張宜崴(Chang, I-Wei) 助理教授

現   職
病理學科 助理教授


學 歷

義守大學生物技術與化學工程研究所 博士
臺北醫學大學醫學系 學士








Pathology and Forensic Medicine



1. 2024 Tsai CC,Chang YC,Chang IW. Human pulmonary dirofilariasis mimicking a metastatic disease in a cancer patient . Asian J Surg. .2024 ;(74):538-539

2. 2023 Wu HC,Hsieh YR,Wang W,Chang CW,Chang IW,Chen CL, Chang CC, Chang CH, Kao WY, Huang SY. Potential Hepatic Lipid Markers Associated with Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis and Fibrosis in Morbid Obesity Patients . J Clin Med. .2023 ;(12):3730

3. 2023 Ong KH,Hsieh YY,Sun DP,Huang SK,Tian YF,Chou CL, Shiue YL, Joseph K, Chang IW.. Underexpression of Carbamoyl Phosphate Synthetase I as Independent Unfavorable Prognostic Factor in Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma: A Potential Theranostic Biomarker . Diagnostics .2023 ;(13):2296

4. 2022 Yao-Chun Hsu, ,Vithika Suri,Mindie H Nguyen,Yen-Tsung Huang,Chi-Yi Chen,I-Wei Chang, Cheng-Hao Tseng, Chun-Ying Wu, Jaw-Town Lin, David Z Pan, Anuj Gaggar, Ondrej Podlaha. Inhibition of Viral Replication Reduces Transcriptionally Active Distinct Hepatitis B Virus Integrations With Implications on Host Gene Dysregulation . Gastroenterology .2022 ;(162):1160-1170

5. 2022 Wang WL,Chang IW,Moi SH ,Hsu MH ,Chen CJ ,Hsu CT, Wang HP, Lee CT. Assessment of tumor extension to the ductal system of submucosal glands in patients with superficial esophageal squamous neoplasms: Implications for endoscopic resection . J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg .2022 ;(163):1951-1960

6. 2021 Wang WL,Lai HY ,Chang IW. Benign cystic mesothelioma of the liver: A rare hepatic cyst . Surgery .2021 ;(170):e27-e28

7. 2021 Kao WY,Lin YF,Chang IW,Chen CL,Tang JH,Chang CC, Chang YJ, Wang W. Interleukin-2 receptor alpha as a biomarker for nonalcoholic fatty liver disease diagnosis . J Chin Med Assoc . .2021 ;(84):261-266

8. 2021 Wei-Lin Wang,Po-Li Wei ,I-Wei Chang. A Rare Presentation of Lower Abdominal Pain . Gastroenterology .2021 ;(161):e15-e17

9. 2021 I-Wei Chang. Uncommon pathological presentation of colonic biopsy in a patient with inferior mesenteric venous thrombosis . Indian J Pathol Microbiol .2021 ;(64(Supplement)):S102-S103

10. 2021 Chen HY,Gule MF,Chang IW. Melanotic Oncocytic Metaplasia of the Nasopharynx: A Case Report With Review of Literature . Ear Nose Throat J .2021 ;(100):771S-773S

11. 2021 Chen HY,Nguyen TMT,Chang IW. Low-Grade Fibromatosis-Like Spindle Cell Carcinoma of the Breast: a Mimicker of Benign Mesenchymal Tumors . Indian Journal of Surgery .2021 ;(83):535-538

12. 2021 Hsu YC,Chen CY,Chang IW,Chang CY,Wu CY,Lee TY, Wu MS, Bair MJ, Chen JJ, Chen CC, Tseng CH, Tai CM, Huang YT, Ku WH, Mo LR, Lin JT. Once-daily tenofovir disoproxil fumarate in treatment-naive Taiwanese patients with chronic hepatitis B and minimally raised alanine aminotransferase (TORCH-B): a multicentre, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group, randomised trial . The Lancet Infectious Diseases .2021 ;(21):823-833

13. 2020 Chien CW,Lin WC,Chang JH,Kao HL,Chang IW. Synchronous Caplan's syndrome, pulmonary adenocarcinoma and carcinoid tumorle . Pathol Int . .2020 ;(70):906-908

14. 2020 Lai CC,Sheen‐Chen SM,Chang IW,Wang WK. Advanced Burkitt's lymphoma in a man presenting with a breast tumor: A case report . Breast J . .2020 ;(26):2250-2251

15. 2020 Hsieh YC,Lu CY,Chang IW. Uterus-like mass: A rare cystic lesion of small intestine. . Asian Journal of Surgery .2020 ;(43):1031-1032

16. 2020 Kao WY,Chang IW,Chen CL,Su CW,Fang SU,Tang JH, Chang CC, Chang YJ, Wang W. Fibroscan-Based Score to Predict Significant Liver Fibrosis in Morbidly Obese Patients with Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. . Obes Surg. .2020 ;(30):1249-1257

17. 2020 Wen-Lun Wang,I-Wei Chang,Ming-Hung Hsu,Tzu-Haw Chen,Chao-Ming Tseng,Cheng-Hao Tseng, Chi-Ming Tai, Hsiu-Po Wang, Ching-Tai Lee. Risk factors and pathological characteristics for intraductal tumor spread of submucosal gland in early esophageal squamous cell neoplasia . Sci Rep. .2020 ;(10):6860

