劉彥麟(Liu, Yen-Lin) 副教授

現   職
小兒學科 副教授


學 歷

國立臺灣大學轉譯醫學博士學位學程 博士
國立成功大學醫學系 學士








Pediatric Medicine



1. 2024 Tsai CC#,Huang MH#,Fang CL,Hsieh KL,Hsieh TH,Ho WL, Chang H, Tsai ML, Kao YC, Miser JS, Wong TT, Su MY*, Liu YL*. An Infant-Type Hemispheric Glioma With SOX5::ALK: A Novel Fusion . Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network .2024 ;(22):e237102

2. 2023 Wu PC,Chang CY,Ho WL,Lee HL,Su YY,Chang CJ, Hsieh CI, Huang YL, Miser JS, Liu YL*. Multidisciplinary team approach for Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome: A case series . Pediatrics and Neonatology .2023

3. 2023 Huang JH,Chen SH,Liao YM,Kao YC,Ho WL,Chang H, Tsai ML, Lee HL, Kuo CC, Tseng SH, Chang CY, Hsieh KL, Lu LS, Chen YJ, Chiou JF, Hsieh TH, Liu YR, Hsu W, Li WT, Wu YC, Wu WC, Wang JL, Tsai JJ, Terashima K, Kiyotani C, Wong TT, Miser JS, Liu YL*. Feasibility and Toxicity of Interval-Compressed Chemotherapy in Asian Children and Young Adults with Sarcoma . Journal of Personalized Medicine .2023 ;(13):668

4. 2023 Chen SH,Miser JS,Liew PL,Chen BJ,Liu YL. Pulmonary Lymphoepithelioma-like Carcinoma: A complication of Epstein-Barr Virus in a Teenager . Journal of Microbiology, Immunology and Infection .2023

5. 2023 Yu CH#,Jou ST#,Coustan-Smith E,Wu G,Cheng CN,Lu MY, Lin KH, Wu KH, Chen SH, Huang FL, Chang HH, Wang JL, Yen HJ, Li MJ, Chou SW, Ho WL, Liu YL, Chang CC, Lin ZS, Lin CY, Chen HY, Ni YL, Lin DT, Lin SW, Yang JJ, Ni YH, Pui CH*, Yu SL*, Yang YL*. Clinical impact of minimal residual disease and genetic subtypes on the prognosis of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia . Cancer .2023 ;(129):790-802

6. 2023 Miser JS#,Shia BC#,Kao YW#,Liu YL,Chen SY,Ho WL*. The Health Care Utilization and Medical Costs in Long-Term Follow-Up of Children Diagnosed With Leukemia, Solid Tumor, or Brain Tumor: Population-Based Study Using the National Health Insurance Claims Data . JMIR Public Health and Surveillance .2023 ;(9)

7. 2022 Chien TC,Chien MM,Liu TL,Chang H,Tsai ML,Tseng SH, Ho WL, Su YY, Lin HC, Lu JH, Chang CY, Hsieh KL, Wong TT, Miser JS, Liu YL*. Adrenal Crisis Mimicking COVID-19 Encephalopathy in a Teenager with Craniopharyngioma . Children .2022 ;(9):1238

8. 2022 Liu YL,Tsai ML,Chen CI,Yar N,Tsai CW,Lee HL, Kuo CC, Ho WL, Hsieh KL, Tseng SH, Miser JS, Chang CY, Chang H, Huang WC, Wong TT, Wu ATH, Yen YC. Atypical Teratoid/Rhabdoid Tumor in Taiwan: A Nationwide, Population-Based Study . Cancers .2022 ;(14):668

9. 2022 Ho WL,Hung GY,Yen HJ,Yang YL,Chang HH,Lu MY, Lin KH, Chen JS, Cheng CN, Hung IJ, Yang CP, Chen SH, Liu HC, Yeh TC, Hou JY, Hsiao CC, Sheen JM, Chang TT, Wong TT, Miser JS, Liu YL, Chen RL, Chen BW, Peng CT, Chang TK, Wu KH, Chang YH, Wang JL, Wang SC, Lin MT, Hu FC, Jou ST*, Lin DT*. Characteristics and outcomes of second cancers in patients with childhood cancer: A report from the Taiwan Pediatric Oncology Group . Journal of the Formosan Medical Association .2022 ;(121):350-359

