徐慧娟(Hsu, Hui-Chuan) 教授

現   職
公共衛生學系 教授
公共衛生學院健康平等研究中心 主任


學 歷

國立臺灣大學衛生政策與管理研究所 博士
國立臺灣大學公共衛生研究所 碩士
國立臺灣大學公共衛生學系 學士




2019/01/01 ~




Health Care Management
Public Health and Environmental Medicine
Psychiatry, Gerontology/Geriatrics, and Family Medicine
health policy
health promotion
long term care
Social Gerontology (Sociology of Ageing)



1. 2024 Hsu HC,Chang SC,Liang CY,Ting JR. Intervention to reduce loneliness among older adults in the community: Making friends with volunteers . Geriatrics & Gerontology International .2024 ;(24):240-245

2. 2024 Osawa E,Sasaki Y,Hsu HC,Miura H. Attitudes toward active aging and their association with social determinants and views on older adults in Japan: a cross-sectional study . BMC Geriatrics .2024 ;(24):140-140

3. 2023 建立臺灣高齡友善社區指引 . 護理雜誌 .2023 ;(70):84-94

4. 2023 Pham TTM,Duong TV,Nguyen LTK,Pham KM,Ngyuen MH,Luong TC, Do BN, Le LTH, Nguyen TTP, Le HP, Tran CQ, Nguyen KT, Chan CC, Hsu HC, Bai CH. Association between hypertension and stroke recurrence as modified by pro-oxidant–antioxidant balance: A multi-center study . Nutrients .2023 ;(15):2305-2305

5. 2023 Samodra YL,Hsu HC,Chuang KY,Chunag YC. Family economic trajectories and body mass index in Indonesia: Evidence from the Indonesian Family Life Surveys 2 to 5 . Preventive Medicine Reports .2023 ;(34)

6. 2023 Su YP,Hsu HC,Chao SF. Changes in health and social relationships on loneliness among older adults . Educational Gerontology .2023 ;(50):114-128

7. 2023 Ekadinata N,Hsu HC,Chen YM ,Chuang KY . Effects of social capital on healthcare utilization among older adults in Indonesia . Health Promotion International .2023 ;(38):1-12

8. 2023 Ekadinata N,Hsu HC,Chuang YC,Chao SF. Effects of types and levels of social capital on emotional well‐ being for older people in Indonesia: A longitudinal study . International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry .2023 ;(38)

9. 2022 Wahidatul Oktaviani L,Hsu HC,Chen YC. Gender Differences in Health-Related Behavior Patterns among Older Adults in Indonesia: A Latent Class Analysis . International Journal of Gerontology .2022 ;(16):46-51

10. 2022 Hsu HC,Bai CH. Individual and environmental factors associated with cognitive function in older people: a longitudinal multilevel analysis . BMC Geriatrics .2022 ;(22):243-243

11. 2022 Lin YH,Hsu HC,Bai CH,Wu WC. Dietary Patterns among Older People and the Associations with Social Environment and Individual Factors in Taiwan: A Multilevel Analysis . International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health .2022 ;(19):3982-3982

12. 2022 Ng SI,Lim XJ,Hsu HC,Chou CC. Age-friendliness of city, loneliness and depression moderated by internet use during the COVID-19 pandemic . Health Promotion International .2022

13. 2022 Hsu HC,Chong YS,Osawa E. Comparison of Asian Countries and Age Groups in the Attitudes Towards Active Aging and Impression of Older Adults . Journal of Aging and Social Policy .2022 ;(35):422-439

14. 2022 Oktaviani LW,Hsu HC,Chen YC. Effects of Health-Related Behaviors and Changes on Successful Aging among Indonesian Older People . International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health .2022 ;(19):5952-5952

15. 2022 Hsu HC,Chao SF. Loneliness, loneliness literacy, and change in loneliness during the COVID-19 pandemic among older adults: a cross-sectional study . BMC Geriatrics .2022 ;(22)

16. 2022 Huang JY ,Hsu HC ,Hsiao YL ,Chen FY ,Lo SY ,Chou TY, Liu MF. Developing Indicators of Age-Friendliness in Taiwanese Communities through a Modified Delphi Method . International Journal of Environmenal Research and Public Health .2022 ;(19)

17. 2021 Hsu HC,Bai CH. Social and Built Environments Related to Cognitive Function of Older Adults: A Multi-Level Analysis Study in Taiwan . International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health .2021 ;(18):2820

18. 2021 Ng SI,Lim XJ,Hsu HC. The importance of age‐friendly city on older people’s continuity and life satisfaction . International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health .2021 ;(18):7252-7252

19. 2021 在地老化-從高齡友善社區出發 . 新台北護理期刊 .2021 ;(23):1-12

20. 2020 Mao HY,Hsu HC,Lee SD. Gender differences in related influential factors of regular exercise behavior among people in Taiwan in 2007: A cross-sectional study . PLoS One .2020 ;(15)

21. 2020 Pham TV,Hsu HC,Zaidi A,Chen YM. Active Ageing Index in Vietnam Relative to China, South Korea, Taiwan, and 28 European Union Countries . Research on Aging .2020 ;(9-10):312-325

22. 2020 Chang CY,Hsu HC. Relationship of knowledge and types of attitudes towards people living with dementia . International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health .2020 ;(17)

23. 2020 Hsu HC. Associations of City-Level Active Aging and Age Friendliness with Well-being Among Older Adults Aged 55 and Over in Taiwan . International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health .2020 ;(17):4304-4304

24. 2020 Chiang YH,Hsu HC,Chen CL,Chen CF,Changli SN,Chen YM, Hsu SW. Evaluation of reablement home care: Effects on care attendants, care users, and family caregivers . International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health .2020 ;(17):8784

25. 2020 Hsu HC. Typologies of Loneliness, Isolation and Living Alone are Associated with Psychological Well-being Among Older Adults in Taipei: A Cross-sectional Study . International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health .2020 ;(17):9181-9181

26. 2019 Hsu HC. Age differences in work stress, exhaustion, well-being, and related factors from an ecological perspectiv . International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health .2019 ;(16):50

27. 2019 Lin JY,Hsu HC,Wang JY,Ou-Yang WC. Comparison of the Taiwanese versions of the ACE-III, MMSE, and MoCA for screening mild cognitive impairment among older Taiwanese people . International Journal of Gerontology .2019 ;(13):162-166

