羅爾維(Loh, El-Wui) 副教授

現   職
臨床醫學研究所 副教授


學 歷

倫敦大學精神醫學研究所 博士
國立陽明大學醫事技術學系 學士








EFL Writing



1. 2024 Lai HY,Loh EW,Su CM,Chiang MH,Tam KW. Outcomes of Breast-Conserving Therapy in Patients With Inflammatory Breast Cancer: A Meta-Analysis . J Surg Res .2024 ;(293):458-467

2. 2024 Fan KY,Loh EW,Tam KW. Efficacy of HIFU for the treatment of benign thyroid nodules: a systematic review and meta-analysis . Eur Radiol .2024 ;(34):2310-2322

3. 2024 Tsai MC,Chou YY,Loh EW,Lin AP,Wu HC,Hsiao LS, Chang CL, Chen SF, Ahmedza SH, Tam KW.. Validation of Traditional Chinese Version of Sheffield Profile and Assessment and Referral for Care Questionnaire in Taiwanese Patients . J Chin Med Assoc .2024 ;(87):58-63

4. 2023 Chien YT,Ong JR,Tam KW,Loh EW. Video laryngoscopy and direct laryngoscopy for cardiac arrest: A meta-analysis of clinical studies and trials . Am J Emerg Med .2023

5. 2023 Lai SC,Loh EW,Chiou DI,Hong CT. Efficacy and safety of anti-vascular endothelial growth factor agents on corneal neovascularization: A meta-analysis . World J Clin Cases .2023 ;(11):7337-7349

6. 2022 Chiang SW,Liu HW,Loh EW,Tam KW,Wang JY,Huang WL, Kuan YC. Whey protein supplementation improves postprandial glycemia in persons with type 2 diabetes mellitus: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials . Nutr Res .2022 ;(104):44-54

7. 2022 Loh EW,Tam KW. Reply to letter to editor concerning "tyrosine kinase inhibitors for advanced or metastatic thyroid cancer: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials . Curr Med Res Opin .2022 ;(38):1771

8. 2022 Tai RZ,Loh EW,Tsai JT,Tam KW. Effect of hyaluronic acid on radiotherapy-induced mucocutaneous side effects: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials . Support Care Cancer .2022 ;(30):4845-4855

9. 2022 Lin CY,Chiang CH,Tseng MM,Tam KW,Loh EW. Effects of quetiapine on sleep: A systematic review and meta-analysis of clinical trials . Eur Neuropsychopharmacol .2022 ;(67 ):22-36

10. 2022 Chen PH,Shih CM,Chang CK,Lin CP,Chang YH,YH, Lee, HC, Loh EW. Prediction of the duration to next admission for an acute affective episode in patients with bipolar I disorder . Clin Psychopharmacol Neurosci .2022 ;(Online ahead of print)

11. 2022 Chen R,Chien YC,Kao CM,Jen HJ,Loh EW. Effects of a modified Singh's algorithm care bundle on decannulation success rate in patients with neurological sequelae . Jpn J Nurs Sci .2022 ;(19):e12478

12. 2022 Hu TM,Lee SH,Loh EW. Effectiveness of aromatherapy in intrapartum and postpartum emotional problems among parturient women: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials . Jpn J Nurs Sci .2022 ;(19):e12471

13. 2022 Lu HC,Lin FY,Huang YH,Kao YT,Loh EW. Role of air pollutants in dengue fever incidence: evidence from two southern cities in Taiwan . Pathog Glob Health .2022 ;(Online ahead of print):1-9

14. 2022 Hu TM,Lee SH,Loh EW. Effectiveness of aromatherapy for intrapartum and postpartum emotional problems among parturient women: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials . Jpn J Nurs Sci. 2022 Feb 2:e12471. doi: 10.1111/jjns.12471. .2022

15. 2021 Tam KW,Cheng PL,Loh EW,Chen JT. Reply to Letter to Editor concerning "Effects of preoperative oral carbohydrate on postoperative discomfort in patients undergoing elective surgery: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials" . Langenbecks Arch Surg .2021 ;(406):2565-2566

16. 2021 Lin HW,Loh EW,Shen SC,Tam KW.. Gastrectomy with or without omentectomy for gastric cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis . Surgery .2021 ;(S0039-6060):01091-6

17. 2021 Liu HY,Tam KW,Loh EW,Liu WC, Kuo HC,Li CC, Cherng YG, Chen JT, Tai YH. High-flow nasal oxygenation reduces the risk of desaturation in adults receiving procedural sedation: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials . Perioper Med (Lond) .2021 ;(6):41

18. 2021 Vo NP,Nguyen HS,Loh EW,Tam KW. Vo Efficacy and safety of adjuvant therapy after curative surgery for ampullary carcinoma: A systematic review and meta-analysis . Surgery .2021 ;(170):1205-1214