10. 2022 Chien TC,Chien MM,Liu YL,Chang H,Tsai ML,Tseng SH, Ho WL, Su YY, Lin HC, Lu JH, Chang CY, Hsieh KL, Wong TT, Miser JS, Liu YL*. Adrenal Crisis Mimicking COVID-19 Encephalopathy in a Teenager with Craniopharyngioma . Children (Basel) .2022 ;(9):1238

11. 2022 Wu WW*,Lu FL,Shiu CS,Tang CC,Jou ST,Chen JS, Liu YL. The effectiveness of a medical clowning program on improving emotional status among hospitalized children undergoing cancer treatment: A quasi-experimental study . Journal of Nursing Scholarship .2022 ;(54):161-168

12. 2022 Hsiao SS,Kuo CY,Liou TH,Wang TT,Liu YL,Tseng SH*. Developing an International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health Core Set for Pediatric Brain Tumor Survivors in Chinese Clinical Settings . Cancer Nursing .2022

13. 2021 Wu WW*,Lu FL,Shiu CS,Tang CC,Jou ST,Chen JS, Liu YL. The effectiveness of a medical clowning program on improving emotional status among hospitalized children undergoing cancer treatment: A quasi-experimental study. . Journal of Nusing Scholarship .2021

14. 2021 Yin YT,Tseng JH,Liu YL,Miser JS,Chen SH. Neonatal acute lymphoblastic leukemia (MLL-AF9) with leukemia cutis . Pediatrics and Neonatology .2021

15. 2021 Qin L,Zhang X,Wu A,Miser JS,Liu YL,Hsu JC, Shia BC*, Ye L*. Association between social media use and cancer screening awareness and behavior for people without a cancer diagnosis: Matched cohort study . Journal of Medical Internet Research .2021 ;(23):e26395

16. 2021 Lawal B,Liu YL,Mokgautsi N,Khedkar H,Sumitra MR,Wu ATH*, Huang HS*. Pharmacoinformatics and Preclinical Studies of NSC765690 and NSC765599, Potential STAT3/CDK2/4/6 Inhibitors with Antitumor Activities against NCI60 Human Tumor Cell Lines . Biomedicines .2021 ;(9):92

17. 2020 Pikatan NW,Liu YL,Bamodu OA,Hsiao M,Hsu WM,Haryana SM, Sutaryo, Chao TY*, Yeh CT*. Aberrantly expressed Bruton's tyrosine kinase preferentially drives metastatic and stem cell-like phenotypes in neuroblastoma cells . Cell Oncol (Dordr) .2020 ;(43):1067-84

18. 2020 Tran HM,Wu KS,Sung SY,Changou CA,Hsieh TH,Liu YR, Liu YL, Tsai ML, Lee HL, Hsieh KL, Huang WC, Liang ML, Chen HH, Lee YY, Lin SC, Ho DM, Chang FC, Chao ME, Chen W, Chu SS, Yu AL, Yen Y, Chang CC*, Wong TT*. Upregulation of Protein Synthesis and Proteasome Degradation Confers Sensitivity to Proteasome Inhibitor Bortezomib in Myc-Atypical Teratoid/Rhabdoid Tumors . Cancers (Basel) .2020 ;(12):752

19. 2020 Wu KS,Ho DM,Jou ST,Yu AL,Tran HM, Liang ML, Chen HH, Lee YY, Chen YW, Lin SC, Chang FC, Tsai ML, Liu YL, Lee HL, Hsieh KL, Huang WC, Sung SY, Chang CC, Changou CA, Liang KH, Hsieh TH, Liu YR, Chao ME, Chen W, Chu SS, Cho EC*, Wong TT*. Molecular-Clinical Correlation in Pediatric Medulloblastoma: A Cohort Series Study of 52 Cases in Taiwan . Cancers (Basel) .2020 ;(12):653

20. 2020 Chew CH,Lee CW,Huang WT,Cheng LW,Chen A,Cheng TM, Liu YL, Chen CC. Microtube Array Membrane (MTAM)-Based Encapsulated Cell Therapy for Cancer Treatment . Membranes (Basel) .2020 ;(10):80

21. 2020 Lee HL,Chiou JF,Wang PY,Lu LS,Shen CN, Hsu HL, Burnouf T, Ting LL, Chou PC, Chung CL, Lee KL, Shiah HS, Liu YL, Chen YJ*. Ex Vivo Expansion and Drug Sensitivity Profiling of Circulating Tumor Cells from Patients with Small Cell Lung Cancer . Cancers (Basel) .2020 ;(12):3394

