黃采薇(Huang, Tsai-Wei) 教授

現   職
護理學系 教授
護理學院 副院長


學 歷

臺北醫學大學醫學科學研究所 博士
臺北醫學大學護理學研究所 碩士
臺北醫學大學護理學系 學士




2023/03/14 ~
2022/12/01 ~
2017/08/01 ~ 2019/07/31







1. 2024 Shao Chia Hui,Tuomi Lisa,Finizia Caterina,Wu Chia Yu,Chen Rou Han,Chan Chia Jung,Chen Ya Jen,Lee Chia Hsin,Chang Wei Chin,Tsai Shu Chun,Huang Tsai Wei,Shao Chia Hui,Tuomi Lisa,Finizia Caterina,Wu Chia Yu,Chen Rou Han,Chan Chia Jung,Chen Ya Jen,Lee Chia Hsin,Chang Wei Chin,Tsai Shu Chun,Huang Tsai Wei. Trismus in head and neck cancer: translation and validation of the Chinese version of the Gothenburg Trismus Questionnaire-2 (C-GTQ-2) . Clinical Oral Investigations .2024 ;(28):146-146

2. 2024 Chang Hsu Chieh,Huang Wen Yen,Chen Po Huang,Huang Tsai Wei,Gautama Made Satya Nugraha,Chang Hsu Chieh,Huang Wen Yen,Chen Po Huang,Huang Tsai Wei,Gautama Made Satya Nugraha. Effectiveness of glutamine for the treatment of radiodermatitis in cancer patients: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials . Supportive Care in Cancer .2024 ;(32):201-201

3. 2024 Hoang Khanh Dinh,Chen Jin Hua,Huang Tsai Wei,Kang Yi No,Chen Chiehfeng,Hoang Khanh Dinh,Chen Jin Hua,Huang Tsai Wei,Kang Yi No,Chen Chiehfeng. Oral aspirin for preventing colorectal adenoma recurrence: A systematic review and network meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials . PLoS ONE .2024 ;(19):e0279784-e0279784

4. 2024 Gautama MSN.,Haryani H.,Huang TW.,Pertiwi AAP.,Sholihatun DR.,Noviana U.. Feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary efficacy of smartphone-based virtual reality relaxation in chemotherapy patients: A pilot study . Nursing Practice Today .2024 ;(11):158-171

5. 2024 Lin Lee-Yuan,Wu Yu-Chih,Wu Jie-Syuan,Tai Hsiu-Yu,Huang Tsai-Wei,Cheng Wun-Hao,Lin Lee-Yuan,Wu Yu-Chih,Wu Jie-Syuan,Tai Hsiu-Yu,Huang Tsai-Wei,Cheng Wun-Hao. Oxygen therapy for exercise capacity in fibrotic interstitial lung disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials . Respiratory Medicine .2024 ;(227):107657-107657

6. 2024 Chou TL,Shih CH,Chou PC,Lai JH,Huang TW. Use of a wearable device to compare subjective and objective fatigue in lung cancer patients and cancer-free controls . European Journal of Oncology Nursing .2024 ;(70):102587-102587

7. 2024 Lee CC,Chen YW,Kang YN, Chen JH ,Chen C, Lu CY, Huang TW, Gautama MSN. Efficacy of natural products in preventing oral mucositis resulting from cancer therapies: A network meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials . Critical reviews in oncology/hematology .2024 ;(199):104373-104373

8. 2023 Shih CH,Chou PC,Chen JH,Chou TL,Lai JH,Lu CY, Huang TW. Cancer-related fatigue classification based on heart rate variability signals from wearables . Frontiers in Medicine .2023 ;(10):1103979-1103979

9. 2023 Gautama, M. S. N.,Haryani, H.,Huang, T. W. Efficacy of smartphone-based virtual reality relaxation in providing comfort to patients with cancer undergoing chemotherapy in oncology outpatient setting in Indonesia: protocol for a randomised controlled trial . BMJ open .2023 ;(13)

