羅伃君(Lo,Yu-Chun) 副教授

現   職
神經醫學博士學位學程 副教授


學 歷

台灣大學醫學工程研究所 博士
美國賓州西徹斯特大學溝通障礙所 碩士
中山醫學大學聽語系 學士




2020/02/01 ~







1. 2024 Hsieh CC,Lo YC,Wang HH,Shen HY,Chen YY,Lee YC. Amelioration of the brain structural connectivity is accompanied with changes of gut microbiota in a tuberous sclerosis complex mouse model. . Transl Psychiatry .2024 ;(14)

2. 2023 Wang CF,Wang TY,Kuo PH,Wang HL,Li SZ,Lin CM, Chan SC, Liu TY, Lo YC, Lin SH, Chen YY.. Upper-Arm Photoplethysmographic Sensor with One-Time Calibration for Long-Term Blood Pressure Monitoring . Biosensors .2023

3. 2023 Li SJ, Lo YC,Tseng HY,Lin SH,Kuo CH, Chen TC, Chang CW, Liang YW, Lin YC, Wang CY, Cho TY, Wang MH, Chen CT, Chen YY.. Nucleus accumbens deep brain stimulation improves depressive-like behaviors through BDNF-mediated alterations in brain functional connectivity of dopaminergic pathway. . Neurobiol Stress. .2023 ;(26)

4. 2023 Chen TC,Lo YC,Li SJ,Lin YC,Chang CW,Liang YW, Laiman V, Hsiao TC, Chuang HC, Chen YY.. Assessing traffic-related air pollution-induced fiber-specific white matter degradation associated with motor performance declines in aged rats . Ecotoxicol Environ Saf. .2023

5. 2022 Laiman V, Lo YC,Chen HC,Yuan TH,Hsiao TC,Chen JK, Chang CW, Lin TC, Li SJ, Chen YY, Heriyanto DS, Chung KF, Chuang KJ, Ho KF, Chang JH, Chuang HC. Effects of antibiotics and metals on lung and intestinal microbiome dysbiosis after sub-chronic lower-level exposure of air pollution in ageing rats. . Ecotoxicol Environ Saf. .2022

6. 2022 Lo YC,Li TJT,Lin TC,Chen YY,Kang JH. Microstructural Evidence of Neuroinflammation for Psychological Symptoms and Pain.in Patients With Fibromyalgia. . J Rheumatol .2022

7. 2022 Huang LK,Chao SP,Hu CJ,Chien LN,Chiou HY,Lo YC, Hsieh YC. Plasma Phosphorylated-tau181 Is a Predictor of Post-stroke Cognitive Impairment: A Longitudinal Study. . Front Aging Neurosci. .2022

8. 2022 Chou HY,Lo YC,Tsai YW,Shih CL,Yeh CT. Increased anxiety and depression symptoms in post-acute care patients with stroke during the COVID-19 pandemic . International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health .2022 ;(19)

9. 2021 Chiang MY,Cheng HW,Lo YC,Wang WC,Chang SJ,Cheng CH, Lin YC, Lu HE, Sue MW, Tsou NT, Lo YC, Li SJ, Kuo CH, Chen YY, Huang WC, Chen SY. 4D spatiotemporal modulation of biomolecules distribution in anisotropic corrugated microwrinkles via electrically manipulated microcapsules within hierarchical hydrogel for spinal cord regeneration . Biomaterials .2021 ;(271)

10. 2021 Yang SH,Koh CL,Hsu CH,Chen PC,Chen JW,Lan YH, Yang Y, Lin YD, Wu CH, Liu HK, Lo YC, Liu GT, Kuo CH, Chen YY. An instrumented glove-controlled portable hand-exoskeleton for bilateral hand rehabilitation . Biosensors .2021 ;(11)

11. 2021 Lee GA,Lin YK,Lai JH,Lo YC,Yang YCSH,Ye SY, Lee CJ, Wang CC, Chiang YH, Tseng SH. Maternal immune activation causes social behavior deficits and hypomyelination in male rat offspring with an autism-like microbiota profile . Brain Sciences .2021 ;(11)

12. 2021 Santri IN,Jiang CB,Chen YH,Wu CD,Zou ML,Chien LC, Lo YC, Chao HJ. Associations of birth outcomes with air pollution and land use characteristics in the Greater Taipei Area . Science of the Total Environment .2021 ;(750)

13. 2021 Zou ML,Jiang CB,Chen YH,Wu CD,Lung SC,Chien LC, Kallawicha K, Yang YT, Lo YC, Chao HJ. Effects of air pollution, land-use type, and maternal mental health on child development in the first two years of life in the Greater Taipei area . Environmental Research .2021 ;(197)

