高志文(Wayne Gao) 副教授

現   職
全球衛生暨衛生安全博士學位學程 副教授


學 歷

美國紐約大學國際公共衛生、營養與食品研究 博士
國立陽明大學公共衛生學系 碩士
輔仁大學體育學系 學士




2018/08/01 ~ 2021/06/29


聯合國大學 UN University客座講者





1. 2024 Wayne Gao,Mattia Sanna ,Yea-Hung Chen,Min Kwang Tsai,Chi Pang Wen. Occupational Sitting Time, Leisure Physical Activity, and All-Cause and Cardiovascular Disease Mortality . JAMA Network Open .2024

2. 2024 Wayne Gao,H Gilbert Welch. Trouble with promoting lung cancer screening in never-smokers . The Lancet Respiratory Medicine .2024

3. 2024 Thu Win Kyaw ,Min-Kuang Tsai,Chi-Pang Wen, Chin-Chung Shu,Ta-Chen Su ,Xifeng Wu, Wayne Gao. Impaired lung function and lung cancer risk in 461,183 healthy individuals: a cohort study . BMJ Open Respiratory Research .2024

4. 2023 Kamaluddin Latief,Dieta Nurrika,Min-Kuang Tsai,Wayne Gao. Body Mass Index Asian populations category and stroke and heart disease in the adult population: a longitudinal study of the Indonesia Family Life Survey (IFLS) 2007 and 2014 . BMC Public Health .2023

5. 2023 Min-Kuang Tsai,Wayne Gao,Kuo-Liong Chien,Thu Win Kyaw,Chin-Kun Baw,Chih-Cheng Hsu, Chi-Pang Wen. Resting Heart Rate Independent of Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors Is Associated With End-Stage Renal Disease: A Cohort Study Based on 476 347 Adults . Journal of the American Heart Association .2023

6. 2023 Min‑Kuang Tsai,Wayne Gao,Chi‑Pang Wen. The relationship between alcohol consumption and health: J‑shaped or less is more? . BMC Medicine .2023

7. 2022 Tsai Min Kuang,Gao Wayne,Chien Kuo Liong,Hsu Chih Cheng,Wen Chi Pang. Role of Physical Activity in Lowering Risk of End-Stage Renal Disease . Mayo Clinic Proceedings .2022 ;(97):881-893

8. 2022 Gao Wayne,Wen Chi Pang,Wu Allison,Welch H. Gilbert. Association of Computed Tomographic Screening Promotion with Lung Cancer Overdiagnosis among Asian Women . JAMA Internal Medicine .2022 ;(182):283-290

9. 2022 Gao W,Wen CP,Gilbert W. Should We Screen Never-Smoking Asian Women for Lung Cancer Using Low-Dose Computed Tomography?—Reply . JAMA Internal Medicine .2022

10. 2022 Tsai MK,Gao W,Chien KL,Hsu CC,W CP. A prediction model with lifestyle factors improves the predictive ability for renal replacement therapy: a cohort of 442 714 Asian adults . Clinical Kidney Journal .2022 ;(15):1896-1907

11. 2022 Tsai MK,Gao W,Chien KL,Baw CK,Hsu CC,Wen CP. Associations of prolonged occupational sitting with the spectrum of kidney disease: Results from a cohort of a half-million Asian adults . Sports Medicine - Open .2022

12. 2021 Jia Huang Lin,Chi Pang Wen, Chao Qiang Jiang,Jian-Min Yuan,Chien Jen Chen,Sai Yin Ho,Wayne Gao, Weisen Zhang, Renwei Wang, Yin-Chu Chien, Lin Xu, Xifeng Wu, Ya Li Jin, Woon-Puay Koh, Wan-Lun Hsu, Feng Zhu, Christopher Wen, Tong Zhu, June Han Lee, Zhi-Ming Mai, Maria Li Lung, Tai-Hing Lam. Smoking and nasopharyngeal cancer: individual data meta-analysis of six prospective studies on 334 935 men . International Journal of Epidemiology .2021

13. 2021 Can weight loss be accelerated if we exercise smarter with wearable devices by subscribing to Personal Activity Intelligence (PAI)? . The Lancet Regional Health – Europe .2021 ;(5)

