王三源(Wang, San-Yuan) 副教授

現   職
臨床基因體學暨蛋白質體學碩士學位學程 副教授


學 歷

國立臺灣大學資訊工程所 博士
靜宜大學資訊管理所 碩士
靜宜大學資訊管理所 學士




2019/11/01 ~




Systems Biology and Omics Analysis
mass spectrometry



1. 2023 Wang SY,Weng TI,Chen JY,Lee NC,Lee KC,Lai ML, Chien YH, Hwu WL, Chen GY. An automated workflow on data processing (AutoDP) for semiquantitative analysis of urine organic acids with GC-MS to facilitate diagnosis of inborn errors of metabolism . Clinica Chimica Acta .2023

2. 2022 Huang SH,Chu CY,Hsu YC,Wang SY,Kuo LN,Bai KJ, Yu MC, Chang JH, Liu EH, Chen HY. How Platinum-Induced Nephrotoxicity Occurs? Machine Learning Prediction in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2022

3. 2022 Chen HF,Kao CC,Ka SM,Wang SY,Chen M X,Chen GY, Wang TI, Lai RY, Yeh SC, Lin YC, Chen HH, Chang WC, Wu, MS, Tsia IL. Development of an Enrichment-Free One-Pot Sample Preparation and Ultra-High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry Method to Identify Immunoglobulin a1 Hinge Region O-Glycoforms for Immunoglobulin a Nephropathy . Journal of Chromatography A .2022

4. 2022 Brahmadhi A,Chuang YK,Wang SY,Kao CC,Tsai IL. Exosomal proteomics in kidney disease: From technical approaches to clinical applications . Journal of Food and Drug Analysis .2022

5. 2021 Kao CC,Wang SY,Chuang YK,Lee WY,Chang WC,Wu MS, Tsai IL. Clinical Mass Spectrometry Discovered Human Igg Sialylation as a Potential Biosignature for Kidney Function . Journal of Personalized Medicine .2021

6. 2021 Brahmadhi A,Chen M X,Wang SY,Cho YY,Yu MC,Lee CH, Tsai IL. Determination of fluoroquinolones in dried plasma spots by using microwave-assisted extraction coupled to ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry for therapeutic drug monitoring . Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis .2021

7. 2021 Tseng ZR,Wei CC,Wang SY,Liao HW. Discovery and quantification of Irgacure-907 in commercial cow milk by using untargeted liquid chromatography high-resolution mass spectrometry . Journal of Food Composition and Analysis .2021

8. 2021 Liu LC,Ho MY,Su BH,Wang SY,Hsu MT,Tseng Y J. PanGPCR: predictions for multiple targets, repurposing and side effects . Bioinformatics .2021

9. 2021 Chen JY,Chen GY,Wang SY,Fang CC,Chen LY,Weng TI. Development of an analytical method to detect simultaneously 219 new psychoactive substances and 65 other substances in urine specimens using LC-QqQ MS/MS with CriticalPairFinder and TransitionFinder . Talanta .2021

10. 2021 Wang SY,Liao SY. Discovery of Natural Veterinary Herbal Medicine Products in Commercial Cow Milk by Using Nontargeted Profiling on LC–ESI–TOF Platform . Food Analytical Methods .2021

11. 2021 Jheng YT,Putri D U,Chuang HC,Lee KY,Chou HC,Wang SY, Han CL. Prolonged exposure to traffic-related particulate matter and gaseous pollutants implicate distinct molecular mechanisms of lung injury in rats . Particle and Fibre Toxicology .2021

12. 2021 Tsai JS,Wang SY,Chang CH,Chen CY,Wen CJ,Chen GY, Kuo CH, Tseng, Y. J Chen CH. Identification of traumatic acid as a potential plasma biomarker for sarcopenia using a metabolomics-based approach . J Cachexia Sarcopenia Muscle .2021

13. 2021 Chen MX,Su HH,Shiao CY,Chang YT, Chang MC,Kao CC, Wang SY, Shih HC, Tsai IL. Affinity Purification Coupled to Stable Isotope Dilution LC-MS/MS Analysis to Discover IgG4 Glycosylation Profiles for Autoimmune Pancreatitis . Journal of Molecular Sciences .2021

14. 2020 Kuo TC,Tan CE,Wang SY,Lin O A,Su BH,Hsu MT, Lin J, Cheng YY, Chen CS, Yang YC, Chen KH, Lin SW, Ho CC, Kuo CH, Tseng Y J. Human Breathomics Database . Database .2020

15. 2020 Han CL,Sheng YC,Wang SY,Chen YH,Kang JH. Serum proteome profiles revealed dysregulated proteins and mechanisms associated with fibromyalgia syndrome in women . Scientific Reports .2020

16. 2020 Liu LC,Ho MY,Su BH,Wang SY,Hsu MT,Tseng Y J. PanGPCR: Predictions for Multiple Targets, Repurposing and Side Effects . Bioinformatics .2020

17. 2020 Tseng ZR,Wei CC,Wang SY,Liao HW. Discovery and quantification of Irgacure-907 in commercial cow milk by using untargeted liquid chromatography high-resolution mass spectrometry . Journal of Food and Composition and Analysis .2020

18. 2019 Chen MX,Wang SY,Kuo CH,Tsai IL. Metabolome analysis for investigating host-gut microbiota interactions . Journal of the Formosan Medical Association .2019

19. 2019 Shih HC,Chang MC,Chen CH,Tsai IL,Wang SY,Kuo YP, Chen CH, Chang YT. High accuracy differentiating autoimmune pancreatitis from pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma by immunoglobulin G glycosylation . Clinical Proteomics .2019 ;(16):1

