吳育瑋(Wu, Yu-Wei) 教授

現   職
醫學資訊研究所 教授


學 歷

Indiana UniversitySchool of Informatics 博士
清華大學資訊工程系 碩士
東海大學資訊科學系 學士






Lawrence Berkeley National Lab,USAPostdoc


Data mining and machine learning



1. 2024 Do DT,Yang MR,Vo TNS,Le NQK,Wu YW. Unitig-Centered Pan-Genome Machine Learning Approach for Predicting Antibiotic Resistance and Discovering Novel Resistance Genes in Bacterial Strains . Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal .2024 ;(23):1864-1876

2. 2023 Yang MR,Wu YW. A Cross-Validated Feature Selection approach for extracting the most parsimonious feature sets and discovering potential antimicrobial resistance (AMR) biomarkers . Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal .2023 ;(21):769-779

3. 2023 Subburaj S,Yeh CH,Patel B,Huang TH,Hung WS,Chang CY, Wu YW, Lin PT. K-mer-Based Human Gesture Recognition (KHGR) Using Curved Piezoelectric Sensor . Electronics .2023 ;(12):210

4. 2023 Jian BS,Chiou SL,Hsu CC,Ho J,Wu YW,Chu J. Bioinformatic Analysis Reveals both Oversampled and Underexplored Biosynthetic Diversity in Nonribosomal Peptides . ACS Chemical Biology .2023 ;(18):476-483

5. 2023 Shao YH,Wu YW,Naufal M,Wu JH. Genome-centered metagenomics illuminates adaptations of core members to a partial Nitritation–Anammox bioreactor under periodic microaeration . Frontiers in Microbiology .2023 ;(14):1046769

6. 2023 Sufriyana H,Wu YW,Su ECY. Human-guided deep learning with ante-hoc explainability by convolutional network from non-image data for pregnancy prognostication . Neural Networks .2023 ;(162):99-116

7. 2023 Yang MR,Su SF,Wu YW. Using bacterial pan-genome-based feature selection approach to improve the prediction of minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) . Frontiers in Genetics .2023 ;(14):1054032

8. 2023 Wang TY,Goh KS,Wang LJ,Wu LL,Wang FY,Wu YW. Long-Read Genome Sequencing of Abscondita cerata (Coleoptera: Lampyridae), the Endemic Firefly of Taiwan . Zoological Studies .2023 ;(62):e25

9. 2023 Huang ZJ,Patel B,Lu WH,Yang TY,Tung WC,Bučinskas V, Greitans M, Wu YW, Lin PT. Yeast cell detection using fuzzy automatic contrast enhancement (FACE) and you only look once (YOLO) . Scientific Reports .2023 ;(13):16222

10. 2023 Chen SJ,Wu YJ,Chen CC,Wu YW,Liou JM,Wu MS, Kuo CH, Lin CH. Plasma metabolites of aromatic amino acids associate with clinical severity and gut microbiota of Parkinson’s disease . npj Parkinson's disease .2023 ;(9):165

11. 2022 Chen SJ,Chen CC,Liao HY,Lin YT,Wu YW,Liou JM, Wu MS, Kuo CH, Lin CH. Association of Fecal and Plasma Levels of Short-Chain Fatty Acids With Gut Microbiota and Clinical Severity in Parkinson Disease Patients . Neurology .2022 ;(98):e848-e858

12. 2022 Wang PH,Chen YL,Wu TY,Wu YW,Wang TY,Shih CJ, Wei STS, Lai YL, Liu CX, Chiang YR. Omics and mechanistic insights into di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate degradation in the O2-fluctuating estuarine sediments . Chemosphere .2022 ;(299):134406

13. 2022 Yang MR,Wu YW. Enhancing predictions of antimicrobial resistance of pathogens by expanding the potential resistance gene repertoire using a pan-genome-based feature selection approach . BMC Bioinformatics .2022 ;(15):131

14. 2022 Do DT,Yang MR,Lam LHT,Le NQK,Wu YW. Improving MGMT methylation status prediction of glioblastoma through optimizing radiomics features using genetic algorithm-based machine learning approach . Scientific Reports .2022 ;(12):13412

15. 2022 Sufriyana H,Salim HM,Muhammad AR,Wu YW,Su ECY. Blood biomarkers representing maternal-fetal interface tissues used to predict early-and late-onset preeclampsia but not COVID-19 infection . Computational aand Structural Biotechnology Journal .2022 ;(20):4206-4224