10. 2023 Yu, Tzu-Yuan,Huang, Tsai-Wei,Huang, Hui-Chuan,Li, Siao-Yun,Chuang, Yeu-Hui . Effects of an Interactive e-Book on Enhancing Nursing Students' Knowledge, Confidence, and Learning Self-efficacy of Nursing Skills: A Randomized Controlled Trial . Nurse Educator .2023

11. 2023 Huda N,Banda KJ,Liu AI,Huang TW. Effects of Music Therapy on Spiritual Well-Being among Patients with Advanced Cancer in Palliative Care: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials . Seminars in Oncology Nursing .2023 ;(1):151481-151481

12. 2023 Gautama, M. S. N., ,Huang, T. W., ,Haryani, H. A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials on the effectiveness of immersive virtual reality in cancer patients receiving chemotherapy. . European journal of oncology nursing: the official journal of European Oncology Nursing Society .2023 ;(19):102424-102424

13. 2023 Lin, L. Y.,Tam, K. W.,Huang, T. W. Effect of bright light therapy on cancer-related fatigue and related symptoms: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials . Journal of psychosomatic research .2023 ;(1):111501-111501

14. 2023 Liu, A. I.,Lee, Y. H.,Lu, C. Y.,Huda, N.,Huang, T. W. Effects of Walking Combined With Resistance Band Exercises on Alleviating Cancer-Related Fatigue: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials . Cancer nursing .2023 ;(1):1-10

15. 2023 探討張口受限患者的牙關緊閉與生活品質之關係 . 澄清醫護管理雜誌 .2023 ;(19):31-41

16. 2023 按摩及音樂治療於成人慢性癌痛之實證臨床照護指引發展 . 長庚護理 .2023 ;(34):1-15

17. 2023 醫護人員對安寧療護認知, 阻礙, 靈性關懷能力與需求之相關性 . 彰化護理 .2023 ;(30):19-35

18. 2023 醫護人員對安寧療護認知、阻礙、靈性關懷能力與需求之相關性 . 彰化護理 .2023 ;(30):19-35

19. 2023 Lee CJ,Luo WT,Tam KW,Huang TW. Comparison of the effects of acupotomy and acupuncture on knee osteoarthritis: A systematic review and meta-analysis . Complementary therapies in clinical practice .2023 ;(50):101712-101712

20. 2023 Tsou PH,Lan TC,Tam KW,Huang TW. Essential of Immediate Exercises on Cancer-Related Fatigue in Patients with Prostate Cancer Receiving Androgen Deprivation Therapy: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials . Seminars in oncology nursing .2023 ;(39):151368-151368

21. 2022 Tsai JJ,Chen KH,Fang HF,Huang TW. Relieving from Breathlessness in the Wind: A Meta-Analysis and Subjective Report of Effectiveness of Fan-blowing in Patients with cardiorespiratory diseases or Cancer . American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine .2022 ;(39):977-985

22. 2022 Kustanti, C. Y.,Chu, H.,Kang, X. L.,Huang, T. W.,Jen, H. J.,Liu, D., Shen Hsiao, S. T., Chou, K. R.. Prevalence of grief disorders in bereaved families of cancer patients: A meta-analysis . Palliative medicine .2022 ;(36):305-318

23. 2022 Lee, C. J.,Fang, H. F.,Wang, C. Y.,Chou, K. R.,Huang, T. W.. Effect of hyaluronic acid on radiodermatitis in patients with breast cancer: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials . Supportive care in cancer .2022 ;(30):3965-3975

24. 2022 Luo, W. T.,Huang, T. W.. Effects of Ginseng on Cancer-Related Fatigue: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials . Cancer nursing .2022 ;(0):1-8