28. 2019 Hsu HC,Liang J,Luh DL,Chen CF,Lin LJ. Constructing Taiwan’s Active Aging Index and application for international comparison . Social Indicators Research .2019 ;(146):727-756

29. 2019 Hsu HC,Chen CF. LTC2.0: The 2017 Reform of Home- and Community-Based Care in Taiwan . Health Policy .2019 ;(123):912-916

30. 2019 Hsu HC,Liang J,Luh DL,Chen CF,Wang YW. Social Determinants and Disparities in Active Aging Among Older Taiwanese . International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health .2019 ;(16)

31. 2019 Chang HC,Liang J,Hsu HC,Lin SK,Chang TH,Liu SH. Regular exercise and the trajectory of health-related quality of life among Taiwanese adults: a cohort study analysis 2006-2014 . BMC Public Health .2019 ;(19)

32. 2019 Hsu HC,Chuang SH,Hsu SW,Tung HJ,Chang SC,Lee MM , Wang J Y , Kuo LT , Tseng FY , Po AT. Evaluation of a successful aging promotion intervention program for middle-aged adults in Taiwan . Global Health Promotion .2019 ;(26):81-90

33. 2018 Hsu HC,Kuo T,Lin JP,Hsu WC,Yu CW,Chen YC , Xie WZ , Hsu WC , Hsu YL , Yu MT. A cross-disciplinary successful aging intervention and evaluation: Comparison of person-to-person and digital-assisted approaches . International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health .2018 ;(15)

34. 2018 Chiang YH,Hsu HC. Health outcomes associated with participating in community care centres for older people in Taiwan . Health and Social Care in the Community .2018 ;(27):337-347

35. 2017 Hsu HC,Wang JY,Tung HJ,Hsu SW,Chuang SW. Inequality in Internet use across areas and older adults in Taiwan . Journal of Healthcare Communications .2017 ;(2):55

36. 2017 Hsu HC. Parent-child relationship and filial piety affect parental health and well-being . Sociology and Anthropology .2017 ;(5):404-411

37. 2016 Hsu HC,Chang WC,Chong YS,An JS. Happiness and social determinants across age cohorts in Taiwan . Journal of Health Psychology .2016 ;(21):1828-1839

38. 2016 Hsu HC,Chang WC,Luh DL,Pan LY. Health, healthy lifestyles, and the trajectory of health examinations among the older people . Australasian Journal on Ageing .2016 ;(35):161-166

39. 2016 Lee CY,Hsu HC,Lee CH. Effects of aging simulation program on nurses’ attitude and willingness toward elder care . Taiwan Geriatrics and Gerontology .2016 ;(11):105-115

40. 2016 Hsu HC. 2016年第13屆國際老年聯盟全球研討會活動紀實 . 人口學刊 .2016 ;(53):179-185

41. 2016 Hsu HC. 長期照護財務永續 . 社區發展季刊 .2016 ;(153):105-109

42. 2015 Hsu HC. 活躍老化指標初探 . 長期照護雜誌 .2015 ;(19):109-115

43. 2015 Hsu HC,Chang WC. Reducing the risks of morbidity, disability, and mortality using successful aging strategies . Journal of American Geriatrics Society .2015 ;(63):2426-2428

44. 2015 菸害防制法新制實施後成效分析初探-以平鎮世代資料為例 . 台灣家庭醫學雜誌 .2015 ;(25):138-150

45. 2015 Hsu HC,Chang WC. Reducing the risks of morbidity, disability, and mortality using successful aging strategies . Journal of American Geriatrics Society .2015 ;(63):2426-2428

46. 2015 Luh DL,Hsu HC,Chang WC,Pan LY. Sex differences in smoking behavior trajectory patterns and related factors among older adults in Taiwan . International Journal of Gerontology .2015 ;(9):215-219

47. 2015 Hsu HC. Trajectories of multimorbidity and impacts on successful aging . Experimental Gerontology .2015 ;(66):32-38

48. 2015 Hsu HC,Chang WC. Social connections and happiness among the elder population of Taiwan . Aging & Mental Health .2015 ;(19):1131-1137

49. 2015 Hsu HC,Chang WC. Trajectories of frailty and related factors among the older adults in Taiwan . Experimental Aging Research .2015 ;(41):104-114

50. 2015 Li CL,Hsu HC. Cognitive function and associated factors among older people in Taiwan: Age and sex differences . Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics .2015 ;(60):196-200

51. 2015 Pan LY,Hsu HC,Chang WC,Luh DL. Trajectories of physically activity and risk factors among Taiwanese older adults . International Journal of Behavioral Medicine .2015 ;(22):62-69

52. 2014 Hsu HC. Effects of religiousness on depressive symptoms among the elderly . Clinical Gerontologist .2014 ;(37):446-447

53. 2014 Hsu HC. Relationship between frailty and cognitive function among the older adults in Taiwan . Journal of Frailty & Aging .2014 ;(3):153-157

54. 2014 Chou YL,Hsu HC,Chang Lee SN,Yang HY,Sung YH. Successful aging awareness and retirement preparation in a sample of medical center employees . Chung Shan Medical Journal .2014 ;(25):11-20

55. 2013 Hsu HC. 評論:誠意呷水甜或有情飲水飽? . 台灣公共衛生雜誌 .2013 ;(32):613-613

56. 2013 Hsu HC. 顧客導向之長期照顧:政策與管理議題 . 社區發展季刊 .2013 ;(141):79-85

57. 2013 Hsu WC,Hsu HC. The effects of comorbidities on the trajectory of depressive symptoms among older adults in Taiwan . Journal of Psychosomatic Research .2013 ;(75):414-418

58. 2013 Hsu HC. Effects of physical function trajectories to later long-term care utilization among the Taiwanese elderly . Geriatrics & Gerontology International .2013 ;(13):751-758

59. 2013 Hsu HC,Luh DL,Chang WC,Pan LY. Joint trajectories of multiple health-related behaviors among the elderly . International Journal of Public Health .2013 ;(58):109-120

60. 2013 Chen JZ,Hsu HC,Tung HJ,Pan LY. Effects of health literacy to self efficacy and preventive care utilization among the older adult . Geriatrics and Gerontology International .2013 ;(13):70-76