18. 2019 Chang IW,Gule MF. Human pulmonary dirofilariasis disguising as a lung tumour . Pol J Pathol .2019 ;(69):432-434

19. 2019 Tran VC,Chang IW. Tumoriform pseudoangiomatous stromal hyperplasia presenting as a huge breast mass. . Breast J. .2019 ;(25):994-995

20. 2018 Wang WL,Chang IW,Chen CC,Chang CY,Tseng CH,Tai CM, Lin JT, Wang HP, Lee CT.. Lessons from pathological analysis of recurrent early esophageal squamous cell neoplasia after complete endoscopic radiofrequency ablation. . Endoscopy .2018 ;(50):743-750

21. 2018 Wang WL,Chang IW, Chen CC,Chang CY,Tseng CH,Tai CM, Lin JT, Wang HP, Lee CT. The in vivo tissue effect of endoscopic balloon-based radiofrequency ablation in treating esophageal squamous cell neoplasia. . United European Gastroenterol J. .2018 ;(6):656-661

22. 2018 Tsai CC,Lin CS,Hsu CR ,Chang CM,Chang IW,Lin LW, Hung CH, Wang JL.. Using the Chinese herb Scutellaria barbata against extensively drug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii infections: in vitro and in vivo studies. . BMC Complement Altern Med. .2018

23. 2018 Chang IW,Liu KW,Ragunanan M,He HL,Shiue YL,Yu SC. SERPINB5 Expression: Association with CCRT Response and Prognostic Value in Rectal Cancer. . Int J Med Sci. .2018 ;(15):376-384

24. 2018 Hsu CR,Chang IW,Hsieh PF,Lin TL,Liu PY,Huang CH, Li KT, Wang JT. A Novel Role for the Klebsiella pneumoniae Sap (Sensitivity to Antimicrobial Peptides) Transporter in Intestinal Cell Interactions, Innate Immune Responses, Liver Abscess, and Virulence. . J Infect Dis. .2018

25. 2018 Chang IW,Gule MF. Quiz. What is your diagnosis? . Pol J Pathol. .2018 ;(69):325-326

26. 2017 Wang WL,Chang IW,Chen CC,Chang CY,Mo LR,Lin JT, Wang HP, Lee CT.. A case series on the use of circumferential radiofrequency ablation for early esophageal squamous neoplasias in patients with esophageal varices. . Gastrointest Endosc. .2017 ;(85):322-329

27. 2017 Tian YF,Hsieh PL,Lin CY,Sun DP,Sheu MJ,Yang CC, Lin LC, He HL, Solórzano J, Li CF, Chang IW. High Expression of Aldolase B Confers a Poor Prognosis for Rectal Cancer Patients Receiving Neoadjuvant Chemoradiotherapy. . Journal of Cancer .2017

28. 2017 Lin SC,Chang IW,Hsieh PL,Lin CY,Sun DP,Sheu MJ, Yang CC, Lin LC, He HL, Tian YF. High Immunoreactivity of DUOX2 Is Associated With Poor Response to Preoperative Chemoradiation Therapy and Worse Prognosis in Rectal Cancers. . Journal of Cancer .2017

29. 2016 Chai CY,Zhang Y,Song J,Lin SC,Sun S,Chang IW. VNN1 overexpression is associated with poor response to preoperative chemoradiotherapy and adverse prognosis in patients with rectal cancers. . Am J Transl Res. .2016

30. 2016 Chang IW,Li CF,Lin VC,He HL,Liang PI,Wu WJ, Li CC, Huang CN.. Prognostic Impact of Thrombospodin-2 (THBS2) Overexpression on Patients with Urothelial Carcinomas of Upper Urinary Tracts and Bladders. . J Cancer .2016

31. 2016 Chang IW,Lin VC,Wu WJ,Liang PI,Li WM,Yeh BW, He HL, Liao AC, Chan TC, Li CF. Complement Component 1, s Subcomponent Overexpression is an Independent Poor Prognostic Indicator in Patients with Urothelial Carcinomas of the Upper Urinary Tract and Urinary Bladder. . J Cancer .2016

32. 2016 Chang IW,Wu WJ,Wang YH,Wu TF,Liang PI,He HL, Yeh BW, Li CF.. BCAT1 overexpression is an indicator of poor prognosis in patients with urothelial carcinomas of the upper urinary tract and urinary bladder. . Histopathology .2016 ;(68):520-532

33. 2015 Chang IW,Lin VC,Hung CH,Wang HP,Lin YY,Wu WJ, Huang CN, Li CC, Li WM, Wu JY, Li CF.. GPX2 underexpression indicates poor prognosis in patients with urothelial carcinoma of the upper urinary tract and urinary bladder. . World J Urol. .2015 ;(33):1777-1789

34. 2014 Wang WL,Chang IW,Chang CY,Lin JT,Mo LR,Wang HP, Lee CT.. Circumferential balloon-based radiofrequency ablation for ultralong and extensive flat esophageal squamous neoplasia. . Gastrointest Endosc. .2014 ;(80):1185-1189


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