25. 2022 Shih, H. H.,Chang, H. J.,Huang, T. W.. Effects of Early Palliative Care in Advanced Cancer Patients: A Meta-Analysis . The American journal of hospice & palliative care .2022 ;(39):1350-1357

26. 2022 Huang Yen Chang,Ding Shinn Jyh,Yan Min,Huang Tsai Wei. Clinical outcomes and complications of posterior three-unit porcelain-fused-to-metal restoration combined with tooth-implant-supported prosthesis: A meta-analysis . Journal of Dental Sciences .2022 ;(17):184-193

27. 2022 護理人員對非癌生命末期患者靈性照護態度與行為之探討 . 新臺北護理期刊 .2022 ;(24):42-58

28. 2022 Liao, Y. H.,Hong, C. T.,Huang, T. W.. Botulinum Toxin for Essential Tremor and Hands Tremor in the Neurological Diseases: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials . Toxins .2022 ;(14):203-203

29. 2022 Chen, I.H,Kuo, S.F,Lin, Y.K,Huang, T.W.. Knowledge of and Barriers to Palliative Care Perceived by Healthcare Providers before and after Promotion of the Patient Autonomy Act: A Cross-Sectional Study . Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health .2022 ;(19):3884-3884

30. 2022 運用蜂蜜與口腔衛教軟體製作口腔衛教方案於頭頸癌相關口腔炎之成效—前驅試驗 . 彰化護理 .2022 ;(29):29-40

31. 2022 Chang CW,Huang TW. 醫療照護人員對撤除生命末期病人維生醫療之意向及相關因素之探討 . 源遠護理 .2022 ;(16):55-64

32. 2022 Lee CC,Kuo SF,Chang WP,Guo SL,Huang TW. Effectiveness of Cryotherapy on Cancer Therapy–Induced Oral Mucositis: An Umbrella Review. . Cancer Nursing .2022 ;(45):10.1097

33. 2022 Wang CY ,Lu CY ,Yang SY,Tsai SC,Huang TW. 3D Virtual Reality Smartphone Training for Chemotherapy Drug Administration by Non-oncology Nurses: A Randomized Controlled Trial . Frontiers in medicine .2022 ;(9):889125

34. 2022 Hong CT,Chen JH,Huang TW. Probiotics treatment for Parkinson disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis of clinical trials. . Aging .2022 ;(14):7014-7025

35. 2022 Liu YC,Wu CR ,Huang TW. Preventive Effect of Probiotics on Oral Mucositis Induced by Cancer Treatment: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis . International Journal of Molecular Sciences .2022 ;(23):13268-13268

36. 2022 Huang TW,Shih CH,Chou PC,Chou TL. Comparison between subjective and objective fatigue in patients with lung cancer and cancer-free participants: Evaluation of diagnostic criteria for cancer-related fatigue . Journal of Clinical Oncology .2022 ;(40):440-440

37. 2022 Yu CY,Huang TW,Tam KW. Management of phyllodes tumor: A systematic review and meta-analysis of real-world evidence . International Journal of Surgery .2022 ;(107):106969-106969

38. 2022 Liu Yu Cheng,Wu Chia Rong,Huang Tsai Wei. Preventive Effect of Probiotics on Oral Mucositis Induced by Cancer Treatment: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis . International Journal of Molecular Sciences .2022 ;(23):13268-13268

39. 2021 從國內居家整合照護計畫探討安寧緩和整合照護模式的銜接 . 腫瘤護理雜誌 .2021

40. 2021 Shih Chi-Huang ,Chou Pai-Chien ,Chou Ting-Ling ,Huang Tsai-Wei . Measurement of Cancer-Related Fatigue Based on Heart Rate Variability: Observational Study . Journal of Medical Internet Research .2021 ;(23):1-10

41. 2021 Chang WP,Jen HJ,Huang TW. A Retrospective Cross-sectional Study on the Risk Factors of Recurrent Falls among Inpatients . Journal of Nursing Care Quality .2021