16. 2022 Tom LM,Aulitto M,Wu YW,Deng K,Gao Y,Xiao N, Rodriguez BG, Louime C, Northen TR, Eudes A, Mortimer JC, Adams PD, Scheller HV, Simmons BA, Ceja-Navarro JA, Singer SW. Low-abundance populations distinguish microbiome performance in plant cell wall deconstruction . Microbiome .2022 ;(10):183

17. 2021 Gómez-Luciano LB,Wu YW,Chiang CM,Chang TS,Wu JY,Wang TY. Complete Genome Sequence of the Soil-Isolated Psychrobacillus sp. Strain AK 1817, Capable of Biotransforming the Ergostane Triterpenoid Antcin K . Microbiology Resource Annnouncements .2021 ;(10):e0124220

18. 2021 Chang TS,Chiang CM,Wang ZY,Tsai YL,Wu YW,Ting HJ, Wu JY. One-Pot Bi-Enzymatic Cascade Synthesis of Novel Ganoderma Triterpenoid Saponins . Catalysis .2021 ;(11):580

19. 2021 Wu YW,Singer SW. Recovering Individual Genomes from Metagenomes Using MaxBin 2.0 . Current Protocols .2021 ;(1):e128

20. 2021 Characterization of the complete mitochondrial genome of Abscondita cerata (Olivier, 1911) (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) and its phylogenetic implications . Mitochondrial DNA B Resource .2021 ;(6):2528-2530

21. 2021 Chang TS,Wang TY,Chiang CM,Lin YJ,Chen HL,Wu YW, Ting HJ, Wu JY. Biotransformation of celastrol to a novel, well-soluble, low-toxic and anti-oxidative celastrol-29-O-β-glucoside by Bacillus glycosyltransferases . Journal of bioscience and bioengineering .2021 ;(131):176-182

22. 2021 Chen CC,Lin CH,Hao WR,Yeh JS,Chiang KH,Fang YA, Chiu CC, Yang TY, Wu YW, Liu JC. Influenza vaccination and the risk of ventricular arrhythmias in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a population-based longitudinal study . Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine .2021 ;(8):731844

23. 2021 Her HL,Lin PT,Wu YW. PangenomeNet: a pan-genome-based network reveals functional modules on antimicrobial resistome for Escherichia coli strains . BMC Bioinformatics .2021 ;(22):548

24. 2021 Wei STS,Chen YL,Wu YW,Wu TY,Lai YL,Wang PH, Ismail W, Lee TH, Chiang YR. Integrated Multi-omics Investigations Reveal the Key Role of Synergistic Microbial Networks in Removing Plasticizer Di-(2-Ethylhexyl) Phthalate from Estuarine Sediments . mSystems .2021 ;(6):e0035821

25. 2020 Sufriyana H,Wu YW,Su ECY. Prediction of Preeclampsia and Intrauterine Growth Restriction: Development of Machine Learning Models on a Prospective Cohort . JMIR Medical Informatics .2020 ;(8):e15411

26. 2020 Sufriyana H,Wu YW,Su ECY. Artificial intelligence-assisted prediction of preeclampsia: Development and external validation of a nationwide health insurance dataset of the BPJS Kesehatan in Indonesia . EBioMedicine .2020 ;(54):102710

27. 2020 Huang YH,Wu YW,Chuang JY,Chang YC,Chang HF,Tao PL, Loh HH, Yeh SH. Morphine produces potent antinociception, sedation, and hypothermia in humanized mice expressing human mu-opioid receptor splice variants . Pain .2020 ;(161):1177-1190

28. 2020 Chi NF,Chang TH,Lee CY,Wu YW,Shen TA,Chan L, Chen YR, Chiou HY, Hsu CY, Hu CJ. Untargeted metabolomics predicts the functional outcome of ischemic stroke . Journal of the Formosan Medical Association .2020 ;(120):234-241

29. 2020 Sufriyana H,Husnayain A,Chen YL,Kuo CY,Singh O,Yeh TY, Wu YW, Su ECY. Comparison of Multivariable Logistic Regression and Other Machine Learning Algorithms for Prognostic Prediction Studies in Pregnancy Care: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis . JMIR Medical Informatics .2020 ;(8):e16503