22. 2019 Huang CT,Hsieh CH,Lee WC,Liu YL,Yang TS,Hsu WM, Oyang YJ, Huang HC, Juan HF*. Therapeutic Targeting of Non-Oncogene Dependencies in High-Risk Neuroblastoma . Clinical Cancer Research .2019

23. 2019 Chen SH,Kuo YT,Tsai LP,Liu YL*,Miser JS. A 2-year-old twin boy with pancytopenia caused due to nutritional cobalamin deficiency . Pediatrics and Neonatology .2019

24. 2019 Tai PA,Liu YL,Wen YT,Lin CM,Huynh TT,Wu ATH, Wei L. The Development and Applications of a Dual Optical Imaging System for Studying Glioma Stem Cells . Molecular Imaging .2019 ;(18):1536012119870899

25. 2019 Wu PY,Yu IS,Lin YC,Chang YT,Chen CC,Lin KH, Tseng TH, Kargren M, Tai YL, Shen TL, Liu YL, Wang BJ, Chang CH, Chen WM, Juan HF, Huang SF, Chan YY, Liao YF*, Hsu WM*, Lee H*. Activation of Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor by Kynurenine Impairs Progression and Metastasis of Neuroblastoma . Cancer Res .2019 ;(79):5550-62

26. 2019 Hsieh CH,Cheung CHY,Liu YL,Hou CL,Hsu CL,Huang CT, Yang TS, Chen SF, Chen CN, Hsu WM*, Huang HC*, Juan HF*. Quantitative Proteomics of Th-MYCN Transgenic Mice Reveals Aurora Kinase Inhibitor Altered Metabolic Pathways and Enhanced ACADM To Suppress Neuroblastoma Progression . J Proteome Res .2019 ;(18):3850-66

27. 2018 Huang PW,Liu YL,Miser JS,Lee CH,Kao CY,Chen SH. Carcinoid tumor arising from a retroperitoneal mature cystic teratoma . Pediatrics and Neonatology .2018 ;(59):520-522

28. 2018 Tsai ML,Chen CL,Hsieh KL,Miser JS,Chang H,Liu YL*, Wong TT*. Seizure characteristics are related to tumor pathology in children with brain tumors . Epilepsy Research .2018 ;(147):15-21

29. 2017 Chung CT,Liu YL,Cheng CJ,Hsieh KL,Tsai ML,Wong TT. Extrarenal rhabdoid tumor presented with an immobile arm in a one-year-old boy . Brain Dev .2017 ;(39):717-721

30. 2017 Li MJ,Chang HH,Yang YL,Lu MY,Shao PL,Fu CM, Chou AK, Liu YL, Lin KH, Huang LM, Lin DT, Jou ST. Infectious complications in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia treated with the Taiwan Pediatric Oncology Group protocol: A 16-year tertiary single-institution experience . Pediatric Blood and Cancer .2017 ;(64)

31. 2017 Weng WC,Lin KH,Wu PY,Ho YH,Liu YL,Wang BJ. VEGF expression correlates with neuronal differentiation and predicts a favorable prognosis in patients with neuroblastoma . Scientific Reports .2017 ;(7):11212

32. 2017 Huang PY,Liu YL,Miser JS,Lee CH,Kao CY,Chen SH. Carcinoid tumor arising from a retroperitoneal mature cystic teratoma. . Pediatr Neonatol .2017

33. 2017 Liu CJ,Lu MY,Liu YL,Ko CL,Ko KY,Tzen KY, Chang HH, Yang YL, Jou ST, Hsu WM*, Yen RF*. Risk stratification of pediatric patients with neuroblastoma using volumetric parameters of 18F-FDG and 18F-DOPA PET/CT . Clin Nucl Med .2017 ;(42):e142-e148

34. 2017 Chang HH,Liu YL,Lu MY,Jou ST,Yang YL,Lin DT, Lin KH, Tzen KY, Yen RF, Lu CC, Liu CJ, Peng SS, Jeng YM, Huang SF, Lee H, Juan HF, Huang MC. A multidisciplinary team care approach improves outcomes in high-risk pediatric neuroblastoma patients . Oncotarget .2017 ;(8):4360-4372

35. 2016 Chen SH,Kuo YT,Liu YL,Chen BJ,Lu YC,Miser JS. Acute Myeloid Leukemia Presenting with Sweet Syndrome: A Case Report and Review of the Literature . Pediatr Neonatol .2016 ;(58):283-284