61. 2012 Hsu HC. Trajectories of life satisfaction and covariates among the older adults in Taiwan . Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics .2012 ;(55):210-216

62. 2012 Hsu HC. Group-based trajectories of depressive symptoms and the predictors in the elderly population . International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry .2012 ;(27):854-862

63. 2012 Hsu HC. 成功老化之生命週期分析 . 人文與社會學刊簡訊 .2012 ;(13):22-28

64. 2012 ,Hsu HC. 中部某醫學中心護理人員對老人態度及照顧意願之探討 . 護理暨健康照護研究 .2012 ;(8):297-305

65. 2012 Liang J,Wang CN,Hsu HC,Xiao X,HS Lin,YH Lin. Social stratification and trajectories of functional status among older Taiwanese . Health and Society .2012 ;(1):17-464

66. 2012 Hsu HC,Jones BL. Multiple trajectories of successful aging of older and younger cohorts . The Gerontologist .2012 ;(52):843-856

67. 2011 Lee LC,Hsu HC. 社會支持對不同性別中年族群預防保健服務利用之探討 . 護理暨健康照護研究 .2011 ;(7):161-171

68. 2011 Lin HW,Hsu HC,Chang MC. Gender differences in the association between stress trajectories and depressive symptoms among the older adults . Journal of Women & Aging .2011 ;(23):233-245

69. 2011 Hsu HC. Impact of morbidity and life events on successful aging . Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health .2011 ;(23):458-469

70. 2011 Hsu HC,Tung HJ. Coping strategies and adaptation for the disabled elderly in Taiwan . Geriatrics and Gerontology International .2011 ;(11):488-495

71. 2010 Hsu HC. Trajectory of life satisfaction, subjective economic status, and successful aging in Taiwan . Social Indicators Research .2010 ;(99):455-468

72. 2010 Liang J,Wang CN,Xiao X,Hsu HC,HS Lin,YH Lin. Trajectory of functional status among older Taiwanese: gender and age variations . Social Science & Medicine .2010 ;(71):1208-1217

73. 2010 Hsu HC,Tung HJ. What makes you good and happy: Effects of internal and external resources to adaptation and psychological well-being for the disabled elderly in Taiwan . Aging & Mental Health .2010 ;(14):851-860

74. 2010 Hsu HC,Wang CH,Chen YC,Chang MC,Wang J. Evaluation of a community-based successful aging intervention program . Educational Gerontology .2010 ;(36):547-572

75. 2010 Hsu HC,Tsai CY,Chang MC,Luh DL. Constructing area-level indicators of successful ageing in Taiwan . Health and Social Care in the Community .2010 ;(18):70-81

76. 2009 Hsu HC,Ting YS, Jiang T W,Chien MC,Chien CH. Autonomy and acceptance of different types of long-term care services . Educational Gerontology .2009 ;(35):945-962

77. 2009 Hsu HC. Physical function trajectories, depressive symptoms, and life satisfaction among the elderly in Taiwan . Aging & Mental Health .2009 ;(13):202-212

78. 2008 Hsu HC,Jang LJ. Risk factors of falling among the elderly in Taiwan: a longitudinal study . Taiwan Geriatrics and Gerontology .2008 ;(3):141-154

79. 2007 Hsu HC. Does social participation by the elderly reduce mortality and cognitive impairment? . Aging & Mental Health .2007 ;(11):699-707

80. 2007 Hsu HC. Gender differences in health-related quality of life among the elderly in Taiwan . Asian Journal of Health and Information Sciences .2007 ;(1):366-376

81. 2007 Hsu HC. Exploring elderly people’s perspective on successful aging in Taiwan . Ageing & Society .2007 ;(27):87-102

82. 2007 Hsu HC,Kung YW,Hung HC,Ho PY,Lin YY,Chen WS. Work stress among nursing home care assistants in Taiwan . International Journal of Nursing Studies .2007 ;(44):736-746

83. 2007 日本長期照護機構參訪心得與建議 . 長期照護雜誌 .2007 ;(11):303-314

84. 2005 醫師工作量相對值及耗用時間之探討-以消化系外科86項處置為例 . 醫護科技學刊 .2005 ;(7):175-186

85. 2005 Hsu HC. Gender disparity of successful aging in Taiwan . Women & Health .2005 ;(42):1-21

86. 2004 Hsu HC,Pwu RF. Too late to quit? Smoking and smoking cessation on morbidity and mortality among the elderly in a longitudinal study . Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences .2004 ;(20):484-491

87. 2004 臺灣老人成功老化與活躍老化現況:多層次分析 . 臺灣社會福利學刊 .2004 ;(3):1-36

88. 2003 Hsu HC,Shyu YI. Implicit Exchanges in Family Caregiving for Frail Elders in Taiwan . Qualitative Health Research .2003 ;(13):1078-1093

89. 2003 成功老化:老年健康的正向觀點 . 社區發展季刊 .2003 ;(103):252-260

90. 2002 長期照護中的家庭照顧政策 . 長期照護雜誌 .2002 ;(6):11-18

91. 2002 健保支付標準與醫師執業耗用資源對牙科服務量之影響 . 台灣衛誌 .2002 ;(21):17-26

92. 2002 探討三種支付標準相對值方法—美國RBRVS、健保局模式、台大台中模式之比較 . 台灣醫界 .2002 ;(45):50-55

93. 2001 Hsu HC,Lew-Ting CY,Wu SC. Age, period, and cohort effects on the attitude toward supporting parents in Taiwan . The Gerontologist .2001 ;(41):716-722

94. 2001 醫院管理指標的性質與應用 . 醫院 .2001 ;(34):29-41

95. 1998 提供社區式家庭支持方案能否減少機構式長期照護服務之使用意願? . 中華公共衛生雜誌 .1998 ;(17):326-336

96. 1998 從長期照護之適當性談個案管理 . 護理雜誌 .1998 ;(45):45-50

97. 1997 長期照護財源籌措 . 護理雜誌 .1997 ;(44):20-24

98. 1997 從文獻檢索看衛生政策與服務之民營化 . 社區發展季刊 .1997 ;(80):103-112

99. 1997 衛生與福利的連結:丹麥與日本老人照護政策比較分析 . 社區發展季刊 .1997 ;(77):180-185

100. 1996 跌倒對社區老人健康生活品質的影響 . 中華公共衛生雜誌 .1996 ;(15):525-532

101. 1996 功能評估在估計臺灣社區老人長期照護需要之應用 . 中華公共衛生雜誌 .1996 ;(16):533-545

102. 1996 長期照護的國際趨勢 . 社區發展季刊 .1996 ;(75):180-192

1. 2023 Hsu HC,Ting JR,Liang CY,Chang SC. Intervention to reduce loneliness for older adults in the community: Making friends by volunteers . 2023 IAGG Asia/Oceania Regional Congress .2023

