吳聲明(Wu, Sheng-Ming) 副教授

現   職
內科學科 副教授


學 歷

長庚大學生物醫學所 博士
國立臺灣大學農化所生化組 碩士
國立海洋大學水產食品系 學士











1. 2023 Chen KY,Kuo HY,Lee KY,Feng PH,Wu SM,Chuang HC, Chen TT, Sun WL, Tseng CH, Liu WT, Cheng WH, Majumdar A, Stettler M, Tsai CY, Ho SC. Associations of the distance-saturation product and low-attenuation area percentage in pulmonary computed tomography with acute exacerbation in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary diseas . Front Med (Lausanne) .2023

2. 2023 Cheng WL,Chang CC,Luo CS,Chen KY,Yeh YK,Zheng JQ, Wu SM. Targeting Lung-Gut Axis for Regulating Pollution Particle-Mediated Inflammation and Metabolic Disorders . Cells. .2023 ;(12(6))

3. 2023 Tsai CY, , , , ,Su CL,Wang YH,Wu SM,Liu WT,Hsu WH, Majumdar A, Stettler M, Chen KY, Lee YT, Hu CJ, Lee KY, Tsuang BJ, Tseng CH. Impact of lifetime air pollution exposure patterns on the risk of chronic disease . Environ Res .2023 ;(229)

4. 2023 Laiman V ,Hsiao TC,Fang YT,Chen YY,Lo YC,Lee KY, Chen TT, Chen KY, Ho SC, Wu SM, Chen JK, Heriyanto DS, Chung KF, Ho KF, Chuang KJ, Chang JH, Chuang HC. Hippo signaling pathway contributes to air pollution exposure-induced emphysema in ageing rats . J Hazard Mater .2023 ;(452)

5. 2023 Su JM,Chen KY,Wu SM,Lee KY,Ho SC. A mobile-based airway clearance care system using deep learning-based vision technology to support personalized home-based pulmonary rehabilitation for COAD patients: Development and usability testing . Digit Health .2023

6. 2023 Chen TT,Lee KY,Chang JH,Chung CL,Tran HM,Manullang A, Ho SC, Chen KY, Tseng CH, Wu SM, Chuang HC.. Prediction value of neutrophil and eosinophil count at risk of COPD exacerbation. . Ann Med. .2023 ;(55(2))

7. 2022 Lee KY,Ho SC,Sun WL,Feng PH,Lin CW,Chen KY, Chuang HC, Tseng CH, Chen TT, Wu SM*. Lnc-IL7R alleviates PM 2.5-mediated cellular senescence and apoptosis through EZH2 recruitment in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease . Cell Biol Toxicol. .2022

8. 2022 Bamodu OA,Wu SM,Feng PH,Sun WL,Lin CW,Chuang HC, Ho SC, Chen KY, Chen TT, Tseng CH, Liu WT, Lee KY. lnc-IL7R Expression Reflects Physiological Pulmonary Function and Its Aberration Is a Putative Indicator of COPD . Biomedicines. .2022 ;(10(4))

9. 2022 Lee KY,Wu SM,Kou HY,Chen KY,Chuang HC,Feng PH, Chung KF, Ito K, Chen TT, Sun WL, Liu WT, Tseng CH, Ho SC. Association of air pollution exposure with exercise-induced oxygen desaturation in COPD . Respir Res. .2022 ;(23(1))

10. 2022 Tran HM,Chen TT,Lu YH,Tsai FJ,Chen KY,Ho SC, Wu CD, Wu SM, Lee YL, Chung KF, Kuo HP, Lee KY, Chuang HC.. Climate-mediated air pollution associated with COPD severity. . Sci Total Environ. .2022 ;(843)

11. 2022 Van Hiep N,Sun WL,Feng PH,Lin CW,Chen KY,Luo CS, Dung LN, Van Quyet H, Wu SM, Lee KY.. Heparin binding epidermal growth factor-like growth factor is a prognostic marker correlated with levels of macrophages infiltrated in lung adenocarcinoma . Front Oncol. .2022 ;(12)

12. 2022 Tsai CY,Wu SM,Kuan YC,Lin YT,Hsu CR,Hsu WH, Liu YS, Majumdar A, Stettler M, Yang CM, Lee KY, Wu D, Lee HC, Wu CJ, Kang JH, Liu WT.. Associations between risk of Alzheimer's disease and obstructive sleep apnea, intermittent hypoxia, and arousal responses: A pilot study . Front Neurol. .2022 ;(13)