14. 2021 Wang H L,Chen JW,Yang SH,Lo YC,Pan HC,Liang YW, Wang CF, Yang Y, Kuo YT, Lin YC, Chou CY,Lin SH,Chen YY. Multimodal Optical Imaging to Investigate Spatiotemporal Changes in Cerebrovascular Function in AUDA Treatment of Acute Ischemic Stroke . Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience .2021 ;(15)

15. 2021 Hsieh CC,Lo YC,Li SJ,Lin TC,Chang CW,Chen TC, Yang SH, Lee YC, Chen YY.. Detection of endophenotypes associated with neuropsychiatric deficiencies in a mouse model of tuberous sclerosis complex using diffusion tensor imaging. . Brain Pathol. .2021 ;(31):4-19

16. 2021 Lo YC,Chen KY,Chou HC, Lin IH,Chen CM. Neonatal hyperoxia induces gut dysbiosis and behavioral changes in adolescent mice. . J Chin Med Assoc. .2021 ;(84):290-298

17. 2021 Santri Ichtiarini Nurullita,Jiang Chuen Bin,Chen Yi Hua,Wu Chih Da,Zou Ming Lun,Chien Ling Chu,Lo Yu Chun, Chao Hsing Jasmine,Santri Ichtiarini Nurullita,Jiang Chuen Bin,Chen Yi Hua,Wu Chih Da,Zou Ming Lun,Chien Ling Chu,Lo Yu Chun,Chao Hsing Jasmine. Associations of birth outcomes with air pollution and land use characteristics in the Greater Taipei Area . Science of the Total Environment .2021 ;(750)

18. 2021 Ajoy R,Lo YC,Ho MH,Chen YY,Wang Y, Chen YH, Jing-Yuan C, Changou CA, Hsiung YC, Chen HM, Chang TH, Lee CY, Chiang YH, Chang WC, Hoffer B, Chou SY. CCL5 promotion of bioenergy metabolism is crucial for hippocampal synapse complex and memory formation. . Mol Psychiatry .2021

19. 2020 Li SJ,Lo YC,Lai HY,Lin SH,Lin HC,Lin TC, Chang CW, Chen TC, Chin-Jung Hsieh C, Yang SH, Chiu FM, Kuo CH, Chen YY. Uncovering the Modulatory Interactions of Brain Networks in Cognition with Central Thalamic Deep Brain Stimulation Using Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging. . Neuroscience .2020

20. 2020 Fan LY ,Lo YC,Hsu YC,Chen YJ,Tseng WI,Chou TL. Developmental Differences of Structural Connectivity and Effective Connectivity in Semantic Judgments of Chinese Characters. . Front Hum Neurosci. .2020

21. 2020 Yang SH,Wang HL,Lo YC,Lai HY,Chen KY,Lan YH, Kao CC, Chou C, Lin SH, Huang JW, Wang CF, Kuo CH, Chen YY. Inhibition of Long-Term Variability in Decoding Forelimb Trajectory Using Evolutionary Neural Networks With Error-Correction Learning. . Front Comput Neurosci. .2020

22. 2020 Santri IN,Jiang CB,Chen YH,Wu CD,Zou ML,Chien LC, Lo YC, Chao HJ. Associations of birth outcomes with air pollution and land use characteristics in the Greater Taipei Area . Sci Total Environ .2020

23. 2020 Chen BW,Yang SH,Lo YC,Wang CF,Wang HL,Hsu CY, Kuo YT, Chen JC, Lin SH, Pan HC, Lee SW, Yu X, Qu B, Kuo CH, Chen YY, Lai HY.. Chen BW, Yang SH, Lo YC, Wang CF, Wang HL, Hsu CY, Kuo YT, Chen JC, Lin SH, Pan HC, Lee SW, Yu X, Qu B, Kuo CH, Chen YY, Lai HY. Enhancement of Hippocampal Spatial Decoding Using a Dynamic Q-Learning Method With a Relative Reward Using Theta Phase Precession . Int J Neural Syst. .2020

24. 2019 Lo YC,Chen YJ,Hsu YC,Chien YL,Gau SSF,Tseng WYI. Altered frontal aslant tracts as a heritable neural basis of social communication deficits in autism spectrum disorder: A sibling study using tract-based automatic analysis . Autism Research .2019 ;(12):225-238

25. 2019 Lin CW,Lin HY ,Lo YC,Chen YJ ,Hsu YC,Chen YL, Tseng WI, Gau SS. Alterations in white matter microstructure and regional volume are related to motor functions in boys with autism spectrum disorder . Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry .2019 ;(90):76-83