30. 2020 Wu WK,Panyod S,Liu PY,Chen CC,Kao HL,Chuang HL, Chen YH, Zou HB, Kuo HC, Kuo CH, Liao BY, Chiu THT, Chung CH, Lin AYC, Lee YC, Tang SL, Wang JT, Wu YW, Hsu CC, Sheen LY, Orekhov AN, Wu MS. Characterization of TMAO productivity from carnitine challenge facilitates personalized nutrition and microbiome signatures discovery . Microbiome .2020 ;(8):162

31. 2019 Chaw SM,Liu YC,Wu YW,Wang HY,Lin CY,Wu CS, Ke HM, Chang LY, Hsu CY, Yang HT, Sudianto E, Hsu MH, Wu KP, WangLN, Leebens-Mack J, Tsai I. Stout camphor tree genome fills gaps in understanding of flowering plant genome evolution . Nature Plants .2019 ;(5):63-73

32. 2019 Yang SH,Tandon K,Lu CY,Wada N,Shih CJ,Hsiao SSY, Jane WN, Lee TC, Yang CM, Liu CT, Denis V, Wu YT, Wang LT, Huang L, Lee DC, Wu YW, Yamashiro H, Tang SL. Metagenomic, phylogenetic, and functional characterization of predominant endolithic green sulfur bacteria in the coral Isopora palifera. . Microbiome .2019 ;(7):3

33. 2019 Kothari A,Wu YW,Chandonia JM,Charrier M,Rajeev L,Rocha A, Joyner D, Hazen T, Singer SW, Mukhopadhyay A. Large circular plasmids from groundwater plasmidomes span multiple incompatibility groups and are enriched in multi-metal resistance genes . mBio .2019 ;(10):e02899-18

34. 2019 Wu YW,Yang SH,Hwangbo M,Chu KH. Analysis of Zobellella denitrificans ZD1 draft genome: Genes and gene clusters responsible for high polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) production from glycerol under saline conditions and its CRISPR-Cas system . PLoS ONE .2019 ;(14):e0222143

35. 2019 Chang TS,Chiang CM,Kao YH,Wu JY,Wu YW,Wang TY. A New Triterpenoid Glucoside from a Novel Acidic Glycosylation of Ganoderic Acid A via Recombinant Glycosyltransferase of Bacillus subtilis . Molecules .2019 ;(24):3457

36. 2019 Chang TS,Wang TY,Heueh TY,Lee YW,Chuang HM,Cai WX, Wu JY, Chiang CM, and Wu YW. A Genome-Centric Approach Reveals a Novel Glycosyltransferase from the GA A07 Strain of Bacillus thuringiensis Responsible for Catalyzing 15-O-Glycosylation of Ganoderic Acid A . International Journal of Molecular Sciences .2019 ;(20):5192

37. 2018 Kolinko S,Wu YW,Tachea F,Denzel E,Hiras J,Gabriel R, Bäcker N, Chan LJ, Eichorst SA, Frey D, Chen Q, Azadi P, Adams PD, Pray TR, Tanjore D, Petzold CJ, Gladden JM, Simmons BA, Singer SW. A bacterial pioneer produces cellulase complexes that persist through community succession . Nature Microbiology .2018 ;(3):99-107

38. 2018 Wu YW. ezTree: an automated pipeline for identifying phylogenetic marker genes and inferring evolutionary relationships among uncultivated prokaryotic draft genomes . BMC Genomics .2018 ;(19):921

39. 2018 Beller H,Rodrigues AV,Zargar K,Wu YW,Saini AK,Saville RM, Pereira JH, Adams PD, Tringe SG, Petzold CJ, and Keasling JD. Enzyme discovery for toluene synthesis in anoxic microbial communities . Nature Chemical Biology .2018 ;(14):451-457

40. 2018 Her HL,Wu YW. A pan-genome-based machine learning approach for predicting antimicrobial resistance activities of the Escherichia coli strains . Bioinformatics .2018 ;(34):i89-i95

41. 2018 Kimbrel J,Ballor N,Wu YW,David M,Hazen T,Simmons B, Singer S, and Jansson J. Microbial community structure and functional potential along a hypersaline gradient . Frontiers in Microbiology .2018 ;(9):1492

42. 2018 Wu YW,Li YJ. Development and implementation of computational models provides solutions for biomedical community . Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine .2018 ;(159):A1