36. 2016 Yang TO,Liu YL,Huang WT,Chen MH,Chen PC. Specific and non-specific clinical presentations in the year before the diagnosis of childhood leukaemia . Pediatr Blood Cancer .2016 ;(63):1387-1393

37. 2016 Liu YL,Lu MY,Chang HH,Lu CC,Lin DT,Jou ST, Yang YL, Lee YL, Huang SF, Jeng YM, Lee H, Miser JS, Lin KH, Liao YF, Hsu WM*, Tzen KY*. Diagnostic FDG and FDOPA positron emission tomography scans distinguish the genomic type and treatment outcome of neuroblastoma . Oncotarget .2016 ;(7):18774-18786

38. 2015 Wong TT,Liu YL,Ho DM,Chang KP,Liang ML,Chen HH, Lee YY, Chang FC, Lin SC, Hsu TR, Chen KW, Kwang WK, Hou WY, Wang CY, Yen SH, Guo WY, Chen. Factors affecting survival of medulloblastoma in children: the changing concept of management . Childs Nerv Syst .2015 ;(31):1687-1698

39. 2015 Huang YY,Tzen KY*,Liu YL,Chiu CH,Tsai CL,Wen HP, Tang KH, Liu CC, Shiue CY. Impact of residual 18F-fluoride in 18F-FDOPA for the diagnosis of neuroblastoma . Ann Nucl Med .2015 ;(29):489-498

40. 2015 Kuo YT,Liu YL,Adebayo BO,Shih PH,Lee WH,Wang LS, Liao YF, Hsu WM, Yeh CT*, Lin CM*. JARID1B expression plays a critical role in chemoresistance and stem cell-like phenotype of neuroblastoma cells . PLoS One .2015 ;(10):e01253-e01253

41. 2015 Chen SH,Fan CK,Miser JS,Liu YL,Huang YJ,Wang CY. An infant boy with widespread ecchymoses and severe eosinophilia . J Microbiol Immunol Infect .2015 ;(82):233-235

42. 2015 Weaver MS,Arora RS,Howard SC,Salaverria CE,Liu YL,Ribeiro RC, Lam CG*. A practical approach to reporting treatment abandonment in pediatric chronic conditions . Pediatr Blood Cancer .2015 ;(48):233-235

43. 2015 Liu YL,Lo WC,Chiang CJ,Yang YW,Lu MY,Hsu WM, Ho WL, Li MJ, Miser JS, Lin DT*, Lai MS*. Incidence of cancer in children aged 0–14 years in Taiwan, 1996–2010 . Cancer Epidemiol .2015 ;(39):21-28

44. 2014 Liu YL,Miser JS,Hsu WM. Risk-directed therapy and research in neuroblastoma . J Formos Med Assoc .2014 ;(113):887-889

45. 2014 Liu YL,Wu PS,Tsai LP,Tsai WH*. Pediatric round pneumonia . Pediatr Neonatol .2014 ;(55):491-494

46. 2014 Chen SH,Liu YL,Hsu WM,Miser JS*. Infants with cancer: A unique population . J Exp Clin Med .2014 ;(6):1-9

47. 2014 Wu PY,Liao YF,Juan HF,Huang HC,Wang BJ,Liu YL, Yu IS, Shih YY, Jeng YM, Hsu WM*, Lee H*. Aryl hydrocarbon receptor down regulates MYCN expression and promotes cell differentiation of neuroblastoma . PLoS One .2014 ;(9):e88795-e88795

48. 2013 Gupta S*,Yeh S,Martiniuk A,Lam CG,Chen HY,Liu YL, Tsimicalis A, Arora R, Ribeiro RC, SIOP PODC Abandonment of Treatment Working Group. The magnitude and predictors of abandonment of therapy in paediatric acute leukaemia in middle-income countries: A systematic review and meta-analysis . Eur J Cancer .2013 ;(49):2555-2564

49. 2013 Lu MY,Liu YL,Chang HH,Jou ST,Yang YL,Lin KH, Lin DT, Lee YL, Lee H, Wu PY, Luo TY, Shen LH, Huang SF, Liao YF, Hsu WM*, Tzen KY*, Nationa. Characterization of neuroblastic tumors using 18F-FDOPA PET . J Nucl Med .2013 ;(54):42-49

50. 2012 Liu YL,Tung CL,Yang YL,Lin DT,Lin KH,Liao HL*. Precursor B-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma of the ear in a seven-year-old child . J Clin Oncol .2012 ;(30):e184-e187


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