26. 2019 Kuo CJ,Huang CC,Chou SY,Lo YC,Kao TJ,Huang NK, Lin C, Lin HC, Lin HC, Lee YC. Potential therapeutic effect of curcumin, a natural mTOR inhibitor, in tuberous sclerosis complex . Phytomedicine .2019 ;(54):132-139

27. 2019 Sobczak-Edmans M,Lo YC,Hsu YC,Chen YJ ,Kwok FY,Chuang KH, Tseng WYI, Chen SHA. Cerebro-Cerebellar Pathways for Verbal Working Memory . Frontiers in Human Neuroscience .2019

28. 2019 Alterations in white matter microstructure and regional volume are related to motor functions in boys with autism spectrum disorder. . Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry .2019 ;(90):76-83

29. 2019 Potential therapeutic effect of curcumin, a natural mTOR inhibitor, in tuberous sclerosis complex . Phytomedicine .2019 ;(54):132-139

30. 2019 Gene-Embedded Nanostructural Biotic-Abiotic Optoelectrode Arrays Applied for Synchronous Brain Optogenetics and Neural Signal Recording . ACS Appl Mater Interfaces .2019 ;(11):11270-11282

31. 2019 MR imaging central thalamic deep brain stimulation restored autistic-like social deficits in the rat . Brain Stimul .2019

32. 2019 Modulation of theta-band local field potential oscillations across brain networks with central thalamic deep brain stimulation to enhance spatial working memory . Frontiers in Neuroscience .2019

33. 2018 Chen YJ, Liu CM,Hsu YC,Lo YC,Hwang TJ, Hwu HG, Lin YT, Tseng WI. Individualized prediction of schizophrenia based on the whole-brain pattern of altered white matter tract integrity . Hum Brain Mapp .2018 ;(39):575-587

34. 2018 Highly sensitive/selective 3D nanostructured immunoparticle-based interface on a multichannel sensor array for detecting amyloid-beta in Alzheimer's disease . Theranostics .2018 ;(8):4210-4225

35. 2018 Kuo WC, Kuo YM,Syu JP,Wang HL,Lai CM,Chen JW, Lo YC, Chen YY. The use of intensity-based Doppler variance method for single vessel response to functional neurovascular activation . Journal of Biophotonics .2018 ;(11)

36. 2018 Shih CH,Chen JK,Kuo LW,Cho KH,Hsiao TC,Lin ZW, Lin YS, Kang JH, Lo YC, Chuang KJ, Cheng TJ, Chuang HC. Chronic pulmonary exposure to traffic-related fine particulate matter causes brain impairment in adult rats. . Particle and Fibre Toxicology .2018 ;(15)

37. 2017 Lo YC,Chen YJ,Hsu YC,Tseng WYI,Gau SSF. Reduced tract integrity of the model for social communication is a neural substrate of social communication deficits in autism spectrum disorder. . J Child Psychol Psychiatry .2017

38. 2017 Wang CF,Yang SH,Lin SH,Chen PC,Lo YC,Pan HC, Lai HY, Liao LD, Lin HC, Chen HY, Huang WC, Huang WJ, Chen YY. A proof-of-principle simulation for closed-loop control based on preexisting experimental thalamic DBS-enhanced instrumental learning. . Brain Stimul. .2017 ;(10):672-683

39. 2017 Lin SH,Lai HY ,Lo YC,Chou C,Chou YT,Yang SH, Sun I, Chen BW, Wang CF, Liu GT, Jaw FS, Chen SY, Chen YY.. A sliced inverse regression (SIR) decoding the forelimb movement from neuronal spikes in the rat motor cortex . Frontiers in Neuroscience .2017 ;(10)

40. 2017 Pan HC,Liao LD,Lo YC,Chen JW,Wang HL,Yang L, Liang YW, Huang PY, Yang MH, Chen YY. Neurovascular function recovery after focal ischemic stroke by enhancing cerebral collateral circulation via peripheral stimulation-mediated interarterial anastomosis. . Neurophotonics .2017 ;(4)

41. 2016 Lin HC, Pan HC, Lin SH,Lo YC,Shen ET,Liao LD, Liao PH, Chien YW, Liao KD, Jaw FS, Chu KW, Lai HY, Chen YY. Central thalamic deep-brain stimulation alters striatal-thalamic connectivity in cognitive neural behavior . Frontiers in Neural Circuits .2016 ;(9)

42. 2016 Lin SH,Chen SW,Lo YC,Lai HY,Yang CH,Chen SY, Chang YJ, Chen CH, Huang WT, Jaw FS, Chen YY, Tsang S, Liao LD.. Quantitative measurement of Parkinsonian gait from walking in monocular image sequences using a centroid tracking algorithm. . Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing .2016