2. 2023 Hsu HC,Moy FM,Chu CJ. Healthy aging is associated with wellbeing among older people in Taiwan . 2023 IAGG Asia/Oceania Regional Congress .2023

3. 2023 社區共好降低老人孤獨感:不同活動類型之效應 . 2023年台灣公共衛生學會暨學術研討會 .2023

4. 2023 高齡友善與智慧城市和老年人孤獨感的相關性:以臺北市信義區老年人為例 . 2023年台灣公共衛生學會暨學術研討會 .2023

5. 2022 Hsu HC. Lifestyle trajectories predict later cognitive function among older people in Taiwan . Innovation in Aging supplement, Program abstract of The GSA 2023 Annual Scientific Meeting .2022

6. 2022 Ekadinata N,Hsu HC. Associations of Social Capital with Psychological Well-being Among Older Adults: A Longitudinal Analysis . 2022 Annual Conference of British Society of Gerontology .2022

7. 2022 Su YP,Hsu HC. Effects of the changes of health and social support on loneliness among older people . 2022 Annual Conference of British Society of Gerontology .2022

8. 2022 Hsu HC,Chao SF,Su YP. Loneliness and psychological well-being of the institutional older adults during the covid-19 pandemic . 2022 Annual Scientific Meeting of Gerontological Society of America .2022

9. 2022 Hsu HC,Su YP,Hsu J,Chou CC. Association of Dementia Friendliness and Age Friendliness of a City Among Community-based Older Adults: In the case of the Xinyi District, Taipei . 2022 Alzheimer’s Disease International Asia-Pacific Regional Conference .2022

10. 2021 中老年人飲食行為模式與社會環境和個人因子的相關性 . 2021年臺灣老人學學會年會暨學術研討會 .2021

11. 2021 外籍看護工的照顧負荷:失能者、家屬與外籍看護的三方看法 . 2021年臺灣老人學學會年會暨學術研討會 .2021

12. 2021 Oktaviani LW,Hsu HC,Chen YC. Gender Differences in Health-Related Behaviors Among Older Indonesian Adults . 2021職業衛生暨職業醫學國際學術研討會 .2021

13. 2021 Oktaviani LW,Hsu HC,Chen YC. Gender Differences in Health-Related Behavior Among Indonesian Older Adults: A Cross-Sectional Study . 2021 Annual Conference of British Society of Gerontology .2021

14. 2021 Hsu HC,Bai CH. City and Individual factors associated with cognitive function in older adults . 2021 International Society for Quality-of-Life Studies Conference .2021

15. 2021 Hsu HC,Bai CH. Person, Place, and Time Effects on Cognitive Function Among Older People in Taiwan . 2021 Annual Conference of Gerontological Society of America .2021

16. 2021 臺灣中老年人飲食行為模式與社會環境和個人因子的相關性 . 2021年公共衛生學會年會暨學術研討會 .2021

17. 2021 Hsu HC,Bai CH. Place, and Time Effects on Cognitive Function Among Older People in Taiwan . 2021 Annual Conference of Gerontological Society of America .2021

18. 2020 Su CM,Hsu HC. Correlation between active aging and self-rated health among older adults in Taiwan . The 49th Annual Conference of British Society of Gerontology (online conference) .2020

19. 2020 Hsu HC,Chong YS,Osawa E. Attitudes Towards Active Aging and Associations with Age Discrimination and Self-Efficacy in Old Age Life: Country and Cohort Differences in Asia. . 2020 Conference of International Society for Quality-of-Life Studies (virtual conference) .2020

20. 2020 Hsu HC. Loneliness, isolation and living alone associate with psychological wellbeing among older adults in Taipei . 2020 Annual Scientific Meeting of Gerontological Society of America (Online conference) .2020

21. 2020 Hsu HC,Chen CJ,Chou CC,Lin YK. Awareness of Dementia-Friendly Community is Associated with Quality of Life Among the Older Adults: A case from Xinyi District of Taipei, Taiwan . The 34th International Conference of Alzheimer’s Disease International .2020

22. 2020 Lin MJ,Hsu HC. Knowledge, friendliness, and willingness of engagement in caring for people living with dementia among the students in a medical university. . The 34th International Conference of Alzheimer’s Disease International .2020

23. 2020 臺灣中老年人飲食模式與相關因子之關係 . 臺北醫學大學109學年度師生聯合學術研究發表會 .2020

24. 2020 Lisa Wahidatul Oktaviani,Hui-Chuan Hsu,Yi-Chun Chen. Gender differences in health-related behavior among Indonesian older adults: a cross-sectional study . TMU 2020 Teacher and Student Joint Academic Research Symposium .2020

25. 2019 Self-reliance Support Home Care Model: development and evaluation. . Aging and Social Changes 9th Interdisciplinary conference .2019

26. 2019 Chang CY,Hsu HC. An Exploratory Study of Knowledge and Attitude of Friendliness Towards Dementia Among Adults . Aging and Social Changes 9th Interdisciplinary conference .2019

27. 2019 Hsu HC,Liang J,Luh DL,Chen CF,Lin LJ,Wang YW. Disparity of Active Aging in Taiwan: Differences of social determinants in active aging indicators among older adults. . The 11th International Association Gerontology and Geriatrics Asia/Ocenia regional Congress 2019 .2019

28. 2019 Hui-Chuan Hsu. Attitudes towards active aging and associations with elder impression and self-efficacy in old age . The 17th ISQOLS Annual Conference .2019

29. 2019 Hsu HC. Mental health promotions for older adults: micro and macro strategies . The 2nd Global Summit for Mental Health Advocates .2019