14. 2021 Tatiana Filonets, ,Maxim Solovchuk, ,,Wayne Gao, Tony Wen-Hann Sheu . Investigation of the Efficiency of Mask Wearing, Contact Tracing, and Case Isolation during the COVID-19 Outbreak . Journal of Clinical Medicine .2021

15. 2021 Gao Wayne,Sanna Mattia,Chuluunbaatar Enkhzaya,Tsai Min Kuang,Levy David T.,Wen Chi Pang,. Are E-Cigarettes reviving the popularity of conventional smoking among Taiwanese male adolescents? A time-trend population-based analysis for 2004-2017 . Tobacco Control .2021 ;(30):132-136

16. 2021 Tsai SP,Tsai MK,Lu PJ,Wai PM,, Wen C, ,Gao W; Wu XF, Wen CP. . Converting Health Risks into Loss of Life Years-A Paradigm Shift in Clinical Risk Communication . Aging .2021

17. 2021 Gao Wayne,Sanna Mattia,Huang Garry,Hefler Marita,Tsai Min Kuang,Wen Chi Pang,Gao Wayne,Sanna Mattia,Huang Garry,Hefler Marita,Tsai Min Kuang,Wen Chi Pang. Examining Population Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic: All-Cause, Pneumonia and Influenza, and Road Traffic Deaths in Taiwan . Annals of Internal Medicine .2021 ;(174):880-882

18. 2021 Wen Chi Pang ,Gao Wayne . PM 2.5: an important cause for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease? . The Lancet Planetary Health .2021 ;(2):e105-e106

19. 2021 Jia Huang Lin,Chi Pang Wen,Chao Qiang Jiang,Jian-Min Yuan,Chien Jen Chen,Sai Yin Ho, Wayne Gao, Weisen Zhang, et al. Smoking and nasopharyngeal cancer: individual data meta-analysis of six prospective studies on 334 935 men . INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY .2021 ;(50):975-986

20. 2020 Wayne Gao,Mattia Sanna,Min-Kung Tsai,ChiPang Wen. Geo-temporal distribution of 1,688 Chinese healthcare workers infected with COVID-19 in severe conditions—A secondary data analysis . PLOS One .2020

21. 2020 Mattia Sanna, Wayne Gao,Ya-Wen Chiu,Hung-Yi Chiou,Yi-Hua Chen,Chi-Pang Wen,David Theodore Levy. Tobacco control within and beyond WHO MPOWER: outcomes from Taiwan SimSmoke . Tobacco Control .2020 ;(29 )

22. 2019 Chien YN, Gao W, ,Sanna M,Hung-Yi Chiou,Chen PL,, Chen YH,Glantz S, Chiou HY. Electronic Cigarette Use and Smoking Initiation in Taiwan: Evidence from the First Prospective Study in Asia . International Journal Environmental Research and Public Health .2019

23. 2019 Wayne Gao,Mattia Sanna,J Robert Branston,Chiou HY ,Chen YH,Allison Wu, Wen CP. Exploiting a low tax system: non-tax-induced cigarette price increases in Taiwan 2011–2016 . Tobacco Control .2019

24. 2019 Gao Wayne,Sanna Mattia,Hefler Marita,Wen Chi Pang. Air pollution is not 'the new smoking': Comparing the disease burden of air pollution and smoking across the globe, 1990-2017 . Tobacco Control .2019

25. 2018 Gao Wayne . China's smoking burden under business as usual and two replicable proven experiences from Taiwan and Hong Kong . Tobacco Induced Diseases .2018 ;(16)

26. 2018 Gao W,Sanna M,Huang LL,Chiu YW,Chen YH,Chiou HY. Juggling Two Balls-Smoking (Re)Normalization and Harm Reduction: E-Cigarettes-Facts and Misconceptions in Taiwan . Asia Pac J Public Health .2018 ;(30):328-331

27. 2018 Gao W,Chuluunbaatar, E, Wen, C. P. . Smokers with diabetes: Twice as deadly and shortened life by 15 years . Tobacco Induced Diseases .2018 ;(16)

28. 2017 GBD 2015 Tobacco Collaborators ,Reitsma Marissa B. ,Fullman Nancy ,Ng Marie ,Salama Joseph S. . Smoking prevalence and attributable disease burden in 195 countries and territories, 1990–2015: a systematic analysis from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015 . The Lancet .2017 ;(389):1885-1906