43. 2016 Yang SH,Chen YY,Lin SH,Liao LD,Lu HH,Wang CF, Chen PC, Lo YC, Phan TD, Chao HY, Lin HC, Lai HY, Huang WC. A Sliced Inverse Regression (SIR) Decoding the Forelimb Movement from Neuronal Spikes in the Rat Motor Cortex. . Front Neurosci. .2016

44. 2015 Gong CS,Lai HY,Huang SH,Lo YC,Lee N,Chen PY, Tu PH, Yang CY, Lin JC, Chen YY. A programmable high-voltage compliance neural stimulator for deep brain stimulation in vivo. . Sensors (Basel) .2015

45. 2015 Chiang HL,Chen YJ,Lo YC,Tseng WY,Gau SS. Altered white matter tract property related to impaired focused attention, sustained attention, cognitive impulsivity and vigilance in attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder. . J Psychiatry Neuroscience .2015

46. 2015 Chen YJ,Lo YC,Hsu YC,Fan CC,Hwang TJ,Liu CM, Chien YL, Hsieh MH, Liu CC, Hwu HG, Tseng WY.. Automatic whole brain tract-based analysis using predefined tracts in a diffusion spectrum imaging template and an accurate registration strategy. . Human Brain Mapping .2015

47. 2015 Hsu YC,Lo YC,Chen YJ,Wedeen VJ,Tseng WYI. NTU-DSI-122: A Diffusion Spectrum Imaging Template with High Anatomical Matching to the ICBM-152 Space. . Human Brain Mapping .2015

48. 2015 Chien HY,Gau SS,Hsu YC,Chen YJ,Lo YC,Shih YC, Tseng WY.. Altered Cortical Thickness and Tract Integrity of the Mirror Neuron System and Associated Social Communication in Autism Spectrum Disorder. . Autism research .2015

49. 2015 Wu CH,Hwang TJ,Chen YJ,Hsu YC,Lo YC,Liu CM, Hwu HG, Liu CC, Hsieh MH, Chien YL, Chen CM, Isaac Tseng WY.. Primary and secondary alterations of white matter connectivity in schizophrenia: A study on first-episode and chronic patients using whole-brain tractography-based analysis. . Schizophrenia Research .2015

50. 2015 Wu CH,Hwang TJ,Chen YJ,Hsu YC,Lo YC,Liu CM, Hwu HG, Liu CC, Hsieh MH, Chien YL, Chen CM, Tseng WY.. Altered integrity of the right arcuate fasciculus as a trait marker of schizophrenia: A sibling study using tractography-based analysis of the whole brain. . Human Brain Mapping .2015

51. 2015 Gau SS,Tseng WL,Tseng WY,Wu YH,Lo YC. Association between microstructural integrity of frontostriatal tracts and school functioning: ADHD symptoms and executive function as mediators. . Psychological Medicine .2015

52. 2014 Wu YH,Gau SS,Lo YC,Tseng WYI. White matter tract integrity of frontostriatal circuit in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: Association with attention performance and symptoms. . Human Brain Mapping .2014

53. 2013 Lo YC,Chou TL,Fan LY,Gau SS,Chiu YN,Tseng WY. Altered structure-function relations of language processing in youths with high-functioning autism: A combined diffusion and functional MRI study. . Autism research .2013

54. 2013 Pan MK,Huang SC,Lo YC,Yang CC,Cheng TW,Yang CC, Hua MS, Lee MJ, Tseng WYI. Microstructural Integrity of Cerebral Fiber Tracts in Hereditary Spastic Paraparesis with SPG11 Mutation. . American Journal of Neuroradiology .2013

55. 2013 Tseng CEJ,Tseng WY,Lo YC,Tozer D. Has Arterial Spin Labeling Removed the Need for Contrast Enhanced Perfusion Studies? . Journal of Neuroscience and Neuroengineering. .2013

56. 2012 羅伃君,曾文毅. 探索腦與心智醫學的尖端利器:磁振造影技術大躍進 . 楓城新聞與評論 .2012

57. 2011 羅伃君,曾文毅. 腦影像技術在腦與心智醫學的應用與發展。 . 台灣醫學 .2011

58. 2011 Chen SW,Lin SH,Liao LD,Lai HY,Pei YC,Kuo TS, Lin CT, Chang JY, Chen YY, Lo YC, Chen SY, Wu R, Tsang S.. Quantification and recognition of parkinsonian gait from monocular video imaging using kernel-based principal component analysis. . Biomed Eng Online .2011