19. 2021 Chang CT,Hsieh PJ,Lo CH,Lee HC,Tam KW,Loh EW. Effectiveness of N-acetylcysteine in Treating Clinical Symptoms of Substance Abuse and Dependence: A Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials . Clinical Psychopharmacology and Neuroscience .2021 ;(19):282-293

20. 2021 Vo NP,Nguyen HS,Loh EW,Tam KW. Efficacy and safety of adjuvant therapy after curative surgery for ampullary carcinoma: A systematic review and meta-analysis . Surgery .2021 ;(170):1205-1214

21. 2021 Loh EW,Shih HF,Lin CK,Huang TW. Effect of progressive muscle relaxation on postoperative pain, fatigue, and vital signs in patients with head and neck cancers: A randomized controlled trial . Patient Educ Couns .2021

22. 2021 Hung YY,Chou CK,Yang YC,Fu HC,Loh EW,Kang HY. Exosomal let-7e, miR-21-5p, miR-145, miR-146a and miR-155 in Predicting Antidepressants Response in Patients with Major Depressive Disorder . Biomedicines .2021 ;(9):1428

23. 2021 Chen CY,Chiang YC,Kuo TC,Tam KW,Loh EW. Effects of intranasal oxytocin in food intake and craving: A meta-analysis of clinical trials . Clin Nutr .2021 ;(40):5407-5416

24. 2021 Chen YS,Loh EW,Shen SC,Su YH,Tam KW. Efficacy of Fibrin Sealant in Reducing Complication Risk After Bariatric Surgery: a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis . Obes Surg .2021 ;(31):1158-1167

25. 2021 Wang MM,Loh EW,Chou JF,Sung PM,Chou YY, Lin YK, Chen SF, Tam KW. Influence of Shared Decision Making on Decisional Conflict and Regret in Postpartum Mother–Infant Care: A Randomized Controlled Trial . Value in Health .2021 ;(24):1335-1342

26. 2021 Cheng PL,Loh EW,Chen JT,Tam KW. Effects of preoperative oral carbohydrate on postoperative discomfort in patients undergoing elective surgery: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials . Langenbecks Arch Surg .2021 ;( 406):993-1005

27. 2021 Yen YT,Loh EW,Tam KW. Effect and Safety of Peritoneal Lavage for Appendectomy: A Metaanalysis . The Surgion .2021

28. 2021 Huang YH,Chen JH,Loh EW,Chan L,Hong CT. The effect of monoamine oxidase-B inhibitors on the alleviation of depressive symptoms in Parkinson's disease: meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials . Ther Adv Psychopharmacol .2021 ;(11)

29. 2021 Wang CH,Yang SH,Jen HJ,Tsai JC,Lin HK,Loh EW. Preventing Alveolar Osteitis after Molar Extraction using Chlorhexidine Rinse and Gel: A Meta-analysis of RCTs . J Nursing Res .2021 ;(29):e137

30. 2021 Hsueh EJ,Loh EW,Lin JJ,Tam KW. Effects of yoga on improving quality of life in patients with breast cancer: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials . Breast Cancer .2021 ;(28):264-276

31. 2021 Lee TM,Lee KM,Lee CY,Lee HC,Tam KW,Loh EW. Effectiveness of N-acetylcysteine in autism spectrum disorders: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials . Aust N Z J Psychiatry .2021 ;(55):196-206

32. 2021 Lee TM,Loh EW與第一作者同等貢獻,Kuo TC,Tam KW,Lee HC,Wu D. Effects of Ultraviolet and Blue-light filtering on Sleep: A Meta-analysis of Controlled Trials and Studies on Cataract Patients . Eye .2021 ;(35):1629-1636

33. 2020 Chang YT,Shih SL,Loh EW,Tam KW. . Effects of Fibrin Sealant on Seroma Reduction for Patients with Breast Cancer Undergoing Axillary Dissection: Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials . Ann Surg Oncol .2020 ;(27):5286-5295

34. 2020 Lin SC,Tam KW,Yen JY,Lu MC,Chen EY,Kuo YT, Lin WC, Chen SH, Loh EW, Chen SY. The impact of shared decision making with patient decision aids on the rotavirus vaccination rate in children: A randomized controlled trial . Prev Med .2020 ;(141):106244

35. 2020 Yeung M,Loh EW,Tiong TY,Tam KW. Indwelling pleural catheter versus talc pleurodesis for malignant pleural effusion: a meta-analysis . Clin Exp Metastasis .2020 ;(37):541-549

36. 2020 Chen YC,Loh EW,Huang TW. Humanity behind the intention of primary caregiver to choose withdrawing life-sustaining treatment for terminating patients . Patient Educ Couns .2020 ;(103):2477-2482