42. 2021 Luo WT,Lee CJ,Tam KW,Huang TW. Effects of Low-Level Laser Therapy on Muscular Performance and Soreness Recovery in Athletes: A Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials . Sports Health .2021

43. 2021 Huang TW,Shao CH,Chiang CC. Response to the letter to the editor “Exercise therapy for cancer treatment-induced trismus in patients with head and neck cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials regards to Chiu et al.” . Radiotherapy and Oncology .2021 ;(158):326-326

44. 2021 Lin AP,Huang TW,Tam KW. Treatment of male breast cancer: meta-analysis of real-world evidence . The British journal of surgery .2021 ;(108):1034-1042

45. 2021 Lan TC,Tsou PH,Tam KW,Huang TW. Effect of Urea Cream on Hand-Foot Syndrome in Patients Receiving Chemotherapy: A Meta-analysis . Cancer nursing .2021 ;(0):1-9

46. 2021 Kwok YY,Huang TW,Tretriluxana J,Auyeung M,Chau PH,Lin CC ,Chan YL. Symptom Burden and Unmet Support Needs of Patients With Parkinson's Disease: A Cross-Sectional Study in Asia-Pacific regions . Journal of the American Medical Directors Association .2021 ;(22):1255-1264

47. 2021 Chen ST,Huang TW,Yang CT. High-SNR steganography for digital audio signal in the wavelet domain . Multimedia Tools and Applications .2021 ;(80):9597-9614

48. 2021 Chan HY,Chang HC,Huang TW. Virtual reality teaching in chemotherapy administration: Randomized controlled trial. . Journal of Clinical Nursing .2021 ;(30):1874-1883

49. 2021 Huang Tsai-Wei,Shao Chia Hui,Chiang Chia Chun. Response to the letter to the editor “Exercise therapy for cancer treatment-induced trismus in patients with head and neck cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials regards to Chiu et al.” . Radiotherapy and Oncology .2021 ;(158):326-326

50. 2021 Hong Chien Tai,Tan Shennie,Huang Tsai Wei. Psychotherapy for the Treatment of Anxiety and Depression in Patients with Parkinson Disease: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials . Journal of the American Medical Directors Association .2021 ;(21):340-346

51. 2021 Huda Nurul,Yun-Yen null,Deli Hellena,Shaw Malissa Kay,Huang Tsai Wei,Chang Hsiu Ju. Mediation of Coping Strategies among Patients with Advanced Cancer . Clinical Nursing Research .2021 ;(30):1153-1163

52. 2021 Huang HT,Huang TW,Hong TC. Bright Light Therapy for Parkinson Disease: A Literature Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials . biology .2021 ;(10):1-10

53. 2021 Chen JH,Huang TW,Hong CT. Cholinesterase inhibitors for gait, balance, and fall in Parkinson disease: a meta-analysis . npj Parkinsons Dis. .2021 ;(7):1-7

54. 2021 Kustanti Christina Yeni,Chu Hsin,Kang Xiao Linda,Huang Tsai Wei,Jen Hsiu Ju,Liu Doresses,Shen Hsiao Shu Tai,Chou Kuei Ru,Kustanti Christina Yeni,Chu Hsin,Kang Xiao Linda,Huang Tsai Wei,Jen Hsiu Ju,Liu Doresses,Shen Hsiao Shu Tai,Chou Kuei Ru. Prevalence of grief disorders in bereaved families of cancer patients: A meta-analysis . Palliative Medicine .2021

55. 2021 Kuo Shu Fen,Chen I. Hui,Huang Tsai Wei,Miao Nae Fang,Peters Kath,Chung Min Huey,Kuo Shu Fen,Chen I. Hui,Huang Tsai Wei,Miao Nae Fang,Peters Kath,Chung Min Huey. Self-efficacy mediates acculturation and respite care knowledge of immigrant caregivers . International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health .2021 ;(18):10595