13. 2022 Chang JH,Lee YL,Laiman V,Han CL,Jh eng YT, Lee KY, Yeh CT, Kuo HP, Chung KF, Heriyanto DS, Hsiao TC, Wu SM, Ho SC, Chuang KJ, Chuang HC.. Air pollution-regulated E-cadherin mediates contact inhibition of proliferation via the hippo signaling pathways in emphysema . Chem Biol Interact. .2022 ;(351)

14. 2021 Tseng CH,Chen TT,Chan MC,Chen KY,Wu SM,Shih MC, Tu YK. Impact of Comorbidities on Beneficial Effect of Lactated Ringers vs. Saline in Sepsis Patients . Front Med (Lausanne) .2021 ;(8)

15. 2021 Wu SM,Sun WL,Lee KY,Lin CW,Feng PH, Chuang HC, Ho SC, Chen KY, Chen TT, Liu WT, Tseng CH, Bamodu OA.. Determinants of Pulmonary Emphysema Severity in Taiwanese Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: An Integrated Epigenomic and Air Pollutant Analysis . Biomedicines. .2021 ;(9)

16. 2021 Chen KY,Wu SM,Tseng CH,Lee KY,Lin YH,Liu HY, Chien LN. Combination therapies with thiazolidinediones are associated with a lower risk of acute exacerbations in new-onset COPD patients with advanced diabetic mellitus: a cohort-based case-control study . BMC Pulm Med. .2021 ;(21(1))

17. 2021 Chen TT,Wu SM,Chen KY,Tseng CH,Ho SC,Chuang HC, Feng PH, Liu WT, Han CL, Huang EW, Yeh YK, Lee KY. Suppressor of variegation 3-9 homologue 1 impairment and neutrophil-skewed systemic inflammation are associated with comorbidities in COPD . BMC Pulm Med. .2021 ;(21(1))

18. 2021 Chen XY,Feng PH,Han CL,Jheng YT,Wu CD,Chou HC, Chen YY, Wu SM, Lee KY, Kuo HP, Chung KF, Hsiao TC, Chen KY, Ho SC, Chang TY, Chuang HC. Alveolar epithelial inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor heavy chain 4 deficiency associated with senescence-regulated apoptosis by air pollution . Environ Pollut. .2021 ;(278)

19. 2021 Chao YC,Lee KY,Wu SM,Kuo DY,Shueng PW,Lin CW. Melatonin Downregulates PD-L1 Expression and Modulates Tumor Immunity in KRAS-Mutant Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer . Int J Mol Sci. .2021 ;(22(11))

20. 2021 Chen KY,Tseng CH,Feng PH,Sun WL,Ho SC, Lin CW, Van Hiep N, Luo CS, Tseng YH, Chen TT, Liu WT, Lee KY, Wu SM.. 3-Nitrobenzanthrone promotes malignant transformation in human lung epithelial cells through the epiregulin-signaling pathway . Cell Biol Toxicol. .2021 ;(NA):1-23

21. 2021 Tung NT,Ho SC,Lu YH,Chen TT,Lee KY,Chen KY, Wu CD, Chung KF, Kuo HP, Thao HNX, Dung HB, Thuy TPC, Wu SM, Kou HY, Lee YL, Chuang HC.. Higher alveolar deposition of particulate matter in emphysematous lobes of COPD . ERJ Open Res. .2021 ;(7)

22. 2021 Tung NT,Ho SC,Lu YH,Chen TT,Lee KY,Chen KY, Wu CD, Chung KF, Kuo HP, Thao HNX, Dung HB, Thuy TPC, Wu SM, Kou HY, Lee YL, Chuang HC. Association Between Air Pollution and Lung Lobar Emphysema in COPD. . Front Med (Lausanne) .2021 ;(8)

23. 2021 Cheng WL,Feng PH,Lee KY,Chen KY,Sun WL,Van Hiep N, Luo CS, Wu SM. The Role of EREG/EGFR Pathway in Tumor Progression. . Int J Mol Sci. .2021 ;(22):12828

24. 2020 Cheng WL,Chen KY,Lee KY,Feng PH,Wu SM. Nicotinic-nAChR signaling mediates drug resistance in lung cancer. . J Cancer .2020 ;(11):1125-1140

25. 2020 Lee KY,Shueng PW,Chou CM,Lin BX,Lin MH,Kuo DY, Tsai IL, Wu SM, Lin CW. Elevation of CD109 promotes metastasis and drug resistance in lung cancer via activation of EGFR-AKT-mTOR signaling. . Cancer Sci. .2020 ;(111):1652-1662