37. 2020 Huang TW,Cheung DST,Xu X,Loh EW,Lai JH,Su WW, Wu SS, Lin CC. Relationship Between Diurnal Cortisol Profile and Sleep Quality in Patients With Hepatocellular Carcinoma . Biol Res Nurs .2020 ;(22):139-147

38. 2020 Chien CY,Loh EW與第一作者同等貢獻,Lin YK,Huang TW ,Wang YH,Yao MS, Tam KW. Image Quality and Performance Benchmarks in Vehicle and Hospital Mammography . Clin Breast Cancer .2020 ;(20):e358-e365

39. 2019 SF Chen,CH Wang,PT Chan,HW Chiang,TM Hu, KW Tam, EW Loh. Labor pain control by aromatherapy: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials . Women and Birth .2019 ;( 32):327-335

40. 2019 Ling XC,Lu HP,Loh EW,Lin YK,Li YS,Lin CH, Ko YC, Wu MY, Lin YF, Tam KW. A systematic review and meta-analysis of the comparison of performance among step-tip, split-tip, and symmetrical-tip hemodialysis catheters . J Vasc Surg .2019 ;(69):1282-1292

41. 2019 Pang SP,Chen YT,Tam KW,Lin IC,Loh EW. Efficacy of Vectored Thermal Pulsation and Warm Compress Treatments in Meibomian Gland Dysfunction: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials . Cornea .2019 ;(38):690-697

42. 2019 Chen JY,Wang LK,Lin YT,Lan KM,Loh EW,Chen CH, Tam KW.. Comparing short-, long-, and oblique-axis approaches to ultrasound-guided internal jugular venous catheterization: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials . J Trauma Acute Care Surg .2019 ;(86):516-523

43. 2019 Chen C,Loh EW,Kuo KN,Tam KW. The Times they Are a-Changin' - Healthcare 4.0 Is Coming! . J Med Syst .2019 ;(44):40-40

44. 2019 Huang KL,Lin KY,Huang TW,Loh EW,Hua YM,Su HC, Tam KW. Prophylactic management for taxane-induced nail toxicity: A systematic review and meta-analysis . Eur J Cancer Care (Engl) .2019 ;(28):e13118

45. 2019 Ling XC,Lu HP,Loh EW,Lin YK,Li YS,Lin CH, Ko YC, Wu MY, Lin YF, Tam KW. A systematic review and meta-analysis of the comparison of performance among step-tip, split-tip, and symmetrical-tip hemodialysis catheters . J Vasc Surg .2019 ;(69):1282-1292

46. 2019 Huang YH,Chen C,Lee CH,Loh EW,Tam KW. Wound Closure after Thyroid and Parathyroid Surgery: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials . Scand J Surg .2019 ;(108):101-108

47. 2019 Ho YH,Wang YC,Loh EW,Tam KW. Antiseptic efficacies of waterless hand rub, chlorhexidine scrub, and povidone-iodine scrub in surgical settings: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials . J Hosp Infect .2019 ;(101):370-379

48. 2018 Kao Y,Loh EW,Hsu CC,Lin HJ,Huang CC,Chou YY, Lien CC, Tam KW. . Fluid Resuscitation in Patients With Severe Burns: A Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials . Acad Emerg Med .2018 ;(25):320-329

49. 2018 Yu YH,Chao S,Lin YK,Chou YY,Liao HH,Loh EW, Wong CS, Tam KW. The gap between currently available evidence and awareness in clinical practice of wound care: It is the time to shower earlier . Surgery .2018 ;(pii: S0039-6060):30029-1

50. 2018 Chen L,Wu YH,Lee CH,Chen HA,Loh EW,Tam KW. Prophylactic Central Neck Dissection for Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma with Clinically Uninvolved Central Neck Lymph Nodes: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis . World J Surg .2018 ;(42):2846-2857

51. 2018 Chen JY,Feng IJ,Loh EW,Wang LK,Lin CC,Tam KW. Analgesic Effects of Locally Administered Ketorolac-Based Analgesics after Breast Surgery: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials . Clin J Pain .2018 ;(34):577-584

52. 2018 Liu JW,Chen C,Loh EW,Chu CC,Wang MY,Liu JW, Ouyang HJ, Chang YT, Zhuang WZ, Chou CW, Huang DJ, Lee CH, Yen Y, Tam KW. Tyrosine kinase inhibitors for advanced or metastatic thyroid cancer: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials . Current Medical Research and Opinion .2018 ;(34):795-803