30. 2018 長期照護新聞文字探勘:網路媒體與衛福部新聞之初探 . 2018年台灣公共衛生學會年會暨學術研討會 .2018

31. 2018 長照支付新制對居家服務之影響:對居家服務員、服務使用者與家庭照顧者的衝擊 . 2018年台灣公共衛生學會年會暨學術研討會 .2018

32. 2018 Hsu HC,Chen FC. Home- and Community-Based Care Policy Reform in Taiwan. Symposium of “Public Long-Term Care Models in East Asia . Annual Scientific Meeting of Gerontological Society of America .2018

33. 2018 Hsu HC,Lin JP,Kuo T,Hsu WC,Yu CW ,Chen YC , Xie WZ , Hsu WC . A cross-disciplinary successful aging intervention and evaluation: comparison of person-to-person and digital-assisted approaches . Annual Scientific Meeting of Gerontological Society of America .2018

34. 2018 Hsu HC. Discussant of the article “A longitudinal analysis of how perceived discrimination gets under the skin: investigating the gender and racial ethnic differences” by Tse-Chuan Yang. Population, Family and Health: Global Perspectives. . The Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica .2018

35. 2018 Chiang YH,Hsu HC. Outcome of participating in Community Care Centers among the older people in Taiwan. . British Society of Gerontology 47th Annual Conference - Ageing in an Unequal World: Shaping Environments for the 21st Century. .2018

36. 2018 Hsu HC,Liang J,Luh DL,Chen CF. Constructing Taiwan’s Active Aging Index . The 16th International Society of Quality of Life Studies Annual Conference .2018

37. 2018 社區老人社會支持與社會參與和飲食行為及營養的相關性 . 2018亞太醫療管理新紀元學術研討會暨玉山醫務暨健康管理學會會員大會 .2018

38. 2018 Hsu HC. 健康老化政策與心理健康。《高齡社會的政策願景與革新論壇》與談人 . 2018 年臺灣老人學學會年會暨學術研討會「高齡社會的政策願景與服務創新」 .2018

39. 2018 影響中老年人網路使用因素之相關性探討:以台中市社區關懷據點參與者為例 . 2018年臺灣老人學學會年會暨學術研討會 .2018

40. 2018 高齡者之功能性體適能與認知功能之相關性分析 . 2018年臺灣老人學學會年會暨學術研討會 .2018

41. 2017 我國活躍老化之現況與國際比較 . 106年度領航國際活躍老化成果論壇 .2017

42. 2017 Hsu HC. 台灣活躍老化現況與中高齡就業的挑戰 . 「中高齡就業對活躍老化之影響」計畫研討會 .2017

43. 2017 Hsu HC. 「活躍老化主題式資料庫建構與視覺化分析」論壇回應人 . 「2017年台灣公共衛生聯合年會」國民健康署專題討論 .2017

44. 2017 Hsu HC. Associations of working environment and stress with exhaustion and wellbeing . The 2017 International Society for Quality-of-Life Studies annual conference .2017

45. 2017 Tung HJ,Hsu HC,Chuang SH,Hsu SW,Wang JY. Self-rated health and the combinations of self-care disabilities among disabled elders in Taiwan . The 21st IAGG World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics .2017

46. 2017 Hsu HC,Tung HJ,Wang JY,Hsu SW,Chuang SH. Active aging and internet use: Does inequality exist across areas and older adults? . The 21st IAGG World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics .2017

47. 2017 Hsu HC. Parent-child relationship and filial piety affect parental health and well-being . The 21st IAGG World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics .2017

48. 2017 台灣長照2.0簡介 . 兩岸醫療保險改革進展和宏觀發展趨勢研討會 .2017

49. 2017 【長期照顧:理念與政策】論壇評論人 . 「社會福利的在地新方向—人口老化、制度慣性與公民意向的對話」,台灣社會福利學會年會暨國際學術研討會 .2017

50. 2017 老人營養與憂鬱的相關性探討:以彰化縣社區老年人為例 . 玉山醫務暨健康管理學會研討 .2017

51. 2017 老年人友誼與主觀幸福感之相關探討 . 2017玉山醫務暨健康管理學會研討會 .2017

52. 2017 運動與坐式活動與中老年人健康生活品質之相關性探討 . 2017玉山醫務暨健康管理學會研討會 .2017

53. 2017 Mao HY,Hsu HC. Gender Differences in Regular Exercise Behavior And Related Factors Among Taiwanese Adults . The 15th World Congress on Public Health .2017

54. 2017 建構本土性活躍老化指標 . 高齡友善環境監測暨本土性活躍老化指標說明會 .2017

55. 2017 建構本土性活躍老化指標架構(104-107年) . 衛生福利部國民健康署 .2017

56. 2016 奉養父母居住安排偏好的社會變遷 . 台灣社會變遷三十年:台灣社會變遷基本調查第二十七次研討會 .2016

57. 2016 建構本土性活躍老化指標 . 2016台灣公共衛生學會年會學術研討會 .2016

58. 2016 多重慢性病群組軌跡對成功老化的影響 . 2016「人口老化、疾病轉型、與社會發展」學術研討會 .2016

59. 2016 Hsu HC,Wang JY,Tung HJ,Hsu SW,Chuang SH. Effect of a successful aging intervention program on cognitive function . Aging & Society: sixth interdisciplinary conference .2016

60. 2016 Lin JY,Hsu HC,Wan JY. Comparison of different cognitive function scales for screening the mild cognitive impairment among the older Taiwanese people . 2016 International Psychotrgeriatric Association International Congress .2016

61. 2016 Hsu HC,Liang J,Chen CF,Lu DL,Lin JY,Chiou ST. Constructing Taiwan Active Aging Index . International Federation on Ageing 13th Global Conference .2016

62. 2016 Hsu HC, Chang WH. City factors associated with older people’s social participation: an example of Taichung, Taiwan . International Federation on Ageing 13th Global Conference .2016

63. 2016 成功老化與活躍老化:中高齡健康促進策略老人長期照護系列課程研討會-活躍老化與長期照護 . 台灣老人急重症醫學會 .2016

64. 2016 Evaluation of a Successful Aging Promotion Intervention Program" Health, Well-being and Care in Old Age : Policies, Programs and Research . 2nd Annual Conference of the Taiwan Association of Gerontology. .2016