56. 2021 Loh EW,Shih HF,Lin CK,Huang TW. Effect of progressive muscle relaxation on postoperative pain, fatigue, and vital signs in patients with head and neck cancers: A randomized controlled trial . Patient Education and Counseling .2021 ;(1):1-7

57. 2021 Huang TW,Chan HY,Chang HC. Response to the Comment on 'Virtual reality teaching in chemotherapy administration: Randomised controlled trial'. . Journal of clinical nursing .2021 ;(30):3672-3672

58. 2020 Peng TW ,Chiang TI ,Huang TW,Law KS,Chuang CM. Exploring Factors Related to Human Papillomavirus . Tungs’ Medical Journal .2020 ;(14):76-83

59. 2020 Huang TW,Cheung Denise ST,Xu X,Loh EW,Lai JH,Su WW, Wu SS, Lin CC. Relationship Between Diurnal Cortisol Profile and Sleep Quality in Patients With Hepatocellular Carcinoma . Biological Research for Nursing .2020 ;(22):139-147

60. 2020 Chen Kee-Hsin,Chen Chieh-Feng,Tam Ka-Wai,Huang Tsai-Wei,Ken N.. Assessing the Quality of Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPGs) development in Taiwan using the AGREE II instrument . Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews .2020

61. 2020 Chien Chen Yu,Loh El Wui,Lin Yen Kuang,Huang Tsai Wei,Wang Yuan Hung,Wang Hsing Won,Tseng Ying Chi,Yao Melissa Min Szu,Tam Ka Wai. Image Quality and Performance Benchmarks in Vehicle and Hospital Mammography . Clinical Breast Cancer .2020 ;(20):358-365

62. 2020 Chen YC,Loh EW,Huang TW. Humanity behind the intention of primary caregiver to choose withdrawing life-sustaining treatment for terminating patients . Patient Education and Counseling .2020 ;(20):30329-30333

63. 2020 Shao CH,Chiang CC,Huang TW. Exercise therapy for cancer treatment-induced trismus in patients with head and neck cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials . Radiotherapy and Oncology .2020 ;(151):249-255

64. 2020 巴金森氏症病人症狀及緩和治療相關因素之研究 . 澄清醫護管理雜誌 .2020

65. 2019 Concept Analysis of Health Promotion in Cancer Survivors . TJON .2019

66. 2019 癌症存活者健康促進之概念分析 . 腫瘤護理雜誌 .2019 ;(19):13-21

67. 2019 Huang HM,Lai JH,Huang TW. Mediating effects of depression on anxiety and leisure constraints in patients with breast cancer . BMC Women's Health .2019 ;(19):141-141

68. 2019 Liu TM,Luo YW,Tam KW,Lin CC,Huang TW. Prophylactic and Therapeutic Effects of Honey on Radiochemotherapy-Induced Mucositis: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials . Supportive Care in Cancer .2019 ;(27):2361-2370

69. 2019 Chou JH,Chen SY,Chen YT,Hsieh CH,Huang TW,Tam KW. Optimal Duration of Compression Stocking Therapy Following Endovenous Thermal Ablation for Great Saphenous Vein Insufficiency: A Meta-Analysis . International Journal of Surgery .2019 ;(65):113-119

70. 2019 Huang, KL., ,Lin, KY., ,Huang, TW., ,Loh, EW., ,Hua, YM., ,Su, HC., Tam, KW. Prophylactic management for taxane‐induced nail toxicity: A systematic review and meta‐analysis . European Journal of Cancer Care .2019 ;(28):13118-13118

71. 2019 Chen HY,Tsai HH,Tam KW,Huang TW. Effects of photobiomodualtion therapy on breast cancer-related lymphoedema: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials . Complementary Therapies in Medicine .2019 ;(47):102200-102200

