammation through reduction of VCAM-1 expression . 第九屆中國醫藥大學暨亞洲大學生物科技研討會 .2016

43. 2016 How JM,Lee IT. The protective mechanisms of resveratrol on PM2.5-induced COX-2 expression in human rheumatoid arthritis synovial fibroblasts . 第九屆中國醫藥大學暨亞洲大學生物科技研討會 .2016

44. 2016 Wu CM,Lee IT. Thrombin enhances NF-kappaB/p300-dependent ICAM-1 expression in human pulmonary alveolar epithelial cells . 第九屆中國醫藥大學暨亞洲大學生物科技研討會 .2016

45. 2016 Wu CM,Lee IT. Thrombin enhances NF-kappaB/p300-dependent ICAM-1 expression in human pulmonary alveolar epithelial cells . 2016年生物醫學國際研討會 .2016

46. 2016 How JM,Lee IT. The protective mechanisms of resveratrol on PM2.5-induced COX-2 expression in human rheumatoid arthritis synovial fibroblasts . 2016年生物醫學國際研討會 .2016

47. 2016 Li SY,Lee IT. Artocarpin induces mitochondria-associated cell death through reactive oxygen species signaling in human glioblastoma cells . 2016年生物醫學國際研討會 .2016

48. 2016 Zeng CL,Lee IT. LPS induces ICAM-1 expression in human pulmonary alveolar epithelial cells via a TLR4/MyD88/TRAF6/NADPH oxidase-dependent pathway . 2016年生物醫學國際研討會 .2016

49. 2016 Chang CM,Lee IT. ATP stimulates PGE2/cyclin D1-dependent VSMCs proliferation via STAT3 activation . 2016年生物醫學國際研討會 .2016

50. 2016 Wu CM,Lee IT. 白藜蘆醇對金黃色葡萄球菌引起肺部發炎的保護作用 . 2016發炎新知國際研討會 .2016

51. 2016 Lee IT. 探討白藜蘆醇減緩空氣污染粒子引發人類風濕性關節炎之滑液膜纖維母細胞表現COX-2之保護機轉 . 2016發炎新知國際研討會 .2016

52. 2015 How JM,Lee IT. 探討白藜蘆醇減緩空氣污染粒子引發類風濕性關節炎之保護機轉 . 中國醫藥大學104年度暑期科學研習營暨精進學習群成果發表會 .2015

53. 2015 How JM,Lee IT. 探討白藜蘆醇減緩空氣污染粒子引發類風濕性關節炎之保護機轉 . 財團法人健康科學文教基金會第十屆醫學系學生暑期研究計畫研究成果發表會 .2015

54. 2014 Lee IT,Yang CM. Resveratrol inhibits Staphylococcus aureus-induced TLR2/MyD88/NF-kappaB-dependent VCAM-1 expression in human lung epithelial cells . The 29th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Science .2014

55. 2013 Lee IT,Yang CM. ATP stimulates PGE2/cyclin D1-dependent VSMCs proliferation via STAT3 activation: role of PKCs-dependent NADPH oxidase/ROS generation . The 28th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Science .2013

56. 2013 Lee IT,Yang CM. ATP stimulates PGE2/cyclin D1-dependent VSMCs proliferation via STAT3 activation: role of PKCs-dependent NADPH oxidase/ROS generation . Biennial Meeting of Society for Free Radical Research-Asia .2013

57. 2012 Lee IT,Yang CM. Protective effects of (-)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate against TNF-alpha-induced lung inflammation via ROS-dependent ICAM-1 inhibition . The 27th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Science .2012

58. 2010 Lee IT,Yang CM. Induction of COX-2/PGE2/IL-6 is crucial for cigarette smoke extract-induced airway inflammation: Role of TLR4-dependent NADPH oxidase activation . The 25th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Science .2010

59. 2009 Lee IT,Yang CM. Overexpression of HO-1 protects against TNF-alpha-mediated airway inflammation by down-regulation of TNFR1-dependent oxidative stress . The 24th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Science .2009

60. 2009 Lee IT,Yang CM. Overexpression of HO-1 protects against TNF-alpha-mediated airway inflammation by down-regulation of TNFR1-dependent oxidative stress . The American Society for Cell Biology 2009 Annual Meeting .2009

61. 2008 Lee IT,Yang CM. Lipoteichoic acid induces HO-1 expression via the TLR2/MyD88/c-Src/NADPH oxidase pathway and Nrf2 in human tracheal smooth muscle cells . The 23th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Science .2008

62. 2008 Lee IT,Yang CM. Lipoteichoic acid induces HO-1 expression via the TLR2/MyD88/c-Src/NADPH oxidase pathway and Nrf2 in human tracheal smooth muscle cells . Experimental Biology 2008 .2008

63. 2007 Lee IT,Yang CM. Lipoteichoic acid-induced expression of cytosolic phospholipase A2 in human tracheal smooth muscle cells . The 22th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Science .2007

64. 2005 Lee IT,Chen YL. Salvianolic acid B attenuates MMP-2 and MMP-9 expression in vivo in apolipoprotein-E-deficient mouse aorta and in vitro in LPS-treated human aortic smooth muscle cells . The 20th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Science .2005

1. 2016 朱培銘,吳政訓,柯妙華,張綺芬,李宜達,楊美芳, 蔡孟宏, 魏一華. 實用解剖實習指引 . 力大圖書有限公司 .2016


112 Mitochondrial Transplantation: A New Approach for Treating Smoke- Related Oral Diseases

112 粒線體移植技術的開發與應用:針對口腔發炎疾病的治療創新研究計畫

112 優化實驗動物成效管理與數位學習機制計畫

111 探討Myeloperoxidase抑製劑降低空氣懸浮微粒誘發血管內皮功能障礙的細胞保護作用

110 The capacity of exogenous mitochondria in alleviating hypoxia-stimulated OSCC progression

109 探討免疫抑制點蛋白表現在順鉑抗藥性口腔鱗狀上皮細胞癌之重要性

109 探討頭頸癌中5-FU所促進的PD-L1表現及化療合併免疫療法在治療上的潛力

108 新聘教師研究補助