29. 2017 Wen Chi Pang ,Chang Chia Hsuin ,Tsai Min Kuang ,Lee June Han ,Lu Po Jung ,Shan Pou Tsai, Christopher Wen, Chien Hua Chen, Chih Wen Kao, Chwen Keng Tsao, Xifeng Wu. Diabetes with early kidney involvement may shorten life expectancy by 16 years . Kidney International .2017 ;(92):388-396

30. 2017 Ryan M Barber, ,Nancy Fullman,Reed J D Sorensen,,Thomas Bollyky,Martin McKee,Ellen Nolte, et al., Wayne Gao, Christopher Murray. Healthcare Access and Quality Index based on mortality from causes amenable to personal health care in 195 countries and territories, 1990–2015: a novel analysis from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015 . The Lancet .2017 ;(390):231-266

1. 2023 Wayne Gao. The Effect of Screening-Induced Surge in Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery on Population Late-Stage Lung Cancer Incidence . Preventing Overdiagnosis .2023

2. 2023 Wayne Gao. The Downsides of Catching Cancer Early . Pharmed Out Conference .2023

3. 2022 Wayne Gao. Outcomes of the First National Oral Cancer Screening Program, 2004 to 2018 in Taiwan . Preventing Overdiagnosis .2022

4. 2021 Chi Pang Wen,Po Jung Lu,Wayne Gao,June Han Lee. Inactive smokers with prolonged sitting: Life expectancy shortened by 15 years . Tobacco Induced Diseases .2021 ;(19)

5. 2021 Chi Pang Wen,Po Jung Lu,Wayne Gao,June Han Lee. The cardiovascular disease risk of hypertensive smokers . Tobacco Induced Diseases .2021 ;(19)

6. 2021 Chi P. Wen,Wayne Gao,Chien H. Chen,Jackson P. M. Wai,Christopher Wen, Po J. Lu, June H. Lee, Chih C. Hsu. The case for physical activity as an option in the smoking cessation guidelines: Short and long term benefits beyond expectation from regular exercise . Tobacco Induced Diseases .2021 ;(19)

7. 2019 Wayne Gao,Mattia Sanna. The effect of industry vs government induced cigarette price increase on national cigarette consumption in Taiwan, 2011-2018 . Tobacco Induced Diseases .2019 ;(17)

8. 2019 Wayne Gao,Chi Pang Wen,Min Kuan Tsai. Pre-screening mechanism for LDCT lung cancer screening: Identifying higher-risk individuals among never smokers . Tobacco Induced Diseases .2019 ;(17)

9. 2019 Wayne Gao,Chi Pang Wen,Min Kuan Tsai,Mattia Sanna. Mystery of rapid increase of lung cancer in non-smoking women . Tobacco Induced Diseases .2019 ;(17)

10. 2018 Wayne Gao,Enkhzaya Chuluunbaatar,Chi Pang Wen. Smokers with diabetes: Twice as deadly and shortened life by 15 years . Tobacco Induced Diseases .2018 ;(16)

11. 2018 Wayne Gao,Chi Pang Wen. The increased cardiovascular mortality among hypertensive smokers . Tobacco Induced Diseases .2018 ;(16)

12. 2018 Wayne Gao. China's smoking burden under business as usual and two replicable proven experiences from Taiwan and Hong Kong . Tobacco Induced Diseases .2018 ;(16)

13. 2018 Wai Jackson Pui Man ,Tsai Min-Kuang ,Lee June-Han ,Lu Po-Jung ,Kao Chih-Wen . Encouraging physical activity for smokers: benefits beyond expectation . Tobacco Induced Diseases .2018 ;(16)


112 會議名稱:第 39 屆國際衛生保健質量協會 (ISQua) 國際會議

112 會議名稱:3rd SIPHC & 17th PHOM

111 肺癌篩檢對台灣肺癌流行與醫療利用之影響- 國家癌登、死亡與健保檔時間序列分析2004-2019

110 新聘教師研究補助

107 菸害所致疾病負擔之國際合作研究計畫

106 「菸害防制政策之國際合作研究計畫」107年後續擴充