26. 2020 Wu SM,Feng PH,Chuang HC,Ho SC,Chung KF,Chen KY, Wu GS, ChenTT, Tseng CH, Liu WT *, Lee KY*.. Impaired lnc-IL7R modulatory mechanism of Toll-like receptors is associated with an exacerbator phenotype of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. . FASEB J. .2020

27. 2020 Su BC,Ting CH,Lee KY,Wu SM,Feng PH,Chan YF, Chen JY. Novel PD-L1 mAb HC16 reveals upregulation of PD-L1 in BAC subtype. . Histol Histopathol. .2020

28. 2020 Lee KY,Kuo TC,Chou CM,Hsu WJ,Lee WC,Dai JZ, Wu SM, Lin CW. Upregulation of CD109 Promotes the Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition and Stemness Properties of Lung Adenocarcinomas via Activation of the Hippo-YAP Signaling . Cells .2020 ;(10(1))

29. 2019 Lee Pao-Lin,Lee Kang-Yun,Cheng Tsai-Mu,Chuang Hsiao-Chi,Wu Sheng-Ming,Feng Po-Hao,Liu Wen-Te,Chen Kuan-Yuan,Ho Shu-Chuan. Relationships of Haptoglobin Phenotypes with Systemic Inflammation and the Severity of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease . Scientific Reports .2019 ;(9)

30. 2019 Ting Chen Hung,Lee Kang Yun,Wu Sheng Ming,Feng Po Hao,Chan Yao Fei,Chen Yi Chun,Chen Jyh Yih. FOSB-PCDHB13 axis disrupts the microtubule network in non-small cell lung cancer . Cancers .2019 ;(11)

31. 2019 Bai KJ,Chuang KJ,Chen JK,Tsai CY,Yang YL,Chang CC, Chen TT, Lee CN, Feng PH, Chen KY, Lee KY, Su CL, Ho SC, Wu SM, Chuang HC. Alterations by Air Pollution in Inflammation and Metals in Pleural Effusion of Pneumonia Patients . Int J Environ Res Public Health .2019 ;(15)

32. 2019 Ching-Ying Chen,Sheng-Ming Wu,Yang-Hsiang Lin,Hsiang-Cheng Chi,Syuan-Ling Lin,Chau-Ting Yeh , Wen-Yu Chuang and Kwang-Huei Lin. Induction of nuclear protein-1 by thyroid hormone enhances platelet-derived growth factor A mediated angiogenesis in liver cancer. . Theranostics .2019 ;(9):2361-2379

33. 2019 Ho SC,Chuang KJ,Lee KY,Chen JK,Wu SM,Chen TT, Lee CN, Chang CC, Feng PH, Chen KY, Su CL, Tsai CY, Chuang HC. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients have a higher risk of occurrence of pneumonia by air pollution . Sci Total Environ .2019 ;(677):524-529

34. 2019 Chen KY,Wu SM,Liu JC,Lee KY. Effect of annual influenza vaccination on reducing lung cancer in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease from a population-based cohort study . Medicine (Baltimore) .2019 ;(98):e18035

35. 2018 Lin SL ,Wu SM,Chung IH,Lin YH,Chen CY,Chi HC, Lin TK, Yeh CT, Lin KH. Stimulation of Interferon-Stimulated Gene 20 by Thyroid Hormone Enhances Angiogenesis in Liver Cancer . Neoplasia .2018 ;(20):57-68

36. 2018 Lee KY,Feng PH,Chuang HC,Wu SM ,Liu WT,Chen KY, Liu CY, Ho SC. Trace Elements in Pleural Effusion Correlates with Smokers with Lung Cancer . Biol Trace Elem Res .2018 ;(182):14-20

37. 2018 Feng PH,Yu CT,Chen KY,Luo CS,Wu SM,Liu CY, Kuo LW, Chan YF, Chen TT, Chang CC, Lee CN, Chuang HC, Lin CF, Han CL, Lee WH, Lee KY. Blood S100A9+ MDSC, a Treatment Response Predictor and a Link to TAM-mediated EGFR-TKI Resistance in Lung Adenocarcinoma: The Role of RELB . Oncotarget .2018 ;(9):7631-7643

38. 2018 Feng PH,Chen KY,Huang YC,Luo CS,Wu SM,Chen TT, Lee CN, Yeh CT, Chuang HC, Han CL, Lin CF, Lee WH, Kuo CH, Lee KY*. Bevacizumab Reduces S100A9-Positive MDSCs Linked to Intracranial Control in Patients with EGFR-Mutant Lung Adenocarcinoma . J Thorac Oncol. .2018 ;(S1556-0864):30271-30275