65. 2016 Hsu HC,Chuang SH,Hsu SW,Tung HJ,Chang SC,Lee MM , Wang JY , Kuo LT ,Fseng FY ,Po AT. Evaluation of a Successful Aging Promotion Intervention Program" Health, Well-being and Care in Old Age : Policies, Programs and Research . 2nd Annual Conference of the Taiwan Association of Gerontology .2016

66. 2016 老人對動物治療的認識與接受度 . 2016老人疾病與健康照護國際研討會 .2016

67. 2016 城市因素對老人社會參與之影響 . 2016老人疾病與健康照護 國際研討會 .2016

68. 2016 建構本土性活躍老化指標架構 . 2016台灣人口學會年會暨人口與公共政策學術研討會 .2016

69. 2015 成功老化與活躍老化: 個人-家庭-社區的健康管理策略 . 嘉義市健康管理研討會 .2015

70. 2015 Hsu HC. Effects of social connection on trajectories of health, happiness and wellness for the middle-aged people in Taiwan . International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics Asia/Ocenia Regional Congress 2015 .2015

71. 2015 Hsu HC,Chang WC. Reducing risks for morbidity, disability, and mortality by successful aging strategies . International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics Asia/Ocenia Regional Congress 2015 .2015

72. 2015 Hsu HC. Happiness and social determinants across age cohorts in Taiwan . Culture and Happiness: Positivity of thinking style and well-aging of Korean conference. .2015

73. 2014 Hsu HC,Chang WC. The effect of arthritis on the trajectories of physical function difficulty for older adults . Annual meeting of Gerontological Society of America .2014

74. 2014 Hsu HC. Happiness and social determinants across age cohorts in Taiwan . Annual meeting of Gerontological Society of America .2014

75. 2014 台灣老人的成功老化:社會參與的影響 . 海峽兩岸「應對老齡社會之研究」共識研討會 .2014

76. 2014 中風後心理適應與生活品質之關係 . 2014玉山醫務暨健康管理學會學術研討會 .2014

77. 2013 現金好? 服務好? 以顧客為導向的長期照顧 . 翻滾吧!長照!--建構友善家庭照顧者環境與長照服務網絡中的新視野研討會 .2013

78. 2013 Hsu HC. Reciprocal relationship of frailty and cognitive functioning of the elderly . Annual meeting of Gerontological Society of America .2013

79. 2013 Li CL,Hsu HC. Change of cognitive function and associated factors among older adults in Taiwan . International Psychogeriatric Association the 16th International Congress .2013

80. 2013 Hsu HC. Multiple trajectories of successful aging in Taiwan.Symposium title ‘International Perspectives on Healthy Ageing’ . International Psychogeriatric Association the 16th International Congress .2013

81. 2013 Hsu HC. Multiple trajectories of comorbidities and impacts on successful aging among the Taiwanese elderly . International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics .2013

82. 2013 Hsu HC. Are health examinations used more frequently by healthy elderly? . International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics .2013

83. 2013 Chou YL,Hsu HC. Associations of successful aging awareness with retirement planning . International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics .2013

84. 2013 Luh DL,Hsu HC,Chang WC, Pan LY. Gender differences in smoking behavior among older adults in Taiwan: smoking trajectory patterns and correlates . International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics .2013

85. 2012 Hsu HC. Do Successful Aging Trajectories Predict Later Health Care Utilization? . Annual meeting of Gerontological Society of America .2012

86. 2012 Hsu HC. Effects of NewIncidenceand Cumulative Strokes to Trajectories of Physical Functioning . Annual meeting of Gerontological Society of America .2012

87. 2012 Hsu HC. A collective, supportive, secured and blessed ideal: Successful aging in Taiwan . Well-aging and Culture, 2012 International Conference, SSK Research Team of Well-Aging in Korea .2012

88. 2011 Hsu HC,Jersey Liang. How do trajectories of self-rated health and life satisfaction interface over time? . Annual meeting of Gerontological Society of America .2011

89. 2011 Hsu HC,Luh DL,Chang WC. Multiple trajectories of health behaviors among the men and women Taiwanese elderly . Annual meeting of Gerontological Society of America .2011

90. 2011 Pan LY,Hsu HC,Chang WC. Trajectories of regular exercise and its risk factors among Taiwanese elderly . Annual meeting of Gerontological Society of America .2011

91. 2011 中老年人之健康素養對自我效能與預防保健服務使用的影響 . 玉山醫務暨健康管理學會學術研討會 .2011

92. 2011 某醫學中心醫事及行政人員對成功老化之認知及相關因素探討 . 2012年兩岸健康產業管理創新與展望學術研討會及玉山醫務暨健康管理學會學術研討會暨會員大會 .2011

93. 2010 Hsu HC. The effects of religiousness on physical and mental health among the elderly in Taiwan . Annual meeting of Gerontological Society of America .2010

94. 2010 Hsu HC,Jones BL. Joint trajectories of multiple successful aging indicators of the elderly in Taiwan . Annual meeting of Gerontological Society of America .2010

95. 2009 Hsu HC. Life satisfaction trajectories, economic status and successful aging among Taiwanese elderly . The 41th Asia Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health conference .2009

96. 2009 Hsu HC. Successful aging in Taiwan: Time and place variations . 2009 International Conference of Geriatric Syndrome Studies .2009

97. 2009 Hsu HC,Tung HJ,Hsieh YP. Effect of internal adaptation andexternal resources to psychological well-being for the disabled elderly . The 62th Annual Scientific Meeting of Gerontological Society of America .2009

98. 2009 Ting YS,Hsu HC,Hsieh YP,Tung HJ. Self-management behavior and related factors for the disabled elderly . The 19th International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics World Congress .2009

99. 2009 Hsu PS,Hsu HC, Tung HJ,Hsieh YP. Stress, social support, and coping strategies to depressive symptoms for the disabled institutionalized elderly . The 19th International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics World Congress .2009

100. 2009 Hsu HC. Impact of chronic disease and life events to successful aging . The 19th International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics World Congress .2009

101. 2008 Hsu HC. Does disability affect the possibility of successful aging? Physical function trajectories, depressive symptoms, and life satisfaction among the elderly . The 61th Annual Scientific Meeting of Gerontological Society of America .2008

102. 2008 Hsu HC. Age Integration and its Effect to Social Support and Life Satisfaction . 61th Annual Scientific Meeting of Gerontological Society of America .2008