59. 2011 Chiu CH,Lo YC,Tang HS,Liu IC,Chiang WY,Yeh FC, Jaw FS, Tseng WYI.. White matter abnormalities of fronto-striato-thalamic circuitry in obsessive-compulsive disorder: A study using diffusion spectrum imaging tractography. . Psychiatry research: neuroimaging .2011

60. 2011 Lo YC,Soong WT,Gau SS,Wu YY,Lai MC,Yeh FC, Chiang WY, Kuo LW, Jaw FS, Tseng WYI.. The loss of asymmetry and reduced interhemispheric connectivity in adolescents with autism: a study using diffusion spectrum imaging tractography. . Psychiatry research: neuroimaging .2011

61. 2011 Lo YC,Jaw FS,Huang SC,Yeh YY,Tseng WYI. White matter tracts in fronto-striato-thalamic circuit in the human brain: a diffusion spectrum imaging study. . Biomedical Engineering: Applications, Basis and Communications .2011 ;(23):215-222

62. 2011 Liu IC,Chiu CH,Chen CJ,Kuo LW,Lo YC,Tseng WY. The microstructural integrity of the corpus callosum and associated impulsivity in alcohol dependence: a tractography-based segmentation study using diffusion spectrum imaging. . Psychiatry research: neuroimaging .2011

63. 2011 Lai HY,Chen YY,Lin SH,Lo YC,Tsang S,Chen SY, Zhao WT, Chao WH, Chang YC, Wu R, Shih YY, Tsai ST, Jaw FS.. Automatic spike sorting for extracellular electrophysiological recording using unsupervised single linkage clustering based on grey relational analysis. . Journal of Neural Engineer .2011

1. 2018 Lin YC,Chou C,Yang SH,Lai HY,Lo YC,Chen YY. Neural Decoding Forelimb Trajectory Using Evolutionary Neural Networks with Feedback-Error-Learning Schemes . Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc .2018


113 以多模態人工智慧機器學習區辨發展遲緩與泛自閉症症候群幼兒及結合複合式早療介入成效進行幼兒語言發展預測(3/3)

112 以多模態人工智慧機器學習區辨發展遲緩與泛自閉症症候群幼兒及結合複合式早療介入成效進行幼兒語言發展預測(2/3)

111 以超高速腦波掃描探討語言發展遲緩幼兒於腦間同步性之神經特徵指標:以親子共讀過程為例

111 探討親職壓力對於親代注意力與兒童語言發展遲緩的關聯性

111 以多模態人工智慧機器學習區辨發展遲緩與泛自閉症症候群幼兒及結合複合式早療介入成效進行幼兒語言發展預測(1/3)

111 「以多模態人工智慧機器學習區辨發展遲緩與泛自閉症症候群幼兒及結合複合式早療介入成效進行幼兒語言發展預測」-陳柏維君

111 神經醫學博士學位學程羅伃君副教授延攬陳柏維君參與「以多模態人工智慧機器學習區辨發展遲緩與泛自閉症症候群幼兒及結合複合式早療介入成效進行幼兒語言發展預測」研究計畫案

110 以社交溝通障礙相關的神經影像基礎開發泛自閉症症候群幼兒早期輔助診斷影像標誌與療育成效影像預測指標

109 實體及多媒體音樂語言介入模式對疑似語言發展遲緩幼兒詞彙量擴充及腦部神經發展之影響

109 醫療助聽輔具品質驗證方法評估

109 以機器學習技術評量薑黃素對於結節性硬化症共病泛自閉症症候群患者腦腸交互作用的影響(3/3)

108 探討結構化音樂介入模式對泛自閉症症候群幼兒的親子互動與神經語言發展的影響

108 以機器學習技術評量薑黃素對於結節性硬化症共病泛自閉症症候群患者腦腸交互作用的影響(2/3)

107 寶寶玩音樂!音樂環境介入對幼兒神經語言發展的影響

107 探討自閉大鼠模型接受伏隔核深腦電刺激術後之社交行為與腦腸交互作用的改變

107 以機器學習技術評量薑黃素對於結節性硬化症共病泛自閉症症候群患者腦腸交互作用的影響(1/3)

106 伏隔核深腦電刺激術於阿茲海默動物模型的治療潛力

106 以阿茲海默小鼠模型探討腦腸交互作用與深腦電刺激治療之潛力

106 高功能自閉症患者的腦腸相互作用:從行為表徵型到特定影像內生性表徵型之研究

105 以結構式教學法介入探討典型自閉症青少年的腦部連結變化與行為變化

104 新聘教師研究補助