39. 2018 Bai KJ,Chuang KJ,Wu SM,Chang LT,Chang TY,Ho KF, Chuang HC. Effects of diesel exhaust particles on the expression of tau and autophagy proteins in human neuroblastoma cells . Environ Toxicol Pharmacol .2018 ;(62):54-59

40. 2017 Ho SC, Wu SM,Feng PH, Liu WT,Chen KY,Chuang HC, Chan YF, Kuo LW, Lee KY. Noncanonical NF-kB mediates the Suppressive Effect of Neutrophil Elastase on IL-8/CXCL8 by Inducing NKRF in Human Airway Smooth Muscle . Sci Rep .2017

41. 2017 Chen TT, Wu SM, Ho SC,Chuang HC,Liu CY, Chan YF1, Kuo LW1, Feng PH, Liu WT, Chen KY, Hsiao TC, Juang JN, Lee KY. SUV39H1 Reduction Is Implicated in Abnormal Inflammation in COPD . Sci Rep .2017 ;(7):1-13

42. 2017 Wu SM,Lin SL,Lee KY,Chuang HC,Feng PH,Cheng WL, Liao CJ, Chi HC, Lin YH1, Tsai CY1, Chen WJ, Yeh CT, Lin KH. Hepatoma cell functions modulated by NEK2 are associated with liver cancer progression . Int J Cancer .2017 ;(140):1581-1596

43. 2016 Chi HC,Chen SL,Tsai CY, Chuang WY,Huang YH,Tsai MM, Wu SM, Sun CP, Yeh CT, Lin KH. Thyroid hormone suppresses hepatocarcinogenesis via DAPK2 and SQSTM1 dependent selective autophagy . Autophagy .2016 ;(12):2271-2285

44. 2016 Lai CH,Lee CN,Bai KJ,Yang YL,Chuang KJ,Wu SM, Chuang HC. Protein oxidation and degradation caused by particulate matter . Sci Rep .2016 ;(6):1-9

45. 2016 Tseng YH,Huang YH,Lin TK,Wu SM,Chi HC, Tsai CY, Tsai MM, Lin YH, Chang WC, Chang YT, Chen WJ, Lin KH. Thyroid hormone suppresses expression of stathmin and associated tumor growth in hepatocellular carcinoma . Sci Rep .2016 ;(6):1-13

46. 2015 Liao CJ ,Chi HC,Tsai CY,Chen CD,Wu SM,Tseng YH, Lin YH, Chung IH, Chen CY, Lin SL, Huang SF, Huang YH, Lin KH. A novel small form NEDD4 regulates cell invasiveness and apoptosis to promote tumor metastasis . Oncotarget .2015 ;(6):9341-9354

47. 2015 Lin YH,Wu MH,Liao CJ, Huang YH, Chi HC,Wu SM, Chen CY, Tseng YH, Tsai CY, Chung IH, Tsai MM, Chen CY, Lin TP, Yeh YH6, Chen WJ, Lin KH.. Repression of microRNA-130b by thyroid hormone enhances cell motility . J Hepatol .2015 ;(62):1328-1340

48. 2015 Wu SM,Cheng WL ,Liao CJ,Chi HC,Lin YH ,Tseng YH, Tsai CY, Chen CY, Lin SL, Chen WJ, Yeh YH, Huang CY, Chen MH, Yeh YC, Lin KH. Negative modulation of the epigenetic regulator, UHRF1, by thyroid hormone receptors suppresses liver cancer cell growth . Int J Cancer .2015 ;(37):37-49

49. 2014 Tseng YH,Ke PY,Liao CJ,Wu SM,Chi HC,Tsai CY, Chen CY, Lin YH, Lin KH. Chromosome 19 Open Reading Frame 80 Is Upregulated by the Thyroid Hormone and Modulates Autophagy and Lipid Metabolism . Autophagy .2014 ;(10):20-31

50. 2013 Huang YH,Lin YH,Chi HC,Liao CH,Liao CJ, Wu SM, Chen CY, Tseng YH, Tsai CY, Lin SY, Hung YT, Wang CJ, Lin CD, Lin KH. Thyroid hormone regulation of miR-21 enhances migration and invasion of human hepatoma cells . Cancer Res .2013 ;(73):2505-2517

51. 2013 Lin YH1,Huang YH,Wu MH,Wu SM,Chi HC,Liao CJ, Chen CY, Tseng YH, Tsai CY, Tsai MM, Lin KH. Thyroid hormone suppresses cell proliferation through endoglin-mediated promotion of p21 stability . Oncogene .2013 ;(32):3904-3914