103. 2008 Relative risk of chronic disease and life events to successful aging . 61th Annual Scientific Meeting of Gerontological Society of America .2008

104. 2008 Hsu HC. Relative risk of chronic disease and life events to successful aging . 61th Annual Scientific Meeting of Gerontological Society of America .2008

105. 2008 Hsu HC. Labor policy and social role for the elderly in Taiwan . 10th Dragon Net Meeting, Sep 27-28 .2008

106. 2008 老人居住安排與社會支持對生活滿意度之影響 . 醫療品質與管理國際研討會 .2008

107. 2008 社區充權與志工推動健康議題活動永續發展之探討 . 醫療品質與管理國際研討會 .2008

108. 2008 社區老人使用送餐服務之需求與付費意願探討 . 醫療品質與管理國際研討會 .2008

109. 2007 由性別分析探討社區之健康內涵與永續推動機制(II),子計畫五:由性別分析探討人口老化社區之健康內涵與永續推動機制(II) . 96年度國科會永續會成果發表會暨研討會 .2007

110. 2007 Hsu HC,Tsay CY,Chen HC. Empowerment and Sustainable Development for Community Volunteers: An Action Research of an Aging Community in Taiwan . 60th Annual Scientific Meeting of Gerontological Society of America .2007

111. 2007 Hsu HC,Ting YS,Jiang TW,Chien CH,Chien MC. Acceptance of Nontraditional Institutional Long-Term Care for the Daycare Users in Taiwan . 60th Annual Scientific Meeting of Gerontological Society of America .2007

112. 2007 Hsu HC,Jiang TW,Ting YS,Chien MC,Chien CH. Autonomy and Acceptance of Nontraditional Long-Term Care Services Among the Older People in Taiwan . 60th Annual Scientific Meeting of Gerontological Society of America .2007

113. 2007 Tsay CY,Hsu HC,Chang MC,Lu DL. The Community-Level Successful Aging Indicators for the Local Government in Taiwan . 60th Annual Scientific Meeting of Gerontological Society of America .2007

114. 2007 Hsu HC,Ting YS,Jiang TW,Chien CH,Chien MC. Acceptance of Nontraditional Institutional Long-Term Care for the Daycare Users in Taiwan . 135th Annual Scientific Meeting of American Public Health Association .2007

115. 2007 Hsu HC,Jiang TW,Ting YS,Chien MC,Chien CH. Autonomy and Acceptance of Nontraditional Long-Term Care Services Among the Older People in Taiwan . 135th Annual Scientific Meeting of American Public Health Association .2007

116. 2007 Tsay CY,Hsu HC,Chang MC,Lu DL. The Community-Level Successful Aging Indicators for the Local Government in Taiwan . 135thAnnual Scientific Meeting of American Public Health Association .2007

117. 2007 Hsu HC. Healthy aging in Taiwan: Longitudinal change, cultural concept, and intervention evaluation . The 8th Asia/Oceania Regional Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics .2007

118. 2007 Chen HC,Hsu HC. Difference of health-related quality of life for the assistive device users and non-users among the disabled people in Taiwan . The 8th Asia/Oceania Regional Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics .2007

119. 2007 Tsay CY,Hsu HC,Chang MC,Lu DL. Constructing the community-level successful aging indicators for the local government in Taiwan . The 8th Asia/Oceania Regional Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics .2007

120. 2007 使用輔具失能者之健康生活品質 . 台灣公共衛生學會、台灣流行病學學會2007年聯合年會 .2007

121. 2007 使用輔具失能者之健康生活品質 . 2007台中市玉山醫務暨健康管理學會學術研討會 .2007

122. 2007 在地老化與新型長期照護服務的使用意願與發展評估 . 2007台中市玉山醫務暨健康管理學會學術研討會 .2007

123. 2006 由性別分析探討社區之健康內涵與永續推動機制(I),子計畫五:由性別分析探討人口老化社區之健康內涵與永續推動機制(I . 95年度國科會永續會成果發表會暨研討會 .2006

124. 2006 Hsu HC,Wang CH, Chen YC,Huang CC,Chou YH,Su LF. Process evaluation of community-based successful aging intervention in Taiwan . 59th Annual meeting of Gerontological Society of America .2006

125. 2006 Hsu HC,Wang CH,Chen YC,Chang MC. Outcome evaluation of community-based successful aging intervention in Taiwan . 59th Annual meeting of Gerontological Society of America .2006

126. 2006 Hsu HC. Exploring the components for a successful aging community: perspective of Taiwanese elderly . 59th Annual meeting of Gerontological Society of America .2006

127. 2006 Hsu HC,Cheng FL. Competence and gender participation of the health-related voluntary groups in aging communities: a preliminary study . 59th Annual meeting of Gerontological Society of America .2006

128. 2006 社區基層醫師參與長期照護之態度、經驗及意願 . 第四屆世界華人地區長期照護研討會 .2006

129. 2006 社區老人社會支持與醫療利用之相關性研究 . 台灣公共衛生學會九十五年會員大會暨學術研討會 .2006

130. 2006 人口老化社區成功老化社區層次指標之建立 . 台灣公共衛生學會九十五年會員大會暨學術研討會 .2006

131. 2006 教育介入對社區老年人營養知識與飲食行為影響之探討 . 台灣公共衛生學會九十五年會員大會暨學術研討會 .2006

132. 2005 學者規劃長照論壇:長期照護研究與政策 . 「打造長照新紀元:現況與願景」研討會 .2005

133. 2005 影響婦女健康的問題及永續發展策略—子計畫五:影響老年婦女健康的問題及永續發展策略之探討(II) . 93年度國科會永續會成果發表會暨研討會 .2005

134. 2005 Hsu HC,Chen YC. Successful aging and diet among the elderly in Taiwan . Asia Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health .2005

135. 2005 Hsu HC. Does engagement in productive activities reduce mortality and cognitive function impairment for the elderly? . Gerontological Society of America .2005

136. 2005 Hsu HC. Exploring concept of successful aging: perspective of Taiwanese elderly . Gerontological Society of America .2005

137. 2005 Hsu HC,Kung YW, Huang HC,Ho PY,Lin YY,Chen WS. Work stress for care assistants of nursing homes in Taiwan . Gerontological Society of America .2005