43. 2018 Liang X,Whitman J,Holwerda EK,Shao X,Tian L,Wu YW, Lombard V, Henrissat B, Klingeman DM, Yang ZK, Podar M, Richard TL, Elkins JG, Brown SD, Lynd LR. Development and Characterization of Stable Anaerobic Thermophilic Methanogenic Microbiomes Fermenting Switchgrass at Decreasing Residence Times . Biotechnology for Biofuels .2018 ;(11):243

44. 2018 Wei S,Wu YW,Lee TH,Huang YS,Yang CY,Chen YL, Chiang YR. Microbial functional responses to cholesterol catabolism in denitrifying sludge . mSystems .2018 ;(3):e00113-18

45. 2017 Sczyrba A,Hofmann P,Belmann P,Koslicki D,Janssen S,Dröge J; Gregor I; Majda S; Fiedler J; Dahms E; Bremges A; Fritz A; Garrido-Oter R; Jørgensen TS; Shapiro N; Blood PD; Gurevich A; Bai Y; Turaev D; DeMaere MZ; Chikhi R; Nagarajan N; Quince C; Meyer F. Critical Assessment of Metagenome Interpretation—a benchmark of metagenomics software . Nature Methods .2017 ;(14):1063-1071

46. 2017 Wu YW,Shao Y,Khanipov K,Golovko G,Pimenova M,Fofanov Y, Chu KH. Draft Genome Sequence of Zobellella denitrificans ZD1 (JCM 13380), a salt-tolerant denitrifying bacterium capable of producing poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) . Genome Announcements .2017 ;(5):00948-17

47. 2016 Wu YW,Higgins B,Yu C,Reddy AP,Ceballos S,Joh LD, Simmons BA, Singer SW, VanderGheynst JS. Ionic Liquids Impact the Bioenergy Feedstock-Degrading Microbiome and Transcription of Enzymes Relevant to Polysaccharide Hydrolysis . mSystems .2016 ;(1):e00120-16

48. 2016 Wu YW,Simmons BA,Singer SW. MaxBin 2.0: an automated binning algorithm to recover genomes from multiple metagenomic datasets . Bioinformatics .2016 ;(32):605-607

49. 2016 Kothari A,Charrier M,Wu YW,Malfatti S,Zhou CE,Singer SW, Dugan L, Mukhopadhyay A. Transcriptomic analysis of the highly efficient oil-degrading bacterium Acinetobacter venetianus RAG-1 reveals genes important in dodecane uptake and utilization . FEMS Microbiology Letters .2016 ;(363):fnw224

50. 2016 Hiras J,Wu YW,Deng K,Nicora CD,Aldrich JT,Frey D, Kolinko S, Robinson ER, Jacobs JM, Adams P, Northen T, Simmons BA, Singer SW. Comparative community proteomics demonstrates the unexpected importance of an actinobacterial glycoside hydrolase family 12 for crystalline cellulose hydrolysis . mBIO .2016 ;(7):e01106-e01116

51. 2016 Hiras J,Wu YW,Eichorst SA,Simmons BA,Singer SW. Refining the Phylum Chlorobi by Resolving the Phylogeny and Metabolic Potential of the Representative of a Deeply Branching, Uncultivated Lineage . ISME .2016 ;(10):833-845

52. 2015 Nelson W,Maezato Y,Wu YW,Romine M,Lindemann S. Identification and resolution of microdiversity through metagenomic sequencing of parallel consortia . Applied and Environmental Microbiology .2015 ;(82):255-267

53. 2015 Lin KH,Liao BY,Chang HW,Huang SW,Chang TY,Yang CY, Wang YB, Lin YTK, Wu YW, Tang SL, Yu HT. Metabolic characteristics of dominant microbes and key rare species from an acidic hot spring in Taiwan revealed by metagenomics . BMC Genomics .2015 ;(16):1029

54. 2015 Wu YW,Joshua CJ,Eichorst SA,Gladden JM,Simmons BA,Singer SW. Genomic Analysis of Xylose Metabolism in Members of the Deinoccocus-Thermus Phylum from Thermophilic Biomass-Deconstructing Bacterial Consortia . BioEnergy Research .2015 ;(8):1031-1035

55. 2014 Wu YW,Tang YH,Tringe SG,Simmons SA,Singer SW. MaxBin: an automated binning method to recover individual genomes from metagenomes using an expectation-maximization algorithm . Microbiome .2014 ;(2):26

56. 2013 Wu YW,Doak TG,Ye Y. The gain and loss of chromosomal integron systems in the Treponema species . BMC Evolutionary Biology .2013 ;(13):16