52. 2013 Lin YH,Liao CJ,Huang YH,Wu MH,Chi HC,Wu SM, Chen CY, Tseng YH, Tsai CY, Chung IH, Wu TI, Tsai MM, Lin CD, Lin KH. Thyroid hormone receptor represses miR-17 expression to enhance tumor metastasis in human hepatoma cells . Oncogene .2013 ;(32):4509--4518

53. 2013 Wu SM,Cheng WL, Lin CD, Lin KH. Thyroid hormone actions in liver cancer . Cell & Mol Life Sci .2013 ;(70):1915-1936

54. 2012 Liao CH, Yeh CT,Huang YH,Wu SM,Chi HC,Tsai MM, Tsai CY, Liao CJ, Tseng YH, Lin YH, Chen CY, Chung IH, Cheng WL, Chen WJ, Lin KH. Dickkopf 4 positively regulated by the thyroid hormone receptor suppresses cell invasion in human hepatoma cells . Hepatology .2012 ;(55):910-920

55. 2012 Chi HC,Chen SL, Liao CJ,Liao CH,Tsai MM,Lin YH, Huang YH, Yeh CT, Wu SM, Tseng YH, Chen CY, Tsai CY, Chung IH, Chen WJ, Lin KH. A novel function of thyroid hormone receptors in promoting metastasis of human hepatoma cells via regulation of TRAIL . Cell Death Differ .2012 ;(19):1802-1814

56. 2012 Cheng WL,Tsai MM,Tsai CY,Huang YH,Chen CY, Chi HC, Tseng YH, Chao IW, Lin WC, Wu SM, Liang Y, Liao CJ, Lin YH, Chung IH, Chen WJ, Lin PY, Wang CS, Lin KH.. Glyoxalase-I is a novel prognosis factor associated with gastric cancer progression . PLoS One .2012 ;(7):1-9

57. 2012 Tsai MM, Lin PY,Cheng WL,Tsai CY,Chi HC,Chen CY, Tseng YH, Cheng YF, Chen CD, Liang Y, Liao CJ, Wu SM, Lin YH, Chung IH, Wang CS, Lin KH.. Overexpression of ADP-Ribosylation factor 1 in Human Gastric Carcinoma and its Clinicopathological Significance . Cancer Sci .2012 ;(103):1136-1144

58. 2011 Wu SM,Huang YH,Yeh CT,Tsai MM,Liao CH,Cheng WL, Chen WJ, Lin KH. Cathepsin H regulated by the thyroid hormone receptors associate with tumor invasion in human hepatoma cells . Oncogene .2011 ;(30):2057-2069

59. 2010 Wu SM,Huang YH,Lu YH,Chien LF,Yeh CT, Tsai MM, Liao CH, Chen WJ, Liao CJ, Cheng WL, Lin KH. Thyroid hormone receptor mediated regulation of methionine adenosyltransferase 1 gene is associated with cell invasion. . Cell & Mol Life Sci .2010 ;(67):1831-1843

60. 2010 Liao CH,Yeh SC,Huang YH,Chen RN,Tsai MM,Chen WJ, Chi HC, Tai PJ, Liao CJ, Wu SM, Cheng WL, Pai LM, Lin KH. Positive regulation of spondin 2 by thyroid hormone is associated with cell migration and invasion . Endocr Relat Cancer .2010 ;(17):99-111

61. 2009 Liao CS,Tai PJ,Huang YH,Chen RN,Wu SM,Kuo LW, Yeh CT, Tsai MM, Chen WJ, Lin KH. Regulation of AKR1B1 by thyroid hormone and its receptors . Mol Cell Endocrinol .2009 ;(307):109-117


113 在慢性阻塞性肺病中由潛在長鏈非編碼核糖核酸介導的特定分子機轉型造成肺氣腫之研究(3/3)

112 在慢性阻塞性肺病中由潛在長鏈非編碼核糖核酸介導的特定分子機轉型造成肺氣腫之研究(2/3)

111 在慢性阻塞性肺病中由潛在長鏈非編碼核糖核酸介導的特定分子機轉型造成肺氣腫之研究(1/3)

110 探討慢性阻塞性肺病受類Toll受體活化調控長鏈非編碼核醣核酸的角色(3/3)

109 探討慢性阻塞性肺病受類Toll受體活化調控長鏈非編碼核醣核酸的角色(2/3)

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107 新聘教師研究補助

107 甲狀腺素與其受體在COPD異常發炎和肺損傷的影響