138. 2005 Hsu HC,Chau YL. Gender and geographic differences of health-related quality of life among the elderly in Taiwan . Gerontological Society of America .2005

139. 2005 Lai CY,Hsu HC. Relationship of participation in productive activities and depression and life satisfaction in Taiwan . Gerontological Society of America .2005

140. 2005 國際老年婦女健康永續發展策略對台灣政策之啟示 . 「影響婦女健康的問題及永續發展策略:國際趨勢」研討會 .2005

141. 2005 社區老人飲食行為及其相關因素之探討—以苗栗縣為例 . 台灣公共衛生學會年會暨學術研討會 .2005

142. 2005 利用身體功能量表推估社區老人物理治療需要:以老人身體活動指標為例 . 台灣公共衛生學會年會暨學術研討會 .2005

143. 2005 老人參與生產力活動情形及相關因素之探討 . 台灣公共衛生學會年會暨學術研討會 .2005

144. 2004 影響婦女健康的問題及永續發展策略—子計畫五:影響老年婦女健康的問題及永續發展策略之探討(I) . 92年度國科會永續會成果發表暨政策與科技政策研討會 .2004

145. 2004 Hsu HC. Gender disparity of successful aging in Taiwan . American Public Health Association .2004

146. 2004 我國嚴重急性呼吸道症候群防治措施之評估 . 台灣公共衛生學會九十三年會員大會暨學術研討會 .2004

147. 2004 台灣六十歲以上老年人健康檢查之相關因素 . 台灣公共衛生學會九十三年會員大會暨學術研討會 .2004

148. 2004 臺灣老人成功老化與活躍老化現況:多層次分析 . 「快樂兒童、活力老人、健康社區—建構台灣社會福利的新願景」國際學術研研討會暨台灣社會福利學會年會 .2004

149. 2003 住院自付費用結構與負擔 . 九十二年期末檢討聯席會議 .2003

150. 2003 以社會連帶意識探討民眾對全民健康保險制度的評價 . 台灣公共衛生學會九十二年會員大會暨學術研討會 .2003

151. 2003 台灣中老年人複向求醫之影響因素探討 . 台灣公共衛生學會九十二年會員大會暨學術研討會 .2003

152. 2003 從媒體內容分析我國SARS防治工作 . 台灣公共衛生學會九十二年會員大會暨學術研討會 .2003

153. 2003 臺中縣衛生保健議題 . 民國九十一年國民健康促進知識、態度與行為調查---縣市衛生保健議題示範研究成果發表會 .2003

154. 2002 Hsu HC. Reciprocal Care Belief of Frail Elders’ Family Caregivers in Taiwan . The Gerontological Society of America's 55th Annual Scientific Meeting .2002

1. 2017 老人營養與憂鬱的相關性探討 . 指導科技部105年度補助大專生計畫 .2017

2. 2016 建構本土性活躍老化指標架構 (104-107年):105年度後續擴充 . 衛生福利部國民健康署 .2016

3. 2016 家庭與社會關係對成功老化軌跡的影響 . 科技部補助專題研究計畫 .2016

4. 2016 老人對動物治療的認識與接受度 . 指導科技部104年度補助大專生計畫 .2016

5. 2016 城市因素對老人社會參與之影響 . 指導科技部104年度補助大專生計畫 .2016

6. 2015 建構本土性活躍老化指標架構 (104-107年)第一年 . 衛生福利部國民健康署 .2015

7. 2015 發展跨領域成功老化促進策略規劃案 . 科技部人文社會科學中心 .2015

8. 2015 成功樂齡計畫 . 新光人壽補助專題研究 .2015

9. 2014 成功樂齡計畫降低照護費用可行性評估產學合作計畫 . 新光人壽 .2014

10. 2014 罹病風險與成功老化:慢性疾病與健康行為對成功老化軌跡的影響 . 行政院國家科學委員會補助專題研究計畫成果報告 .2014

11. 2012 成功老化群組軌跡與健康服務利用之分析 . 行政院國家科學委員會補助專題研究計畫成果報告 .2012

12. 2010 靈性活動與成功老化 . 行政院國家科學委員會補助專題研究計畫 .2010

13. 2009 成功老化世代分析。第47屆國外短期研究人員研究報告書 . 行政院國家科學委員會補助科技人員短期研究計畫 .2009

14. 2009 失能者之成功老化:內在適應與外在資源 . 行政院國家科學委員會補助專題研究計畫成果報告 .2009

15. 2008 成功老化之生命週期分析 . 行政院國家科學委員會補助專題研究計畫成果報告 .2008

16. 2007 在地老化的新型長期照護服務:使用意願與發展評估 . 國科會95年度補助大專學生參與專題研究計畫獎助 .2007

17. 2006 臺灣老人之成功老化:介入計畫與評估 . 行政院國家科學委員會補助專題研究計畫成果報告 .2006

18. 2005 臺灣老人之成功老化研究(II) . 行政院國家科學委員會補助專題研究計畫成果報告 .2005

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6. 2013 第四章、家庭照護 . 長期照護政策與管理 .2013

7. 2013 第十五章、長期照護體系與財務 . 長期照護政策與管理 .2013

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13. 2007 個案管理與長期照護 . 長期照護第一版 .2007


113 認知功能障礙老人和家屬的語音溝通困難、未滿足照護需求與結果(2/3)

112 高齡友善環境與老年人憂鬱及生活品質 的相關性:以台北市信義區老年人為例

112 認知功能障礙老人和家屬的語音溝通困難、未滿足照護需求與結果

111 高齡友善與智慧城市和老年人孤獨感的相關性: 以臺北市信義區老年人為例

111 會議名稱:IAGG Asia-Pacific Regional Congress 2023

110 孤獨、孤立、獨居對老年人心理健康福祉的影響:長期追蹤與防治策略研究

109 社會環境因素對老年人認知功能的影響:人時地的交互作用

108 外籍看護工的照顧負荷:失能者、家屬與外籍看護的三方看法

107 新聘教師研究補助

107 公共衛生系徐教授慧娟於107年12月11日至13日赴日本出席臺日科技合作工作會議

107 大學生對於失智症認知與友善程度評估:以醫學大學學生為例

107 活躍老化的機會或挑戰:從生態系統性觀點探討中高齡者工作之壓力、障礙、健康與福祉