53. 2018 Shen Wan Chen ,Lee Chia Hwa ,Loh El Wui ,Hsieh An Tsz ,Chen Lawrence ,Tam KW. Efficacy and Safety of Rituximab for the Treatment of Graves' Orbitopathy: A Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials . Pharmacotherapy .2018 ;(38):503-510

54. 2018 Zeman Tomáš ,Loh El Wui ,Čierný Daniel ,Šerý Omar . Penetration, distribution and brain toxicity of titanium nanoparticles in rodents' body: A review . IET Nanobiotechnology .2018 ;(12):695-700

55. 2018 Wu Jie Ying ,Chang Ya Ting ,Lin Ying Chin ,Lee Chia Hwa ,Loh El Wui . Efficacy and Safety of Lesinurad in Patients with Hyperuricemia Associated with Gout: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials . Pharmacotherapy .2018 ;(38):1106-1119

56. 2018 Huang Y-H ,Chen C ,Lee C-H ,Loh E-W ,Tam K-W . Wound Closure after Thyroid and Parathyroid Surgery: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials . Scandinavian Journal of Surgery .2018

57. 2017 Tsai JC,Lin YK,Huang YJ,Loh EW,Wen HY,Wang CH, Tsai YT, Hsieh WS, Tam KW. Antiseptic Effect of Conventional Povidone-Iodine Scrub, Chlorhexidine Scrub, and Waterless Hand Rub in a Surgical Room: A Randomized Controlled Trial. . Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol .2017 ;(38):417-422

58. 2017 Chan CH,Huang HH,Lin CH,Kuan YC,Loh EW,Lan TH. The Risk of First Onset Stroke in SSRI Exposed Adult Subjects: Survival Analysis and Dissection of Age and Time Effects . J Clin Psychiat .2017 ;(78):e1006-e1012

59. 2016 Chang Yin Yin ,Yu Hsiu Hui ,Loh El Wui ,Chang Li Yin . The efficacy of an in-service education program designed to enhance the effectiveness of physical restraints . The journal of nursing research : JNR .2016 ;(24):79-86

60. 2016 Wang SF,Tseng SP,Loh EW,Wang WH, Li MC,Chen KH,Tsai WC,Lee YM,Cheng HY, Liu FT, Chen YMA, Huang JC. Generation and characterization of new monoclonal antibodies against swine origin 2009 influenza A (H1N1) virus and evaluation of their prophylactic and therapeutic efficacy in a mouse model. . Dev Comp Immunol .2016 ;(pii: S0145-305X):30371-8

61. 2016 Wang Sheng Fan ,Chang Ko ,Loh El Wui ,Wang Wen Hung ,Tseng Sung Pin , Lu PL, Chen YH, Chen YMA, Lu PL, Chen YH, Chen YMA. Consecutive large dengue outbreaks in Taiwan in 2014-2015 . Emerging Microbes and Infections .2016 ;(5)

62. 2015 Chen CF,Chen YF,Chan CH,Lan TH,Loh EW. Common factors associated with choking in psychiatric patients . J Nursing Res .2015 ;(23):94-100

63. 2014 Chen SF,Hu TM ,Lan TH ,Chiu HJ,Sheen LY,Loh EW. Severity of psychosis syndrome and change of metabolic abnormality in chronic schizophrenia patients: Severe negative syndrome may be related to a distinct lipid pathophysiology . European Psychiatry .2014 ;(29):167-171

64. 2014 Lee L.C.,Hu C.C.,Loh E.W.,Hwang S.F.. Factors Affecting the Place of Death Among Hospice Home Care Cancer Patients in Taiwan . American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine .2014 ;(31):300-306

65. 2014 Liu YR,Chang YH, Hu TM,Lan TH, Chiu HJ,Chen SF, Yu YH, Loh EW . Association of the PPAR-γ gene with altered glucose levels and psychosis profile in schizophrenia patients exposed to antipsychotics . Psychiatry Investigation .2014 ;(11):179-185

66. 2014 Chiu HJ,Chou PH,Loh EW,Lan TY,Wu BJ,Chang YY, Liu SZ, Lan TH. Changes in the prescription pattern of antipsychotics for schizophrenic outpatients after the implementation of a global budgeting program. . J Chin Med Assoc. .2014 ;(77):325-332

67. 2014 Chang LC, Loh EW,Tsai YW,Chiou ST,Chen LK. Clinical benefits of smoking cessation in reducing all-cause and disease-specific mortality among older people in Taiwan: A 10-year nationwide retrospective cohort study. . Eur Geriatr Med .2014 ;(5):149-154

68. 2014 Hung Chen Ying ,Wang Kuo Yang ,Wu Tsu Juey ,Hsieh Yu Cheng ,Huang Jin Long , Loh EW,Lin CH. Resistant hypertension, patient characteristics, and risk of stroke . PLoS One .2014 ;(9)


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