72. 2019 Tam Ka Wai,Chen Lawrence,Lin Chao Chun,Huang Tsai Wei,Kuan Yi Chun,Huang Yao Hsien,Chen Hung Chou,Kao Chun Yu,Su Chih Ming. Reply to correspondence concerning “Acupuncture on aromatase inhibitor-induced arthralgia in patients with breast cancer” . Breast .2019 ;(45):119-120

73. 2019 Tam Ka Wai,Sheu Yu Jia,Yu Sung Wei,Huang Tsai Wei,Liu Feng Lin,Lin Yen Kuang. Reply to letter: Comparison of the efficacy of a bougie and stylet in patients with endotracheal intubation . Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery .2019 ;(87):741-743

74. 2019 Sheu YJ,Yu SW,Huang TW,Liu FL,Lin YK,Tam KW. Comparison of the Efficacy of A Bougie and Stylet in Patients With Endotracheal Intubation: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. . Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery .2019 ;(86):902-908

75. 2019 Chen L,Lin CC,Huang TW,Kuan YC,Huang YH,Chen HC, Kao CY, Su CM, Tam KW. Reply to correspondence concerning “Acupuncture on Aromatase Inhibitor-Induced Arthralgia in Patients with Breast Cancer” . Breast .2019

76. 2019 Tam KW,Lawrence Chen,Lin CC,Huang TW,Kuan YC,Huang YH, Chen HC, Kao CY, Su CM. Reply to correspondence concerning “Acupuncture on Aromatase Inhibitor-Induced Arthralgia in Patients with Breast Cancer” . The Breast .2019

77. 2019 Huang TW,Wu GH,Chang HC. Flow experience and self-traits as antecedents of Facebook addiction: Factorial Validity of the Daily Facebook Addiction Scale . International Business Research .2019 ;(12):1-15

78. 2018 Shih, HF.,,Chen, NW.,Li, HI.,Huang, TW.. 漸進式肌肉放鬆於癌症病患焦慮、憂鬱及噁心嘔吐之系統性文獻回顧及統合分析 . 澄清醫護管理雜誌 .2018 ;(14):40-49

79. 2018 Huang, TW.,Chen, YC.,Hsieh, HT.,Chang, HC.. Development of Pressure Sensing Technology for Caring Senior Inpatients . Instruments Today .2018 ;(214):24-29

80. 2018 Lee CC,Chen KH,Huang TW. The Effects of Bladder Training Before Removing the Indwelling Urinary Catheter in Patients . Journal of Healthcare Quality .2018 ;(12):56-61

81. 2017 Shih FC,Wu CH,Lin YR,Zhang RS,Pan JW,Lai HJ, Huang TW. 比較自來水與生理食鹽水對傷口的清潔:利用AMSTAR綜觀系統性文獻回顧 . 弘光學報 .2017

82. 2017 Tsai SJ,Huang TW. 放射線治療後癌症病人身體活動、自我效能與生活品質之中介關係探討 . 榮總護理 .2017 ;(34):239-247

83. 2017 Chen YL,Huang TW,Chen NW. 慢性阻塞性肺病患者接受安寧療護相關因素之探討 . 澄清醫護管理雜誌 .2017 ;(13):46-54

84. 2017 Chen L,Lin CC,Huang TW,Kuan YC,Huang YH,Chen HC, Kao CY, Su CM, Tam KW.. Effect of acupuncture on aromatase inhibitor-induced arthralgia in patients with breast cancer: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials . Breast .2017 ;(33):132-138

85. 2017 Chen CY,Huang TW,Kuo KN,Tam KW. Evidence-based health care: A roadmap for knowledge translation . Journal of the Chinese Medical Association .2017 ;(80):747-749

86. 2016 Yang JD,Tam KW,Huang TW,Huang SW,Liou TH,Chen HC. Intermittent Cervical Traction for Treating Neck Pain: A Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials . Spine .2016 ;(42):959-965