57. 2012 Wu YW,Rho M,Doak TG,Ye Y. Stitching gene fragments with a network matching algorithm improves gene assembly for metagenomics . Bioinformatics .2012 ;(28):i363-i369

58. 2012 Wu YW,Rho M,Doak TG,Ye Y. Oral spirochetes implicated in dental diseases are widespread in normal human subjects and carry extremely diverse integron gene cassettes . Applied and Environmental Microbiology .2012 ;(78):5288-5296

59. 2012 Rho M,Wu YW,Tang H,Doak TG,Ye Y. Diverse CRISPRs evolving in human microbiomes . PLoS Genetics .2012 ;(8):e10024

60. 2011 Wu YW,Ye Y. A novel abundance-based algorithm for binning metagenomic sequences using l-tuples . Journal of Computational Biology .2011 ;(18):523-534

61. 2010 Salmans ML,Chaw SM,Lin CP,Shih ACC,Wu YW,Mulligan MR. Editing site analysis in a gymnosperm mitochondrial genome reveals similarities with angiosperm mitochondrial genomes . Current Genetics .2010 ;(56):439-446

62. 2008 Chaw SM,Shih ACC,Wang D,Wu YW,Liu SM,Chou TY. The Mitochondrial Genome of the Gymnosperm Cycas taitungensis Contains a Novel Family of Short Interspersed Elements, Bpu sequences, and Abundant RNA Editing Sites . Molecular Biology and Evolution .2008 ;(25):603-615

63. 2007 Wang D,Wu Y,Shih ACC,Wu CS,Wang YN,Chaw SM. Transfer of chloroplast genomic DNA to mitochondrial genome occurred at least 300 million years ago . Molecular Biology and Evolution .2007 ;(24):2040-2048

64. 2007 Shih ACC,Lee DT,Peng CL,Wu YW. Phylo-mLogo: An interactive multiple-logo visualization tool for large-number sequence alignments . BMC Bioinformatics .2007 ;(8):63

65. 2006 Shih ACC,Lee DT,Lin L,Peng CL,Chen SH,Wu YW, Wong CY, Chou MY, Shiao TC, Hsieh MF. SinicView: A visualization environment for comparisons of multiple nucleotide sequence alignment tools . BMC Bioinformatics .2006 ;(7):103


113 由細菌泛基因體預測與尋找抗藥性細菌的基因體生物標記(3/3)

112 針對機器學習特徵選取演算法選出的與 抗藥性高度相關的未知功能基因進行跨 物種基因比較分析

112 利用XGBoost機器學習模型預測在不同基 因組成的屎腸球菌對五種常用抗生素藥 物之抗藥性與MIC數值

112 透過非監督式微生物群基因體分類工具深度挖掘與分析微生物如何影響疾病的產生(3/3)

112 由細菌泛基因體預測與尋找抗藥性細菌的基因體生物標記(2/3)

112 「補助國內研究生出席國際學術會議」the 32nd Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB2024)(研究生:醫學資訊研究所博士班杜緣君)

111 透過非監督式微生物群基因體分類工具深度挖掘與分析微生物如何影響疾病的產生(2/3)

111 由細菌泛基因體預測與尋找抗藥性細菌的基因體生物標記(1/3)

110 運用機器學習演算法透過基因體資訊挖掘未知基因的功能與預測細菌抗藥性(3/3)

110 透過非監督式微生物群基因體分類工具深度挖掘與分析微生物如何影響疾病的產生(1/3)

109 運用機器學習演算法透過基因體資訊挖掘未知基因的功能與預測細菌抗藥性(2/3)

108 運用機器學習演算法透過基因體資訊挖掘未知基因的功能與預測細菌抗藥性(1/3)

107 使用Kmer 與神經網路進行智慧影像辨識與分類

106 利用基因網絡分析尋找假定蛋白質 (hypothetical protein)與抗藥性的關係

106 運用機器學習的方法辨識與發掘微生物基因體中的隱藏資訊

106 藉由整合多重組學的資料解析與判定人體中未知細菌的基因表現及該細菌在環境中伴演的角色(2/2)

105 新聘教師研究補助

105 尋找藥物結構、菌種特性與MIC distribution的關聯與預測模型

105 藉由整合多重組學的資料解析與判定人體中未知細菌的基因表現及該細菌在環境中伴演的角色(1/2)