20. 2019 Chepyala D,Kuo HC,Su KY,Liao HW,Wang SY, Chepyala S R, Chang LC, Kuo CH. Improved Dried Blood Spot-Based Metabolomics Analysis by a Postcolumn Infused-Internal Standard Assisted Liquid Chromatography-Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry Method . Analytical chemistry .2019

21. 2017 Su BH,Shen MY,Harn YC,Wang SY,Schurz A,Lin C, Lin O A, Tseng Y J. An efficient computer-aided structural elucidation strategy for mixtures using an iterative dynamic programming algorithm . Journal of Cheminformatics .2017 ;(9):57

22. 2017 Chao HC,Chen GY,Hsu LC,Liao HW,Yang SY,Wang SY, Li YL, Tang SC, Tseng Y J, Kuo CH. Using precursor ion scan of 184 with liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry for concentration normalization in cellular lipidomic studies . Analytica Chimica Acta .2017 ;(971):68-77

23. 2016 Tian TF,Wang SY,Kuo TC,Tan CE,Chen GY,Kuo CH, Chen CH S, Chan CC, Lin O A, Tseng Y J. Web Server for Peak Detection, Baseline Correction, and Alignment in Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry-Based Metabolomics Data . Analytical Chemistry .2016 ;(88):10395-10403

24. 2016 Tzeng TH,Kuo CY,Wang SY,Huang PK,Huang YM,Hsieh WC, Huang YJ, Kuo PH, Yu SA, Lee SC, Tseng Y J, Tian WC, Lu SS. A Portable Micro Gas Chromatography System for Lung Cancer Associated Volatile Organic Compound Detection . IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits .2016 ;(51):259-272

25. 2015 Chen HH,Tseng Y J,Wang SY,Tsai YS,Chang CS,Kuo TC, Yao WJ, Shieh CC, Wu CH, Kuo PH. The metabolome profiling and pathway analysis in metabolic healthy and abnormal obesity . International Journal of Obesity .2015 ;(39):1241-1248

26. 2015 Wang SY,Kuo CH,Tseng Y J. Ion Trace Detection Algorithm to Extract Pure Ion Chromatograms to Improve Untargeted Peak Detection Quality for Liquid Chromatography/Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry-Based Metabolomics Data . Analytical Chemistry .2015 ;(87):3048-3055

27. 2013 Liu CT,Raghu R,Lin SH,Wang SY,Kuo CH,Tseng Y J, Sheen, LY. Metabolomics of Ginger Essential Oil against Alcoholic Fatty Liver in Mice . Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry .2013 ;(61):11231-11240

28. 2013 Tseng Y J,Kuo CT,Wang SY,Liao HW,Chen GY,Ku YL, Shao WC, Kuo CH. Metabolomic characterization of rhubarb species by capillary electrophoresis and ultra-high-pressure liquid chromatography . ELECTROPHORESIS .2013 ;(34):2918-2927

29. 2013 Huang CC,McDermott M M,Liu K,Kuo CH,Wang SY,Tao H, Tseng Y J. Plasma metabolomic profiles predict near-term death among individuals with lower extremity peripheral arterial disease . Journal of Vascular Surgery .2013 ;(58):989-996

30. 2013 Tsai IL,Kuo TC,Ho TJ,Harm YC,Wang SY,Fu WM, Kuo CH, Tseng Y J. Metabolomic Dynamic Analysis of Hypoxia in MDA-MB-231 and the Comparison with Inferred Metabolites from Transcriptomics Data . Cancers .2013 ;(5):491-510

31. 2013 Ho TJ,Kuo CH,Wang SY,Tseng Y J. True ion pick (TIPick): a denoising and peak picking algorithm to extract ion signals from liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry data . Journal of Mass Spectrometry .2013 ;(48):234-242

32. 2013 Wang SY,Kuo CH,Tseng Y J. Batch Normalizer: A Fast Total Abundance Regression Calibration Method to Simultaneously Adjust Batch and Injection Order Effects in Liquid Chromatography/Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry-Based Metabolomics Data and Comparison with Current Calibration Methods . Analytical Chemistry .2013 ;(85):1037-1046

33. 2013 Tsai DM,Kang JJ,Lee SS,Wang SY,Tsia IL,Chen GY, Liao HW, Li WC, Kuo CH, Tseng Y J. Metabolomic Analysis of Complex Chinese Remedies: Examples of Induced Nephrotoxicity in the Mouse from a Series of Remedies Containing Aristolochic Acid . Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine .2013

34. 2013 Wang KC,Wang SY,Kuo CH,Tseng Y J. Distribution-Based Classification Method for Baseline Correction of Metabolomic 1D Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectra . Analytical Chemistry .2013 ;(85):1231-1239

35. 2012 Kuo CH,Wang KC,Tian TF,Tsai MH,Chiung YM,Hsiech CM, Tsai SJ, Wang SY, Tsai DM, Huang CC, Tseng Y J. Metabolomic Characterization of Laborers Exposed to Welding Fumes . Chemical Research in Toxicology .2012 ;(25):676-686

36. 2010 Wang SY,Ho TJ,Kuo CH,Tseng Y J. Chromaligner: a web server for chromatogram alignment . Bioinformatics .2010 ;(26):2338-2339


110 開發混合型機器學習之代謝物滯留時間預測模型用於辨識液相層析串聯質譜儀實驗之代謝物(2/2)

109 開發混合型機器學習之代謝物滯留時間預測模型用於辨識液相層析串聯質譜儀實驗之代謝物(1/2)

108 人體代謝物之串聯式質譜圖資料庫建置

106 新聘教師研究補助