87. 2016 Huang TW,Kuo KN,Chen KH,Chen C,Hou WH,Lee WH, Chao TY, Tsai JT, Su CM, Huang MT, Tam KW. Recommendation for axillary lymph node dissection in women with early breast cancer and sentinel node metastasis: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials using the GRADE system . International Journal of Surgery .2016 ;(34):73-80

88. 2016 Lin HK,Fang CE,Huang MS,Cheng HC,Huang TW,Chang HT, Tam KW. Effect of maternal use of chewing gums containing xylitol on transmission of mutans streptococci in children: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials . International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry .2016 ;(26):35-44

89. 2016 Huang TW,Tam KW. 比較近三年護理期刊臨床試驗註冊和報告指南情形 . 台灣實證醫學學會會刊 .2016 ;(7):54-60

90. 2015 Tam KW,Chen SY,Huang TW,Lin CC,Su CM,Li CL, Ho YS, Wang WY, Wu CH. Effect of wound infiltration with ropivacaine or bupivacaine analgesia in breast cancer surgery: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials . International Journal of Surgery .2015 ;(22):79-85

91. 2015 Chen SL,Huang TW,Liao IC,Liu C. Development and validation of the Simulation Learning Effectiveness Inventory . Journal of Advanced Nursing .2015 ;(71):2444-2453

92. 2015 Chen ST,Wang TD,Lee WJ,Huang TW,Hung PK,Wei CY, Chen CM, Kung WM. Coronary arteries segmentation based on the 3D discrete wavelet transform and 3D neutrosophic transform . BioMed Research International .2015 ;(2015)

93. 2014 Tam KW,Lai JH,Chen HC,Hou WH,Sheng Ko W,Chen SL, Huang TW. A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials comparing interventions for peristomal skin care . Ostomy Wound Management .2014 ;(60):26-33

94. 2014 情境模擬教學與學習理論於護理教育之應用 . 榮總護理 .2014 ;(31):220-225

95. 2013 Chiang CI,Chen NW,Huang TW. 探討護理人員對癌末病人使用安寧療護認知與阻礙因素 . 澄清醫護管理雜誌 .2013 ;(9):15-22

96. 2013 長期血液透析病患健康生活品質相關因素之探討 . Journal of Nursing and Healthcare Research .2013 ;(9):173-181

97. 2013 Huang TW,Lai JH,Wu MY,Chen SL,Wu CH,Tam KW. Systematic review of clinical practice guidelines in the diagnosis and management of thyroid nodules and cancer . BMC Medicine .2013 ;(11):191-199

98. 2013 Huang TW,Chen SL,Bai CH,Wu CH,Tam KW. The optimal duration of compression therapy following varicose vein surgery: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials . European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery .2013 ;(45):397-402

99. 2013 Huang TW1,Tseng SH,Lin CC,Bai CH,Chen CS,Hung CS, Wu CH, Tam KW. Effects of manual lymphatic drainage on breast cancer-related lymphedema: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials . World Journal of Surgical Oncology .2013 ;(11)

1. 2022 Huang TW,Shih CH,Chou PC,Chou TL. Comparison between subjective and objective fatigue in patients with lung cancer and cancer-free participants: Evaluation of diagnostic criteria for cancer-related fatigue. . Journal of Clinical Oncology .2022 ;(40):440-440

2. 2020 Huang TW,Tam KW,Chen CF. Comparison of the attention of reporting guidelines and trial registration in nursing journals in recent seven years. . Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews .2020 ;(1 ):234-235

3. 2018 Hou, WH,Wu, TY,Huang, TW. Rasch analysis of the 9-item Shared Decision Making Questionnaire for women with breast cancer . Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews .2018 ;(9):221-221

4. 2018 Lai, JH,Huang, TW. The surveillance interval of follow-up colonoscopy after an initial colonoscopy: a retrospective study . BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine .2018 ;(23):55-56

5. 2018 Huang, TW,Chiang, CI. Barriers About Hospice: Exploring Perception and Barriers for Healthcare Providers . The 8th Hong Kong International Nursing Forum cum 2018 International Council on Women’s Health Issues Congress .2018

6. 2018 Huang, TW,Lai, JH . The Effects of Muscle Relaxation Therapy in Reducing Head and Neck Cancer Postoperative Induced Fatigue and Sleep Quality: A Randomized Controlled Trial. . MASCC/ISOO 2018 International Symposium on Supportive Care in Cancer Austria .2018

7. 2017 Huang TW,Chen YC. Confidence regarding evidence-based practice in outpatient department nurses. . Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews .2017 ;(9):458-456

1. 2018 GRADE評核系統分級工具的應用 . 化知識為行動:GRADE於系統性文獻回顧與實證臨床指引之應用 .2018

2. 2018 實證研究回顧 . 醫療資源使用之效益探討—低效益醫療之探討 .2018

3. 2017 癌症護理學 . 癌症護理學 .2017

4. 2013 健康與身體評估 . 健康與身體評估 .2013


113 探討台灣綠蜂膠產品於抗發炎和代謝調節之功效與分子機制及其在健康照護與動物產業的應用-運用台灣綠蜂膠在改善癌症病患治療前後及亞健康族群口腔黏膜炎、菌相及血脂成效(2/3)

112 運用互動式凱比機器人製作癌因性疲憊 運動教案之成效

112 製作互動式病人自我報告量表監測癌症 病人疲憊之成效:以凱比互動機器人為 媒介

112 探討台灣綠蜂膠產品於抗發炎和代謝調節之功效與分子機制及其在健康照護與動物產業的應用-運用台灣綠蜂膠在改善癌症病患治療前後及亞健康族群口腔黏膜炎、菌相及血脂成效(1/3)

111 比較護生及護理人員利用互動式電子書及傳統衛教方法學習失眠之簡易行為療法之成效-一項隨機臨床試驗

111 111年度產學合作計畫-以電子化紀錄與穿載裝置量測實現雙模檢測功能的癌因性疲憊運動照護系統

111 111年度產學合作計畫-以電子化紀錄與穿載裝置量測實現雙模檢測功能的癌因性疲憊運動照護系統

111 會議名稱:Asian Oncology Nursing Society Conference 2023。

110 探討使用電子書及虛擬實境學習徒手淋巴引流之成效-以大學護理系學生為例

110 癌因性口腔黏膜炎之精準健康照護:運用蜂製品之臨床隨機試驗

110 運用電子化病患報告結果與智慧型穿載設備的癌因性疲憊精準健康照護系統

110 運用電子化病患報告結果與智慧型穿載設備的癌因性疲憊精準健康照護系統

109 探討張口受限患者的牙關緊閉與生活品質之關係

109 產學合作計畫-利用智慧型穿載設備發展癌因性疲憊之精準健康照護系統

109 產學合作計畫-利用智慧型穿載設備發展癌因性疲憊之精準健康照護系統

109 護理學研究所博士班研究生Nurul Huda君擬於110年2月2日至5日參加International Confrence on Cancer Nursing依本部補助國內研究生出席國際學術會議作業要點申請補助費用一案

108 極低頻電磁場介入對於壓力及睡眠之成效探討—以大學護理系實習學生為例

108 頭頸部患者放化療引起的口腔黏膜炎之發生率和相關因素:使用數據庫的回溯性分析

108 利用智慧型手環發展癌因性疲憊客觀探測工具

108 利用智慧型手環發展癌因性疲憊客觀探測工具

107 使用Brush Monster APP製作口腔衛教方案於癌症相關口腔炎之成效

106 新聘教師研究補助

106 利用虛擬實境(VR)QR code活動設計改善癌因性疲憊之研究

106 虛擬實境教材應用於病房護理人員、護理系學生改善化學治療操作知識、認知程度之成效探討